Is Auvoria Prime A Scam? Ponzi Scheme Exposed!

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

Welcome to our Auvoria Prime Review!

Have you been presented with an opportunity that is claimed to help you make money called Auvoria Prime?  Are you wondering whether it’s a legitimate opportunity, or is Auvoria Prime a scam?

On the surface, Auvoria Prim seems like a promising platform, but the more you delve into the details, the more red flags start to appear…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Auvoria Prime in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you all of those red flags, and help you understand all you need to know about this business opportunity.

Read more

How to Start an Affiliate Marketing Website for Beginners – A Complete Guide

How to Start an Affiliate Marketing Website for Beginners - A Complete Guide

Creating an Affiliate Marketing website does not have to be difficult, even if you have no idea how to even get started with creating a website.  I know how you might be feeling, if you have never created a website, let alone an affiliate marketing website before, it can seem very intimidating.

There are so many questions you are probably asking yourself right now.  Do you pay for someone to build a website for you?  What about those “drag and drop” website builders like Wix or Weebly? Will you need to learn computer coding?  Is WordPress the answer for building your website with? What is the best option for you?

Those are probably just a few of the questions you are asking yourself…

Well, first off – let’s just relax a little and take a few deep breaths.  I am going to make it as simple as I can for you.  We will walk through this together and go through it one step at a time.

If you follow the steps listed below in this guide, you will be able to create your own affiliate marketing website and it will be a lot easier than you might think…

Why Should you Take Our Advice…?

Hey, we are John & Gem!  We have been benefitting from affiliate marketing for a while now and our business keeps onAbout John & Gem growing because of affiliate marketing and what we have learned along the way.  You can read a little more about us here.

Whilst we are in a position now that we are benefitting from affiliate marketing, a few years ago we didn’t have a clue what we were doing.  We had absolutely no idea as to how to build a website, or even what the heck affiliate marketing was…

When we look back, we realise that the worries we had were nothing compared to the great experiences we have had along the way too.

Some people never get started because they believe building a website is totally out of their technical range.  But it isn’t!

Seriously, anyone can get started with the right help and support.  That is why we are creating this guide to help anyone, and everyone get started with their own website and Affiliate Marketing.

What You Need to Know Before We Get Started

Before we can get started with the building of an affiliate marketing website, you need to have a solid understanding of how affiliate marketing works.

You need to have an understanding of the affiliate marketing business model and you will also need to know how long it can really take for you to make money from affiliate marketing.  If you can get your head around these key points, you will be in a much better place to succeed with affiliate marketing.

How Much Will This Cost?

I know you might not be ready to spend any money at this point, and I totally get that.  However, this guide is about getting you started the right way.  There are many free websites out there, but if you are serious about being successful with affiliate marketing you are going to need to invest a little.  If you are not ready to invest yet, then affiliate marketing is not for you.

There are definitely reasons to avoid free affiliate marketing websites and we want you to be successful.  In this guide we will show you how you can get started with a website that will cost you $3.95/month.

We will also share with you a full in-depth training course that will help you start and grow a successful affiliate marketing business.

How to Choose a Niche for Affiliate Marketing

Before you get to the point of building a website, you need to think about the topic you want your website to be about.

What are you going to base your website on and write about, until you are ready to make this decision, there is little point in you building a website yet.

So, what topic are you going to cover…?  What products or services are you going to promote on that website?

If you are looking for more advanced training on this, you can sign up for a high-quality training course like this one.

Alternatively, you can check out this great video I found below which explains how to find a good affiliate marketing niche:

If you still need help deciding on your niche, check out this article I wrote about finding a niche that might help you out.

Choosing the right affiliate marketing niche can be overwhelming, so if you still feel like that don’t worry.  It is perfectly normal to be feeling like that.

Think about these key points:

  • There need to be products and services for you to promote – no point otherwise
  • You are going to be creating a lot of content on that topic – so pick something you will not tire of easily
  • Take your time and think about it

Once you have chosen your niche, you are ready to start building your website with that niche you have chosen.  Now we are ready to go and build your affiliate marketing website.

How to Create an Affiliate Marketing Website

This guide will show you how to create an affiliate marketing website using WordPress.  If you are not familiar with WordPress, know that it is the World’s largest website builder, is free and easy to use.  It is known as a CMS or Content Management System.

There are two key elements to a website, and you will usually need to purchase these two services, but they are usually bundled together.

Domain Name: the domain name is simply the name or URL that you want to use for your website.  If you want an example, the URL or domain name for the website you are currently on is  You will see it in the address bar above you.  In order to get a domain name, you need to register your domain with a “domain registrar”.  Don’t feel nervous, it is actually really easy to do this.

Web Hosting: Think of the domain name as a house, the web hosting is the land the house sits on. You need a web host for your website to be visible for people to find it.  Again, don’t feel nervous about this step it is again really easy to do.

These two services are fundamental requirements to be successful with an affiliate marketing website.  There are plenty of free options out there, but there are flaws to these sites that could affect the success of your affiliate marketing business.

We will be setting up both your domain name and your web hosting with the same service and both of these services are included for $3.95 a month, using this discount link.

If you are willing to spend a little more that and want advanced training, you can sign up for this training here. But I will go into more detail later.

How to Choose a Domain Name

This is the stage where you need to choose a great domain name for your website.  It can sometimes be hard to do, but as long as it is relevant to your niche that is a great start.

At this point, we are going to assume you have already picked a niche for your affiliate marketing website.  This way you should already know what your website is going to be about.

So now we are going to find a domain name to use that is available.  You may come across some that are already taken, but great domain names are still available for you to use.

To search for available domain names, you use the tool below.  Once you have found an available domain name, make sure you write it down, but don’t register it yet.  We will do that shortly.

How to Choose a Good Web Hosting Service

For a start, know that there are literally thousands of web hosting services around the world and they are not all equal.  The competition has created a lot that are not worth your time, but it has also meant the good ones have come massively down in price.

Web hosting is cheaper than ever, and the quality of the good ones has also improved massively too.

The things to look for when picking a web hosting service:

  • Ease of Use
  • Good Customer Service
  • Simple WordPress Installation
  • Price

When you are just starting out with affiliate marketing, you do not need some “all singing, all dancing” web hosting.  You just need something that is basic and doesn’t cost much until you start making some money.  Then you can start upgrading if needed.

This guide is going to focus on registering your domain name, setting up your web hosting and installing WordPress all with the same service.

That service is Bluehost, a well-known and established web hosting company.  You will also receive a discounted price of $3.95 a month with this Bluehost discount link and this includes everything you need.

Let’s get started with setting up your affiliate marketing website!

Go to

The first step is to us this discount link for, the you can click the “Get Started Now” button.

bluehost website

Choose Your Hosting Plan

It then takes you to where you will choose your web hosting plan to sign up with.  But at this point, I recommend you stick with the basic plan.

If this is your first affiliate marketing website, the basic plan will give you everything that you will need at this point.  You can always upgrade later on.

However, it is up to you.  If you want to go for a higher plan, feel free to go for it.

bluehost web hosting plans

Choose You Domain Name

Hopefully you now have a great domain name to use and you can enter it once you have selected your web hosting plan.

If you haven’t quite come up with a name at this point, you can still carry on with a free domain for now.

Create your domain - bluehost

Fill in Your Account Details

This is just where you will need to enter your personal details.

Enter your Account Details

Review Your Package Details & Payment Information

Double check all of your details are correct and add your payment method.

Check Your Email & Set Your Password

Once you have finalised your details and your account are set up, you will receive a welcome email that looks like the image below.  Go and click the green button to create your password.

bluehost welcome email

You should then see a screen like this, where you can set your password.  Make sure you do not lose it!

Create your password and accept terms - bluehost

Log into your Bluehost Dashboard

We are just a few steps away from your having your very own affiliate marketing website up and running. You web hosting is now all set up. You now just need to get your head around the bluehost dashboard.Bluehost dashboard

Now to Install WordPress

Bluehost have not made it difficult to install WordPress.  There are hundreds of free WordPress templates for you to use.  These are pre-built websites that you can choose and then customise to make it your own.

You just need to pick a design you like.  Don’t worry if it isn’t exactly right, you can always change it later.

Bluehost - pick a theme

Once you have chosen your design, it takes one click to install it!

Bluehost WordPress - One-click build

Business or Personal Use…?

If you are building this website to start affiliate marketing, then you will choose the business option.

bluehost wordpress dashboard

Get to Know Your WordPress Dashboard

Once you are actually into your WordPress dashboard, play around with it and get to know what all of the different options are for.  Don’t worry if you don’t really know what you are doing with it yet, just click launch and let’s get that website out into the open.

WordPress Dashboard

Choose Your Website Title & Website Description

Choose a website title and website description next, this is what will show up when your website appears in the search engine results.  Make sure it is an accurate description of your website.

Site Title & Description

Congratulations your affiliate marketing website is up and running and read for you to get started!!  It wasn’t that difficult really, was it?

You will run into loads of questions along the way, like learning how to navigate WordPress but look at how far you have come so far.

Learn How to Create Your First Page in WordPress!

Lets get into a few of the basics, the important aspect of your WordPress dashboard will be pages and posts.

Pages are normally for your homepage, about me page, privacy policy and your affiliate disclaimer.

Posts are used for your general blog posts.  These are where you are writing about the products and services you are planning on promoting.

A great starting point is creating your About Me page.  Check out this tutorial video on how to create your first page in WordPress.

Learn How to Create You First Post in WordPress!

So, like we said Posts are different from the pages and most of the content you create will be a post.  For example, this is a post that you are reading now.

Anything you want on your blog feed should be a post.  Check out this great tutorial on creating a blog post:

Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Website

The simple technique to grow your website and gain traffic is by creating high-quality content on a regular basis.

But there is a key element to any content you create.  You need to help the reader and not sell to the reader.

It is a fundamental reason why affiliate marketers fail.  They focus so much on selling to people, but these people are looking for help to understand why that product is the one to the buy.  Why that product is better than the other alternatives on the market.

If they were already in the buying mood, they would have probably already bought it.

But they aren’t, they are looking for help to fully understand what the best option is before going and buying something.

If you can help them come to this decision and have a subtle link to the product, you will have a much better conversion rate than someone who is totally focused on selling something.

You Website Must Offer Value

If you are totally focused on the money, you will not see the kind of success that you are after.  That is because the monetisation of an affiliate marketing website comes last.

You need to follow the CTPM model.

C – Content

T – Traffic

P – Pre-Sell

M – Monetise

If you create high-quality content, that will drive traffic to your site, and you are pre-selling (or helping them) with great information around these products and services you are recommending.  The reader then feels happy to buy it.

The Customer Purchase Lifecycle

Another way to look at it is that your readers could be anywhere on the customer purchase cycle.

Readers could be in any of the following stages:

Research Phase

These people are looking for information on a particular topic.  But they may not have product awareness yet.  Some purchases could be spontaneous, most are just looking at this point.  This is where most will check out Google for more information and hopefully land on your blog post.

The best approach to this type of customer is to get them to follow you on social media, join your mailing list or bookmark your site.

Decision Phase

This is where the readers have product awareness but are now looking at a number of different products or services and are researching which one is the best fit for them.

These decisions can be easily persuaded by reviews and personalised opinions of others.

People at this stage are looking for product reviews.  Deliver a convincing review and you can encourage a decision.

The best approach at this stage is product reviews.

Purchasing/Action Stage

This is the stage where that reader is ready to make a purchase.  It can be difficult to detour someone when they are ready to buy.  But your goal is to have walked a reader through the three stages via your blog:

They have researched for information on your blog.  They then read a product review you have written.  At this point they are ready to take action and they are ready to follow your recommendations and click your affiliate link.

You Need to Think of Your Affiliate Website as a Small Business

The one thing everyone would love to hear is that there is an easy way to build an affiliate marketing website and that it willOpen for Business - Small Business make money really soon.  But no one in the world can promise that.

You will find plenty of so-called “Gurus” that claim to do that, but in all honesty, they are 99% scams.

If there was a sure-fire way of doing it, every existing affiliate marketer would be doing it and they are not.

Having said that, it is not impossible to build up your website and it to be successful.  But the important thing to know is that it is going to take time and effort to achieve it.

It isn’t easy as in the fact you are going to have to work hard to achieve your success.  Once those recurring payments start coming through, all that hard work will have paid off.

You can achieve the success and the lifestyle you want if you are willing to put the time and effort in to achieving it with affiliate marketing.

How to Find Products & Services to Promote

Once you have a decent flow of traffic, you are going to want to monetise your website, right?

So, how do you find products and services to promote in your niche and on your website?

Well, just about every industry has affiliate programs that you can use by promoting other peoples products and services.

Check out this fantastic video by Pat Flynn.  It breaks down how to choose the best products and services to promote on your blog or website:

Still Feel Overwhelmed…?

Do you feel like there is more to affiliate marketing than you initially thought…?  You may be feeling a little overwhelmed at this point.  Now that it is totally normal.

There is a lot to get your head around when it comes to affiliate marketing.

For those who may be wanting some more guidance and help, we have a top recommended program for you to check out.

This platform will walk you through everything. Not just how to build an affiliate marketing website, but to truly grow that business to the point where it is profitable.

Check Out the Training Available at Wealthy Affiliate

A few years ago, I didn’t even know what affiliate marketing was or how to build a website.  In fact, I had just been caught out by a scam and was really wary of signing up for anything online.  But when you are struggling to pay the bills you carry on looking.

I noticed a blog post about affiliate marketing and wanted to know more.  It led me to a review of Wealthy Affiliate, and it felt totally right.  So, I signed up!

I don’t regret it in the slightest.  We now have a couple of websites that are helping people online and regardless of your technical skills or concerns about your technical skills, the training is pitched in such a great way you will soon find you have mastered stuff you don’t even realise you need to be successful.

But What Exactly is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate offers step-by-step training for someone wanting an easy to follow guide to building an affiliate business.  It comes with some amazing support from a community that cares.

From being able to register a domain name and superb web hosting to provide research tools and other tools to develop your affiliate marketing website. There is not much elsewhere you would need outside of Wealthy Affiliate to become successful.

There are hundreds of training modules and training videos that you will be able to access and learn from.  These include weekly live webinars that you can also benefit from.

Wealthy Affiliate has literally changed our lives and to say that I would recommend them over any other product is an understatement.

I recommend their course because it works and there are plenty of success stories that show how good following their training will work for people

If you are truly looking for the right training and support, sign up for a FREE account with Wealthy Affiliate.  As long as you follow the training, commit to giving the time needed to grow your business you will be able to quit your day job.

Get Set up for Long-Term Success

I need to ask that this point as to whether you are just “testing the water” or are you actually serious about building an affiliate marketing business.  If you are serious about it, you need to go for the long-term strategy.

Do not keep chasing the get-rich-quick route.  

You will find yourself in a year’s time no closer to your goals, when you could have built an amazing affiliate marketing business following the training at Wealthy Affiliate.

I have learned so much from going through the training at Wealthy Affiliate and my business has benefited massively through it.  You will be surprised at what you will learn and be able to do in such a short period of time setting up your business for long-term success.

Things like keyword research and search engine optimisation and creating amazing content that converts, etc.  There is a lot you can learn!

Something to Think About…

I do hope you have found our guide on how to start an affiliate marketing website for beginners has been helpful.

You must now at this point realise that running a profitable affiliate marketing business needs much more than just a website.  You need to work at it, grow it and nurture your business over an extended period of time.

But for those of you who can commit, the affiliate marketing lifestyle is an amazing one.

If you feel it is time, then what are you waiting for?  It may still seem overwhelming, but it will not feel any different until you get started.  But if you have support, like that at Wealthy Affiliate you will soon lose all of your worries and it will be replaced with a belief that this will work for you.

I know you can do it; you just need to start.

free wealthy affiliate starter account

Thanks for checking out our guide, we hope you found it useful.  We would love to hear what you think, let us know in the comments below.

Where Can I get Free SSL Certificates for my Website?

Where Can I get Free SSL Certificates for my Website_

If you haven’t realised the need for an SSL Certificate on your website, then now is the time to learn why you need one and more importantly how you can get SSL Certificates for your website without breaking the bank.

Typically, you will find it an expensive option with most web hosting services, but we have a recommendation that will not only give you SSL certificates for your websites – but also a lot of other features that will also benefit your website/business included.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer; it establishes an encrypted (safe) link between an internet browser and a web server.What is an SSL Certificate  Anyone who is searching the internet through a browser and see the padlock in the address bar knows that the website they are on is safe and secure. It also means that your personal data is safe.

An SSL Certificate is key to the security of a website and with the importance of protecting personal information nowadays, it is something that a lot of website owners are researching and deciding whether it is time to install it.  An SSL Certificate can be quite expensive if you are a small business owner who wants to take payments through their website, but in this article, I will be going through what an SSL certificate is, why your website might need it and more importantly how you can genuinely get it for free.

Any data that passes between the two is safe and secure.  You will notice that we have the padlock too.  We want to ensure we are all safe when browsing the internet.

Related Post: What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business

Why Does It Matter?

Think about the number of times that you are out and about on your smartphone and using a free Wi-Fi hotspot?  If no website had an SSL certificate, it could mean that you are more vulnerable to hackers getting your personal data.

As most of our web use is done via our phones nowadays, it makes it even more important that your website has an SSL Certificate

Why Does Your Website Need it?

As a business or website owner, there are some reasons why it is essential to have an SSL certificate.


Any website that handles products or services to be bought from a visitor will need an SSL certificate to be able to handle payments.  If the person loves your products, but sees that you haven’t got a padlock, then they will probably not buy it.  You will also soon realise some payment handlers require SSL.

2.Capturing any Data

Building an email list, or even the comments section on your website captures personal data.  With the recent GDPR laws introduced in Europe, it is essential we comply with all the legalities of having an online business.  including the handling personal data.

3.Better Search Engine Results

Google owns two thirds of the overall search traffic and they have stated they are going to give website with an SSL certificates higher ranking than websites without one.  That could make a big difference to a business.  If you cannot get to page one of the search results, you will find it so much harder to have a profitable business.

4.Builds Trust

One of the key vibes of anything I learn about online business is that anything that builds your trust with the customer will lead to a better conversion rate.  An SSL certificate goes a long way to building trust online.Building Trust

Whether you are blogging, selling your own products or looking to build an online business – being able to get an SSL certificate is paramount.

But there are plenty of options out there, but many do not include an SSL certificate in their hosting.  Some are actually charging $100 per website, per year.  As you are searching for a free SSL certificate, the likelihood you will be able to afford that much are remote.

You have to pay for web hosting, we all know that.  Free Websites do not tend to allow you actually hard to do anything with it. But most web hosting does not include the SSL certificates as standard.  Our recommendation does.

Web Hosting with a Difference

Most web hosting service providers charge you based on how many visitors you get to your website, the more visitors you get the more you pay.  Not, with my web host.  I pay the same now as I did when I first launched my website.  I could get up to 500k visitors a month and not pay anything else.

Free websites do not have the ability or tools to actually make any money with it.  For example, a free website cannot have ads on them.  So, if you are just starting out, you will soon realise that you need a paid website.

If you are an established business, you will find that your web hosting is a key decision to moving forward and scaling your business.

I highly recommend WordPress to anyone, it is so versatile, and it accounts for over 50% of all websites online.  That says how popular it is.  I have can have up to 50 WordPress websites hosted at SiteRubix, all with an SSL certificate and they also benefit from the things below:

Security Features – Several layers of security to protect your website.  With over 27,000 hacking attempts thwarted last year

Safe & Secure Hosting

Daily Back-ups – Every 24 hours your website will be backed up, so you never have to worry about your website.  this is typically a premium option with most web hosts

Daily Backups

Double Hosting – Never worry about your website being down to your customers. If there is ever a problem, the second copy that runs all the time is swapped in within seconds to ensure your customer will never notice.  Again, this is something that few offers.

Double Hosting

Site Speed – Site speed is an important factor to your online business, if your customers have a slow experience on it, they will likely more on to another business.  Not great.  But SiteRubix offer a fantastic site speed, with fast hosting.


Mobile Friendly – More and more people are surfing online on their phones.  Is your current hosting keeping up and offering mobile friendly websites?  SiteRubix ensure that all of their sites are good to go.

Like I said, your web hosting is an important decision, but you will only benefit from the best options out there.  You will also find that most hosting does not offer as much as SiteRubix does.

SiteRubix Hosting

I will also state that whilst you will be paying for web hosting, like you would for any decent hosting you will also get a Free SSL certificate for any website you host on their servers.

SiteRubix is from web hosting available from Wealthy Affiliate.

You might be asking why would I need to sign up with Wealthy Affiliate?  That’s only to do with Affiliate Marketing…  But that isn’t so not true.

Wealthy Affiliate offers its premium members 25 WordPress Hosted websites with SSL and all of the features above.  Which would benefit anyone online.

They specialise in training for online business:

  • Everything to do with WordPress
  • Getting Your Website Ranked
  • Getting Traffic
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creating Engaging Content
  • Webinar Series (just a sample list)
    • Selling Your Own Products
    • Drop Shipping
    • How to Promote Your Ecommerce Business
    • Advancing Your Authority in Any Niche
  • Web Design

Along with training on affiliate marketing.  I know that at first glance it may seem like it is only for people who are looking for a way to earn from affiliate marketing.  But their web hosting is a fantastic feature for any business.  And can any business owner really say they don’t need to know how to get the best out of website ranking, WordPress, Social Media Marketing?  I found that even though Gem’s wedding stationary business isn’t affiliate marketing.  I used many of the things I learned from Wealthy Affiliate to great benefit.

There is More…

There are also some more benefits to a website owner with Wealthy Affiliate and SiteRubix.

A keyword research tool is essential to website rankings and creating content, included in a premium membership is Jaaxy.  A premium keyword research tool with some fantastic tools to help you with your business.

If you are looking to give your audience the best experience ever, that will also include an SSL Certificate, with a website that will never let you down – You can definitely benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Awesome Website Hosting
  • Awesome Business Training
  • Awesome Business Tools

You will also gain access to a community of other Internet Entrepreneurs for help and support at any point with your online business.  This is a great feature for beginners, but if consider yourself experienced.  What is your current hosting like?

Do you get all the features that are listed above?  Can you get help if you need ideas or advice?

If you would like to learn more about the website hosting at SiteRubix & Wealthy Affiliate, then I suggest you read my post What is the Best Web Hosting for WordPress.

If you would like to learn more about the whole Wealthy Affiliate platform, I recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

I would say any small business owner would really benefit from the partnership of both and you would also learn how much you would gain from the platform.

How Much Does It All Cost?

This is the bit that you will really be interested in… Whilst the SSL Certificate is free for Premium Members, there is a need to invest in your business to get the best out of it going forward.  Free websites will not let you scale your business the way you need.  You will find that most will not even have an SSL Certificate.

Wealthy Affiliate combines training, website tools, website hosting, a keyword research tool and expert help and support.

All of these great features are included in their premium membership – which is $49/month or $359/year.

Not per website, but in total!  You can have up to 50 websites with SSL included for $49/month.  I have seen this be a $100 investment for each website – that would be $5k to just have an SSL certificate on them.

Many business owners start to scale their business, and some bloggers have 3 or 4 websites.  To have this many would mean most website owners couldn’t afford it.  But the benefits from Wealthy Affiliate will easily outweigh the initial investment.

But my ethos has always been around researching a product, before making a decision.  That is why I love the free starter membership.  You will gain access to the premium features for 7 days to take Wealthy Affiliate on a test drive.  You can have 2 free websites on the starter membership, which gives you ample time to test their hosting out.  See if it lives up to your expectations.

Can I Get Free SSL Certificates for my Website?

Free SSL with Wealthy Affiliate

You will find that any free website will not typically be able to get free ssl certificates.  But most paid web hosting services will offer it for a price.

SiteRubix from Wealthy Affiliate offers it freely with their Premium Membership.  25 full domains with an SSL certificate.  25 subdomains with an SSL certificate.  Awesome Training and Tools that can help you scale your business to the next level.

I personally feel that makes SiteRubix a number one choice for small website owners and bloggers.

If you have any further questions or comments about SSL certificates, Web Hosting or SiteRubix, then please write them in the comments.  I will respond as soon as I can. I would love to also hear about any experiences you may have had with Web Hosting and SSL certificates.  Are they now common place, or elsewhere too high a price?

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business?

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for Small Business_

Getting the right web hosting service for your website is a really big decision.  Ensuring your website is protected from security risks and ensures your readers gets the best experience from it.

But then you also see that there are often strings attached to some web hosting and means that you end up having to pay over the odds to get the experience that was advertised with upsells.

But there is more to think about than just the features that are on offer, you need to consider whether you can trust the hosting and that they will ensure you experience no issues with your website.

What is Web Hosting & Why Does it Matter?

A web host is a service that allows to you put a website onto the internet.  They host your domain (your website) providing all of the technology and systems needed to make this happen.

Think of it as the foundation that you build a house on.  The better the foundation, the better the house will stand.

Picking a web host is an important decision, if you just pick the first one you see as it is free, could have a big impact on your business.  Some web hosts start free, but then as you start to grow your business, you find that the prices start to drastically go up as you grow.  Email addresses can sometimes be an additional product and SSL certificates are really important these days, but most still charge you an additional charge for this too.

You will also find that many will charge you per website for hosting, so if you have a couple of websites that are getting high traffic levels and need SSL certificates (you cannot do e-commerce without it) then you will easily see the prices shoot up.

What I want to share with you is the web hosting service I use, why they are a great partner to have for WordPress hosted websites.  I will also share the fact of how you can host 25 WordPress websites on their hosting platform for less than a dollar a day.

The WordPress web hosting service I recommend is SiteRubix.  It is a cloud-based web hosting platform with plenty of reasons why you can not only trust them, but really push your online business forward with them.

SiteRubix WordPress Web Hosting

Here are the features available with SiteRubix hosting.  They focus on implementing a lot of the features at the server end, which means it will not affect your website.  Whilst they take security seriously, it will not slow your site down.

Security Features

There is no compromise when it comes to security.  Websites become targets for hackers in the hope they can steal your information.  But you have nothing to worry about with SiteRubix.  They use their extensive knowledge of WordPress to prevent attacks, they prevented over 27 million hacking attempts last year, alone.  You never have to worry about your website.

SiteRubix Security

Backups Are Standard

What if you had an issues with a plugin, or you do something that ends up crashing your website… Would you be able to retrieve your information?  With SiteRubix, they realise that everyone can make mistakes.  But with your website backed up every 24 hours, you can remain calm and get it resolved easily and quickly.

Website Backups - SiteRubix

This is typically a paid advanced option with some hosting services but comes as standard with SiteRubix.

Double Hosting

You might be wondering what double hosting means, but first think about the fact that anytime your website is down, you are losing money.  If a customer cannot reach your website, they cannot make a purchase.

SO, double hosting means they always run a second copy of your site.  Which they can swap in anytime that your website is down.

SiteRubix - Double Hosting

Again, there are few hosting services who offer this included as standard.

Site Speed – SiteRubix will not slow you down

If you don’t realise the impact a slow website can have, then think about anytime you have logged into a website that takes ages to load… Most will not wait and will find an alternative.  SiteRubix ensures all of the hard graft is done at the server end, so you get a website that loads quicker than websites on other hosting.  Their average Site Speed score is 1.3 seconds.

Is Your WordPress Hosting Mobile Friendly?

Google has made the switch to monitor mobile friendly sites over desktop sites.  If your website is not mobile friendly, it will impact your rankings and your potential.  All websites hosted on SiteRubix optimised for any medium.  No need for additional plugins or anything to ensure your readers get the best experience.

SSL Certificates as Standard

A recent survey showed that only 51% of websites online have an SSL certificate.  Why is that an important figure.  Everyone is very conscious of the need to keep their personal data secure, but most people will not trust a website without it.  If you are planning on having an e-commerce business or want people to trust you – having an SSL certificate is paramount.  Google has also stated that it will rank a website with SSL on over a non-SSL website.

But many choose not to pay the high price most hosting services charge.  SiteRubix offer SSL certificates on any WordPress website you host on it within the premium membership.

Some charge over $100 per website for this.

Reasonable Priced

SiteRubix is offered from the guys who run Wealthy Affiliate.  A training platform that helps people with aspirations of an online business.  Even experience internet marketers will benefit from the training, but the key element that is great is the fact that you can host 25 full domains with all of the features above and 25 subdomains on their hosting with SSL included on each for the low monthly price of $49 or an annual price of $359.

That is the cost for up to 50 websites!! You could spend $300 dollars on one website with SSL for one year with some hosting services.

Web Hosting - SiteRubix

SiteRubix - Web Hosting

Other Cool Features

SiteHealth is a great feature that allows you to see how your website is getting on with regards to the search engines.

SiteComments is a great feature for getting high-quality comments to your posts, this can be a key factor in improving your rankings in the search engines.

SiteFeedback, this allows you to get some quality feedback on your website to help you improve your business.

Get Access to extensive training and classrooms via Wealthy Affiliate

You might think that by joining Wealthy Affiliate you would get access to a lot of training that isn’t relevant to you… But you would be so wrong.

Whether you are blogging, wanting an e-commerce platform or looking to build a business empire – the training available is second to none.

I have used the techniques I have learned from Wealthy Affiliate to grow both my affiliate marketing business, but also grow Gem’s Wedding Stationary e-commerce business.  Both our websites are hosted on SiteRubix and I have never had an issue.

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

What is the Support Like?

There will inevitable be a moment where you need to contact support about something to do with your website, and the support at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none.  Send a support ticket to them and within a matter of minutes, they have typically fixed the problem and replied to tell you what to do or that everything is sorted.  Their support is awesome.

Final Word on SiteRubix & Wealthy Affiliate

If you are looking for the Best Web Hosting Service for WordPress, then you will find no better place than with Wealthy Affiliate.  There is enough hard work to do with an online business, without having to worry about your web hosting going down.  If you are new to the online world, you will find no better training platform than that on offer at Wealthy Affiliate.

But even if you are experienced, but have had enough of your current web hosting, then you will find that WA will offer you a high-quality website experience allowing you to scale your business effectively.

Their WordPress classroom will ensure you have all the knowledge you need to know about WordPress and get the best out of your WordPress website.

You don’t need to make any decisions, at this point.  Wealthy Affiliate offers you a free starter membership where you can experience the premium membership for 7 days without any commitment.  It gives you the chance to experience what you would benefit from with a premium membership.  If you already have a WordPress website, transferring it to the SiteRubix hosting is really simple to do with a premium membership.

If you have any further questions about Wealthy Affiliate or SiteRubix, then please leave them in the comments below. I will respond as soon as possible.  If you have any experience about the hosting, I would love to hear what your opinion is.

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for WordPress?

What is the Best Web Hosting Service for WordPress

WordPress is a fantastic Content Management System (CMS) for website, and over 50% of the websites that are out there are using this great platform to manage their sites.

But a website is only as good as the hosting it is working from.  Any good house needs a strong foundation and that is no different when it comes to your website.

There are many different hosting providers out there, and many are advertised as free.  But when you really dig into the details, you soon start to realise that as you grow your business, you will end up paying hundreds of dollars a month to keep up.

There are enough things to worry about with your online business, besides escalating costs.

In this post, we want to recommend a platform that offers premium web hosting (without the premium costs) that is ideal for someone just starting out with WordPress.  It also comes with training to help get your business up and running, and then how to scale your business.  

Without the worry of spiralling costs as the number of people who visit your site increases.  

In fact, with one monthly fee you can host up to 10 WordPress websites on their servers and that fee is nowhere near what it would be with comparable hosting companies.  All with SSL certificates, and a ton of other features aimed at helping you get the most from your site, and your hosting.

We will be going through all the features and benefits that come with hosting your website on our top recommended web hosting provider – SiteRubix.

What is Web Hosting?

So, what is web hosting? Web hosting is the place where all the files for your website live.  It is like the home where your website lives.

Another way to think about it, is your domain name (website name) is the address of your house, and the web hosting is your actual house.

A Hosting Service Provider houses all the technology and systems that helps facilitate your website being presented on the internet, and then for people to be able to use your website in their internet browser.

Does it Matter Which Web Hosting I Use?

In Short, Yes!

If you think about how we said the web hosting provider is the house that your files are kept in, if your house was falling apart, not in great condition or used sub-standard material would it be something that you would be happy to live in?

You will find many different options for your WordPress web hosting, but not all of them offer the best hosting for your site.

They are a number of factors to consider when choosing  a website host.


What you don’t want is to tie yourself with a provider that charges you a really high fee each month, and yet still get issues with your website being down.  If you have a web host that keeps having issues that means your website is offline, then that means you will be losing sales.

The other thing to consider is that there are tons of hosting providers that offer a free website, but when you start going through the details you notice that the website you get is extremely limited and to anything you need to do, you will need to keep on spending to access facilities.

There are even hosts out there that charge you more as your visitor count increases.

That is why we recommend SiteRubix!  It is premium WordPress web hosting, without the premium price tag.  Their hosting is on par with some of the best web hosting providers out there, that easily charge $299 per month for their services, and yet SiteRubix gives you the ability to host ten WordPress websites for $49/month or $495/year.  They have also introduced a new tier that can let you host 50 WordPress websites and get Jaaxy enterprise for $99/month.

SiteRubix is brought to you from the guys behind Wealthy Affiliate.  So, along with your hosting for your sites, you also get extensive training on how to grow your business online, 24/7 support and a ton of other features that make this the best solution for someone just starting out, or someone who is finding their current hosting a bit lacking.

What is SiteRubix?

SiteRubix is a cloud-based web hosting platform, which focuses more on what is right for its website owners, then the profit margin.  Like I said, they could easily charge $299 per month for their hosting alone.

Yet, they provide their members websites included in their membership, plus all the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate.

  • A free starter member gets access to 1 free WordPress website hosted on their SiteRubix servers
  • A Premium member ($49/month)get access to 10 full-domain WordPress websites hosted on their SiteRubix servers
  • A Premium-Plus member ($99/month) gets access to 50 full-domain WordPress websites hosted on their SiteRubix servers

They have a number of people in mind, with their membership levels.  Those just starting out, those who are established and want better hosting, to those thinking of running a marketing business that require hosting for a number of client websites.

Then, they also gain all the other aspects to the Wealthy Affiliate & Jaaxy platforms.  These include:

  • Extensive Training on All Topics of Online Marketing
  • Weekly Live Training with an Expert (on a number of different topics)
  • Keyword & Niche Reseach Tool (Jaaxy)
  • Access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs
  • Get Help whenever you need it with different aspects of support
  • Personal mentoring/coaching from experts

Wealthy Affiliate, SiteRubix and Jaaxy are all housed under the one roof, and they are passionate about helping people become successful online.  With over 1.4 million active members all benefitting from their training, and their website hosting, that should give you a good insight into the benefits of hosting your website at SiteRubix.

Let’s get into the features that are included with a website hosted on SiteRubix…

SiteRubix Features

SiteRubix keeps it simple.  Where you would find with other hosting features, there are many different levels of membership and you pay more as you go up.  It is as simple as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate gets access to all of the features.  And, that is the end of the conversation.

So, all of the features we are going to go through below are all included within the premium or premium-plus membership.  The only difference is the number of websites you can host.

The image below shows you the standard features that are included with each site:

  • Site Health – monitor the health of your website to ensure you have the best chance of indexing, ranking, and acquiring traffic
  • Site Support – Website Technical Support 24/7
  • Site Comments – Website Engagement Tool (Awesome!)
  • Site Security – Website Security
  • Site Feedback – Get Feedback from WA members to help you understand how you can improve your website

Then there are these advanced features that again, each member can use on their website:

  • SiteSpeed – The speed of your website is key in many different ways for both your rankings, and the user experience.  There are two levels you can access to – Accelerated & Extreme
  • SiteSSL (HTTPS) – Other hosting providers charge you an additional fee for an SSL certificate, but this is all included within your membership.
  • SiteProtect (Spam Blocker)

The main difference between SiteRubix and other hosting platforms, is that these features are all installed at the server end.  

Why does that matter?

Well, anything you install you end, i.e. a spam blocking plugin, etc., can end up giving your users a slow experience on your website.

A slow website will put people off, and they will leave your website.  People don’t tend to have much patience for a slow website, these days.

But the security of your website is really important, but if you install all of these features as a WordPress plugin, you will end up with a slow website.  By SiteRubix, doing it all at their end, you get all the benefits and it will not affect your website speed in any way, in fact it will help speed up your website!

Thanks to their Spam Blocker technology, they have thwarted 27 million attempts on websites hosted on their server last year.  They take additional steps to prevent spam or hacking of sites on their servers.

Each new website you install on their servers also benefit from having two plugins installed automatically, one is the All-in-One SEO plugin which is aimed at helping you get ranked in the search engines.  The other is the Kraken Image Optimiser plugin.  We will go into that shortly, but it is a fantastic app for optimising your images.

Each website will also benefit from these features (please note the number of domains will be different for a new member:

Let’s go through some of the awesome other features you get with a SiteRubix website:

Daily Backups & Double Hosting

Your website will get backed up every 24 hours, just in case.  This can be used if there was ever a problem presented.  Their support team is awesome, and will get you back up and running within minutes.  I have not had many issues, but when I have a message to the support team gets me sorted within minutes.

But they also take an additional step, which is that they double host your website.  This means there is a second website always running in the background. So, if there is an issue with your website, they can switch it over to the second version within seconds, so the majority of the time, your user will not even notice.

Won’t Slow You Down

We mentioned this earlier, but a slow website will have a major effect on the user experience, and can lead to people leaving your website.  Then there is the fact that the search engines will also penalise you for a slow website.

With the SiteSpeed feature, their score is 1.3 seconds standard load time for sites!

Mobile Friendly

Google has changed the way it works, and this is in-line with the fact that the majority of us are using our mobile phones to search the net over using the computer/laptop.  You’re probably reading this on your phone, right?

Google now focuses on mobile first, so your website needs to be responsive and be mobile friendly.  SiteRubix websites are designed to be responsive, and are completely mobile friendly.  They are optimised to work on whatever display someone is reading it on.

Site Domains Platform

There is no need to go elsewhere to buy and register a domain name, as you can do that direct from the WA dashboard.  See if your chosen domain name is available and then register it with the SiteRubix servers.

Typically, they are priced at $1399-$15.99 per domain and that covers it for a year.  That is the only addition cost, on top of the membership price.

Unlimited Email Addresses

With a SiteRubix website, you get unlimited email addresses.  This is usually an upgrade feature in other web hosting.

Free SSL Certificate

Another thing Google is focusing on is, how secure your website is.  An SSL certificate is an important feature, especially if you have an e-commerce website.

But Google (the largest search engine) will rank a mobile friendly website with an SSL certificate over a website that hasn’t got these features.

We have found other web hosting provides that are charging $100 for a SSL certificate per year.

But with a premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate, you can have 10 websites all with SSL certificates and all of these other feature for $49/month.

Or, if you are considering starting a digital agency, or marketing business working on client websites, then the premium plus membership can give you 50 hosted websites all with SSL certificates for $99/month.

Kraken Image Optimiser

Getting your images optimised is an important step in ensuring you don’t compromise your user experience, or your website speed.  Wealthy Affiliate signed up with Kraken a while ago, and it is one of the best image optimiser platforms on the net.

It is also quite expensive if you were to go direct to them, but that isn’t a worry here, as it is included in your membership.

Check out this blog post, to learn more about it.

Affordable Web Hosting & Training For Your Online Business

The key factor here is that it totally depends on where you are with your online business.  If you are just starting out, and want good training and a free website, then the free starter membership that gives you one free website, plus some training is a great option for you.

If you already have an established website, but are completely frustrated with your current hosting provider, then we would completely recommend you sign up as a premium member.  For $49/month or $495/year you can transfer your current WordPress domain over to the SiteRubix servers and gain all the benefits we have listed.  Plus, you will get all the benefits that come with a Wealthy Affiliate premium membership and get access to the Jaaxy lite membership.

Then, there is the new Premium Plus membership (Nov 2020) that will be ideal for an online marketing company, wanting to host their client websites on a great hosting provider.

But, I am guessing you might be in the first camp and are looking at getting started, and that is why if you want to get a feel for how SiteRubix, and Wealthy Affiliate can benefit you, I would recommend you start with a free starter membership.

What Are The Alternatives to SiteRubix?

If we were to consider the hosting companies that come close to offering what SiteRubix & Wealthy Affiliate, then we would need to consider the following hosting providers:

  • Pagely (5 websites) – $199 per month
  • WPEngine (10 websites) – $115 per month
  • Kinsta (10 websites) – $200 per month

Then, when you compare those prices against what you get with Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Wealthy Affiliate Premium (10 websites) – $49/month
  • Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus (50 websites) – $99/month

I hope you can see the value you are getting with hosting your website at Wealthy Affiliate.  But if you want to learn more about the innovate take Wealthy Affiliate take with regards their hosting, here is a blog post from one of the owners – Kyle!

If you want to see all the features that are included with both Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy, here are our links to our reviews:

Getting Started with SiteRubix

If you feel ready to get started with SiteRubix, and get access to the fantastic training that Wealthy Affiliate offers, then you can get started with a free starter membership.  That way, you can take WA for a test drive and see it for yourself before deciding on investing in the premium membership.

If you already have a WordPress website and want to consider transferring it to the SiteRubix hosting platform, then you would need to go premium.  But my advice, would be to still join WA with a free starter membership as you can check it out for yourself first, plus there is a discount on the first month of premium if you do it that way.

It makes it $19 for the first month, if you upgrade once you are in.

We’ve been members of Wealthy Affiliate for a few years now, and can’t think of a better place to get started with an online business, and make money online.

If you have any further questions about SiteRubix, Wealthy Affiliate or Jaaxy, then please write them in the comments section below and we would be happy to answer your questions.

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