Emris International Review – Another CBD Pyramid Scheme?

Welcome to our EMRIS International Review!

Has someone approached you to join an opportunity with Emris International and you’re sitting there wondering if it’s possibly a scam or not, right?

Choosing the right opportunity for yourself is a really important part, and MLM is not for everyone.  It involves a lot of sales and recruitment, which not everyone is geared up for.

EMRIS is an MLM company that is in the CBD Oil industry.  CBD Oil itself is quite a lucrative market.  According to Rolling Stone magazine, the CBD industry is projected to reach the 22-billion-dollar market by 2022!

But is the opportunity that EMRIS is offering the right move for you, read our review and find out…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with EMRIS International in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead we want to help you get all of the information that you need about this business opportunity, like background information, price to join, the compensation plan and more…

EMRIS International Review Summary

Product Name: EMRIS International

Founder: Aspen Emry, Ilean & Matthew Harris

Product Type: Health & Wellness MLM Company (CBD Oil)

Price: $49 – $499 + 80PCV per 5 weeks to remain active

Best For: Network Marketers Good at Selling CBD Oil Products

EMRIS International Review - Company Logo


  • A Focus on Selling Products Over Recruiting
  • Good Leadership


  • Saturated Market
  • Expensive Products
  • Low Success Rate
  • No Sign of Growth
  • The Compensation Plan is Complicated

Summary: EMRIS International is another MLM company in the health and wellness market, specifically the CBD Oil Industry.  The biggest problem with this company is that it is trying to compete in a heavily saturated and complicated market.

The bottom line is that the success rate is really low.  Most people who do decide to join EMRIS will end up losing money, instead of making money.

Rating: 50/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is EMRIS International?

EMRIS International is an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company within the Health and Wellness sector.  To be more specific it revolves around the CBD oil market. 

Whilst they try to convince you they are just a direct selling company, they do pay people commissions for building a team, therefore it’s an MLM.

The company is relatively new in MLM terms, having started in 2019 and most MLM’s don’t make it past the 5-year mark.  So, we won’t really know if they are going to stay the course for a while.

The company was founded by three different people, Aspen Emry, Ilean Harris and Matthew Harris.   They all have experience in online sales and network marketing (MLM) too.

Whilst MLM’s get a bad reputation, they are not all scams.  But they do tend to have a really low successful rate.

You can learn a little more about EMRIS International with this video…

They focus on selling their range of CBD or Hemp oil products, as well as it’s range of other health and wellness products.

Now, as EMRIS International is an MLM, you may be asking yourself whether EMRIS International might be a pyramid scheme…

Is EMRIS International A Pyramid Scheme?

No, I don’t believe that EMRIS Internationa is a pyramid scheme.

They pay distributors commissions for any sales they make, and pay them on time too.

Basically, when someone clicks on a link on the website they provide you with, you will earn a commission from any purchases that are made.

It is very similar to affiliate marketing, which is a different business model, that we personally use to make money online.

The problem with this website is that it is a duplicated website (the same as everyone else) and they don’t provide you with any training on how to get traffic to your website.

No traffic means no sales.

The problem with MLM, and not just EMRIS, is that you can only really make good money by recruiting a huge team…

What is a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is where a company is based solely on recruitment.  There is often no real product or service to speak of.  So you recruit or nothing.

Pyramid Scheme’s are illegal in almost all countries.  As they are unsustainable and there is no chance of everyone being able to earn an income from them.

See this image from Wikipedia that shows that there are not enough people in the world to sustain a pyramid scheme.

picture of the pyramid scheme

Most MLM companies require you to recruit at least 6 people to make enough money to work from home.  But if everyone were to do this, there would not be enough people to go past the 13th level.

Recruitment is hard enough, without the other barriers that come with an MLM company.

This short video explains more about what you should be looking for…

EMRIS International is not an outright pyramid scheme, but any MLM that puts a heavy emphasis on recruitment could be described as a potential “pyramid scheme in disguise”.

EMRIS International Product Line

EMRIS offers three different products and their most popular products is their CBD Oil Product.

EMRIS International Review - Product Line

Some of their main categories include…

  • Hemp/CBD Oil $79-$99 – An isolate of cannabis with supposedly a lot of health benefits.  It is on-trend at the moment
  • Nutrition & Supplements $74 – Helps the immune system and digestion, etc.
  • Weight Management $62
  • Skincare Products $86-$162 – Cleanser, creams and anti-aging products

Their flagship product is their hemp oil, called Synergy.

But you should know that the CBD MLM market is already very saturated.  There are many, many different companies that offer a very similar product line.  Examples include…

This is going to make it really hard to market this products, and then there is still a bit of stigma when it comes to hemp and CBD products.  They are also not legal everywhere.  You should check that first, before joining any CBD based MLM.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How to Make Money with EMRIS

Like most MLM companies, there are two main ways you can earn money from their compensation plan, these are…

  1. Commissions from direct sales of their products
  2. Bonuses from sales your downline make

Whilst most compensation plans make this sound really complicated, it boils down to the fact you need to either sell the products or recruit a team to sell the products.

How Much Does It Cost to Join EMRIS?

To sign up and become a brand ambassador, you will need to pay $49 for a business kit.  There is also two business builder kits you can choose from.

The two business builder kits are:

  • Business Builder Kit – $199
  • Legacy Builder Kit – $499

But it also gets a little more complicated than that.

EMRIS International Ambassador

This $49 gives you one year as an ambassador.  This gives you access to be a “direct seller” and get a commission from any sales you make.

EMRIS International Brand Ambassador

If you want to be a “Brand Ambassador” you will need to maintain a minimum of 80 PCV (Personal Commissionable Volume) for the last 5 weeks.  This will unlock some extra perks and bonuses.

80 PCV is around $80.  But if you are unable to sell that level, you will need to buy the products yourself to maintain this level.

Most MLM distributors end up being the biggest customers of the company they are signed up with…

EMRIS International Brand Ambassador with Residual Commissions

If you want to start being eligible for the “binary compensation plan” which can then provide you with residual income, then you are going to require two active Brand Ambassadors under you.  This is where the recruitment side comes in.

By recruiting two brand ambassadors, you then create two legs.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

EMRIS International Compensation Plan

MLM Compensation plans are always really difficult to understand and they often fill it with jargon and stuff that nobody really understand it.

We’re going to try and keep it simple for you.  There are 9 ways that you can earn from the EMRIS International compensation plan.

EMRIS International Review - Compensation Plan

Affiliate Ranks

At EMRIS, there are 8 different affiliate ranks you can reach and you climb the ladder by hitting certain goals.

You hit the first affiliate rank by purchasing the business kit.  To get to the 8th level, you will need to:

  • Personally enrol 4 affiliates that get to the second rank
  • Have 2 level 6 affiliates in your downline
  • Have 160 PCV over 5 weeks
  • Have 12,000 CV in lesser volume leg in 1 week
  • Have 12,000 ETCV per leg

If that isn’t confusing enough, most people will not even get past the first rank.

Retail Sales

There are two ways you can sell their products to people.  They do seem to put more focus on this side.

The first way is to buy the products at a 20% discount, and then sell them on.

The other way is to use the replicated website they provide you and get 20% commissions from any sales you make.

You could technically set this up as an e-commerce site.  Although, you will need to learn how to generate traffic from somewhere else to do this.

Residual Income

This is the side of the business that rewards you for recruiting people.  The commission structure is based on a binary model, which looks like this…


If you want to check out the full EMRIS International compensation plan, you can read it here.

Is EMRIS International A Scam?

No, I don’t believe that EMRIS International is a scam.  However, based on what we have found out, the chances are very real that you will end up losing money.

If you know how to market a website properly, there may be benefits from being able to sell the products through the replicated website they provide you.

But if you don’t know anything about online marketing, you will really struggle with this business venture.  If you want to learn online marketing from the best platform online, check this out.

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of EMRIS International, nor do I endorse EMRIS International in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLM? Check Out Our #1 Recommended Training!

What We Liked About EMRIS International

Here’s what we liked about EMRIS International:

#1 Focus on Selling Products

Too many MLM’s focus too heavily on the recruitment side, to the extent they often get labelled as a pyramid scheme.

So, it is good news that EMRIS does a good job of focusing on selling the products.  It also offers a pretty good commission rate of 20%.

If you are able to utilise the website properly, you have a better chance of earning money too.

#2 Good Leadership

The three co-founders have a pretty good record and have over 50 years of business experience.

  • Aspen Emry, the CEO, has over 15 years experience in direct selling
  • Ilean Harris puts together the systems to grow and scale the business
  • Matthew Harras has the experience when it comes to growing up a 3rd world country who has transformed his life from direct selling

They seem like a good leadership team to have, and they haven’t ended up down the road many MLM’s end up, which is the lawsuit route.

What We Didn't Like About EMRIS International

Here’s what we didn’t like about EMRIS International:

#1 Saturated Market & CBD Oil is Losing Interest

The health and wellness sector is heavily saturated, with so many different companies vying for business.  If you take just MLM’s alone, before you explore any other retailers out there, there are tons.

Examples include:

The list goes on.  But that isn’t actually the main concern regarding EMRIS International.  My main concern is around the trend relating to Hemp oil and CBD oil recently…

It is actually on a huge downward spiral.  People are not searching for it as much as they were, and the honest answer is that as it has become readily available, people can find it for much cheaper than these MLM’s offer.

But as people are not searching for it as much, it makes EMRIS’s unique selling point one of the worst things about joining this MLM.

#2 The Products Are Expensive

MLM products are always really expensive, especially when you compare them to retail products elsewhere.  Why would MLM products be so much more expensive?  Well, they tie their ambassadors into buying products every month to stay qualified for sales, so they are targeting their distributors with those prices and not retail customers.

It often means they are pushing them to get more recruits, over retail sales.  But they do at least give you a chance of making retail sales through the website they give you. The problem with that is that they don’t provide you with any training on how to best use this website to reach an online audience.

But when you take a look at the price of their products, how do they expect retail customers to pay that amount?

EMRIS International Review - Synergy Price
EMRIS International Review - Amazon Alternative

When you think about it, The Amazon one costs $1.37 per Fl Oz.  So, why is someone going to pay $74 per Fl Oz?

That works out to a 5,000% markup!  Who would agree to that?

Well, the problem is often someone who is desperate to leave their current job and work from home.  Someone willing to try a “work from home” program, therefore is willing to spend silly money on a random product in the hope it leads to something.

But you need to find someone like that to make a sale, as that pitch will not work with most people, especially your family and friends.

Then, when they don’t make any money which is often the case, this happens…

#3 MLM’s Have a Really Low Success Rate (1%)

They quit.  Losing any money that they have put into this doomed venture.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released an article that shows that 99% of MLM distributors lose money.

People try to sell MLM as a dream venture where they can work for themselves and earn good money.  But the reality is very different from what is originally pitched.  They tend to have expensive sales quotas to meet, meaning that you have to either make sales or buy the products yourself.

Either way, you’ll end up in debt unless you are able to sell that dream venture onto others…

#4 No Signs of Growth

Considering EMRIS is pretty new, you would have thought it would be in the growth stage as it gains traction.  But Google Trends shows that it isn’t getting as much exposure as you might have hoped.

EMRIS International Review - Google Trends

If the company was getting good exposure and showing signs of gaining traction, it might be a good call to join.  But it looks like nobody really knows the brand, and that will make it even harder for you to sell.

#5 Overcomplicated Compensation Plan

Our last concern is the overcomplicated compensation plan that EMRIS International is using.

There is a very simple reason why they create these complicated plans, and that is to disguise the fact that you are going to need to rely on recruitment to make decent money with an MLM business opportunity.  When an MLM has a heavy focus on recruitment, it basically turns into a pyramid scheme in disguise.

I’m not saying EMRIS is doing this, but it is going to require you to recruit as getting people to pay those prices for retail products is pretty impossible.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My EMRIS International Review - Final Conclusion

MLM is a difficult route for many to choose.  You might be able to make money if you harness the website they provide you, but that doesn’t guarantee success.

The products are really expensive, in a highly saturated market with people being able to find these products online without a distributor.

For that reason, I wouldn’t recommend this as a great business opportunity.  I’m not saying that this isn’t going to work for everyone, but the majority of people will find this a difficult route.

How We Make Money Online

We are not fans of MLM, the business model is legit, but the success rate is extremely low (only 1%).

We prefer affiliate marketing, the reasons are simple:

  • No need to sell face to face
  • No need to recruit other people into your downline
  • You are not tied down to one MLM company
  • There are endless possibilities
  • Affiliate programs are usually free to join
  • No monthly quotas

We prefer to help people with their purchasing decisions and not push for sales or go face-to-face, we have found a way of making a passive income online and we would like to help you achieve the same thing.

You can still go with CBD or Hemp Oil as your niche, but with our list of 23 affiliate programs you can join, you can promote products for free and still make money.

If you don’t want to promote CBD, then you can still make money.  Why not choose something that you are passionate about, why not find out how you could turn a hobby into a money-making business opportunity.

If you want to make money online or from home, without all the MLM stuff, then we highly recommend you read our Wealthy Affiliate review.  Find out how with the right training, you can turn your hobby into a profitable online business.

If you want to learn more, click the button below and read how we did it…

Thanks for checking out our EMRIS International Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

EMRIS International

$49 - $499 + 80PCV per 5 weeks

Overall Rating



  • A Focus on Selling Products Over Recruiting
  • Good Leadership


  • Saturated Market
  • Expensive Products
  • Low Success Rate
  • No Sign of Growth
  • The Compensation Plan is Complicated

4 thoughts on “Emris International Review – Another CBD Pyramid Scheme?”

  1. I am not into pyramid schemes. And I am glad that you pointed here in the Emris International review, that this company is not the pyramid scheme. But however, MLM marketing is something I try to avoid, as usually requires you to search for people and make them join you. Starting with friends and family, I wouldn’t want to involve anyone in such business. 

    However, rating 50/100 is quite low. Thanks for sharing and giving us a working what to expect. I was searching for a detailed Emris International review like this one and I am extremely glad to have found it! Thanks! 

    • Hey Sunny,

      thanks for checking out our review!  MLM takes a certain individual, and that is usually someone who is great at sales or recruitment.  But they saddle their distributors with overpriced products and no proper training to help them get the most out of the opportunity.

      I wouldn’t want anyone to be in a position where they feel they have to sell to their friends or family, as it ends up being completely awkward…

      All the best


  2. Wow, nice looking site which I came across during and Internet search, for a similar subject.

    Nice designed site, wich at first glance I thought had been designed by Thrive, but see its Elementor.

    Anyway that aside, its on a subject I know very little about, but on reading your post I learned a little more.

    MLM companies are okay as long as they are trustworthy. I have had experience myself of this type of dropshipping company, enough to know that it takes a lot more work than most MLMs

    I also discovered that CBD oil, which I thought was directly related to cannabis and it may well be, has other benefits as well.

    Given that I would want to see some evidence that they actually work and many of these companies don’t actually do this at all, plus the expense to get started, would have to be recovered through advertising.

    I imagine that for the right market place, then this will be a winner.

    • Hey Dave,

      thanks for checking out our review and providing some feedback on our site.  Thanks, we are trying our best to make it the best it can be…

      Like I always say, MLM is right for a certain someone and that isn’t everyone.  Someone who does the right research and understand everything they need to know, will make the right decision for them.

      For the majority of us, selling or recruiting is not the best option and that is why we prefer affiliate marketing

      All the best



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