How Do I Become an Affiliate Marketer – 10 Things You Need to Know

How to I Become an Affiliate Marketer

Getting started in Affiliate Marketing is relatively easy but making it successful is another matter.  I have come up with 10 tips that any new or potential affiliate marketer need to know to make sure they reach their goals.

1.    Have the Right Expectations

One of the first things you notice when you start getting more experience in affiliate marketing is, the number of new marketers thinking they will be earning a full-time income straightaway… A couple of hours a week will not get you income within a few weeks.

Let me be quite clear with this – Affiliate Marketing is not a quick and easy way to grow a business.  You can definitely achieve your financial goals, but you will need to be realistic with your timescales and the amount of work you will need to invest.  The more time you spend doesn’t always equate to earning quicker too.  There are a number of factors but having expectations around the 6 to 12 months as a minimum is a reasonably sound model.

Many scam products out there will have you believe you will be earning a fortune overnight, sorry I have yet to find one that actually does what it says.

2.    Get Used to WordPress

WordPress is a really popular CMS (Content Management System), with over 50% of the websites out there using it. It isGet Used to WordPressversatile and easy to use, but there is a learning curve with it.  Getting started with WordPress is easy, but you need to get used to using it to give you online business the best chance of success.

Having said all that, compared to other website builders, once you know the basics you will find that it is really easy to use and that gives you time to focus on the key elements of your online business.

Related Post: Create Your Own Blog Website

3.    Keyword Research is Essential

At this point, you might not know what Keyword Research is.  Well, know this it is one of the most integral bits of research you will do in your business.  Posting content without the right keyword research will mean you are not targeting a specific audience.  Not a great way of converting sales.  SEO & Keyword Research go hand in hand.  Getting to the top of the search results means you are more likely to get traffic to your website.

Learning Keyword Research is an integral part of becoming an Affiliate Marketer.  Learn more with my helpful post “What is Keyword Research in SEO?”.

4.    You Need to Learn Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

There are two key aspects you should focus on when creating content for your affiliate marketing business. One is youSEO readers, the second one is the search engines.  If it is a quality article that helps resolve a question or a problem, it will be seen positively by both your readers and Google.  This will help your article get ranked higher up in the search results. Getting to page one is every website owners target, as not many people search past page two.

Learning how to optimise your website for the search engines is crucial to any success you want to achieve.

Related Post: What is SEO & PPC Marketing?

5.    Don’t Focus on Traffic/Conversions Straightaway

I wouldn’t even worry too much about this for at least 3 months.  I often see new affiliate marketers spending all their time on Google Analytics looking at a handful of visitors and wondering why they aren’t buying into your promotions.  New website will not get ranked that well during this period, once you pass the 3-month mark and you are adding regular quality content to your website, you will see that it will start to pay off in the end.

Just focus on creating content, and then you can start building up traffic and sales over time.  Time spent reviewing analytics can always be better spent elsewhere.

6.    Provide Value

Do not just have posts on your site with the sole purpose of selling something.  Offering helpful guides, how-to guides and other useful information posts in your niche will lead to a better experience for someone visiting your site.

Most of us are put off by stuff that is too salesy.  You will also find that too many affiliate links can also lead to poorer rankings in the search engines.

There will of course be posts that have that purpose, all I am saying is do not make every article one.

Remember, most people who are searching for those keywords we talked about are because they are looking for help with something – they are not always in the buying stage of the purchase lifecycle…

7.    Target People Late in the Buying Cycle

Having helpful posts, how-to guides is important for the value side of your website, but they also need to help lead people who are further down the buying cycle to find products that will help too.

You will have people who are just searching, you will have people who want to know more about a product.  You will then have people who are ready to buy but want to make sure it is the right product.

A good Affiliate Marketing website will cover all 3 bases effectively.  That is where reviews come into place.  These can be the posts that have the affiliate links, all of the other posts can be targeting at just generally helping your niche.

8.    Focusing on Digital Products

Depending on your niche, focusing on digital products will give you a better return for your time.  Digital products would be training programs, software, online services (web hosting), etc. The commissions and profit margins are much higher.

I am not saying not to promote physical products but targeting both will do you better in the long-run.

They will both need the same amount of effort, but the digital ones will yield higher profit margins.

9.    Sell Your Own Product

Selling your own products will again have a higher benefit for you, as you are receiving all of the bounty, rather than just a percentage of it.  Depending on your niche, you could easily create an eBook or training program and offer it out.  You can also utilise affiliate marketers to sell it for you.

10. Don’t Give UP!

The most common reason for affiliate marketers failing, is that they give up too soon.  I see people saying affiliate marketing doesn’t work, or why is it not working and then you review their website and they haven’t posted anything on their website for 6 months…

You need to remain consistent and think about the end goal.  One of the things I have noticed is we tend to focus too much on the financial side rather than the benefits that a home business would bring.  Mine is about seeing more of my family, rather than how much it brought in this month.  Having something else to focus one as well as earning money will definitely help.

Affiliate Marketing takes much longer and needs double the effort you think it will need.  An hour a week, will not cut it.  Many have given up just before the point where the search engines were going to take notice.   Go the distance and you will have something that you can be proud of and hits all of your goals – financial and non-financial.

11. It is Ok to Quit…

I know this goes against everything I have just said, but it is entirely true.  Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone and it is ok to say it isn’t and Quit.

The people who succeed are the ones that love learning new skills and techniques, love writing content, love researching stuff in their niche.

But if you find that you hate all of that, then it probably isn’t for you.  I love doing what I do, hence I have seen small success and am building up for the big successes.

It is hard, it is tough.  But it is all worth it.  If you know you have what it takes to be successful, then go and get that success.  It is waiting for the right person to come and do it.

Related Post: Learn Affiliate Marketing & Start Today

There you have 10 tips on How Do I Become an Affiliate Marketer.  I hope you have found them useful, I would love to hear what you think about them below in the comments.  If you have any questions about affiliate marketing or any of the topics we have covered today, then please write them in the comments and I will come back to you as soon as I can.  thanks

Does Fiverr Work or Is it a Scam? Fiverr Review

Fiverr Review – Does it Work or Is it a Scam_

Whether you are looking to make some money freelancing your services or are looking to offload some of your own workload utilising a freelancer. Fiverr is a common favourite amongst website owners.  Offering Freelancers an easier route into the market and making services affordable it is one of the first ones to be found and used.

But is it the best option, does it actually work or is it full of wannabes affecting the quality you will receive???  We will review all in this comprehensive review.

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Learn Affiliate Marketing and Start Earning Online

Learn Affiliate Marketing and Start Earning Online

Are you looking for a great training platform that you can learn affiliate marketing?  There are plenty of them available.  But do they all offer the support you need when you are first starting out…?  That is often the key reason why people end up not succeeding at Affiliate Marketing.

The help and support you get from any platform you choose to sign up with will sometimes be the key to you sticking to your business and see it through to the point where you are earning money.

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Best Part Time Jobs for Retired People

Best Part Time Jobs for Retired People

Averages show that we are living longer, so naturally many of people reaching retirement age are ready to leave the job, but not necessarily hang up their boots.

Whether you are looking for a part time job to supplement your pension or something that is going to ensure you stay active – both physically and mentally, or even just to pay for holidays.  We have a number of suggestions for the best part time jobs for retired people.

There are the more obvious choices, which you might expect.  But then this is one that you might have never thought of and will allow you a lot more freedom than the others. But let’s start with the obvious choices:

Retail/Seasonal Jobs

When we think of part time jobs, we can often just think about the retail sector.  Offering shift work, which is quite flexibleRetail Work and can often be close to home. This makes it an obvious choice, as we all have experience with customer service and their expectations are typically – Flexible and Offer Great Customer Service.

Will this be suitable for all retirees, not quite?  Some of you will find that this is a great option, it will keep the mind active and will mean we aren’t sitting around, which again is a great thing.  Active Body & Active Mind is always something my Grandad used to say.

However, this will not be an option for everyone. So, let’s explore some real opportunities where your experience and knowledge will be a key element.

Consultancy Jobs

Whatever industry you worked in, you will have a whole lot of experience that people are interested in gaining from you.  This is where a consultancy job could be an ideal choice for you.  A consultant is defined as “Someone who is an expert in a particular subject, who provides that knowledge”.Consultancy Jobs

Businesses are always actively seeking consultants and understand the need for such roles.  US businesses spent about $12 billion on them last year!

All industries won’t lend themselves to this option, but you will know from your industry if it is something that you could pursue.

There are a few things you need to consider prior to going with a Consultancy Role:

  • 1.Do you need any certifications/qualifications or a special licence?  Some industries will require you to have at least a BA in that subject before being signed onto a consultancy agency
  • 2.Are you an organised person? Organisation is a key attribute to successful consultants.
  • 3.Do you like to Network?  You will need to be able to build up a good contacts list to be effect in that given industry
  • 4.Set Long-term & Short-term goals. Any business model requires this, it also allows you to track successes against the amount of work you are putting in.

Here is a list of the top industries seeking Consultants.

  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Auditing
  • Business
  • Business Writing
  • Career Counselling
  • Communications
  • Computer Programmer
  • Editorial Services
  • Executive Search (Head Hunting)
  • Gardening
  • Grantsmanship
  • Human Resources
  • Insurance
  • Marketing
  • Payroll Management
  • Public Relations
  • Publishing
  • Taxes
  • Writing Services

If you have experience in any of these given industries and feel you still have something to offer in it, then becoming a consultant is a great direction to go with.

Offering your services out via freelancing or starting your own consultancy firm could be the next step for you.

Subject Matter Experts – Tutoring and Content Development

On a similar vein to the Consultancy roles, you could offer your services out just as a subject matter expert.  Becoming a freelance tutor, rather than committing to what would end up becoming quite a lot of work – consulting could take a lot of time up.  Whereas tutoring would be and could be based on your time available.

The pay looks reasonable and you only offer it when you are available.  The industries listed above would also be relevant to this topic.

Or an Option Where You Work from Home

Both options above are fine choices, you could easily earn some decent money and not have to work as much as you usedWork from Home to.  But do you really want to still work from someone else?  Work to a rota system. There are many benefits to a retirement, including some well-deserved time to yourself.  So, my final option is one where you could work from pretty much anywhere.  You can also use your knowledge and experience, like the other options.  But the only boss is yourself.  Work when you want to, wherever you want to, and you will also benefit from meeting a lot of other like-minded people online doing it to.

The third option is a combination of blogging and affiliate marketing.

I know, this might sound like something that isn’t for you.  But hold that thought, let me describe it to you first.

We have talked about your experience and your knowledge being a prime ingredient in consulting or tutoring – Well that is exactly how you are going to earn money from home.  There are plenty of people out there online, looking for help with something.  Whether it is help with a product purchase. Help with a problem they have.  How-to guides. You name it someone is looking for help with it.

So, the third idea is you starting a blog in any niche that you are already experience in.  It doesn’t even have to be with something from your old job.  If you would consider yourself enthusiastic and knowledgeable around caravanning or the outdoors – that is an ideal choice for starting your own online business.

How does that lead to earning money, John?

This is where affiliate marketing comes into play.  Affiliate Marketing is where you earn a commission for introducing a buyer to a product. A prime example is Amazon.  The world’s biggest marketplace offers you a reward for referring someone to their site to buy an item.

To use an example, I am going to use an example I could use.  I am an enthusiastic photographer, I am doing wedding photography for Gem’s wedding business and I know a lot about digital cameras, photography and photoshop.

I could start a blog on this subject.  By incorporating a number of different guides, I could build trust with anyone visiting the website to show that I am someone they can trust.

As part of this blog, I also write a post about the ‘best digital cameras for beginners.  If someone came to my blog post about the best cameras for someone getting started and decided to follow my advice and clicked on my link, they would be taken to Amazon to purchase that camera.  My reward from Amazon is a percentage of the purchase price. So, if it is a $100 camera, I could earn $6, every time that someone follows my advice.

Just to expand on the opportunity, there are over 4 billion people with access to high-speed internet all searching online for help with pretty much anything and are often helped by bloggers and Affiliate Marketers.

Can I Get Help & Support?

First off, I want to say it might seem really complicated and difficult and this could put many people off.  But that is the one thing I want to dispel.  People of all ages are achieving success from affiliate marketing.  Regardless of their abilities, they all succeed because they have one thing in common.  Great Help & Support available at every step of the way.

Whether you feel you are not great at the computer, or I can’t write articles.  How do I research a niche?  These are all obstacles we can do together.

There is a training platform that I want to recommend that will offer you everything you need to get started and to continually grow your business until it is something where you would never have to consider a real job again.

Wealthy Affiliate offer great training, that is ideal for anyone of any skill level.  They offer websites and tools to get you started.  You will also gain access to a community of like-minded individuals all striving for the same goal. I often talk to members who at first stated they felt too old to learn again.  Then they come back to me, saying you were right.  I could do it.

The only barrier anyone has is themselves.  Doing it alone, it is easy to get lost.  But having access to people anytime of the day for help does make a massive difference.

Regardless of what niche you choose, there are ample opportunities from affiliate marketing.

If you want to learn more about what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, then I highly recommend you read my review.

Or you could try out their platform with a free starter membership account. You will not need to enter any credit card details, unlike others.  Get a free starter membership account here.

Final Word

Enjoying your retirement should be your main focus.  If you need to get a part time job, then there are the usual opportunities out there.  But for the few, that really want to enjoy their retirement and not feel like they are working – I hope you explore Affiliate Marketing and blogging. You will find it really rewarding and not feeling too much like work.
If you have any further questions or want help with anything, please leave it in the comments.  I will come back to you as soon as.

Jaaxy Review – Keyword Research Made Easy!!

Jaaxy, the Keyword Research Tool Review

Welcome to our Jaaxy Review!

One of the most fundamental basics of any online business will be keyword research.  Without keyword research you will be walking blind and hoping for the best.

Whether you are targeting SEO or PPC Marketing you need a keyword research tool you can rely on to help you get started and still be relevant when you become an experience Internet Marketer. 

Today, we are going to explore Jaaxy.  Brought to us from the guys behind Wealthy Affiliate, we are going to see just how it stacks up.

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A Work from Home Business Opportunity – With Support

A Work from Home Business Opportunity - With Support

Have you been looking for a way of earning money with a home business?  Working from home has multiple benefits and we would all like to give up the day job and build our own business.

It is surprising how many people are actually looking for this kind of opportunity.  But most people fail…?  Know why? They didn’t know where to start, how to start.  They didn’t know what was possible and they didn’t get help and support.  I want to offer my help to anyone interested in follow my work from home business opportunity.

What if I could tell you a way you could start your own home business, from something that you love and get all the help and support you need to make it successful, including personal help from me.

If you are truly looking for a work from home business opportunity, you have come to the right place.

How a Passion Becomes a Business Opportunity

Passion led us here - How a passion becomes an online business

Why would a business opportunity start from a passion or hobby?  Let me ask you, if you and I would start having a chat about something you are passionate about… how much would you be able to offer into the subject. I bet you would have a lot to offer, a lot of knowledge and you would also be able to carry on research that subject and not getting bored.

That is why the business opportunity I am offering comes from a Passion.  Think about that hobby or passion you are into.  How many other people are researching, talking and buying products related to that passion?

I’ll give you an example, and this will give you the scope of the opportunity.

I would consider myself a big fan of sci-fi, particularly Star Trek.  I know, some of you will be thinking “oh dear”.  But bear with me.  I could stand and chat with other Star Trek fans all day long.  I recently went to a convention and saw the scale of people also interested in it too.

Now what if I started an online business focusing on Star Trek. What if I had the help and support to ensure that this business targeted Star Trek fans to gain traction.

What if people started visiting my online business and finding loads of interesting facts on it.  Then they also notice products on the website too, that they could purchase. (The merchandise is endless within that niche).

Now at that point, we have the premise of a great business model.  A website that focuses on giving Star Trek fans what they want.  Lots of useful information, details of upcoming conventions.  News from the latest series, etc. Details on the stars.

It is a great start, but I did mention products and I haven’t got any products… So, does that mean I cannot start an online business???

Nope, it just means that I need a different way of earning money from those products.

Build an Online Business with Affiliate Marketing

Just because I haven’t got any products or services in that given niche, doesn’t mean I cannot offer them.  But I would do it with a model called Affiliate Marketing.  It doesn’t have to be on Star Trek, obviously.  But think about what you are really interested in.  Even if you wouldn’t really call it a passion.  You will find that any interest can be turned into an affiliate marketing opportunity.

Related Post: “50 Niche Website Ideas

Ok, lets explain what Affiliate Marketing is.

Affiliate Marketing is where you earn commissions, when someone you introduce to a product or services buys it.  It is more widespread, than you might think.  Amazon is the biggest marketplace in the world and they utilise Affiliate Marketing.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

It saves them a fortune on marketing campaigns, as all they do is pay out a percentage to the promoter on a successful sale.

What is the Opportunity from Affiliate Marketing?

Seriously, if someone takes Affiliate Marketing down the right road it can lead to a full-time income or even stretch to the point where you are earning a lot more than your day job would ever do.

Let’s use another example.  Let’s say you decide that gaming laptops is something you want to explore with Affiliate Marketing.

Gaming laptops is a fast-growing market and offers a great opportunity for an affiliate marketer.  The average price of a gaming laptop on Amazon is about $1,000.  You build a blog all around helping people with gaming laptops and you also promote some gaming laptops in the way of reviews and someone follows your affiliate link to the Amazon sales page and buys that gaming laptop (thanks to you). You have just earned $60 from that sale.  That might not sound like much.  But the art of affiliate marketing is to grow your business to the point where your traffic is hitting high levels.  So, all of a sudden, you might have sold 10 laptops – $600.  100 laptops – $6,000.

That is the opportunity that lies in Affiliate Marketing.  Whatever your passion or interests you can turn it into an online business – With the Right Help and Support.

Where Do I Get Help & Support?

There are a number of reasons why affiliate marketers fail, and the number one reason is they are not getting the right help and support. But there is also a couple of factors you need to also consider with it too.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  There is no magic button online that will lead to instant earnings.  This is a business model based on hard work and dedication.

I would not be where I was today without the help and support, and the training that is on offer from the guys at Wealthy Affiliate.

Affiliate Marketing Training, Websites & Expert Help

If you truly want an online business that allows you to work from home, then I can highly recommend Affiliate Marketing.  It allows you to work from anywhere with an internet connection.  But the beauty of affiliate marketing is that it is a passive income source.  You do not need to be there to process the transaction, just enjoy the commissions.

Whether you are great with a computer or not, you will find that the training is the best you will find and gives a great step-by-step guide to launching an online business, a website and scaling it to a full-time income.

If you would like to learn more, I highly recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate review.  They offer so much to someone who is looking for a work from home business opportunity and their success stories speak for themselves.  But the best thing about your platform is the help and support on offer from the owners, the community and me.

Build an Online Business

If you do decide to give Wealthy Affiliate a try, you will get instant access to me for any help and support you require.  Wealthy Affiliate offer a free starter membership, which gives you a great insight into the platform and what is on offer.

If you have any questions about the business opportunity or affiliate marketing, then please get in touch via the comments below.  I would to be able to help you with your pursuit of a work from home business opportunity.

Where Can I get Free SSL Certificates for my Website?

Where Can I get Free SSL Certificates for my Website_

If you haven’t realised the need for an SSL Certificate on your website, then now is the time to learn why you need one and more importantly how you can get SSL Certificates for your website without breaking the bank.

Typically, you will find it an expensive option with most web hosting services, but we have a recommendation that will not only give you SSL certificates for your websites – but also a lot of other features that will also benefit your website/business included.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer; it establishes an encrypted (safe) link between an internet browser and a web server.What is an SSL Certificate  Anyone who is searching the internet through a browser and see the padlock in the address bar knows that the website they are on is safe and secure. It also means that your personal data is safe.

An SSL Certificate is key to the security of a website and with the importance of protecting personal information nowadays, it is something that a lot of website owners are researching and deciding whether it is time to install it.  An SSL Certificate can be quite expensive if you are a small business owner who wants to take payments through their website, but in this article, I will be going through what an SSL certificate is, why your website might need it and more importantly how you can genuinely get it for free.

Any data that passes between the two is safe and secure.  You will notice that we have the padlock too.  We want to ensure we are all safe when browsing the internet.

Related Post: What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business

Why Does It Matter?

Think about the number of times that you are out and about on your smartphone and using a free Wi-Fi hotspot?  If no website had an SSL certificate, it could mean that you are more vulnerable to hackers getting your personal data.

As most of our web use is done via our phones nowadays, it makes it even more important that your website has an SSL Certificate

Why Does Your Website Need it?

As a business or website owner, there are some reasons why it is essential to have an SSL certificate.


Any website that handles products or services to be bought from a visitor will need an SSL certificate to be able to handle payments.  If the person loves your products, but sees that you haven’t got a padlock, then they will probably not buy it.  You will also soon realise some payment handlers require SSL.

2.Capturing any Data

Building an email list, or even the comments section on your website captures personal data.  With the recent GDPR laws introduced in Europe, it is essential we comply with all the legalities of having an online business.  including the handling personal data.

3.Better Search Engine Results

Google owns two thirds of the overall search traffic and they have stated they are going to give website with an SSL certificates higher ranking than websites without one.  That could make a big difference to a business.  If you cannot get to page one of the search results, you will find it so much harder to have a profitable business.

4.Builds Trust

One of the key vibes of anything I learn about online business is that anything that builds your trust with the customer will lead to a better conversion rate.  An SSL certificate goes a long way to building trust online.Building Trust

Whether you are blogging, selling your own products or looking to build an online business – being able to get an SSL certificate is paramount.

But there are plenty of options out there, but many do not include an SSL certificate in their hosting.  Some are actually charging $100 per website, per year.  As you are searching for a free SSL certificate, the likelihood you will be able to afford that much are remote.

You have to pay for web hosting, we all know that.  Free Websites do not tend to allow you actually hard to do anything with it. But most web hosting does not include the SSL certificates as standard.  Our recommendation does.

Web Hosting with a Difference

Most web hosting service providers charge you based on how many visitors you get to your website, the more visitors you get the more you pay.  Not, with my web host.  I pay the same now as I did when I first launched my website.  I could get up to 500k visitors a month and not pay anything else.

Free websites do not have the ability or tools to actually make any money with it.  For example, a free website cannot have ads on them.  So, if you are just starting out, you will soon realise that you need a paid website.

If you are an established business, you will find that your web hosting is a key decision to moving forward and scaling your business.

I highly recommend WordPress to anyone, it is so versatile, and it accounts for over 50% of all websites online.  That says how popular it is.  I have can have up to 50 WordPress websites hosted at SiteRubix, all with an SSL certificate and they also benefit from the things below:

Security Features – Several layers of security to protect your website.  With over 27,000 hacking attempts thwarted last year

Safe & Secure Hosting

Daily Back-ups – Every 24 hours your website will be backed up, so you never have to worry about your website.  this is typically a premium option with most web hosts

Daily Backups

Double Hosting – Never worry about your website being down to your customers. If there is ever a problem, the second copy that runs all the time is swapped in within seconds to ensure your customer will never notice.  Again, this is something that few offers.

Double Hosting

Site Speed – Site speed is an important factor to your online business, if your customers have a slow experience on it, they will likely more on to another business.  Not great.  But SiteRubix offer a fantastic site speed, with fast hosting.


Mobile Friendly – More and more people are surfing online on their phones.  Is your current hosting keeping up and offering mobile friendly websites?  SiteRubix ensure that all of their sites are good to go.

Like I said, your web hosting is an important decision, but you will only benefit from the best options out there.  You will also find that most hosting does not offer as much as SiteRubix does.

SiteRubix Hosting

I will also state that whilst you will be paying for web hosting, like you would for any decent hosting you will also get a Free SSL certificate for any website you host on their servers.

SiteRubix is from web hosting available from Wealthy Affiliate.

You might be asking why would I need to sign up with Wealthy Affiliate?  That’s only to do with Affiliate Marketing…  But that isn’t so not true.

Wealthy Affiliate offers its premium members 25 WordPress Hosted websites with SSL and all of the features above.  Which would benefit anyone online.

They specialise in training for online business:

  • Everything to do with WordPress
  • Getting Your Website Ranked
  • Getting Traffic
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creating Engaging Content
  • Webinar Series (just a sample list)
    • Selling Your Own Products
    • Drop Shipping
    • How to Promote Your Ecommerce Business
    • Advancing Your Authority in Any Niche
  • Web Design

Along with training on affiliate marketing.  I know that at first glance it may seem like it is only for people who are looking for a way to earn from affiliate marketing.  But their web hosting is a fantastic feature for any business.  And can any business owner really say they don’t need to know how to get the best out of website ranking, WordPress, Social Media Marketing?  I found that even though Gem’s wedding stationary business isn’t affiliate marketing.  I used many of the things I learned from Wealthy Affiliate to great benefit.

There is More…

There are also some more benefits to a website owner with Wealthy Affiliate and SiteRubix.

A keyword research tool is essential to website rankings and creating content, included in a premium membership is Jaaxy.  A premium keyword research tool with some fantastic tools to help you with your business.

If you are looking to give your audience the best experience ever, that will also include an SSL Certificate, with a website that will never let you down – You can definitely benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Awesome Website Hosting
  • Awesome Business Training
  • Awesome Business Tools

You will also gain access to a community of other Internet Entrepreneurs for help and support at any point with your online business.  This is a great feature for beginners, but if consider yourself experienced.  What is your current hosting like?

Do you get all the features that are listed above?  Can you get help if you need ideas or advice?

If you would like to learn more about the website hosting at SiteRubix & Wealthy Affiliate, then I suggest you read my post What is the Best Web Hosting for WordPress.

If you would like to learn more about the whole Wealthy Affiliate platform, I recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

I would say any small business owner would really benefit from the partnership of both and you would also learn how much you would gain from the platform.

How Much Does It All Cost?

This is the bit that you will really be interested in… Whilst the SSL Certificate is free for Premium Members, there is a need to invest in your business to get the best out of it going forward.  Free websites will not let you scale your business the way you need.  You will find that most will not even have an SSL Certificate.

Wealthy Affiliate combines training, website tools, website hosting, a keyword research tool and expert help and support.

All of these great features are included in their premium membership – which is $49/month or $359/year.

Not per website, but in total!  You can have up to 50 websites with SSL included for $49/month.  I have seen this be a $100 investment for each website – that would be $5k to just have an SSL certificate on them.

Many business owners start to scale their business, and some bloggers have 3 or 4 websites.  To have this many would mean most website owners couldn’t afford it.  But the benefits from Wealthy Affiliate will easily outweigh the initial investment.

But my ethos has always been around researching a product, before making a decision.  That is why I love the free starter membership.  You will gain access to the premium features for 7 days to take Wealthy Affiliate on a test drive.  You can have 2 free websites on the starter membership, which gives you ample time to test their hosting out.  See if it lives up to your expectations.

Can I Get Free SSL Certificates for my Website?

Free SSL with Wealthy Affiliate

You will find that any free website will not typically be able to get free ssl certificates.  But most paid web hosting services will offer it for a price.

SiteRubix from Wealthy Affiliate offers it freely with their Premium Membership.  25 full domains with an SSL certificate.  25 subdomains with an SSL certificate.  Awesome Training and Tools that can help you scale your business to the next level.

I personally feel that makes SiteRubix a number one choice for small website owners and bloggers.

If you have any further questions or comments about SSL certificates, Web Hosting or SiteRubix, then please write them in the comments.  I will respond as soon as I can. I would love to also hear about any experiences you may have had with Web Hosting and SSL certificates.  Are they now common place, or elsewhere too high a price?

How to Make Money with Your Passion

How to Make Money with your Passion

Making money from something that you are passionate about is ten times more likely to be successful than trying to pick something because it looks profitable… It also allows you to showcase being a subject matter expert which builds trust and mean that you remain motivated even when it is going through a tough patch.  But most of all, it means that you will totally enjoy it too.

Regardless of what you are passionate about, there are definitely ways to monetise it.  Gem is really creative and took her passion around arts and crafts and took it to a profitable business selling wedding stationary.  But that doesn’t mean we are all able to create products to sell.  But we don’t need to.  To make money, all we need is our passion and the help and support to turn it into an online business.

In this post, we will share with you how you can make money with your passion – with all of the help and support you will ever need.

I use affiliate links to maintain, for more information click here.

How Does a Passion Lead to Making Money?

For starters, you will not be the only one in the world with a passion for the same subject, I’ll use myself as an example.  I am not the only person who likes:

  • PhotographyHow to Make Money with your Passion - Digital Photography
  • Sci-Fi
  • Technology
  • Helping People

Let’s just take those four subjects, I am not the only person who likes these subjects.  But the key will be is that if one of them is a passion, you will find that you are something of an expert in that subject.  But then again, there will be people who are looking to research a lot into these topics and that is your opportunity to make money from them.

But these topics on their own are quite broad and do not lead themselves immediately to an easy way of earning money online.

Let’s be honest, if it is a passion, you will find that if we dug deeper into one of those four you will find that there is a fantastic niche to target in one.

  • Photography – I am a wedding photographer for Gems’ Business, so I have a lot of knowledge and passion around photography, so wedding photography would be a niche
  • SciFi – (I’ll admit it) I am a big Star Trek fan, I would not describe myself as a subject matter expert, But I enjoy engaging in the ST community and enjoy the conventions.  I could utilise this niche as a target for making money.  I would probably narrow this one down to start with and start with ST Discovery, as it is the fresh content.
  • Technology – This is the broadest subject on the list. I love computer technology, so could focus on that one, but would need to narrow it down further, maybe to gaming laptops or accessories for them.
  • Helping People – This is the passion that is letting me earn money online. But is still quite broad, I focus on helping people get started online.

Every Passion or Interest Has an Audience

My point is, that whatever your passion is you will have an audience.  Why is that important, to make money online you need to create a brand that draws an audience in, to give you the opportunity to earn money.Every Passion has an Audience

There are over 4 billion people online with access to high-speed internet and they are always looking for useful articles, useful content, product reviews, how-to guides and an honest person who you can trust to provide these things.

That is where you come in.  I am really passionate about helping people get started online.  I am really enjoying being able to provide helpful information that allows people to leave the day job behind and do something that you really enjoy and are passionate about.

I love it, honestly!!

How Do I Make Money Online from My Passion Then?

Let’s go through the stages that you need to make money. You have your passion, that is a great start and many people are so unsure of which direction to go when picking the topic that their online business will be about.

But to the be honest, you may need to narrow it down to a niche, the broader the subject the harder it is (in the early stages).  This doesn’t mean that you will not end up with a business that covers a broader subject, but you will find the broader you start, the longer it will take to establish it.  If you target narrow, you can get a great start and get Google to love your business, then you can start to branch out.

An example makes it easier to explain.  If I chose Technology, then went down the computer route.  I would still be so broad, by a mile.

Yet, if I really thought about it I could do the following:

  • Computers (Broad)
  • Gaming PCs (Broad)
  • Gaming Laptops (Broad)
  • Gaming Laptop Accessories (Getter Better)
  • Gaming Laptop Mice or Gaming Laptop Decals (Niche)

By starting with the narrowest of let’s gaming mice for gaming laptops – it allows me to target the whole gaming PC market, but by starting with just the mice it gets you traffic, you can then expand and build up that traffic.

Traffic is your ultimate way to earning money for your Passion.  But you do need to fully understand how to get started.

Making Money from Your Passion comes from building up your audience and traffic, to give you the opportunity to earn money.  There are a couple of ways of earning money online and I’ll go through this now.

Ways to Make Money Online with Your Passion

There are two really good ways of earning money online.  But first, I do need to state that the best way of earning money online with your passion is by starting a blog website. You can then utilise the two ways to make money with your passion:

The first way is by selling advertising space on your blog website.  Google AdSense or other similar advertising companies pay you every time some clicks on an advert on your website or if you get a high number of impressions.  (Impressions are people seeing the ad, but not clicking it).  Like I said, this will take traffic to make it worthwhile, but there is a natural step in your business where this becomes an obvious direction.  Some companies like MediaVine, will not accept you until you are reaching a high amount of traffic.  But as long as your website is worthwhile, AdSense is a good choice.  I have it live on another website and it works.

The second way is from Affiliate Marketing.  This is by the far the best way to earn money from your passion.  You may not have heard of it, or you may be unsure of how it really works but it is a proven model and is the most common way bloggers earn money online.

How Affiliate Marketing Really Works

You have to remember that as most people are buying stuff online, there are actively doing research before they buy a product.  They are looking for subject matter experts to help them with their purchase decisions.  Was it the right product or service, how do they really work?  Someone I know is always out hiking every weekend, they are always active and they go through hiking boots like nobody’s business – until he started researching online.  He found a blogger who was always active too.  He followed his advice and bought his current boots from a recommendation this guys recommended and has never looked back.  He is now regularly checking out what this guy is writing about.  Where is hiking to, any recommendations for things to do with hiking, etc.  There is a real trust factor with this blogger now.

But this is the key – every time Paul (my friend) buys anything this blogger recommends; this blogger receives a commission.  That is Affiliate Marketing.

There will be people who are looking for your advice and help that you offer in and around your passion.

Your Passion turned into a blog website offering help, support, recommendations and reviews will lead you to the way of earning money online.  You will build up the traffic and then you can add ads.  They are also both passive ways of earning money online.  This means, unlike a physical shop, you do not need to be there to seal the sale.  You just add affiliate links to products or services you recommend and continue writing other articles all around your passion.

If you think writing is not your thing… seriously, don’t worry about it.  You should have seen my writing when I first started blogging – You can get help with that and I did.

If you are worried that you haven’t got a clue about building a website or anything to do with that – again, seriously do not worry about that I will show you where you can get all the help and support you need.

All the Help and Support You Need to Get Started!

I know what you may be thinking… it all sounds great John, but I haven’t got a clue how to do all that.

But, let me share with you my experience.  When I first started, I didn’t have a clue.  I didn’t know how to build a website, or even what affiliate marketing was. I wasn’t great at writing and knew nothing about how the search engines worked or keyword research.

But what I did know is, a lot about digital photography.  I could talk about it all day, I would consider it a passion and something where I could share a lot of helpful information from it.

What I want to introduce to you is a training platform that will take everything you can offer within that passion and teach you how to get your dream started.  Within every lesson is an easy to follow step-by-step guide that will take you through every step required to turn that passion into an online business.  By lesson 4 you will have your very own website.

Follow the training and you will learn how to utilise everything that is taught and offer to share your essential knowledge from your passion.

Whatever your passion is, someone else will also share it – but they want to engage with you, learn from you and see your recommendations.

But that is not all that is on offer.  No one gets anywhere on their own.

You will also gain access to a community of like-minded individuals who will be there to help and offer advice or support at any point.  If you ever have a question about your business, website or the direction you should go – the community will be there to help.

But I also offer my personal help and advice, any time you are stuck or need help reach out to me on the platform and I will there to help.

Turn a Passion into a Successful Online Business – with Wealthy Affiliate

2 years ago, I wasn’t online and didn’t have a clue how to get started.  But then I found the most helpful community, that has awesome training, websites and all of the tools needed to get online.  That platform is Wealthy Affiliate, here is my review.

I accepted an invitation to their platform and have never looked back.  The training is so easy to follow and will allow you to build a brand and business that will earn you money, if you invest the time and effort needed.

I will stress that this will take time and effort and is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  I am sorry, but I am yet to find a genuine scheme that allows you to earn money online overnight.  Any product that promises that is not worth even reading about.

But by building an online business from a passion, it will make you more likely to succeed.  The reason I say this is, it will take time.  It will be about 3 months before the search engines really take notice of your blog – that is the line where it starts to grow to where you need it to be.

Your passion in the subject will keep you going, when most Affiliate Marketers who fail are those that leave at this point thinking it hasn’t worked.

Trust in yourself and the training and you will definitely build an online business that will mean you will be doing it full-time within the right timescales.

If you would like to know more about Affiliate Marketing or Wealthy Affiliate, check out the posts below.  Doing your research is an important step in anything you do.

Related Post: How Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

I will admit, I am fully loving helping people find genuine ways of making money online and building a business based on something they love.  That is the key to this and it works. Stay motivated, stay informed and follow the training and you will soon realise your own potential.  Good Luck

If you have any questions about starting an online business or affiliate marketing, then please leave them in the comments below.  If you want to share any experience or offer advice to people looking for ways to make money with your passion, please write them in the comments.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Is Solo Build It a Scam? Solo Build It Review

Solo Build It Review

Welcome to our Solo Build It Review!

If you have been doing some research on this platform, you will see a huge list of people with different opinions on Solo Build It.  Some people love it, some people hate it and then there are those who are just trying to promote it to earn a buck or two.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Solo Build It in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you what this platform has to offer, the pros and cons, and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision as to whether this is right for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Read more

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business?

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business_

Getting the right web hosting service for your website is a really big decision.  Ensuring your website is protected from security risks and ensures your readers gets the best experience from it.

But then you also see that there are often strings attached to some web hosting and means that you end up having to pay over the odds to get the experience that was advertised with upsells.

But there is more to think about than just the features that are on offer, you need to consider whether you can trust the hosting and that they will ensure you experience no issues with your website.

What is Web Hosting & Why Does it Matter?

A web host is a service that allows to you put a website onto the internet.  They host your domain (your website) providing all of the technology and systems needed to make this happen.

Think of it as the foundation that you build a house on.  The better the foundation, the better the house will stand.

Picking a web host is an important decision, if you just pick the first one you see as it is free, could have a big impact on your business.  Some web hosts start free, but then as you start to grow your business, you find that the prices start to drastically go up as you grow.  Email addresses can sometimes be an additional product and SSL certificates are really important these days, but most still charge you an additional charge for this too.

You will also find that many will charge you per website for hosting, so if you have a couple of websites that are getting high traffic levels and need SSL certificates (you cannot do e-commerce without it) then you will easily see the prices shoot up.

What I want to share with you is the web hosting service I use, why they are a great partner to have for WordPress hosted websites.  I will also share the fact of how you can host 25 WordPress websites on their hosting platform for less than a dollar a day.

The WordPress web hosting service I recommend is SiteRubix.  It is a cloud-based web hosting platform with plenty of reasons why you can not only trust them, but really push your online business forward with them.

SiteRubix WordPress Web Hosting

Here are the features available with SiteRubix hosting.  They focus on implementing a lot of the features at the server end, which means it will not affect your website.  Whilst they take security seriously, it will not slow your site down.

Security Features

There is no compromise when it comes to security.  Websites become targets for hackers in the hope they can steal your information.  But you have nothing to worry about with SiteRubix.  They use their extensive knowledge of WordPress to prevent attacks, they prevented over 27 million hacking attempts last year, alone.  You never have to worry about your website.

SiteRubix Security

Backups Are Standard

What if you had an issues with a plugin, or you do something that ends up crashing your website… Would you be able to retrieve your information?  With SiteRubix, they realise that everyone can make mistakes.  But with your website backed up every 24 hours, you can remain calm and get it resolved easily and quickly.

Website Backups - SiteRubix

This is typically a paid advanced option with some hosting services but comes as standard with SiteRubix.

Double Hosting

You might be wondering what double hosting means, but first think about the fact that anytime your website is down, you are losing money.  If a customer cannot reach your website, they cannot make a purchase.

SO, double hosting means they always run a second copy of your site.  Which they can swap in anytime that your website is down.

SiteRubix - Double Hosting

Again, there are few hosting services who offer this included as standard.

Site Speed – SiteRubix will not slow you down

If you don’t realise the impact a slow website can have, then think about anytime you have logged into a website that takes ages to load… Most will not wait and will find an alternative.  SiteRubix ensures all of the hard graft is done at the server end, so you get a website that loads quicker than websites on other hosting.  Their average Site Speed score is 1.3 seconds.

Is Your WordPress Hosting Mobile Friendly?

Google has made the switch to monitor mobile friendly sites over desktop sites.  If your website is not mobile friendly, it will impact your rankings and your potential.  All websites hosted on SiteRubix optimised for any medium.  No need for additional plugins or anything to ensure your readers get the best experience.

SSL Certificates as Standard

A recent survey showed that only 51% of websites online have an SSL certificate.  Why is that an important figure.  Everyone is very conscious of the need to keep their personal data secure, but most people will not trust a website without it.  If you are planning on having an e-commerce business or want people to trust you – having an SSL certificate is paramount.  Google has also stated that it will rank a website with SSL on over a non-SSL website.

But many choose not to pay the high price most hosting services charge.  SiteRubix offer SSL certificates on any WordPress website you host on it within the premium membership.

Some charge over $100 per website for this.

Reasonable Priced

SiteRubix is offered from the guys who run Wealthy Affiliate.  A training platform that helps people with aspirations of an online business.  Even experience internet marketers will benefit from the training, but the key element that is great is the fact that you can host 25 full domains with all of the features above and 25 subdomains on their hosting with SSL included on each for the low monthly price of $49 or an annual price of $359.

That is the cost for up to 50 websites!! You could spend $300 dollars on one website with SSL for one year with some hosting services.

Web Hosting - SiteRubix

SiteRubix - Web Hosting

Other Cool Features

SiteHealth is a great feature that allows you to see how your website is getting on with regards to the search engines.

SiteComments is a great feature for getting high-quality comments to your posts, this can be a key factor in improving your rankings in the search engines.

SiteFeedback, this allows you to get some quality feedback on your website to help you improve your business.

Get Access to extensive training and classrooms via Wealthy Affiliate

You might think that by joining Wealthy Affiliate you would get access to a lot of training that isn’t relevant to you… But you would be so wrong.

Whether you are blogging, wanting an e-commerce platform or looking to build a business empire – the training available is second to none.

I have used the techniques I have learned from Wealthy Affiliate to grow both my affiliate marketing business, but also grow Gem’s Wedding Stationary e-commerce business.  Both our websites are hosted on SiteRubix and I have never had an issue.

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

What is the Support Like?

There will inevitable be a moment where you need to contact support about something to do with your website, and the support at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none.  Send a support ticket to them and within a matter of minutes, they have typically fixed the problem and replied to tell you what to do or that everything is sorted.  Their support is awesome.

Final Word on SiteRubix & Wealthy Affiliate

If you are looking for the Best Web Hosting Service for WordPress, then you will find no better place than with Wealthy Affiliate.  There is enough hard work to do with an online business, without having to worry about your web hosting going down.  If you are new to the online world, you will find no better training platform than that on offer at Wealthy Affiliate.

But even if you are experienced, but have had enough of your current web hosting, then you will find that WA will offer you a high-quality website experience allowing you to scale your business effectively.

Their WordPress classroom will ensure you have all the knowledge you need to know about WordPress and get the best out of your WordPress website.

You don’t need to make any decisions, at this point.  Wealthy Affiliate offers you a free starter membership where you can experience the premium membership for 7 days without any commitment.  It gives you the chance to experience what you would benefit from with a premium membership.  If you already have a WordPress website, transferring it to the SiteRubix hosting is really simple to do with a premium membership.

If you have any further questions about Wealthy Affiliate or SiteRubix, then please leave them in the comments below. I will respond as soon as possible.  If you have any experience about the hosting, I would love to hear what your opinion is.

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