Is Elepreneurs a Scam? An MLM With Another MLM?!

Welcome to our Elepreneurs Review!

This one is a confusing one, as the best way to describe Elepreneurs is as an MLM within another MLM.  Elepreneurs was launched to promote Elevacity products and their business opportunity.  Is there a difference?  We’ll share that with in our review…

Is Elepreneurs a Scam?  Technically no, but they do operate as a network marketing company which brings it’s own set of concerns to consider.  

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your own research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Elepreneurs (or Elevacity) in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to share with you what we found out when we did our research.

99% of MLM members end up losing money, mainly due to them jumping in blind to all of the facts.  Our honest review will ensure you get all of the information, pros and cons, and everything else in between so you can then make an informed decision about whether this opportunity is the right one for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Elepreneurs Review Summary

Product Name: Elepreneurs

Founder: Robert Oblon (2016 & 2017)

Product Type: Health and Wellness MLM

Price: $99 + $250-$500 starter pack + optional (but recommended) monthly autoship

Best For: No One



  •  Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Monthly Autoship
  • Acts Like Pyramid Scheme in Disguise
  • No Proof of Income
  • Elevacity Lawsuit
  • Products Not Tested by FDA

Summary: Elepreneur is a health and wellness MLM that markets another MLM company’s product line.  Members can make money by selling this overpriced Elevacity products, such as coffee to help people lose weight and feel “happier”.

But there are a number of things that we noticed that we don’t approve of.  For example, their products have no FDA approval, there is no proof that their members are actually earning an income, and it has been sued by another company.  It could also be said they are operating like a pyramid scheme in disguise…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Elepreneurs?

Elepreneurs is a health and wellness MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that was launched in 2017 by Robert Oblon.  It was launched to promote Elevacity products.

Elevacity is a health and wellness company that sells a range of wellness and skincare products.  It was launched in 2016 by Robert Oblon.

You might be wondering why there are two companies?

Well, Elepreneurs was designed to help market Elevacity products.  It has a separate compensation plan outside of Elevacity.  This means that you can be a member of both companies, and enjoy their unique benefits.

Who’s Robert Oblon?

Robert Oblon is very experienced in the Network Marketing (MLM) world.  He started out as the president of a travel MLM called World Ventures, which we have already reviewed.  But the company was sued back in 2011 for violating a “non-compete” clause.

Oblon went on and registered a domain name for Elevacity in 2014 as a way of helping promote his newer MLM called Travopoly in 2015.   Elevacity was actually designed to be a “travel portal”, but he changed his mind when he stumbled across a “revolutionary product” called Meridium that helps “elevate your health”.

That was how both Elepreneurs and Elevacity came about.

Confused?  I wouldn’t be surprised, it doesn’t really make any sense to be honest.

Anyway, this 3-minute video explains what Elevacity provides today with their flagship product line “D.O.S.E” (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphin)

That video made the opportunity sound awesome right?  But you’re clever enough to know that was just a clever sales video creating by Elepreneurs.

So you may still be wondering…

Is Elepreneurs a Pyramid Scheme

No, Elepreneurs isn’t a pyramid scheme.  It’s entirely possible for distributors to make money from selling Elevacity products alone, without having to recruit.

Having said that, Elepreneurs could still be considered to be similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise… Let me explain why, next…

What’s a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that is promising payment to its members for recruiting more people into the company, instead of making money from selling products or services.

Due to the nature of the structure of these pyramid schemes, they have been made illegal in most of the countries in the world.  The reason for this is that it is impossible for everyone in a structure that relies on recruitment alone to make money.

Check out the Wikipedia diagram below to see why…

pyramid scheme

Most MLM’s, including Elepreneurs and Elevacity offer legitimate products.

So, why do we think they are similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise?  Well, it is the red flags that point us to that conclusion.  When an MLM sells overpriced and expensive products, with a clear focus on recruitment over selling these products, it points to a company that is very like a “pyramid scheme in disguise”.

The 5-minute video below explains how these companies “hide behind” their products to appear like it is nothing like a pyramid scheme…

Now, let’s get to the truth behind the success rate at Elepreneurs…

Success is Rare at Elepreneurs

That isn’t just unique to Elepreneurs, but success is rare at any MLM opportunity.

Did you know that between 72% and 99% of MLM members lose money?

What makes it even harder to understand if anyone is actually making any money here is that Elepreneurs doesn’t release an income disclosure statement.

Most MLM’s do publish one, and if you go with the average, 99% of MLM members are losing money.

So, it makes you wonder what Elepreneurs are trying to hide.

We’ll go into a little more detail later, as their income disclaimer reveals that the “average distributor earns between $500 – $1,000 a year”.

How Does Elepreneurs Work?

Elepreneurs works by being the MLM business opportunity that promotes the health and wellness product line at Elevacity.

The company saves millions of dollars on advertising campaigns by getting everyday people to promote their products instead.

This gives opportunities to people like you the chance of earning an income from home.

Elepreneurs Product Line

If you are serious about taking part in an MLM opportunity, you need to understand and know the products that you will be selling.

This opportunity is a little different, as Elepreneurs doesn’t actually have it’s own product line.  It promotes Elevacity products.

Elevacity offers a wide variety of health and wellness products, within the following categories:

  • Elevate ZEST- weight management and mood enhancer drinks- $55
  •  Wellness Functional Beverages- coffee, hot chocolate, coffee with antioxidants- $55-$65
  • Wellness supplements- XanthoMax, Keto creamer, Ionic mineral blend- $55-$65
  • DOSE samples- DOSE experience, coffee box, blister packs $30-$65
  • Wellness Complimentary products- Mug, milk frother- $10-$18
  • Wellness Vitamin Patches- Energy, Sleep, Defense skin patches- $50
  • Skin Care- Eye gel, mud mask, serum- $27-$67

Whilst their product line looks great, you should know there are thousands of MLM companies within the health and wellness market, examples like:

So, is there something unique to make Elepreneurs and Elevacity stand out from the crowd?

Elevate Smart Coffee – Flagship Product

The main product at Elevacity is their Elevate Smart Coffee.  Some of the main benefits include:

  • Mental Clarity
  • Memory
  • Energy 
  • Fat Burning

You will typically see these benefits in almost any type of of health and wellness company though, so it’s important to not get carried away with the “proprietary” claims or “special research”. 

The best way to know if the product is any good, other than trying it, is to check out what others think about them.  Amazon is always a good place to check out what others are saying.  Although, we should point out that these reviews could be from people trying to sell the products, so you do have to take them with a pinch of salt.


According to Amazon, most write positively about their products.  This 2-minute video will also explain a little more about their coffee…

Does the Product Work?

We do worry a little about the way they are marketing their products.

For example, their marketing for their DOSE products.  They are trying to be clever with their words they use, and it implies it has “medicinal benefits”.

We’re not going to conclude that it actually implies that because the FDA or Food and Drug Administration would’ve had something to say about it. Nevertheless, they do market their products in a way that’s tacky and unnecessary.

If you go to Amazon, you’ll find that the Elevacity products have positive feedback from their users. We’d like to take these with a grain of salt because it’s easy to falsify product reviews, even on Amazon.


But one thing you can’t hide or falsify, is the reports of side effects, which many users have reported in their reviews.

Elevacity claims their products are free from any side effects, but take a look at the comment below, which shows people are saying otherwise.


This shows that it wasn’t just her that experienced these side effects, but her whole family. We assume that this was caused by Xanthohumol, which is an extract from one of the crops used to make beer.

But unless the FDA do an investigation into the ingredients, we are all left guessing what was the cause of these side effects.

Also note that there are other MLM companies that are selling coffee products, which are all basically the same product, and these are:

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Can You Make Money with Elepreneurs?

Yes, but it is really hard for the average person to make money from Elepreneurs.

You can earn between 10% and 30% commission on anything that you sell,  but you really need to sit down and consider how many $50 coffee pots you are going to be able to sell your friends and family each month.

The very few people (1%) who are able to make good money in MLM (over $20K a year) typically recruit a lot of people and act more like a “sales manager” by encouraging and helping their downline team to sell more.

They are often really outgoing people who have a background in sales or treat the MLM like a full-time job.

What your sponsor will not tell you is, that if you were just hoping to make some money with a few hours a week, that isn’t really possible…

How To Make Money with Elepreneurs?

There are two ways for you to make money with Elepreneurs, just like with most MLM companies:

  • Sell Elevacity Products – Retail Sales & Commissions
  • Recruit a Downline – Commissions & Bonuses from Building a Team

Please note, that you won’t actually earn money for recruiting people.  This would make them an outright pyramid scheme.  You only earn commissions and bonuses based on your teams sales, etc.

Let’s dig into how much it will cost you to get started…

Getting Started with Elepreneurs

To become an “independent Elepreneur”, it’ll cost you $99.

Then you’ll be encouraged to buy a discounted product pack of either $250 or $500.  These prices are correct as of 2020, there was a price change made in 2019.

But that isn’t the end of the costs…

Elepreneurs Monthly Costs

Technically, Elepreneurs doesn’t have a monthly “sales quota” for their distributors to hit every month to remain active.

However, your “upline” (sponsor) will encourage you to join the “smartship” plan (so they get more bonuses)…


I mean, you have to think of it this way…  If you plan on selling the products, you need to be using them yourself, so you can understand and appreciate what they are like.

The smartship does save you money on these products too.  But it still means that these are expenses you need to take into account, and you do if you plan on joining this opportunity.

So, here’s the expenses for the first year for you to think about…

  • $99
  • $250-$500
  • $50 x 12 months ($600

Total Costs for First Year = $949 – $1,199

That is before you take into account any other costs, like marketing, fuel, additional training, etc.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Elepreneurs Compensation Plan

MLM’s love an over-complicated compensation plan.  It makes it look like there are hundreds of ways of making money from them, when that isn’t really true.  We’ll do our best to keep our explanation as simple as we can…

Here goes…

Elepreneurs Affiliate Ranks

There are 12 ranks that you could achieve by meeting sales bonuses and recruitment bonuses. How much you sell per month and how much your team sells per month affects your ranking.

In any MLM history, we’ve yet to see someone move from the lowest rank up to the highest ones.

Retail Sales

You make a retail commission based on the products you sell.

This is simply your retail profits. You purchase products at wholesale and sell them for retail pricing. This averages at about 10 to 30%.

Infinity Bonus

This follows a unilevel compensation structure that has you earning a 20% match on sales volume generated by your recruits. If your recruits get 2 people, you earn 20% of the recruits’ recruits.

Other parts of their compensation plan include:

  1. Fast start pack bonus (5% on a starter pack your downline chooses)
  2. Customer acquisition bonus (customers that order $80 or more order- enroll 3 = $25, 5 = $50, 7 = $100 bonus)
  3. Unilevel bonus (1-7% for up to 10 levels deep depending on your rank)
  4. Leadership bonus ($400-$1,000 a month for Platinum rank or higher, see table below for how to get there)
  5. Diamond pool (0.5% of total global CV divided by diamond ranks)
  6. Ambassador pool (1.5% of total global CV divided by ambassador ranks)

Like I said, it makes it look really complicated with many different ways of making money being possible, but the truth is that there are only really 2 ways for you to make money, which are:

  1. Sell products
  2. Recruit People

You may have noticed that 6 out of the 7 ways for you to make money all require you to recruit people?

You can watch this 10-minute video below to get a better understanding of the Elepreneur compensation plan…

Is Elepreneurs a Scam?

No, Elepreneurs isn’t a scam.  They offer a legitimate range of products and pay their members on time, just like they claim to.

So, why do many people start calling an MLM a scam then?  Well, that is often down to how they were recruited as they are not always told the whole truth by their sponsor.

Or from the fact that you are left with the realisation that recruitment is your only real option for making an income.  Many people claim a company is a scam due to the fact they are not making any money or feel like it could be a pyramid scheme in disguise…

The rest of our Elepreneurs review will make you get all the details you still need to know to make an informed decision about whether this opportunity is right for you…

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Elepreneurs, nor do I endorse Elepreneurs in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Elepreneurs

Here’s what we liked about Elepreneurs:

#1 Positive Product Reviews

It is always a good sign when you find real people posting about MLM products…

It’s to easy to find that distributors are posting “over-positive” reviews about the products, so that they can use them to convince people to buy products.  I’m still not convinced all of the positive ones are legit, but there are enough to say not all of them are fabricated.

What We Didn't Like About Elepreneurs

Here’s what we didn’t like about Elepreneurs:

#1 Expensive Products

When an MLM has overpriced products, it’s a huge red flag that the company is similar to a pyramid scheme in disguise…

Put it this way, these two products are very similar.  Even the claimed effects are very similar, and yet the price difference is huge.

The Bulletproof Coffee is $1.25 per ounce and yet the Elevacity coffee is $20 per ounce.

The Bulletproof coffee also has a much higher rating with many more reviews…

Why would anyone want to pay $64 for a lesser product?

#2 Monthly Autoship

The fact is that the only people who are paying those prices are the distributors themselves…  Your upline will be encouraging you to join the monthly “smartship”, so they will earn commission (at your expense).

Which is what happened when they joined up too.

When you combine both the expensive product line with the monthly autoship, you come to the conclusion that this MLM is acting like it’s a pyramid scheme in disguise…

#3 Elepreneurs Acts Like A Pyramid Scheme in Disguise 

You have to remember that:

  • Their products are overpriced when compared to alternatives on the market
  • Distributors are encouraged to join the monthly smartship, so their upline earns a bonus
  • 6 out of the 7 ways to make money rely on recruitment

Now, take a look at the diagram below from their compensation plan…


Now, take a look at this diagram and see if you notice anything similar about them…


Did you see the similarities?

The reality is that when a company structure requires you to recruit to make money, it’s impossible for everyone to make money inside that company.

#4 Elevacity Lawsuit

Elevacity got sued in 2018 by another MLM company called Pruvit (we’ve reviewed them previously).

Apparently, Elevacity violated the terms and conditions between them when they started making a Keto creamer.  This directly competed with Pruvit’s Ketone products.  They also claimed that Elepreneurs is recruiting Pruvit members by revealing confidential information to them. 

It’s not a great sign when a company is using these black hat techniques to try and make moeny.

If you want to read more about this lawsuit, here’s the link.

#5 No Proof of Income

Much like Elevacity, Elepreneurs doesn’t have an income disclosure statement to show if any members are making money or not.

They only provide a statement showing their members potential income.

This claims that the average annual income for their members is between $500 to $1,000.

But when we went through the expenses for the first year, this worked out to between $949 and $1,199.  Which means that the average member is losing money.

The only way for you to realistically make money here is by recruiting a huge team around you.

#6 Products Not Tested By FDA

Health and wellness companies have the burden of having their products tested by the FDA if they want to make medicinal and therapeutic claims. This means paying thousands of dollars to scrutinize their ingredients. 

But an FDA approval has a huge bearing on any health and wellness product because the claims are backed and tested by science. 

But with Elepreneurs, all claims are unfounded and unproven without any medical or scientific basis. These are all based on personal experience.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Elepreneurs Review - Final Conclusion

Elepreneurs is a legitimate MLM company and is far from a scam.  But whether this is a good business opportunity to join, I would recommend that it isn’t a great option…

There is no proof that anyone is earning an income, their products have been known to have side effects, their monthly autoship will cost more than the average income and there appears to be a big reliance on recruitment.

For all of these reasons, and a few others aside, we wouldn’t recommend this business opportunity to anyone.  There are much better alternatives out there…

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out or Elepreneurs Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$99 + $250-$500, + $50 Monthly Autoship

Overall Rating



  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Monthly Autoship
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise
  • No Proof of Income
  • Products Not Tested By FDA

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