ListMe Review – Is ListMe a Scam or Guaranteed List Builder?

Welcome to our ListMe Review!

Any Internet Marketer will tell you that the money is in the list, but does ListMe actually live to its promises of building an email list with guaranteed leads who are willing to buy?  That is what we are here to find out and share our findings in this ListMe Review.

First off, we want to congratulate you on doing your research, it is the best way to avoid online scams and only finding legit ways to make money online!

Let me be completely transparent with you, we are not affiliated with ListMe in any way, that may be why ours might be the only review you have found that is not offering you tons of bonuses if you buy ListMe.  Simple reason, we only recommend products we would buy ourselves and use. 

ListMe has some bold claims and has a lot of hype on their sales page, we went to see if it lives up to it.  Is ListMe legit and worthwhile, is List Me a scam or maybe it’s just a typical low-quality product that does not live up to what it claims?

All will be revealed in our ListMe Review…

ListMe Review Summary

Product Name: ListMe

Founder: Cynthia Benitez

Product Type: Email Marketing List Builder + Training

Price: $7.95 FE + Upsells ($318) + hidden costs

Best For: The Owner





  • Full of Hype & False Promises
  • Overly Positive Reviews, All Offering Bonuses
  • Hidden Costs
  • Not Full Training

Summary:  ListMe is an Email List Building Software & Training package.  It claims that you can have it set up and follow Cynthia’s exact method to make money online.  However, there is a cost and I don’t mean the mention of getting email addresses “cheaply”.  There are hidden upsells that we will reveal to you, and then there is the fact that paid advertising requires a budget, a lot more than what they are talking about.  The sales page is full of hype and false promises and there are real concerns about whether this will actually make you money or not…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is ListMe?

ListMe is another new product launched on the platform WarriorPlus+ which claims to help newbies make money online without any effort and you will be able to get it set up in under an hour…  Sorry, but we have seen too many of these programs with their bold claims and false promises to get excited when we see another one trying to get people to hand over their money.

List Me claims to be able to help you set up a quality email marketing list, cheaply. Now, before we get any further into ListMe, know that Email Marketing is a very effective way of both helping an online business and to make money.  But it needs to be done correctly, as you need relevant people on your email list to make money from promoting products to your email list.

Having hundreds of people on a list that are not really interested in the products you promote, is not going to work out.

Back to ListMe, Cynthia has put a program together that offers a step-by-step training program that you follow the exact same methods and you can replicate her success…  But who, exactly is Cynthia…?

This puzzles me, look there are plenty of Internet Marketers out there, but Cynthia has put her name to it, and it even comes from her own website. So, we went to her website to learn a little more about her and where her experience has come from to be able to help you with your email listing building…

Well, when you dig a little more into Cynthia on her website, she is claiming to be a Facebook Ads expert and a WordPress website designer.  But there is no mention of Email Marketing.  I was also surprised to find that she wasn’t actively promoting this ListMe product on her website.  But the strange think I found, as a fellow website owner was that he last published post was back in 2018…

This makes me wonder whether she had actually found any success and has resorted to offering a typical sales funnel like ListMe?  I could be wrong, but if Cynthia’s website was more up to date it would add to her credibility…

How Does ListMe Work?

Now, the sales page of ListMe is a little different to many that are claiming untold fortunes can be earned, but it still follows the usual route of offering a low-ticket priced item claiming it will do all the work, only to find that there are upsells that will apparently speed the whole process up.  But like many of these programs that we have reviewed, there is a missing step that this product will not do for you and that is actually teach you how to get the traffic to your email capture page, etc.

This program are aimed at enticing complete newbies who haven’t yet got a website or any real way of capturing email addresses to add to your list.  But it is claiming that you can be up and running within an hour and you can be making money straightaway.  A newbie will lack the experience to know that this is not really possible.  Whereas we sit there asking “how?” How is it going to build up this amazing email list, without offering any way of capturing those emails?

Now, we can answer that question by the fact that in the sales page, Cynthia talks about this being done “cheaply”.  This is going to require you to pay for traffic, there is a mention of Google Ads as a way of buying traffic to come to your email capture page.

Just know that achieving what Cynthia is saying is easy, is probably going to cost you a lot more than just the base product, which again is not the full program.  There are additional costs for more features, which will typically be sold as imperative to your success…

But ultimately, I wonder how this “powerful” software is going to do all the legwork for you.  When you go through the upsells as well, you start to realise that the base product isn’t going to be as thorough as you might think, as the upsells include the steps where they tell you what you need to do (for a price…)

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does ListMe Cost?

So, you will have probably seen the sales page by now, and it is touting this software as the only thing you need to generate a huge email list cheaply with minimal effort.  And this is all available for only $7.95… But you need to take advantage now as the price will increase.

It is a typical sales tactic to make you feel like you have nothing to lose as it is only $7.95.

But that is part of the problem, the product might work, but there will be gaps in the information they give you and that leads them to tell you that to make this work or to make it happen quicker, you need to invest into these upsells… You do it, because you are desperate to make money and believe that by upgrading, this will happen.

But apart from this being very unlikely to leading you to making money, it is probably going to push you more into debt or even believing there are no legit places left to make money online (don’t worry, we can point you in the right direction).  Put simply, the upsells are what they really want you to buy.  Plus, I still reckon they will want you to buy external software like an email autoresponder through their link, so they make more money from you.

Here are the prices involved with LinkMe:

Front End Product – ListMe: $7.95

This gives you access to the “powerful” ListMe software and training modules

Upsell #1 – List building on Steroids: $17

This upgrade teaches you additional ways of building up your list, including free and paid strategies.  So, you have to buy this option to learn free methods of gaining traffic

Upsell #2 – ListMe Rolodex: $37

This is where Cynthia will show you exact details of her most successful campaigns including targeting, keywords, etc. (I thought in here sales page, she was going to show you everything that she does… only if you pay more for it)

Upsell #3 – ListMe Reseller Rights: $67

This allows you to resell ListMe yourself and keep the commissions across the entire funnel (this is what we mean by there being other products being offered at some point, so the costs could be much higher than you ever thought)

Upsell #4 – Coaching: $197

Get a month’s worth of coaching from Cynthia to help you with everything regarding Internet Marketing.

The fact these prices are not shown to you unless you get into the product, shows that they are only interested in making money and not necessarily helping you to make money.  Cynthia is offering coaching, and yet from our research there is no evidence that she really knows enough to offer that service, especially at that price.

As I dig further into ListMe, it just has too many traits of a low-quality sales funnel designed to get you to hand over your money, and with no proof that it is going to lead to anything.  Even if you take the screenshots of earnings, there is no evidence to show those figures are related to this product or not.  You can grab screenshots from anywhere saying you are earning money, doesn’t necessarily mean it is true.

What We Liked About ListMe

Here is what we liked about ListMe:

#1 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

This product is available through the WarriorPlus+ network, which means that you are going to be able to get your money back if you are not entirely happy.  But a word of caution, whilst this might work for the front-end product, once you are in and buying the upsells, this might not be the case for those upsells.

What We Didn't Like About ListMe

Here is what we didn’t like about ListMe:

#1 Full of Hype & False Promises

ListMe follows so many of these MMO programs that claim to make you money with little effort, or little cost.  But the fact is they all offer a low-ticket item to draw you in before starting to reveal the real price needed to make this work.  There is no mention of these upsells on the sales page, and that makes them false promises.

Even the apparent earnings from the system Cynthia uses on the sales page are just generic images that could be found anywhere.  There is not enough on the sales page to prove whether the base product or even the full product will actually do what they say it does…

Couple this with the fact that they tell you the price will rise soon to make you feel that you need to buy it now at a bargain price.

I also have found that the sales page is littered with spelling mistakes, etc.  this doesn’t necessarily mean that ListMe is a scam, however it does make it look extremely unprofessional and makes it look rushed.

#2 Overly Positive Reviews, All Offering Bonuses

Another thing you will find with these MMO programs is that there are tons of reviews online that do a couple of things but prove that they are fake reviews.

The first thing they do is tell that there is nothing negative about the product at all.  It is a total dream of a product and that you should buy it.

The second thing they will do is offer you tons of bonuses if you buy ListMe through their link.

But the most important point is that these reviews do not give you any honest opinion about how the product works, whether it is a worthwhile investment or if it is utter garbage.

All they do is rewrite what is on the sales page.  That is it, and then they tell you to buy it.

You will also notice these reviews are often posted even before the product has launched, meaning they have had no experience with the software.  But they don’t care, they just want to make money from you purchasing it through their link…

#3 Hidden Costs

Unless you do your research, you will not know about the upsells that they will pitch to you.  There will be a sales funnel offering other products at some point too.  But the costs that I am talking about here are the cost of paid advertising.  The only mention of it is by using the word “cheaply”.

In a way, that means they are not hidden.  However, unless you have experience with some kind of online marketing, you will not know the real cost of paid advertising.

There are a couple of points I want to bring up here.  The first is that they are talking about using Google Ads with this software.  Well, to get high results, you are going to need to spend a lot more than the few pennies, they mention on the sales video.

Two, there is no guarantee that this is going to bring you the right traffic to your offer.

There are too many unknowns with this product and a complete newbie will be lost completely and totally reliant on whatever Cynthia talks about in here training videos, but I am still not convinced that this is a worthwhile investment.

Know that you are going to need to have a budget to do the paid advertising, and you can only explore free options by upgrading and buying the relevant upsell.

There is also the fact that there will probably be a pitch for you to buy a sales funnel software like Click Funnels or an autoresponder.

Both of which are going to be an additional cost you need to take into account.

#4 Not Full Training

The base product will only show you training that is relevant to the product that Cynthia has put together.  You will not get effective and full training on Email Marketing, Internet Marketing & Sales Funnels.

If you are serious about looking to make money online, then the first thing you need to know is that these “shortcut” products are a complete waste of time and money.

If people could put an hour’s worth of work in and then sit back and watch the money roll in, we would all be doing it.

These products do not particularly help anyone.  All they do is make people even more sceptical that there are real ways to make money online.

Training can be found, that will help people make money online legitimately, but they normally have a key difference from these other programs. 

Legit Training programs will tell you that there are not a get-rich-quick scheme. They will tell you that it is possible to make money online, but you need to treat it like a business and put the time and effort in to make it work.

People shy away from that, as it means they will not make money quickly, so they keep buying all these products that all says it will make them rich overnight, but all sadly get you nowhere near earning that.

So, you can spend the next 6 months looking for one and getting nowhere near it… Or, you can spend 6 months learning and building your own affiliate marketing business with expert trainers Wealthy Affiliate.  They offer a free starter membership, so you can fully experience their platform without any risk, and if you find it is not for you, all you need to do is sign out and not have to try and get a refund.

As for ListMe, I feel this is a platform that only really benefits the owner.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My ListMe Review - Final Conclusion

Whilst we believe that ListMe is not a scam, I still do not think it is worthwhile product to help beginners build an email list.  The fact that the sales page is vague on how the product actually works, and to a point we still do not know how it works and that they are upsells that look necessarily to actually do some of the stuff they claim it will, this will only hamper beginners and not help them.

The sales page actually looks a little rushed, with a few spelling mistakes creeping in and the fact it is going to rely on paid ads, which is very risky without the exact right strategy, which again you need to buy the upgrade to unlock her strategy.

Her blog is outdated and leads me to question whether she has decided to follow many and promote crappy IM products with the hope of a quick profit.

Ultimately, we do not feel we can recommend this to you as a program that will help you make money or build an email list.

How We Make Money Online

If you are looking for a legit way to make money online, then you need to know there are ways of doing it without buying crappy IM programs like this one.  In fact, you can get started with our top recommended program and it will cost you nothing to get started.

Our top recommended way to make money online is through Affiliate Marketing, and the place we learned everything we know is called Wealthy Affiliate.  They are totally upfront and honest about the time and effort you are going to need to put in, and they are also offering endless support to help you achieve it.

They only have 2 membership options; one is the free membership we mentioned and the other is a premium membership which has everything unlocked and it is $49/month.

They provide a step-by-step training guide that will help you get started, and the difference is – you can see the first ten lessons for FREE with the starter membership. 

WA want you to decide if it is the right place for you, and not rely on people telling you it is the right place for you.

There is a huge difference between a legit company being completely transparent with you and a crappy IM program, where the owner only wants to profit from you.

If you want help and support to get your own business up and running, then you definitely need to check out Wealthy Affiliate.  If you do, we will be on the inside to help you too.

Click HERE to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate.  But if you are ready to start now, then click HERE.

Thanks for checking out our ListMe Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write  them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$7.95 + Upsells, plus hidden costs

Overall Rating



  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Full of Hype & False Promises
  • Overly Positive Reviews
  • Hidden Costs
  • Not Full Training

4 thoughts on “ListMe Review – Is ListMe a Scam or Guaranteed List Builder?”

  1. Hello, first of all I appreciate the time and effort along with great detail you have put into your expertly written post.

    I am interested in adding an email list at some point but definitely want to have a site that fits my needs. Thank you for pointing out the many hidden costs and other potential issues from this site.

    Which company would you recommend for me to go through to build my email list? I would need it to be a helpful and teaching platform, I have much to learn.

    • Hey Justin,

      thanks for checking our our review.  It would depend on where you are with your business to understand which would be the best direction for you.  If you haven’t got a website yet, then you aren’t at a point of worrying about an email list.  The reason is, you need traffic to your website to then understand how best to capture email addresses of those interested in your content and offers.  Without that traffic, then there is little point expanding your knowledge of email marketing yet.

      If you have got a website, but are struggling with traffic you are in the same boat.

      Either way, the training available at Wealthy Affiliate can and will take you through everything you need to get your that all-important traffic, then you can also benefit from their training on email marketing too.

      All the best


  2. Hello there,  thanks for this very detailed and informative review on list me, I heard about list me from a friend when I was discussing with him on on how I can be making some passive income so I decided to do some research on it to know it’s authenticity and from this review here it really seem to be something I can count on,  however I will also check your number one recommendation,  thanks for sharing

    • Hi Jomata,

      thanks for checking out our review.  Not sure how you felt we said this is something you can count on?  I would say this is another program that is leading many newbies into believing there is a magic system that will make them easy money and they do not exist.

      There are elements to online marketing that these programs completely miss out at the expense of beginners who believe their lies.

      It might be legit, but that doesn’t always guarantee quality.



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