What is Digital Worth Academy About? Can a $797 Investment Make You Rich? [REVIEW 2021]

Welcome to our Digital Worth Academy Review!

Have you been wondering what is Digital Worth Academy About?  Wondering if it is worth the investment to teach you Digital Marketing?  Then, this review will help fill in the blanks…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Digital Worth Academy in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we just want to help you get all the details you need about this platform, so that you can make an informed decision about whether it is the right move for you…

Disclaimer – This Digital Worth Academy review has been thoroughly researched with information/testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public.  Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions based on that information.

Digital Worth Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Digital Worth Academy

Founder: Andrew Hansen and Sara Young

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Platform

Price: $1,997 or 3-payments of $797 (Currently available for $797)

Best For: Aspiring Affiliate Marketers, Those looking to make money online

Digital Worth Academy Review


  • Positive Reviews
  • Founders Have Experience
  • Coaching Program
  • Tools Are Included


  • Still Expensive!
  • Lack of Reviews Elsewhere
  • Facebook Page is Date

Summary: Digital Worth Academy is a comprehensive training platform, that also offers some tools and a community, to help aspiring affiliate marketers to get started with Digital Marketing.

The training course is mainly designed to direct it’s users to launch authority niche websites, and using the Amazon affiliate program.  The owners are well-known and experienced marketers, and there are a lot of benefits to this platform.

However, the biggest hurdle is the eye-watering price… although, that has been dramatically decreased recently…

Rating: 70/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is Digital Worth Academy?

Digital Worth Academy is a coaching platform, with the aim of teaching you digital marketing/affiliate marketing.  It offers a comprehensive training program, professional coaching, and a software suite that features some useful tools.

It takes you through a training guide that shows you the best approach in creating a high authority website, that promotes Amazon products through affiliate marketing (and the Amazon Associates program).

It’s designed to help anyone build and grow a site from nothing, and push it to the levels of generating up to $10,000 a month.  But starting off, it aims to help you generate monthly income of $1,000, then it also shows you how you could sell your site at 30x the value, which would be $30,000!

Digital Worth Academy or DWA, follows three core elements:

  1. Selecting The Center – Pinpointing big niches that generate profit whilst finding ones with low prevailing competition
  2. Developing Blogs – Building blogs from the ground up or developing existing small ones, then turning them into larger content platforms
  3. Utilising the Right SEO – Use effective white-hat SEO strategies that will initiate the domino effect of higher rankings, and long term web traffic

Check out this 5-minute video that will give you a sneak peek into their training course…

Now, let’s take a look at who’s behind the Digital Worth Academy…

Who's Behind Digital Worth Academy?

The founders of the Digital Worth Academy are Sara Young, and Andrew Hansen.

Both of which are successful online marketers who had similar goals of teaching people the right way of doing online marketing.

Sara Young - Digital Worth Academy

Sara Young

Sara Young is an affiliate marketer, and has done online marketing for years. 

She created her first digital asset in 1995.  This shows she has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share to those just getting started. 

Sara has also developed multiple digital marketing products, that help aspiring marketers

Andrew Hansen

Like Sara, Andrew Hansen is also a top-level affiliate marketer.  He provides a series of high-quality coaching programs, and other products to his avid followers.

Andrew has a good reputation for being a professional marketing coach.  He’s also an SEO expert, and has other well-known courses.

Sara and Andrew, working together culminated with the Digital Worth Academy.

Inside Digital Worth Academy

The Digital Worth Academy is a training platform at its core, and this is all accessed via their dashboard.

They offer:

  • Training
  • Coaching Calls
  • Community
  • Tools


The training course is spread over seven sections, that have more than 30 modules, and 150 videos.  So, they offer a lot of value within the course.  Here’s what is covered in the 7 sections…

  • The approach to use in selecting the most profitable niche for you
  • Digital Asset Construction approaches
  • How to create the content for your site
  • Growing Traffic and Authority
  • Scaling your content to achieve long-term success
  • Strategies that will get you many site visitors
  • Understanding your progress

Coaching Program

The coaching program is ten weeks worth of coaching sessions with both Sara and Andrew.  Their team of professional marketers will also coach you.

The process will include live webinars, a responsive support desk, one-on-one coaching calls, an active forum, and much more…

Software Tools

Digital Worth Academy offers a proprietary software suite to help you get started, and contains tools to help you gain a competitive edge.

DWA offers you three software tools…

#1 Commission Wizard V2.0

This tool claims to help you find profitable niches much faster.  It also provides opportunities in huge markets

#2 Diamond Keyword Miner

This tool claims to automatically find areas within your market demographic where traffic is easier, supposedly meaning revenue will be immediately available.

#3 Profit Calculator

This tool provides you a quick and easy way to calculate your monthly revenue potential

There is some value in the first two tools, I’m not too sure why you would need the third one…


When you join Digital Worth Academy, you’ll also gain access to their community.  This is via a private Facebook group, forum, and members area.

Having been part of the Wealthy Affiliate community for a few years, I can tell you that having a community of like-minded people to bounce ideas off of, is only a good thing…

You can check out this 11-minute video that shows you what to expect from the Digital Worth Academy…

I can see that there is a lot of value within their platform, but let’s first talk about the cost of joining, before drawing any conclusions…

It’s also important to know that there are many other similar courses to this, such as:

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Digital Worth Academy Cost?

The usual price of Digital Worth Academy is $1,997.  You can choose to pay this in a one-time payment or you can pay it in three instalments of $797.

However, if you try to join the Digital Worth Academy now (Jan 2021), it is currently available for a one-time payment of $797.

Now, there isn’t a free trial.  So, you’ll need to spend big to access the course.  Although, there is one silver lining, and that is the money back guarantee…

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

DWA offers a no-question asked 30-day money back guarantee

Digital Worth Academy Money Back Guarantee

Others have reported a 60-day guarantee, but that is based on the full price (I believe).

But as it stands now in Jan 2021, it’s $797 and offers a 30-day money back guarantee…

Any Other Costs You Should Know About?

There are some other costs you should know about.  They might come as a surprise to a newbie, but they are legitimate costs and would be be expected…

The first two are around a domain name and hosting for that website.  Nothing out of the ordinary there, and a monthly subscription to a research tool they recommend…

It’s good to see a program being honest and transparent before you sign up.

Is Digital Worth Academy A Scam?

No, I don’t think that Digital Worth Academy is a scam in any form.

It is a high-quality coaching platform, that was developed by two reputable marketing gurus…

The most common reason for people labelling a legit platform as a scam, is usually based on their own expectationts.

DWA is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and neither is Affiliate Marketing.  It’s a long process, that requires a lot of time and effort to get right.

But from our research, we’ve found DWA to be a legitimate program and offers high-quality training.

The remainder of our review will offer you insights into the pros and cons of this platform, and therefore you can make an informed decision…

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

What We Liked About Digital Worth Academy

Here’s what we liked about Digital Worth Academy:

#1 The Platform Gets Positive Reviews

Admittedly, I could only find reviews on their sales page… which I’ll explain in a while, but from the reviews posted on there, it does appear to be a positive story, with many members writing positive views:

Digital Worth Academy - Facebook Reviews

#2 The Founders Have A Lot Of Experience To Share…

Sara Young and Andrew Hansen are both experienced marketers, with a lot of credibility in the industry, and their training reflects this.

#3 Coaching Program

The opportunity to have coaching calls with experienced marketers to help you is a solid sign of this platform having the aim of helping people.  Being able to access the community at any time is also a good sign.

#4 Tools Are Included

You get some good tools included within your membership, with only minimal additional costs that you would require to spend anyway, to get this method working right.

What We Didn't Like About Digital Worth Academy

Here’s what we didn’t like about Digital Worth Academy:

#1 Still Expensive!

I can only guess why the price has been dropped, it either means that the content hasn’t been updated, the platform is losing members and interest, or the price was too high in the first place.

I get that the right mentorship does command a high price.  But it still is an expensive investment for a newbie, who isn’t totally convinced about the online marketing method.  $797, is still a big chunk of money for the usual people that are thinking about this program.

#2 Lack of Reviews Elsewhere

Other than the reviews I found on their own sales page, I couldn’t find any other reviews from actual people who have tried it.  I found the usual product reviews you find with MMO products.

Some are promoting the platform, so they cannot really be classed as objective…  There are a few others like ours that only talks about the platform… But based on the age of some of those reviews, I think this platform is losing some momentum…

#3 Facebook Page Is Dated

Check out the image below…

For a platform that offers so much value to their members, it’s interesting to note that there are only 90 likes for this page… and the last time they posted anything to their facebook page was back in August 2019!

Hardly something that is going to make this sound like a vibrant community, that is there to help… A community is only worthwhile if they are active… and stable…

When I compare that to the community I am involved in (at Wealthy Affiliate), there are millions of active members… I don’t see any evidence to suggest Digital Worth Academy has anywhere near that number of members, let alone active members.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Digital Worth Academy Review - Final Conclusion

On the face of it, the Digital Worth Academy is a comprehensive training and coaching platform to help newbies get started with online marketing.

As to whether it’s the right course for you, is really down to your own point of view.  It is still quite expensive to get started with, even though it does provide some good quality content.

The lack of reviews elsewhere, and the lack of interest in their Facebook page does appear to show that this platform may be losing some momentum.  

I also don’t find many DWA members singing the praises of the platform, like I thought I might.

But, if you want to learn how to get started with online marketing and building an online asset, then we would recommend this training platform…

Any Alternatives?

There are many different ways to make money with affiliate marketing, and whilst DWA is a solid choice, it still has a few concerns that don’t make it high up on our list of recommended training programs…

Our top recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate.  It’s the same training program that helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream from Affiliate Marketing.

The main reasons why we recommend it to anyone looking to make money online, is the fact that it is free for you to try.  You get ten lessons to try out and decide if it’s the right decision for you.

No need to rely on a company giving you your money back. 

The platform is super simple to navigate, and has a fully active community of over 1 million members, all eager to help you out.

The decision is up to you, but the value of DWA does get diluted, when you factor in that the platform doesn’t appear very active, and you have to pay to give it a try… Wealthy Affiliate lets you try for FREE, and then decide if it’s the right choice for you.

Learn more about Wealthy Affiliate here…

How We Make Money Online

We make money online through Affiliate Marketing, and it’s thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and their training that we’ve been able to do it.

We’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream, learn more about how you can get started here…

Thanks for checking out our Digital Worth Academy review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments below… If you have any experiences with DWA, and can help us improve our review, please let us know… 😉

Digital Worth Academy

$1,997 (Currently $797)

Overall Rating



  • Positive Reviews
  • Founders Have Lots of Experience
  • Coaching Program
  • Tools Are Included


  • Still Expensive
  • Lack of Reviews Elsewhere
  • Facebook Page is Outdated

2 thoughts on “What is Digital Worth Academy About? Can a $797 Investment Make You Rich? [REVIEW 2021]”

  1. Digital Worth Academy may not be a scam. They have plenty of valid points but the cost of joining is high. The methods they teach are valid from what I can see but another platform offers all of that without the high price and subsequent upsells. 

    I have found that Wealthy Affiliate offers more than Digital Worth Academy without the high cost of Digital Worth Academy. Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools you will need to be  successful. Wealthy Affiliate shows you how to build a website that will gain authority over time and be a source of information that can be used to help you have a more profitable source of income.


    • Hey Jerry,

      thanks for checking out our review!  I think DWA does offer some value, but questions to need to be raised about the lack of interest around it, making them feel the need to drop the price.  If it offered enough value to warrant the price, it might be different.

      But I suspect it is another program that is targeting the wrong audience – newbies can often not afford such a commanding price, even though it is discounted at the moment,

      That is part of the reason why we would always recommend Wealthy Affiliate.  With a free membership to get started, and tons of value that you can actually try before you upgrade or not, is just one of the many reasons why it’s ideal for someone wanting to check out this business model.

      All the best



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