Affiliate Triad Review – Jason Fladlien DFY Sales Funnel Program Exposed!

Welcome to our Affiliate Triad Review!

Affiliate Triad is an affiliate marketing opportunity from Jason Fladlien… If you’re here, you’re probably wondering if it’s all legit, or possible all a scam?

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Affiliate Triad.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we will reveal all the information about Affiliate Triad, including background information, price, pros/cons and more…  that way, you can make an informed decision as to whether this is the right opportunity for you…

Affiliate Triad Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Triad

Founder: Jason Fladlien

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing 

Price: $297 (price will go up)

Best For: Affiliate Marketers capable of driving traffic


Summary: Affiliate Triad is a system where you are not getting training, instead you are getting a DFY sales funnel with selected offers.  You need to drive traffic to those sales funnels and then you split any profits with Jason.  From my research, you’re getting a world class sales funnel, but I’m not a fan of splitting commissions.  

You would do better learning how to build your own sales funnels, and if you don’t know how to drive traffic to these offers, they will be useless.

Rating: 70/100

Recommended? Yes and No

Table of Contents

What is Affiliate Triad?

Affiliate Triad has been created by Jason Fladlien.

Jason does have a solid track record with affiliate marketing, and his results are easy to find online. 

He’s even the top affiliate for the well-known Amazon FBA course called Amazing Selling Machine.

According to Jason, he was able to make a staggering 9+ million with just one launch of the Amazing Selling Machine.

His strategy is based on leveraging other people’s traffic and using sales funnels and webinars to help with conversions.


This isn’t Jason’s only product.  He also has a website called Rapid Crush and a book about webinars, which is called One to Many.

The Course is Currently Closed…

There are several courses that aren’t available all of the time, a relevant example would be the Amazing Selling Machine course.  Affiliate Triad is one of those opportunities that closes down and opens at different times.

There are many reasons as to why this is the case.  In the case of Affiliate Triad, this is probably to stop Jason (and his team) from taking on too much.

Jason will be building the sales funnel for you, and that requires time and effort.  So, it’s understandable that he limits the number of people he accepts.

But there is also another reason that it shuts down from time to time.  And that is to force people to buy it when they aren’t totally convinced on whether to buy it or not.

The last reason is so that Jason has the opportunity to get your email address.  If you go to the Affiliate Triad page, you’ll see that you can register to get notifications for when it’s open again.

There will be a number of changes each time it is launched, things like price, service, things like that.

What's Affiliate Triad?

Affiliate Triad might seem like it’s a training course, but it doesn’t offer any training.

But as it’s not a training course, you will require a solid base with affiliate marketing to get the most benefit from this system.

Otherwise, you will struggle to get any results.

Affiliate Triad is an opportunity for you to team up with Jason and his team, and have them build out sales funnels for you.

Basically, they reach out to high-ticket affiliate programs and work out a special deal for you.  They then also handle all of the infrastructure of your sales funnel.

You’ll receive a sales funnel, emails, bonuses, and in some instances a webinar.

The deal is that any commissions you earn are split 50/50 with Jason.

Oh, and you will need to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to generating traffic towards your sales funnel.

Is Affiliate Triad Worth It?

The early bird price of this opportunity is $297, but each update will likely see the price increase each time it is opened.

If you were just paying $297 for a sales page, emails, etc. then it would be a good deal.

A ready-built sales funnel to a high-ticket item (as long as you know who to drive traffic), is a fantastic deal.

However, there is more to this offer than just the initial price…

That is the fact that you have to give half of your commissions to Jason.

This does make me questions whether Affiliate Triad is actually worth it.

If you wanted to create your own professional looking sales funnel, it would at the most cost a couple of thousand dollars.

This would include the training, any software, tools, etc. you would need and a webcam if you were to do a webinar.

So, it would cost more upfront to create your own sales funnels, but it would be more profitable in the long run.

If you were to make $50,000 with Affiliate Triad, you would have to give up $25,000 of it to Jason.

If you were to create your own sales funnel or pay someone to do it, it’ll typically cost less than $5,000.

So, if you sold $50,000 with an affiliate program, you would profit much more doing it yourself.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Affiliate Triad Is Nothing Without Traffic

If you’re not aware of how important traffic is, then know that it is one of the most important factors.  You can have the best looking sales funnel to the best product, but without traffic (and I mean, the right traffic), then you will get no sales anyway.

You need to know how to identify the target audience for the product, who to show the sales funnel/pitch to and then work hard to create content to drive traffic to it.

I have no doubt that you will get a really high-quality sales funnel through Affiliate Triad, but like I said you need to know how to generate traffic.

If you already have a blog where you are already getting traffic to the it, then that probably means you’re going to have to pay for traffic as well.

That’s what makes the 50/50 split of profits a bit of an issue.

Also, if Jason stops providing you products to promote, you will stop getting sales funnels.

I would recommend you learn how to make your own sales funnels.  It doesn’t have to cost what we quoted earlier either.

What We Liked About Affiliate Triad

Here’s what we liked about Affiliate Triad:

#1 Jason Has a Proven Track Record

Jason definitely knows what he’s doing.  His success with promoting Amazing Selling Machine.  I’ve no doubt that his sales funnels will be high quality

#2 Affiliate Triad Is Inexpensive

Whilst the profit sharing bit is a tad much, the initial cost makes this a good deal.

What We Didn't Like About Affiliate Triad

Here’s what we didn’t like about Affiliate Triad:

#1 50% Commissions is Too High

If you end up doing paid traffic campaigns for your sales funnels, which is the best strategy really when it comes to high-ticket products, having to give away 50% of your commissions can be a hard pill to swallow.

You could easily set up a sales funnel and keep all of your commissions yourself.

#2 Not Always Available

The fact that there are limited numbers means that you may wait too long to be able to benefit from this.  In that time you could learn to create your own sales funnel, anyway.

S0, you might as well learn how to create sales funnels yourself…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Affiliate Triad Review

No, I don’t think that Affiliate Triad is a scam.  Jason has a proven track record, and he is definitely qualified enough to provide you with high-quality sales funnels.

But the fact that it’s not always available, and having to give up 50% commissions is a little too high for our liking.

I would suggest you learn how to create your own sales funnels, and keep all the commissions yourself.

A Better Option...

Affiliate Triad offers a good service, but will cost you too much in commissions.

If you want to learn how to build your own affiliate marketing sales funnels, you should check out Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is our top recommended training program, to learn more click here.

Thanks for checking out our Affiliate Triad Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Affiliate Triad


Overall Rating



  • Jason Has a Proven Track Record
  • Affiliate Triad is Inexpensive


  • 50% Commissions is Too High
  • Not Always Available

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