Is Juuva a Pyramid Scheme or Legit MLM? [2021 Review]

Welcome to our Juuva Review!

I’m guessing you’re here, due to someone recommending Juuva as a great way of becoming healthy and becoming your own boss, but you’re not entirely convinced it’s all legit and are wondering is Juuva a pyramid scheme or a scam.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Juuva in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to help you get all the relevant information you need to know to make an informed decision about whether this business opportunity is the right move for you…

99% of MLM members end up losing money, and mostly this is down to them not having all the facts before they get started.  We’re here to fill in the blanks.  

We’ll provide you a company overview, the pros and cons, and anything else you need to know…  Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Juuva Review Summary

Product Name: Juuva

Founder: Grant Pace & Frankie Kiow, in 2013

Product Type: Health and Wellness MLM Company

Price: $49 + Starter Pack $179-$739, 70-210 MPV $100+ month sales quota

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers



  • Proven Management
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise
  • Not Transparent

Summary: Juuva is a health and wellness MLM company that sells products that receive some positive feedback from consumers, despite them being overpriced. 

But the problems lie more with the business opportunity where they are hiding important information.  The company lacks transparency, with no income disclosure statement to help gauge whether their members are earning anything or not.

Like most MLMs with expensive products and a monthly sales quota to meet, the only way to make decent money will be to recruit a lot of people, and encourage them to do the same.  This kind of thing makes Juuva, and many other MLMs more like a pyramid scheme in disguise…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Juuva?

Juuva is a health and wellness MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company, which was founded in 2013 by Grant Pace and Frankie Kiow.

Grant Pace is no stranger to direct selling and MLM.  He also happens to be the president of Nu Skin, which is a skincare MLM and is heavily involved with Shaklee, Avon, amongst others.

Kiow also has a lot of experience with direct selling in China.  He has been a special advisor to Chinese government since 1993.

As well as hosting a product line, it offers an opportunity for everyday people to make money from home by selling Juuva products and recruiting more people into the company.

The 90-second video below explains a little more about how Juuva can help their distributors…

A lot of people will watch a video like that and get excited about all that Juuva offers…

But you’re clever enough to know that this is just a sales video that was created to make it sound easy.

It also acts as a red flag, as the company is clearly more focused on making their distributors feel happy, over their customers.  this shows there is more of a focus on recruiting new distributors, rather than selling the products.

That is why you may still be wondering…

Is Juuva a Pyramid Scheme

No, Juuva isn’t technically a pyramid scheme.

They have a legit line of products and it is entirely possible for distributors to earn money just for selling their products without recruiting anyone.

However, Juuva does operate more like a “pyramid scheme in disguise”… Let’s explain why we think that…

What’s A Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that promises to pay members for recruiting more people into the opportunity, rather than selling any products.  A pyramid scheme will typically not have any products to speak of.

They are also illegal in most countries around the world, as they are unsustainable and it is impossible for everyone to make money with their business model.

This diagram from Wikipedia explains why…

pyramid scheme

Most MLM’s, just like Juuva, do have legit products.

However, the only way that the distributors are able to cover the monthly sales quota and expenses, and then make decent money too, they will need to recruit people.

This makes Juuva more like a “pyramid scheme in disguise” that hides behind those products.

This 5-minute video will help you spot these pyramid schemes in disguise…

If you’re in a rush, watch it at x2 speed…

Success is Rare at Juuva

Success isn’t just rare at Juuva, it’s rare with any MLM opportunity.

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of MLM members lose money?

This is mainly down to the expensive products coupled with the monthly sales quota these companies expect of their members.  Distributors are often spending a lot more than they ever make from the “dream opportunity” they were sold.

What makes your decision even harder to make, is that Juuva doesn’t produce an income disclosure statement.  It’s not a legal requirement, but considering the turnover of the company, you would think they would display one.

An income disclosure statement lets you know if their representatives are earning anything, and by how much.

For me, it is a huge red flag when an MLM that has been around this long hasn’t got one.  It shows they are trying to hide the real facts.

But if we go from what we know about all of the other MLM opportunities we have reviewed, the odds are not good that Juuva bucks the trend.  I would suggest that a high percentage of their distributors are not making any money here.

And, as we will describe later on, they will be spending a lot of money just to remain “active”.

How Does Juuva Work?

Juuva produces a range of health and wellness products.

Instead of relying on normal marketing campaigns, the company instead offers everyday people an opportunity to sell these products and earn a commission on any sales they make.

It sounds like a win-win…  But the company is the one that gets the better deal.

Juuva will save millions of dollars a year by not launching expensive marketing campaigns.  But that also means they leave the hardest part of the process to these people looking to be their own boss.

Sales and recruitment are not easy tasks, especially when people you talk to have never heard of the brand before.

To understand more about the company, let’s talk about their product line…

Juuva Product Line

Before considering any MLM, it is important you take a look at their products.  You’ll also need to think about trying them, as these will be the products you are promoting and convincing people to buy them.

Juuva offers products within the following categories:

  • Extreme Nutrition – Galaxy and Live supplement pills
  • Healthy H2O – Increase water alkaline levels
  • Intercellular Immunity – Liquid and gel supplements for immune system
  • Lose Weight – Megalean Keto meal replacement shakes
  • Peace of Mind – Anion emitter and cation shield – removes harmful infrared rays from electronic devices
  • Energy – Rejuv and Zing pills
  • Anti-aging Skincare – Bio Intense moisturiser

You can take a look at their full product lineup here.


Whilst their product line up might seem unique and special, you should also know that there are many other MLMs that offer the same kind of thing.

Here are some of the other MLM companies all in the health and wellness sector:

So, when there are so many offering very similar products.  Is there something that makes Juuva stand out?

Juuva Rejuv – Flagship Product

Juuva does offer something that is unique, such as thoe products that increase water alkaline levels (like Enagic do) or the anion emitter (similar to Nikken).

They don’t really have anything that would be a stand out or flagship product though, which doesn’t really help them.

So, one of their main products is their Rejuv capsules, which they claim does the following:

  • Helping your body manage stress*
  • To relieve fatigue, boost energy, and more*
  • Restores mental alertness*
  • Promotes cellular metabolism*

Now, you are probably wondering why each point has an asterisk next to them…Well…

*FDA Disclaimer: these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Basically, this means that the effects have not been approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Adminstration), so the effectiveness is really subjective… meaning it might work for some, and not for others.

(Update, I also noticed that this product is no longer available on their website, which might explain a lot about what the FDA did make of them)

You can learn a little more about the products on offer at Juuva with this 5-minute video…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Can You Make Money with Juuva?

It will be really hard to make any money with Juuva.  It’s proven that up to 99% of MLM representatives lose money.

Without an income disclosure statement available, it’s impossible to know whether anyone is actually making money here.

The only thing we can tell you is that the select few that are able to do well within an MLM  are making the most of these points:

  • using social media ALL the time
  • promoting the MLM products as much as possible (as in, here’s me exercising with this shake… here’s me eating my breakfast with a pill, etc.)
  • very good at selling the dream of “becoming your own boss”

The only people who do tend to make the most of these types of opportunity are those that work like full-time sales managers.  With a heavy focus on recruiting people

How To Make Money with Juuva?

Juuva is a typical MLM, so that means there are two ways of making money with their compensation plan.  These are:

  1. Sell Juuva products and earn a commission
  2. Recruit people into your downline, and earn bonuses and commissions from their sales

Please note, to avoid being labelled an outright pyramid scheme, they don’t pay you directly for recruitment.  Instead, you earn commissions when your team can make sales.

Getting Started with Juuva

To get started with Juuva, you first need to pay $49.  This is a joining fee.

After that, you’l be encouraged to buy one of the following product packs:

  • Basic – $179 with 140PV
  • Advanced – $389 with 350PV
  • Professional – $739 with 700PV

If you’re serious about wanting to make money with Juuva, you are going to need to try the products and these starter packs provide you access to them at a discounted price.

Be mindful, your upseller will try to convince you that you need the biggest pack to be successful.  But that is because they will earn a commission form the sale.

And then, the costs don’t just stop there…

Juuva Monthly Costs

Most people will have no clue as to what MPV, PV, Pro Tier, Multi-leg, etc. means.  But the requirements needed to remain active are clearly there to be found in their compensation plan.  Although, not clear to the uninitiated.


Basically, this means that you’re required to sell at least 70 MPV every month to remain active, and be eligible for any commissions.

70 MPV works out to around $100 worth of product needed every month, otherwise you risk having your account suspended.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that is as easy as they make out.  The harsh reality is that the only way so many members stay active, is by buying the products themselves.

That will get very expensive very quickly… 

This will be what you can expect to pay for the first year with Juuva:

  • $49
  • $179-$739
  • $100 x 12 ($1,200)

Total Costs for Year 1 = $1,428 – $1,988

That is before you factor in any other costs, like training, marketing, postage and packaging, and everything else that goes with running a business.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream! It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Juuva Compensation Plan

All MLMs love a complicated and confusing compensation plan.  I think they would feel awkward if they didn’t.  Juuva is not different. 

They try to make it out like there are loads of ways to make money, when really it is just the two (with a big focus on the second one – recruiting).

We’ll do our best to keep it simple.

There are 4 ways you can get paid at Juuva:

  1. Retail Profits – Buy the products at wholesale and then sell that a retail price.  The profit is your commission
  2. Multi-Leg Bonus – This is a points-based bonus based on the points value from your whole downline team.
  3. Fast Start Bonus – A one-off bonus for every you can bring in to Juuva and they buy a product pack
  4. Leadership Matching Bonus – A bonus payment based on the performance of other well performing distributors in your network.

If you’re still confused, don’t worry about it.  That’s the general idea.

All you need to know is that there are only really two ways for you to make money here:

  1. Sell Juuva products
  2. Recruit people into the MLM

But when you go back to the 4 ways we’ve just described, the last 3 are all based on how well you recruit and build a team.

If you want to learn more about their compensation plan, you can check out this video below…

Is Juuva a Scam?

No, Juuva isn’t a scam.  They sell a range of legitimate products and they pay their distributors on time like they claim they do.

But when so many people are losing money from MLM opportunities, especially when they didn’t know the facts upfront, they soon leave.  They leave disappointed and claim that they are all scams.

The rest of our Juuva review will help you get all the other important information you need to know, so that you can make an informed decision about whether this business opportunity is right for you…

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Juuva, nor do I endorse Juuva in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate

Tired of MLMs? Check How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Juuva

Here’s what we liked about Juuva:

#1 Proven Management

The management behind Juuva has a wealth of experience in network marketing.


This is a good sign that Juuva is not a scam.

Although it was a surprise to find that their sales videos weren’t more around their products, rather than the distributors.  MLMs that last , typically do because their products are good and not the people selling them.

#2 Positive Product Reviews

You can find some positive product reviews about the Juuva products on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website.  They are a little dated, now as there haven’t been any recent comments.

But they are both positive about the products…

Although the sceptical part of me does question the lack of any contrasting reviews.  Part of me thinks these may be reviews posted by distributors, so they can show them to potential recruits.

I think the results of any health and wellness product are entirely subjective.  i know that when I buy my wife skincare stuff, etc.  She has to be really careful to avoid reactions, so these types of thing will depend on the user.

What We Didn't Like About Juuva

Here’s what we didn’t like about Juuva:

#1 Expensive Products

When an MLM is charging expensive prices for their products, it starts to seem like a red flag towards them being a potential pyramid scheme in disguise.

Why would anyone want to pay those prices for a product that is basically the same as everything else on the market, only 10x as expensive.

You can buy similar products on Amazon for a fraction of the price.  And, as we said earlier there isn’t anything that really makes those from Juuva any more special.

Why would people want to pay these sky-high prices, well let’s move onto the next point where we will answer that very question…

#2 Hidden Monthly Expenses

The reason why MLMs like Juuva can charge those prices is because they know their distributors will end up being their biggest customer.

As we descrbied earlier, you have to sell at least $100 worth of product a month.  As you have to buy it to sell it, and then keep that up to remain active.

The MLM doesn’t have to try to compete with Amazon’s products.

If you don’t keep on doing it, you risk having your account suspended.  And some of these people are really good at selling the “dream” of working from home.

Even though it will mean that many will end up heavily in debt chasing that dream.

This then moves us onto this…

#3 Juuva is a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise

When you combine the overpriced products, the monthly sales quota and the need to remain active, it becomes apparent that the only way to avoid paying that every month is to recruit.

Then their compensation plan, starts to look a little like this…


When a company is focused more on recruitment, than selling the products, it shows that the company could be operating like a pyramid scheme in disguise.  And most people will be losing money.

#4 Not Transparent

The fact that the company isn’t publishing an income disclosure statement says it all.  They are hiding the fact that most of their representatives are losing money.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Juuva Review - Final Conclusion

Juuva might be a legitimate MLM company that sells some interesting products.  But when it comes to their business opportunity, the signs are not looking good.

It seems the only way for you to make a decent income is to recruit a huge downline, which stinks of it being a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Recruiting people by selling the dream, whilst really knowing they will probably lose money isn’t that ethical and that is why I don’t believe many people will succeed here.

If you’re great at sales and recruiting, then maybe you can make something of it. But for the vast majority, people will lose money.

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Juuva Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$49 + $179-739, $100+ month

Overall Rating



  • Proven Management
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise
  • Not Transparent

2 thoughts on “Is Juuva a Pyramid Scheme or Legit MLM? [2021 Review]”

  1. I admit that I haven’t heard of Juuva yet, but I’m glad I read your review, so if I come across any promotion to join Juuva, I’m now aware of the details that because of them I will definitely not join.
    I’m basically not in favor of MLM systems, which often act as a covert pyramid system, which means they mostly serve those at the top. For an individual, this means a lot of work for a dime if he is lucky.
    Also, in this case, I don’t like expensive products, and even the reddest flag is the hidden monthly expenses.
    Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review of Juuva!
    I wish you all the best

    • Hey Nina,

      thanks for checking out our review.  There are many red flags with many MLM’s, and yet they are all very good at hiding them from potential members.

      I’m glad we were able to provide you some insight…

      All the best



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