Market Health Review – 60% Commission, But Still Worth It?

Welcome to our Market Health Review!

If you’re looking for affiliate networks in the health and wellness niche, then you’ve probably found Market Health.  They are offering 60% commissions on their products, but there is something about the term “network” that isn’t exactly right about Market Health.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams online and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Market Health in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you what this Affiliate Network has to offer, the pros/cons, and all the information you need to be able to make an informed decision as to whether it is right for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Market Health Review Summary

Product Name: Market Health

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Health & Wellness Affiliate Network

Price: Free to Join

Best For: Affiliate Marketers in the Health, Beauty, Wellness Niche


Summary: Market Health is an Affiliate Network that offers a range of products in the health and wellness niche. They offer a high commission rate of up to 60%, and offer 30-day cookies.

However, they claim to be an affiliate network working for the best deals for affiliates and merchants, yet they do not accept any merchants.  The only products available are those sold by Market Health.

Rating: 75/100

Recommended? Yes

Having an Affiliate Network/Program without the knowledge of how to promote it the right way is pretty useless, check out our top recommended affiliate marketing training here. 😉

Table of Contents

What is Market Health?

Market Health is an Affiliate Network and it focuses on the health and wellness niche, offering a range of health, beauty and fitness products.  


It was launched back in 1998, so is well-established nad has over 190+ offers in a variety of categories:

  • Men’s Health
  • Women’s Health & Beauty
  • Sexual Health
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Weight Loss Products
  • Skin Care
  • Sports Nutrition

What I found interesting was that on their about us page, they talk about finding the best deals for both affiliates and merchants.  Now, this makes out that they work together with both sellers of products, and affiliates looking to products.  A bit like how Amazon Associates does.

But the only merchant, for want of a better word is Market Health themselves.  They don’t accept merchants.  So, you could use this network to sell your own product.  You can only use this network as an affiliate.

For each category, you can either each through CPS (Cost Per Sale) or CPA (Cost Per Action/Acquisition).

Most of the CPS offers reward you with a 50% commission, whilst the CPA offers between $40 to $45.  If you’re able to refer more than 20 sales per day, you can negotiate  a higher payout.

They pay you twice a month, but need to earn a minimum of $20.  Payout options are either check, bank wire, Skrill, or payoneer.

How Do You Make Money with Market Health?

The first thing to say is that the application is a little misleading, as it isn’t very clear about something that is really important and that is whether you need a website or not…

The sign up process isn’t that difficult, but you are only permitted to promote the affiliate products if you have your own website.  This means, you wouldn’t be able to utilise just social media, etc. to promote your affiliate products.

Health & Wellness is a very popular niche chosen by many affiliates, and there is always room for more niche websites, as people are always looking for help and products within it.

But you may need to get yourself a website, if you haven’t already.

If you have a website, it’s as simple as going to their website and signing up with them.  Once you have been approved, you will be able to explore the platform and choose which products or offers you would like to promote

On the offers page, you will see all the information you need to promote the product, which includes the affiliate tracking link, banners, landing pages, custom tracking IDs, etc.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

What We Liked About Market Health

Here’s what we liked about Market Health:

#1 Easy to Get Accepted

Getting accepted by the majority of CPA networks can be a bit of a faff, and sometimes more trouble than their worth.  But this isn’t the case with Market Health.  There’s no phone call, or background checks, etc. before being accepted.  Just fill in your application form, and wait to be approved.

#2 High Commission Rates

Earning 50% commission is a really good level, especially when you compare it to Amazon Associates which is nowhere near that level.  You can also even request 60% commissions when you get to more than 20 sales per day.

The fact they also offer 30-day cookies is a really good thing too, as it means you’re more likely to capture customers who haven’t made their mind up yet…

#3 It Caters For International Customers Too 

Other than English, the products also cater for different regions around the world.  So far, Belgium, Croatian, Dutch, French, German. Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swiss and Turkish are amongst the foreign languages support by Market Health.

This could lead to a wider income opportunity around the world.

What We Didn't Like About Market Health

Here’s what we didn’t like about Market Health:

#1 No PayPal Option

Not the end of the world, but it does mean that you have to explore the other alternatives, mainly check, they do now offer bank wire (which wasn’t the case).

But the majority of the affiliate marketers out there use PayPal, so not sure why they wouldn’t want to use it.

#2 Not All Countries Are Accepted

Despite them having a wide reach with all the areas we described earlier, there are certain countries that are restricted from applying for the program, and certain products of theirs are actually barred from being shipped to certain countries.

So, you still need to do your research thoroughly before attempting to sign up.

#3 Complaints About Late or Non Payments

There are a few complaints online about Market Health not paying their affiliates on time or paying them the wrong amount.  It’s hard to really be sure, as there are also reviews stating the exact opposite and saying they always get paid on time.

#4 Only Market Health Products

I still find it a little odd that they claim to offer a great place for both affiliates and merchants, when they are the only merchants.

It’s not enough to cause a huge concern, but it still means that they have the monopoly over what they offer on their platform.  It would make me do a little more research on their products, before promoting them.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Market Health Review - Final Conclusion

If you were worried that Market Health was possibly a scam, then hopefully you are now sure that they are a legitimate affiliate network.  It’s pretty easy to sign up with, and they have over 190+ products for you to promote.

But, my concerns are more to do with a lack of transparency with regards their products and there aren’t many user testimonials.  It appears more like a self-engineered reputation, rather than a proven one.  There don’t seem to be many authentic reviews out there about their products.

This might make it more difficult to actually sell their products, and those that currently are, maybe aren’t seeing the results they might like.  Having great commission rates is fine, but if you don’t sell anything, there’s little point.

Amazon Associates has a lower commission structure, but has a much higher trust rating with consumers.  Market Health is a good option, but just be mindful that they might not have the trust of the consumer depending on the product you are choosing to promote.

How We Make Money Online

If you were looking into Market Health as to see if it was a great place to get started with Affiliate Marketing, just remember having the product is only part of the process.  So, if you need any help getting that all-important traffic to your affiliate offers, then I would suggest the training provided by Wealthy Affiliate.  Whether you are a complete newbie, or someone who is not seeing the traffic levels they would like, the training within Wealthy Affiliate will help.

Identifying your target audience, and then getting the right strategy for traffic is an important factor for any affiliate marketer.

If you would like to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, then please click here to read our complete review…

Thanks for checking out our Market Health Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Market Health

Free to Join

Overall Rating



  • Easy to Get Accepted
  • High Commissions Rates
  • It Caters for International Customers


  • No PayPal Option
  • Not All Countries Are Accepted
  • Complaints About Late or Non Payments

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