What is The Ecom Hacks Academy? DropShipping Course REVIEW

Welcome to our Ecom Hacks Academy Review!

If you have been looking into getting started with dropshipping and came across Ecom Hacks Academy and are wondering what is the Ecom Hacks Academy and if it is truly the best course for you to consider, then we are here to help with our full review.

Ecom Hacks Academy has recently been rebranded as just Ecom Hacks, but it is still a legitimate dropshipping or e-commerce training platform.  It has been developed by one of the most successful dropshippers in the industry.

But is it the right training course for you?  Hopefully you will be able to answer that by the end of our review.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent, we are not associated with Ecom Hacks Academy in any form.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal why this course is a solid option if you are interested in setting up your own e-commerce store.

Ecom Hacks Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Ecom Hacks Academy

Founder: Jared Goetz

Product Type: E-commerce/Dropshipping Training Platform

Price: One-Time Fee of $1,999 + $29-$299 for Shopify Store

Best For: People who want to start an E-commerce/Dropshipping online business

Ecom Hacks Academy Review

Summary: Ecom Hacks Academy or Ecom Hacks is a training platform focusing on starting an e-commerce business using the dropshipping business model.  It was designed by Jared Goetz, who is a successful dropshipper and entrepreneur himself.  Goetz developed the training course based on the methods he used himself  to setup his own business.  It is an expensive course but gives anyone who is serious about building an e-commerce business online a solid foundation in how to go about doing so.  However, it is nowhere near as comprehensive as some of its competitors…

Rating: 85/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is Ecom Hacks Academy?

Simply put, Ecom Hacks Academy is a training platform.  It focuses on showing you how to create an e-commerce business using the dropshipping business model.   The training will take you through how to setup a Shopify store, source products, and then marketing your products to customers.

Jared has an easy-going manner which comes across throughout his training, he doesn’t get too technical and so he tells you what to do in a simple, no-nonsense manner.

The course content goes into detail about how to go about building a successful e-commerce store, but using a term he refers to as “drop-surfing” rather than your typical dropshipping method.

Before we go into any other details, let’s talk to you about the founder of Ecom Hacks Academy, Jared Goetz…

Who's Jared Goetz?

Jared Goetz - Founder

Jared Goetz is an entrepreneur, a very successful one at that and he is the founder of Ecom Hacks Academy.

At the age of 26 he became a millionaire from running 5 Shopify stores with the business model of dropshipping.

He had the second fastest growing Shopify store in 2017 and he has also been featured in on Entrepreneur.com.

Jared made $2 million in just 6 months.  The Shopify store, called The Gadget Snob went on to make $5 million in sales in less than 12 months!

The training within Ecom Hacks is based on what he has learned and used in his businesses he owns, and so we have some confidence that the training and the methods he is talking about will work.

He knows what he is talking about, and shares his knowledge within his training platform.  Like I said, he doesn’t just teach the usual dropshipping techniques, he uses something called “drop-surfing”, but what does that refer to?  Let’s take a look inside Ecom Hacks Academy to learn more…

Inside Ecom Hacks Academy

Ecom Hacks Academy veers off from the usual dropshipping training courses, and that is because Jared teaches you how to follow his methods which is based on something he calls “drop-surfing”  He lists the key differences between the two in one of his webinars, here is a screenshot showing what he claims are the main differences:

Differences between Dropshipping and Dropsurfing

If you are a little unsure on what dropshipping is, and therefore unsure how the two differ.  Here is a helpful guide to understand what dropshipping is.  But basically, it is where you source products with a wholesaler.  Your website or store becomes a middleman where you sell these products on for a profit.  You handle the shipping, any communications with customers, you also deal with all customer service.

Jared focuses on drop-surfing, which is where you only focus on “viral products that are trending”.

He will also teach you how to setup a Shopify store.  If again, you are not too sure what Shopify is, it is a platform where you can create an online store.    People have preferences, some will setup a store on Amazon and Amazing Selling Machine would be good training for that.  Others will prefer Shopify, which we would recommend Ecom Success Academy slightly over Ecom Hacks Academy.  Others would prefer to build a WordPress website and host their own store using a plugin like WooCommerce.  I would recommend you do a bit of research if you are determined to start an e-commerce website and decide the best option for you…

Within his training he will talk you through how to identify these viral products and how to promote them, etc.

The Ecom Hacks Academy Training Course

The Ecom Hacks Academy training is spread over four modules, with a total of 46 lessons.

Module #1 – Structure

This first module is basically an introduction to e-commerce and how dropshipping works, and focuses on how to create your own Shopify store.

Jared explains topics, such as:

  • How to obtain a domain name
  • Linking it to Shopify
  • Getting a business email address
  • Setting up a call centre 1-800 number
  • Linking your payment facilitators via Shopify and PayPal

I must point out at this point, you will need to consider a monthly cost to hosting a Shopify store.  This will depend on a number of factors, and we will go through the costs shortly.

The total video time for this module is 53 minutes

Module #2 – Setting Up Your Store to Convert

This module is focused on actually setting up your Shopify store, how to increase your conversion rates, setting up your email sequences, and adding free shipping and upsells to maximise your sales.

He also shows you how to:

  • Install his preferred theme
  • Which apps to use on your site
  • And why you’re using them

I would just say, that be mindful just going with their theme without a little consideration for when that theme was last updated, or how often it gets updated.  Problems can arise if a theme or a plugin/app doesn’t get updated regularly. This can include important security updates are missed, or it might compromise your customer’s experience meaning lower sales, etc.  Just a watch out.

The total video time for this module is 1 hour and 26 minutes.

Module #3 – Products

This is where Jared is going to talk to you about finding those trending products to include in your campaigns.  It will cover the following topics:

  • What to look for in a product
  • Adding these products to your store
  • Where to find products
  • Order fulfilment

But when Jared talks about picking the right products, he doesn’t spend time on new trending products, instead he focuses on build on the successes of others.   This basically means he teaches you how to “ride the wave of success”.  You will be copying trends that are already being set.

To me, this sounds a little like a gamble to me.  Just because it is working for Jared, doesn’t mean it will work for everyone.

I am not saying this tactic won’t work, I am just saying that you are already behind the game if you are waiting for trends that are already in full-swing.   There is merit in what Jared is teaching, but be mindful about how much you put into this venture, as it may or may not work.

The total video time for this module is only 24 minutes, so he doesn’t particularly go into any great detail on this subject.

Module #4 – Advertising

This module goes into a little more detail, and it regards you marketing your business.  Jared focuses on Facebook Advertising within his training.  This is very common with the dropshipping business model.

Here is the topics covered:

  • From a Losing Product to a Winning Product in 6 Days
  • How to Setup a Facebook Fan Page
  • Setting up Your Business Manager, Ad Accounts, and Page
  • Campaign Structuring
  • Facebook Ads 101 & 201 (by Jake Tenenbaum)
  • Scaling Strategies
  • Manual Bidding Strategies
  • Scaling Adsets Out to See Deeper
  • Custom Audiences, Look-a-Likes, and Intersecting

This is the module where you will need to take a little time to ensure you understand it fully.  It is a module where you get a lot of information, but as it involves paid advertising you want to ensure you know what you are getting into.  It is very easy to lose a lot of money on advertising with little to show for it, if you get it wrong.  I would suggest you go through it at least twice to fully grasp all the concepts.

When you compare this module to other dropshipping courses, this may edge the others when it comes to Facebook Ads and what they train you.  It is certainly the most comprehensive.

Having said that though, Jared’s bidding strategy is far from conservative.  He focuses on a rather aggressive strategy, you could easily spend $1,000 a day using his methods.

This is the most comprehensive part of the course, and the total video time of this module is 3 hours and 12 minutes.

The Ecom Hacks Academy Community

As a member of the Ecom Hacks Academy, you will also gain access to their private Facebook group.  This way you gain access to other members, as well as get any questions answered by Jared and his team.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Ecom Hacks Academy Cost?

There is no way this is going to sound good, it is an expensive course.  There is also the fact that the costs do not stop with just the course, there are additional costs to consider with Ecom Hacks Academy and the methods they teach.

Here are the costs you need to consider:

  1. Ecom Hacks Academy – $1999 this is a one-time fee, so there is no recurring monthly fees. You will gain full access to the training program and the community (Facebook Group).
  2. Shopify Store – Between $29 to $299 (per month) this is if you want the full functionality of Shopify.  Also, this is for just one store, so if you were to increase the number of stores you have, your monthly outlay will also increase.
  3. Facebook Advertising – This will ultimately depend on your budget.  But if you are following the recommendations set by Jared, he recommends you put aside $1,000 for your first Facebook campaign and he also recommends having about $2,000 a month set aside for your marketing budget.

I know you are probably sitting there, thinking that is a huge cost and it can be, especially if you are a complete newbie and wasn’t looking to spend a huge amount.

Courses like this tend to be pretty expensive.  I mean look at the examples below:

  1. Amazing Selling Machine is a training program for Amazon FBA and costs $4,000
  2. Ecom Success Academy is an e-commerce training platform similar to Ecom Hacks Academy and costs $2,495.

There is value in these course, and there is value in investing into Ecom Hacks Academy.  I suppose you need to ask yourself what your initial budget is, and how much you want to create an online business is.

Dropshipping and E-commerce is a profitable business model, although it isn’t our top recommended business model due to the higher start-up costs.

P.S. This program allowed us to create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It is FREE to get started and is only $49/month to go full-time!

What We Liked About Ecom Hacks Academy

Here is what we liked about Ecom Hacks Academy:

#1 Training Program Designed For Newbies

The training has been designed and it is delivered in a way that even those who have no background with e-commerce can easily follow.

It is delivered as video series, and Jared has an easy-going manner and avoids using too many technical terms to ensure you know how to do what he is showing you.

#2 Good Facebook Ads Training (Although a Little Risky)

His training on how to use Facebook Ads is a benefit, it is more comprehensive than other courses that teach you how to build an e-commerce business.  It is a risky technique, but Jared has proven his methods do work.

#3 Jared is Honest About The Work Needed, & The Money Required

Jared is honest with you about the fact that you are going to need to put some effort in to see results, and that his methods rely on you having a start-up budget and then ongoing costs to follow his strategy.

Recommended: This program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It is FREE to get started and cost only $49/month to go full-time!

What We Didn't Like About Ecom Hacks Academy

Here is what we didn’t like about Ecom Hacks Academy:

#1 The Course is Really Expensive!

Look, there is no getting away from the fact that you are going to need to have a budget to get started with Ecom Hacks Academy.  It is a solid choice for an aspiring entrepreneur, but you will require at least $3,000 to get the training program and then to fully implement its teachings.

If you are serious about building an e-commerce website or dropshipping, you need to know that you will require money to get started.

This course is also based on the blueprint Jared used to create his stores that generated millions of dollars.

#2 You Don’t Get A Lot of Content!

Considering the cost of the training course ($1,999) you don’t actually get a lot of content.  The total length of the training is just under 6 hours (5 hours and 50 minutes).  When you compare that to another e-commerce training platform called Ecom Success Academy, it costs $2,495 but offers training that will take you through a 4 week jumpstart bootcamp and training that will be a lot more comprehensive.

The topics are not explained fully at crucial points and there will still be gaps where you would need to go elsewhere to find the information.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Ecom Hacks Academy Review - Final Conclusion

Ecom Hacks Academy is a legitimate e-commerce training platform that was developed by Jared Goetz.  It acts as a good introduction course to dropshipping and e-commerce.

Despite Jared’s success and his credentials, this course is only good as an introduction and not a fully comprehensive dropshipping course.  A lot of the training is very basic and whilst Jared does share a lot of his own methods and the tools that he uses, there are still gaps in the course content meaning you will need to go elsewhere to get more in-depth answers. 

When you consider you are paying $1,999 for this course, the content doesn’t match up to the price.

Established Dropshippers will not really benefit from this training.

Bottom line, it is a solid option for an aspiring entrepreneur looking to get started with dropshipping and learn from Jared’s direction.  Just know that it is not fully comprehensive, and there are better options online, for example Ecom Success Academy.

How We Make Money Online

Dropshipping is a legitimate option online, although it is not our top recommended business model.  There are much higher startup costs associated with e-commerce and dropshipping, and we wanted another way.

We make money through Affiliate Marketing.  It is a business model where we make money through promoting other people’s products and earn a commission for every sale.  I don’t need to source suppliers, or deal with shipping or anything to do with customer service.

Here is a graphic that shows how it works

Thanks to Affiliate Marketing, and the training from Wealthy Affiliate we have created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It is free to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Thanks for checking out our Ecom Hacks Academy review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Ecom Hacks Academy


Overall Rating



  • Training Good for Newbies
  • Good Facebook Ads Training
  • Honest About Work & Budget Required


  • It is Expensive
  • Not Comprehensive Training

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