Are you looking for a way to make money online, and become financially free whilst being able to work around your family, or travelling the world, or just from your sofa.  Then we can show you how you can do just that…

Take the First Few Steps towards Financial Freedom, with an Exciting Passive Income Online!

Wouldn’t that be awesome?  It’s a reality for many people online, but they will all tell you that it begins with getting the right training, and having the right support!

Are you ready to Get Started?

The first thing we would want to see is that we’re so glad that you have made it this far… there are so many scams online.  All promising you ways to get rich quickly, but really are just trying to get your hard-earned money and leave you empty handed…


We want to show you a legitimate way of making money online.  One that we are using to making a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  But it isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, it will require hard work and some time.  But if it means that you’ll be financially free, earning passive income from home and the ability to give up your day job… Is it worth a little time to read more about it?

We want to share our story about how we ended up getting started with Affiliate Marketing, and how you can take the same path that we took, and start your own journey to earning money online!

Our Story Began With A Scam...

Like so many others that are now in the Make Money Online world, I got caught out by a scam.  I was desperate to find a way to make money quickly, and there was a scammer happy to oblige.  

You see, all of those get-rich-quick schemes are only making the owners more money, they aren’t going to help you earn money.

I was naive and thought that there was such a thing as a get-rich-quick scheme.  In a sense, I was lucky as I didn’t lose more than I could afford too.  But that isn’t the case for many.

I think for me, the bigger issue was the amount of junk that was now hitting my inbox and I found my email address was being used in all kinds of things.

Scams leave a huge mark, that’s hard to get away from.  I almost turned away from the internet, as all I could see were “gurus” or programs that were promising untold riches…

They tend to base scams off of legitimate ways to make money online.  The scam I got caught up in was to do with binary options.  That is legit, but the program wasn’t helping me with that, it was just to make the owners rich.

I was about to give up, when I read a blog post about something that I, myself had not heard about… Affiliate Marketing!

That Scam Led Me to a Legit Opportunity...

Like I said, that scam did lead me to a legitimate opportunity and taught me a lot about how those scams actually work, and why there is no real method to earn money as quickly or as easily as they claim.

But if I hadn’t have been caught out by a scam, I probably wouldn’t be where I am know.  Which is helping others get started in one of the best ways of making money online!

I was really surprised though, as it had been the first time I had heard of Affiliate Marketing.

I hadn’t realised how widespread it was.  Affiliate Marketing is used by companies all over the world.  You’ve most definitely heard of Amazon, as it’s the largest marketplace on the net, and they have used it since they started out as a bookstore.

Affiliate Marketing is a completely legitimate business model, and there are many examples of people who are earning full-time income from it, there are also those that have become super successful and are earning 5 or even 6-figure monthly incomes from it.

Any of those programs that promise instant earnings are complete scams, as there is no way to earn money that quickly.  But many of those scams are based on Affiliate Marketing.

They provide you a load of hype, charge you a lot of money to get in, then introduce you to affiliate marketing (which can earn you that kind of money, but not straightaway).  Then they show you some very basic training, then expect you to go away and do all the work as they haven’t helped you with anything.

We have reviewed many programs that all claim the same thing, but don’t provide enough help or training to actually get you very far.

It’s really important that you know that to earn money from Affiliate Marketing, and earn passive income, you are going to have to invest time and effort to achieve it!

You can earn your goals with Affiliate Marketing, but you will need to get the right training, put in the time and effort to be successful!!  That doesn’t mean it isn’t an enjoyable business model.  The fact that you can choose what you want to promote, maybe a hobby or passion, is one of the best part of the business model…

What's Affiliate Marketing?

Let me make sure you understand what it is, and how it works.  We’ll also show you a couple of examples where you may have already been involved with it, as a customer and not realised.

If you want to go into detail about Affiliate Marketing, here’s our in-depth guide.  But here’s the basics of Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is where you are rewarded for introducing a buyer to a product or you earn a commission when someone completes a certain task.  

There are several ways affiliate marketing is achieved.  But those are the basic two.

So, if you might sign up with an affiliate program, like the Amazon Associates program.  This gives you access to all the products that Amazon sells.  They also provide you a function to create an affiliate link when you have decided which product you want to promote.

Then every time someone clicks on your affiliate link, they are taken to Amazon and if they buy the product (or anything else, for that matter), you get a commission as a thank you for the sale.

Or, it could be where you get rewarded for sharing a link to a sign-up page, or a membership site.  If someone signs up for something, you earn a commission.

There are a few different ways to achieve income from Affiliate Marketing.

But, how do you promote these products or services?  Well, the best way to create your own blog website.  That way you can become an authority in a niche, and then create content to help promote the products you are wanting to that help people within your niche.

Here’s a graphic that shows the steps involved with Affiliate Marketing:

There is a huge opportunity with Affiliate Marketing.  The best thing about it is that you can literally choose any niche, or subject to create a blog website for.

Whether that be a hobby you have, or something you are passionate about.  Maybe you have something that you are really interested in and have a lot of information to offer to others.

As long as you provide high-quality information that helps you readers, with relevant products and services promoted with affiliate links, then you can soon be making money online.

Related Posts:

What Can I Blog About?

This is probably the most common question we get asked… “What Can I Blog About?

It is easy to say that you could blog about anything, and there is that to a sense.  But the bigger thing is knowing what you are passionate about.

You need to be still motivated to write about, or create content related to that topic.  If you’re going to get bored about it within 5 minutes, then it’s completely the wrong niche.

You need to pick something that you’re really passionate about…

There is an opportunity in the majority of niches, but if you’re not passionate about it or don’t know enough before that subject then you really aren’t going to make money in that niche.

Something you can write about and talk about for ages, and you know that there are people that are also interested in that niche too…

So, you really need to think about what you are passionate about, it could be anything… But here are some ideas

Once, you’ve picked a niche, then you can build yourself your own blog website…

Where Can I Build a Website for FREE?

This is often something that makes people think that this is all too complicated and they haven’t got the technical knowledge to build a website.  But you would be wrong with that mindset.

With the way technology is these days, it is not very difficult to build a free website these days.  In fact, it’s about as simple as setting up an account with Facebook.

We recommend WordPress.  It’s ideal for an affiliate marketer, and you could have your website up and running in just a few clicks.  It actually takes longer to think about what your domain name (website address) is going to be then actually building a website.  SiteRubix is our top recommended platform for building a WordPress website.

With just a few clicks you can have your website up and running in under a minute.  If you want to see if your desired website name is available, use the free tool below:

But having a website is only the beginning of being successful with affiliate marketing.  You need to know how to get highly targeted traffic coming to your website for free, if you want to be able to earn money an that is where our top recommended training, tools, and support come into play…

You Need The Right Training, Tools, & Support To Succeed!

All those scams we spoke about earlier, all introduce you to affiliate marketing, or other legitimate ways to earning money online.  But they don’t provide you effective training on how to get traffic to your website.

Without traffic, your website is practically useless.  It’s like having a shop, and not opening the door.

There are many factors to Affiliate Marketing, that you’ll only get right with the right strategies through training.

There are many different training providers that will teach you affiliate marketing, but our top recommendation is the platform we used to get started and it’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

They provide a step-by-step training program that will take you through every step needed to become an authority in your niche, monetise your website/brand, and even get to the point where you are outsourcing work so you scale your business.

They provide you with a website builder tool & hosting, using SiteRubix.  They provide your with a keyword & niche research tool called Jaaxy within the platform.

But I think one of the best features of Wealthy Affiliate is the support you get from the community.  There are thousands of like-minded entrepreneurs within the community (like us) all willing to help newbies with any of their questions.  Or if they feel like they are stuck, or a little demotivated.

You will find a member there to help you at any time of the day.  If you want to see what’s possible with Affiliate Marketing, and some success stories from Wealthy Affiliate members – Check Out This Post!

The Value that is provided with Wealthy Affiliate is fantastic, but what I like is the mentality that is all around the platform, ands all about a pay-it-forward one.  I’ve never met such a helpful community as the one inside WA.

There are WA members earning huge monthly salaries from their Affiliate businesses, but they will also tell you that they all started with nothing and it was because of the training and support from WA, that led them to that.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

I know you might be sitting there thinking, is it really as good as John is making out.  Well, if you want to do a little research first, be my guest. 

But here are examples of 29 Success Stories from Wealthy Affiliate Members to help you.

We ourselves are earning income from Affiliate Marketing because of the training at Wealthy Affiliate.  You just need to decide how seriously you want to make money online, and how much effort you are willing to put in to achieve it.

Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with everything you need, but they cannot do the work for you…

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate does come with 3 membership levels.  There is a cost to the two of them.  But for now, you need to just focus on the first one.

The starter membership is free to join.  It provides you with ten free lessons, a free website for you to get started and access to the premium features for 7 days.  Some people describe this as a trial.  But it’s a trial for the premium features and not the membership.  The key thing is you don’t need to enter credit card details to get started.

This isn’t like others where you have to pay first, then request a refund if you’re not happy.  It’s a truly free membership.

You can stay a free member for as long as you like.  If you decide Affiliate Marketing is not for you, you just log out and I wish you luck.  But I also offer help to my referrals, regardless of whether they are a premium or free member.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

If you’re still with me, I’m hoping that means you’re serious about wanting to make a start on building your own affiliate marketing business and to start work on achieving financial freedom.  Wealthy Affiliate is THE best place that you could use to get started, and you’ll not be disappointed with the help and support you will get within!!

If you are ready to get started with a free starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate, click the button below:

We’ll be on the inside ready to help you, so remember to drop us a note on our profile to let us know you’re on the inside. 😉

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