SEO Affiliate Domination Review [2021] – The Best SEO Affiliate Training?!

Welcome to our SEO Affiliate Domination Review!

If you were looking for more information on SEO Affiliate Domination, then you’ve come to the right place.  SEO Affiliate Domination is a SEO for Affiliate Marketing training course by Greg Jeffries.

If you’re here, you’re probably wondering if Is SEO Affiliate Domination a scam or not?

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with SEO Affiliate Domination in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we will take a closer look at Greg Jeffries SEO course to see if it’s worth your time, and your money.  More importantly, do the strategies that are taught here still work in 2021?

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

SEO Affiliate Domination Review Summary

Product Name: SEO Affiliate Domination

Founder: Greg Jeffries

Product Type: SEO for Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $200 for 12 months or $2,000 one-time fee

Best For: Those looking to start affiliate marketing


Summary: SEO Affiliate Domination is a pretty well-made affiliate marketing course, and it does have some good advice for beginners.  However, there are a few issues with this course.  Firstly, the price, $2,000 for an affiliate marketing course is really expensive.  Plus, they recommend grey-hat SEO techniques that would actually do more harm than good.

If you’re looking for a better alternative place to learn affiliate marketing the correct way, check out out top recommended training platforms.

Rating: 50/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is SEO Affiliate Domination?

SEO Affiliate Domination is a course that teaches you how to do SEO for Affiliate Marketing.  It was created by Greg Jeffries.  The purpose of the training is to teach you SEO strategies that can help you build a profitable website, in any niche.

The SEO Affiliate Domination sales page doesn’t really offer you a lot of information about what’s really inside.  You just get the usual income disclosures, a fancy video which just talks about people who have found success from this training, and very little else.

Here’s the thing…

I’ll get to the point… SEO Affiliate Domination teaches people how to make money online by creating websites quickly.  These are usually small websites built using a combination of white and grey hat SEO strategies and then sold on for a quick profit.

It’s not the best method for a long-term income.  There’s not ultimately anything wrong with that business mode, flipping websites can be a really good way of earning money online.

But because of the methods they are showing you, Google will usually punish these kind of websites after a month or so.  It won’t last, and I’ll explain later why this is a problem.

But to give you an idea, here are some of the strategies they teach you:

  1. How to Use Backlink Software
  2. Mass Create & Spin Articles Using Tools
  3. How to Build Private Blog Networks

These techniques will have worked years ago, but there is little value in these methods now.

Who’s Greg Jeffries?

Greg Jeffries is the creator of this SEO Affiliate Domination training course, and there is actually very little information out there about him.

Most bigger internet marketers usually have some sort of website or YouTube channel where they promote themselves.

But after searching around, there is very little I could find.

I did find some interviews with him, and other well-known affiliate marketers, however.

Here’s an example.  A video he did with Igor Kheifets:

Other than some random interviews, I only really could a Facebook Page which you can see here.

Inside SEO Affiliate Domination

So, Like I said, SEO Affiliate Domination is a course that teaches you how to do SEO for affiliate marketing.  They are using a beginner friendly model using keyword research and blogging to get traffic, rather than using paid traffic.

Here’s a breakdown of each module:

Module 1: SEO Introduction

The first module is just a quick introduction to what SEO is, and why you need it.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and it is where you rank content to get it to the top of the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo).

You’ll learn why this is so important to your business, and making money online.

Module 2: Domains & Hosting

This module teaches you about your domain and hosting from the aspect of SEO.  Your website name does have a small effect on SEO, and people will click on your website from Google if it’s relevant to what they’re searching for.

But your hosting has a more important effect on SEO.  Your site speed largely relies on your hosting… and SEO factors in your site speed when ranking your content.

So, you definitely need fast hosting

Modules 3 & 4: Setting Up Domains & Hosting

These modules expand on the second module.  You’ll learn where to buy your domain name from, and how to get your website’s hosting set up.

You’ll also be shown how to install WordPress, which is where you will be blogging from.

Module 5: WordPress Themes

Learn how to install a WordPress theme.  They will also describe to you themes to avoid and which ones you should choose.  

Ideally you want a WordPress theme that loads fast and is mobile friendly.

Module 6: WordPress Plugins

This module focuses on WordPress plugins that can help you improve your SEO.

Module 7: Keyword Introduction

This is the first module were you actually start to learn how to use SEO as a strategy to drive traffic to your new blog.

Keywords are the phrases you’ll be targeting and using SEO around to rank in Google for.

Module 8: Keyword Planner

This expands on the keyword research topic, teaching you which keywords you should select and which you should avoid.

There is a method to picking the right keywords.  You ideally want a keyword that is late in the buyer cycle, where people are ready to buy, is low competition, and will actually get you traffic.

This is what they will teach you in this module.

Module 9: Keyword Tools

They will show you some keyword tools that will help you determine which keywords are good or not so good.

Module 10: On Page SEO

This module will take you through how to optimise your content for SEO, including your title, URL, headings, images, etc.

Module 11: Off Page SEO

This module then turns to off page SEO techniques, which is your effort to improve your contents rankings through backlinks from authority websites.

SEO Affiliate Domination’s Mass-Page Content

The SEO Affiliate Domination training also recommends a quick way of speeding the whole process up through something called mass page content.

With this method, you take one specific topic, use your keyword suggestion tool, and try to write as many articles about that topic as possible.  They tend to focus more on fast and cheap content, over high quality content.

But the problem is that they even suggest you use content spinner tools to create a bunch of random articles to use see keywords.

You should know that spinning articles rarely works.  If you use spun article, you’ll never rank content organically, which is the aim of SEO.

In fact, the better method is to spend the time writing high-quality blog posts will have a much better outcome than writing quick and fast content, or using spun contents.

To be fair to them, they do have some material on outsourcing content creation, but it does focus more on how to get the cheapest writers for faster results, over getting quality writers working for you.

Trust me when I say, when it comes to SEO – Quality will always win out against Quantity.

Additional Paid Tools

SEO Affiliate Domination recommends some grey-area SEO tools.

These tools are not included in your fee, they are all external programs that if you decided to get them, they will typically be a fee.

Here are some of them:

  1. Mass Page Site Creator
  2. Website Hosting
  3. Ninja Software
  4. Automated Link Building Tool
  5. Keyword Research
  6. Money Robot
  7. Email List Management
  8. Several Others

These tools are optional, not completely necessary, but the training does heavily push you towards buying them.  The training also continues with those tools, so if you didn’t buy them, the training becomes irrelevant to you.

Seems complicated, doesn’t it?  I prefer a simple system.  Using one training program, that includes all of the tools, training and support all under one roof.  Thanks to the training at our #1 Recommended Training program, we have Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream…

Overall though, the training isn’t too bad… but the thing that doesn’t really add up is the price they are charging you to access it…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does SEO Affiliate Domination Cost?

I really don’t get where they feel this course is worth $2,000!  When you compare what you are actually being taught, against the price, something doesn’t add up.

The first seven modules covers topics that you could easily find information on for free, with a quick Google search or YouTube.

Information on WordPress themes, hosting, building a website is readily available information.  Many blogs, including ours has free articles on how to create a free website.

So, really what you are paying for modules 8 to 11.  They do offer some good training, but again not information that you would only get from this platform.

My #1 Recommended Training program teaches all of these strategies, plus has training on paid traffic… oh, and you can get started for free, and their paid membership is still only $49/month compared to this one!!

What We Liked About SEO Affiliate Domination

Here’s what we liked about SEO Affiliate Domination:

#1 Decent SEO Strategies for Beginners

The content itself is useful, it stays true to SEO and doesn’t go off track.  If you ignored the grey-hat strategies and followed the rest of the content, you would have a good handle on how to do SEO properly for your site.

#2 Action Items After Each Module

After every module, there is a checklist of tasks to complete before you move onto the next step.  This is a good way of ensuring you stay on track.  The action plans are divided into weeks, over a 4-week cycle.

To give you an idea, the first week’s action items is to find a list of 10 – 20 niche ideas for an Amazon or other affiliate website.  These kick in after the initial modules dedicated to getting a hosting account, and WordPress theme.

#3 Active Facebook Group

Once you have paid your fee, you can then access their exclusive Facebook group.  From what we can see, the group is pretty active, and has a lot of members.  It’s a good place to ask questions.

What We Didn't Like About SEO Affiliate Domination

Here’s what we didn’t like about SEO Affiliate Domination:

#2 Focuses on Outdated SEO Techniques

SEO evolves every-time Google makes an update to their algorithm.  They are getting better at identifying duplicate or spun content.  So, the techniques they are teaching, should be staying current based on that.  Especially if you are expected to pay $2,000!

But they are still focusing on these kind of things that can actually do more harm than good.  Creating Backlinks is nowhere near as important as they make out.  If they are natural, then great.  But there is a big difference between that, and just creating loads of them for the sake of it.

Then the fact they are promoting article spinning is something that is worrying, as that will not work as well as they say.

#2 Not Worth $2,000!

I have actually seen reviews that showed that this used to cost $997!  But now they are charging $2,000 or $200 for 12 months.

I don’t see anything that really warrants you spending that much on a course, that doesn’t include any tools.  So, you are expected to spend more money on additional tools, and then the course doesn’t have anything that makes me think this price is justified.

A lot of this training, can be found for free online.  Getting started with SEO is not that difficult, when you have the right training, at the right price.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

IS SEO Affiliate Domination A Scam?

SEO Affiliate Domination is not a scam, although it isn’t the best internet marketing training available online, in our opinion.

The course would benefit from more in-depth training on the correct techniques regarding content creation, and SEO.  And less time on outdated SEO methods that will more than likely hinder your progress, rather than speed it up.

I wouldn’t recommend this course to a complete beginner, due to them training you techniques that aren’t reliable or work in 2020…

Here's A Better Alternative...

The basis and concept that is being taught by SEO Affiliate Domination is legit.  Affiliate Marketing, Flipping websites are both legitimate and good ways of making money online.  But when you compare the price against what they actually teach, I’m just suggesting you would find better alternatives online.

For example, Savage Affiliates teaches you the basics, and is $197 or $297.  Or Wealthy Affiliate, which is the platform we use, can help you get started with affiliate marketing, gives you all the tools, training, and support you need.  Plus, it’s completely free to get started with, and is only $49/month to go full-time!

Their training is ideal for a beginner, and teaches you evergreen strategies that have helped thousands of their members within their community to earn a residual income from affiliate marketing.  

In fact, thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training, we have Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more about what they have to offer you, here’s our full review…

Thanks for checking out our SEO Affiliate Domination Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

SEO Affiliate Domination


Overall Rating



  • Decent SEO Strategies for Beginners
  • Action Items After Each Module
  • Active Facebook Group


  • Focuses on Outdated SEO Techniques
  • Not Worth $2,000

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