Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam? Can You Really Earn $1,000 a Day?

There is quite a bit of hype around Copy Paste Commissions, but does Michael Cheney deliver with it or is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?

First off, thank you for doing your research.  It is an important step to make sure you are buying the right products.

In this review, we will cover all aspects of the Copy Paste Commissions program.

Copy Paste Commissions Review Summary

Product Name: Copy Paste Commissions

Owner: Omar Martin and Michael Cheney

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $19.95 for Premium Membership + Optional Upsells, $17 Toolkit Lite, $27-Top Commissions Premium Toolkit & $37-Done for you commissions service

Best For: The Owners

Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?


Whilst it offers some good information on a few aspects of Internet Marketing, it doesn’t deliver on any of its promises in the sales pitch. There is also nothing to do with copy and pasting in it either.  Copy Paste Commissions is a front to lead you to other products that will be sold to you as soon as you join.

Rating: 10/100

Recommended? No

What Exactly is Copy Paste Commissions?

Founded in 2015 by Michael Cheney and Omar Martin, Copy Paste Commissions is supposedly a way of copy and pasting your way to $1,000 in a few hours, as well as training that teaches you how to make money on auto-pilot.

Michael Cheney has other Programs too… Do they Deliver?

You may have recognised the name of one of the owners?  Michael Cheney has a number of different affiliate marketing training programs out there.  He is also the founder of Commission Black Ops, The Commission Machine and 7-Figure Franchise.  He likes to emphasis the point with commission being in the title.

Michael Cheney & Omar Martin

But after a thorough review of many of Michael’s training program they all fail to deliver.  He has the knowledge but doesn’t deliver clear enough training or steps to follow for a beginner to benefit from them.  You are supposed to fill in a lot of gaps yourself.

You will also find a number of positive reviews about Michael Cheney’s software, but these will be from people who are benefitting from people falling for the sales pitch.  They are not there to help people, but to only get people to buy the product for their own commissions.

How Does Copy Paste Commissions Work?

Michael Cheney offers, much like his other programs access to an e-book, which is about 77 pages long and some videos that will teach anyone how the Copy Paste Commissions strategy works.

There are some good details within the eBook and from the chapters above there is some knowledge to be gained from them:

The Crush Campaign

This section is all around the strategy that Michael and Owen used several years ago to make money online.  It focuses on mailing frequency and some bonus materials to help improve a marketers bottom line.

The French Shaker Strategy

The section is about getting those people who are on the fence about a purchase and sealing the deal.  This goes into persuasion techniques.


This section focuses on increasing traffic through Facebook.  It includes both paid and free methods for generating traffic through Facebook

Email Strategy

A section focusing on the right way to do email marketing, learn how to make emails more interesting and generate a higher click rate and open rate.

From reviewing the content available within the eBook, the information is good but Michael and Owen fail people who buy it in a couple of huge ways, which we will get into later in the review.

How to Make Money with Copy Paste Commissions

Copy Paste Commissions claim that you can apply their training and build up your mailing list through their system.  They then go on to claim that you can earn $1,000 a day or more on “auto-pilot”.

At this point, you might be thinking that is just a load of hype, and I cannot blame you.  It is all down to how they have marketed their system.  They have marketed it in a way of making it sound like it is an easy route to earning money and you can live the lifestyle you want with little effort.

It just goes to show that anything Michael Cheney markets never really live up to what they state you can do… Whereas you can find companies out there like Wealthy Affiliate that are actually very realistic with the time it takes to build up a profitable business online and how much effort you really do need to put into it.

Does Copy Paste Commissions Work?

Being realistic, we have to consider two things to base that question on:

  1. Can it Help You Achieve What They State You Can?
  2. Has CPC Made Anyone Other Than the Owner Money?

This is where the product falls down.  Can we realistically think that this product will help you make $1,000 or more within 24 hours?  The sales video also states that inexperienced marketers have been able to make $10,000 within their first 30 days.

Pitched like that, why wouldn’t you buy into the program.  But can it really do that?

In short, No!

You will find that whilst the eBook might include some good information, you will find that Copy Paste Commissions is simply a front for them to funnel you into various business opportunities and other ‘make money’ programs.  These upsells are presented to you as soon as you buy the CPC program.

The second question, has anyone really make money from this program other than the owners?

The Copy Paste Commissions program funnels you into another program called Automated Daily Income, which is a 21-step training program created by MOBE (My Own Business Education).  Now, this is worrying as MOBE was closed down by the FTC as a scam in 2018.

To be totally honest, I can see people spending money on all of these programs and still not making anything.

The timescales they talk about are totally unrealistic.

How Much Does Copy Paste Commissions Cost?

The initial joining fee is $19.95, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it is really just the upfront cost to gain access to the training material. 

But there are also costs that they do not discuss or share with you, on top of the upsells.  There are costs like purchasing ads, generating traffic and building and hosting a website.

On top of paying the premium, you also get presented with a number of upsells.  My suggestion is that you avoid these upsells as they offer very little value.

  1. $17 – Toolkit LITE
  2. $27 – Top Commissions Premium Toolkit
  3. $37 – Done for You Commissions Service

What is Good About Copy Paste Commissions (PROS)

Here is what we liked about it:

The eBook Provides Some Good Information

The one thing we did like about this system is the information in the eBook.  Some of the more useful information including the times of days you should be sending your promotional emails, with studies to back them claims up.

Some of the tips relating to Facebook are quite useful too.

Money Back Guarantee

Any product available through the JV ZOO affiliate network are covered by a money-back guarantee.  JV ZOO is also much easier to get you money back, compared to ClickBank.

What Could Copy Paste Commissions Improve on? (CONS)

Here is what we didn’t like:

Fake Testimonials

You can always tell how good or bad a system is by their testimonials.  When it is full of fake testimonials, where the owner has hired people from a freelancer website to create hype.  It just creates a bad vibe about a product, and I so surprised Michael uses it.

He has some great knowledge but doesn’t seem really interested in helping people properly.

True testimonials give people a valuable insight into whether it works, and fake testimonials harms people’s perceptions.

Too Many Upsells!

The program is just a funnel to get you to buy other products with the aim of lining Michael & Owen’s pockets.

But before you get to the members area, expect to be present with several sales pages with upsells.

They do not disclose this upfront, and by the time you have paid $19.95 you are in.

Wrong List Building Methods

Their list building tactics are not going to work or make you any money.  The key to getting conversions is by making sure relevancy is key.  But they try and encourage you to use incentives to get anyone to join your mailing list.  This includes referring friends via Facebook.  But the size of the list doesn’t matter if you are sending irrelevant emails to people, they will just unsubscribe and not click on any of your promotions.

This is not the best way to do email marketing.

Where Does the Copy & Paste Come in?

I have yet to see anything where you actually copy and paste anything.  You get an eBook, some training, upsells and some questionable testimonials.

This is not how to do affiliate marketing the right way…

Michael Loves Creating Hype…

Michael loves to create hype around any of his products, and this one is no different.  He always tells you that you will earn $1,000’s with any of his systems and yet they never deliver.

I am quite confident that Michael is living the lifestyle he shows you to encourage you to buy it.  But I bet he had to work hard and long to achieve it.  Something that beginners will not be able to achieve with any of his systems or in the timescales he states.

My Honest Opinion of Copy Paste Commissions? Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam?

Whilst it isn’t a scam, Copy Paste Commissions is a product I would highly recommend you avoid at all costs.

It does not deliver on any of the sales pitches Michael or Owen deliver.  You will not be able to earn that kind of money straightaway; you will not be able to copy and paste their strategy. (So why is it called that?)

Michael & Owen have created a load of hype with fake testimonials that mislead others into thinking it is real.

It also funnels you into a known scam, which is another reason why this is not the best route for someone looking to get started within affiliate marketing.

It may sound like you get a bit of info for $19.95, I would highly recommend you spend that money on a real book from an affiliate marketer who knows their industry.

Their strategies are not reliable, and there are much better options to earn money online.

Do You Want a Real Opportunity to Make Money Online?

If you are sick of finding low-quality or scam products online, then we want to help you find a real opportunity to make money online.

Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way of starting an online business.  It requires a lot of time and hard work, but affiliate marketing is found to be so appealing because you are able to start a business in any interest that you love.

WE love helping people get started with their very own profitable online business, if you are interested in following a genuine route to success, click the Button below:

If you have any questions or comments about our Copy Paste Commissions Review, please write them in the comments below and we will reply as soon as we can.

Copy Paste Commissions

$19.95 + upsells





Money Making Opportunities


Overall Rating



  • eBook contains some good information
  • Money Back Guarantee


  • Fake Testimonials
  • Too Many Upsells
  • Wrong List Building Methods
  • Copy & Paste Doesn't Fit In
  • Too Much Hype

6 thoughts on “Is Copy Paste Commissions a Scam? Can You Really Earn $1,000 a Day?”

  1. You saved the day! Thanks John for this well-written review of copy paste commissions program. I thought it was a scam and now you’ve confirmed it. Honestly, the copy paste idea did intrigued me. I thought, wow! finally, I can just copy paste my self into a 1000 bucks. Sounded good for a moment but definitely, I understand there is work to gain that type of level of success. You mentioned wealthy affiliate and I believe that’s a great start for anyone tired of getting scammed out of hard-earned money.  Again, thanks for the detailed information to avoid the copy paste commissions program.

    • Hey Eddie,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.

      Anything requires hard work and a lot of time, I can only think the reason why people believe it is possible to do it in such a quick time is because of all of these fake schemes getting people hooked.

      But in reality, people just end up out of pocket and giving up.  Wealthy Affiliate is a prime example of what hard work can achieve.



  2. Hi

    I found this review of copy paste to be very enlightening, as I have a hatred of quick rich schemes, that promise the earth and deliver nothing. I am glad that you have exposed this programme as all smoke and mirrors with no substance. How are they allowed to get away with it? Why is this industry not regulated, as the financial industry is in the UK.

    I am glad of all the information and would thank you for pointing me in the right direction.


    • Hey Antonio,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.  There are plenty of ways these schemes get around the legality side.  Pyramid schemes are easy to identify and are not allowed any more.  But because things like this offer a little value, I think that is how they get around the whole thing.

      All we can do is highlight them to others, so they do not fall for it.

      All the best


  3. The fact that this copy paste commission is linked in anyway to MOBE is a instant put off. I mean thats very worrying really.

    I also don’t like the look of those up-sells on top of the sign up fee which you are not told about. The downfall here is this Michael having good knowledge but not showing much interest in helping people.

    Great insight here, I will steer well clear. 

    • Hey Dianne,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.  It is really worrying whenever you put MOBE to anything.

      I do feel it is a shame that someone like Michael has a lot of experience to give doesn’t really care about helping people the right way.  All he seems interested in is a quick buck.  There are so many versions of his platforms and he keeps coming up with new ones.  Yet, if he really put some effort in people would be willing to pay for it…

      Anyways, thanks



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