Welcome to our Set & Forget Review!
Have you seen a sales page full of hype for a magical product called Set & Forget that is going to make you tons of money and part of you is asking whether this will really set you up for life, or is another one of those programs that you need to forget?
That is what we are here to help you find all the answers you need.
First off, it is great to see you are doing your research as this is the best way of avoiding online scams and finding only legit ways to make money online.
Let us be transparent with you, we are not affiliated with Set & Forget in any way, so we are not here to pitch or sell you anything. Unlike many of the other reviews out there giving you a one-sided view with a ton of bonuses, we prefer to only promote products that we truly believe in and would spend our own money on. There are many marketers out there that are only interested in making a sale off you, regardless of whether the product works or not.
So, is Set & Forget one of those products, can it really do all they state it can in the sales pitch? Is it going to make you rich? Let’s get into our review and we will give you the details you need to know.
Let’s start with a quick product overview.