Passive Income Lifestyle Review | Is ODI Productions A Scam?

Welcome to our Passive Income Lifestyle Review!

Passive Income Lifestyle is a training course by YouTuber ODI Productions.  It teaches you how to build an online business that will earn you passive income regardless of where you are…

If you’re here to see whether this course is legit or not, I totally understand.  Their sales page is littered with the usual red flags that normally highlight a scam. I’m not suggesting the course is a scam, but we wanted to check it out to see whether it offered any real value, considering the price!

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Passive Income Lifestyle in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal what this course has to offer, including background information, price to join, pros and cons… So, then you’ll know whether Passive Income Lifestyle is the right course for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Passive Income Lifestyle Review Summary

Product Name: Passive Income Lifestyle

Founder: ODI Productions

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course  

Price: $2,497 $997

Best For: Aspiring Affiliate Marketers


Summary: Passive Income Lifestyle is a training course that teaches you how to earn passive income through Affiliate Marketing.  The sales page looks a little tacky, in my opinion and can actually make it look more like the get-rich-quick schemes that are out there.  It is a legitimate course, but a very average one at that and doesn’t justify the cost.  That has shown, as they have updated it numerous times, and each time the price has dropped.  But still, $997 for this course isn’t justified.  We’ll share with you why within this review…

Rating: 50/100

Recommended? Not Really…

Table of Contents

What is Passive Income Lifestyle?

Passive Income Lifestyle is a training course designed by YouTuber ODI Productions.  It claims to teach you how to build an online business that will earn you passive income through the business model called Affiliate Marketing.

It sells itself as a mentorship program, where members receive access to several videos with lesson on different topics, weekly live streams, a community, and a tool to help you do research on niches and products.

Mind you, this isn’t actually a brand new program.  It’s a relaunch of a course that he releases a few years ago, with some updates on certain elements.  The course used to cost a huge $5,000, but currently it has “limited spaces” and you will access it for $997 instead of $3,000!

Before we get into what’s inside Passive Income Lifestyle, let’s look at who’s behind the program…

Who's ODI Productions

ODI Productions is the creator of Passive Income Lifestyle, and he’s quite famous on YouTube.  His channel boasts over 20K subscribers, he’s also an affiliate marketer.


ODI Productions does make a lot of money, but there is something about his income, that questions whether he is the right person to learn affiliate marketing from…

His main source of income is from course sales.  There is serious money with course sales, and that’s probably how he made 7-figures from them.

But that isn’t really affiliate marketing, in my opinion.

Creating a course takes a long time, and the traffic he drives to his course comes from his YouTube channel, which he started 11 years ago.

Learning how to create a course from him, might be a good idea.  But I’m not sure he’s the right mentor for learning affiliate marketing.

Inside Passive Income Lifestyle...

Passive Income Lifestyle is an 8-week training course, with some additional bonuses.  The reason we describe it as an 8-week course, is that you don’t gain full access to the program.  

Each week unlocks new videos and topics, but if you were to finish a module (week) in 2 or 3 days, you would still have to wait until the start of the following week to access the next release of content.

Here’s a summary of the 8-week course:

Week 1 – Introduction

The first week is just a typical introduction to the course.  It provides an explanation of how the program works, the structure of the content, and how you can apply the lessons going forward.

You’ll also learn about some of the bonuses you get, like the private forum, product research tool, and weekly livestream.

Other than that, you’ll need to wait the remainder of the week to learn something useful…

Week 2 – Mindset, Motivation, and Productivity

The problem is… week two doesn’t actually teach you anything about Affiliate Marketing either…

This week focuses on explaining why and how your mindset is the most important thing.  These lessons go through how to think, and establishing habits.

You’ll also learn some mind hacks, as well as tips on how to develop daily routines to increase your productivity.

My big issues here is, that whilst there is a benefit to this kind of training, it shouldn’t be the main focus at the start of the course, and just seems to delay you actually learning anything.  By the end of the second week, you still don’t really know what you’re going to be doing or anything.  Personally, if you’re willing to pay that amount on a course in the first place, you already have the right mindset anyway…

Week 3 – Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

This is the first point that you actually start gaining access to content based on what you had originally signed up for.  But, even then it’s not anything more than an introduction to affiliate marketing.  

There isn’t really any training that allows you to get started, it’s more focused on explaining what affiliate marketing is, and how it works…

I’d really be disappointed to be at this point, to have not learned anything fundamental, that is going to allow me to start affiliate marketing and therefore, people might get disillusioned with this course, especially as you have to wait until week 4 to get anything that resembles tangible training…

Week 4 – Creating Your First Passive Income Business

Before I describe the contents of this module, first you must understand that this is the first point where you will actually learn anything about how to actually get started with an affiliate marketing business.  But it also triggers the point where you cannot ask for a refund, as the time period has expired…  That is a bit of a red flag to me…

Anyways, here’s what this module covers, which is a step-by-step plan for creating an affiliate marketing business:

  1. Overview
  2. The ODI Method
  3. Part of ODI Method
  4. Choosing your Niche
  5. Joining an Affiliate Program
  6. Choosing a Platform
  7. Product Research
  8. Keyword Research
  9. Content Creation
  10. SEO
  11. Collection Emails
  12. Using Paid Traffic
  13. Email Marketing
  14. Retargeting
  15. Promoting your First Product

The training doesn’t really go into too much detail though, and it only really offers a glancing look at each topic.  Hardly worth waiting 3 weeks to access it.

P.S. This Platform helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and is only $49/month to go full-time!  It offers training, tools, and support to help you get started…

Week 5 – Authority Site Case Study

This week, you get information on what a niche authority website is, with a $500,000 Case Study.  This is the first method out of 4 that is discussed in this course, and from this point, you will learn 1 method per week.

Week 6 – The Perpetual Sales Funnel Method

The second approach is described as the “perpetual sales funnel“.  This is claimed to be a sustainable source of traffic and conversions that last for a long time.  He shows you what he learned from a lot of trial and error.

He then shows you how to he used this method to (allegedly) make $20,000 in a single month from a single product.

You’ll get four videos:

  1. What’s this method
  2. How it actually works
  3. How ODI thinks you don’t really need an audience to succeed
  4. A case study of the method working

Week 7 – Personal Branding

This module focuses on how you create a brand for yourself.  Branding can be a very powerful thing, especially as it helps the customer connect with you as a person, rather than a corporate entity.

I have to say, ODI is good at branding, as his YouTube channel demonstrates, so he does have value to offer here.

Week 8 – The Landing Page Method, Traffic & Scaling

This week, focuses on showing you how to build a landing page, or a single page website.  The idea is to send traffic to it, and it works like a sales funnel, leading to your customer wanting to buy the product.

ODI advises you to use Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, and he covers off how to advertise on each of these platforms.

Additional Bonuses

Aside from the training, you also gain access to some additional bonuses, these include:

  • Live Stream – The livestream is once a week and is hosted by ODI, these are also recorded so if you miss the live stream, you can still see the recording.
  • Forum – the forum is is where you can get your questions answered by the community.
  • Research Tools – the research tool is just a database of affiliate programs, that you can join.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Passive Income Lifestyle Cost?

The cost to access Passive Income Lifestyle is a one-time fee of $997.  Although, I’ve seen reviews that say that this used to cost $5K, before being reduced to $2,500, and now it’s only $997.

But I still, don’t think there is really enough value to actually state that this is worth that amount of money.  Especially as a lot of what you learn from here, could be learned for free just by checking out his YouTube channel, and a good Google search…

What We Liked About Passive Income Lifestyle

Here’s what we liked about Passive Income Lifestyle:

#1 Decent Training

Whilst I think the training could be a little more in-depth, it does offer a decent introduction to affiliate marketing.  There are some good case studies included, that will show you how to make money, which you could copy.

#2 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

You have 30 days to request your money back.

What We Didn't Like About Passive Income Lifestyle

Here’s what we didn’t like about Passive Income Lifestyle:

#1 The Course is Too Basic

There is no shortage of basic affiliate marketing training courses online.  There’s plenty of resources out there, and plenty of cheap courses that teach you the basics too.

There is no actual need to spend $997 to learn this stuff.

If you were getting an advanced affiliate marketing training course, with tools included, then I think it might be acceptable to pay that much.

But you are not getting that with the Passive Income Lifestyle course.  The main part of the course is the step-by-step guide in week 4.

But you only get a basic overview of each topic.

If you course was more in-depth and didn’t make you wait until week 4 to get any detail, then it might be worth a fee.  But not $997!!

#2 You’re Not Really Getting Mentorship

The sales page sells this course as a mentorship, but I don’t really think you are actually getting mentorship. 

You do get access to a weekly livestream, and gain access to a private forum, which are both useful.  But they are not real mentorship.

Having a mentor means one-on-one coaching, but this isn’t really the case.

The livestreams are for everyone in the course, you may get  your questions answered, but it won’t be answered the same way that it might be if it were one-on-one.

#3 The Course is Overpriced

Affiliate Marketing is a very popular way for people trying to make money online, therefore there are plenty of training course out there to help people get started.

That leads to there being many legit course, low-quality courses, and outright scams.  Some of these courses are really expensive, but there are also those that offer affordable options too.

But personally, I think that Passive Income Lifestyle is not a high-quality course, and therefore isn’t worth the $997 price tag.  Something that shows when he’s dropped the price twice.

I personally wouldn’t pay that amount for Passive Income Lifestyle.  There are better training courses, but nowhere near that price.

Our top recommended training program is Wealthy Affiliate.  It’s free to get started, is $49/month for premium and offers all of the tools, training support for you to get started.  Something that is completely worth the price, and is much better than Passive Income Lifestyle, in our opinion.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Passive Income Lifestyle Review

Passive Income Lifestyle is a pretty decent training course that will show you how to get started with affiliate marketing.  It’s well-structured and offers weekly live streams and access to a forum.

But the biggest problem is the price, if you were getting full mentorship where ODI productions helped you every step of the way, then it might be worth the price as you would be paying for his time.

But, you don’t really get that.  There isn’t anything to the course for the first 3 weeks, and even then the training on affiliate marketing is really basic.

Overall, there are much better alternatives out there, and they don’t cost anywhere near what this course does…

Here's A Better Alternative...

Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for those looking to make money online… but it doesn’t have to cost $997 for you to figure out whether it’s right for you…

Even though they offer a decent refund policy, by the time you get to the point of knowing if this is right for you, you lose that ability.

Our top recommended training program offers a free starter membership that gives you a full insight into what you are getting into, but even their premium membership for the year comes in at half of what Passive Income Lifestyle does.

So, if you would like to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, the platform that helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream, then here’s a link to our full Wealthy Affiliate review!

Thanks for checking out our Passive Income Lifestyle Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Passive Income Lifestyle


Overall Rating



  • Decent Training
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • The Course is Too Basic
  • You're Not Really Getting Mentorship
  • The Course is Overpriced

8 thoughts on “Passive Income Lifestyle Review | Is ODI Productions A Scam?”

  1. An affiliate marketer whose main income is the courses he sells? that alone speaks volumes. Maybe he should be offering a course on how to make courses that will provide passive income, he seems to know more about that. It is interesting that they start by putting so much focus on Mndset. I rank it high, but I have never ranked it as high as that. It can be a good thing though, maybe I ought to put more thought into mindset.

    • Hi Kelly,

      it would seem to make more sense if he did create a course, around creating a course, like you say.

      I think there always comes a time when you do need to consider the mindset side of things, there are always going to be times when you question yourself, but with the way the course is structured, you haven’t really worked anything out about the business model, to know what watch outs there are, to make sure your mindset is set up properly.

      Personally, it should have been further down the line.  Show people what they are going to do, give them info, so that they can have time to think about relevant questions, and then talk to them about the mindset it takes to get it right.

      Just seems a long time before you access anything that is actionable, in my opinion…

      Thanks for checking out our review…

      All the best


  2. Thank you for this Passive Income Lifestyle review and all the insights you have provided in this article.
    I agree that for most people who want to start making money on the internet and are interested in affiliate marketing, this price is definitely too high. Such a cost can be afforded by people who already serve on the internet, but such people do not need beginner courses.
    On the other hand, it is true that such prices can be imagined by a person who has many subscribers to e.g. youtube and many followers on other social networks.
    I joined the Wealthy Affiliate a few months ago, and I warmly recommend it just like you.
    Thanks for the interesting article.
    Friendly greeting,

    • Hi Nina,

      I think there are a couple of points to consider… does the course offer enough value to justify the price?  Is it targeting the right person?

      For me, if a course is targeting a complete beginner and offering a comprehensive guide that offers everything they need, then a price is justified.  But, when there are better alternatives that offer this, without the huge price tag, the question has to be asked as to why he feels it is worth this price, especially as the majority of those looking to get started just cannot afford that price, unless they get themselves into debt.

      I think it is lacking in value, and is obviously trying to target beginners, who are a little naive, and think it will be a quick solution program.

      That is why we do recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as it offers people a proper look at what affiliate marketing is all about, and then people can choose whether it is the right decision before deciding to invest some money into continuing with it…

      Thanks for checking out our review…

      All the best,


  3. Thanks for your review on Passive Income Lifestyle. Nowadays, we all have to do our due diligence so that we do not fall into the victim of these opportunists. I am glad that I checked in. I am sure that the training course that Passive Income Lifestyle offer can be found in most blogs or any other program for half the price. Also, even though it is a one time fee, it means that the information can be outdated if the price fell that drastic. I am going to stay away from them. 

    • Hey Nuttanee,

      I think there is value in the content, but it does mean that he has to make sure it is up-to-date.  You don’t want to spend that much, only to find out of date content.

      But I think there is plenty of content that is available online, and the value within this course doesn’t justify the price…

      Thanks for checking out our review…

      All the best


  4. Thank you for sharing your review about the Passive Income Lifestyle. You have provided a very detailed review and given good information in order for people to make a good discussion whether or not to join. I am sure it is going to help so many people who are in search of good and trust worthy Affiliate Marketing Platform.

    All the best!



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