What is a Keyword Research Tool? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

What is a Keyword Research Tool_ A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

What is a Keyword Research Tool?  One of the things that I have noticed out there, is that no one really explains what a keyword research tool is, or what information a keyword research tool provides you.

They just try to sell you the keyword research tool they believe is the best, without explaining your question.

So, I want to make sure you fully understand what a keyword is, what a keyword research tool is, why it is such an important part of your online business and also how to complete keyword research too.

Let’s start with clarifying your understand of what a keyword or keyword phrase is.

What is a Keyword or Keyword Phrase?

We use keywords or keyword phrases every time we write a search term into Google, Bing, Yahoo or YouTube.  It is how the search engines are able to understand what we are looking for help with and what results to show you.

Imagine typing into Google, what is a keyword research tool and they display information about SEO techniques.  Whilst they are related, it isn’t what you were originally looking.

So, keywords are used by:

  • Visitors to a search engine looking for help with something
  • Search Engines to provide search results
  • Online Business Owners to make sure their content is highly relevant for the search engines to display at the top of the search results

To be able to ensure you are able to target effective keywords, you need a keyword research tool.

What is a Keyword Research Tool?

Now, if you just pick a common or broad keyword and write content that is not an effective strategy.Our favourite Keyword Research Tool - Jaaxy

There are billions of search results that come up and if you don’t understand how to research the best keywords to target to get your new website ranking, then you will find it extremely difficult to get anywhere with your content.

High-quality content is important, but if you do not complete any keyword research you will find it like walking through a darkened room trying to find the light switch.

A Keyword Research tool allows you to check out keywords and find effective low competition keywords to target with your content.  It connects with the search engines to ensure you get the results you need and help you target effective keywords to add content about.

Rather than targeting a highly competitive keyword that has already been covered off effectively by authority websites, it allows a new website owner to target a low competition keyword or what we like to call the low-hanging-fruit keyword.

Low Hanging Fruit Keyword Strategy

A new website will take time to get ranked into the search engines, and if you don’t target low hanging fruit keywords you will find it will be harder to rank and get noticed.

A Keyword Research Tool provides you with information around any keyword you are trying to target and can even give you a much better option to target.

Low Hanging Fruit Keywords

An authority website that has been around for a while will have the options of many keywords to target, but a new website owner will definitely benefit from targeting a low-hanging-fruit keyword.

A Low-Hanging-Fruit keyword is a keyword that receives some traffic on a monthly basis, but more importantly only has a few competing posts for the same keyword.

The ideal low-hanging-fruit keyword to target for a new website is typically above 100 monthly searches and less than 100 QSR (competing sites). But the lower the QSR score the better.

There is no point targeting a keyword that receives thousands of monthly searches but has over 200 competing websites if you are just starting out.

Starting out is tough enough without having to compete with authority websites.

But a keyword research tool might show you a different keyword, maybe a longer variant of the same keyword that might only receive 200 monthly searches but has only 20 competing websites.

If you can rank your post at the top of the search results, I would much rather have 200 monthly clicks than none at all from the more competitive keyword, that is how you build up to getting your authority and then you can start competing with the big boys on more competitive keywords.

Why a Keyword Research Tool is so Important to Your Business!

That is why a keyword research tool is so important to your business.  Targeting low competition keywords that have some monthly traffic on a new blog will definitely lead to more traffic than a new blog trying to compete with just any old keyword.

What a Keyword Research Tool Shows You…

Below is a screenshot of what information you will see using a keyword research tool.  We are using our preferred keyword research tool, Jaaxy but you will find the information similar to what you will see elsewhere.

Jaaxy Dashboard - Keyword Research Tool

Let’s explain the different headings and the results that they provide you:

AVG: The average number of searches this keyword receives a month

Traffic: Visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the search engines

QSR: (Quoted Search Results) – The number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword

KQI: (Keyword Quality Indicator) – The quality of the keyword, Green is Great, Yellow is OK, Red is Poor

SEO: A score based on traffic and competition, the higher the score, the more likely you will rank for the keyword.  Score is out of 100, the higher the better.

These are some great metrics letting you know which keywords to target, and it also will give you more keywords to target later on.

Domain: It will also let you know if that domain is available for you to buy.

Using the Keyword Research Tool

With Jaaxy, the keyword research tool is really easy to use.  Just type the keyword you are wanting to write an article about, and it will give you the details for that specific keyword, but it will also give you a number of relevant keywords too.

There are alternative keyword research tools out there, but to be honest they all seem to be a little more complicated to use and understand.

That is why we like Jaaxy, it is a powerful tool that is really easy to use and understand.  It also provides a few other tools within it that can help you with your website and content creation too.

From the screenshot above, you can see that “What is a Keyword” is really competitive and would be tough for a beginner to rank for, but if we chose “What is a Keyword Phrase” that is a better option.

Ok, it only has an average of 96 searches a month, but it only has 24 competing sites and I bet with the right training you could easily rank well for that.  You goal is to be on page one of the search engines, write a better post than the ones already there and you could find yourself being number one soon.

Think about it, how often have you gone to page 2 of Google to find what you are looking for?  96 clicks is better than none, like I said.

What is the Best Keyword Research Tool for Beginners?

We think that Jaaxy is a great keyword research tool for beginners.  The main reason being that it is so easy to use and Jaaxy Keyword Research Toolunderstand.

With a great traffic light system for whether to use a keyword or not and some other great tools that we will go into detail in within our Jaaxy review, it is a great simple tool that is a great companion for your online business.

Jaaxy provides you with a number of features to help you with not only your keyword research, but also allows you to research your niche a little more in detail.

We also love the affiliate program tool to see affiliate programs you can use within your niche too.

Here is a short guide on what the tools are that Jaaxy provides.

Site Rank

Once you start ranking your content, this is a great tool to keep an eye on how your rankings are going.  Are you blog posts going up, are they are the top of the search results or are they dropping meaning you need to do something about it…?

You can also tag posts to keep an eye on your rankings within the dashboard too.

Search Analysis

This is a great tool to analyse your competition, who is also competing for the same keywords you are targeting.  Then you can review their content to ensure you right a better version.

You can also discover some SEO trends using this tool too.

Alphabet Soup Technique

Have you ever noticed that when you start typing a keyword into Google it starts prompting what your question might be?  This is called Google Instant and it changes as you change the letter.  So, as you type a term and then add a, b c, etc. it changes the result.

This can open up tons of different search terms for you to start keyword research on. But doing it through google takes time, this tool does all the work for you.  Just type your chosen keyword into the box and see all of the different results that come up from the alphabet for you to analyse.

(This is my favourite tool within Jaaxy).

Brainstorm HQ

Find out what is trending online, what is popular and stay up-to-date within your niche with this great little feature

Affiliate Programs

If you are unsure what affiliate marketing is, we suggest you check out our post What’s Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work.  Affiliate Marketing is a great partner for any online business owner and this tool allows you to search for relevant affiliate programs within your chosen niche.  Search 4 of the main affiliate networks to find products or services you can promote and earn commission for.

We Recommend Jaaxy, Best of All it Comes with Another Great Feature!

If you are just trying to get your head around keywords, keyword research and SEO then you might find it interesting to know that Jaaxy is also from the guys behind Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is comprehensive training platform that provides people just starting out all the training and tools required to build a profitable online business.

The Jaaxy keyword research tool is included within the premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate.  If you would like to learn more about either Jaaxy or Wealthy Affiliate, I have included the links to our reviews of these products.

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Related Post: My Jaaxy Review

There are many factors to consider when first starting out online, many factors that are covered out really well within the training of Wealthy Affiliate.

Regardless of the type of online business you are planning on starting, keyword research is a must.  But there are many factors within starting an online business such as Search Engine Optimisation, Website Building & Optimisation that you will need to also master aside from keyword research.

Don’t think just because it has Affiliate in the title, that it is just about affiliate marketing.  Although that is the premise, there are many factors we have used for our wedding stationary online business to ensure it goes in the right direction.

Hopefully you are now at a point where you know what a keyword research tool is, and how to start off with the right strategy (low-hanging-fruit) that will ensure your business starts out great.

If you still have any questions around keywords, keyword research or want to know a little more about Jaaxy or Wealthy Affiliate please write a comment below and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Jaaxy Review – Keyword Research Made Easy!!

Jaaxy, the Keyword Research Tool Review

Welcome to our Jaaxy Review!

One of the most fundamental basics of any online business will be keyword research.  Without keyword research you will be walking blind and hoping for the best.

Whether you are targeting SEO or PPC Marketing you need a keyword research tool you can rely on to help you get started and still be relevant when you become an experience Internet Marketer. 

Today, we are going to explore Jaaxy.  Brought to us from the guys behind Wealthy Affiliate, we are going to see just how it stacks up.

Read more

What is Keyword Research in SEO & How to Master it Like a Pro

What is Keyword Research in SEO

Keyword research and SEO are one of the first things you need to grasp when starting out in the online world, getting your website found by the search engines and getting it to page one are key steps in any new online business.

This post will go into what is keyword research in SEO and how to master it like a pro in a simple way for anyone to understand.

Let’s start with what is SEO and what it has to do with Keyword Research.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. This is around ensuring your website, your content and anything else on your website is optimised ready for search engines to find it. This is typically achieved through a plugin like ‘All-in-one SEO’ or Yoast. A plug-in like this will tell the search engines about your website so it can get ranked.

But when it comes to your content, then that is where keyword research is important. But what is a keyword?

What is a Keyword?

The first thing to get your head around is it can be more than one word – any word or phrase that you type into a search engine – Google, Bing, YouTube is a keyword.  When you type in that keyword, the search engines respond with a list of the most relevant content for that given keyword.

What is a Keyword?

When you submit content to a search engine, it is checked for relevance to the keyword, the quality of the content and one of the major recent changes is that it is checked against being mobile friendly.  It also changes against traffic, the more traffic a post gets the higher it will be up in the rankings.

The main reason why you need to do keyword research is down to the fact that a common keyword will already be swamped with authority sites that mean you will find it very hard to rank high against these sites to begin with.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research with the right tool, will make your job so much easier.  Rather than typing up a great article against a highly competitive keyword and getting no results. You could put that same article against a lucrative low-hanging-fruit keyword and it gets you on page one of the search results.  This means people are more likely to click on your link.

Keyword research is all about understanding the number of searches there are for a given keyword and also how much competition you will have against that given keyword.

To show you an example, I have typed “what is keyword research” into my chosen keyword research tool, Jaaxy.

Keyword Research in Jaaxy

You can see that there are a number of columns, lets first go into what they all mean.

Avg – This is the average number of searches for that keyword in a given month on Google.

Traffic – How many clicks you can expect if you are ranking at the top of page one

QSR – these stands for Quality Score Results, the number of websites you will be up against (Your Competition)

KQI – Keyword Quality Indicator, Green is great, yellow ok and avoid the red ones.

SEO – A score based on traffic and competition, the higher the number the more likely you are to rank higher.

Domains – this will let you know if that keyword is available as a domain name.

Let’s go back to the results for that keyword, if I had chosen the top one ‘what is keyword research’ it has an amazing number of monthly searches and traffic, but I would be competing against 223 other websites for this keyword that is why the SEO score is lower.  This is not impossible to rank for, but definitely will make it a lot harder for a new website owner to compete for.

By choosing “What is Keyword Research in SEO” as my keyword, from the scores I might not get as much traffic, but I am actually more likely to get ranked higher for it as I only need to make sure my content is better than 43 competing websites.

So, I am more likely to rank on page one of Google with the longer keyword than the one with more monthly searches.

Ranking top spot on page one of Google is the holy grail for website owners.  Statistically not many will go to page 2 or 3 for searches.  Most will only check out the top one!

Long-tail keywords and low-hanging-fruit keywords

Using a keyword research tool allows you to highlight opportunities with long tail keywords.  People type into the search engines what they are searching for, not just short words.  They can be quite specific as it is really easy to type in a specific problem, i.e. “How do I fix a Broken Link on a Website?”

Keyword Research Jaaxy

Typing this in shows that specific keyword does not get a lot of traffic, but the second one down shows that on average 64 people are looking for a way of fixing this problem but there are no sites targeting that keyword – this is what we call a low-hanging fruit.

At the moment, if you put that keyword term into Google, Google will show the next best answer for that keyword.

But if your niche was targeting that keyword and wrote an awesome post on it, you could get that top spot easily as there is no competition.  Google searches content for relevance as well!

That is why Keyword Research is so important to Website Owners, Affiliate Marketers and Bloggers – Anyone with an online business!

The ideal figures are typically an Average score of over 100 (searches) and a QSR of less than 50 if you are just starting out and building up your authority, once you have become an authority you can start targeting more keywords.

Once you have started ranking, you may find you can change these goal posts, as sometimes when you do the research of what others have posted against those keywords – you might be able to write a better post that would be better received by readers.

Key Advice for Keyword Research

At the end of the day, your content needs to be read by someone, so there are a couple of things you need to make sure you do when doing keyword research:

  1. Use keywords or keyword phrases that make sense. The keyword you want might have a great score, but if it doesn’t make sense it will put someone off clicking your link
  2. Do not keyword stuff – as in put it into every paragraph.  I suggest you use a keyword in the title, mention it in the first paragraph and then again in the conclusion.

How to Master Keyword Research

Keyword Research is a vital part of your online business and deserves respect and the right tool to help you not only get the right keywords but also make it easy to do on a scale.  Starting out, one of the mistakes I did was find a keyword and then write an article, then find another keyword and so on.  This is so inefficient and means you do not publish as many posts as you would like.

When starting out, if you can get keyword research done right and publish content on a regular basis you will find your rankings will definitely get a boost.

There are a few free keyword research tools out there, but they do not all stack up really.

Google do offer a free keyword tool as part of their AdWords (advertising) platform, but as this is aimed at PPC (Pay-Per-Click) unless you have a lot of money to play with this will not be enough to target SEO properly.

My recommended Keyword Research Tool is Jaaxy.

The best strategy for keyword research is to sit there and research keywords until you have around 50 low-hanging-fruit keywords to target.  There you have 50 article ideas to write about.  Get in the habit of doing some keyword research, doing some article research, then when you are ready to write articles – focus on putting everything else away (especially social media) and write.

It will definitely make you more efficient.  Anyway, back to keyword research.

One of the main reasons behind my Recommendation of Jaaxy is I genuinely use it and feel it is a worthwhile investment into my business.

Without Keyword Research there would really be no point – but a recent report shows 60% of keywords are not being fully utilised so it shows how important you get your research correct and also shows the opportunity out there for those who do it seriously.

Recommended Keyword Research Tool – Jaaxy is for Pros!

Any professional online business owner will tell you how important a keyword research tool is.  They all may use a different one, but I would like to share with you the reasons behind why I recommend Jaaxy to a beginner and why it will transform your keyword research and make you work like a pro too.

Professionals use Jaaxy as well as it being ideal for beginners due to simplicity of the platform.  Easy to Use, Quick Results & Awesome Tools.

Jaaxy + Wealthy Affiliate

Jaaxy is owned by the guys behind Wealthy Affiliate, it is incorporated into their WA platform for Premium Members.  This has the added advantage of being part of the make-up of a training platform that has all of the tools required for an online business in one place.  It also means that there are numerous training videos on how to master Keyword Research with Jaaxy.

Jaaxy is More than just a Keyword Research Tool

One of the key things I needed when starting out with my first website was a way of keeping an eye on my niche, also what were people searching for in my niche.  Jaaxy has a couple of great features that help you with this.

Alphabet Soup Technique – Type you chosen keyword into this and it will generate the A-Z of what people have been searching for.  This gives you many different ideas of what you could target for content.

Search Analysis – Check out what other websites are also targeting that keyword you are after, get some great detail about their website.

Search Results - Jaaxy

Affiliate Programs – Affiliate Marketing is an awesome of earning income online, but know what programs are out there (that are genuine) in your given niche will be listed under this tab.

SiteRank – Know where your website is ranking for a given keyword with this tool.

How Much Does Jaaxy Cost?

A professional tool will always cost something, but the guys behind Jaaxy want you to experience it yourself before making any decision about investing money.  The Starter membership allows you to do 30 keyword searches, no charge (no credit card required). Make up your own mind about whether Jaaxy is for you.

Jaaxy Prices

If you find Jaaxy is the keyword research tool for you, then there are a couple of membership offers.  If you are new to online business and want to benefit from an awesome keyword research tool and all the help and support and tools that Wealthy Affiliate offer, then I do suggest you read my Wealthy Affiliate review.

Jaaxy is built into WA and when you scale up your business the enterprise membership is half price too.

But if you are starting out and want to benefit from awesome training, tools to build up a website and an excellent keyword research tool – Wealthy Affiliate has it all.

Final Word on Keyword Research & SEO

The foundations of building an online business rely heavily and good keyword research that is SEO friendly.  Highly relevant content that is engaging and useful to the readers is really key, but if you do not do any keyword research it will be pot luck as to whether you rank for a post.

If you are still learning the ropes of an online business, you will find that there are many different options out there for a keyword research tool – so why should Jaaxy be any different to the others you may have found or are using, and the simple answer is the help and support that comes with it.  Joining Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t just get you a keyword tool, it gives you access to a community of internet entrepreneurs that you can bounce ideas off of and ask for help at any time.  Whether it be Keyword Research, SEO topics, WordPress, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Selling Your Own Products online.  There is so much on there to help you, including an awesome keyword research tool with some other abilities that make brainstorming ideas for your business so easy.

If you would like to try Jaaxy with some keywords, please try the plugin below – you will get 30 searches to make up your own mind:

If you would love to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, here is my extensive review for you to learn more.
If you have any questions about keyword research or anything to do with an online business, please drop them in the comments below and I will definitely get back to you to help.

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