Is Gold Opinions a Scam – Our Opinion is “Keep Your Credit Card in Your Wallet”

Is Gold Opinions a Scam – Our Opinion is “Keep Your Credit Card in Your Wallet”

Welcome to our Gold Opinions Review!

With promises of earning $50 per survey, I can totally understand why you might be tempted to sign up to this site.

But when we started looking to see if Gold Opinions was a scam, we found some huge red flags.  Anything that looks too good to be true is normally hiding something from you. 

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Gold Opinions in any for.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we will reveal all we know and justify our reasons for telling you to keep your credit card safely in its wallet…

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Is the Affiliate Millionaire Club a Scam? – An-In-depth Review

Is the Affiliate Millionaire Club a Scam – An-In-depth Review

Welcome to our Affiliate Millionaire Club Review!

If you wanted to know “is the Affiliate Millionaire Club a Scam?” then you are in the right place.  We will be telling you all the details you need to know and why we think you should stay as far away from it as you can. 

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Affiliate Millionaire Club in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Affiliate Marketing is a genuine way of making money, but does the Affiliate Millionaire Club actually help you to do this…? We will reveal all!  Let’s get into the review:

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Earn Easy Commissions Review – Is Earn Easy Commissions a Scam?

Earn Easy Commissions Review – Is Earn Easy Commissions a Scam_

Welcome to our Earn Easy Commissions Review!

Get an in-depth look into this program in our Earn Easy Commissions review.  Can you really earn $100,000 with this automated system…?

[UPDATE – You will soon realise that if you visit the website of earn easy commission, you will be forwarded to a new website called My Online Startup.  From my initial look, it looks like it is the same deal but it has a rebrand.  Probably to get away from calls it was a pyramid scheme]

When you see the tagline, that you could be able to earn $100,000 without doing anything – it sounds almost too good to be true…

But when you cut away all the sales talk, is it really as easy as Chuck makes out???  We will reveal all in our review, whether it is really that easy and we will also share with you about our suspicions that this might be in fact a PYRAMID SCHEME IN DISGUISE…

First off, Congrats on taking the time to do your research, it is the best way to avoid online scams.

You will always find overly positive reviews about these types of product and that is because the people reviewing them are biased as they are trying to get a sale.  We are not affiliated with this product, so our views are not tainted by the need for  sale.  We are in the market to help people.

We are here to help anyone find genuine routes to make money online.

Let’s get into our Earn Easy Commissions Review.

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How to Make Money Online Free with No Scams – 3 Top Ideas

How to Make Money Online Free with No Scams – 3 Top Ideas

Have you been looking for ways on how to make money online free with no scams and all you seem to come across is products that are clearly scams or lack any real value or quality that you start to feel like there is nothing genuine out there for you to make any money…?

I hear you.  There are plenty of crappy products like this out there and it can definitely make the water very murky to the point that you start to question everything. Is it really possible to make money online…?

First off, it is nice to see that you are doing some research.  It is the best way to avoid any of those scams, and we are always looking out for programs (both good and bad) that we can review and help others avoid the pain we went through when we fell for a scam a few years ago…

In this post I am going to list 3 top ideas that could help you earn money online, list a few tips to help you avoid scams going forward and share with you how I actually ended up doing what I love after encountering a scam.

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Affiliate Titan X Review – Crappy IM Product or Latest Innovation?

Affiliate Titan X Review – Crappy IM Product or Latest Innovation_

If you have been checking out whether it is worth your time investing in Affiliate Titan X, then you have come to the right place.

We have been looking into this product and checking to see what is different from its previous version Affiliate Titan 3.0 and on the surface, we cannot see many differences.

The overhyped sales figures are there, charging you for free products is still there.

Let’s delve in and see what we found.

Affiliate Titan X Overview & Rankings

Product Name: Affiliate Titan X Affiliate Titan X Review

Owners: Chris X and Ken

Website URL:

Product Type: Internet Marketing Training & Tools

Price: $9.95 + Upsells

Best For: The Owners Rating: 1/5

A Quick Affiliate Titan X Summary

Whilst Affiliate Titan X does offer some training and tools on how to get into affiliate marketing, it is the lack of quality that gets me.  The training is not thorough, and in a way it kind of already expects you to know certain aspects of it.  A couple of the tools are not necessary, all of which you could research on your own without them.  It seems like just a low-ticket item to be able to present to you a load of upsells. Don’t waste your money or time on this product.

Recommended: No

Here is our recommended program for beginners

What Exactly is Affiliate Titan X & How Does it Work?

The basic premise behind the Affiliate Titan X program is affiliate marketing.  We love affiliate marketing, but without the right training and tools it can be a hard slog to get it right.  The process of affiliate marketing isn’t the problem, it is the lack of quality that oozes out of the Affiliate Titan X.

Their advice is not going to get you the quality of traffic you need to be able to make any money from their tactics, especially when it comes to YouTube.

Alongside the training they offer, they include tools that you do not need to buy.  That’s right, you are paying for free tools that are already out there.

Four of the software packages are just search tools to help you find affiliate programs to promote. But you can do this already with affiliate vendors such as JVZoo and Clickbank.  They also provide better statistic information around how well affiliate programs are doing before joining.

Can You Really Earn this from Affiliate Titan X?

They also offer a “proven” sales page based on the type of affiliate product you want to promote.  But this proves to be just a spun article, with your keywords filled into the blank spaces.  This feels like duplicate content to me and will only lead to poor rankings within the search engines.

All of these software packages are aimed at simplifying the process for you, but they are all a free product, that is low-quality, and they are charging you for them??

Another sign that shows this product is not worth any money is the over-hyped sales claims. Affiliate Marketing can lead to people earning a decent amount of money, but they claim you can be making $8k a day.

It is just another way of drawing those in who want to earn money online, and think it is easy because of products like this one.

You cannot expect to pay $10 and think that you could start to earn that kind of money overnight, or even in a few short weeks.

Gem and I see these types of products all the time, they know you are looking to make money, they promise you can be earning a considerable amount of money easily and it is easy to get hooked in.

Affiliate Marketing takes hard work and not a crappy product like Affiliate Titan X.

Who Will Benefit from the Affiliate Titan X?

I personally feel the only people who would benefit from Affiliate Titan X is the owners Chris and Ken. I have no doubt they may have been able to earn $2 million in commission from affiliate marketing techniques.  But this product does not help beginners with the right techniques to be able to strive to earn good money from affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate, our recommended training platform is a much better platform and has a free starter membership and teaches the right strategies from the beginning.  Affiliate Titan X is just a way of introducing you to all of the upsells, that they really want you to buy.

How Much Does Affiliate Titan X Cost?

Some of you may be thinking, well it is only $9.95.  OK, that may be a factor to many, but this price is purely to draw you in to be able to promote their upsells to you.

With promises, that you will not succeed without these purchases.  It is a common trait with a scam or low-quality product.

$10 can easily become $100, and then you realise you are back at the starting point of looking for a genuine way of earning money online.

Affiliate Marketing can be that genuine way, with the right training and support.

What is Good About Affiliate Titan X (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Honestly, this is the only pro I can put forward for the product.  It is covered by ClickBank’s 30-day money back guarantee. Although experience has showed me that it is not that easy to get your money back through ClickBank, but I had to put something in the pros.

What Could Affiliate Titan X Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Charging you for Free Products

These tools they are providing, as long as you pay, are ways to find products to promote online.  But one of the tools is to find products on amazon in your chosen niche.  Why can’t I just go on Amazon and search?

Another tool allows you to search ClickBank to find products to promote, again why can’t I go on ClickBank and search?  ClickBank actually provides better information about the products on their dashboard anyway?

No fall for it, you do not need these tools.

Over Hyped Sales Figures

I know Affiliate Marketers who really know what they are doing, have been doing it for years and are earning good money from it, and even they are not earning $8k a day. This is purely to tug on your emotions to get you thinking, I could really do with that money.  Being realistic, you can earn good money from Affiliate Marketing, but not with this training.  You need the right training and support for someone just starting out.

Overhyped sales figures

Low-Quality Strategies in the Training

If you get the strategy right in the first place you can be onto a winner, and really see success with Affiliate Marketing.  But this training is not it, they miss out key information and offer strategies that will not reach the heights you need to earn money from it.

It also misses out a key ingredient in the whole affiliate marketing business model – traffic generation. They completely miss out the paid traffic methods, they do not cover all of the free traffic methods and does not cover social media at all.

You need to explore all avenues to earn money from affiliate marketing.

Full of Upsells

This is typical of this type of product, they draw you in with a low price of $9.95, but then hit you with four upsells before you even get into the product.  It costs a lot more than just a $10.

My Honest Opinion of Affiliate Titan X?

Whilst I would be hesitant in describing Affiliate Titan X as a scam, it is definitely a low-quality product with the aim of giving you a little information, and really pushing their upsells to you.

The tools they provide are not worth your time, and for the most part are free products they have charged you for…?

The sales claims made by Chris and Ken are really overhyped, and I do not think anyone who buys this product can realistically expect to earn even a fraction of that amount.

Another factor to consider is the way they relaunch this product regularly, it has been Affiliate Titan 3.0 in the past.  It is another sign that this product is destined to fail, then they will relaunch it with a different name and hope some other people buy it.

Overall, if you are looking for a genuine opportunity within Affiliate Marketing, you will not find it here. People just starting out online need the right training and support to succeed, we recommend Wealthy Affiliate to people because they offer just that.  Training the right methods that have seen thousands of people reach their goals of working from home with affiliate marketing, you will find no better place to start.

Affiliate Titan X at a Glance

Product Name: Affiliate Titan X 

Owners: Chris X and Ken

Website URL:

Product Type: Internet Marketing Training & Tools

Price: $9.95 + upsells

Best For: The Owners

Recommended: No Rating: 1/5

Verdict: Not Recommended, Low-Quality Product

If you really want to make money online and are sick of seeing low-quality products or scams, then you need to check out our No.1 Recommended Training Product – Wealthy Affiliate.

There is no system online where you can expect to just push a button and watch it make money for you (Sorry).  But they do not exist.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money online.  Affiliate Marketing is a route you can expect to make money online with, but not overnight or even in a couple of months.

If you can get past the fact you are going to need to work to earn money online, then you can definitely benefit from Wealthy Affiliate’s training program.  Learn from experts, learn from other affiliate marketers and build your own affiliate marketing business.  Learn more in my detailed Wealthy Affiliate review, but you will see that you will really benefit once you have signed up.

If you have any questions or want to share any experiences, please write them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you and I will always respond as soon as I can.

Is Private Cash Sites a Scam? Are the Promises of $10k a Month Outrageous?

Is Private Cash Sites a Scam_ Are the Promises of $10k a Month Outrageous_

Another day and another brand-new money-making system promising a way of “legally stealing 3 business that generate 3 to 7 checks a week…” Is Private Cash Sites a scam, we will go through all of the reasons why we feel this product is one to avoid and is a system where the only goal for the owners is that you spend your money.

Their promises of earning $10k a month via a ‘done-for-you’ system is outrageous and overly exaggerated, and I will go through exactly why in my review.

Private Cash Sites Overview & Rankings

Product Name: Private Cash Sites Private Cash Sites Sales Page

Owners: Josh??

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing (Loosely)

Price: $47 + Upsells

Best For: The owners Rating: 1/5

A Quick Private Cash Sites Summary

With over-hyped and misleading claims in their sales videos, this product will only harm an affiliate marketers’ chances of earning money not help it.  Utilising duplicate websites will lead to only being able to rely on paid traffic which is a gamble for a beginner straightaway.  They also tell you they will rent or sell your information too.  Not a great product, one to be avoided.

Recommended: NoHere's my top recommended program for beginners

What Exactly is Private Cash Sites?

Private Cash Sites is an online system with promises of learning the secret to earning $10k a month online, with no experience and only 10 minutes of work…  Now, that for a start has me thinking it is a scam already but let’s carry on.

It states it is a super easy system anyone can use, with no experience.  The headline of the system is that you will be “legally stealing 3 businesses that easily generate 3 to 7 checks per week”.

Can you legally steal 3 businesses?

From this point it looks like you will be earning money straight away from these established businesses, all you need to do is hand over $47 for the privilege.

This makes it go in line with a typical get-rich-quick scam. AS it promises all the hard work is done for you, and all you need to do is turn it on.

Put that together with the fact you can find out little about who is the actual owner of the product, I have seen a number of names come up when doing my research.

This does not put this product in a good light at all.

Who Does Private Cash Sites Benefit?

Honestly, I would not suggest this product benefits anyone.  It lacks any real value and is an easy way to finding you have paid $47 to find out the product is a scam with upsells chucked into the mix.

How Does Private Cash Sites Work?

The sales video states that you will be learning how to make money online through affiliate marketing.  Now whilst I feel this product is not worth your time or money, Affiliate Marketing is definitely something to look into as it is a great way to make money online.  Just don’t expect any program like this one to teach you anything of benefit.  You need the right training platform to make affiliate marketing successful.  We recommend Wealthy Affiliate, learn more in my review.

Now, back to Private Cash Sites.  The idea is you hand over your $47 and you are provided with 3 done-for-you business ready to make you money…

These 3 online affiliate marketing businesses are basically websites that promote 3rd party products in return for a commission.

At this point, the premise around affiliate marketing businesses working is great. But the Private Cash Sites program is not.

The claims that you can just copy, or “steal” online businesses are false, there are some serious implications to it.  We will go through them shortly.

But that isn’t the best of it, you hand over the $47 to get these 3 businesses and actually find you don’t actually get access to them.  You gain some “taster” information and you have to pay more to get the done-for-you websites.

The other important factor to consider is that anyone who does sign up for the Private Cash Sites will gain the same websites.

Why You Won’t Make Money with Private Cash Sites…

Nowadays, it is so easy for anybody to build a professional looking website.  You could have a website up and running in minutes. (You can also get a website free, with our guide here).

But having a website alone is not enough to make money from it.

In order to make money from your affiliate offers, you need people to actually visit your website.  This is called traffic; without a decent amount of traffic you will not make money.

This is where the Private Cash Site system falls down, this step is missing from the program.

You will get a done-for-you website through the PCS system, but as every member will receive the same website and the same content; it means you will all have the same website and the same content, and this is bad when it comes to gaining traffic.

Search Engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo do not like duplicate content, and they will not list duplicate websites in their search results.  Traffic comes from these search engines, so how do you make money if you are not receiving any traffic to your website.

This is where the Private Cash Site system claims to have an answer, they will point you in the direction of paid advertising to promote these websites instead.

Now, paid traffic can work but expect to pay a lot of money in trial and error to get your campaigns just right to be able to cover the costs through your affiliate sales.

Even if you get your strategy right, you will be totally reliant on paid traffic as your website will never rank in the search engines.

It can be very tricky to turn a profit using paid ads and you will be losing money.

Starting your own affiliate marketing website with your own content, gaining organic traffic from the search engines is a much better strategy for a beginner.  You will not gain this through Private Cash Sites, but you can through the excellent training platform Wealthy Affiliate.

You can get your own free website with training on how to get free visitors from the search engines which can make you money.

If you truly want to make good money online, I recommend you join a supportive platform like Wealthy Affiliate over a site like Private Cash Sites.

What is Good About Private Cash Sites (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

The Private Cash Sites system is covered by Click Bank’s 60-day money back guarantee.

Basic Affiliate Marketing Training

You will learn a little around affiliate marketing, but as they rely on paid traffic it would not benefit a beginner.

What Could Private Cash Sites Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Misleading Income Claims – Full-Time Income Claims?

I have yet to find a system where you can be earning $10k+ within 30 days, without any work.  It is clearly misleading and would require a hefty paid ads budget to get anywhere near any sales, let alone $10k.

The sales video is just overhyping the product, another sign of a low-quality scam.  Don’t get me wrong affiliate marketing can lead to a full-time income, but it takes time and effort and a lot of work.  No system can do that in that timeframe, believe me I have looked.

They Will Rent or Sell Your Data!!

Whenever researching a product, it is always worth checking out their disclaimers, and I was alarmed to discover that when you read the PCS disclaimer, it states that “you agree to us renting or selling your data”.

Private Cash Sites will rent or sell your data

That is a big no-no, and a clear sign that the owners do not care about you or whether you make money.  They are out there to make themselves money only.  Trust is a big factor for me, and this is clearly not a trust-worthy owner!

Not a New Product – Just a Rehash of another Scam!

IN the video it claims to be a brand-new product, but again in the disclaimer it refers to a program called Explode My Payday.  Private Cash Sites or Explode my payday?

That was another scam, and it clearly shows the owners behind PCS are those behind that scam too.  Again, if you follow the link in the disclaimer it takes you to another scam called “Your Freedom Mentor”.

Once scams get rumbled, they just change slightly with no thoughts on the consumer.

Hidden Upsells

Don’t think that the $47 is all that you need to spend.  Affiliates of this product can earn commissions of up to $273 per customer, so what upsells are in this product for people to spend over $300 for affiliates to earn commission from…?

There is also the cost of these websites, which are not included in the initial cost. Don’t forget the cost of using paid ads to gain traffic too.  It will all add up.

My Honest Opinion of Private Cash Sites – Is Private Cash Sites a Scam?

I would definitely warn people against this type of product.  You will receive very little value from this type of business venture and be totally reliant on paid traffic.  In my humble opinion, I would say that this product is a scam and only benefits the owners of the product.  Not many done-for-you systems turn out to be very good, especially when it comes to duplicate content.

The owners are lying to people within their sales videos and use misleading figures and overhype to create a buzz that you feel like you must buy this product and be earning $10k within 30 days.

If that was possible, I believe all bloggers and affiliate marketers would be using this tact.

Why aren’t they?  

Well, there is a big aspect of trust when it comes to promoting affiliate offers and I don’t see how anyone who uses this can have credibility.

I just do not see how anyone who signs for the Private Cash Sites system would end up coming out turning a profit.

You will not come out with any knowledge or skills to extend this to your own website and affiliate marketing business.  You will walk away with nothing but an empty pocket and have to start your business again.

If you truly want to get started online and make good money, you can actually get started for free, with great training at Wealthy Affiliate.  Learn more in my thorough WA review.

Private Cash Sites at a Glance

Product Name: Private Cash Sites Private Cash Site

Owners: Josh??

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing (Loosely)

Price: $47 + Upsells

Best For: The Owners

Recommended: No Rating: 1/5

Verdict: Not Recommended, Just a Way to Lose Money

Thanks for reading my Private Cash Sites review, if you are tired of finding scams out there then maybe it is time to look for ways to make money online properly.

Affiliate Marketing is a great way of earning money online, one which I am currently doing now.  But the biggest concept you need to get your head around right now is… there is no quick way of earning money online.  Sorry to say it, but any product like this that promises quick returns is not worth your time.

You need to invest a lot of time and effort into an affiliate marketing business to see the results at the other end.  But without the right training, support and tools you will find this much harder.

That is why we recommend Wealthy Affiliate; it is the training platform I joined a couple of years ago and that has allowed me to earn money online.

Check out my review and see if a free starter membership is right for you.  Get onto the right path towards achieving your goals of making money online.  The only thing getting in your way is your own expectations.  Stay realistic and you will achieve your goals.

If you have any questions about the Private Cash Sites or anything in general, please write them in the comments below and we will definitely get back to you as soon as we can.

What is Funnel X ROI? Is it a Scam or a Simple $300/day System…?

What is Funnel X ROI_ Is it a Scam or a Simple $300_day System…_

Welcome to our Funnel X ROI Review!

Funnel X ROI states that it is an automated system that can bring in $300 a day.  This sounds like a system anyone would want if they were looking for ways to make money online.  But is it really a system you can trust? 

Is it a system you can use and just what is Funnel X ROI? The main question, most will be asking is “Is the Funnel X ROI System a Scam…?”  As is the way with most of these products, the information is quite misleading, and we want to ensure you get the full picture of this product and whether it is worth your while.

You need to be mindful of any sort of funnel, as they tend to start free but end up leading you into high-ticket products that are the real bait behind the funnel.  Let’s see if Funnel X ROI is any different.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Funnel X ROI in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal whats really inside this program…

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Yoonla Review – Scam or Can You Really Make Money?

Yoonla Review

Welcome to our Yoonla Review!

Yoonla is promoted as a mostly “done for you” way to make money online, but is it really a way to make money online or is it a scam?  In my Yoonla review, we will delve into this training platform and share all the details we found out.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

I must stress at this point, I am not an affiliate of Yoonla, and my review is unbiased. I want to ensure you see both sides of Yoonla, to help you make a decision going forward.

So, Is Yoonla a Scam?

Let’s get into the details and find out…

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The Super Affiliate Network Review: Something Doesn’t Add Up?

The Super Affiliate Network Review_ Something Doesn’t Add Up_

Welcome to our Super Affiliate Network Review!

There has been quite a bit of hype around the Super Affiliate Network by Misha Wilson.  I wanted to understand if the hype was worthwhile and is this training platform any good.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your own research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways of making money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with the Super Affiliate Network in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, I’ll be sharing with you what I’ve learned from researching this platform, are they completely honest with you upfront?  Is Super Affiliate Network worth your money to get this training?

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

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What is Digital Altitude – Is Digital Altitude a Scam? YES

What is Digital Altitude – Is Digital Altitude a Scam_ YES

Welcome to our Digital Altitude Review!

Quick Update:

As of 29 Jan 2018, Digital Altitude has officially been shut down by the FTC because it has been confirmed to be an illegal pyramid scheme.

Digital Altitude is just using digital marketing products as a disguise to lure innocent people into the system and recruit more and more people.  Not only that, members were required to pay for a series of tiered memberships that had increasing fees.

If you want more information, read the official press release by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Check out our Top Recommended Program to make Honest Money Online!

Is Digital Altitude a Pyramid Scheme?  It’s a common question being asked about Digital Altitude, so we wrote this review to get your the answers you need…

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