What is John Crestani Internet Jetset About? Jetset Lifestyle or Complete Scam?

Welcome to our John Crestani Internet Jetset Review!

If you’ve been looking into ways of making money online, then you’ve probably come across an ad for John Crestani Internet Jetset, and you’re wondering if it’s the real deal or a complete scam?

John makes a ton of promises with his Internet Jetset training course, which naturally brings a few alarm bells along with it, does he show you the exact steps needed to become an Internet Marketer or does it fall short of the mark?  Our in-depth review will reveal all…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with John Crestani or Internet Jetset in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, this honest Internet Jetset review, with videos, will reveal the truth about this training program, which will allow you to make an informed decision about whether its the right move for you…

John Crestani Internet Jetset Review Summary

Product Name: Internet Jetset

Founder: John Crestani

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Platform + Community

Price: $47/month + various upsells + hidden costs

Best For: Affiliate Marketing Beginners



  • John is Authentic & Successful
  • Step by Step Training
  • Useful Marketing Tools & Resources
  • You Can Build Your Own Business


  • Too many Upsells
  • Hidden Costs
  • Outdated Content
  • John Uses Black Hat Sales Tactics
  • Previously Recommending a Known Scam (MOBE)




Table of Contents

What is Internet Jetset?

Internet Jetset is an affiliate marketing training course, that was created by John Crestani.  Crestani has also created another affiliate marketing training course called Super Affiliate System (SAS), which is also teaches you affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is where you earn a commission for linking someone to a product that they buy. (Click here for our in-depth guide).

It’s a legitimate business model, but there are those that genuinely want to help people, and then there are those that uses tricks and lies to get people to buy something, even when it isn’t very good.

Here’s John Crestani, founder of Internet Jetset explaining more about his training platform…

As you can see, John lives an exciting life, that many people would love to be living.  But will you be able to, after taking his course?  Well, the rest of review will help you get the answers you need…

Basically Internet Jetset is a $47/month course that teaches people affiliate marketing.  He has also redone his Super Affiliate System program, and charging $997 for it. 

If you purchase his Internet Jetset course, SAS will become an upsell within the members area.  But if you were to buy SAS, you would get Internet Jetset for free as a bonuse within the SAS members area.

So, What’s the Difference Between The Two?

Both of them are teaching you how to build your own successful and profitable affiliate marketing business, which is the same business model John and I specialise in.

But the key differences are…

  • Internet Jetset is more basic than the Super Affiliate System, which is more advanced
  • Internet Jetset focuses on FREE traffic methods, whilst SAS focuses on PAID Traffic methods

Let’s take a closer look at Internet Jetset, so you can see what’s inside…

Inside Internet Jetset

Internet Jetset is a beginner’s training course, that focuses on Free Traffic methods, such as SEO, Social Media Marketing, and YouTube marketing.  It aims to help you grow your affiliate marketing business.

The course does offer some value, and you could earn your first online commission if you follow the training carefully.

Although, you should know that it is going to be really hard for you to build a full-time sustainable and profitable business just by going through this course alone.   It feels like this training course is just to give you a feel of how affiliate marketing works, rather than all the information you need.

It’s like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing…

That’s why John starts promoting his SAS course at $997, which is the in-depth version of the course.

But the basic course will show you how to set up your own website and get free traffic to it.


The training course inside Internet Jetset is comprised of 12 modules, which are mainly in the form of videos.  The modules and what they focus on are:

  1. The Online Business Blueprint – A basic introduction to affiliate marketing (how to get traffic, find affiliate products to promote, how to automate your business)
  2. Introduction to Internet Jetset – John will guide you through to how to sign up for Amazon Associates and help you get your first commission in 2 hours! (this is a sneaky method, where you write a mini-book review on Facebook and recommend it to your friends in the hope they go and buy the book)
  3. Choosing Your Niche – Choose your niche, applying to affiliate programs and networks to find affiliate products to promote
  4. Google – Learning how to get free targeted traffic from Google using a process called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  5. YouTube – Learning about the basics of YouTube & Video Marketing, and how to get free traffic by setting up your own YouTube channel
  6. Facebook – How to leverage free traffic through Facebook to promote your affiliate offer
  7. Your Website – This step will be where you learn to build your own WordPress website (Not taught by John himself)
  8. Copywriting Basics – Learn how to wright good sales copy for your offer to increase sales conversion and ROI (again, not taught by John)
  9. Launch Jacking – Learn how to take advantage of the buzz and traffic for an upcoming or brand new product launch to earn affiliate commissions off of that product or a similar one you wish to promote (not taught by John himself)
  10. Authority Review Sites -This is basically learning how to create niche websites and make money by becoming and authority in the niche (not taught by John himself)
  11. Facebook Ads for Affiliates– This part is where it slowly moves from Free traffic methods to Paid traffic methods. You’ll learn the basics of setting up your Facebook Ads campaign (not taught by John himself)
  12. The 12-week Super Affiliate System– This is just a sales page for John’s $997 Super Affiliate System

They also offer a weekly Live Webinar, which is called JetSetLIVE where there is a chance for John to personally answer your questions.

This is the main reason why you are expected to keep paying $47/month.  I mean, it does have offer, but not sure it warrants $47 a month for just a webinar.

If you were interested in trying out the training to see what’s inside, my advice would be to cancel the membership after the first month, or when you’ve finished the training.

Internet Jetset also provides you with some basic swipe copy, which are done for you emails and sales pages.  There are also some ready-made landing pages.

The Upsells

There are two main upsells within Internet Jetset, these are – Xtreme Case Study Archince & Super Affiliate System.

#1 Xtreme Case Study Archive


Xtreme Case Study Archive is a one-time $187 upsell, where you can gain access to some interesting interviews with some top internet marketers in the industry.

There is some value in this type of thing, but most have posted interviews on YouTube for free, so not sure how they justify the price of this…

#2 Super Affiliate System

And finally, there is the Super Affiliate System, which is a $997 one-time fee.  This teaches you how to use paid traffic to make money with affiliate marketing.  You can learn more in our in-depth SAS review here.

But, what you can kind of see is that Internet Jetset is a sales funnel that end sup promoting Super Affiliate System to you…

There are, of course, hundreds of these types of training courses online that are all very similar.  Examples include:

  • Knowledge Broker Blueprint
  • Website ATM
  • 6 Week Super Affiliate System Pro
  • Secret Society of Millionaires
  • Yoonla
  • Easy1Up
  • Super Affiliate System 3.0
  • Second Income Center

They all claim to be the best on the market, and yet also have tons of upsells and hidden costs that you don’t know about until your into their sales funnel.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Internet Jetset a Scam?

No, I don’t believe that Internet Jetset is a scam.

It’s a legit training course that will teach you the basics of starting an affiliate marketing business.  It does mislead you a little, and it is a clever sales funnel to John’s Super Affiliate System, but you will find some value for your money with this course.

My only advice is to cancel the membership after you have finished the training, as I don’t believe the weekly webinar justifies the $47/monthly membership fee.

The remainder of our review will help you get all of the other details you need to know, so that you can make an informed decision about whether this course is right for you…

What We Liked About Internet Jetset

Here’s what we liked about Internet Jetset:

#1 John is Authentic & Successful

It has to be said, that all of the signs point to John Crestani being an authentic guy trying to help others get a start in affiliate marketing.

John has made some serious money online, as the video belows shows…

Something to consider about this video is that most of his earnings are made from his training courses, and not from actual affiliate income.  But that doesn’t make him not legit.

He is very legit, and has some impressive results to boast about. 

For example, he has been featured in media and multiple authority platforms such as:

He is being known for the guy who got fired at 28 and then build a $500K per month business on his own. (I’m sure today he makes a lot more than that)

From all these facts, I know that he really knows his stuff and you can learn a lot from him.

#2 Step-by-Step Training

It’s a subject where there is a lot to learn, so it’s a benefit that the training is step-by-step and shows you what you need to do to achieve each step.

But another thing that we liked about his training is that he focuses a lot on mindset.  It’s an important factor when getting started online, or starting any type of business.

#3 Taught How To Build Your Own Online Business

John doesn’t tie you into only promoting one product or using one platform that he controls.  He shows you how to build your own website and how to promote anything that you like.

There are many programs out there that restrict you into only being able to promote themselves.  Which means, you are joining a platform that only teaches you how to promote that same platform.

Some famous examples include Digital Altitude,Six Figure Mentors, & MOBE.

From the outside, it looks like you can use their platforms to leverage their system to build your own business online.  But the reality is that the system is solely focused on promoting themselves.

John’s course are not restricted to doing this, as we said.  He has resources on several niches within the members area.

The list of niches, he has resources for are:

  • Make Money Online (MMO)
  • Bed Bugs
  • Blood Pressure
  • Credit Card Debt
  • Dieting
  • Gambling
  • Hair
  • Skincare, and many more

It definitely looks like John is providing you with resources you can really use to start your own online business in any niche that you want, just like our #1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate.

What We Didn't Like About Internet Jetset

Here’s what we didn’t like about Internet Jetset:

#1 Expensive Upsells

I honestly believe Internet Jetset is just a introductory course that has been designed to be a sales funnel leading you to the more expensive (and more in-depth) Super Affiliate System.  Which is a staggering $997 course, which will include many other costs due to it focusing on paid traffic routes (requiring a  budget).

The case study interviews could be considered useful, if it weren’t so expensive.  But when you think that YouTube has hundreds of videos from these people, without you having to invest nearly $190 for it.

Either way, you will be expected to pay a lot more than you initial investment.

If you’re considering John’s course, you should really consider your budget and how much you have upfront.

A cheaper alternative that we recommend is Wealthy Affiliate.

#2 Hidden Costs

Aside from the upsells, there are a few other costs that you’ll need to consider to follow through on John’s course.  Here is what you should consider a budget for…

  • Web Hosting – at least $75 a year if you use BlueHost (most cost effective).  You’ll have to pay this if you want a website (and you can’t have an online business without one)
  • Software – for example, ClickFunnels.  Which is $97/month and the bonuse landing pages you get only work with ClickFunnels

Then there is the costs that go with if you decide to join Super Affiliate System, where you should put aside $1,000+ for your Paid Traffic.

Paid traffic is not as simple as it might seem, and there is a high chance you could lose your money too.

#3 Some Outdated Content

Some of the content is really outdated, and I mean that some of it is from 2012.  Which is ancient when it comes to online marketing.

Whilst some of the basic principles are similar, it’s always worth being up to date with the latest information.

Many of the practises from that time, are no longer tolerated by the search engines.  What’s the point of learning outdated tactics?

#4 Black Hat Sales Tactics

John doesn’t do himself any favours with some of the things he says and does…

Yes, he grabs attention, which can be hard to do online.
Yes, some people are drawn to this kind of lifestyle and marketing.
But, telling lies such as “I’m giving this money away in this training” is just misleading and loses trust and respect in the long run.

#5 John Previously Promoting a Scam

Another concern we have is how much John was promoting a company that turned out to be a scam that was closed by the FTC in 2018.  MOBE was outed as a scam and pyramid scheme and was closed down, just like Digital Altitude.


Once, MOBE was closed down, John moved very quickly to try to disassociated himself from it.

Do you really want to learn from someone that recommends scams and uses lies to deceive people to buy certain things?

This type of online marketing is rapidly decreasing and becoming less and less effective.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Internet Jetset Review - Final Conclusion

Internet Jetset isn’t a scam, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we would recommend it.  It teaches you some basics around affiliate marketing, but it has the signs that it is just designed as a sales funnel to get you to buy the Super Affiliate System.  

But this means that you are going to need a huge budget to follow the training on paid traffic.

If you want to pay the $47/month and go through the training and learn a few things, then it could be a good option but I would recommend you cancel the subscription to stop being tied into losing $47 a month.

I’m not saying that you wouldn’t make money from following Crestani’s training and guidance, but when you have someone happy to promote a product that is operating as a scam, hiding numerous costs and expenses from potential members, and then having outdated content from 2012, I feel there is more that John could do to be more transparent with his platform.

How We Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic business model, and it is how we make money online.  But it doesn’t require a training platform that hides costs from you, and lacks transparency, and focuses on the hype.

We recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as they teach you long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all of the tools and support needed, all included.

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  it’s Free to Get Started, and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Thanks for checking out our Internet Jetset Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

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