A new day and a new product in the Internet Marketing field but Is Golden Ticket a scam or is it the answer to those looking for ways to make money online. Well, we will try and answer as many of your questions in this unbiased review.
I will point out that at this point many reviews out there are offering bonuses and are fully recommended this program and that is because they are going to benefit from any purchases you make. But I wanted to get to know the product, rather than blindly offering it out, especially as a number of these reviews actually came out before the Golden Ticket was launched, which is a bit suspicious and shows they are profiting from doing reviews on it (in my opinion).
But one thing I will say at this point, that many of these reviews do not actually tell you how you are going to earn money from this “golden ticket” program… So, I will make sure you know exactly how you will be earning money from this system, as well as telling you whether I think it is all as it seems…
To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Golden Ticket in any form. We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.
Instead, we’ll give you the full lowdown on how Golden Ticket really works…
Hey, welcome to my Octane Review, before we go into What is the Octane App all about. Let’s first start by saying there are a few different Octane apps on the web.
So, let’s just clarify which product we are talking about in this review. The reason I say this, is you will find there is an Octane App all about cars, an Octane app all about fitness. But the one we are going to be talking about is the Octane App that is to do with YouTube Marketing. So, unfortunately if you are looking for a review about the other apps, this isn’t it. But then again, if you are looking for a way to generate some passive income, then my site might be just what you are looking for…
Claiming to be “a system that is so powerful, it should be illegal…” and apparently allows you to generate a truly passive income stream by ethically stealing content from the internet.
Now, at this point I must say it does seem like it shares a lot of red flags that would normally sit with a scam product – full of promises and lack any real substance. But as we go through the Octane review, we will cover all of these points and see if it is full of false promises or is actually a decent product.
Product Type: YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Training
Price: $27.97
Best For: Video Marketers
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating: 3/5
A Quick Octane App Summary
Claiming to allow you to “ethically steal” videos to showcase on your own YouTube channel and make easy money, it sounds like a typically make money online product. We were intrigued and explored, but after review these are not stock videos you can use, you will be stealing other people’s videos and adding a little outro, to make them unique. Not recommended, if you want a genuine way of earning money with affiliate marketing, you need the right training.
Recommended: No
What Exactly is Octane App?
Jono Armstrong brings out another software and training program that is claiming to be totally newbie friendly, and a way of earning money online without a website or paid ads. So naturally, we wanted to delve in and have a look.
Now, my first opinions weren’t great, it had a typical (scammy) sales page promising the world. A video with the owner in a hot tub professing how good this system was – with him claming that following 3 simple steps could give you a passive income stream with Video Marketing and “ethically stealing” content so you don’t have to do hard work.
All these signs gave me a cold chill, as this product would normally make me want to run a mile…
However, when you dig into it a little more, you actually get to understand that the strategy that they are training you on, is actually legal and is allowed as the videos you would be using come with a Creative Commons Licence, which means the creators of these videos have given permission for the videos to be edited and used in any way you choose.
SO, whilst the method isn’t called into question, there are a few tactics that he discusses that I would highly suggest you don’t use, as they would get you into trouble with YouTube. All of that is discussed in this review.
But in short, Octane is a piece of software that allows you to create your own video, get access to thousands of ready-made videos and you use their software to edit them and upload them to create your own YouTube channel full of videos.
How Does Octane App Work?
With the Octane Software installed on your system, you start by searching for relevant videos with your relevant keywords.
This will give you access to videos that are created on YouTube or Vimeo, supposedly with a creative commons licence so you can edit it.
Edit and trim the video to what you want and add your own outro with your own call to action.
Once you are happy with the video, and it is rendered you can share it on social media and upload it to YouTube via the software.
Check out the video below, to see how it works
Now, up until this point I am thinking it looks ok for bloggers and those looking to make money online, but the next step Jono uses is what I am concerned about.
YouTube is always looking for relevant video for its users. They also love Live video, as that is the way society is going – but Jono uploads this video as Live!
It is apparently the step that means you will get ranked easier and quicker. He claims it gets him better exposure, which is fine. But this is going to be of a limited benefit, as YouTube has announced it is going to crack down on videos that are claiming to be live and are in fact not.
I am not saying in anyway; this software is scam and that it will not help people with YouTube. But this step is something I cannot endorse, and I think it is something that could get the Octane app in trouble for.
Especially as Jono Armstrong last two programs (Secret Weapon & Zero to $100 in 24Hrs) were both over-hyped and did not deliver – and I am still not sure about this one, if you follow the Live Video trick, he claims works wonders.
Octane Training
Once you are into the Octane Dashboard, there are 3 levels of training:
Profit Method 1: Easy
This training video focuses on how to make money with ClickBank and Amazon’s affiliate programs.
Profit Method 2: Medium
These video tutorials are about how to get paid commissions through affiliate networks like JV Zoo and WarriorPlus. The method taught here is called ‘Launch Jacking’, which is a method Jono specialises in.
Profit Method 3: Advanced
The third video tutorial walks you through how to build an email marketing list. Email Marketing is very effective as it helps with building the trust of your buyers.
What is Good About Octane App (PROS)
Here is what we liked about it:
Video Marketing
Video Marketing is growing, and we all need to stay up-to-date (and I need to get into Video) and this product does do that. Many people, including me are a bit camera shy and so this product does help with those looking to get into Video Marketing. But I do have reservations about this product, which I will get into in the Cons.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
As it is backed by WarriorPlus (an affiliate network), you get a 30-day money back guarantee. So, if you feel it isn’t for you, you can always get your money back.
What Could Octane App Improve on? (CONS)
Here is what we didn’t like:
Stealing Other People’s Content – Claiming it is Legit
This does not sit with me at all, if you watched the video above it shows how Jono has taken someone else’s video, added 5 seconds of content (a Call to Action) and then uploaded it to YouTube. I know it worked and got him ranked, but I find it highly suspect that the video is no longer available on YouTube?
But I think it is plagiarism, and I think that anyone who has uploaded a video to YouTube signs up to the Creative Commons rights, so if someone has created a video and uploaded, someone could be using it and with permission, but only because that is a technicality.
Technically it is not illegal, but only because of the way the rights are on YouTube.
Supposedly Live Video
I also find that uploading it as live, when it clearly isn’t is not going to go a great way to building trust with potential buyers. I also understand that YouTube is going to a lot of trouble of finding this ‘supposedly’ live videos and removing them.
Only Positive Reviews
It is a new product and there are not many reviews out yet, but to only find positive reviews that do not even include any cons does make me wonder if they are just trying to promote it to earn affiliate commission. It does look like it works, but I question the longevity of the product, because of the methods shown. YouTube will eventually clamp down on these ‘Live Videos” How long before someone rips off the wrong video, and a lawsuit is brought. If that video worked for Jono, why hasn’t he kept it there and why hasn’t it kept its rankings. I am guessing it is because YouTube or John Crestani (the person’s product used in the video) has had it removed.
Lack of a Landing Page
The training takes you from adding a Call to Action onto the end of a video that is already there on YouTube and taking them straight to an affiliate link. The example he used is Internet Jetset. But that is supposedly assuming most will just watch the video, be convinced and decide to go straight to a selling page. In my experience, people are more wary nowadays and will want to do some research before buying – but this may lead to you not getting the sale.
How Much Does Octane App Cost?
That is the saving grace for those that think this product is for them, as it only cost $27.97 with a 30-day money back guarantee. But if this product is so good, I wonder why a brand-new product that is supposedly $197 is only going for $27.97.
ON the sales page you will also see 3 bonuses, but in reality, they are just 3 ways on why Octane is so good…
I know I might sound like I am beating this product up a bit, and I suppose I am. But that is because I can normally see through all the sales pitches to weigh up whether a product is worth it or not.
There is also a time ticking down on the sales page, stating that you will get all of these bonueses thrown in when you buy. It is a scarcity tactic, that is redundant most of the time, as you will still get them whether it do it before the clock ticks down or not.
(in fact, when I was researching the sales page, once you had watched the couple of videos and read the material, the clock had already gone down – it is thought they are expecting people to just scroll down to buy it)
My Honest Opinion of Octane App – Is it a Scam?
Whilst I wouldn’t class this as a scam, I would question the sales tactics, scarcity tactics and the over-promising that Jono claims in his sales videos to make this worthwhile.
Video Marketing is effective, but you need to build trust and stealing other people’s videos, regardless of the legality of it does not lead to a trusting relationship between a seller and a buyer.
It may lead to free content, but if you are just sending people straight to affiliate links, this will not cut it depending on the product.
The fact he pitches the video as live is also going to be short-lived as YouTube has vowed to remove these videos.
Jono has over-promised with products in the past, and I wonder how he will get over these hurdles with this product too. I am sure some will use it, as it promises free traffic, etc. But what is the point of traffic, if they do not trust you enough to follow your affiliate links.
Affiliate Marketing is a very effective business model, but trust is the foundation that it is built on. I find this not a great way of building up that trust. You need a website, and reputable brand to succeed and a “get-rich-quick” scheme.
Affiliate Marketing is a great business model, but to succeed you need to follow the right training and doing it ethically. Stealing other people’s videos because of a technicality doesn’t sit right with me. The sales pitch is convincing, we even felt it was good until we watched the video on how he “stole” the video. At first, I thought they were the usual stock videos you might come across, but it was someone else’s video off their own channel, that he just stuck an outro to. That is stealing in my view, I cannot recommend something that promotes that.
Product Type: YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Training
Price: $27.97
Best For: Video Marketers
Recommended: No
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating: 3/5
Verdict: There is no such thing as Ethical Stealing, Not Recommended
If you are looking for a genuine way of learning how to get started in affiliate marketing, I can tell you there are much better ways than products that promise the world at a low price to entice you in, only to find it doesn’t work. Wealthy Affiliate has training and tools designed with the beginner in mind and have proven success stories. You can get started for free with a free starter membership, but I recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate review first.
Affiliate Marketing is a proven strategy, but it needs to be executed right for you to see it work. Trying to take shortcuts and putting any effort in can only lead to failure. If you are sick of seeing products that give you false promises, then do check out Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for your time reading my review, if you have any questions or experience with this software, then please add your comments below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Instagram is an awesome social sharing site and is growing every day, but what if you want to be able to post to Instagram from your Mac? Well in this Flume for Instagram review, we will share with the excellent features that are available to do just that. One of the frustrations I have as a blogger, is the fact that Instagram only allows you to upload pictures via your phone. But this app has bridged that gap.
Affiliate Disclaimer: Any links in this post may be affiliate links, where we may receive a commission for a referral. Regardless of this we only recommend products we think are awesome and it will not cost you any money. For more info, click here.
Product Type: Desktop Tool for Instagram (Mac only)
Price: Free, $10 for Pro (one-off fee)
Best For: Bloggers, Affiliate Marketers, Social Media Influencers, Small Business owners
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating: 4.8/5
A Quick Flume Summary
Flume for Instagram is a great tool for being able to upload images to Instagram from your mac. As a blogger and affiliate marketer, this makes it really easy and simple to upload my posts to Instagram too. Whilst it would be perfect if it added a Windows version, it is still a strong package for mac users.
Recommended: Yes
What Exactly is Flume?
Flume is a desktop application that you download onto your mac. It isn’t currently available for windows, and it doesn’t look like this is likely to change soon. It allows you to do almost all that you can do on your Instagram app on your phone.
You can upload new content, do reposts, browse, search, comment and like photos – but the only thing you cannot do at the moment is add stories and Instagram live. Which to be honest is more the features you would normally do on your phone anyway due to the accessibility of your phone.
The key features we like about Flume is the ability to upload photos with blog post links and easy hashtag tools. If you are a blogger, then you will hopefully see the benefits from these features being on your desktop.
Who Does Flume Benefit?
Anyone with an online business, bloggers, affiliate marketers, or are a social media influencer would benefit from being able to post from your mac desktop. Whilst the free version is ok, it only costs $10 to upgrade to the full version and you can have 5 accounts active. So, if you have multiple businesses, you can find this a really good feature.
How Does Flume Work?
Once you have logged into Flume, it is a relatively simple layout to get your head around.
Once you have logged in, you will have an easy menu at the bottom. It will start up with your feed at first. Where you can click and each and go into them and like, comment, etc. from the application.
See the image below to see which icons mean which.
Feed: Your usual feed that you would see on your mobile app
Likes: Images that you have liked
Explore: Find Images that might be of interest to you
Search: The Search Function
Activity: This is your notification tab, seeing who is following you, left you comments on your images and likes too
Conversations: This is your message centre, where you can direct message your followers, etc.
Profile: Just like your phone app, you can see and edit your profile from this screen, see how many followers you have, how many posts, etc.
Uploading an Image is really easy. From the top menu, which will be at the top of your mac desktop, you will see in “View”, the option to upload. Clicking this will show you the function below:
Being a mac application, it will allow you to drag and drop your image or video to get started. Once you have done this, it gives you the option to edit your comments, add hashtags, add people and locations, etc.
Flume also gives you the option to edit the image before posting it, this helps you make sure it is Instagram ready for uploading it.
There are some other features that we love too, for example. It is not an easy task to repost photos from Instagram itself, and yet with Flume you can right click on your image from your profile and just click repost. Add any additional comments you want, and you are good to click post.
Clicking Repost will open up the upload screen, ready for you to post it.
You will also find that when you are browsing the images in your feed, there are no distractions like on your phone. It just shows you the images, you can get more detail by clicking on them.
You can choose from two layouts for your feed, either a full image on top of each other or 3×3 type grid system.
I also like the fact that, although there are advertised posts. It is clearly marked with a Blue AD mark. It is also quite clear which are videos and carousel posts too.
What is Good About Flume (PROS)
Let’s go through what we like about Flume for Instagram:
Easily Post Blog Posts
If you are looking into an easy way of posting your content from your mac, Flume makes it easy to do. Without this app, I would need to download my featured image onto my phone to then add it, and let’s face it on a professional manner this is not as easy to do from your phone. But this app has brought all the benefits from the phone and put it easily onto my mac for when I am publishing content. If you are a blogger, social media influencer, etc. tell you would want to make this easier to do – the flume app does just that.
Reposting Photos/Post is Easy
This is not an easy option on your phone. You pretty much have to repost it – but that takes time to choose the image, write effective comments, add your website, hashtags, etc. It takes seconds with the flume app.
Cost Effective for a Productivity App
There are plenty of apps out there to do a similar feature for social media, but this is either free for basic functionality or $10. Whilst this is still all manual functions compared to other tools, the ability of reposting your posts makes this a sound investment regardless of whether you use all of the features.
What Could Flume Improve on? (CONS)
Let’s look at what Flume could do better on:
Platform Specific – Only on Mac
Whilst those who own a mac have the ability of benefiting from Flume, all those people on Windows are stuck. It is a great application to have, but if you haven’t got a mac computer, you will need to find something else. (I will be looking and sharing it when I find one for you)
How Much Does Flume Cost?
Flume has both a free version and a pro version. The Pro version is the one that allows you to upload photos and videos, otherwise it is just a view function in the free version.
But at a $10 one-off fee for the pro version. I find this a fantastic cost for an application that will improve your productivity massively.
You can try or purchase the Flume app from their official website.
There is another way of get Flume, and that is from Setapp. This is a subscription service where you get a few hundred Mac apps for $9.99 a month. Flume is included. Setapp has a free 7-day trial and might be worth having a look.
What Is the Flume Support Like?
If I am honest, there has been only one reason I have had to contact the support team. I found the conversation tab was causing the app to crash a few days ago. (the first issue in about 6 months of using the app). They were quite prompt and stated there was a new software version coming out and it hasn’t been an issue since. Which I think is great support.
My Honest Opinion of Flume
Whilst Instagram is mostly for mobile device use, there are times when you just want to be able to post from your computer. With the fact that bloggers, social media influencers and business owners want to handle bulk post uploads and included links – it is just easier from your desktop.
I have been using the Flume app for about 6 months, and I have enjoyed being able to use it to help grow my brand and online presence on Instagram. The ease at which you can post, edit your images, add tags, reports and more. It doesn’t break the bank and is a great tool for have whether you are blogging, affiliate marketing, have a small business or are a social media influencer. You will benefit massively from this easy to use app.
My only gripe is that it is only available on Mac, and that might be a stumbling block if you are a Windows user.
Product Type: Desktop Tool for Instagram (Mac only)
Price: Free, $10 for Pro (one-off fee)
Best For: Bloggers, Affiliate Marketers, Social Media Influencers, Small Business owners
Recommended: Yes
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating:4.8/5
Verdict: Recommended, Awesome Tool for Posting to Instagram from your Mac
If you have any experience with the Flume for Instagram app, then we would love to hear what your views are on this product. If you are a windows user and have an alternative product that you use to post to Instagram, again share it with us.
Thanks for taking the time to read our review, if you have any questions or comments please write them in the comments below and we will definitely come back to you as soon as we can.
It is getting harder and harder for disabled people around the world to get a job and earn a living. There are fewer opportunities for disabled people to actually get a job, and this can also depend on the severity of their disability.
This is also not being help by the fact that governments are also cutting back on the amount of benefits that disabled people can claim, with some also having their benefits being completely removed.
Disabled Life is Hard Enough…
WIthout having mindless governments removing part of their income, this can make it really hard to survive on what is left.
This can lead to a sense of fear, especially as the number of jobs for able bodied people are reducing by the day and this will make it harder for those that require their specific needs catered for to be able to employ them.
Around the world there are factors that are leading to more and more people being put out of a job. In the UK alone, Tesco and Honda have announced job cuts in the last couple of weeks and this only puts more people into the job market.
Now this is where it can seem natural to search online for a way to earn money online. Millions of able bodied people have created online careers over the last 15 years, so what is stopping disabled people doing exactly the same.
Nothing is Stopping You!
Nothing is stopping you achieving just as much success, but there are a few things to consider before you continue your search for a way to earn money online.
Avoiding Scams Online
Scams are everywhere online!
Think about why you are searching for a way to make money online, and the reasons is because it would make life better. These scammers draw on those emotions and entice people in with systems that promise easy money and autopilot systems that make them sound too good to be true. And there lies the problem – they are too good to be true!
Once you have handed over your money, you are stuck with a crappy product that will either not work or mean you need to spend more of your hard earned money to make it actually work.
Many of us would not be running these websites if these scams were not around, as we work hard to find these scams and get people to avoid them and find genuine products that have proven to be genuine, and actually work for anyone, able-bodied and disabled alike.
My simple advice is, if the product looks too good to be true and is holding back a lot of information, then it would normally point towards a scam. Doing your research is an important step and will mean you only spend money when it is a sound investment.
Finding Work from Home Opportunities
Whilst there are factors you will need to consider when looking for opportunities to work from home, like what your disability is and what kind of time constraints will it put on you to find a work from home opportunity.
You need to factor in the time you have available, and how much time you are able to spend in front of the computer too.
The beauty of working from home is the fact you have complete control over the hours you work. This makes it a huge benefit to you.
The opportunity, we want to share with you today, is becoming an Internet Marketer, more commonly known as an affiliate marketer. As long as you are wiling to learn, can spend some time in front of the computer you can start on a work from home online business, meaning you are your own boss.
You will learn some valuable skills, build yourself an online business that can earn you what you are after, and also offer these skills out to other business owners.
Put simply, there are more opportunities online than ever, regardless of your disability it is a fantastic way of earning money online. A couple of years ago, Gem and I stumbled onto a training platform that changed our lives and meant we could work from home and also start helping others find ways to earn money online with a genuine and supportive training platform.
It doesn’t matter about who you are, what your disability is – you will be very welcome, and get the opportunity to make the life you want for yourself with Wealthy Affiliate!
Training, Expert Help & Support
A couple of years ago, I was caught out by a scam – luckily I didn’t lost out on a lot of money. But it gave me a great insight into how many people do get caught out by these scams. It also led me to a genuine way of earning money online via a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.
Like I mentioned earlier, many people have found a genuine way of working from home with Internet or Affiliate Marketing.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
The whole premise of Affiliate Marketing is helping people within a subject that you are interested in. So, you could pick a hobby, something you are passionate about or a subject that you have a lot of knowledge in.
By signing up with an affiliate program, you can start promoting products and services on your blog from a marketplace like Amazon.
If someone goes from your blog to Amazon and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. From that point of view, all you need to bring to the table is a niche that you have a lot of love for.
What Wealthy Affiliate brings to the table is all the training required to take that niche through all the stages required to make it a profitable business:
You will gain access to 10 lessons, 2 free websites and access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs all there eager to help you acheive your goals.
A Free Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate requires no credit card (unlike others), and gets you started on your road to an online business fully utilising Affiliate Marketing.
No restrictions in place, because you are classed as disabled, in the community you will be welcomed and support every step of the way.
If you want to start on a road to financial freedom, and no reliance on the state, then Affiliate Marketing and Wealthy Affiliate could be the answer.
Hopefully you found our guide useful, if you have any questions about anything we have covered in the article today just write them in the comments below and we will definitely get back to you as soon as we can. If you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate, we suggest you start with our Wealthy Affiliate review.
All the best to you, whichever direction you take!
We love helping people, and it naturally leads to people searching for how to make money by helping others. Everyone who logs and writes a search into the search engines is typically looking for help with something and that is where the opportunity arise to help others.
We take a huge pleasure in helping people achieve their goals, and no matter how you want to offer your help there is a way of doing it online.
There are over 4 billion people online these days, and most of them are looking for help… and what do you have to offer that can get you started helping and making money online? Your knowledge, your guidance and wililngness to help!
Gem and I have compiled 3 great ways on how you can make money by helping others. We have started with our favourite way – Blogging.
Start Blogging – Our Favourite Idea
It seems an odd choice, but the opportunity to help people and make money is huge. It also means you can specify what you are going to offer help in. No matter the subject you are offering help in, there is an audience out there looking for help with it, there is also an opportunity to earn money from it too.
On our site, we offer help and advice in Affiliate Marketing, you could start a blog in any niche that you want to and there will be an audience just as interested in learning about that subject, or interested in purchasing products or services in that niche too.
Think about the niche you are wanting to offer help and advice in, think about what you could write about in that niche and that is the starting points for a blog.
Blogging is all about helping people, so whatever niche you choose there is people who are looking for help. Whether that be, how to get started in that niche, a product review in that niche, helping making the right purchasing decision.
People are searching the web, because they want help. The beauty of blogging is that by picking a niche or subject you already know a lot about, the help you provide will come across very genuine. That is a key factor!
If the reader does not trust you, or think you are not offering genuine help or advice – they will leave your website/blog and you have lost the chance to make money from blogging.
If you are ready to get started with your blog, then Wealthy Affiliate offers great training in getting started, you can also benefit from 2 free websites. Get Started Here.
There are two ways you can monetise your blog once you have got going, which we will go through now.
Affiliate Marketing
You may not have heard of the term affiliate marketing, but it is a great way of helping others and promoting products and services within that niche using affiliate programs.
Affiliate Marketing allows you to promote products and services on your blog, with the reward of a commission if someone goes from your blog and purchases said product.
Imagine if you have wrote a really helpful guide on wedding photography for example. That audience that is looking for guidance on how to get started in wedding photography will also be interested in the best cameras, accessories, courses, whilst taking in all of your help within that niche.
All of these products and services can allow you to earn money from Affiliate Marketing.
It has been proven time and again, Affiliate Marketing only works if you start from the point of helping people. People do not want to be sold to, but if you can gain their trust through helping them – they will be more inclined to follow your advice around purchases too.
Think about Amazon, they started out as a small bookstore. Didn’t have a huge marketing budget, so they launched an affiliate program, and they still use it today. There are huge benefits to both the company and the affiliate marketer.
Does it take hard work to earn money from it – Yes! But nothing was earnt in this life without a bit of hard work.
I won’t lie to you, it will take hard work to get to the level it is earning you good money. But the amount you learn whilst on the journey and the point where it does start earning you money – it makes all the hard work worth it.
The reason I say it is worth it, is because it is so rewarding to know you are helping people. When it starts earning you money, that is the icing on the cake. Both helping people and earning money online. A win-win situation.
There are four stages to reach the point where you are earning money:
Now, if you are looking at helping people online, you will hopefully know what Step One is, Choosing an interest!
Step One – Choose an Interest
This is an important step, and many get it wrong because they choose something they think will be profitable, rather than something they know something about.
Whatever interests, hobbies, skills you have – there will be others looking for help and that is where Affiliate Marketing is awesome, because you are helping people who share a common interest with you. It also means you will not get bored with the concept in the early stages when you are not receiving enough visitors to your blog to earn you revenue.
Step Two – Build a Website
You need a foundation for your online blog to help people. Your goal is to become an authority in your niche. That way people will know that if they want help or to learn and engage in that niche, you are the authority to go to.
You can get a free website, with the tool below. See if your chosen domain name is free:
Step Three – Attract Visitors
Once you have your website, you are going to want to start your mission on gaining traffic. Regardless of good your content is, know that the reason why most affiliate marketers fail is because they give up too soon. I am not going to say that affiliate marketing is a quick way to earn money, because it isn’t.
This is all about building a business with the long game in mind. I did not start getting “organic traffic” on this blog until the 5th month. It also happened to be the point where I made my first sale.
Honestly, this is not an option for people looking for a quick way to earn money – and I must say, there is no quick way to earn money online, unless you are wiling to invest heavily.
Now, there are examples where it can be done naturally quicker, but they will depend on the niche you chose. If you find a diamond niche, without much competition you can achieve it much sooner.
But once you have constant traffic coming to your blog via the search engines, that is what organic traffic is, then you will soon start to see us achieving step four.
Step Four – Earn Revenue
If you have created a blog that is full of interesting and helpful guides all around your blog, have included some relevant product reviews with your affiliate links included and the traffic is coming in nicely – that is when you can start to see affiliate marketing having unlimited opportunities. If you have one blog that is converting well, that same blog could earn you money for years.
You also achieved it all from something you were interested in and from HELPING PEOPLE. Which is a great feeling, trust me on that.
If you feel that Affiliate Marketing is the way you want to help people and you want to create your own blog, then I highly recommend that you get the correct training to ensure that you are following the right direction and get the same support that Gem and I did. We followed the training at Wealthy Affiliate and it has led us to having businesses that are there to help people, just like you want to.
Read our review for more information, or if you would like to see what they have to offer with a free starter membership (no credit card required), then check them out here. Creating your own blog is awesome, and once you start getting that traffic we mentioned in step three, you can also start benefiting from other ways to monetise your website, like Paids Ads.
Paid Ads
Selling advertising space on your blog is another great way of earning money from your blog. But again, this will require traffic to your blog to be able to earn money. This is because you earn money based on impressions as well as clicks.
Impressions are from when someone sees the ad, but doesn’t necessarily take any action from it. Clicks are from when someone clicks the ad.
Most new bloggers will try out Google AdSense, which is easy to get started with. But when you start seeing a high number of visitors to your blog, that is when you can start explore better paying options like MediaVine.
Write an eBook
Another tactic to help people and make money online is by creating an eBook and selling it. If you are a subject matter expert, and can write a downloadable book for people to buy, it is a great idea on two fronts.
The one is, that you could offer it on platforms such as the Kindle Marketplace, or another option is something you offer people who join your mailing list on your blog.
Email Marketing is still a very effective way to earn money online, and offering them an eBook is a great way of getting them to join your mailing list. Once they have joined, you have the trust factor and the fact that you can keep sending them useful information.
Many self-published authors are supplementing their earnings from their blogs with eBooks. It will again take time to earn money with this route, although that depends on how much you can sell your eBook for.
You need to ensure the subject is of interest, will be something that they will want to pay for and you need to ensure you design a captivating cover and title to get them hooked and wanting to buy it.
Teach – Create a Course
The other option is to create an online course with a site like Udemy. Online Courses are really popular at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you cannot do in-person courses too. People are looking for help in a multitude of different ways and you could definitely find an opportunity.
The options could be:
Online Courses
Presenting at Conferences
Teaching Seminars
Holding Workshops
All of these are great options to share your experiences, help people and make a difference to them and earn money from helping them too.
Which Direction is the Best One for You?
Honestly that is decision you need to make, but before you do I would suggest that you do not only pick one. The reasons I say that are, blogging is a great idea and having a website is also a great foundation. But not just a foundation for a blog, it is a foundation for an online business – it could be a blog, a chance to create and use eBooks to create value, even use a course to again explore another avenue to monetising and helping people.
Using any of these options to create an email marketing campaign, using social media to share your knowledge and build your authority.
The options are endless when it comes to an online business. Gem and I loved starting an online business that helps people get started with an online business and affiliate marketing. It isn’t for everyone, but that is where your unique knowledge will help you create your own direction.
If you truly want to create your own online business, and get out and help people, plus earning some money. Wealthy Affiliate offers great training, help and support with 2 free websites with a free starter membership. The training is not all about affiliate marketing, like the name suggests. The training covers all aspects of an online business and is how we got started.
Whatever you decide to do, you need to get out there and get busy. Get learning, get creating! Share your knowledge and go earn yourself money too!
Thanks for reading this guide, please tell me which option do you think you might take or is there any others that you are considering. We would love to hear from you, just add a comment below and we will definitely get back to you!
Affiliate Marketing is an awesome online business model! Without it there would not be many genuine ways of earning money online. But why would Companies use Affiliate Marketing, why would Amazon choose to outsource its marketing to bloggers?
In this article, we will be describing exactly what the benefits are to companies like Amazon and how it totally benefits us as affiliate marketers. If you have still been looking for an answer to why Affiliate Marketing is a great starting point for beginners, I will also answer that too with how you can get started as well.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Before we crack on discussing why companies use affiliate marketing, let’s just clarify our understanding of how it really works.
Affiliate Marketing works by allowing people to promote products and services and receiving a commission on any sale made. You join an affiliate program and you get access to a company’s library of products. You write an article or record a video of that product and included in that article is a link to the company’s website and that product.
If someone visits your blog or website and like what you have put, they will follow your link to that product. If they buy it, you earn a commission for the introduction. It is a lot more widespread than you might think and is a great work from home model and it definitely benefits the company too.
In fact, Amazon started using the model and has continued to use it ever since.
Amazon Started the Ball Rolling
When Amazon first started out, it was just a small bookstore. They didn’t have the kind of budget to go out and place adverts everywhere. That would cost money, without any guaranteed sales. So, they introduced a referral program, where when someone who used Amazon introduced another person to buy a book from Amazon. They would receive a percentage of the book price as a reward.
From the user of Amazon’s point of view, they could earn money by introducing friends and others to Amazon.
From Amazon’s point of view, they only spent money from a guaranteed sale. The percentage would come out of the profit, but they were saving a fortune on marketing their products and brand.
Now, when you look at Amazon and the product range, there are a couple of things that come to mind.
One, is Amazon used this model to great affect and is still using it today!
Two, The sheer opportunity out there for Affiliate Marketers or Potential Affiliate Marketers!!
Why Do Companies use Affiliate Marketing – the Key Benefits
When we start looking at the key benefits of why companies use Affiliate Marketing the biggest one is the cost of marketing is vastly reduced. Even small companies can still benefit from getting their products promoted without having to spend money on marketing campaigns that will not necessarily work. They will only pay for a guaranteed sale.
More and more companies have adopted this form of marketing, purely down to this reason.
The other key benefit is highly related to the first one. If you think of the power of word of mouth and a recommendation from someone you know or trust, this is a powerful one.
But you might see an advert and not really understand what they are marketing. The company has paid for this ad, but they are not getting a great cut through. But what, if they started to learn a little more and want to investigate brand and/or product.
The first thing most do, is go on Google and do a search for a review or information on that product or brand.
Where do you think they end up at? Typically, a blogger who has done the research and can provide help and advice to that searcher and provided you with a helpful website, which you found on Google.
It is a whole cycle that leads that person to potentially buying that product and both all 3 parties are happy.
The customer has the product they wanted, because they understood it thoroughly (thanks to the blogger)
The Company has made a sale
The Blogger (Affiliate Marketer) has helped the customer and made a commission on the sale.
The other factor for Companies, is the ease of being able to track affiliate marketing. They allow you to sign up to an affiliate program, Amazon’s is called Amazon Associates. You can get a unique ID that is embedded in a link.
When you share a product on Amazon, there is a digital signature in that link that says, “It was you, who introduced the buyer”.
So, all Amazon needs to do is track that link and the sale and pay you on a monthly basis.
It isn’t complicated at all, and again it is saving the company millions on advertising costs.
Let’s touch on how does this benefit an Affiliate Marketer?
Why Does This Benefit an Affiliate Marketer
Whilst affiliate marketing takes a lot of hard work to get up and running, once it is starting to earn you money it is a truly passive income. You do not need to be there to monitor the sale, you do not need to deal with customer service if the product is faulty, etc.
All of this will be dealt with by the merchant. You might write a thorough review on a product available on Amazon and that one article could be getting you regular sales, whilst you are working on something else.
So the benefits of this system are that you get to benefit from promoting products and getting a slice of the profits, without much hassle.
Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of hard work involved to get to a truly passive income stream from affiliate marketing.
But as Amazon’s product range shows, you can literally choose an of your hobbies or interests and start a profitable online business. You will be writing, and review stuff related to something you are already interested in, which is great.
You don’t have to pick something because you think it will work. You will get bored and the opportunity will dry up.
The only way you will benefit from this model and make it work to be profitable is by picking a niche where you can truly say you are passionate about the subject matter.
It would be like me picking knitwear, I haven’t got a clue about it. Did not enjoy it at school and I don’t think I could actually write an article about knitwear. Why would I choose it?
I see affiliate marketers go for shiny objects like smart technology. Smart tech is a big growing industry and more people are researching it and starting a niche website in it. But whilst they see it as a profitable niche. They have no idea about the tech, and it shows in their articles.
People are looking for help but are coming up against a brick wall when they reach their websites.
Yet, the affiliate marketers are wondering why they are not making any money.
Seriously, pick a niche where you could talk to someone all day about it and that is a great starting point…
Why is Affiliate Marketing a Great Starting Point for Beginners?
The main reasons I say this is because, it doesn’t involve any complicated systems. You don’t need to be an expect in websites or coding, your can learn everything you need and regardless of your age, skill or knowledge of computers you can achieve great successes with it.
All you need is a willingness to learn and a drive to implement what you learn with clear expectations about timescales!
How Can you Get Started with Affiliate Marketing?
There are truly benefits to both the companies that choose to use Affiliate Marketing and the Affiliate Marketers themselves. All you need to ask yourself is, when are you going to get started.
If you think you have what it takes to get started with an Affiliate Marketing business, you can learn everything you need to know with a great training platform like Wealthy Affiliate.
But I would stress at this point, that this is not an easy road and it is not for everyone. You will not start earning money straightaway from affiliate marketing and I mean it could take months to start to see a return on the time you have invested.
I know that is not what you probably want to hear. But that is because you have probably been used to an hourly rate style pay system. You complete an hour’s worth of work and get paid for an hour’s work.
But that is not how this works. Having said that, you need to look at the earning potential differently.
All of the time and effort you put in at the early stages of the business will earn you money, but not straightaway. Let’s us an example of a product review that you write for your niche website.
You will have spent time researching it, writing it and publishing it and you will have earned no money from it.
But, then a couple of months down the line it starts converting for you. That one converting review will convert again, and again. To a point where you are earning money on that review.
People are truly earning full-time income wages from affiliate marketing, but you need to play the waiting game.
If you are ready to start thinking like a business owner and putting in the time and effort now, then you will definitely see the results further down the line.
My advice at this point is do not play at it and get the right training and support. There is a lot to factor in to ensure the foundations of your online business are right. Our top recommended training program is Wealthy Affiliate.
Here is my Wealthy Affiliate Review, for you to check out and read. But their training is the reason why Gem and I run an online business from home, and it can definitely help you out.
If you feel like you are ready to start your own affiliate marketing business, then you can always try their free starter membership. No catch, and no credit card required. You will gain access to 10 free lessons and 2 free websites and you can start to realise your affiliate marketing business.
Thanks for checking out my guide on why do companies use affiliate marketing. If you have any questions then please write them in the comments below. Share your experiences or just say hello and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Niche Profit Classroom claims to be an introductory course to get you started with affiliate marketing. But with all the hype included in this program, I can totally understand why you might also be thinking it might be a scam.
First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.
Have you been searching for ways to earn money working from home? I bet you have found loads that are actually just jobs or ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes that all turn out to be scams and you might be getting frustrated and getting to the point where you think it isn’t possible to earn any money working from home.
But I want to assure you there are genuine opportunities for you to earn money and it can actually be quite fun too.
The reason I say it can be fun is the fact that I will be showing you how you can start your own online business in a subject that you enjoy, with none of your own products. Regardless of your experience or computer knowledge, you can start your own online business with Affiliate Marketing.
There are other ways to earn money working from home, but there are advantages to someone with little knowledge online to starting an affiliate marketing. It can also mean you get to choose what you actually start your online business in. Affiliate marketing is easy to get started, requires little money to get started and there is some awesome support and training on offer.
In this post, I will describe in detail what Affiliate Marketing is, how you can choose any niche (interest) you have and turn it into a profitable online business with Affiliate Marketing with awesome training and support too.
All you need to ensure it is successful is promise me two things:
Be prepared to invest a lot of time into your business and start thinking like an entrepreneur otherwise it often will end up in failure.
Why Most Fail at Affiliate Marketing?
The reason I say this is this is not a quick thing, you will not make money overnight or even within a couple of weeks with affiliate marketing. There are people out there that are earning 6-figures out of an affiliate marketing business, but they all started in the same place – putting in a lot of time and effort and not getting anything in return straightaway.
So, if you are looking for a quicker way to earning money, then this is not it.
But I would like to add that most products out there that claim to earn you quick money are scams, or you need a lot of money to invest in paid ads to make it work.
I presume, if you are here you are looking for a genuine opportunity to learn and earn online – Affiliate Marketing can offer that, but again know you will need to put the time and effort in and be realistic with the timescales. I didn’t make anything for 6 months, if I had given up at month 5 – I would have said Affiliate Marketing didn’t work, when it was actually my expectations that were wrong.
So, if you are ready to invest in your future and earn the goals you have set, with realistic goals we can carry on with what exactly is affiliate marketing?
What Exactly is Affiliate Marketing?
The premise behind affiliate marketing is actually quite simple, it is the timescales that is the often reason why people are put off.
Affiliate Marketing is where you (an affiliate) promote a product or service and receive a commission if someone goes and buys it.
It is a great way for companies to get their products promoted without having to spend millions of dollars in a marketing campaign. It is the model that Amazon used when it first launched as just an online book store and they still use it today. They would give their members a percentage of the price for introducing a new buyer of their books.
Now, when you think of how large Amazon is today and the different products they have on offer in their marketplace, you can start to understand the scope that affiliate marketing allows.
That is why this business model can be fun, as you can start affiliate marketing in any interest, hobby or passion you have as there will be both a customer and an affiliate program available for you to cater for.
Let me give you an example, to make it easier for us to continue. Let’s say your hobby is golf. I know not everyone will be interested in golf, but the premise will work whatever your interests or hobbies are.
When I go onto Amazon and just type golf, there are 300,000 products that are available in that category on which we could promote via an affiliate marketing business just on Amazon. That doesn’t include any other affiliate programs out there. But you notice that I will start with Amazon, as a big factor to this business working is trust. Amazon is trusted the world over, so it is a great starting place for affiliate marketers.
But when starting out with an affiliate marketing business, the biggest obstacle we need to get over is getting trusted by the search engines, this takes time but there are things we can do to help, and the first thing is when you are picking a Niche is not start too broad. The narrow you can get, the better you have of building up traffic and trust sooner.
Picking a Niche
SO, whilst Golf is the example we are using, Golf in general is way too broad. So the next stage would be to narrow that down. Let’s go back to the categories and seeing how we can narrow it down to find our niche and a target audience.
Let’s look into Golf Accessories, this opens up another set of categories in Amazon.
Now, when I think about if my Uncle is a keen golfer. He takes it very seriously and researches heavily before investing in any new item for his golf. That is something else you need to know about your target audience, ready for your new affiliate marketing business.
SO, now I have gone into Golf GPS Units on Amazon. There are 303 items in this niche. That is 303 items I can research on for creating content for a niche affiliate marketing website.
That is what you need to do. Become the Authority in Golf GPS Units. One you have become the authority in that niche, you will be making money via affiliate marketing. It will also allow you to expand in other categories within Golf in general.
At this stage, you will have great traffic coming to your website to understand Golf GPS Units and as you have them regularly coming to your website to find out about these devices – think about this, you will have an audience is very engaged in Golf too. So, at that point if you started branching out into other items in the broader golf accessory category, you can start offering help and advice in other products – such as Range Finders, Scorers, Shoe bag, etc.
That is the scale and the opportunity that a well-executed affiliate marketing business can achieve.
Will you achieve this overnight, no. Will you achieve in this a month, no. You need to plan for the long term.
Things to Consider with Affiliate Marketing
There are a few things to consider when starting out with affiliate marketing, and the most important one is that you need to help the reader and not sell to the reader.
Imagine if we started that Golf GPS Unit niche website and all we did was include 303 reviews of the 303 devices and that was all that was on the website? Then imagine if you landed on that site, and all the reviews were “buy this it is great?” “Don’t buy this one, buy this one instead”
Now imagine, that same website with helpful guides about picking the right Golf GPS Units, what to look out for, how to care for your devices, some interesting posts about golf in general and then some well-executed reviews with helpful insightful information about the devices including pros and cons about them…
Now, which website would you rather land on before making a purchasing decision?
That is the difference between helping people and not selling, you will convert a lot more when you are helping people come to a decision then selling them.
The Customer Purchase Lifecycle
Think about the last time when you searched for something online (when it was a product) were you in a position to make a purchase? Or were you just browsing.
Now, when we are in a store we are not always looking to buy. Where would that be any different online?
You will have people reach your website at different points along the customer purchase lifecycle. Some will just be researching, and some will be in a buying mood. You need to have a collection of posts, videos, etc on your website to cater for whenever they are there. That is how you build up an authority in your niche. Once you have this, you will start building up your trust. Once you have the trust, they will follow your advice more easily and that is when you start converting.
Is Affiliate Marketing Hard Work?
I will be totally honest with you, it can seem like hard work at times. But it is often because we lose sight of our goals because it hasn’t reached our targets yet. That is often because we have unrealistic timescales.
A big factor is time with any online business, the more you can put into it the more we can do to achieve our goals.
If you can put 40 hours into a business a week, you would logically say that would be more successful than someone who can only put 10 hours in right?
But there are other factors to consider, if you are new, most of those 40 hours will be spent learning how to actually do some of the basics, whilst an experienced marketer like myself could get loads done in 10 hours.
Some will only have a couple of hours a week to invest, and this will mean that their expectations and timescales should move accordingly.
I am not telling you this to put you off, I am trying to give you insight into what you can expect if you decide to choose Affiliate Marketing. I also want to tell you this, so you can also choose non-financial goals too.
If we solely focused on the money made with affiliate marketing, in the first year I would have said it was a failure and not worth doing.
But when we start to explore, the amount of skills I have learned through starting an affiliate marketing business and learning from our recommended training platform. You can start to see actually, the first year was awesome.
I learned:
How to Build Website (a service I could offer to others)
Keyword Research (Essential for online business)
Affiliate Programs (how to help others with affiliate marketing and programs)
Search Engine Optimisation (How to be Google Friendly)
Social Media Marketing
Writing Content (a service I could offer out as a freelancer)
Those are just a few that you could learn along this journey, and as a freelancer you could make money whilst your website is building up that authority you need.
The golden nugget for that is when you are number one in Google for a keyword. If you can get there, with the right converting posts you will be at a point where you can say you are making money from affiliate marketing and be able to work from home.
You just need the right training for affiliate marketing.
The Right Training and Support for Affiliate Marketing – Wealthy Affiliate
If you seriously want to be successful at affiliate marketing and reach your goal of how to earn from working from home, then you need to understand the first step is to get the right training.
First off, don’t think of it as going back to school. Think of it as an investment of time into your future business. The most successful affiliate marketers will tell you, that if you do not keep learning and adapting to the ever-changing playing field you are destined to fail.
I know affiliate marketers who have built $100k businesses and they still log in and follow the live training every week.
Some will disagree with me, but you need a website to build an affiliate marketing business. Imagine putting all your hard work into one social media channel and then that social media channel goes through problems, or your target audience isn’t engaging into that social media channel. You are stuck. Go back to the golf example, I wouldn’t search social media for Golf GPS units, I would search on Google.
Google owns 2/3 of the search traffic, that is where you need to target.
Our recommended training platform offers valuable training in affiliate marketing and it also offers WordPress web hosting all in one platform.
Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive training platform for affiliate marketers, regardless of your experience or your computer knowledge – in the first ten lesson, you will have built your own WordPress website in your chosen niche, you will fully understand the potential behind affiliate marketing and how to start building up your traffic to make this a reality.
All of this is included in a free starter membership, there is a premium membership but for now, the free starter membership will give you a full insight into this awesome platform that Gem, and I used to build this website and Gem’s wedding stationary business.
Whatever your niche, whatever your time allowance is – if you follow this training and invest the time you will see that it can work for you too.
I will always be honest with you, and I would recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate review just to understand fully what is available and the successes WA has brought for many of its members.
But if you want to explore the platform for free, check out the free starter membership and go through the ten free lessons.
You will surely see that this is a platform that cares for its members, you will even get coaching from the owners Kyle & Carson and if you decide to accept my invitation you will get personal coaching from me too.
Final Word
Affiliate Marketing is a great option when you want to build an online business in something that you are actually interested in… we chose golf as an example, but that same search could be done in healthcare, gym fitness, football, computer games, making money online, cooking, toys, jewellery, cars, etc.
You name it there is a target audience within a niche, that you could build an authority website in and enjoy the rewards. Like I said, it is a slow burner. But if you could be in the position where in a year’s time you have an authority website in a niche that is earning you a good return, and you continue to scale that business think where you could be in ten years’ time?
Affiliate Marketing is constantly growing, and the opportunities are bigger than you think…
But you need to invest in learning everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, and actually putting into practice everything they teach you.
Otherwise, you will fall into the high percentage of people who failed at affiliate marketing and claim it doesn’t work.
You can earn money working from home, but you need to commit to it. Set yourself daily, weekly and monthly goals and, borrowing a term from an affiliate friend HUSTLE! Go and get it!
Thanks for reading my post. If you have any questions or comments about, we have talked about, then please write them in the comments below and I will definitely come back to you as soon as.
Have you been looking into ways to make money online and come across the Be the Boss Network? I bet you are wondering whether it is any good and worth it, but maybe also wondering if it is full of scams.
First off, it’s great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.
If you have been thinking of joining Wealthy Affiliate or have recently joined and still wonder how is it possible to make money with Wealthy Affiliate? I am here to help you answer those questions… the Main purpose of becoming a Wealthy Affiliate member is to make money and their training is top notch, but how exactly do you make money???
In this post I will share with you the ways you can earn money from following their training and from outside sources. But also, how you can actually make money within their platform too. (Yes, you can make money within WA too!)
I have been a member since 2016 and know my way around the platform really well, and in total there are 8 different ways to make money with Wealthy Affiliate.
Like I said there are 2 main ways to earn money from Wealthy Affiliate, within the platform and from following their training. We will be focusing on the external sources of income first.
Ways to Earn Money from Wealthy Affiliate’s Training
Their training is perfect for people first stepping out of their comfort zone and looking to earn money online. The training focuses on building up an online business foundation, giving you all the tips and experience that Kyle and Carson (the owners) have built up over the years.
You will not meet a nicer couple of guys who really focus on paying-it-forward. The training is upfront and takes you step-by-step through the process needed to make a business that is built for the long run.
Going through building a website, creating content, building up traffic and ultimately monetising that website. You are truly in great hands with Wealthy Affiliate’s training.
Let’s get back to how you will make money from this training.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Marketing is the primary focus and the way many WA members are earning money from following the training.
Affiliate programs are set up by companies who pay people commissions for promoting their products and making sales.
Most retailers are utilising this method as it is a much cheaper way to promote then multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns. Amazon, the world’s largest marketplace actually uses an affiliate program and is a common partner to many affiliate marketers across the world.
How it Works – you promote a product available on amazon via a blog, someone visits your blog and decides to buy that product, they get taken to amazon and buy the product. You have just earned commission.
Example – You create a health and fitness blog, and join an affiliate program like Webvitamins and promote a number of their products. You could always join Amazon too and promote relevant products on your blog. Any time someone completes a purchase, that is how you will be making your money.
There are literally tons of affiliate programs out there in any niche, meaning you can choose any of your interests or hobbies to earn from affiliate marketing.
As a rule of thumb, it is best to diversify your earning potential. Don’t just stick with promoting one product from one affiliate program. You want to ensure that if one product does disappear, you will not be affected as you will just rely on the other products whilst constantly looking for new opportunities.
Awesome for Beginners – Affiliate Marketing is a great way to get started in the online world, it is the starting point for many online marketers who can the progress into other ways of marketing. It is low cost and simple to implement (with the right training).
Low Cost – You do not need a lot of money to get started with affiliate marketing, you can even get started for free with Wealthy Affiliate. WA will provide you with a free website and some free training to get going. You will need to invest some money at some point, but that is only to realise the potential of affiliate marketing. Affiliate programs are typically free to join too.
The Premise is Simple – There is a lot of time and hard work to affiliate marketing, but it is a really simple premise to get your head around. Promote other people’s products and earn money from it. You just need the right training to ensure it works out for you
Once you are starting to get traffic through, you can start to see your affiliate marketing campaigns starting to take off. It also gives you another opportunity to earn money through having ads on your website.
The usual starting point is Google Ads, but when you reach a certain traffic point you can start using better higher-paying options like MediaVine and Monumetric.
But Google Ads is popular as you don’t particularly need a high level of traffic to add it to your website.
With Google Adsense, they ask you to insert a code into your website header and the ads will be displayed automatically.
The key to success with affiliate marketing and ads is to not saturate your website with ads, otherwise your affiliate campaigns might get lost in the mix. But this doesn’t mean ads aren’t good for your website.
The fact is, not everyone will visit your website and click on your affiliate links. They might be having second thoughts or are not ready to make a purchase yet. You can still earn from ads being on your website. But again, if your blog is written well and is engaging your audience, you shouldn’t have to worry about ads distracting from your affiliate promotions.
CPA Offers
Cost Per Action offers are also an opportunity to monetise your website. Whilst they are not going to earn you a high amount, they can still be quite lucrative. Small amounts can easily mount up and CPA offers are something that you should consider once you have traffic coming to your website built with WA.
CPA offers pay you when someone completes an action, not necessarily needing to buy something. They just need to complete an action, such as:
Sign up for an email list
Register an account
Sign up for a free trial
Use a comparison site
They are normally easy to monetise, as they are normally free for the people to do. But they do not pay as much as affiliate marketing opportunities typically do.
There isn’t as much focus on ecommerce within WA, but you can still find member created training on ways to do it. If you have your own product or want to consider drop shipping, the training and the tools they offer are still relevant for you.
We used a lot of the training to launch Gem’s wedding stationary business which uses a combination of our own products, affiliate marketing and drop shipping all in one.
The website you create on the WA platform is run by WordPress, so all you would need to do install a plugin like Woocommerce, which again is covered in the training available on WA to allow you to sell products directly and process the payments.
Whilst most who join WA do not have products to sell and are more interested in affiliate marketing, we still get asked questions about whether you can, and the answer is always Yes!
You can definitely make good money using ecommerce, but there are complications with it in a way that you wouldn’t find with affiliate marketing.
The main is you are dealing with the customers direct, so you need to be great at customer service for a start. Affiliate Marketing, they deal with the seller and not you.
Ways to Earn Money Within Wealthy Affiliate itself!
There are also ways to earn money within Wealthy Affiliate, and we will share these options below.
WA Affiliate Program
WA has an awesome affiliate program, which many members like the look of if you want to promote Wealthy Affiliate itself.
Whilst it is available to members straightaway, it is honestly better to wait and promote it once you have already found some success within another niche, purely as it will help you have some proof it works before promoting it.
But having said, that it is one of the best paying affiliate programs out there and even free starter members can benefit from it.
Any member will earn a recurring payment for every new member they introduce that goes premium. If they stay premium, you will earn money each month they stay a premium member. There is also a recurring payment if they go annual too.
Even free starter membership can benefit from referring new members, whilst the commission rates are lower many use it to pay for their premium membership. They also run an incentive program for those that achieve 300 premium referrals in a calendar year. They fly you out to Las Vegas to meet with Kyle, Carson and other Super Affiliates to learn how you can better scale your business.
Earning Cash Credits & Affiliate Credits
Inside WA there are two types of credit, you can earn. These are called Cash Credits & Affiliate Credits. These come from actions taken from members inside WA, once they are already members.
These credits can be redeemed for real money deposited into a PayPal account, or can be used for the benefit of your website. For example, you can use these credits to request comments, buy domains, get feedback, etc. A recent change has also meant you can use these credits to pay for your premium membership with Wealthy Affiliate.
These are not just a currency within WA, each credit is worth $0.50 and can be cashed out for real cash.
Earn from Writing Comments
One of the best features of the website tools that WA provide is the Site Comments platform. If you are unsure of how important comments are on your website, let me tell you that they are so important to help build trust with the search engines and your audience. But a new website doesn’t have comments, and readers can be a little unsure of a blog without any interaction.
The site comments platform allows you to use these credits you earn to get high-quality comments from Wealthy Affiliate members. This is a great way of using your credits, but it also an opportunity to earn money from giving comments.
A change last year made it that once you had given 50 comments within a 30-day period, you started earning cash credits. You already earn credits for giving out comments, but this was another way of earning money within WA.
Earn from Creating Training
Member created training is something that is encouraged within WA, as there are all types of people with experience in different elements and sharing that experience with a well-written training is rewarded with cash credit.
The core training is built by Kyle (the co-owner of WA) and Jay does a live training video every week, but the majority of the other training has been created by members of WA.
If you are experience in social media marketing, or wordpress you can create a relevant training video that will benefit other members and earn these cash credits.
You can add video tutorials, written guides, etc. and depending on the interaction with your training will determine how many credits you can earn.
Please note – you need to have been a Premium Member for 3 months to be able to create training.
Domain Registrations
Wealthy Affiliate is also a domain registrar, much like GoDaddy is. This means that you can buy domains (websites) directly through WA. There are a lot of benefits to hosting a website on WA’s servers. You are getting a premium hosting service included in your membership, which would normally cost about $250/month.
The cash credits come in useful as you can use these to buy your domains and renew your domains.
But you also earn whenever one of your referrals buys a domain. You will earn 2 cash credits for this, valued at a $1.
There is not much you can do to earn this, but whenever your referrals do buy a domain, you will earn from this. This way of earning goes along nicely with the WA Affiliate Program.
Account Setup Credits
Whenever you introduce a new member to WA, there is a step that makes sure they are a real person. This is a stage where you add an image and create a description for your WA profile.
When they complete this step, you again earn 2 cash credits, valued at a $1.
This stage is all about making sure they are happy interacted with the platform and will definitely receive more support from us within WA.
Kyle & Carson are always looking at ways to improve the platform, and like the change with the Site Comments platform there may become other ways to earn money through WA in the future.
Making Money within the Platform vs Off the Platform
Let’s just clarify the ways you can earn from Wealthy Affiliate.
Here are the ways you can earn within WA:
WA Affiliate Program
Creating Training
Writing Comments
Domain Registration
Account Setup
Here are the ways you can earn from going through their training:
Other Affiliate Programs
Advertising (Google Ads, etc.)
CPA Offers
What is the Best Way to Earn?
So, at this point you might be thinking which is the best way to earn online? Which path should you be focusing on? My advice would be to focus on Affiliate Marketing first. Most affiliates, including us are earning most of our money from affiliate marketing.
Without traffic, you will not earn anything from ads or CPA offers.
Affiliate Marketing will help you gain the traffic to earn from these additional sources of income.
The main focus of the training at Wealthy Affiliate is on Affiliate Marketing and ads, so you are in a prime place to be able to earn well from these 2 sources in the future.
Another key point of affiliate marketing is the fact that this is an easier path to explore than other forms of marketing and are a really good source of income too.
Pro Tips to Earn with Wealthy Affiliate!
I also want to share with you 3 tips to ensure you do earn from Wealthy Affiliate:
No.1 – Avoid the Shiny Objects and Stick to the Training! The training is set out in the perfect way to get you started on the right foot. If you gloss over things or miss something out you will feel the pain from it. It is so easy to try something that isn’t in the training because you think it will speed up the process, but it ends up being a waste of your time.
Follow the training to the letter!
No.2 – Choose a Niche You Actually Like: If you focus solely on earning money, you will normally find that it doesn’t end up working. Choosing a niche that you actually like will pay dividends in the long run.
If you go and choose a niche, solely because you think it is lucrative means you can end up being burned out and bored of the subject before you even make any money with it.
I have made this mistake and ran out of stuff to write about and wasn’t inclined to write anymore. This meant I had to start again from scratch.
No.3 Patience is So Important! You have to be so patient for this to work. Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way to earn money from something that you love, but it will not be a quick thing.
There is no other way around it, Wealthy Affiliates offers great training to achieve success with Affiliate Marketing, but do not expect it to pay back after a couple of weeks.
The concept of earning from an online business is different to a normal job. In a normal job you complete an hour work and get paid for that hour’s work. An entrepreneur will work for no return, but in the long run it will pay back 10x. A single article could and does earn affiliate marketer’s money for years. But it takes time to get to that stage.
If you feel you are ready to join Wealthy Affiliate, create your free starter membership account here (no credit card required).
If you have any questions or comments, then please write them below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. All the best, John
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