Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam? Can You Really Earn $1,000 a Day?

Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam_ Can You Really Earn $1,000 a Day_

There is quite a bit of hype around Copy Paste Commissions, but does Michael Cheney deliver with it or is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?

First off, thank you for doing your research.  It is an important step to make sure you are buying the right products.

In this review, we will cover all aspects of the Copy Paste Commissions program.

Copy Paste Commissions Review Summary

Product Name: Copy Paste Commissions

Owner: Omar Martin and Michael Cheney

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $19.95 for Premium Membership + Optional Upsells, $17 Toolkit Lite, $27-Top Commissions Premium Toolkit & $37-Done for you commissions service

Best For: The Owners

Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?


Whilst it offers some good information on a few aspects of Internet Marketing, it doesn’t deliver on any of its promises in the sales pitch. There is also nothing to do with copy and pasting in it either.  Copy Paste Commissions is a front to lead you to other products that will be sold to you as soon as you join.

Rating: 10/100

Recommended? No

What Exactly is Copy Paste Commissions?

Founded in 2015 by Michael Cheney and Omar Martin, Copy Paste Commissions is supposedly a way of copy and pasting your way to $1,000 in a few hours, as well as training that teaches you how to make money on auto-pilot.

Michael Cheney has other Programs too… Do they Deliver?

You may have recognised the name of one of the owners?  Michael Cheney has a number of different affiliate marketing training programs out there.  He is also the founder of Commission Black Ops, The Commission Machine and 7-Figure Franchise.  He likes to emphasis the point with commission being in the title.

Michael Cheney & Omar Martin

But after a thorough review of many of Michael’s training program they all fail to deliver.  He has the knowledge but doesn’t deliver clear enough training or steps to follow for a beginner to benefit from them.  You are supposed to fill in a lot of gaps yourself.

You will also find a number of positive reviews about Michael Cheney’s software, but these will be from people who are benefitting from people falling for the sales pitch.  They are not there to help people, but to only get people to buy the product for their own commissions.

How Does Copy Paste Commissions Work?

Michael Cheney offers, much like his other programs access to an e-book, which is about 77 pages long and some videos that will teach anyone how the Copy Paste Commissions strategy works.

There are some good details within the eBook and from the chapters above there is some knowledge to be gained from them:

The Crush Campaign

This section is all around the strategy that Michael and Owen used several years ago to make money online.  It focuses on mailing frequency and some bonus materials to help improve a marketers bottom line.

The French Shaker Strategy

The section is about getting those people who are on the fence about a purchase and sealing the deal.  This goes into persuasion techniques.


This section focuses on increasing traffic through Facebook.  It includes both paid and free methods for generating traffic through Facebook

Email Strategy

A section focusing on the right way to do email marketing, learn how to make emails more interesting and generate a higher click rate and open rate.

From reviewing the content available within the eBook, the information is good but Michael and Owen fail people who buy it in a couple of huge ways, which we will get into later in the review.

How to Make Money with Copy Paste Commissions

Copy Paste Commissions claim that you can apply their training and build up your mailing list through their system.  They then go on to claim that you can earn $1,000 a day or more on “auto-pilot”.

At this point, you might be thinking that is just a load of hype, and I cannot blame you.  It is all down to how they have marketed their system.  They have marketed it in a way of making it sound like it is an easy route to earning money and you can live the lifestyle you want with little effort.

It just goes to show that anything Michael Cheney markets never really live up to what they state you can do… Whereas you can find companies out there like Wealthy Affiliate that are actually very realistic with the time it takes to build up a profitable business online and how much effort you really do need to put into it.

Does Copy Paste Commissions Work?

Being realistic, we have to consider two things to base that question on:

  1. Can it Help You Achieve What They State You Can?
  2. Has CPC Made Anyone Other Than the Owner Money?

This is where the product falls down.  Can we realistically think that this product will help you make $1,000 or more within 24 hours?  The sales video also states that inexperienced marketers have been able to make $10,000 within their first 30 days.

Pitched like that, why wouldn’t you buy into the program.  But can it really do that?

In short, No!

You will find that whilst the eBook might include some good information, you will find that Copy Paste Commissions is simply a front for them to funnel you into various business opportunities and other ‘make money’ programs.  These upsells are presented to you as soon as you buy the CPC program.

The second question, has anyone really make money from this program other than the owners?

The Copy Paste Commissions program funnels you into another program called Automated Daily Income, which is a 21-step training program created by MOBE (My Own Business Education).  Now, this is worrying as MOBE was closed down by the FTC as a scam in 2018.

To be totally honest, I can see people spending money on all of these programs and still not making anything.

The timescales they talk about are totally unrealistic.

How Much Does Copy Paste Commissions Cost?

The initial joining fee is $19.95, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it is really just the upfront cost to gain access to the training material. 

But there are also costs that they do not discuss or share with you, on top of the upsells.  There are costs like purchasing ads, generating traffic and building and hosting a website.

On top of paying the premium, you also get presented with a number of upsells.  My suggestion is that you avoid these upsells as they offer very little value.

  1. $17 – Toolkit LITE
  2. $27 – Top Commissions Premium Toolkit
  3. $37 – Done for You Commissions Service

What is Good About Copy Paste Commissions (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

The eBook Provides Some Good Information

The one thing we did like about this system is the information in the eBook.  Some of the more useful information including the times of days you should be sending your promotional emails, with studies to back them claims up.

Some of the tips relating to Facebook are quite useful too.

Money Back Guarantee

Any product available through the JV ZOO affiliate network are covered by a money-back guarantee.  JV ZOO is also much easier to get you money back, compared to ClickBank.

What Could Copy Paste Commissions Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Fake Testimonials

You can always tell how good or bad a system is by their testimonials.  When it is full of fake testimonials, where the owner has hired people from a freelancer website to create hype.  It just creates a bad vibe about a product, and I so surprised Michael uses it.

He has some great knowledge but doesn’t seem really interested in helping people properly.

True testimonials give people a valuable insight into whether it works, and fake testimonials harms people’s perceptions.

Too Many Upsells!

The program is just a funnel to get you to buy other products with the aim of lining Michael & Owen’s pockets.

But before you get to the members area, expect to be present with several sales pages with upsells.

They do not disclose this upfront, and by the time you have paid $19.95 you are in.

Wrong List Building Methods

Their list building tactics are not going to work or make you any money.  The key to getting conversions is by making sure relevancy is key.  But they try and encourage you to use incentives to get anyone to join your mailing list.  This includes referring friends via Facebook.  But the size of the list doesn’t matter if you are sending irrelevant emails to people, they will just unsubscribe and not click on any of your promotions.

This is not the best way to do email marketing.

Where Does the Copy & Paste Come in?

I have yet to see anything where you actually copy and paste anything.  You get an eBook, some training, upsells and some questionable testimonials.

This is not how to do affiliate marketing the right way…

Michael Loves Creating Hype…

Michael loves to create hype around any of his products, and this one is no different.  He always tells you that you will earn $1,000’s with any of his systems and yet they never deliver.

I am quite confident that Michael is living the lifestyle he shows you to encourage you to buy it.  But I bet he had to work hard and long to achieve it.  Something that beginners will not be able to achieve with any of his systems or in the timescales he states.

My Honest Opinion of Copy Paste Commissions? Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?

Whilst it isn’t a scam, Copy Paste Commissions is a product I would highly recommend you avoid at all costs.

It does not deliver on any of the sales pitches Michael or Owen deliver.  You will not be able to earn that kind of money straightaway; you will not be able to copy and paste their strategy. (So why is it called that?)

Michael & Owen have created a load of hype with fake testimonials that mislead others into thinking it is real.

It also funnels you into a known scam, which is another reason why this is not the best route for someone looking to get started within affiliate marketing.

It may sound like you get a bit of info for $19.95, I would highly recommend you spend that money on a real book from an affiliate marketer who knows their industry.

Their strategies are not reliable, and there are much better options to earn money online.

Do You Want a Real Opportunity to Make Money Online?

If you are sick of finding low-quality or scam products online, then we want to help you find a real opportunity to make money online.

Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way of starting an online business.  It requires a lot of time and hard work, but affiliate marketing is found to be so appealing because you are able to start a business in any interest that you love.

WE love helping people get started with their very own profitable online business, if you are interested in following a genuine route to success, click the Button below:

If you have any questions or comments about our Copy Paste Commissions Review, please write them in the comments below and we will reply as soon as we can.

Why Affiliate Marketing is So Appealing? Because it is Awesome!

Why Affiliate Marketing is So Appealing? Because it is Awesome!

Affiliate Marketing is so appealing these days, especially as more and more people are searching online for ways to make money from home and naturally land on a page all about affiliate marketing, but why is affiliate marketing so appealing?

The simple fact is that Affiliate Marketing is Awesome, but there are many questions around it and a few reasons why people fail…

We aim to answer all of your questions, show you why affiliate marketing is so appealing and also, what the watch-outs are too before showing you how you can get started with your very own affiliate marketing business for free.

Let’s start by clarifying exactly what affiliate marketing is…

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Before I go into detail about what true affiliate marketing is, you need to know there are plenty of training platforms that areWhat is Affiliate Marketing? actually scams pretending to be affiliate marketing.  We have reviewed a number of them, and some have actually been closed down by the FTC because they couldn’t live up to all of their promises.  If you ever find something that states you can earn money on auto-pilot or with little effort, then that is exactly what I am on about.  That is why we wanted to clarify your understanding on what is affiliate marketing.

It is very likely you have already experienced affiliate marketing is some way, especially if you have every purchased a product off of Amazon.

Affiliate Marketing is a beneficial way of marketing products for both affiliates and companies themselves, as the act saves them a fortune on their marketing campaigns.  It is as simple as promoting products and receiving a commission if someone chooses to buy said product through your affiliate link.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

An Affiliate Marketer signs up with an affiliate program, for the example I will discuss Amazon Associates.  This gains you access to all of their products to promote via blog or on social media.

How Does Affiliate Marketing work?

You create a blog or website on any subject you want to cover and promote products or services on it.  If someone lands on your website and decides to follow your recommendation and goes to the Amazon website via your affiliate link, if they buy the product you receive a percentage of the sale price as a reward for introducing a buyer.

There are thousands of affiliate programs, and affiliate networks that house thousands of affiliate programs meaning that you can create a blog in any subject you can think of.

That kind of adds to the appeal.

Why Affiliate Marketing is so Appealing?

Affiliate Marketing is so appealing for a number of ways, let’s go through a few:

Start an Affiliate Marketing Website About Anything

The best thing about Affiliate Marketing is the fact that you can start an online business in any interest or passion you have.

Interested in golf, then you can use that.  Interested in getting fit and helping others to get fit, then you can use that.Start an Affiliate Marketing Business in any Subject You Enjoy

Literally, you can start a business today in anything you are really interested in and you could find an affiliate program that will fit perfectly with it.

Gem runs and maintains a wedding stationary business, and affiliate marketing runs well with that.

Why start a business about something you don’t enjoy or know anything about when you could get started with a business you know loads about and enjoy immersing yourself within that subject.

It’s a Work from Anywhere Job

Another appealing feature of Affiliate Marketing is the fact you can do it from anywhere, the only restriction is internet coverage.

Work from Anywhere

Affiliate Marketing tends to go really well with travel blogging because that is one of the main benefits of an online business using affiliate marketing, you can blog about your travels and help others get started on their own travelling plans.

This is because it is classed as a passive income stream, meaning you do not need to monitor the sales.  Create great content and move on, you do not need to there for someone to decide to buy something you are promoting.

You Do Not Need Your Own Products or Services

Another great thing about affiliate marketing is the fact you do not need your own products or services, because you are promoting other people’s products.

No expensive warehouse, no need for a Point of Sale system.  This is often the reason why people do not think they can start their own business, because they have nothing to offer.

But, with affiliate marketing you have something that you can offer which isn’t a physical thing.  You can offer help and advice about a subject you know about, that is what you need to get started with affiliate marketing.

There are three great reasons as to why Affiliate Marketing is so appealing, but what stops Affiliate Marketers from succeeding?

What Stops Affiliate Marketers Succeeding?

There are a number of reasons why affiliate marketers do not succeed, we have picked out the top three that we feel is why they do not succeed:

Think it is a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

We mentioned earlier in the post that there are loads of programs claiming to be affiliate marketing and they all have Thinking Affiliate Marketing is a get-rich-quick schemesomething in common.  They make you believe that success can be achieve overnight.

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is anything but a get-rich-quick scheme.  In fact, there is no such program that can make you loads of money overnight.  It is was a thing, plenty of people would be reaping the benefits.

Affiliate Marketing is a great business to get started in, it can be any subject you love but if you think that in a month’s time you can sit back and watch the money come in that is not going to be a reality.

It is going to take a lot of hard work to realise your goals.  I will be honest with you, I didn’t earn anything for 6 months when I first started with affiliate marketing and it will be a long road to actually achieving a way of replacing my full-time job.

The more hours you put in, the more effort you put in the better, as realising your dreams will take hard work.

An honest affiliate marketer will tell you that you still need to put the hours in, even after you have established yourself in your chosen niche.

There are examples of where someone has got to the point where they are earning good money, they have even been able to leave their day job.  So, they decide my website is making good money now, I will go on a month-long holiday.  They do nothing with their website for a month, and then realise that their traffic levels drop a little because they haven’t worked on their website.

Hard work will pay off, but many do not give this any thought and the best way to describe it is they “play at it”.  They do not invest the time and effort to realise it and then they decide to give up…

They Give Up Too Soon

People give up before their hard work pays off.  This is normally because people think of it like an hourly-paid job.  I have done an hour of work, so I therefore deserve an hour’s worth of pay.

An online business does not work out like that.  Affiliate Marketing is a truly passive income, but it will not earn you moneyAffiliate Marketers fail because they give up too soon straightaway.  The harder you work in the early stages, the more likely you are going to enjoy the benefits down the road.

You could write an awesome quality post and it doesn’t make you money for 6 months, but then it starts earning you recurring income on a regular basis and could do so for years to come.

But many affiliate marketers give up after a couple of months and say affiliate marketing doesn’t work.  That is why the search engines does not really trust a new website until it is about 6 months old, because a website owner still engaged in their website after 6 months is the real deal and will keep on working and understands the long-term plan of an affiliate marketing business model.

A normal bricks and mortar business will typically not plan to turn a profit in year one, and yet online we seem to think we can be turning profit immediately.

Whilst the costs are nowhere near a typical business, the main investment you need to put in with an online business is your time and effort.

If you can commit to putting at least an hour a day into learning and acting within your business, you have what it takes but you need to keep at it until all your hard work pays off!

Lack of Quality Training & Support

You will find loads of contradicting strategies online, or you are being drawn in by affiliate marketing training that is outdated or clearly not affiliate marketing.

Quality Training & Support is Essential

But there are training programs out there that do help their members, and will give a easy to follow step-by-step plan to success.

The support is the key, I think anyone who cares enough will follow a structured guide, but it is the help aspect that people lack, and they feel like they are doing this all alone and that can be one of the hardest things to get over.

I am part of a community of affiliate marketers and we all engage together to help each other.  If we did not have that, I would have felt like I was swimming upstream.  In other words, it would have been extremely hard to keep going until the money started coming in.

We can help you get the help and support, with some awesome training to.  But I think it is one of the factors as to why many affiliate marketers are struggling, and that is wrong or outdated training with a real lack of support.

What Do You Need to Succeed?

Let’s just summarise so far, Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way of building an online business in a subject you really love and enjoy.  You can literally work from anywhere and enjoy the freedom that a work from home job can bring.

You also do not need any of your own products or services as you can promote other peoples and not have all the hassle that would normally bring.

But it does take long hours and hard work to become successful and people tend to give up too easily because they think it isn’t going to work – this is often because they do not get shown a proven method to follow and have a lack of support.

What I want to share with you is the fact I know how you might be feeling at this point; Do I take the plunge??

If you are just trying to piece together bits of information from Google and keep looking for those (fake) proven methods, you will look back in six months time and realise you haven’t achieved anything and you are no closer to having financial freedom.

Or you could read on, learn about how I now make money online and get all the help you need to succeed.

I was there at that point and thought there were no genuine ways of making money online until I read a review about a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

Things That You Need to Succeed?

I have broken down what you need to get started on the right track, and they are all things that Wealthy Affiliate will offer you in abundance.

Step-by-Step Training

Up-to-date training that all users can understand and follow.  I have found and reviewed many pieces of training around affiliate marketing, and typically they are outdated and that is why they are being offered for free.

The search engines are constantly changing, the way people navigate searches is changing and you need to keep up.

That is why we highly recommend the step-by-step training available at Wealthy Affiliate.  Kyle and Carson (the WA Co-Owners) do not try and confuse you or get you to do strategies until you are ready.

Online Entrepreneur Certification Course at WA

By the end of the first ten lessons, you will fully understand what Affiliate Marketing is, help to choose the right niche, how you are going to monetise your website and actually have your own free website up and running ready for your all-important content.

Learn from their experience and gain personal access to them to help you along your affiliate business.

Websites & Website Tools

The second thing you need for your affiliate marketing business is a website.  You will find many free ones online, but when you actually start to scale your online business you find the prices start to rise rapidly.  With Wealthy Affiliate, a free starter membership gains you 2 free websites with no limit on the number of users.

A premium membership adds a different level with up to 50 domains available to you, with no limit and free SSL certificates.

You will also experience some fantastic website engagement tools including a keyword research tool.

You can Learn More about the Different Membership Levels in our Wealthy Affiliate Review.

Expert Help & Support

I have already expressed the importance of the right support network.  You will find no better support that from the community at Wealthy Affiliate.Expert Help & Support at Wealthy Affiliate

If you ever feel like you are stuck, or just need a comforting word to keep you on the right track you will find it in abundance within Wealthy Affiliate.  You will find experience affiliate marketers and newbies alike all engaging in the training, asking and answering questions and encouraging everyone to achieve their goals.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Affiliate Marketing is so appealing because of the fact it can be about anything in the world.  Whether you are interested in starting a business in a hobby you love, want to help people in a subject you consider yourself an expert in, or want to document your fitness plan to help other people learn from you it all leads to the same thing.

A profitable online business that you actually enjoy working on.  Gem and I chose helping people and I have a background in learning and development.  We love helping people, and we also understand what good training is and that is why we recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

If you think you are ready to work hard and build a business that will allow you to enjoy it and work when you want and not be dictated to by a work schedule then I highly suggest you click the button below and start a free starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate.

Get Started with a Free WA Starter Membership

It is totally free, with no credit card required.  You will have access to the first ten lessons of their Online Entrepreneur Certification Course and 2 free websites that are yours to keep.  There will be no pressure to upgrade until you are ready.  But trust me, even those ten lessons will transform what you know about affiliate marketing and you will truly understand the potential behind it.

If you still have any questions about Affiliate Marketing or Wealthy Affiliate, I would be happy to answer all your questions.  Just write your questions in the comments below and we will respond.

Affiliate Bots 2.0 Review – Automated Success or Road to Oblivion?

Affiliate Bots 2.0 Review – Automated Success or Road to Oblivion_

Welcome to our Affiliate Bots 2.0 Review!

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic way for anyone looking to earn a passive income online, but you’re probably here to see if Affiliate Bots 2.0 makes that road easier or whether it’s all a scam.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Affiliate Bots in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal to you what this program is all about, what it’s going to provide you with, and why it’s both a YES & No for us…

Read more

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners -The Right Way!

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners -The Right Way!

Looking for a genuine way to earn money online? Then, Affiliate Marketing is a great choice. But understanding how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners can really show you the unlimited potential behind affiliate marketing.

We totally understand that there are so many conflicting messages out there and we wanted to make sure you really understand affiliate marketing, how affiliate marketing works and, more importantly how you can get started with affiliate marketing with our help and support.

What is Affiliate Marketing? And How Does it Work?

Affiliate Marketing is more widespread than you might realize, with large companies such as Amazon using it.

There are real benefits to both affiliates and the companies that use it as a way of marketing their products to a wider audience. But what exactly is affiliate marketing?

There are 3 parties involved in affiliate marketing. There is you (the affiliate), the product/service owner and the (potential) buyer.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

The affiliate signs up with an affiliate program, this allows the affiliate to start promoting their products or services. If someone decides to buy the product or service you are promoting, the affiliate gets a commission. This commission is typically a percentage of the sale price and is a “thank you” for introducing a buyer.

The reason affiliate marketing benefits both the affiliate and the product owner are the fact that it is a much more cost-effective way of marketing products because they only pay out if someone buys something.

It can save a company like Amazon millions from their marketing budget, and you get the benefit of earning money for promoting products or services.

The way the company knows that you were the one that introduced the buyer is through affiliate cookies.

Affiliate Cookies

When you sign up with an affiliate program, you get to use a special link when you promote the products or services, this special link uses cookies to basically tell the company it was you who led the buyer to their marketplace.

Cookies will typically have a set amount of time, so if a buyer follows your link and buys it straight away you get the sale. But the advantage of having a longer-term cookie is that some people will not buy straightaway.

They might save it in their basket for a while but depending on the length of time might mean you still get the sale if they come back to buy it.

Can you Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

The short answer is a huge Yes.

Often people will assume affiliate marketing is difficult because they think you need to be an expert in website design, orCan you make money from affiliate marketing they don’t think they would be able to write content.

But in all honesty, most people who are currently make money from affiliate marketing were all thinking along those lines when they first started out.

I didn’t have a clue about building websites, affiliate marketing or how to write content and yet I am now helping people find the right training and getting started with affiliate marketing now.

But there are a few things that you will need to consider before deciding whether Affiliate Marketing is for you.

For starters, you don’t need to be a technical expert – we can help you get everything you need to get started.

But there are some important factors you need to be able to commit to make this work. Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it will take time to get to a point where you are earning money from it.

You will also need to be able to commit to putting a lot of time and effort into making this work.

Many people give up from Affiliate Marketing within a couple of months, because they believe it isn’t working. But it is simply down to the fact they have given up too soon.

We did not make any money from affiliate marketing for the first 6 months, if we had given up on month 5, we might have walked away saying affiliate marketing doesn’t work.

It does, but the timescales are not in relation to a normal job.

In a normal job you get paid for the hours you complete. But you are limited to the number of hours you can work, limiting how much you can earn.

Affiliate Marketing is truly a passive income stream, meaning that when you do start earning money from it – you do not need to be present to make the money.

But you will complete a lot of work in the initial stages that will not earn you an income.

Then, it happens.

One of your articles starts getting ranked well in the search engines, people start reading your article. They like what they read and follow your recommendation and buy the product or service you are promoting.

Then you soon realize that one article can earn you a recurring income month after month.

How Much Can You Make with Affiliate Marketing?

The honest answer is the figure is unlimited, it is only bound by how much hard work you are willing to put in at the early stages to ensure you can unlock the potential of earning money from affiliate marketing.

Many affiliate marketers are earning a full-time income from promoting products or services in a niche that they really love.

Imagine that, an online business based on something you love… You love travelling, sport, health & fitness, helping people… it really can be in any subject you want and as long as you follow the right strategy you can soon be making money with Affiliate Marketing.

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing in 2019

We wanted to make sure we broke down the steps needed to get started with affiliate marketing. The first step you need to think about is the niche you want to get started in for your affiliate marketing business.

Choose a Niche

This is an important step and often one that many get wrong.

The main reason people get this wrong is down to them starting with a subject that is too broad. A niche is a tiny segment of a product range, if you start very narrow you will have a better chance of breaking into the target market and getting your blog ranked in the search engines and ultimately get traffic (the vital ingredient to making money).

If you have a subject in mind, think to yourself is it too broad and can you narrow it down?

I like to use Amazon’s category list to do this. You will notice that you can narrow down your search via Amazon to many sub-categories, you need to do the same with your niche selection.

Choose a Niche with Amazon's directory

As you grow your authority in that niche, you will naturally expand out into the broader category. But starting very niche is important. If you start too broad, you will find you will have a lot of competition which will be hard to compete with as a new brand.

If you ever need help to narrow down your niche, we are here to help – write your questions in the comments below and we will help you as much as you can to get to your niche.

Create a Website

Anyone who tells you “you don’t need a website” for affiliate marketing is typically wrong.

I know that is a strong statement but relying on one source of social media is not a great strategy.

I have found social media networks are not typically a great when it comes to promoting affiliate links. Some links will get blocked, and people are typically turning a blink eye to certain posts.

You have to put your links in front of the right person on social media to make it work. Building your own website, creating the right content will attract the right audience to your website and that is a much better strategy to earning affiliate commissions than hoping people see your stuff on social media.

I am not saying, don’t use social media.

What I am saying is, by building a website you can use all the channels available to you.

You don’t want to stick to Instagram and find that no one ends up clicking your links.

If you have chosen your niche and feel ready to build your own affiliate marketing business, you can build a free website using the tool below. See if your domain name is free in the box below:

Sign up with an Affiliate Program

We have already mentioned Amazon; they have their own affiliate program called Amazon Associates.

You will also find that there are literally thousands of affiliate programs out there. Using your search engine, you will find by typing “product + affiliate program” or “niche + affiliate program” you will find tons of them you can use on your new website.

Be wary if an affiliate program is charging you. Most will not charge you, as they are benefiting from your promotions. A couple do charge a little fee to join up, but this is simply to prove you are a real person. If they are charging a percentage or a monthly fee, I would look elsewhere.

You will find a lot of brands are using affiliate marketing nowadays, scroll down to the bottom of their website and you will normally see an affiliate program there. If they are not displaying that, don’t worry they might be using one of the affiliate networks. This host a huge selection of products for you to promote. We have listed the most popular affiliate programs or networks below:

Write Content that Helps

If you can nail this step, you are definitely going to be able to earn money from affiliate marketing… People do not want toWrite Content that Helps People be sold to, they want help with their purchase decisions.

Before buying stuff online people want to research before, they actually buy. If you can help them with these decisions, that is where you can really benefit people.

This also means people start to trust you and your brand, do that and you will be earning money online from affiliate marketing.

You need to write high-quality content that means the search engines display your content at the top of the search results. That is where you start to get traffic. But the search engines are constantly improving their systems to ensure they are displaying high-quality content that helps people.

Don’t follow any training that states you should write content to impress the search engines for rankings, write it for normal people who are looking for help and that is all that matters.

There is an element of keyword research, which you can read more about that here. But the important stuff is around the quality of the content and its ability to help people.

You Need Traffic

This step is where your patience comes in. If you can do effective keyword research, write high-quality content and help people you are definitely on your way to a profitable affiliate marketing business.

But an audience will not come straightaway.

Depending on your niche and how much time and effort you put in, you might make your first dollar after 3 months, maybe Website Traffic6 months, maybe longer.

The key is to keep creating content regularly. Search engines are used to affiliate marketers starting out and then giving up after 3 months. So, they don’t entirely trust new websites until you can prove you are someone in it for the long run. If you can break through that 3-month mark and keep going with high-quality content, you will soon see that the search engines start trusting your website and rewarding you with higher rankings.

Your ultimate goal is to get to page one of Google. Google has 2/3 of the overall online search volume. SO that is a very important spot to make yours!!

Keep Learning & Improving

You need to keep learning – I am still learning new things every day. You also need to keep improving yourself, your blog and going back and improving stuff that might need improving.

Nothing stays the same for very long, if you start to get complacent you will find that your rankings will dip.

I have seen affiliate marketers start to see sales come in and they are able to give up their job. They then decide to go on holiday for a bit and do not touch their blog. They then come back and soon realize their rankings have dropped and they soon realize that they are losing money.

You need to keep your rankings to keep your traffic.

Work Hard, Learn Something Every day and constantly improve yourself and your blog and you are onto a great strategy!

Do You Need More Help? Check Out our Best Step-by-Step Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners…

Whilst the idea behind affiliate marketing is as simple as the process below, there are many aspects to it that require training.

If you are serious about wanting to get started and build your own affiliate marketing business, we would like to help you get started with some excellent training.

Follow their step-by-step training like we did, and you will definitely be on your way to your own profitable affiliate marketing business.

Unlike many other training programs out there, Wealthy Affiliate comes with a solid training framework to follow with support on hand at any point along the way. You will also benefit from the owners helping you with your online business, we will also help you too. Get taught how to:

  • Picking the Right Niche for You
  • Build Your Own Website
  • Everything to do with Search Engines – Making sure you website is search engine friendly and can get ranked
  • Creating Content that Helps (& Converts)
  • Signing up for Affiliate Programs
  • Monetizing your website

There are literally hundreds of training videos available on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, you will also gain access to their fantastic keyword research tool, website hosting and website engagement tools.

Don’t take our word for it alone! Unlike many other training platforms, Wealthy Affiliate offers a free starter membership that does not require a credit card.

Free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership

You can see what they have to offer and see the training for yourself.

If you would like to read a little more about Wealthy Affiliate, here is our full Wealthy Affiliate review.

Our Top 3 Affiliate Marketing Tips

We have thought really hard about 3 tips we could offer to help you get to the point where you can make money with affiliate marketing for beginners

Set Yourself Goals

I am not just talking about setting yourself financial goals, as that is an obvious one. But set yourself non-financial goals – Set Yourself Goalswhy do you want to be able to work from home? Mine was to spend more time with my family, but whatever your goal is – set it. This will help you stay motivated until you are earning money from affiliate marketing

Another thing with setting goals, is the tasks needed within your business. It could be you set yourself goals like, “I am going to write 3 articles this week” and make sure you keep to them. The smarter you work, the more likely this will work for you.

Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, we love the live chat and questions function within Wealthy Affiliate where you can get immediate responses to any questions you may have.

Ask for help whenever you get stuckYou will have a lot to learn, but that doesn’t mean you have to struggle to learn them. Whenever you need help, you need to ask for it. When I first started out I was regularly asking questions and Wealthy Affiliate is a safe environment to do it.
We are also here to help you, if you are ever stuck and need some help.

Don’t Give Up

This is the big one, you can’t give up. Do not work hard for 3 months and then think it’s not working, as you were probably at that point where the traffic would have kicked in.

Don't Give Up

There have been time when people have got in touch to say, “this isn’t working! I need to give up”

You then start to talk to them about why, and get into the detail and it is simply down to the fact their expectations are a bit unrealistic. I ask them how long they have been going and they turn around and say a month or two.

I then turn around and say, I didn’t earn anything for 6 months… they then start to understand they need to keep going.

After the 6-month mark, they often turn around and say “You were right John!”

That is a great feeling for Gem and I and we want to emphasis to you, it is possible to earn money with affiliate marketing. But you have to work hard and never give up!
This is a difficult road if you choose to do it alone, that is why we offer our help and the guys at Wealthy Affiliate are experts that help people and with the right training and understanding about timescale, you will soon realize it is a matter of WHEN it happens and not IF it happens.

Final Words – You Can Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

You do not need to an expert in web design or anything to do with search engines, etc. All you need is the determination to build a better life for yourself.

Motivation is a key part of getting this right and keep determined and in a year’s time you could easily be earning money from affiliate marketing with a business around something you love.

But that is the key, you need to work hard and be willing to put time and effort into it. No one will hand this to you on a plate, and any platform that tells you that is lying to you.

We have a reviewed a lot of products that claim you can earn money on auto-pilot or with little effort and they are all scams or low-quality products leading you to a sales funnel.

We recommend Wealthy Affiliate because it works, it has worked for us and it has worked for thousands of other members too. The reason it works is that the owners care, share their knowledge openly and we all work together to support each other.

The thing that we all have in common is that we work hard. We work hard at learning and putting everything into action.

Are you ready to come and join us and get started on your own affiliate marketing journey???

Get Started with Wealthy Affiliate

If you have any questions around affiliate marketing or anything we can help you with, please write them in the comments below and we will respond to you as soon as we can

Commission Black Ops Review – Unrealistic Commissions Strategy or Dream Ticket?

Commission Black Ops Review – Unrealistic Commissions Strategy or Dream Ticket_

Michael Cheney claims you can easily be making $1,000 per day with his training program, but is that a reality?  Find out what you need to know in our Commission Black Ops Review.

Michael Cheney has a number of products out there all claiming to have THE strategy for you to earn ridiculous amounts of money within a really short timescale.

But the reality is, that most are low-quality and lack any real details or depth to them to allow you to learn an effective strategy, let alone be able to make any money.

Commission Black Ops Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Black Ops

Owner: Michael Cheney

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training

Price: $19.95 + Upsells

Best For: No one

Commission Black Ops Review

Summary: Whilst the price makes this training appealing, it lacks any real substance around gaining traffic.  Gaining traffic is essential to any online business, and like most products from Michael Cheney it lacks any real depth or detail around this which makes this Commission Black Ops not a great buy.  You would require more information to be able to get a start within Affiliate Marketing and a lot of the techniques Michael shows you, you could get elsewhere for free

Rating: 40/100

Recommended? No

What Is Commission Black Ops & How Does It Work?

Commission Black Ops is another money-making program from Michael Cheney and there is a similar theme when you check out some of his other products too. Commission Black Ops, The Commission Machine and the Commission Cartel all lack a bit of substance.

But the Commission Black Ops is a video training series designed to educate complete newbies on a strategy supposedly meant to help you earn money as an affiliate marketer.

The strategy covered within Commission Black Ops is through Email Marketing.

The training isn’t necessarily bad, but it only covers the basics because it is aimed for beginners and that is the problem, you will easily outgrow this training and need to go elsewhere to expand on the strategies required to actually make a decent amount of money.

The premise is finding products available on JV ZOO, which is an affiliate network to promote via email marketing to earn money when people purchase the products you are promoting.

My worry is, there are a lot of low-quality products or scams on JV Zoo, so how will you earn money if you are promoting low-quality products that people will not buy?

Now, at this point I would like to point out that affiliate marketing and email marketing are both very effective ways of making money online.  We utilise both to that end, but without either a website or an established email list you will find it extremely difficult to actually make any money. So, how can Michael give you some basic training and expect you to go away and achieve a level where you are earning $1,000 a day?

The training does cover picking the right products to promote, but the thing the training does lack is how to build up an email list other than buying that said list.

You can pay to access other people’s email lists.  But that is not as easy a sell as it sounds, and you need to have a decent budget to make it work.

The best start you can have for earning money through affiliate marketing, is through having your own website, building up an organic traffic base and then introducing email marketing at the right time and this training will not lead to that.

If you did decide to pay the $19.95 feeling it is not a great deal of money, and you will learn a little from this product – Expect to be presented with a load of upsells as soon as you buy Commission Black Ops which is really the ploy behind all of Michael Cheney’s low-priced products.

Michael has a number of these training programs out there, and they all seem to lack the same depth that is required to actually earn the kind of money he states he is.  I am totally confident in the fact that Michael does know his stuff, it is just a shame he doesn’t share it easily or thoroughly.  If he created one platform that taught all the aspects of internet marketing or affiliate marketing, then he might get a better response to his products.

What is Good About Commission Black Ops (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:


Basic Concepts for Beginners

Someone just starting out in the affiliate marketing world will learn some basics from Michael’s video training.  The videos are high quality and offer some insight into finding products to promote.  Although you could easily find this information elsewhere without spending any money… and probably learn more effective techniques!

What Could Commission Black Ops Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Training is Too Basic


This is not a comprehensive training platform ideal for a beginner to get started and build an online business that will lead to good earning potential.


All the Hype


It is a common theme with all of Michael Cheney’s products that he sells it as the most overhyped product on the planet and it will be a revolutionary product but in reality, it lacks in a number of different ways.


How Are You Going to Get Any Traffic…?


This is the one that makes this a “no” for me, the Commission Black Ops training does not show you how to generate any traffic.  You need traffic to make money online, unless you are willing to pay for it.

But if you are just starting out, there are a couple of things to know about paying for traffic:

  • ·      It can be expensive if you don’t do it properly
  • ·      It takes trial and error
  • ·      It doesn’t necessarily guarantee sales

Relevancy is so important online, and you are more likely to get sales if you are helping people with their questions, etc and that may lead to them following your recommendations, etc.

Building up natural traffic is a much better strategy and yet this is not what Michael is teaching.  You will be encouraged to buy access to someone else’s email list and promote anything through that.  But how relevant that product will be to them is subjective and you might pay for access to it, but there is no guarantee of anything coming from it.


Full of Upsells


If a product is good, there is no need for loads of upsells.  But Commission Black Ops is just full of them, before you even get to the training you will be inundated with upsells and down sells.

It is Just a Theory


All of Michael’s training is theory, there is nothing that will allow a beginner to actually progress from it.  You could go through all of the training and still feel like you have something to show for it…

My Honest Opinion of Commission Black Ops

Michael Cheney’s Commission Black Ops is full of rehashed training material that you probably already have or could easily find just by doing a Google Search.  Information is readily available online, but what you need is a clear training program that helps you along the way to building an online business that can earn you money.

You might pick up a few concepts from this training, but it is definitely not enough to get anywhere near the amount of earnings that Michael professes will come from this training.

Whilst Commission Black Ops is not a scam, it is just a typical average training product designed to hook you in to show you the upsells.

Building a profitable online business will need a lot more than is on offer with Commission Black Ops.  If you truly want to find the right step-by-step training to be successful with an online business or with affiliate marketing, then Gemma and I can help.   Click the button below to find out how you can get started with your very own affiliate marketing online business for free!

Thanks for checking out our Commission Black Ops Review, if you still have any questions or want to ask us anything about affiliate marketing or online business, please write it in the comments below and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

What is the Best Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners? Find Out About Our Top Recommendation

What is the Best Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners_ Find Out About Our Top Recommendation!

With so many different training programs and scams out there, what is the best affiliate marketing training for beginners?  Well, after benefitting from what we believe to be the best, we want to share our recommended training platform with you and help you get started with your very own affiliate marketing business online.

Affiliate Marketing allows us to build an online business within something we really love and want to do, but without the right training and tools this can be quite a difficult path of trial and error.  Why waste time learning from unreliable sources, when you can have a clear training path that if followed exactly will lead you to a profitable online affiliate marketing business.

Read more

Is Commission Cartel a Scam? Or the Secret Technique to $1,442 a Day!

Is Commission Cartel a Scam_ Or the Secret Technique to $1,442 a Day!

Let’s answer the question, is commission cartel a scam?  Michael Cheney claims you can learn from his secret technique to earning $1,442 a day and even start earning $500 in your first month.

Those are some bold claims from this training and yet, I will go through exactly why it isn’t even worth the $9.95 and you will walk away with more questions than you had before you started.

Let’s get into the review, shall we?

Commission Cartel Overview & Rankings

Product Name: Commission Cartel Michael Cheney - Is Commission Cartel a Scam?

Owners: Michael Cheney

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training

Price: $9.95 + Upsells

Best For: No One Rating: 1/5

A Quick Commission Cartel Summary

Michael Cheney brings us Commission Cartel, training on creating a list and promoting affiliate links via social media, etc.  The price might entice some but in reality, the training lacks any real depth and will leave many beginners with more questions than they had before going through the training.  Definitely not a great product.

Recommended: No

Recommended Training for Beginners

What Exactly is Commission Cartel & How Does it Work?

Introduced in 2016, Michael Cheney’s Commission Cartel claims to be an amalgamation of his ten years of Internet Marketing experience into one product.  He also claims that by following his techniques and “secrets” you can make some serious money with it – Up to $1,442 in a day.  He also claims a complete newbie could easily be making $500 or more in your first month, just by following his techniques…?

It all sounds rather elaborate and cloak-and-dagger but in reality, the training is all around building an email list and pushing them down the right sales funnels.

At this point, I would like to say email marketing can be very effective, and sales funnels are essential for an online business and affiliate marketing is a genuine way of earning money online – but does the Commission Cartel include everything that you need to be successful at these strategies??

That is the problem, Michael Cheney is very experienced, and has launched a number of IM products such as Commission Machine.

But the problem with this product is you get what you pay for.  It is only $16.95 and that shows when you start looking at the information provided.  Many complaints about this product have been the fact the information is vague or conflicting.

For example, he mentions that you do not require a website, but he expects you to create an email list.  How??

I would not be able to get people to my email list without my website, so how does he expect you to get a list to be able to promote products too… He expects you to pay to buy access to someone else’s list.  But he specifically talks about targeting social media.

Now, in my experience social media is an ok medium to promote your brand, but it is not a great place to collect email addresses.  You need a website to really be successful!

Michael states that it is as easy as posting a review on YouTube and linking it straight to your affiliate link, but how can you compete with all of the major competition on YouTube to get your video noticed?

Without an audience, you are going to be struggling to get your affiliate offers out there, and that is how you are going to make money.  Michael Cheney’s training will not help you out at all in the slightest.

I could go on, but I will leave the rest to the Concerns section.  But at this point, whilst it is only $9.95 you could benefit so much more by joining Wealthy Affiliate for free and really learning the right techniques to starting your own online affiliate marketing business.

Who Will Benefit from the Commission Cartel?

The only person who would benefit from you buying this product is Michael himself, it just lacks any real depth to help you and is just another low-quality product from Michael Cheney.

How Much Does Commission Cartel Cost?

Whilst the price is not through the roof, I would not want to spend money on a product to only find it was low-quality or made me go away with more questions.  That is my gripe with this product, you will walk away going that was not worth $10.

But there are 2 upsells to consider with the Commission Cartel too.  Let’s go through all of the packages here:

Basic Commission Cartel Package – $9.95

This is the basic package and will cost a one-off fee of $9.95.   This gets you the Commission Cartel dossier, video, audio and blueprints and his “apparent” insider training.

The Godfather Package – $27

A one-off fee of $27 gives you access to “never before released” done-for-you commission creating campaigns.  Includes promotional materials, discount coupons and some special VIP access.

The “Secret Weapons” Package – $47

A one-off fee of $47 gets you the secret weapons package, which includes money-making templates that are ready to use with additional bonuses such as “How to turn emails into money”

From the look of each, the offer looks good.  But unfortunately, the content is lacking any real quality.

What is Good About Commission Cartel (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

Some Basics for a Low Price

Michael does know his stuff, and you will learn a few basics from the product, and it is a low price.

What Could Commission Cartel Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Information is Vague or is Conflicting

I touched on this earlier, but the information provided by Michael hits two sensitive subjects.  Vagueness and Conflicting.

It is very vague into how you are going to earn money and lacks any real depth in the techniques.  As though he were talking to people who already had an idea on how to make money through email marketing or promoting via YouTube.  I feel it is lazy writing.  He has the knowledge but doesn’t share this enough in his product.

The way it is conflicting is the fact he claims you do not need a website.  You can just promote via Social Media and YouTube.  But unless you already have a YouTube channel with a ton of traffic, you will get lost.  People need to see your videos to find your affiliate links – that is how you make money.

If no one sees your videos or posts, then you make no money.  The same with building an email list, the best way to build it is by having capture forms on your website.  But he is telling you not to have a website??

It’s like he doesn’t want you to have the best start, as long as he gets his money.  I fully believe the best start for a newbie is to have their own website as a solid foundation, where you can explore every avenue of earning money online.

Get started with an affiliate marketing website with awesome training today!

Lack of Support

In Michael’s brief, you are told you can contact him whenever you have a question or need any support.  But when looking through the complaints of members, you start to see Michael does not really respond at all, let alone getting a quick response to resolve a problem.  This make sense, as he misses out loads of key information, that people will be bombarding him with complaints and he probably doesn’t look anymore.

No Refund Offered

This goes with the poor support; you are not offered a refund and there is no free trial.

Start learning from a genuine affiliate marketing training platform, that offers a free starter membership and will take you step-by-step through every step needed to make money online!  Wealthy Affiliate has helped thousands achieve their goals of working from home with their own affiliate marketing business.

My Honest Opinion of Commission Cartel? Is Commission Cartel a Scam?

I will state at this point, I do not believe the Commission Cartel is a scam.  Michael Cheney does know his stuff and my problem is not with him, it is with the sheer lack of quality in any of his products.  I recently reviewed his Commission Machine product, and that again came away with a similar conclusion.

You will learn some basics; you will learn some concepts.  But as a beginner, you will still feel really lost and not know where to go from there.

On that basis, I cannot recommend the Commission Cartel to anyone, regardless of the price.

Earning commission from promoting quality products is a great way of earning money, but you need the right training and support.  Not something that is bodged together and sold as though it will earn you that kind of money in your first month.

Affiliate Marketing takes a lot of time and effort and earnings will not happen overnight.  Regardless of what Michael and others try and tell you.

Any product that tells you to expect to earn straightaway is typically a scam, or a low-quality product.

My advice is stay away from Michel Cheney’s Commission Cartel and take a look at a training platform with a proven success rate!

Commission Cartel at a Glance

Product Name: Commission Cartel Commission Cartel Review

Owners: Michael Cheney

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training

Price: $9.95 + Upsells

Recommended: No Rating:  1/5

Verdict: Not Recommended – You Will Walk Away with More Questions Than You Started With!

I truly believe these types of products only want your money and do not offer anything with any value for you to feel like it was a worthwhile investment.

Are You Sick of Low-Quality Products or Scams?

The internet is full of low-quality products or scams, all promising you that you can earn thousands overnight whilst sitting at home or by the pool!  Unfortunately, the common theme is that people get sucked into them, otherwise they would not exist.

If you really want to earn money online and find a genuine way of doing it, the first thing you will need to know is that you cannot earn money online overnight!!!

Sorry, I know that is not what you want to hear but that is the only way I can make sure you do not fall for any scams online.

I have been through a scam experience, where it cost me money and I learned so much from that experience and I want to share that experience with you as it led to me finding a genuine way of earning money.

I had never heard of affiliate marketing before, but I had just been through a scam with binary options.  Looking for a way of earning money online, I thought that I could crack it.

It did not work out, but I am not sorry as it led me to Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate was different to anything else I had seen online, and do you know what that difference was…?  They were completely honest. Completely honest about:

  • The time needed to earn money online!
  • The effort required to earn money online!
  • The earning potential from Affiliate Marketing, but how to be realistic in the timescales too!

They will openly say; Wealthy Affiliate is not for everyone.  You need to work hard and follow the training to the letter, to benefit from Affiliate Marketing and if you are looking for quick ways to earn money online then Wealthy Affiliate is not for you.

But if you really are sick of scams, then you might want to give them a go.  By the end of lesson 10, you will have your very own affiliate marketing website already to earn money online.

With a free starter membership, you have nothing to lose except some time to check it all out.  But I guarantee you will learn more in those 10 lessons than you ever would from the Commission Cartel training.

If you would like to read more about Wealthy Affiliate, here is my full WA review.  But if you feel ready to start your own affiliate marketing journey with excellent training and real support, click the button below and start a free starter membership with Wealthy Affiliate:

Free Starter Membership with WA

If you have any questions or comments about Commission Cartel or anything else around Affiliate Marketing, please write them in the comments below.  I promise to get back to you as soon as I can!

Affiliate Titan X Review – Crappy IM Product or Latest Innovation?

Affiliate Titan X Review – Crappy IM Product or Latest Innovation_

If you have been checking out whether it is worth your time investing in Affiliate Titan X, then you have come to the right place.

We have been looking into this product and checking to see what is different from its previous version Affiliate Titan 3.0 and on the surface, we cannot see many differences.

The overhyped sales figures are there, charging you for free products is still there.

Let’s delve in and see what we found.

Affiliate Titan X Overview & Rankings

Product Name: Affiliate Titan X Affiliate Titan X Review

Owners: Chris X and Ken

Website URL:

Product Type: Internet Marketing Training & Tools

Price: $9.95 + Upsells

Best For: The Owners Rating: 1/5

A Quick Affiliate Titan X Summary

Whilst Affiliate Titan X does offer some training and tools on how to get into affiliate marketing, it is the lack of quality that gets me.  The training is not thorough, and in a way it kind of already expects you to know certain aspects of it.  A couple of the tools are not necessary, all of which you could research on your own without them.  It seems like just a low-ticket item to be able to present to you a load of upsells. Don’t waste your money or time on this product.

Recommended: No

Here is our recommended program for beginners

What Exactly is Affiliate Titan X & How Does it Work?

The basic premise behind the Affiliate Titan X program is affiliate marketing.  We love affiliate marketing, but without the right training and tools it can be a hard slog to get it right.  The process of affiliate marketing isn’t the problem, it is the lack of quality that oozes out of the Affiliate Titan X.

Their advice is not going to get you the quality of traffic you need to be able to make any money from their tactics, especially when it comes to YouTube.

Alongside the training they offer, they include tools that you do not need to buy.  That’s right, you are paying for free tools that are already out there.

Four of the software packages are just search tools to help you find affiliate programs to promote. But you can do this already with affiliate vendors such as JVZoo and Clickbank.  They also provide better statistic information around how well affiliate programs are doing before joining.

Can You Really Earn this from Affiliate Titan X?

They also offer a “proven” sales page based on the type of affiliate product you want to promote.  But this proves to be just a spun article, with your keywords filled into the blank spaces.  This feels like duplicate content to me and will only lead to poor rankings within the search engines.

All of these software packages are aimed at simplifying the process for you, but they are all a free product, that is low-quality, and they are charging you for them??

Another sign that shows this product is not worth any money is the over-hyped sales claims. Affiliate Marketing can lead to people earning a decent amount of money, but they claim you can be making $8k a day.

It is just another way of drawing those in who want to earn money online, and think it is easy because of products like this one.

You cannot expect to pay $10 and think that you could start to earn that kind of money overnight, or even in a few short weeks.

Gem and I see these types of products all the time, they know you are looking to make money, they promise you can be earning a considerable amount of money easily and it is easy to get hooked in.

Affiliate Marketing takes hard work and not a crappy product like Affiliate Titan X.

Who Will Benefit from the Affiliate Titan X?

I personally feel the only people who would benefit from Affiliate Titan X is the owners Chris and Ken. I have no doubt they may have been able to earn $2 million in commission from affiliate marketing techniques.  But this product does not help beginners with the right techniques to be able to strive to earn good money from affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate, our recommended training platform is a much better platform and has a free starter membership and teaches the right strategies from the beginning.  Affiliate Titan X is just a way of introducing you to all of the upsells, that they really want you to buy.

How Much Does Affiliate Titan X Cost?

Some of you may be thinking, well it is only $9.95.  OK, that may be a factor to many, but this price is purely to draw you in to be able to promote their upsells to you.

With promises, that you will not succeed without these purchases.  It is a common trait with a scam or low-quality product.

$10 can easily become $100, and then you realise you are back at the starting point of looking for a genuine way of earning money online.

Affiliate Marketing can be that genuine way, with the right training and support.

What is Good About Affiliate Titan X (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Honestly, this is the only pro I can put forward for the product.  It is covered by ClickBank’s 30-day money back guarantee. Although experience has showed me that it is not that easy to get your money back through ClickBank, but I had to put something in the pros.

What Could Affiliate Titan X Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Charging you for Free Products

These tools they are providing, as long as you pay, are ways to find products to promote online.  But one of the tools is to find products on amazon in your chosen niche.  Why can’t I just go on Amazon and search?

Another tool allows you to search ClickBank to find products to promote, again why can’t I go on ClickBank and search?  ClickBank actually provides better information about the products on their dashboard anyway?

No fall for it, you do not need these tools.

Over Hyped Sales Figures

I know Affiliate Marketers who really know what they are doing, have been doing it for years and are earning good money from it, and even they are not earning $8k a day. This is purely to tug on your emotions to get you thinking, I could really do with that money.  Being realistic, you can earn good money from Affiliate Marketing, but not with this training.  You need the right training and support for someone just starting out.

Overhyped sales figures

Low-Quality Strategies in the Training

If you get the strategy right in the first place you can be onto a winner, and really see success with Affiliate Marketing.  But this training is not it, they miss out key information and offer strategies that will not reach the heights you need to earn money from it.

It also misses out a key ingredient in the whole affiliate marketing business model – traffic generation. They completely miss out the paid traffic methods, they do not cover all of the free traffic methods and does not cover social media at all.

You need to explore all avenues to earn money from affiliate marketing.

Full of Upsells

This is typical of this type of product, they draw you in with a low price of $9.95, but then hit you with four upsells before you even get into the product.  It costs a lot more than just a $10.

My Honest Opinion of Affiliate Titan X?

Whilst I would be hesitant in describing Affiliate Titan X as a scam, it is definitely a low-quality product with the aim of giving you a little information, and really pushing their upsells to you.

The tools they provide are not worth your time, and for the most part are free products they have charged you for…?

The sales claims made by Chris and Ken are really overhyped, and I do not think anyone who buys this product can realistically expect to earn even a fraction of that amount.

Another factor to consider is the way they relaunch this product regularly, it has been Affiliate Titan 3.0 in the past.  It is another sign that this product is destined to fail, then they will relaunch it with a different name and hope some other people buy it.

Overall, if you are looking for a genuine opportunity within Affiliate Marketing, you will not find it here. People just starting out online need the right training and support to succeed, we recommend Wealthy Affiliate to people because they offer just that.  Training the right methods that have seen thousands of people reach their goals of working from home with affiliate marketing, you will find no better place to start.

Affiliate Titan X at a Glance

Product Name: Affiliate Titan X 

Owners: Chris X and Ken

Website URL:

Product Type: Internet Marketing Training & Tools

Price: $9.95 + upsells

Best For: The Owners

Recommended: No Rating: 1/5

Verdict: Not Recommended, Low-Quality Product

If you really want to make money online and are sick of seeing low-quality products or scams, then you need to check out our No.1 Recommended Training Product – Wealthy Affiliate.

There is no system online where you can expect to just push a button and watch it make money for you (Sorry).  But they do not exist.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t make money online.  Affiliate Marketing is a route you can expect to make money online with, but not overnight or even in a couple of months.

If you can get past the fact you are going to need to work to earn money online, then you can definitely benefit from Wealthy Affiliate’s training program.  Learn from experts, learn from other affiliate marketers and build your own affiliate marketing business.  Learn more in my detailed Wealthy Affiliate review, but you will see that you will really benefit once you have signed up.

If you have any questions or want to share any experiences, please write them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you and I will always respond as soon as I can.

Is the Commission Machine a Scam? Can You Really Earn $2k a Day?

Is the Commission Machine a Scam_ Can You Really Earn $2k a Day_

Michael Cheney makes some bold claims with his Commission Machine system, but we ask the question is the commission machine a scam or can you really earn $2k a day through it??

Michael’s claims of earning $2642.60 per day, even if you are a complete newbie with no money, experience and no email list.

Commission Machine - Can you really earn $2k a day?


But here is the flaw, you are expecting people with no money to pay for your program?  That is a big contradiction, and it is just the start of the problems with this program.

There is also the issue with all the hype around this product, it can easily just assume the Commission machine is just another scam.  But we have dug deep into the product to check it out.

Commission Machine Overview & Rankings

Product Name: Commission Machine Is Commission Machine a Scam

Owners: Michael Cheney

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing & Email Marketing Video Course

Price: $47 + Upsells & Recurring Fees

Best For: Affiliate Marketers with a little more experience Rating: 2.5/5

A Quick Commission Machine Summary

The Commission Machine is a video course teaching people how to write effective emails and how to promote affiliate products on JVZoo.  But without any training on how to generate any traffic or tools to create your own landing page or funnel, it will not benefit a beginner looking for a way of making money online.  Only those who already know how to generate traffic, etc will benefit from this video course.

Recommended: No

Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

What Exactly is Commission Machine & How Does it Work?

Commission Machine is a 7-module video training course with a focus on teaching effective email marketing and how to monetise your email list using Affiliate Marketing.  Commission Machine tends to target affiliate products through JVZoo, which is an affiliate network.

How Does Email Marketing Work?

If you are a little unsure how email marketing works, email marketing works through the following:

  1. Drive Traffic to Your Landing Page
  2. Offer a Free Gift & Collect an Email Address
  3. Follow-up Emails & Build a Relationship
  4. Monetise Your List by Promoting Relevant Products

You will need to create a landing page to collect email addresses from your visitors, but whilst Michael touches on this subject.  It is very brief, and he doesn’t provide you with the tools to create a landing page.

Once you have your landing page, you need to drive traffic to your landing page.

But again, Michael only touches on the subject about driving free traffic using Facebook, but this is not as reliable as you might think.

Michael also misses out key information about other forms of free or paid traffic too. Michael Cheney

The third step, all around the following emails and converting emails is where Michael has put a lot of his focus, and the Commission Machine does offer a lot of value in this area.

But, know that you will need to invest in a 3rd
party autoresponder, like Aweber in order to be able to send these automated emails.

The last step is where you send promotional emails to your subscribers with affiliate products from JVZoo, with the aim that they make a purchase and you earn commission from the sale.

Michael does teach you how to find profitable affiliate products to promote, he also offers email templates to sell them to your email list too.

That is the basics of how Commission Machine Works.

The 7-Module Course looks like this, with how long each module is too:

Module 1 – Introduction (3:11)

Module 2 – Research (28:28)

Module 3 – Angle (24:10)

Module 4 – Providing Incentives (23:24)

Module 5 – Messages (46:53)

Module 6 – Deploy (28:43)

Module 7 – No List Method (13:38)

I am not sure how much content you were expecting for $47, but I am certain you were not expecting a course that only lasted less than 3 hours?

If I compare this to our No.1 Recommended Training platform, Wealthy Affiliate offers over 50 core training lessons, which takes weeks to complete along with the tasks that are set out to complete – I know which a more comprehensive training for a beginner is.

Michael’s method for making money is called the R.A.P.I.D method, which stands for



Provide Incentive


Step One – Research

Michael teaches you how to choose profitable affiliate products from JVZoo to promote, but the thing I do not like about his training is that he recommends you promote Internet marketing & Make Money Online products, because he says they are the most profitable…

The reason I say that I don’t really agree is, that you should only promote products that you know are genuine and right for people and not base it solely on profitability.

There is also the fact he only promotes products available on JVZoo and doesn’t talk about any other affiliate networks either.

Step Two – Angle

This step is all about your positioning, how to position yourself and your offers to grab the attention and hook them into buying your offer.  He will show you case studies and the email templates he uses.

Step Three – Provide Incentive

This step entails how to make your affiliate offer irresistible to stop them going elsewhere to but the products.

This is about getting them to follow your offers and not anyone else’s.  Typically, with bonuses or incentives when they buy from you.

This is one of the good things about the Commission Machine.

Step Four – Deploy

This stage is all around taking actions and creating your own sales funnel.

This is also when you need to get your own tools such as your autoresponder.  Michael recommends you get the autoresponder from GetResponse.

When you consider the concepts behind the Commission Machine, you will find these are very basic.  More advanced marketers will find this very basic and not worth their time, they will not learn anything really from this training.

Beginners will get lost without a more detailed training in the overall affiliate marketing world.

Who Will Benefit from the Commission Machine?

This is the conundrum, who will benefit from this…

On a simple level, it seems like it is aimed at beginners as he offers a step-by-step training that is suitable for beginners. 

But if you lack knowledge in some of the basics of internet marketing, you will not find this training course very beneficial.

The more experience marketers will already know much of what Michael is talking about, so again it is not really a benefit to them.

But there are the upsells to consider, and I think that is where the benefit is, but again an extra cost.

How Much Does Commission Machine Cost?

On the surface it looks like the Commission Machine is $47, but there are immediate upsells when you sign up and there are hidden costs that are not mentioned.

The Commission Machine Upsells

IN the Commission Machine they are sold as One-Time-Offers:

The Golden Ticket

This is a membership product which will cost you $27/month or a one-time lifetime access price of $197.

This grants you access to Michael’s monthly LIVE websinar, where you can see how Michael creates his commission machine live.  This refers to his sales funnel setup for email marketing and affiliate marketing campaigns.

You will also receive a monthly done-for-you sales funnel, created by Michael.

This actually seems like a better deal than the main product, if I am honest.

If you pass this up, you will actually get what is called a downsell and it is again for the Golden ticket, but this time is only $17/month or $124 for lifetime access.  The difference is you receive a recording of the webinar, and it is not live.

Regardless of whether you pass these up or not, you will then see their second upsell:


At this point you have not got to the members area, and you will need to see all of these upsells before proceeding and commissionology is a $97 done-for-you service.

These are 7 DFY sales funnels that are ready for you to put into action.  You will also receive messages and email templates as well as some other bonuses.

Hidden Costs of Commission Machine

The hidden costs come from the fact Commission Machine does not provide you with an autoresponder, a tool to manage your email campaigns.  They also do not provide you with the tools necessary to create landing pages or sales funnels.

What is Good About Commission Machine (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

Step-by-Step Training

The step-by-step training provided within Commission Machine is good and the concepts are really clear, so a beginner can understand them.

The video quality is surprisingly good, and Michaels presents himself well too.

Michael Does Know His Stuff

If you have taken a look at the Commission Machine Sales page, you will see Michael has bragged a lot about how he has won all the contests with well-known internet Marketers such as Anik Singal, Omar Martin and John Thornhill.

From what he teaches, he does show he knows his stuff about email marketing and affiliate marketing in general.

The thing that lets him down is the way he is selling it as a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme.  Neither of these routes are going to earn money quickly like Michael says it is.

Truly, if you feel Email Marketing is right for you Anik Singal’s Inbox Blueprint is by far a better product, check out my Inbox Blueprint review.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

As Commission Machine is a JVZoo product, you get backed by a 30-day money back guarantee

What Could Commission Machine Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Too Much Hype & Testimonials

It is annoying when a sales page is constantly going on about how good it is, with testimonials coming out of our ears without a singly insight into how the program actually works.

He misses out the key ingredients about how his method works, and how you can benefit from it.

Michael uses this to his advantage to sell this product to people who are not entirely sure but believe the hype.

You Will Still Need a List!

From the start Michael mentions that even a complete newbie without an email list can still benefit from his course.

But, the sole focus of the Commission Machine is Email marketing.  Michael teaches a little about how to start building your own list, but the training is too basic to really benefit a beginner.

Whilst his last module is called the No-List Method, it is only a 13-minute video.  The focus of those 13 minutes is to utilise Facebook to get leads and sale.  But I have found Facebook is not that reliable.

Hidden Costs

Commission Machine does not provide you with an autoresponder, so you will need to invest in one to utilise the training.

You will also require tools to be able to build a landing page and sales funnel.

You will also come up against upsells as soon as you pay the initial $47.

No Traffic = No Sales

Michael does not go into any kind of detail when it comes to driving traffic to your sales funnels.  But traffic is the most important part of any online business.

If you have no traffic, you have no business or sales.

No Website?

Whilst email marketing is effective, it is much better to have your own website, you can utilise email marketing into your website.  But to have just a single landing page is a huge gamble for a beginner.  If it doesn’t work, you are out of pocket.

Having a website, allows you to go down all kinds of routes to monetising your business.

High Refund Rate

The refund rate through JVZoo for the Commission Machine is surprisingly high and shows how this does not benefit the beginner.  They are finding that out by paying for it and having to go and ask for a refund.

Too Many People requesting their money back

JVZoo does make this easier to facilitate, but either way shows this is not a quality training for a beginner.

My Honest Opinion of Commission Machine? Is Commission Machine a Scam?

Commission Machine is definitely not a scam, it offers some quality training and the strategies do work – List Building, Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.

The biggest problem with this product is that it is not detailed enough.  It doesn’t cover some very important aspects of these strategies.  You cannot miss out traffic generation and building landing pages, and say this product is comprehensive enough.

You will only really benefit from CM, if you purchase the upsells.  But then there is still no guarantee it will work for you.

Michael only seems to teach you the theory and misses out the practical aspects that are so important for a beginner.

A more experienced marketer will know the elements required that Michael only touches on, but Michael treats it like everyone will know this stuff and that is clearly the mistake he makes with this product.

Commission Machine at a Glance

Product Name: Commission Machine Commission Machine Review

Owners: Michael Cheney

Website URL:

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing & Email Marketing Video Course

Price: $47 + Upsells & Recurring Fees 

Best For: Affiliate Marketers with a little more experience

Recommended: No Rating: 2.5/5

Verdict: Not Comprehensive Enough to Benefit Beginners

If you really want to make money online, affiliate marketing and email marketing are really effective but not with this training.  You could really benefit from a comprehensive training platform like Wealthy Affiliate.  Within a few lessons, you could have your very own affiliate marketing website ready to drive traffic to your sales funnels and make some real money.

Wealthy Affiliate has helped thousands of beginners become affiliate marketers, and you can really benefit from their tuition.

Check out my comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate review and see what they have to offer.

Thanks for reading my review, if you have any questions or want to share your experiences, please write them in the comments and I will come back to you as soon as I can.

What’s Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work? A Complete Guide!

What’s Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work_

One of the most common questions we get asked is: What’s affiliate marketing and how does it work?  Well, we are always ready to help people understand exactly that, and we are always ready to help people get started with affiliate marketing.  Affiliate marketing can help you realise your goals and dreams of working from home and earning money.

Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way of starting an online business with the opportunity to earn money from literally any interest or passion you may have, and we will go through all the different elements of affiliate marketing to ensure you go away with the necessary information you need to go and get started.

What is Affiliate Marketing – The Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves 3 parties.  There is you, the affiliate.  There is the affiliate program, which is the company or product owner and then there is the customer (the buyer).

As an affiliate, you sign up and join an affiliate program.  This is what gives you the ability to promote a product or service via a blog or website, or on social media.

When you join an affiliate program, they give you a special link which is unique to you.  This link is what you would use when promoting a product or service, it also allows the affiliate program owner to track it when a buyer uses it to come and buy something.

If a buyer does follow that special link and goes and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.  This is typically a flat rate or a percentage of the product price.

Here is a handy flow chart, to make it easier to digest:

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Amazon has one of the easiest affiliate programs to join, when starting out.  Amazon is the world’s largest marketplace; they also have used affiliate marketing since it started out as a bookstore.  There are many benefits to both the affiliate and the company to use affiliate marketing.

Their affiliate program is called Amazon Associates.

They offer over 500 million products, just think about it for a second.  That is a lot of products, it also shows the opportunity available to affiliate marketers.  There is a niche for anyone to explore within Amazon alone.

Whatever your hobby, interest or subject that you can help other people with – Amazon will have a product to offer within that niche for you to promote.

If you can drive someone from your website, social media account or an email sent out to your mailing list with affiliate links included within them and they go and make a purchase, let’s say a laptop – You will earn around 6% commission on that one purchase.  So, if a laptop costs $500, you just earned $30.

Laptop - Affiliate Marketing

That might not sound like a lot of money but think about how many people are buying laptops every day on Amazon.

If you were able to sell 10 laptops a day through your blog, that is $300.

That is with just one product, what if you were promoting 10 different laptops and you were able to sell 10 of each?

$500 x 100 = $5,000 a day

This honestly shows the reality of affiliate marketing, with only one example.  Now you know the basics of the Affiliate Marketing process, let’s talk a little about what that means for you, the Affiliate.

Related Post: Why Do Companies Use Affiliate Marketing?

Who Can Become an Affiliate Marketer?

In general, it is normally free to join an affiliate program.  There are a couple of examples where they may charge a small fee.  But this is usually to check you are a real person, and it is very rare.

It is also a sign for you to look out for when checking an affiliate program, to protect yourself from a scam.

Affiliate Programs should be free, companies benefit massively from affiliate programs as they only need to pay out if someone makes a purchase.  They benefit because you are introducing to them a customer.

If you find an affiliate program is charging what seems like a high fee, it is either a scam or a low-quality affiliate program.  I would keep away from these types of affiliate program.

Affiliate Programs are great, they are usually free to join as an affiliate, you get to promote every brand, product or service that is available online and you get to earn commission from doing it too.

Amazon alone, give you the opportunity to promote over 500 million products and services.

But do not think Amazon is your only option, there are literally thousands of affiliate programs out there.  With the right research, you will find tons available in whatever niche you can think of.

How Do Affiliate Programs Work?

An affiliate program is some software that allows affiliates to promote merchants and earn a commission.  This software tracks all clicks, transactions and works out the commission all automatically.

It allows you to manage payment details, etc and gives you a personal dashboard that gives you some really important data to improve your conversion rates.

Affiliate Program stats are automated and always accurate.  Companies work hard on making sure their affiliate program information is up to date for both themselves and you (the affiliate).

They also provide you some awesome information around what links are working better than others, giving you the opportunity to work on the ones that are not working well, to improve your money-making opportunity.

Affiliate Programs also offer you promotional stuff too – banners, widgets and even plugins to help you leverage your offers on your websites and social media.

The better the affiliate program, the better the promotional gear.

What is an Affiliate Network?

There are tons of independent affiliate programs, but it is sometimes easier to just sign up with an affiliate network.

Awin, for example is the largest affiliate network in the world and by having one account you will gain access to over 6,000 different companies and their product lists to promote.

There are plenty of affiliate networks, all with 100,000’s of companies and brands within them.  Joining a couple of affiliate networks, could save you a lot of time and effort that could be better utilised elsewhere.

Managing a couple of accounts is much easier than managing 100’s of accounts, right?

Some of the most popular Affiliate Networks are:

How Does an Affiliate Get Paid?

That is the great thing about Affiliate Marketing, they do not make it hard for you to get paid.  They want everything to work seamlessly for both the benefit of you and them.

There are a few things to consider with payments though, they all have different payment systems and often have different pay schedules.

But for the most part, expect them to pay you in US Dollars regardless of where you live in the world.

There are a few where you could get paid in your own currency, but for the most part it will be US dollars.

You will also have the options of payment gateways, like PayPal that will convert it into your local currency.

Payment could be received via the following options, depending on the affiliate program:

  • Cheque Payment
  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer
  • Payoneer
  • Cryptocurrency

If we go back to our example of Amazon, Amazon Associates offers the option of Amazon giftcards or bank transfer.  Or Wealthy Affiliate, with which I am a member, pays primarily through PayPal.  But they still offer the option of Cheque payments.  But if you are earning enough, you can also get bank transfer.

If Affiliate Programs made it difficult for people to get paid, affiliate marketers would not use them.  They would be shooting themselves in the foot if they did that!

Would you promote a brand if you were struggling to get paid from them?

What is the Opportunity for an Affiliate?

The opportunities for an affiliate marketer are endless… The number of people buying online is growing at a fantastic rate.

But when people are buying stuff online, it is so different to when they go to a store to make a purchase.

If you go into a store today looking at a product, you can see the product first-hand, you can feel it and check it out and even ask someone from the store questions around that product.

Online, people are resorting to checking out product reviews.

What did other buyers who bought it think? Is there an in-depth review of the product online?  That is the opportunity regardless of the niche you choose.

By helping people with all of their questions about products or services within your niche, you will find the affiliate opportunity goes hand in hand with helping people.

If you know a lot about digital cameras, you could share your knowledge, experience and how to get the best out of digital cameras.  Including some great product reviews of certain cameras for people just starting out.

That is your opportunity to earn commissions, not from selling to people.  But by helping them.

Think about what you need from a blog owner to help you make a purchase decision?

Do you need someone who sells to you the best product, or do you need someone who helps you come to an all-rounded decision?  If you knew you were going to buy it, then you would not necessarily go into researching the product too much.  You are searching online, because you are unsure on whether that is the best option and what to consider with that.

What you need is someone who can help answer all of your questions about it, and then you can come to your own decision around going and buying it.

People need trust in you as an authority in that niche, then they will buy from you.  No need to sell, help them and that is where the true affiliate marketer will earn good money.

If you just fill up your website with a load of affiliate links without the helpful guides and product reviews, etc.  You will find that your readers will switch off very easily.  No readers, no commissions.

Where Can You Go to Start an Affiliate Business?

Wealthy Affiliate - Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

You might have decided that you want to get started in Affiliate Marketing, but you have no idea where to go to get started… This can make it hard, as there are literally tons of programs and learning tools all claiming to be the best.

The biggest problems come in the form that not all of them are related to affiliate marketing or are complete scams (and utter garbage).

Where Can You Get Started with Your Research?

I want to offer my help with speeding up your research into getting started with affiliate marketing.  There is a training platform that is by far the best option for someone just starting out and it stands out massively against the rest.

I have been learning and using this platform for the last couple of years and would not be where I am today with their fantastic training and tools.  That platform is called Wealthy Affiliate.

Expert Affiliate Marketers hang out within Wealthy Affiliate, managing their respective business and helping out people, just like you who are wanting to start their very own Affiliate Marketing business.

It is the only platform you need, to learn everything there is to know about Affiliate Marketing.

It also provides a safe environment where you can get all the tools, websites, web hosting, training and coaching to create and grow your business within affiliate marketing.

There are two membership options, the completely free starter membership and an advanced premium membership (as low as $29 a month).  But I personally recommend you try the starter membership.  This will allow you to fully check out the platform before making any purchasing decisions.

Free WA Starter Membership

Within the first few lessons, you will have your own Affiliate coach (Me), you will have chosen your niche and have a clear direction for your business.  You will have your own affiliate website complete with web hosting and access to training that will start your journey to becoming an expert within the affiliate marketing world.

I am here at any time to answer your questions, whether it be about Affiliate Marketing or Wealthy Affiliate. All you need to do is ask!  I am here to help anyone start their journey and will happily share my knowledge and experience to help you at any time.

Write any questions below and I will reply to you as soon as I can

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