Is B3 Sciences A Scam? Make Money With Science MLM?

Welcome to our B3 Sciences Review!

B3 Sciences is a unique MLM company within the health and wellness industry.  It’s also been around for over 17 years, making it one of the oldest MLM companies out there…

But you’re probably here because someone has suggested it might be a good way for you to both get fit and make some money at the same time!

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with B3 Sciences in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal to you all the details you need to know about this MLM company, and why it’s probably not the business opportunity they are making out to you…  With 99% of people losing money with any MLM opportunity, it’s good to know all the facts before you decide if this is the right move for you…

B3 Sciences Review Summary

Product Name: B3 Sciences

Founder: Dr. Mike DeBord, in 2003

Product Type: Health and Fitness MLM company

Price: $39.99 one-time fee (1st year, $4.99/month after that), Optional Starter Kits $199 – $999 + Autoship Program $49.99 – $59.99 per month

Best For: Fitness Fanatics that are good at selling and recruiting


Summary: B3 Sciences is a legitimate MLM company that markets health and fitness products, and some “Blood Flow Restriction” Bands that are claimed to get the benefits of an intense workout in a much shorter time.

However, when it comes to the MLM opportunity, it leaves us disappointed.  There is no income disclosure statement, meaning there is no way of telling if anyone is actually making any money from this program.  Their products are really expensive, so that makes it extremely difficult to make good money from selling products. 

Meaning the only realistic way for you to make good money, will be by recruiting a lot of people into your team.

This makes B3 Sciences like a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise

Rating: 30/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is B3 Sciences?

B3 Sciences is a Health and Wellness MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company.  It was founded back in 2003, but become incorporated in 2018, by Dr. Mike DeBord.

The company is based on DeBord’s experiences with trying to stay in shape, and this is when he stumbled onto a technique called “Blood Flow Resistance” or BFR Training.

The basic premises is that by restricting blood flow to your muscles whilst exercising, it’s supposedly possible to get the effects of an intense workout in half the usual time.

This leads to the business opportunity, so you can “get fit and make money” at the same time…  You can use the equipment, and then sell it to others or recruit others into the opportunity too.  Hence the MLM method.

The 5-Minute Video below can help you learn more about the opportunity…

Whilst the video might get a lot of people excited about the opportunity, and the fact they claim you could be making thousands of dollars every month.

You should know that this is a promotional sales video, and the concerns you probably have, aren’t going to be covered just by a short promo video…

Let’s cover off the usual concerns that crop up with any MLM company.

Is B3 Sciences A Pyramid Scheme?

No, B3 Sciences isn’t an outright pyramid scheme.  It’s possible for their distributors to earning money just from selling the B3 Sciences product line.

However, it’s going to be really hard for members to make any significant amount of money, or even cover their monthly costs, without having to recruit people into your team…

So, this makes B3 Sciences more like a Pyramid Scheme in Disguise…

Let me explain what I mean…

What’s A Pyramid Scheme?

A Pyramid Scheme is a company that promises payments to its members for recruiting people into company, rather than selling a product or service.  A true Pyramid Scheme (recruitment only) is illegal in most places in the world.  The main problem with a Pyramid Scheme is that they are not sustainable…

If you check out Wikipedias diagram below, there aren’t enough people in the world to actually sustain a pyramid scheme past the 13th level…

pyramid scheme

B3 Sciences is not an outright Pyramid Scheme as they do offer a range of products, and you don’t technically have to recruit anyone…

However, it’s going to be really hard for distributors to sell enough of these expensive products to make a decent income.  This makes the only way for you to make good money is by recruiting people into your downline.  This allows you to earn bonuses based on their sales, etc.

This is what makes B3 Sciences very similar to a Pyramid Scheme in disguise…

If you would like to learn more and see what we mean, check out this 5-minute video…

Success Is Rare With B3 Sciences

The thing is, it’s not just that success is rare at B3 Sciences, it’s rare with any MLM opportunity…

Did you know that between 73% and 99% of all MLM representatives end up losing money?

B3 Sciences haven’t released any form of income disclosure statement, as they only technically came around in 2018.  The company claims this is down to them being a relatively new company.  But many also argue that this is because they have something to hide.

But, even if you just did some basic math, you can see that to make any money, you’ll need to sell 20-40 B3 bands every year.  Now, this B3 bands sets cost more than $400 each…

Let’s be realistic for a moment…

How many people do you know that would seriously be ready to hand out over $400 on an experimental piece of workout equipment.

And that’s the problem, and why most people will lose money with the B3 Science business opportunity…

B3 Sciences Product Line

B3 Sciences has a range of products within the following categories:

  • Protein Shakes
  • Exercise Tubing (exercise workout bands)
  • B3 Bands (BFR Bands)
  • Exercise Guides (Instructions on how to use the Bands)

Protein Shakes

They sell a range of protein shakes, like the ones below:

  • B3 Alert – contains 15 ingredients that can enhance focus and brain power – Costs $49.99 for 14-day supply
  • B3 Meal – a meal replacement shake that provides healthy nutrition – Costs $59.99 for 14-day supply
  • B3 Satisfy – a weight management product – Costs $49.99 for 43-day supply
  • B3 Start – daily collagen supplement – Costs $59.99 for 14-day supply

These shakes aren’t exactly unique, there are thousands of brands online that sell protein shakes.  There are even hundreds of MLM companies that also offer protein shakes too, including:

So, we need to figure out what makes B3 Sciences stand out from all of the other health and wellness companies…

B3 Sciences B3 Bands – Their Flagship Product

The easiest way to say it is that they sell B3 Bands which people can wrap around their arms or their legs to reduce the blood flow to the muscles, whilst exercising.

This definitely does make B3 Sciences unique against the other MLM companies.  I definitely haven’t seen anything like this before.

However, there might be a reason why so few people have heard or seen of it…

So, how does it work…

B3 Sciences claims that their B3 bands can provide you with the following benefits:

  • Leaner and tone muscles
  • Get stronger
  • Lose weight
  • Improve cardiovascular system
  • Enhances performance
  • Helps rehabilitate injuries

The idea is that the brain realises that there is a lack of oxygen supply, so it releases more growth hormones.  These hormones supposedly provides the benefits of an intense workout with much less resistance and less time is required.

The method has been used by some elite athletes, with the USA olympics team listed on their website as users.  It was originally discovered by a Japanese man in the 1960’s.

Although, most studies do suggest that more evidence is required to figure out the long-term effects of this training.

We’ll go into a little more detail later in the review, but you can learn a little more about the BFR and B3 bands in the video below…

Can You Make Money with B3 Sciences?

Honestly, it’s going to be really hard for you to make any money with B3 Sciences.

The technology is still not widely accepted or known, so to be successful, you’ll need to convince people that it’s worth trying out.  Even then, you’ll also need to find someone who’s willing to spend over $00 on the bands, that have no guarantee about any side effects.

Let’s face it, the majority of people aren’t willing to take that kind of gamble with their health, especially when it’s going to cost them hundreds of dollars!

The select few who will be able to make good money with B3 Sciences will typically be an outgoing person who is good at selling the dream of being your own boss, and can recruit a ton of people into their downline!

Still, I think the fact that 99% of people fail at MLM would seem to apply here, and is backed up by the lack of an income disclosure statement.

So, honestly I don’t think it’s a great opportunity for someone who isn’t already good at sales or recruitment…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How to Make Money with B3 Sciences?

As B3 Sciences operates as an MLM company, it brings with it the usual two routes to make money online:

  1. Retail Commissions from Selling Products
  2. Recruit People into your downline, and earning bonuses from their sales

An important detail is that you don’t actually get paid to recruit people directly.  You only receive bonuses from the sales your “downline” make.

This is the reason why they are not a pyramid scheme, and therefore won’t get shutdown by the authorities.

However, you need to know there is a monthly sales quota.  This means that the more people you recruit, the more residual income you can earn, as each of your recruits will need to make so many sales (or buy it themselves) to remain active.

This is another reason why there is such a focus on recruiting over selling the products.

Getting Started with B3 Sciences...

To get started with B3 Sciences, you’ll need to purchase a Success Kit, which costs $39.99.  This covers the first year of your membership, after this point it will cost you $4.99 a month.

This Success Kit gives you:

  • Monthly training and webinars
  • Personalised website
  • Personalised back office
  • Business notification system

But this kit will only allow you to earn retail sales for the company.  If you want to enjoy the recruitment and residual bonuses, you’ll have to purchase the First Order Package, which is priced at $579.99.

You’ll also be encouraged to buy a “starter pack”…


This will set you back a further $214-99 to $1,038.99 with shipping, depending on which one you choose.

And unfortunately, the costs don’t stop there…

B3 Sciences Monthly Costs

You’ll need to accumulate 50 PV (Personal Volume) per month just to remain active…

This is why they recommend you sign up to their monthly “autoship program” when you join, so that you can guarantee your account doesn’t get suspended.

Simply put, this means that you’ll need to spend at least $50-$60 per month on protein shakes, just to ensure you hit your sales quota…

So, that’s $39.99 to get started, between $214 to $1038 for a starter kit, and then $50 x 12months on the autoship.

That puts your first years’ expenditure at between $854.98 to $1,678.98!!  Then, you would also need to consider the $579 to start recruiting a team…

But another consideration is that this doesn’t even go into the costs associated with marketing, postage, packaging, additional training, and any other costs along the way…

B3 Sciences Compensation Plan

B3 Sciences’ compensation plan isn’t that different to other MLM companies, and that isn’t a good thing… They love to make their compensation plans as difficult to understand as they can.  We’ll do our best to keep it simple for you…

So, there are five ways you can get paid from B3 Sciences…

  1. Retail Commissions – 10% – 20% commission rate)
  2. First Order Team Bonuses – 1% – 15% bonus on your recruits first order
  3. Siding Bonus – if your downline reaches the same rank as you, you get an additional 1% bonus
  4. Network Commissions – 3% – 5% bonus on your downline sales, 8 levels deep
  5. Leaders Pools – extra 2% of total company sales distributed to ranks

If you’re still confused about what any of that means, don’t worry.  They are designed that way…

The fact is that all you need to know is that there are only two things you can do to make money with B3 Sciences:

  • Sell Products
  • Recruit People

But when you factor in that only one of the ways is based on retail sales, and the other four are all to do with recruiting.  I think you can understand that the emphasis is on recruiting a team.  If you want success, you’ll need to do a lot of recruiting…

Like I said, the compensation plan is complicated, but this video does a great job of explaining it…

Or, you could check out the full B3 Sciences compensation plan here…

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Is B3 Sciences A Scam?

No, I don’t believe that B3 Sciences is a scam…

They sell a range of legitimate products, and they will pay their members just like they claim too…

However, that doesn’t mean that the business opportunity available is any good.  Some members may get annoyed by the false promises and misleading claims, once they realise that they are losing money every month.

This makes the company very misleading in their marketing, and shows too many people jump into an MLM opportunity without doing their proper research…

The rest of our review is going to help you uncover the hidden truths about this company, so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this business opportunity is right for you…

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of B3 Sciences, nor do I endorse B3 Sciences in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check Out Our #1 Recommended Training Here!

What We Liked About B3 Sciences

Here’s what we liked about B3 Sciences:

#1 A+ Rating on BBB

They hold a positive rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website, with an A+ rating.  I actually found it odd that they have no customer reviews on the bbb, unlike so many other MLM companies.

But it still does mean they are doing a great job against the usual problems MLM run into…

What We Didn't Like About B3 Sciences

Here’s what we didn’t like about B3 Sciences:

#1 The Products Are Expensive!

Their products are more expensive that other products on the market.  When an MLM has overpriced products it’s a huge red flag that the company might be a “pyramid scheme in disguise”.

It just clearly shows the company puts more emphasis on recruiting distributors, than offering good affordable products.

#2 It’s A Very Specific Niche!

You need to know what you’re on about with regards health and fitness, if you are going to be able to pass off yourself as an expert to sell the products.

You’ll need to show that you’re enjoying the benefits of their products, so you’re going to have to invest into the lifestyle of going to the gym, eating healthily and actively using the bands.

The reason is that people will not find you believable unless you are currently an active person, who loves fitness…

#3 Hidden Monthly Expenses

This answers the question on who is really buying the B3 Sciences products, and it’s unfortunately the distributors, and not necessarily any real customers.

The fact is that you’re required to sign up to this autoship if you don’t want to risk losing your account.

Unless you read everything thoroughly, it’s easy to miss these kinds of details.

The table we showed earlier doesn’t make it clear, either.

But the basic premise is that you need to sell at least $50 worth of product a month, but if you don’t – You need to buy $50 worth of product.

If you don’t your account could be suspended…

This makes it clear that the biggest customer group at B3 Sciences is their distributors.

#4 No Income Disclosure Statement

Considering the company is actually 17-years old, there is no income disclosure statement.  This usually acts as a way of understanding who is making money with this company.  But as, there is not one, that points to a red flag about the fact there are hiding something.

In my opinion, the lack of one points to the people at the bottom, are not earning enough money at all…

#5 B3 Sciences Is A Pyramid Scheme in Disguise…

When you combine all of these hidden truths about B3 Sciences, it becomes clear that this company is a pyramid scheme in disguise.

Anyone who joins this MLM is going to be totally focused on trying to recruit a team, so they can hit the monthly sales quota.

The basic structure of their compensation plan, basically ends up looking like this…


At the end of the day, I have found that most MLM’s end up having more focus on recruiting more.  When they throw in a monthly sales quota, they basically end up with a huge customer base, as their distributors have to buy stuff every month.

The only way to escape this route, is to recruit a huge team and climb up the pyramid.

The problem with B3 Sciences has expensive products, that aren’t well known, and here’s another problem…

#6 No Interest in B3 Sciences

Considering, this is supposed to be revolutionary technology, that top sports people use, and yet there is no interest in the brand in the slightest…

Considering, they have 17 years of history, and became incorporated in 2018, there is no growth for B3 Sciences at all.  When you compare that to another, relatively new MLM called Farmasi, you can see the difference.

It’s much easier to sell products from companies that people have heard of…

#7 The Side Effects…

This is something you have to be really careful about if you’re going to start promoting these products…

There are lots of studies that suggest that more research is required looking into the long-term side effects of BFR training.

They even publish some pretty strict guidelines for how to train with these bands on…

These are guidelines that people will need to take seriously, there are risks associated to using the band incorrectly. 

This would be something that would put me off using whilst training, myself, I just want to focus on training, and not all the stuff going with this BFR band.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My B3 Sciences Review - Final Conclusion

B3 Sciences is a legitimate MLM company that markets health and fitness products. 

However, with a really low interest in the company at all, and studies stating there needs to be more research in the use of BFR training.  I think this makes it hard for anyone to make any decent money with this opportunity.

Then there is the fact that there is no income disclosure statement, so there is no proof anyone is actually making any money here.

I think that their biggest customer base is their distributors, and they are all struggling to make it worthwhile… Or, they are trying to recruit people, as it seems like the only way to make money.

But with no interest in the brand at all, I’m not sure where this company will be in the next year or so…

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and the expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online.

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s Free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our B3 Sciences Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section. 😉

B3 Sciences

$39.99 one-time fee + Starter Kits + Hidden Monthly Autoship

Overall Rating



  • A+ Rating on BBB


  • The Products Are Expensive
  • Very Specific Niche
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • No Income Disclosure Statement
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise, No Interest in B3 Sciences, The Side Effects

2 thoughts on “Is B3 Sciences A Scam? Make Money With Science MLM?”

  1. Thank you for your review on B3 Science, I came across this service the other day and I just have to find out what is it all about. Oh wow, that is expensive to join this MLM company, I can see that if you are new to MLM and do not know many people, you will struggle to make the ends meet. I guess I am just going o stick to my affiliate marketing. 

    • Hey Nuttanee,

      thanks for checking out our review!  I think too many people get caught into the idea of earning loads of money with an MLM, without really doing the research to understand what you need to to do, to actually make it work.

      If you’re more introverted in any way, it’s not really a great move, regardless of the cost.  You need to be outgoing, willing to build a huge network of people, and have patience to make it work, and then have a budget to cope with the first year of building a business.

      I personally prefer affiliate marketing too, it’s a business model that doesn’t hold as much risk as MLM, you can get started and you’re not tied into just one MLM business.

      MLM has a place, but as most of the products are available on Amazon, you could even earn commissions from their sales, without actually signing up with any MLM at all.

      Thanks again



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