Is Second Income Center a Scam? Yes, See The Red Flags Here!

Welcome to our Second Income Center Review!

Have you seen a work from home opportunity that claims to help you earn $500-$1,500 a day online, but you’re worried that Second Income Center could be a scam?

Well, the problem here is that it’s actually a scam within a scam…We’ll explain it all to you in our review.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Second Income Center (or Personal Computer Success) in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you why this is not your usual scam, but actually promotes another scam…

Second Income Center Review Summary

Product Name: Second Income Center

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Work-at-home-opportunity/Affiliate Marketing Program

Price: $97 + upsells (costs not disclosed)

Best For: No One!

Second Income Center Review - Claims


  • None


  • FAKE Success Stories
  • Leads To Another Scam!
  • Misrepresents Affiliate Marketing
  • The Cheat Sheet is Junk

Summary: Second Income Center markets a work-from-home opportunity using affiliate marketing, or at least their interpretation of it. 

But it is clearly a SCAM for many reasons, which is why we wouldn’t recommend this program to you.  Their success stories and testimonials are clearly fake (which we will reveal to you later), but the scam also operates on top of another scam.

There are just too many red flags to make you want to spend much more time thinking about it…

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Second Income Center?

Second Income Center claims to offer you the opportunity that will allow you to setup a work-from-home program, which will (apparently) help you earn between $500 to $1,500 every day.

They go on to say that you’ll be able to choose your own hours, and do all of what Second Income Center wants you to do, with minimal experience or technical skill needed, with no fuss.


It’s a typical Get-Rich-Quick Sales page, and this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this type of sales page…  We’ve seen them on other scam sites like Home Income System.

The various news clips have nothing to do with the Second Income Center at all.  All they are talking about is work-from-home opportunities and nothing is specifically said that they are talking about Second Income Center.

From the sales page and homepage alone, I could already tell that something was very wrong here.

Not to mention that there’s no information about its founder or their current HQ.  

Inside Second Income Center

When you click through Second Income Center, you will actually be taken to their main program, which is called Personal Computer Success.

It turns out that Second Income Center is just an affiliate of this other program.  But this program is also a scam that takes in people to a fake “work from home” opportunity known as “list-posting”.

Both systems charge you and others for $97 for access to a non-existent job and once you’re paid up, you’ll then be presented a lot of upsells or what they call “online coaching” programs.

The reality is that the people who are behind these programs are not really coaches, but instead they are just salespeople looking to make money from as many victims as they can get to click and buy their programs…

How Does Link Posting Work?

It’s a process where you get paid for posting links on the internet, where you can make money from.

They make it sound like you get paid every time someone clicks on these links, but that is not the case…

You need people to click on the link, and then decide to make a puchase for this to work.  Which requires you to build up trust with your audience.

You won’t have that if you are just posting your links everywhere without a clear strategy… so, this won’t bring the kind of income they are claiming it will…

Link posting is very similar to affiliate marketing, which can be a legitimate way to make money online. But there is far much more to it than simply posting some links on the Internet and getting paid. 

But there are many more similar courses out there, such as:

The Bonus Cheat Sheet!

Oh yes, you get a cheat sheet when you sign up…  This must be good, let’s take a look…

second income center cheatsheet

Let’s be honest here, the only reason they have created this cheat sheet, is so the owners can earn more affiliate income each time you click on one of the links.

The sheet does provide you with some decent sites like Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research.  But then it also gives you some not-so-good sites like The AZ Code, and AppCoiner too.

You’ll have to browse the list, and do some thorough research before deciding to click on one of the links to avoid another scam…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Second Income Center a Scam?

In our opinion, Second Income Center is a scam…   There are one of two ways that an online program could be considered a a scam…

  1. The program takes your money and runs for the hills, never to be heard of again…
  2. It provides you with some basic information, and then tries to sell you more programs, but never delivers on any of their promises…

As we continue on with our Second Income Center review, it’ll become clear that they are clearly in the second option camp.  The remainder of our review will help you understand why we feel this way…

Second Income Center Ugly Truths!

Here’s what we didn’t like about Second Income Center…

#1 Fake Success Stories & Testimonials

If you try to exit the page, which is a smart thing to do, you’ll be presented with a popup.  This popup wants you to believe that they’re helping everyday people like Melissa Johnson, who appears on the popup, to financial freedom…


However, Melissa Johnson is not a real member nor even a real person. She’s not earned $12,500 and has not even bought the program.

Melissa is just a character that has been created for a fake success story, using a stock image to make us believe real people have a chance…

Let’s introduce you to “Melissa”…

Melissa Johnson - Stock Image

When you start seeing as many scams as we do, you start to realise that many of them like to use the name Melissa Johnson.  You’ll find it’s a common name to watch out for if you feel a program could be a scam.

Another example of a fake success story and testimonial is from their sales video…


This guy claims to have been crushing it using Second Income Center’s system and is earning big money.

But apparently, this guy is nothing more than a paid spokesperson from a site called Fiverr.


If you do decide to dig deeper into their site, you’ll find more success stories and testimonials but I’m sure that none of them are legitimate.

Tired of Scams? Join My #1 Recommended Training Here!

#2 Just Leads You To Another Scam!

When you break it down, the Second Income Center is not actually a system at all.

It is just a sales page or affiliate page to Personal Computer Success, which is itself a scam!

So, whomever is in charge of Personal Computer Success program pays the creator of Second Income Center commissions for sending people their way.


When you compare the two, there are just too many similarities for it to be a coincidence…

#3 It Misrepresents Affiliate Marketing

Second Income Center, or Personal Computer Success, is modelled after affiliate marketing.

If it was built the right way.

You have your affiliate links, or any link that allows you to earn a commission, and you share it with the rest of the world.  Then you earn through the links and then rinse and repeat.

But that hardly does affiliate marketing any justice.  They perception of affiliate marketing is nowhere near what it is supposed to be.

First, it’s giving you misleading claims about earning $500 to $1500 a day.

That may be possible with affiliate marketing, but it doesn’t mean that $500 on your first few weeks.

Believe me, that takes a long time to achieve income like that.

If you’re looking to get started on affiliate marketing, I have a step-by-step guide for that. Check that out by clicking here.

#4 The Cheat Sheet Is Junk

The cheat sheet is not exactly going to help you earn the income potential they say is possible with this program.

It includes:

  • Suvery sites that pay you a few dollars for completing surveys, playing games, reading emails etc.
  • Sites looking for remote workers

Have you noticed yet that it doesn’t even show you how to use them? It just has a load of links (maybe they are using their link posting techniques!??)

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Second Income Center Review - Final Conclusion

As you can see, there are just nothing positive to say about Second Income Center or Personal Computer Success.  They are both clear scams, offering very little value for your money.

There are:

  •  There are far better ways for you to make money online
  • The best online programs allow you to try them for free
  • They tell you exactly what to expect if you want to make money online

But what is clear with the Second Income Center is that they are more interested in getting you to spend money, rather than helping you.

However, this is not an honest or ethical way to make money online.

If you are interested in making money online with ethics at the forefront continue reading…

How We Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic business model, and it is how we make money online.  But it doesn’t require a training platform that hides costs from you, and lacks transparency, and focuses on the hype.

We recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as they teach you long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all of the tools and support needed, all included.

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  it’s Free to Get Started, and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Thanks for checking out our Second Income Center Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

Second Income Center

$97 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • None


  • Fake Success Stories & Testimonials
  • Leads to Another Scam
  • Misrepresents Affiliate Marketing
  • Cheat Sheet is Junk!

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