What is Funnel X ROI? Is it a Scam or a Simple $300/day System…?

What is Funnel X ROI_ Is it a Scam or a Simple $300_day System…_

Welcome to our Funnel X ROI Review!

Funnel X ROI states that it is an automated system that can bring in $300 a day.  This sounds like a system anyone would want if they were looking for ways to make money online.  But is it really a system you can trust? 

Is it a system you can use and just what is Funnel X ROI? The main question, most will be asking is “Is the Funnel X ROI System a Scam…?”  As is the way with most of these products, the information is quite misleading, and we want to ensure you get the full picture of this product and whether it is worth your while.

You need to be mindful of any sort of funnel, as they tend to start free but end up leading you into high-ticket products that are the real bait behind the funnel.  Let’s see if Funnel X ROI is any different.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Funnel X ROI in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal whats really inside this program…

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How to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome -Tips to Get Out the Other End!

How to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome -Tips to Get Out the Other End!

For some, it is such an empty feeling when the children have flown the nest and you are not too sure what to do with yourself.  It is a perfectly natural feeling and is more widespread than you might realise and is commonly known as the empty nest syndrome.

If you feel like you are feeling overwhelmed and deeply saddened by your children moving out of home, and are experiencing empty nest syndrome there are ways to help overcome that feeling and get a purpose back for yourselves.

We want to help you get out the other side, but first let’s just tackle the typical symptoms of Empty Nest Syndrome.

What is the Empty Nest Syndrome?

Simply put, it is the feeling of emptiness when your children have flown the nest, where before your days were filled withWhat is the Empty Nest Syndrome activities, you find that you are not too sure what to do with yourselves.

I know that I felt a little like that when my son starting going to school.  Where before I would have a day with Will, I was now dropping him to school and had to find something else to do in that day and I felt like I was just waiting until it was time to pick him up from school.

It is a weird feeling.

Let’s explore the typical symptoms of Empty Nest Syndrome.

A Lack of Purpose

Your days were once filled with ferrying your kids around to school, college, football practice, birthday parties, etc. Now, you find that the hustle and bustle has gone, and you might not be too sure of what to do with yourself.

Despite having friends, family, work and other activities to keep yourself busy with, your days still feel empty.

Despite, this feeling being quite typical for parenst whose children have moved out, the things that defined you as a parent are no longer something to focus on.

There will be a time when you realise that you haven’t really lost your purpose, you just need to redefine what your purpose is.  There are a number of ways to do this, and we will get into that shortly.

Don’t feel like you cannot feel like this, but defining a new purpose will definitely help.

Frustration Over a Lack of Control

Some feel like they have lost a level of control.  For years you had the majority of control over the scheduling of your Frustration over a lack of controlchildren’s lives and this is not the case anymore.  Typically, you will not know what your children are up to now (although, remembering my time as a teenager, this can also happen when we live at home).

The lack of control over when your child is attending class, going to work, going out on a date or hanging out with friends can be frustrating.

You might also feel like you are left out, as you are not aware of what they are up to now.

The tip here is to not try and force yourself into their schedule, and don’t use the guilt trip route as this will push them further away. Instead focus on coping with some of our tips further down the post.

Emotional Distress

If you ever feeling like you are crying over nothing, don’t get freaked it.  Your life is extremely emotional right now, and whenever that is the case, it just means typically normal events become a big deal.

The Empty Nest Syndrome can stir up all kinds of emotions, and you can start reflecting on what you could have done differently.

Whatever you are feeling, this is perfectly ok.  Trying to deny it or surpress it will not make it go away.  In fact, allowing yourself to feel these emotions will definitely help.

Marital Stress

There are times when raising your children, you find that you have put your marriage or relationship on hold.  You also find that all of your schedules revolved around the kids.  If you find you have been neglecting your relationsip, you might find it needs some work now that the kids have gone.

You might also find that you haven’t been doing couples activities for a while, as all of your time was around ferrying the kids around their activities.

There can also be a little tension if one parent is fairing better with the empty nest, than the other.

Make it a goal to reacquaint with each other, get yourselves used to being a twosome again.

Still Having Anxiety About Your Children

Whether you child has gone off to college or university, or simply moved out – It is perfectly normal to feel worried about how they are getting on.

But what is not normal, is feeling constantly anxious about how they are getting on.

Checking on them multiple times a day or stalking their social media accounts will not help you in the slightest either.

Remember, this is the time where your children have the opportunity to spread their wings and start their adult life.

Try to balance your desire to check in with them.  Remember they will need a level of privacy, as do you.  Create a plan on how you will stay connected.  It is much easier nowadays with technology being like it is.  Arrange a weekly call, or use email.

But this is about you experiencing your time too.

Ways to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome

There are a number of ways to deal with Empty Nest Syndrome, I want to also present you with an opportunity too…

Think about your Role in Life

What will your role be in your life without the children?  Will that be you pursuing your career or starting a new career.  The first stage is getting another purpose into your life again.  Whether you become a volunteer for a charity, or learn a new skill.  There are plenty of ways of finding new purpose.

Get in Touch with Friends

This is an important one, when we have kids our lives revolve around them and we end up not meeting up with our friends as much.  Find some time to meet up and have a coffee, arrange for them to come round and have dinner.  You never know, if they have kids too they could totally relate with how you are feeling and the catch up with have benefits for you both.

Do not Isolate Yourself

Locking yourself away at home and not connecting with anyone is the easiest thing to do when you are feeling this way, but it is the worst thing you can do.  Get out and about, go for a walk or rekindle a passion you had.

Rekindle a Passion or Interest

When you really think about it, how much did you give up when the kids came first.  I love Will to pieces, but there areRekindle a Hobby things I have had to stop doing to make sure he gets the attention he needs.  So it might be time for you to get back into what you were interested in before.

It is a great way of keeping yourself busy, keeping yourself busy will mean you haven’t got time to focus on the empty nest syndrome.

It could be anything you had an interest in, go and get back into it.  Find local or online groups you can engage in and reacquaint yourself with your passion.  That leads me to an opportunity that might be something for you to engage in and stop feeling that empty nest syndrome.

Turn a Passion into an Online Business

If the kids have flown the nest and the thought of getting a job is giving you the same kind of feelings as the empty nest syndrome, there is a way where you could turn your passion or interest into an online business.

Trust me, if you do decide this is the way for you – you will not have time to worry about the empty nest syndrome.

Now the thought of an online business, might be putting you off at this stage and that is ok.  It is not for everyone.  But for those that want to learn new skills, engage with a community of like-minded people and earn money online it can be a great investment of your time and mean that you do not necessarily need to go and get another job and means that you still get time to meet up with friends, but more importantly means you are not isolating yourself as you will be part of a community that is awesome.  Think of these as ways to get out the other side of the empty nest syndrome.

Whatever your passion or interest, it can be turned into a way of earning money through a type of marketing called Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is the act of promoting products and services and earning a commission if someone goes and buys the item.  Hopefully, you will know Amazon and they are the ones that first used Affiliate Marketing when they first started out as an online book store before they became the giant they are now.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

They did not have a huge marketing budget when they first started and offered their users a deal.  If they introduced a new buyer to their service who bought a book, they would reward them with a percentage commission of the book price.

They still use the same model today.  If you are researching for a product to buy, go to someone’s blog and read a review and go and buy that product off of Amazon, they will have received a percentage as a commission.

How does that help you?  Any passion or interest can be turned into an affiliate marketing business.  Whatever you are interested in, you can start your own online business and start using affiliate marketing to earn money.

Now, it is not a quick road and will require time and effort to get it working right.  But it would also mean you haven’t got time to worry about the empty nest syndrome.

You will have plenty to learn, and plenty of work to do, but with the right help and support and a community behind you, you will feel totally support at every step of the way and feel like you have achieved a lot in such a small time.

If you want to learn more about how affiliate marketing works, please read my helpful guide here.

Thanks for reading this post, hopefully you have found it useful and now know what to look out for with regards the empty nest syndrome and how to tackle it?  If you have any questions or comments to add, please write them in the comments below.

All the best, John

Yoonla Review – Scam or Can You Really Make Money?

Yoonla Review

Welcome to our Yoonla Review!

Yoonla is promoted as a mostly “done for you” way to make money online, but is it really a way to make money online or is it a scam?  In my Yoonla review, we will delve into this training platform and share all the details we found out.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

I must stress at this point, I am not an affiliate of Yoonla, and my review is unbiased. I want to ensure you see both sides of Yoonla, to help you make a decision going forward.

So, Is Yoonla a Scam?

Let’s get into the details and find out…

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How Can I Do Affiliate Marketing? With Help & Support!

How Can I Do Affiliate Marketing_ With Help & Support!

A question that often comes up when people are first researching into starting affiliate marketing, is “How Can I Do Affiliate Marketing?” Many new affiliate marketers end up failing and it is down to a number of factors, including not getting the right training and support from the start.

Gem and I want to help you get started with affiliate marketing, help keep you motivated during the hard work needed to make it successful and ensure you get the best training that there is to become an authority on affiliate marketing.

Let us start by ensuring you understand what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works.  We will also share with you what to look out for to avoid scams out there that are disguised as affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing? & How to Spot the Scams!

There are tons of programs out there that claim they are affiliate marketing, but really, they are MLM schemes designed to just keep getting you to spend more money so the owners are the ones that benefit.

Affiliate Marketing is a very simple premise – you create a blog on a chosen niche.  You sign up with an affiliate program such as Amazon and promote products in your given niche.  If someone follows your suggestion and follows your affiliate link to go to Amazon and makes a purchase, you have just earned a commission.

It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.  See the graphic below:

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

If you have been checking out any other programs stating that they are offering you a ‘Done for You’ way to succeed at Affiliate Marketing, it is typically a scam and will not benefit you.

Why I say that is down to them normally employing duplicate content – which will never work out for you.

Do your research and you will definitely only find genuine products out there.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

SO, we know that affiliate marketing works by promoting products that include your affiliate link and if someone buys it you earn a commission.  It sounds simple, but why do many affiliate marketers fail.

That is because of one thing – a Lack of Patience.

Whenever you search the internet for ways to make money online, you will always find people stating they earned thousands overnight or a system that will earn you money on autopilot.

So, it is natural to assume that you can earn money quickly.  But they are all lies!

I know, you might be thinking that is a strong statement John!

But it is true.  Affiliate Marketing is not a quick way of earning money online, you cannot just spend 20 minutes a day on it and hope for it to earn you money straightaway.

So to go back and answer the question “Can I Do Affiliate Marketing?”:

Yes, but you need to understand you will need to invest time and effort into this business model to make it work! You cannot play at this!

Yes, but you will not be earning money from it straightaway!

Yes, but you need to follow the right strategies!

You Need to Commit to Achieving this.

I didn’t earn anything from affiliate marketing for 6-months.  I could have walked away after 5 months and thought affiliate marketing doesn’t work.

That is why there are so many people who fail at Affiliate Marketing, because they walked away after 3 months.  They kept the employee mindset, that I have worked for an hour – I should get paid for an hour’s work.

It doesn’t work like this.  That post that I earned my first commission from was a post that was 5 months old.  It had crept up the google rankings and is a post that is still earning me commission now.  That is the true meaning of affiliate marketing being a passive income.

How to Become Successful at Affiliate Marketing!

There are two things that you need to get your head around to be successful with affiliate marketing, other than the few above.

The Entrepreneur Mindset

Affiliate Marketing is a business model, it isn’t like completing surveys online and earning a few quid.  You can earn some serious money with affiliate marketing if you do it right.

The first thing is becoming an entrepreneur.  Living and breathing your business until it starts earning you money, and then scaling it so it grows, and you can start hiring writers for your business.

Understanding that you will not earn an hourly rate from this business model but understanding that this is all about the long game.

When I first started, I had a full-time job and a family to consider too.  So, my spare time was limited.  I needed to be practical in my planning and ensuring that the hour I put away into my business I spent it well.  Whether that be learning a specific element, researching a product to review or writing an article.  I needed to be productive.

That is what I mean, those are all traits of a successful entrepreneur who becomes a successful affiliate marketer!

Learning the Right Way

Something I have noticed about successful affiliate marketers is that they are constantly keeping themselves up-to-date with their niche, affiliate marketing, etc.

They are constantly learning.  I myself, regularly check out webinars in Wealthy Affiliate to see if there is something I can learn and often I can.  There may be a small detail that could help rankings or help conversions that I hadn’t considered or tried.  You need to constantly learn.

If you are just starting out with Affiliate Marketing or are struggling to get it working for you, it might be because the training or advice you have been given was incorrect.

I would like to recommend you check out our recommended training platform for Affiliate Marketing, Wealthy Affiliate.  Their training is designed for anyone, of any skill level to build an affiliate marketing business.

You will benefit from the training into exploring the right niche for you, building your own website within the platform, getting it ranked within the search engines, building traffic and writing content that converts.

This the same platform that I have used for almost 3 years now, and I would not be where I am today, without their training and help and support that comes with it.

Kyle and Carson are the co-founders and owners of Wealthy Affiliate.  They have poured so much time and effort into making this the best platform it can be, they also offer their help and advice to new affiliate marketers to ensure they get started with a business that will mean, you can start saying “I Can Do Affiliate Marketing

Let’s Get You Expert Help & Support

Another feature I love with Wealthy Affiliate, other than the training and the website tools is the community you become a part of.

Imagine being part of a community that is over 1 million users in size, where you gain access to chat with other affiliateCommunity of Like Minded Peoplemarketers who can help answer your questions at any time of the day.  You also get a personal coach, if you follow my invitation to Wealthy Affiliate that would be Me.  Anytime you feel like you need a motivation pep talk, the community and me will be there to help you.

Not sure of what niche to choose, ask me.

Not sure how you could improve your website, ask me.

That is the help and support you get within Wealthy Affiliate, and I would not have been able to say Affiliate Marketing worked with it.

Kyle and Carson are very keen that anyone who checks them out can do it without any pressure, and it is a great mentality to have.  So, here you will find a link to my Wealthy Affiliate review, so you can check out more detail.  But if you want to check them out yourselves, here is a link to get you started with a free starter membership (no credit card required). Explore the platform and see what you think.

Final Conclusion

The main reason why people fail at affiliate marketing is purely down to a lack of patience or following the wrong training.  They give up too soon, or they are not entirely sure how to get started and that is why we fully endorse Wealthy Affiliate if you are looking for a training platform that has everything you need, including expert help and support, for getting started with affiliate marketing.

Then you will be able to say, “I Can Do Affiliate Marketing!”.

Thanks for reading our post, if you have any questions or comments to add please put them below.  We will come back to you as soon as we can.  Thanks John & Gem

The Super Affiliate Network Review: Something Doesn’t Add Up?

The Super Affiliate Network Review_ Something Doesn’t Add Up_

Welcome to our Super Affiliate Network Review!

There has been quite a bit of hype around the Super Affiliate Network by Misha Wilson.  I wanted to understand if the hype was worthwhile and is this training platform any good.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your own research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways of making money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with the Super Affiliate Network in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, I’ll be sharing with you what I’ve learned from researching this platform, are they completely honest with you upfront?  Is Super Affiliate Network worth your money to get this training?

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

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What is Digital Altitude – Is Digital Altitude a Scam? YES

What is Digital Altitude – Is Digital Altitude a Scam_ YES

Welcome to our Digital Altitude Review!

Quick Update:

As of 29 Jan 2018, Digital Altitude has officially been shut down by the FTC because it has been confirmed to be an illegal pyramid scheme.

Digital Altitude is just using digital marketing products as a disguise to lure innocent people into the system and recruit more and more people.  Not only that, members were required to pay for a series of tiered memberships that had increasing fees.

If you want more information, read the official press release by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Check out our Top Recommended Program to make Honest Money Online!

Is Digital Altitude a Pyramid Scheme?  It’s a common question being asked about Digital Altitude, so we wrote this review to get your the answers you need…

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Digital Experts Academy Review – Is Digital Experts Academy a Scam?

Welcome to our Digital Experts Academy Review!

Is Digital Experts Academy a Scam?  Is it full of training material and will make you an instant success?  We will be answering all of your questions within this Digital Experts Academy review.

Is it really worth the high price tag, or are there better alternatives out there…?

First off, I must congratulate you on doing your research, as that is the best way of avoiding scams and finding genuine ways to make money online.  I am not affiliated with Digital Experts Academy in any way, I just want to help people with my review.

Let’s crack on with the review so you can learn more about the Digital Experts Academy.

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Why Affiliate Marketing Does Not Work & What to Do About It

Why Affiliate Marketing Does Not Work & What to Do About It

If you are here, you might be considering whether affiliate marketing really works? There are plenty of reasons why affiliate marketing might not be working for you and you are looking for help to turn the corner and make it work.  But let me answer that first question – does affiliate marketing work?  Yes, totally but there are some factors to consider when thinking about why it might not be working for you.

First off, there is no big secret as to how it works and a lot of it comes down to one factor – Patience.

The Biggest Factor to Achieving with Affiliate Marketing is Patience

One of the biggest mindsets you need to get out of when starting any online business, including affiliate marketing is thatThe Biggest Factor to Achieving Affiliate Marketing is Patience you will not immediately earn a return for the time you invest.  People sink a lot of time and effort into an affiliate marketing business and will see no return after 3 or even 6 months and walk away from it stating “Affiliate Marketing Does Not Work”, when really 6 months is the point where your website is starting to earn the traction it needs with the search engines to turn your articles into a money-pot.

The main thing I see with struggling affiliate marketers is they are drawn into these training platforms that are not telling you the truth about the need for patience.

Think about it, unless you find a genuine training platform like Wealthy Affiliate that is honest and realistic about the timescales needed to make this successful – Most affiliate marketing (or programs advertising themselves as affiliate marketing) state that you can be earning money really soon after starting…

Whether it is an e-book, a training course or learning from a guru they all lull you in with false promises of a passive income stream that can happen overnight.

In reality, the biggest thing you need to get over is that this is not a reality.  I did not earn anything from affiliate marketing for 6 months and if I had stopped at the 6-month mark I might have been in the same place you are and questioning whether Affiliate Marketing works.

That 6-month point is really important in your affiliate marketing business.  The market is being flooded with people wanting to do affiliate marketing, but as most give up on the 3 or 6-month Google consider this when deciding on where to rank your content.  If a website is still alive after 6-months and is offering high-quality content, that is a great sign for your rankings and will mean that you will start to get good traffic.  Traffic is what you need to make money with affiliate marketing.

Another key reason as to why affiliate marketing does not work for some is because they do not know how to do it properly.

Affiliate Marketing Does Not Work Because People Do Not Know How to Do It the Right Way

Another big reason as to why affiliate marketing does not work for most marketers is because they are learning from scammers. There are thousands of products out there claiming to be the best affiliate marketing training, but in reality, have been put there by fraudsters to get your money or personal information and leaves those that fall for the trap believing affiliate marketing does not work.

They give away enough information to get you to buy the product, but not enough information for you to find any success with their tactics.

There are many factors to consider making sure affiliate marketing works for you, but you also need a training platform that is honest, can be trusted and ensures you are put on the right track from this point onwards.  We highly recommend the training and tools available at Wealthy Affiliate.  They are the training platform we used when we first started out with Affiliate Marketing and without the support from the team, I might not have stayed the course and saw that first sale after 6 months.

With clear training on choosing a niche, creating a website, writing content that converts and SEO and other marketing methods they are a highly recommended and up-to-date training.  Learn more about what they offer and their success stories within my Wealthy Affiliate Review.

Many Affiliate Marketers are using Outdated Tactics

Another factor as to why affiliate marketing does not work is people using outdated techniques. One Example is using duplicate content.  Some products out there claim that their system will generate you content for your website without you needing to do any work?  How?  They steal another person’s work and display it on your website.

But the search engines are actively looking for duplicate content and using duplicate content will lead only one way – your website and content not getting ranked at all.

What the search engines and people searching via those search engines are looking for is high-quality content that provides value and helps people with their query.

In days gone by, some affiliate marketers used tactics including just writing a 20-page website, and sending unnatural links to it by spamming blogs, comment sections, etc. This would benefit the website for about 3 months, before Google found out and would penalise the site. This technique stopped being effective since a change in Google’s algorithms in 2011.  But I have still seen training material showing affiliate marketers this tactic, even though it will not work at all.

If you can provide high-quality content that helps people and provides value, you have the key ingredient to making affiliate marketing work.  You just need to remain consistent posting this high-quality content regularly to see it turn into a successful affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate Marketers Not Treating It Like a Business

It is possible for anyone to launch a website and start affiliate marketing nowadays.  You can get a free website really easily and little or no financial barrier to getting started.  This brings with it the idea of testing the water with affiliate marketing, with little commitment needed.

This leads some to not get into the right tracks that this is a business model.  It also means they do not have a business plan for their affiliate marketing business.

Think about your current goals, if they are just to make money – then this could be a factor into why it is not working.  Even if you start with small goals, like I am going to write 3-4 articles a week that is a better goal to start with.

We all have a financial goal, and that is normally the main reason why we have chosen affiliate marketing as a way to Setting Goalsachieve that.  But a normal bricks and mortar business will not expect to turn a profit in its first year.  Now, an online business doesn’t have the outlay a normal business does, but why does that mean you can immediately expect it to turn a profit straightaway.

Set yourself daily, weekly and monthly goals that are not about earning money.  It could be creating articles, spending an hour doing proper keyword research, researching your niche and engaging with others in your niche, learning how to get started in video marketing.

There are tons of things that you can set yourself up with, and the beauty is if you are constantly working on your business and creating excellent value – guess what you will start converting this into sales.

Not Getting into the Mindset of an Entrepreneur!

One of the things that I notice about people who say affiliate marketing does not work, they think it works in the same way as working in your day job!

Think about a job that pays by the hour for a moment, you do an hour’s work and you get paid an hourly rate.

Affiliate Marketing does not work in the same way.  A true entrepreneur plays the long game.  I know affiliate marketers who are earning money from articles they wrote years ago, and they are still converting.  The article might need a little update every now and then as things do change, but in essence it is the true way a passive income works through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is in definition about playing the long game.  Write a high-quality article that helps, is based on a low-hanging fruit keyword and offers value to the person who reads it.  Once you have posted it to your website and shared it on social media.  You start researching into your next article.  Don’t get hung up on Google Analytics, it can work against you as you will not see a great deal of traffic and that can be demotivating.

Just focus on writing articles, regularly and keep that going for 6 months, then plan for your next 6 months.

I know it is hard to hear, but with effective training and support, it doesn’t need to a journey you travel on your own.

Get the Right Training & Support You Need to Succeed!

One of the things about those early stages of an affiliate marketing business is it can feel kind of lonely.  If no one is interacting with your website, it can seem like you are writing content for no one and it can be something that leads you to believe that affiliate marketing does not work.  But that is why I love the guys at Wealthy Affiliate.

You do not need to do this alone, you can join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who can help in ways you may not fully understand at this point.

First off, you will gain access to high-quality training that will ensure you are following the right path for your affiliate marketing business.  this includes:

  • Picking the Right Niche – some people start too broad, and end up not being competitive enough and failing
  • Doing Effective Keyword Research – without keyword research you have no chance of ranking your content
  • Writing Quality Content – It is the key ingredient Google is looking for, they want to offer value to their users in the same way you need to with your content
  • Social Media Marketing – this is essential for your business, but you will be surprised how many do not know how to utilise this effectively.

One of the key things that Wealthy Affiliate offer that I have heavily used in my time with them is the ability to learn from some of the Super Affiliate’s that are on their platform.  To be able to learn from them and to ask them questions at any point was really motivating in those early stages before I started earning money from Affiliate Marketing.  With a free starter membership, you can truly experience the platform with no commitments and see how it differs to any training you have experienced in the past and also see the opportunities that lie within.  It is really empowering to live chat with some of these affiliate marketers and learn new techniques that work, with proof.  Read some success stories and try to incorporate it into your online business and learn from some techniques that haven’t worked too.


Let’s just clarify the key points of this post.

  • You need to have a lot of patience with affiliate marketing.  This is not an overnight success route.  If you can only post once a week, it will take a lot longer to get the search engines trust and the rankings that this means to get traffic.
  • If you feel you have not had the best training, you need to go back to basics and learn it from the best training platform out there – Wealthy Affiliate.
  • The only tactic you need to concentrate on is doing the right keyword research and posting high-quality content that provides value and helps the reader
  • This is an online business model – if you are currently playing at it, what will it take for you to commit?
  • Think like an entrepreneur! Don’t work to get paid, work to build a future for yourself and your family.
  • Get the Right Training and Support – Read my Wealthy Affiliate Review and see how this amazing platform can help your affiliate marketing business

I know you might be currently thinking that Affiliate Marketing does not work and you might be thinking that it will never work.  But I want to assure you, it can and does work!  I would not be where I am today without it and I love the fact I found Wealthy Affiliate when I did.  I had been caught out by an online scam and could have given up on my desire to make money online.  At one point, I did not think it was possible.  That was the point I saw a review for Wealthy Affiliate and found out about affiliate marketing.

It is a proven route to make money online, but it is so easy to fall for a fake affiliate marketing training out there.  I want toWealthy Affiliate - Free Starter Membership guarantee anyone who reads my Wealthy Affiliate review, they are totally genuine and are a really supportive platform.  They are all about you making up your own mind about them and offer the free starter membership as a way for you to make your own decisions.  A truly great bunch of guys.

If you ever feel like you are struggling, just reach out.  We have all been there and thought the same.  But that does not mean affiliate marketing doesn’t work, we just need to keep believing and learning.

Thanks for reading this, if you have any questions or want to add any experiences with affiliate marketing, I would love to hear from you.  I will respond as soon as I can.  thanks

The Six Figure Mentors Review – Don’t Join, Until You Have Read This Review!

Welcome to our Six Figure Mentors Review!

I am guessing, that someone has just introduced you to a program that will “allegedly” help you earn tons of money and you want to see if it is the real deal, right?

First off, it is great to see that you are doing some research before buying into a “seemingly good” product or scheme. 

Research is the best way to avoid online scams and only find legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not affiliated with the Six Figure Mentor program in any way, so relax we are not here to pitch or sell anything.  We just want to help you get all the facts you need to know before you decide on what the best course of action for you is.

The Six Figure Program has many claims about being able to help you achieve a 6-figure income.  But there are also a number of reports that this is a total scam!  We wanted to find out what the truth really is, a scam, a proven money-maker or something inbetween.

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

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Swagbucks Review – Easy Money Completing Surveys?

Swagbucks Review – Easy Money Completing Surveys_

Welcome to our Swagbucks Review!

If you are looking into whether completing surveys and watching videos is a good way to earn money online and wondering if Swagbucks is any good, then you have come to the right place.

First of all, I love the fact that you are doing your research as this is a great way to avoid scams and find genuine ways to earn money online.

Swagbucks offers a number of ways to earn money online, and it is a really popular site.  But is it really a good return for the time spent doing them??

That is what we will cover off in this Swagbucks Review.

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