Is Auvoria Prime A Scam? Ponzi Scheme Exposed!

Welcome to our Auvoria Prime Review!

Have you been presented with an opportunity that is claimed to help you make money called Auvoria Prime?  Are you wondering whether it’s a legitimate opportunity, or is Auvoria Prime a scam?

On the surface, Auvoria Prim seems like a promising platform, but the more you delve into the details, the more red flags start to appear…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Auvoria Prime in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you all of those red flags, and help you understand all you need to know about this business opportunity.

Auvoria Prime Review Summary

Product Name: Auvoria Prime

Founder: Sal Leto

Product Type: Forex Trading Course (Ponzi Scheme)

Price: $299 + $199/month

Best For: No One!


Summary: Auvoria Prime is supposed to be a company that provides you with training and tools to help you get started in Forex Investments.  But that is just a front, this company is clearly a PONZI SCHEME & PYRAMID SCHEME.

It is trying to operate like an MLM, but everything to do with this platform is just bad, from the founders (who’ve been involved in scams in the past) to the questionable products, the compensation plan, and more…

My advice is to stay away from it…

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? Definitely Not!

Table of Contents

What is Auvoria Prime?

Auvoria Prim is an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that operates in the Forex niche.  They claim to offer training that shows you how you can learn Forex trading.

Their products include “automated returns” and trading signals, some forex education and apps.

It’s actually a rehashed version of a previous scam, which was called Eaconomy.  Auvoria Prime has the same people behind that program, and is pretty much the same thing – A Ponzi Scheme & Pyramid Scheme

A number of the people behind Auvoria have been involved in proven scams in the past, and that is just the start of the red flags…

The business opportunity is basically either selling their products, or recruiting other people into the program.  But we’ll cover that later…

First, let’s talk about who’s behind Auvoria Prime…

Who's Behind Auvoria Prime?

Like I said, Auvoria Prime is a rehashed version of Eaconomy.  With that, a lot of the people behind the scheme are also here too.

For example, Auvoria Prime’s Chief Network Officer (Sal Leto) was Eaconomy’s Vice President of Operations.  

Shortly after the launch of Auvoria Prim, Eaconomy filed a lawsuit against them.

Sal Leto was also involved in a 4-billion-dollar international Ponzi scheme called OneCoin.  After OneCoin flopped, Leto switched to the iPro Network Pyramid Scheme that ended up being sued by the SEC for $26 million.

I could go on about Sal Leto, but to keep it short, he isn’t exactly a trustworthy character.

Then there is Joshua Phair & Bill Wynne, who were both executives for Eaconomy, and now are involved with Auvoria Prime.  Sounds like they knew their day was up with Eaconomy, and knew it was time to move on and set up another one.

But there are more red flags…

Mariska van de Langenberg is the Director of Compliance.  They were a former executive of a scheme called 5 Star Signals, which was outed as a Pyramid Scheme who stole over $180,000 in commissions.

Sounds like their best talent is jumping ship before it gets too bad for the company they are involved with…

Auvoria Prime Product Line

There are a few different products that are on offer at Auvoria Prime.


Before I get into too much detail about the Auvoria Prime product line, I want to take a moment to talk about the promise of automated returns they talk about.

Auvoria Prime claims that you can get returns based on a trading bot they have in their platform.

The idea is that you invest money, and get a certain level of return after a while.

But there is no actual proof that this works, or that the bot even exists.  They are also not registered with the proper regulatory agencies, where it would need to be proved.

This shows that there is no real trading going on here, and instead they are just using the new investments to pay out the “returns”, and as we will describe shortly, this makes Auvoria Prime a Ponzi scheme.

This supposed “trading bot” is included with their main products called Ainstein.  This product gives you access to the passive returns.

This product costs $267 upfront, and a recurring $199 per month after that.

(Notice how that is not available in the US)

The other product is the Alexander package, which is the exact same price, and is trading signals.

You’ll also get an app and some training on Forex investments with these products.

Other products on offer include the Airis, which is a forex charts app for $39 per month and Hailey which hasn’t launched yet.

How Do You Make Money at Auvoria Prime

Auvoria Prime claims to be operating as an MLM company, so there are two main ways for you to make money with their business opportunity:

  1. Sell their “products” and earn a commission for each sale
  2. Recruit people into this scheme and build a downline

This second one is the primary way to make money with this company, however that isn’t a good thing, as it basically makes them a pyramid scheme.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Auvoria Prime A Pyramid Scheme?

In my opinion, Auvoria Prime is definitely operating as a Pyramid Scheme… 

Here’s what a pyramid scheme looks like:


Simply put, there are two ways a pyramid scheme can happen:

  1. There is no product, and recruiting is the only way money can be made.  Or there is a product, but no incentive to sell the product, leading to too much emphasis being put on recruitment.
  2. Majority of the revenue comes from affiliates buying the product, and not from retail sales

With regards to Auvoria Prime, both are evident here.  Whilst there is technically a product here, the compensation is totally geared towards recruitment.

This will naturally lead to people ignoring the retail sales entirely, and just look at how to bring more people into the platform, who want to make money as an affiliate, and not from Forex trading.

But there is an added layer to this, as you will need to buy the Alexander/Aisein package if you want to be able to recruit people.  This will cost $267 as a one-off payment, and then $199 per month.

Otherwise, you’ll not be able to recruit people and earn commissions.

The majority of people who sign up are going to want to make money from recruitment, so logically, we can assume that most of the revenue at Auvoria Prime, is going to come from affiliates, and not affiliate sales.

This is just more evidence that proves they are a Pyramid Scheme, and this also means that the platform is unstable and designed to collapse in the near future.  These platforms aren’t long-lived, so the guys behind this scheme will start looking for the next ship to jump to, soon…

Is Auvoria Prime A Ponzi Scheme?

Not only is Auvoria Prime a Pyramid Scheme, I believe that they are also a Ponzi scheme.  Here’s why…

Ponzi schemes happen when a company isn’t being honest or compliant about an investment opportunity and the source of their income.

As far as Auvoria Prime is concerned, they claim to have a passive investment opportunity where you invest money and get a return.

But the problem is…

Auvoria Prime is not registered anywhere to prove that their algorithm that can do this.

The truth is they don’t actually have a secret trading algorithm.  But even if they did, it’s not making anything near significant.

With a Ponzi scheme, the true source of income is new investment, as in recruiting new people in to bring money into the scheme.  This is why recruitment is so incentivised here, as the only way there is any money for the people involved, is if affiliates bring in new people to hand over their money.

The money made from new investment is then used to payout people who invested money earlier in the scheme.  They’re told their returns come from the trading bot they’ve created.  But this is a total lie.

These schemes are illegal in almost every country in the world, and are closely regulated in America.

This is the primary reason why you’r not allowed to promote Auvoria Prime in the US. 

It’s guaranteed to fail as soon as new investment dries up, as it always does with these schemes.  It is also the reason why these guys jumped from Eaconomy before it fully sank.

When the scheme collapses, and it will, anyone involved will lose anything they have invested in the scheme.

Success Will Be Rare...

Even if Auvoria Prime was decent (and it isn’t), you will find that MLM is a tough business model anyway.

It is estimated that 99% of people who join an MLM end up losing money instead of making any money.

This is the same even for legitimate MLM businesses, like Norwex, Paparazzi Jewelry, Origami Owl, etc.

Even with legitimate MLM businesses with great products and strong compensation plans, it’s a really difficult business model and it all comes from how hard it is to recruit people.

But with Auvoria Prime, you have the fact that it isn’t a legitimate business and it has an awful compensation plan which will make your success rate will be even lower.

The main reason why the success rate is so bad with MLM’s is down to how difficult it is to recruit.

To be successful, you’ll need to recruit hundreds, if not thousands of people into your downline.

How many people do you think you can realistically recruit into this scheme?  You might be able to recruit a few people, but that’s it.

There is the other side… Do you really want to introduce this scheme to your friends and family?  Considering it is a pyramid/ponzi scheme, where they are more than likely going to lose money.

Here’s some interesting facts about MLM, against our top recommend business model called Affiliate Marketing.

When you factor in that you also have to pay for the ability to recruit with Auvoria Prime, which will set you back $199 per month!  That will end up costing you over a thousand dollars within a year.

Getting Started with Auvoria Prime

To join Auvoria Prime, you first have to buy either their Ainstein or Alexander Package.

Both of these packages will cost you $299 upfront, and then $199 per month after.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Auvoria Prime Compensation Plan

Like with most MLM companies, their compensation plan is pretty long, and really complicated.  So, it make it easier, we’re going to provide you with a summary of the main parts.  But if you want to see the full thing, here’s a link to their compensation plan.


In order for you to become eligible for recruitment commissions, you have to purchase one of the Auvoria Prime products, which will cost you $267 and then pay a monthly fee of $199.

You’ll also have to sell three different packages to either retail customers or recruit three people (they each buy a product when they do).  These packages have to be maintained by your customers or recruits paying monthly.

Retail Commissions

The retail commissions come from what you earn from selling the products to customers.

You earn a $40 commission for every sale of either Ainstein or Alexander package.  You’ll also earn $20 for every sale of their Hailey package.

Affiliate Ranks

There are 11 different affiliate ranks within Auvoria Prime.  You progress to the next level when you reach certain targets or goals.  These could be sales goals, or recruitment goals, etc.

There are various bonuses when you climb the ranks.  Here are the 11 ranks within Auvoria Prime:

  1. Active Affiliate
  2. Visionary
  3. Visionary 600
  4. Visionary 1500
  5. Icon 3000
  6. Icon 5000
  7. Icon 10000
  8. Auvorian 25K
  9. Auvorian 50K
  10. Auvorian 100K
  11. Auvorian Legend

Residual Commissions

Residual Commissions is the income you earn from your downline’s sales.  It operates on a unilevel structure, and looks like this:


The amount of money you can earn, will depend on your affiliate rank, the number of people within your downline, and the amount your downline sells.

Momentum Builder Bonus

The Momentum Builder Bonus is one you can make from selling the products at Auvoria Prime.  This also includes the sales you make when you sign up a new recruit into your downline.

If you hit a certain number of sales you get, it is put into a bonus pool, where you can earn commissions from that bonus pool.

The exact percentages you can earn, are not specified, but apparently you can earn between one to five shares.

What We Liked About Auvoria Prime

There is literally nothing we like about this scheme.  It’s clearly evident that it’s a combination of a Pyramid Scheme and a Ponzi Scheme.

What We Didn't Like About Auvoria Prime

Here’s what we didn’t like about Auvoria Prime”

#1 The People Involved & Their Track Record

There are several of the executives here that are a worry, but I wouldn’t suggest you get involved in any scheme that has Sal Leto involved in the operation. 

He’s has been involved in a number of proven Pyramid schemes in the last five years, and is currently being sued by the pyramid scheme he was previously involved with.

But the Auvoria Prime scheme is just a carbon copy of Eaconomy.

#2 It’s a Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme

Even if Sal Leto wasn’t involved, you should be really concerned about the fact their compensation plan basically proves that they are a pyramid scheme and ponzi scheme.  There is no trading bot, as they would have to be approved by the regulatory agencies.

They are lying to you about the returns you will earn here.

The fact they are not allowed to operate in the US, should be enough to prove that this is not a legit opportunity.

#3 It’s Too Expensive

Even legitimate MLM’s are expensive, but when you factor in that this is a pyramid scheme, and within a year will have cost you $2,000 all on something that might not even last a year.  99% of people lose money with MLM, only the owners will really benefit from this scheme.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam?

Hopefully, you can see that it’s pretty clear that Auvoria Prime is a scam!!

The people behind the scheme have a nasty habit of rehashing these old schemes and keep on exploiting unsuspecting newbies into their traps.

They bounce from scam to scam, and they’re constantly having to start over, because pyramid schemes only have a very short lifespan.

The compensation plan shows this company will be no different to the ones that they are begin sued by, or have already collapsed.  It is all geared towards recruitment, which makes it clearly a pyramid scheme.

Then there is the fact that they are not registered with any regulatory bodies, and have no proof of their investing claims.

Bottom line, stay away from this scam!!

Here's A Better Alternative...

We’re not a fan of MLMs, not because they aren’t legal or that they aren’t profitable, but because it is really restrictive, and the expensive costs involved.

That is why we recommend Affiliate Marketing.  

It’s our top recommended business model for anyone wanting to make money online.

The reasons are simple…

  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You have the freedom to promote any products or services you want, without getting restricted to promoting products from one MLM company
  • No face-to-face selling is involved
  • It’s Free to get started

In fact, thanks to affiliate marketing, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  With the right help and guidance, you can too.

Click here to learn about our top recommended training platform for learning affiliate marketing.

Thanks for checking out our Auvoria Prime Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Auvoria Prime

$267 + $199/month

Overall Rating



  • Nothing


  • The People Involved - Track Record
  • Pyramid Scheme
  • Ponzi Scheme
  • It's Too Expensive

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