Is Poofy Organics a Scam? Easy Money Opportunity or Organic MLM Scam?!

Welcome to our Poofy Organics Review!

Organic products are becoming ever more popular, and maybe someone has suggested to you that it’s possible for you to go organic and work from home making some money with Poofy Organics.  But you’re not entirely convinced it’s all legit… Is Poofy Organics a Scam?

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Poofy Organics in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Our objective review, with videos, will give you all of the details you need, including the pros and cons, so that you can then make an informed decision about whether this business opportunity is right for you.

Poofy Organics Review Summary

Product Name: Poofy Organics

Founder: Kristina Gagliardi-Wilson, in 2006

Product Type: Personal Care MLM company

Price: $39.95 to start, $12.95/month for website + $200/month on products to remain active

Best For: Those great at networking and recruiting



  • Proven History
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?
  • No Momentum

Summary: Poofy Organics is a Personal Care MLM, which has a range of organic products.  They also offer a chance for everyday people to make some money from selling to or recruiting their friends and family.

But the big issue is that their products are overpriced, and then there is the monthly sales quota that “guides” need to achieve.  Which means most of their members are losing money, chasing this opportunity.   This isn’t the great work from home opportunity, as it is claimed to be…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Poofy Organics?

Poofy Organics is an Personal Care MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that produces a range of organic products.

It was founded in 2006 by Kristina Gagliardi-Wilson.  The concept came from her mother having breast cancer.  They found it really hard to find genuine organic products personal care products for her to use.

They then went and founded Poofy Organics to produce their own organic product line.

As it is an MLM, they also offer the chance for everyday people to work from home and make money from selling these products, or recruiting others into their downline teams.

You can learn a little more about the company with this 2-minute video…

It sounds like a great story…

But you’re clever enough to know that this is just a promotional video to promote Poofy Organics…

So, you’re probably still wondering…

Is Poofy Organics a Pyramid Scheme

Strictly speaking, no Poofy Organics isn’t a pyramid scheme.

Their “guides’ can make money by selling their products alone, without the need to recruit anyone.  But as most MLMs prove that the real money is made from recruitment, by hiding behind these products, a more prudent question to ask is… Is Poofy Organics a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

What’s a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that promises payment in return for recruiting new members, instead of for selling any products or services.

They are illegal in most countries around the world, as it’s impossible for every member to make money.

This diagram from Wikipedia shows how unsustainable they are…

pyramid scheme

The majority of MLMs doe have a legitimate product line, just like Poofy Organics, so that means they are not an outright pyramid scheme.

But with the way they operate their business model, most are hiding their real intentions behind these products.

They are often overpriced, with monthly sales quotas to achieve, meaning that you have to turn to recruitment if you want to earn decent money.  Their income disclosure statements usually show the only members making money, instead of losing money, are those that recruit a lot of people.

Another way to say that is, most MLMs are operating as a pyramid scheme in disguise…  The rest of our review, will look into the way Poofy Organics operates to discover whether they are another example of this…

For now, you might find the 5-minute video below useful as to how to spot these pyramid schemes in disguise…

Success is Rare at Poofy Organics

Success isn’t just rare at Poofy Organics, it’s rare at any MLM company.

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of MLM members are losing money?

MLM members struggle to sell these overpriced products, and then they get stuck with having to buy products each month to stay active, making it a hard task to achieve success.

Some MLM companies publish an income disclosure statement to help you understand how many of their members are making money.  But Poofy Organics isn’t one of them, so you are going in blind as to if any of their members are making money here.

The only way we can look to see if it is possible to make money here, is to review their compensation plan and commission structure.  We’ll do this as we continue our review…

How Does Poofy Organics Work?

Poofy Organics is a personl care MLM that products a range of organic products.

They also offer an opportunity for everyday people to join the company as a “guide” and earn commissions from selling these products to your friends and family.

It sounds like a good deal for both parties.  Poofy Organics save a fortune on expensive marketing campaigns, and you get the chance to make some money.

But the reality is a little different, I’m afraid.  The bigger benefit is felt by the company, not their “guides”.

Poofy Organics Product Line

Before considering any MLM company, you should take a good look at their products. You’ll be expected to become an expert to be able to sell these products to people, as they will often have many questions, that you need to be able to answer.

Poofy Organics is a small family-owned company that focuses on a range of (mostly) USDA organic certified products. These include multiple different ranges, such as cosmetics, facial care, body products, essential oils, and items for around the home.

They have a wide range of products, and here are the categories:

  • Bath & Body
  • Cosmetics
  • Essential Oils & Blends
  • Facial Care
  • Hair
  • Home
  • Lip Balm & Oral Care
  • Supplements

Please note, that there are hundreds of other MLM companies that offer a very similar product line.  Examples include:

So, is there something to help make Poofy Organics stand out?

Poofy Organics Flagship Product – Soaps

It appears like their main product is their line of soaps.  They have a wide range of different types of soap and fragrances.

The key elements that help Poofy Organics stand out are:

  • At least 95% organic
  • Certificate of Organic Production (See it here)
  • It’s a small company to help control ingredients

You can check out the 30-second product video below to see more about their products…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How To Make Money with Poofy Organics?

Poofy Organics is an MLM company, so that means there are the 2 usual ways for you to make money here:

  1. Sell their products in return for commission
  2. Recruit people into the company and earn bonuses from their sales

Please note, you don’t actually earn money for recruiting people.  This would make it an outright pyramid scheme.  Instead, you earn bonuses based on any sales your downline team make.

It’s a technicality that keeps them on the legal side of the law.  Let’s get into the costs of getting started with Poofy Organics…

Getting Started with Poofy Organics

To get started as a Poofy Organics “guide”, you will need to pay $39.95.  This gives you the starter kit.

But it doesn’t give you any products to try them out for yourself.  So, you will probably need to budget for spending $100 on products to give them a go.

But these aren’t the only costs that you need to factor into running a Poofy Organics business…

Poofy Organics Monthly Costs

There are some monthly expenses that you are going to need to consider, when making your decision.

There is $12.95 a month for the replicated website you will be given as part of your starter kit.

But then there is a monthly cost for you to remain active, which is only found in the small print…


If you want to “build a team” and earn bonuses from them then you HAVE to sell at least $200 worth of products every month.

If you have no interest in building a team you will still need to spend $200 on their products every 4 months if you want to receive commission from any sales, you make.

These costs can be offset by the sales you make, but it is important to be aware that if you do not sell this amount then you will need to pay for the products yourself.

This puts your expenses for the first year like this:

  • $39.95
  • $12.95 x 12 ($155.40)
  • $200 x 12 ($2,400)

Minimum Expenses for Year 1 = $2,595.35

This is before you take into account any other costs, like marketing, training, travel, gas, etc.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Poofy Organics Compensation Plan

MLM companies love making their compensation plans as confusing as they can.  It makes it look like there are tons of ways of making money online, when really there are only the two.

We’ll try to keep our explanation as simple as we can.  There are basically 3 ways for you to make money with their compensation plan.

  1. Retail sales commission & bonus (25% + bonuses for lots of sales)
  2. Rank bonus (sales bonus depending on your rank)
  3. Rank advancement bonus (bonus for “ranking up” or if your downlines get promoted)

You don’t really need to understand all of the different ranks, and how to get promoted when you are just getting started.

The only thing you need to know is that there are two ways for you to make money here:

  • Sell their products
  • Recruit people into your downline team

If you’re interesting in making good money ($1,000+ a month) then you need to know that you will need to recruit people to make this happen (or be very good at internet marketing).

You can learn more about their compensation plan with this 4-minute video…

Is Poofy Organics a Scam?

No, Poofy Organics isn’t a scam.  They produce a legitimate product line, and they also pay their members on time like they say they do.

But as most people who get involved with an MLM aren’t always aware of how hard it is to sell these kinds of products, or how much of their own money they will need to spend to make it work.  They often end up losing a lot of money, and walk away calling it all a scam.

You need to decide if this is the right business opportunity for you.  The remainder of our Poofy Organics review will help you get all of the other details you need to know, to make an informed decision about this business opportunity.

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Poofy Organics, nor do I endorse Poofy Organics in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Poofy Organics

Here’s what we liked about Poofy Organics:

#1 Proven History

The company has a very heartfelt story behind it (Kristina’s mother having cancer and needing organic products to help), but the company also has a proven history.

Did you know that 1 in 3 MLMs don’t make it past the ten-year mark?  Kristina started Poofy Organics in 2006, showing it has been around for over 14 years…

It’s a clear sign that Poofy Organics isn’t a scam, isn’t triggering any interest from the likes of the FTC, and isn’t going to suddenly close down overnight…

#2 Positive Product Reviews

There are also some positive reviews found on their website…


Although, I would take these with a pinch of salt, as the likelihood is they have been put there by “guides” trying to make them look good for sales.  But in amongst them, there do appear to be some that are from real users of the products.

What We Didn't Like About Poofy Organics

Here’s what we didn’t like about Poofy Organics:

#1 Expensive Products

It’s always a good idea to check this out about an MLM.  It gives you a clear indication of their real motives.  When you find that the MLM is selling overpriced products, it’s a concern.

Expensive products usually points towards it being a pyramid scheme in disguise…  When Poofy Organics is selling all purpose soap concentrate at $31 a bottle, and you can get an Amazon alternative with better reviews for $10.  You know you’ll have an uphill battle to get people to buy yours.

Poofy Organic products are between 200% and 500% more expensive than other alternatives on the market.  There is no shortage of companies offering organic products, so why are they going to pay your prices?

#2 Hidden Monthly Expenses

If you don’t go into the details, it looks like you don’t need to sell a certain amount of products each month to remain active, which is the case at most MLMs.

But that isn’t the reality.  You have to sell $200 worth of product each month, which is only revealed in the small print.

A big warning sign in any MLM is when they have expensive products and then force you to sell a certain amount each month just to “say active”.

Let’s get real… It’s going to be hard to sell $200 worth of product in a single month.

But when it is a compulsory thing to reamin active, it shows the MLM is likely to be…

#3 Poofy Organics is a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

These first two concerns combine to show that Poofy Organics is likely more interested in you recruiting more people into the company, as that guarantees the company more people to keep on buying their products to remain active.

MLM companies don’t want you to know that you will become their biggest customer base, their own “guides”.

But the reason why we believe they are like a pyramid scheme in disguise is, the only way to remain active and avoid having to spend this money yourself is to keep on recruiting people.

If you recruit one person guess what they will need to do to remain active?…

Yeah sell (or more likely buy) $200 worth of Poofy Organics products every month. 

It leads to most members looking to recruit instead of selling the products, as it is the only way to avoid having to spend $200 a month on buying their own products.

But this art of recruitment makes the company look like this…


A system like this is not possible for everyone to make money. Unless organic soap become gold overnight, there is not the demand for people to buy and use this enough to pay everyone commission.

The focus is, unfortunately, on recruiting. 

#4 No Momentum

Another worry sign is that no one seems to be searching for Poofy Organics.  It’s hard enough selling stuff in a saturated market like Personal Care.  so, when nobody is searching for the company, it shows they are losing momentum and people are not interested in their brand.


The personal care, health and wellness market is huge, but also really saturated and people are losing interest in Poofy Organics.  This shows how difficult it is going to be to make this work.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Poofy Organics Review - Final Conclusion

Poofy Organics is an interesting MLM, the backstory is definitely a unique one and people do like organic products.

But as for their business opportunity, there are several issues that present themselves to make me not want to recommend it to you.

Their products are overpriced, it has hidden monthly costs that push their members towards recruitment as the only way of making decent income.  Without an income disclosure document, it is even harder for us to work out if people are making money here.  All the signs show that this will follow the usual route of MLM, and that 99% of their members are losing money or constantly recruiting, making it a pyramid scheme in disguise.

There are better options to make money online, and keep reading to see how we make money online!

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Poofy Organics Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below.  😉

Sharing is Caring…

Poofy Organics

$39.95, $12.95/month for website + $200/month to remain active

Overall Rating



  • Proven History
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?
  • Poor Customer Service
  • No Momentum

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