Is Changing The Future Outcome A Scam? Unique MLM Exposed!

Welcome to our Changing the Future Outcome Review!

If you’re here, it’s probably because someone has suggested this company could be a good way for you to make some money with their business opportunity, and you’re not entirely sure if Changing the Future Outcome is legit or not…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Changing the Future Outcome in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal to you what makes this company a unique MLM company .  We’ll also share our thoughts around whether this is a good business opportunity or not.

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Changing The Future Outcom Review Summary

Product Name: Changing The Future Outcome (CTFO)

Founder: Stuart & Steve Finger

Product Type: Weight Loss, Skincare, Hemp-infused Products, MLM Company

Price: Free Membership (for Retailers), $47.47 Monthly Autoship to unlock MLM program

Best For: People who are confident about teaching people about CBD and market the products accordingly

is changing the future outcome a scam - company logo


  • CBD Is a Growing Market
  • Variety of Products on Offer
  • CTFO Founders Aren’t Taking Executive Compensation


  • Limited Income Potential
  • Low Quality Products
  • Products Restrict Themselves In Some Countries
  • Heavy Focus on Recruitment

Summary: Changing The Future Outcome, or CTFO, is an MLM that has been rebranded that now sells some hemp-based infused products to go with its range of weight loss products.  It used to be called Chew The Fat Off.  Whilst CBD Oil is growing in popularity, their business opportunity leaves a lot to be desired, and I wouldn’t recommend it to you.

The success rate is really low, and most people end up losing their money.  There are also examples where their CTFO CBD oil gets bad reviews…

Rating:  50/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Changing The Future Outcome?

Changing The Future Outcome, or CTFO is actually a newer version of a previous MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company, which was called Chew The Fat Off.

Chew The Fat Off sold a range of weight loss products.  But the story is that the company didn’t work out.  Considering the company was founded in 2015, it’s not a great thing that a company has had to go back to the drawing board.

CTFO was founded by Stuart and Steve Finger, and they decided to rebrand the company and also incorporate some new products.  This is where they made the decision to include some hemp-based products to go alongside their weight loss product line.

They also kept the acronym of CTFO, but changed it to Changing the Future Outcome.

Their CBD products are CO2 Extracted, Non-GMO, and pesticide free.  Using only organic ingredients and are cruelty free.

During their manufacturing process, it’s claimed that they only use the highest quality and purest of organic ingredients, with no heat processing or animal testing involved.

Their HQ used to be in the US, but has since been moved to the UK.

Alongside these products, they also offer an opportunity for everyday people to promote their products and recruit people into the company to earn an income.

You can learn a little more about the company by watching this 90-second video…

Whilst this makes it sound like it’s an amazing opportunity, you’re clever enough to know that this is just a sales video from CTFO…

So, you may still be wondering if they could be a pyramid scheme in disguise?

Is Changing The Future Outcome a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

No, CTFO isn’t an outright pyramid scheme.

It is entirely possible for CTFO members to earn an income from selling their products and earning a commission and not having to recruit. Although it is much harder to do this.

However, a much better question to ask is whether or not they could be a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What’s a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that promises you a payment  for recruiting people into the company.  They also don’t tend to have a product or service to speak of, so the only route is recruiting.

They are illegal in most countries in the world due to them being completely unsustainable.  Once new members stop, then there is not enough money to go to the members.

This diagram from Wikipedia shows how this happens…

picture of the pyramid scheme

As CTFO does have a product line of legitimate products, it isn’t an outright pyramid scheme.

But the issue with some MLM companies is that their products are only there to “hide the truth”…  That is because the only way to make a good income is by recruiting more people into the company.

It is very common, even with legit MLMs, as their associates/members end up losing money due to the monthly fees to remain “active”.  The only way to avoid this is through recruiting a downline that in turn pay these fees.

We’ll get into the details about CTFO in more detail later, but for now you can wathc this 5-minute video that will help you spot these pyramid schemes in disguise…

Success is Rare at Changing The Future Outcome

The truth is, that success is rare with any MLM business opportunity…

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of MLM members are losing money?

It’s even harder to know if their members are making money at CTFO, as they don’t publish an income disclosure statement.  Most MLM companies publish one, and it is a red flag that CTFO don’t.

This makes it difficult for you to know whether it’s a worthwhile business venture.

But here’s something that you will probably not now or be told before you join.

To remain active, you have to spend $47.47 a month.  Just to break even, you would need to sell at least 2 expensive CBD oils ($119+) every month.

Now, how many people do you know that are willing to spend $119 a month on CBD oil?  Especially when there are cheaper alternatives online?

How Does Changing The Future Outcome Work?

Changing The Future Outcome produces and sells a range of health and wellness products, focused predominantly on CBD or Hemp-based products.

They also off everyday people a chance of working from home by selling these products and recruiting new members.

It sounds like a great deal for both parties, but the harsh reality is that the company is saving millions of dollars on expensive marketing campaigns.  They also leave the hardest part of marketing to their members.

Before you decide on whether this business opportunity is right for you, you should get to know what products they offer…

CTFO Product Line

The CTFO product line is very extensive, with products like Vapes, drops, creams, sprays, edibles (gummies) and they even sell products for your pet.

Here’s a selection of the products they offer:

  • Health – CBD Oil, Healing Cream ($34.97 – $210.97)
  • Anti-aging – sun cream, hair-growth shampoo and conditioner, CBD anti-aging serum, massage oil, mud mask, bath bombs, etc ($14.97 – $80.97)
  • Nutrition – Protein shake, CBD gummies, pain relief, etc. ($24.97 – $71.97)
  • Pets – Hemp chews, CBD Spray, etc. ($24.97 – $71.97)

They do have a huge range of products, and you may be able to sell some of these products.

But you should really know how saturated the CBD health and wellness market is.  There are many different MLM companies that all offer a very similar product line.

Examples include:

This will make it even harder for you to sell these products, as there are many different companies out there all selling the same thing.

CTFO does try to stand out with their flagship product…

CTFO CBD Oil – Flagship Product

Understanding their flagship product, including the details and the benefits will help you if you plan on becoming an Associate of CTFO.

But before that, you need to understand why anyone would want to buy CBD oil.

Think about it, it still comes from the cannabis plant, so there are still a lot of issues still relating to it.  As well as the legalities about it in certain states or countries is still up in the air.

CTFO CBD Oil has only trace amounts (less than 0.3%) of Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC), which is the part of cannabis that gives you the high.  When you compare that to marijuana, which has 20% that is a huge difference.

There have been studies that shoe that CBD oil has great benefits to certain illnesses and conditions, like:

  • Relieving pain
  • Alleviate cancer symptoms
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Reduce acne
  • Ease Parkinson’s Disease and helps with epilepsy
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces diabetes

However, there seems to be very little benefit for everyday people to take this on a regular basis.

There is also evidence that goes agains the studies, and states that there needs to be a lot more research completed to actually prove the benefits.

It is advisable to always seek medical advice before actually taking this stuff, and this could and will make it much harder for any CTFO members, as you will not be able to provide that advice.

is ctfo a scam - flagship product

You can see someone reviewing the product in a quick one-minute review, to see what it looks like and what his opinion is.  Although you should be mindful that he might be a CTFO associate trying to make a sale…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How to Make Money With CTFO

Changing the Future Outcome is an MLM business opportunity, which brings with it an opportunity to earn money in three different ways.  These are:

  1. Direct Retail Sales – selling CTFO products and earning commissions
  2. Recruitment – Recruit people into the company and earn pass up retail commissions based on your teams performance
  3. Bonuses & Commissions – These are determined by the performance of your downline team

Please note, you don’t actually earn commissions for just recruiting people.  This would make it an outright pyramid scheme.  Instead, you earn bonuses based on their sales.

But as every “associate” is required to spend $47.47 a month, you can see that the more members you are able to recruit, the more income and bonuses you can earn

Getting Started with CTFO

To start with, it’s totally free to get started with CTFO…

is ctfo a scam - getting started

This was a surprise, considering so many MLM’s have an expensive start up fee.  But it does appear that you can get started with CTFO for free…

However, realistically you are going to need to buy some products so you can test them out, and demonstrate them to those interested in the products.

So, once you’ve signed up, you’re going to be introduced to their “Business Builder Packs”

is CTFO a scam - business builder packs

These business builder packs costs anyway between $299.97 and $1,299.97 and they come with a selection of products for you to try and sell on.

CTFO Monthly Expenses

The costs don’t end there…

If you check out the small print in their compensation plan, you will find the follow statement:

is ctfo a scam - small print

So, whilst it is pitched as a free sign up, you also don’t get told that you will be expected to buy at least $47.47 worth of product every month to remain active and therefore eligible for commissions.

The only way to get out of this requirement is through recruitment.  If you’re able to recruit ten people into the company, you don’t need to do this any more.  But they do!

So, the realistic costs to expect for your first year with CTFO is:

  • $299.97 – $1,299.97
  • $47.47 x 12 months ($569.64)

So, the total costs for a year will be = $869.61 – $1,869.61

This may not be as much as starting a normal bricks and mortar business, but it is much more than you are originally told it is.  You’re told it’s free, and it is anything but…

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream! It’s Free to get started, and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

CTFO Compensation Plan

MLM companies love to have really complicated compensation plans.  It often hides the fact that your primary goal is to recruit, and then recruit some more.

CTFO is no different, and we’ll do our best to try and keep it simple…

Changing the Future Outcome’s compensation plan combines direct sales commissions, with both matrix and unilevel residual commissions.

Even that is complicated enough, but heres what you need to know.

There are only 5 ways for you to get paid as a CTFO associated:

  1. Retail Commissions (30% commission)
  2. Unilevel Commissions – bonus for your downline sales (5 levels deep – 20% or 4% depending on your downline positions)
  3. Matrix Commissions – more bonuses from downline sales (21 levels deep – 1% bonus)
  4. Profit Sharing Positions in the Matrix (PSP’s) – only 3 people below you in the matrix
  5. Infinity Pay Bonus & the Top Gun bonus – more bonuses from your downline

That still isn’t very simple, but the reality is that you only need to know this.  There are two ways for you to make money with CTFO:

  1. Sell their products
  2. Recruit people to sell their products

But then you have to factor in that you’re only going to be able to sell so many overpriced products to your friends and family, before you realise that you are going to have to recruit people in order to make decent money.

Even when you take a look back at those 5 ways to make money, 4 of them are all about rewarding you for recruiting people.  That shows where the companies priority is…

Simply put, this is why many MLM’s are labelled as a possible pyramid scheme in disguise…

If you want to learn more about their compensation plan, and try and get to grips with the details, here’s a 15-minute video to help…

Is CTFO a Scam?

 No, CTFO is not a scam.

They sell a range of legitimate products, and they pay their associates like they say they do.

So, why do so many people call an MLM out as a scam?  Well, that is because of the way they were introduced to it.  They are told it’s free to join (not true), they will be making tons of money (only 1% do) and then they realise that they are buying loads of products just to remain active.

They lose a lot of money, and walk away calling it a scam.

The biggest decision you need to make is whether this business opportunity is right for you.  If you are sales orientated and a good recruiter and trainer, then MLM might be a good fit for you.

Either way, the rest of our CTFO review will help you get all the other important information you need, to be able to make an informed decision.

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Changing the Future Outcome (CTFO), nor do I endorse Changing the Future Outcome (CTFO) in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check Out How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About CTFO

Here’s what we liked about Changing the Future Outcome:

#1 Positive CTFO Product Reviews

There are positive reviews found online about their products, although the one thing I would say is that they do sound a little biased… as though they were written by CTFO associates instead of real customers…

is ctfo a scam - product review

What I also found strange was that there were no reviews at all on independent review sites, such as BBB or Consumer Reports.  That seems a little odd to me.

The one I found above was on an individual review site, where anyone can leave a review (including associates for CTFO).

Either way, CBD oil is still in debate, and no one should really be taking it unless they have medical advice first.

What We Didn't Like About CTFO

Here’s what we didn’t like about Changing the Future Outcome:

#1 Expensive Products

It’s the first thing you should check when checking out an MLM company.  As it usually ends up being the biggest red flag.

The first question you need to ask yourself is this…

Why would anyone want to pay 100% or more for the same, or very similar product.

Well, the truth is that they wouldn’t…

When you compare the fact that CTFO CBD Oil is $119.97 per oz against an alternative at Amazon, which is highly rated and only costs $5 to $20 per oz.

Why would anyone want to pay 500% to 2,000% more than what they can get at Amazon.

Expensive products are one of the reasons why so many MLM members lose money, especially when you couple it with the next concern we have…

#Monthly Sales Quota

We showed you this before, but it’s definitely worth another look…

is ctfo a scam - small print

Expensive products and a requirement to buy products every month is the exact reason why 99% of all MLM recruits lose money.

You’ll be hundreds of dollars out of pocket, before you are even able to make your first sale, or your first recruit.

These two factors also lead into the next concern we have…

#3 Is CTFO a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

There are many concerns with the compensation plan at CTFO.  The sales pitch tends to start with, “you should join the company as you get a 30% discount and could make some money”.

Rather than “this is the best CBD oil I have tried and you will not find anything better on the market”.

That should set alarm bells ringing, should it?

But when you see that the compensation plan looks like this, you can see where they have set their stall…

is ctfo a scam - pyramid like compensation plan

They’ve tried hard to not make it look like a pyramid, but it is and that means it is more likely to look like this…


If that isn’t enough, you should also consider these factors:

  • 4 out of the 5 ways you can make money are all based on recruitment
  • You’ll be required to keep paying $47.47 every month… until you’re able to recruit ten people
  • The only way you have of making passive income is by recruiting people that can sell more products

Now, CTFO isn’t an outright pyramid scheme.  They have been very clever in the way they have set up, to avoid that label.

But in my opinion, they are very much operating like a pyramid scheme in disguise…

#4 No Transparency – No Income Disclosure

MLM companies are usually required to publish an income disclosure statement to show what they associates are earning.

But CTFO chooses not to…

They mention income disclosure in their compensation plan, but do not publish any results.

Then there are interesting reviews like this one…

What’s interesting is that this review, and others are no longer on the BBB website.  Which tells me that they keep on changing details so they get a new profile.  As we speak, there are no comments or reviews on their BBB profile.  That is highly suspicious to me…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My CTFO Review - Final Conclusion

My honest opinion about CTFO or Changing the Future Outcome is that there are many factors that will make this a difficult route for everyday people.

If you know many people who would benefit from these CBD oil products, then you may be able to turn this into a good business opportunity.  But selling expensive products is not that easy, and trying to convince your friend  and family into buying these products can have repercussions for your relationships.

Especially as there are cheaper, and often better alternatives online.

99% of MLM members lose money, and I cannot see enough here to show me that CTFO members are proving me wrong…

If you want a better alternative, keep on reading…

How We Make Money Online

We are not fans of MLM, the business model is legit, but the success rate is extremely low (only 1%).

We prefer affiliate marketing, the reasons are simple:

  • No need to sell face to face
  • No need to recruit other people into your downline
  • You are not tied down to one MLM company
  • There are endless possibilities
  • Affiliate programs are usually free to join
  • No monthly quotas

We prefer to help people with their purchasing decisions and not push for sales or go face-to-face, we have found a way of making a passive income online and we would like to help you achieve the same thing.

You can still go with CBD or Hemp Oil as your niche, but with our list of 23 affiliate programs you can join, you can promote products for free and still make money.

If you don’t want to promote CBD, then you can still make money.  Why not choose something that you are passionate about, why not find out how you could turn a hobby into a money-making business opportunity.

If you want to make money online or from home, without all the MLM stuff, then we highly recommend you read our Wealthy Affiliate review.  Find out how with the right training, you can turn your hobby into a profitable online business.

If you want to learn more, click the button below and read how we did it…

Thanks for checking out our CTFO review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$47.47 a month

Overall Rating



  • CBD is Growing Market
  • Variety of Products
  • CTFO Founders Aren’t Taking Executive Compensation


  • Limited Income Potential
  • Low Quality Products
  • Products Restrict Themselves In Some Countries
  • Heavy Focus on Recruitment

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