Is Seacret Direct A Scam? Can You Make Money with Seacret Direct Or Is It All A Scam?

Welcome to our Seacret Direct Review!

Has someone told you about an “amazing” opportunity to work from home and make some money from selling products from a company called Seacret Direct.  But you’re not entirely convinced it’s really legit.  So, Is Seacret Direct a Scam or a legitimate opportunity?  Find out in our review…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Seacret Direct in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

The main reason why 99% of all MLM members end up losing money is they jumped in without knowing all of the facts there are with an MLM business opportunity.

So, our in-depth Seacret Direct review will provide you with all of the details you need, including pros and cons, so that you can then make an informed decision about whether this business opportunity is right for you…

Seacret Direct Review Summary

Product Name: Seacret Direct

Founder: Ben Shabat, in 2001

Product Type: Personal Care & Beauty MLM company

Price: $49/year + $50 for product pack, + 35 PV a month or $50/month

Best For: Those good at networking and recruiting



  • Proven History
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?
  • Really Low Success Rate
  • Downward Trend

Summary: Seacret Direct is a Personal Care & Beauty MLM company that sells a range of expensive skincare and nutritional products.  They do seem to get some positive product reviews about their “minerals from the dead sea” products.

But as for their business opportunity, that is a completely different story with most Seacret Direct members losing money.  In fact, only 1 in 416 members are earning more than $16K a year.  See the proof within our review…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Seacret Direct?

Seacret Direct is a Personal Care & Nutrition MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that sells a range of products that contains minerals obtained from the dead sea.

It was founded in 2001 by Ben Shabat and his brother, with a focus on helping people “look and feel their best from head to toe”.  They provide a range of skincare and nutritional products.

It was originally based in Arizona, and started as a small retail shop that eventually grew into 900 different locations.

The company sells these products directly to consumers through their “agents”, which gives everyday people the chance to work from home and make money as one of these agents.

As of today, Seacret Direct has over 40,000 independent marketing executives around the world selling their product line to consumers.

You can learn a little more about the company with this 3-minute video below…

Now, that video made it sounds like an awesome opportunity, right?

But you’re clever enough to know that this is just a promotional video made b Seacret, and you’re probably still wondering…

Is Seacret Direct a Pyramid Scheme

Strictly speaking, no, Seacret Direct is not a pyramid scheme.

It’s entirely possible for their agents to make money just by selling their products, without the need to recruit anyone.

But as most MLM income disclosures show that recruitment is the most common way of making money with an MLM, you need to consider whether Seacret Direct could actually be a pyramid scheme in disguise…

What’s A Pyramid Scheme?

It’s a company that promises payment in return for you recruiting new members into the company, rather than for selling any products or services.

They’ve been made illegal in most countries, as it’s impossible for all members to make money within them.

They are unsustainable and collapse very soon after they get started, as this diagram from Wikipedia shows…

pyramid scheme

Most MLMs, including Seacret Direct, do have a legitimate line of products.

But they are usually overpriced, which is a sign of their true intentions being recruitment.  Especially when you take into account any monthly sales quota they place on their “agents” to remain active.

It shows that the MLMs are hiding behind their products, as they end up with a ton of loyal customers all stuck buying products and the only way to avoid having to buy tons of products each month is to recruit people into your downline.

It means passing on the burden of buying products onto your recruits too.  All the signs show that Seacret Direct could be a pyramid scheme in disguise, but we’ll get into that later in our review.

For now, you may find the 5-minute video below useful in how to spot these pyramid schemes in disguise…

Success is Rare at Seacret Direct

Success is rare at any MLM, and the same is true of Seacret Direct.

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of MLM members are losing money?

In fact, their own income disclosure statement shows that 98.8% of their distributors made less than $2,000 (before expenses) for the entire year.

We’re show you the details later, but that is a worrying stat, isn’t it?

How Does Seacret Direct Work?

Seacret Direct produces a range of health and personal care products, using minerals found in the dead sea.

They also offer the chance for everyday people to work from home and make money form selling these products to your friends and family.

It sounds like a good deal for both parties, but the company is the one that gets the bigger advantage.  As they get to avoid having to spend millions of dollars on expensive marketing campaigns.

Seacret Direct Product Line

Before considering any MLM company, you should take a good look at their products.  You’ll be expected to get to know them really well, if you plan on promoting them.

Seacret Direct sells a huge selection of products, but they are all within these 3 categories:

  • Skincare
  • Bath & Body
  • Nutrition

There are too many products to list, so if you want to take a look at them, here’s a link to their products page.

It’s also important for you to know that there are hundreds of other MLM companies all offering a very similar products, all claiming to be special.  Examples include:

So, with all that competition, is there anything that makes Seacret Direct stand out?

Seacret Direct Flagship Product – Minerals from the Dead Sea

The fact they offer their “minerals from the dead sea” element to their products does showcase a unique factor.

They offer a range of different skincare products with this feature, including:

  • Body Butter
  • Salt & Oil Scrub
  • Salt Scrub
  • Foot Cream
  • Body Mud
  • Hand Cream
  • Bath Salt

The company list the benefits of these “dead sea” products as:

  • Soft smooth skin
  • Removes the tops layer of dead skin
  • Cleans and exfoliates
  • Good for blood circulation
  • Cell renewal
  • No added chemicals

Whilst this list sounds great, that is the basic expectation of any skincare product, isn’t it?  There are even other brands that use minerals form the dead sea too.

The only way you can tell if the products are any good, other than trying it yourself, is to check out online reviews.


There does appear to be some positive reviews about their products.  We’ll look into this in more detail shortly, and how much they cost shortly…

For now, you can watch this 5-minute video to learn more about these minerals from the dead sea and their products…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Can You Make Money with Seacret Direct?

It is possible for you to make money at Seacret Direct, but it’s going to be much harder than many people think it will.

We’ve already discovered that 98.9% of their members are earning less than $2,000 a year.  But there are some that will make decent money at MLM.

But to achieve this success, you need to act more like a full-time sales manager.  They will also typically be really extroverted people who are very good at selling the “dream” of working for yourself to others.

They will then spend most of their time staying in contact with their “downline” to help and encourage them to sell more or recruit more people. 

It is possible to make money at Seacret, but most people aren’t aware of what they need to do.

S0, if you were hoping to put in a couple of hours each week and be earning $500 a month, then I’m going to sadly disappoint you.  If you want to make this a full-time income, you’re going to need to put in the hours to do it…

How To Make Money with Seacret Direct?

Seacret Direct is your typical MLM company, and that brings with it the usual two ways for you to make money here:

  1. Sell Seacret Direct products in return for a commission
  2. Recruit people into your downline team and earn bonuses from their sales

Please note that you don’t actually get paid for recruitment alone, that would make them an outright pyramid scheme.  Instead, you will only earn bonuses and commissions based on any sales they are able to make.

Getting Started with Seacret Direct

To get started with Seacret Direct, you need to pay a annual registration free of $49.  You can also get the “agent 5-in-5 kit” for an additional $50 fee.

But something to consider, is that this doesn’t give you any products.  So, you may need to consider $100 to $200 to get yourself some products to try them out and have samples to show your friends and family.

But then the costs don’t stop there…

Seacret Direct Monthly Costs

To remain active, you are required to achieve a monthly sales quota.  With Seacret Direct, this is 35PV or about $50 worth of product.

If you aren’t able to sell this amount of product, you’ll need to buy the products yourself.  They even encourage you to set up a recurring “replenishment order” for every 28 days.

So, heres the costs you should consider for the first year with Seacret Direct:

  • $49
  • $50
  • $100 – $200
  • $50 x 12 ($600)

Minimum expenses to consider for the first year = $799-$899

This is before you consider any other expenses that go with running this type of business opportunity, like training, marketing, travel, and any other costs that might crop up…

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Seacret Direct Compensation Plan

MLM compensation plans are always really complicated and hard to understand.  We’ll try to keep our explanation simple enough for you to understand.

Basically there are 7 ways for you to get paid at Seacret Direct:

  1. Retail commissions (retail- wholesale price)
  2. Preferred customers (customers that set up a monthly order)
  3. Recruitment commissions ($20 if they buy the 5 in 5 starter pack)
  4. Residual commissions (bonuses for your team’s sales using a “binary” commission structure)
  5. Team commissions (10-15% of your “weaker legs” sales)
  6. Matching bonus (20% of your “Bronze Directors” in your down line if you are above a Bronze rank, see how to do that in the table below)
  7. Performance based bonus (general lifestyle bonuses such as car bonuses and trips if you sell a set amount each month)

Don’t worry if you’re still confused, that’s the genera idea.

All you need to know is that there are only two ways for you to make money with MLM, and they are:

  • Sell Seacret Products
  • Recruit People into the MLM

It is worth noting this has a “binary” compensation plan, which means you need to try to “balance 2 legs”. It’s not the best MLM compensation model as it often leaves you with a very “weak leg” especially if you have some killer sales guy in your upline. But like I say, this doesn’t matter at the start it’s unnecessary jargon!

You can learn more about their compensation plan with this 11-minute video.   But be aware that this is quite an old compensation plan so it has been updated a bit since then (it’s the best I could find though) …

Or you can find the full Seacret Direct compensation plan here.

Is Seacret Direct a Scam?

No, Seacret Direct is not a scam.  They offer a legitimate product line and pay their members on time like they say they do.

But it might not be the “great opportunity to work from home” that has been promised to you.  It will require a lot of time, effort and hard work to make this work, and you will need to get recruiting pretty soon if you want to earn decent money.

People are not always told these facts before they get started, so they end up finding out after they have already handed over money.  Meaning they end up losing money and leave, claiming it is all a scam.

The remainder of our review will help you get all of the important details you need to consider, to then make an informed decision.

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Seacret Direct, nor do I endorse Seacret Direct in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Seacret Direct

Here’s what we didn’t like about Seacret Direct:

#1 Proven History

When you consider that only 1 in 3 MLM companies make it past the ten-year mark, it’s a good sign that Seacret Direct is still around.  They got started in 2001, and that was twenty years ago.

This shows they are clearly not a scam, and are very unlikely to disappear overnight.

#2 Positive Product Reviews

Real people are using their products and find them useful…


When there are only a handful of reviews, you someties suspect that they are only there as distributors have put them there.  But this product we looked at had over 380 reviews, so clearly there are definitely real users finding them good enough to review.

What We Didn't Like About Seacret Direct

Here’s what we didn’t like about Seacret Direct:

#1 Expensive Products

A sign that the MLM could be a pyramid scheme in disguise is when they have overprice products.


These alternative products are all much cheaper than the Seacret Direct product.  Are all natural, and have many more reviews.  It shows how many more sales these have.

Why would someone want to pay the expensive prices of Seacret Direct, when they could get the same product for much cheaper elsewhere?

#2 Hidden Monthly Expenses

When you put expensive products alongside a monthly sales quota, it points to it being a pyramid scheme in disguise, as recruitment is the only way of avoiding these extra costs.

Seacret Direct makes you have to buy products each month if you don’t hit this sales quota.  But what MLMs don’t want you to know is that this makes their own distributors  their biggest customer.

This leads us too…

#3 Seacret Direct is a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

When the prices are high, and you have a monthly sales quota to achieve, this shows that the company is less interested in selling these “amazing products” to consumers.  Instead, they are more interested in locking in more obligated customers, as in their distributors, who have to keep on buying products.

This naturally leads them to wanting to escape this road, and recruitment is the only option.  By recruiting new people, you put that pressure onto them to either sell or recruit.  That makes the business start to look like this…


Most people will be losing money, without anything to show for it.  And recruitment is not as easy as they make out either.

Now, you might think that some people are making it work, and they are.  But that figure is really low, let’s show you…

#4 Really Low Success Rate

You have to sift through the details that are displayed on their overcomplicated income disclosure statement to reveal the truth about the success rate…


When you dig through all of those confusing numbers, it comes out at 0.247% of their distributors earned over $15,466 for that year!

Another way to see that is 1 in 416 of their distributors were able to earn more than $16K.  That is before any expenses that go with it too.

The only people who have been able to do that are those that have heavily recruited an effective team able to sell these products.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Seacret Direct Review - Final Conclusion

Seacret Direct is a legit MLM that sells some interesting products that get their fair share of positive reviews.  But they are like all other MLMs, and they are really expensive.

As for their business opportunity, it doesn’t bode well.  Most people are not able to sell these expensive products, and end up becoming a full-time customer to the company. 

With the only way of avoiding that is to recruit, which points towards the true intentions of the company, and shows them as a pyramid scheme in disguise.

It is possible for you to earn money with Seacret Direct, but only if you recruit, and then recruit some more.  BUt this also means they will all have to keep on buying these expensive products to remain active.  That’s not an ethical business model to me…

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Seacret Direct Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below.  😉

Sharing is Caring…

Seacret Direct

$49/year + $50 for product pack, + $50/month for products

Overall Rating



  • Proven History
  • Positive Product Reviews


  • Expensive Products
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?
  • Really Low Success Rate
  • Downward Trend

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