The Six Figure Formula Review – Legit Training Disguised As A Scam?

Welcome to our Six Figure Formula Review!

You might be a little confused by our headline, but there is a lot of misconception around the Six Figure Formula… the main reason is that they’re using a lot of hype to generate interest, which almost always leads to you thinking it’s probably a scam.

But after checking out the Six Figure Formula, and what is on offer… It’s safe to say it’s legit.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with The Six Figure Formula in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you what the Six Figure Formula has to offer, and why it’s a good place to get started with your own online business.

The Six Figure Formula Review Summary

Product Name: The Six Figure Formula

Founder: Shea Korte

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Price: $1 for 3-Day Trial, $37 a month + Upsells

Best For: People wanting to get started with affiliate marketing, or those who wanted to develop their email marketing skills


Summary: The Six Figure Formula is an affiliate marketing training platform that was developed by Shea Korte and his team.  It focuses more on email marketing and lead generation within the training, and the program covers the basics of affiliate marketing, and how to setup your own business.

The content is of a high standard, and the platform has been operating for more than eight years.  Within that time it’s acquired a good number of students, who have given it praise some with positive feedback online.

Overall, it’s a good starting point for someone looking to get started with affiliate marketing, or those who want to enhance their marketing skills, specifically with email marketing or lead generation.

Rating: 75/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is The Six Figure Formula?

The Six Figure Formula is an affiliate marketing training platform.  It was founded and developed by Shea Korte.  It has been around for a while, with over eight years in operation.

It focuses on teaching you how to use lead generation and email marketing within affiliate marketing.  As well as covering the basics of setting up an online business.

Now, affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model, It’s the way we make money online…

The basic concept is where you basically promote other people’s products and services in return for a commission.

Recommended: Affiliate Marketing Guide


If you can do affiliate marketing well enough, you can turn it into a consistent stream of income.  From the offset, the content within platform looks good, and can actually helps you with getting started with affiliate marketing.

The program isn’t free, but you can join a 3-day trial for just $3.  After which, if you’re happy with the training, then you can decide whether to become a paid member.  (We’ll discuss the costs later).

Alongside the training, you’ll also gain access to done-for-you email campaigns and some landing pages (capture pages) that’s going to help you make money by promoting the Six Figure Formula, along with some other third-party products.

There may be some confusion out there, as there is another training program that has a very similar name.  That program is called The Six Figure Mentors.  This other platform is an affiliate marketing + MLM training program.

Inside The Six Figure Formula

The training within The Six Figure Formula, like I said, is designed to help you get started with affiliate marketing.

The program divides it into three sections.

  1. Getting Started – five modules showing you how to promote Six Figure Formula
  2. Basic Training – five modules showing you the basics of affiliate marketing
  3. Advanced Training – eight modules with more advanced techniques

Getting Started

I found this a little odd to be the first part of the training, but this is all around how you and go and promote the Six Figure Formula to others for a commission.

Basically, you’re shown how to send people to your landing page, so you can gather their email address.  To earn a commission, you should successfully send these people to your sales page and encourage them to sign up and join the SFF, so you can earn a commission.

But the training doesn’t actually tell you how much the program pays out, but it does walk you through a legit affiliate setup using a company called PayKickstart.

There’s nothing wrong with promoting the same system, especially as this isn’t an MLM setup, but I did find it out that it’s the first thing they start with, and they don’t actually tell you how much you could earn per sale.

But, know it is a legit setup, and like I said, it’s run through a company called PayKickstart.

So, if you’re interested in promoting SFF to others, this is the training to do that… for those that would rather choose what they want to promote, then you need to check out the basic training…

Basic Training

So, this is for those that don’t want to promote SFF.  With the Make Money Online world being really competitive and tough, it is a hard one for newbies to crack.  So, if you’re a newbie, this is a better option to begin with…

The basic training is spread over five modules, and includes 26 videos.

This covers more in-depth training on affiliate marketing and, also other strategies such as social media marketing, YouTube, and email marketing.

Advanced Training

As the title suggests, this includes eight modules that goes into affiliate marketing in a little more advanced level.  It mainly involves training you on the use of third-party programs like Opt-Intelligence and Marketer Pro.

This section has a total of 11 videos, and goes into detail about how to manage your leads and tracking them too.

By the time you’ve reached this module, you should have a solid foundation on how affiliate marketing works

Marketer Pro is a software that was created by Shea Korte and his team, and it is to help you manage your leads.

Other Tutorials…

There’s also a Tutorial section within the members area of the Six Figure Formula, and it is covers several topics from the Basic and Advanced Training sections.  Here are the different sections:

  1. Domain Names – this section teaches you how to register a domain name, and other set-ups including link cloaking, masking, and redirects
  2. Website Setup – this section covers off how to setup the hosting for your website, adding domain and name services, and how to add WordPress.  It also covers the basics of HTML and website coding.
  3. Autoresponder – this includes the basics of setting up Market Hero and other third-party softwares.
  4. Tracking Setup – this shows you how to track your traffic and leads via programs like ClickMagick and Google Analytics
  5. Outsourcing – learn how to hire freelancers from platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, to help you build up your business

Done-For-You Campaigns

When you sign up with the Six Figure Formula, you receive 16 pre-made campaigns.

Although, you’ll only be able to access one a week, so it will take you 16 sixteen weeks as a member of this platform to unlock all of them.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Six Figure Formula Cost?

The Six Figure Formula has a monthly cost of $37 per month, but they do offer a $3 3-Day trial, which you cancel at any time.

They also offer a refund period of 14 days, and you can just send them an email if you want to get your money back.

The one thing I didn’t like, however, was that as soon as you sign up you are all of a sudden shown three upsells…

The three upsells are:

  1. 8 Case Studies + 50 Bonus Email Swipes – $47: These are eight over-the-shoulder case studies in five different niches.  Shea used these campaigns on these case studies, and he’ll show you how he generated affiliate commissions.  He also provides you with 50 bonus email swipes in four different niches.
  2. Done-For-You Campaigns – $27: These are five DFY campaigns that you can use to start making money within three different niches.  Shea personally uses these campaigns to generate $573 per day.
  3. Live Mentoring – $67/month: This grants you access to Shea Korte’s mentoring team.  You’ll have access to their live weekly webinars, or you can go through one-on-one skype sessions with the mentors.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Who's Six Figure Formula For?

I think the Six Figure Formula is a solid option for someone looking to get started with affiliate marketing, as it has a keen focus on lead generation and email marketing, which are both effective techniques that marketers need to learn.

I’d also suggest the platform would also suit someone who already knows affiliate marketing, but would like to learn more about email marketing or lead generation.

What We Liked About Six Figure Formula

Here’s what we liked about the Six Figure Formula:

#1 Solid Training For Affiliate Marketing

From my research and what I’ve found out about the training within Six Figure Formula, it offers a solid training program that would enable someone to get started with affiliate marketing.

The videos are of a high quality, and Shea Korte definitely knows his stuff.

#2 Doesn’t Claim To Be Getting Rich Quick

I think this platform has cleaned it’s act up at some point, I noticed some of the other reviews were stating that the platform was claiming to guarantee to help you earn a $7K figure through their platform.  But I didn’t see anything like that in my research… I do still think there is too much hype and upsells, but we’ll get into that in a moment.

But from what I saw, the team seem to be managing expectations with the way they are marketing this (now!)

Recommended: This is how we created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream…

What We Didn't Like About Six Figure Formula

Here’s what we didn’t like about Six Figure Formula:

#1 Upsells!

This training platform is legit, but I don’t get why it has to rely on upsells.  Surely they could charge a reasonable monthly fee, and include all the features.  Wealthy Affiliate has either a $49/$99 monthly fee and they include all the features that are within the platform.  

So, the monthly fee is only for the training, all the mentoring and other features are additional charges.  That doesn’t sound too great, to be honest.

#2 Lacks Content Marketing Training

The whole system revolves around getting free traffic through methods like email, Facebook, YouTube, and even paid ads.

But the training seems to gloss over one of the most important aspects of marketing, and that is content marketing.  They don’t show you anything about how to create a blog and drive traffic via the search engines.

This is the most common method for generating traffic with affiliate marketing, but the program lacks any training on it.

#3 The Training Starts With Self-Promoting SFF

I find it really hard to understand why they start the training focusing on how to self-promote SFF for a commission.

The Make Money Online niche is a hard one, especially for newbies.  So, if someone was to focus solely on this, especially as they will be told of the amazing commissions available, but it will lead many to failing.

We learned the hard way, you are sometimes better off going with choosing a niche you really love, and then moving onto the MMO niche later one, when you have experience as your companion.

It’s not a major concern, but it still does worry us a little…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is The Six Figure Formula A Scam?

If I’m honest, at first glance I was a little sceptical about this program.  They are using a little too much hype to sell their course, and they then throw upsells at you once you’re in the door.

But after taking the time to get to know this program a little better, we can honestly say there is a lot of value within the Six Figure Formula platform.

Shea’s program is well-researched, well-created, and does seem worthwhile of your time and money.

I would recommend this program to those just starting out with affiliate marketing, and even those who have some experience but want to learn email marketing and lead generation a little better.

Although, the program does receive a lot of positive feedback, not everyone is willing to risk or pay for training.  So, if you’re one of those that has little to no money to hand, or you’re still having doubts about paying for the Six Figure Formula, you can try a free alternative, which we can guarantee, provides one of the best training programs.

How We Make Money Online

Whilst it is possible to make moeny online, it’s often really challenging.  It’s inevitable, you’ll have to spend time and some money to help you achieve financial freedom…

The good news is, we can recommend the best program to help you make money online…

Join our top recommended training program and you’ll have access to the following:

  • Step-by-Step Training Series
  • Webinars to help you start your own business online
  • One-on-One Coaching
  • Comprehensive Guides
  • So much more…

Thanks to their training, we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream… Learn How Here…

Thanks for checking out our Six Figure Formula Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

The Six Figure Formula

$37/month + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Solid Training for Affiliate Marketing
  • Doesn't Claim to Be a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme


  • Upsells
  • Lacks Content Marketing Training
  • The Training Focuses on Self-Promotion

4 thoughts on “The Six Figure Formula Review – Legit Training Disguised As A Scam?”

  1. Thank you so much for this extensive review on Six Figure Formula. I cannot emphasize enough how helpful this has been. I have been trying to find a complete and nonbiased review on this program but I can never seem to find one. Your review is not only thorough but nonbiased as well and I appreciate that a lot. 

  2. My favorite form of affiliate marketing is definitely content marketing because I love the repeat traffic you can get from this method without having to constantly promote and spend money. With content marketing, you can make use of search engines to bring you traffic.

    Thanks for the informative introduction to Six-Figure Formula. It is always good to know where to go for great lead building training, and this is probably the best option that I have read about so far.

    I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and love their training, but I wouldn’t mind learning other methods of generating leads, so I will definitely be bookmarking this page as a reminder when I am ready to take the challenge.

    • Hey Michel,

      thanks for checking out our review!  Glad you found it useful, I agree, Content Marketing is a great long-term traffic strategy as you can bring repeat traffic again and again.  But a part of any business is to keep oneself up-to-date with other methods.  

      I always think that you should get content marketing right before spending money on advertising, as you know what does and doesn’t work.

      Wealthy Affiliate has a great guide to getting started with content marketing, but there are always other programs that can help with other elements, this is a great example of one…

      All the best



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