Is Modere a Scam? Different Take on MLM, But Does it Work?

Welcome to our Modere Review!

I am guessing that someone has just introduced to you an amazing product by Modere, and they might have even told you that there is a really good business opportunity for you to make money with the company too?

Since they market the business a lot on social media, you may have even seen an ad or two on Facebook or Twitter and are wondering if it is the real deal or are asking yourself “Is Modere a Scam?”.

Let’s start by congratulating you on doing your research before buying into anything online or appears to be a good product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be really clear, we are not associated with Modere in any way, we are not here to promote their products or the business to you.

We review these business opportunities to give you an unbiased opinion on whether we believe they live up to the hype, or if indeed they are a scam in disguise.

Modere does take a different route with regards to the traditional MLM business model, but does that mean it really works?

We will answer all of your questions, including whether or not they are a scam, does that different take actually produce the results they promise you and ultimately whether it is a worthwhile venture for you to make money…

Let’s get into it with a quick product overview first!

Modere Review Summary

Product Name: Modere

Founder: Robert Conlee

Product Type: Health and Wellness MLM company

Price: $29.95 + $399 to start

Best For: Those who are good at networking and recruiting



  • Not relying solely on face to face sales
  • Eco-friendly products and business
  • BBB accredited


  •  Exorbitant prices
  • Saturated & competitive market
  • No scientific proof about product quality
  • Huge focus on recruitment
  • Low success rate

Summary: Modere is actually an MLM with a lot of history, although not all of it is good, but it went through a rebranding in 2015 to become the business it is today to lose some of the controversies that it had, but has not entirely done a good job with it.  After this rebranding they changed the way they operated and removed the “forced autoship” on its distributors.

It operates an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing business within the health and wellness industry, it has also taken a slightly different route to traditional MLM’s to stay up-to-date with today’s trends and there is an emphasis on using social media to promote products or the business opportunity.

But it still has a huge focus on recruiting which brings with it the usual difficulties of an MLM.  MLM’s have a really low success rate and I do not see how Modere or any other MLM will ever change this.  With this huge focus on recruitment, it shows that whilst the company went through a rebrand, it still hasn’t made it any better for its distributors and the majority of them are not making money.

Rating: 30/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Modere?

Modere is another MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that is competing in the health and wellness sector.  But the company hasn’t always been as it is now.  To understand a little more, we need to dig a little into their background and history…

Modere Background Info

Modere actually started off being called Neways International and was launched in 1987 in Springville, Utah.

Neways was then acquired in 2013 by Z Capital.

When they acquired the company, they transformed it completely including new ownership, management, branding, styling, pricing and the growth strategy.  They also changed the name, business model and compensation plan.

SO, in 2014 it relaunched as Modere.

However, this is where the story gets a bit ugly…

One of the reasons they did a transformation was due to the owners of Neways being corrupt.

They were caught for tax evasion and conspiracy to defraud the company.  They even were sentenced to 2 years in jail (See HERE)

So, in reality this transformation was to cover this all up and keep the public from suspecting anything.

But their claim about it being completely new ownership and management team proves to be false.

Robert Conlee, the ex-CEO of Neways, is in fact the current CEO of Modere!

We then dig into a number of lawsuits, which the transformation was to cover up too.

Modere’s Lawsuits

In 1993, Neways recalled its “Quickly” weight loss products, this was due to potentially dangerous amounts of a prescription drug being found in them.

In 2003, Neways paid a fine for knowingly selling an anti-aging dietary supplement containing a human growth hormone, which is only available via prescription.

In 2006, Neways founder Thomas Mower and his former wife were sentenced to jail for that tax evasion we just spoke about.

The company definitely need a rebranding, but has it really changed?  A leopard doesn’t change it spots…

You can learn a little more about the company in this video below…

Is Modere a Pyramid Scheme

Strictly speaking No, Modere isn’t a pyramid scheme.

Modere distributors are able to make money selling their products, without a need for recruiting anyone.

But as most MLMs sell overpriced products, and have low income opportunities unless you start recruiting heavily, it is worth asking the question – Is Modere a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What’s a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that promises payment in return for you recruiting more members into the company, instead of by selling any products or services.  In fact, a pyramid scheme typically doesn’t have any products or services to speak of.

Most countries have made pyramid schemes illegal, as it is impossible for everyone to make money when recruitment is the only currency.  They become unsustainable very quickly, meaning they collapse quickly too…

This diagram from Wikipedia shows you why…

pyramid scheme

Now, most MLMs including Modere, offer a legitimate range of products.

But it is also true that many of them hide behind these products to cover up the fact that the only way of earning a decent income ($1K+ a month) is by recruiting more and more people.

These companies operate as a pyramid scheme in disguise, and it is very hard to distinguish them from a legitimate MLM company.

We’ll get into more details about Nikken shortly, but for now you might find the 5-minute video below useful in understanding how to spot these pyramid schemes in disguise…

Success is Rare at Modere

Success is rare at all MLM companies.  It is not an easy business model…

Did you know that between 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are losing money?

Modere publishes an income disclosure statement which shows that over 60% of their social marketers are earning less that $800 a year.  That is before any expenses and costs that go with running this type of business.

They will also most likely be working like full-time sales managers to achieve this…

How Does Modere Work?

Modere is an MLM that produces a wide range of health and wellness products.

They also offer everyday people the opportunity to work from home and sell these products or recruit their friends and family for commissions and bonuses.

It sounds like a good deal for both parties, but what it allows Modere to do is save millions of dollars on marketing every year.

But it also means that these Modere members have the hard job of promoting the brand to people why may not have heard of it before…

Before we explore this business opportunity any more, let me take you through their product line…

Modere Product Line

Before considering any MLM opportunity, you should get to know the company’s product line up.  You’ll be expected to be an expert on these products, and their benefits, etc.

Just like Youngevity, LifeVantage, Jeunesse, Arbonne, Essante Organics, and many other MLM companies, Modere sells a wide range of products trying to monetise the health and wellness industry.


Here are the main product categories:

  • Collagen Sciences – Collagen chews and drinks
  • Health & Wellness – Supplements for all different purposes including anti-aging, weight loss, active health, etc.
  • Personal Care – Lotions, toners, shampoos, makeup remover, gels, creams, etc.
  • Household Care – Laundry detergent, dish wash, kitchen cleaning products, etc.

Their flagship product is the M3 formulation series:

They do have a vast catalog of products, but if you compare them to any of the MLM’s we listed above, you will find that there is a very common theme with them all.

They all sell the same products; they all claim theirs is made with pure ingredients or are totally organic and they all charge an exorbitant amount for their products.

That is a common theme in all MLM’s and is also one of the main reasons why people struggle to make any money, nobody wants to pay those prices…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How To Make Money with Modere?

As with any MLM company, there are two main ways for you to make money with them:

  1. Retail Commissions – earn a commission on any sales you make of the products to retail customers. The more you sell, the more commissions you can earn.
  2. Recruitment Commission – recruit other distributors into your downline and earn commissions and bonuses on hitting certain targets

Please note that you don’t actually earn money for recruitment alone, that would make them a pyramid scheme.  Instead, you only earn bonuses based on your downline team sales.

Related Post: How to Increase MLM Sales

Getting Started with Modere

To become a Modere “Social Marketer”, more commonly referred to as a distributor, will cost you $29.95.

This kind of start-up fee is common within MLM companies.

It usually consists of a little training and some marketing materials to get you started.  But the key point is that it doesn’t include any products for you to use to promote your products.

To have some products to show clients, etc. You are going to need to purchase their $399 Builder Collection Package.

I must point out that this is not compulsory, however it will be very hard for you to build a business with this package which includes products for you to promote.

The sales pitch also claims that this starter package will be the jump-start you need for your business.

Look, most MLM’s do this so it isn’t really a surprise for us that they are doing this.  But it also means that you need to earn to pay back your investment straightaway.  You are in debt already by getting started.

The good thing is that Modere’s start-up costs are lower compared to some other companies like Youngevity, LifeVantage and Essante Organics.

Some of these will cost you up to a thousand dollars, just to get started.

But the downside is like we said, $400 is really expensive for someone looking to make money.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Modere Compensation Plan

Modere’s compensation plan follows many other MLM companies, it offers a number of different bonuses based on hitting certain targets and it is really complicated to get your head around.

We have done our best to simplify it.  Let’s start with the available bonuses:

  • First Order Bonus
  • Team 3 Bonus
  • Lifestyle Consistency Bonus
  • Elite Team Lifestyle Consistency Bonus
  • Dynamic Team Leader & Director Bonus
  • 4 & More Builder Bonus
  • Sharing Bonus
  • Consistency Selling Reward
  • Leadership Development Bonus

Social Marketers can also take part in a points system in which they can earn gifts, free shipping, product samples and several other incentives.

Just looking at all those different bonuses demonstrates how MLM compensation plans are complicated and confusing.

IF you want to see more details about the Modere compensation plan, here is their compensation plan PDF or watch the explanation video below:

MLM Is Not a Simple Work from Home Job!!

Just to point out that if you were considering an MLM business opportunity because you think it will give you the time and flexibility to work from home and around your other commitments, then you really need to think about it again.

I have seen other MLM’s stating that you will only need to work 7-10 hours a week to succeed with MLM.  But promoting products and recruiting a team and then training that team to ensure they continue to make sales is a full-time job.  But the biggest problem is that often you will not be earning anything like you would with a full-time job.

If you want to succeed at anything, even MLM you are going to have to fully commit to it and completely lose any thoughts about this being a part-time gig.

Gem’s friend became a slimming world consultant, I know it isn’t exactly MLM.  But you would think it was a part time gig.  But the sheer hours she was putting into calling her clients and ensuring they were on plan.  All the marketing campaigns they had to do, she decided to leave it because the returns were not enough to justify the means.

Unless you are willing to learn and put everything into action, you will not succeed and that is partly why the MLM success record is so slow.  People do not put the effort or time in, because the MLM companies make it sound so easy.  Also, distributors are out of pocket with MLM straight away and so many people feel it isn’t worth it and walk away…

We make money with affiliate marketing, but the work ethic needs to be the same.  We have to work really hard on our business to make money, but the key difference between MLM & Affiliate Marketing – we haven’t paid a huge upfront fee to promote products.  Affiliate Programs are free to join.  We paid for training, but that is because we needed to learn the right way.

There is a lot less risk associated with Affiliate Marketing and we firmly believe Affiliate Marketing is 100x Better than MLM.

Is Modere a Scam?

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of Modere, nor do I endorse Modere in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Modere

Here is what we liked about Modere:

#1 Not Relying Solely on Face to Face Sales

Despite recruiting being the main focus of Modere, they also give you other ways to try and promote their products other than the usual home parties and face-to-face sales.

They put a lot of focus into how to promote your business on social media and getting leads in a more passive way.

This gives you the opportunity to acquire customers in a different way, like setting up systems online to generate leads and potential customers in a more efficient way.

There are definite benefits to this route over the traditional MLM route.

We discuss some of these ways in our post – How to Increase MLM Sales

#2 Eco-Friendly Products & Business

There are a lot of MLM companies claiming that their products are friendly to the environment, but Modere have tried to go one step better and introduce other ways of being eco-friendly.  This includes their manufacturing methods and their distribution facilities are also friendly to the environment.

Their manufacturing plants are using 100% wind power and they have also adopted 100% recyclable packaging.  It is also committed to not using harmful and unnecessary ingredients.


#3 BBB Accredited

Modere has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 2018. Which is a good sign that the company is not a scam.

Whilst this is a positive sign, it is concerning that they currently do not have a BBB Rating and there are currently 38 customer complaints on their BBB Profile.

What We Didn't Like About Modere

Here is what we didn’t like about Modere:

#1 Expensive Prices

Whilst this is not unique to Modere, this is a major problem with MLMs.  They flaunt it as a business opportunity that will earn you the money of your dreams, but you get caught out by having to buy their products every month and have an expensive product that you are unable to sell.

#2 Saturated & Competitive Market

Combine the high prices with the health and wellness market being extremely saturated and competitive, you have another problem.

All these MLM’s seem to be trying to target the same audience with similar products.

You have to ask yourself whether you really love their products or not.

Any business you decide to start needs to be focused on products that you are really interested in.  Products that you love and want to be able to share with people.

When you have a product, you love and can believe in, it makes it a natural sell and not a hard sell.

Joining an MLM just because the money appears good, will not yield great results.  In fact, 99% of people who join MLM’s end up losing their money and walking away in debt.  This is part of the problem, choosing the wrong products or the wrong business.

#3 No Scientific Proof About Product Quality

Just like so many other health and wellness related MLM companies, there is a lack of scientific research to prove many of the health claims they are made by these companies or their distributors.

This is a very common issue.

#4 Huge Focus on Recruitment

Any MLM will tell you that the money is in the downline.  Build up a team and earn commissions from their sales as well as your own.  But that all depends on your ability to recruit and train effective distributors and also whether they stay in the business, as the earning potential is not necessarily as good as they make out.  Read on to learn more.

#5 Low Success Rate

The last point is that there is a really low success rate for many MLM companies, that is because most of the money is being made by the people at the top.  In fact, 99% of people lose money from MLM’s.  Let’s see if Modere is any different.

Let’s take a long at their 2019 Income Disclosure:


This shows that over 60% of their social marketers are earning less just over $800 a year!

I also noticed that on previous income disclosures they showed the percentage of distributors that earned no commissions, but they have conveniently reduced the number of categories, so that you cannot work out how many are earning nothing.

But the figures shows that only about 5-7% of their distributors are earning what you would consider to be a life changing wage.

The other factor with these figures is it works on averages, and there is no detail about how many distributors they have, so you could read that 3.49% of their distributors are earning about $1,000 a month and that would be great.  But that just shows how tough it is going to be to get to that level.

It is important to remind you that you will be other costs associated with your business, especially if they start getting you to pay to advertise on social media and to update your stock as and when you need to.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Modere Review - Final Conclusion

That one is an easy question to answer, Modere is not a scam.  But you have to ask yourself the question as to whether recruitment is something you really want to get into.

I am not saying success with MLM isn’t possible, but experience tells us that success is rare and you are going to need to do more than just sign up to make it work.

They do take a different and more up-to-date method of marketing onboard with a focus on social media.  But I would still question the validity of it.

My main concern with using social media is, how do you expand your reach past your friends and family.  

MLM’s are known to cause distributors to get desperate and they end up targeting their friends and family to get sales and this really harms those relationships.

But on social media, if people are not interested or are getting bored of seeing your posts, they block you or unfriend you.

So, that leads to having to rely on joining some groups in the health and wellness sector, but this will be heavily saturated with everyone who is trying to do it.

The only option left to you is to resort to paid ads.  This is really expensive and if you are not targeting the right people, then you are out of pocket.

Social Media Marketing is one of the most unreliable forms of conversions.

If you could utilise other methods of online marketing to promote your products (and you can get excellent training here), then you might be able to buck the trend and make it worthwhile.  But for the complete beginner looking to make money online, this would not be our recommendation.

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Modere Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$29.95 + $399 to Start

Overall Rating



  • Not Only Relying on Face-to-Face Sales
  • Eco-Friendly Products & Business
  • BBB Accredited


  • Exorbitant Prices
  • Saturated & Competitive Market
  • No Scientific Proof About Product Quality
  • Low Success Rate

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