Is The Amazing Selling Machine Worth It? Worth $4K Price Tag or Total Scam?

Welcome to our Amazing Selling Machine Review!

If you have been looking into how to build an Amazon FBA business and are looking for training programs that help you master that, then you will have probably come across Amazing Selling Machine.  If you have done any research, you might be wondering if The Amazing Selling Machine is worth the huge price tag?

I get it, there are plenty of success stories out there from people who have benefited from the ASM training program, but it has a huge price tag of over $4K too!!

Is this the right investment decision for an entrepreneur, or could it be a scam that wants to put you into debt.  We will get into all the details that you need to know to make an informed decision.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Amazing Selling Machine.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything, we just want to ensure you get all the details and facts that can help you make an informed decision.

Is The Amazing Selling Machine Worth It?  Let’s get into the details…

Amazing Selling Machine Review Summary

Product Name: Amazing Selling Machine

Founder: Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback

Product Type: Amazon FBA Training Program

Price: The Price Varies Depending on the Product Launch, but it is typically $4K+

Best For: People who want to make money from Amazon and have a few thousand dollars to invest

Is Amazing Selling Machine Worth It?

Summary: Amazing Selling Machine is a 8-week Video Training program to help you make money with Amazon through their Fulfilled by Amazon program.  It is a really good program for those wanting to make money through the Amazon FBA program.  There a few issues though, one is that it isn’t available all the time and you could argue it is overpriced.  There are a lot of cheaper alternatives on the market.

Rating: 90/100

Recommended? Yes

For those of you that can’t afford a few thousand dollars to invest, we would recommend that you check out our #1 Recommendation here, which you can get started for FREE!

Table of Contents

What is Amazing Selling Machine?

Amazing Selling Machine or ASM is an 8-week step-by-step video training course.  The aim is to teach you how to make money from selling products on Amazon.  This is through their FBA or Fulfilled by Amazon business model.

There are a few elements of Amazing Selling Machine that are a little confusing, the main one being that this course is not available all year round and that you might have seen different reviews that talk about different version numbers.  This is a good thing, as it means they take the time to update the training each year and we are currently on version 12 of the course. But it might mean you are reading about course content that has been updated on a different review.  

The version we will be discussing is Amazing Selling Machine 12.  It was created by Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback

ASM - Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback

In the words of co-founder Matt Clark, The Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) is “a training program and live event teaching entrepreneurs how to build real, fast-growth businesses selling physical products by leveraging the power of Amazon”.

Before we go into any more details about what is inside ASM, let’s talk you through Amazon FBA.

What is Amazon FBA?

Watch this short video below to understand how Amazon FBA works:

Simply put, Amazon FBA is a type of E-Commerce business. It is similar to drop shipping, but has some key differences.  Here is a description of Amazon FBA:

“Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) is an Amazon solution that helps you reach more customers with benefits like fast Prime delivery and easier selling across Europe. … Simply send us your products, and we take care of storage, delivery to customers, customer service and returns handling”.  (source: Amazon).

Like I said, there are those that describe it as a drop shipping business, but whilst there are similarities it is a completely different business model.

Let me explain…

This is a breakdown of the overall process of an Amazon FBA business:

  1. Choose a product to sell
  2. Source for suppliers from China (via Alibaba)
  3. Order your products in bulk with a wholesale price
  4. Ship these products to an Amazon Fulfilment Center
  5. Market & Promote the products
  6. Amazon will handle everything else for you.  This includes packing, shipping, customer service and returns.

That is a very basic description of how it works, there are definitely a lot more details when you break it down.  It is definitely not as easy as it sounds.  That is why there are so any course out there that are teaching people how to get the best out of it.  Courses like Amazing Selling Machine or Just One Dime.

As for drop shipping, the difference is that the manufacturer will ship the products directly to the customer instead of going through a fulfilment center.

For Amazon FBA, sometimes you will still be required to handle the shipping from the manufacturer to Amazon’s fulfilment center.

So, that is one difference.

But the key difference relates to your marketing strategies.

As both will require completely different marketing strategies.

Drop shipping is more about how to run successful Facebook Ads campaigns, whilst Amazon FBA is more about how to optimise your product within the Amazon ranking system.

What's Included in ASM?

We are going to base this on ASM 12, but as this course is only available for a select amount of time and has big updates with every version launched.  So, here is what we know currently.

So, here’s what you get with the Amazing Selling Machine:

  1. 8-week online step-by-step training (9 Modules)
  2. Downloadable PDF’s for your reference
  3. Access to the Mentorship program
  4. 1-year access (renewable subscription provided after 1-year) to tools for building and growing an Amazon business
  5. Lifetime membership to the Amazing Selling Machine community and forum
  6. 8 Private Group Coaching Calls
  7. Expert Product Listing Evaluation
  8. Target Traffic Promotion by the ASM experts to your new product

The training covers a number of different aspects to launching and scaling your new business using Amazon FBA.

These includes modules covering topics such as:

  • The ASM Business Process & Mindset
  • Building Your Product Opportunity List
  • Suppliers, Samples & Profit Numbers 
  • Ordering Your Inventory & Creating Your Brand
  • Building Your Brand Assets
  • The Perfect Product Page
  • The Perfect Product Launch
  • Advanced Marketing & Traffic Tools
  • Taking Your Business to the Next Level
There have also been some additions for 2020, these include:
  • Access to 4 brand new software tools, including a powerful product analyser
  • a streamlined product selection method
  • actionable, low-cost strategies to outbid competitors

They also do offer a 30-day money back guarantee

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Amazing Selling Machine Cost?

There are some free resources available from the Amazing Selling Machine website, but know that they are not as detailed as the main course as they want you to buy the full course to reap the benefits.

Whilst they launch it every year with a new update, it seems that the cost of the course has high ASM12 is priced  at $4,997 as a one-time payment or 4 payments of $1,497.

But please note that this is not the total amount you would need to invest.  There are still many other costs you need to consider with an Amazon FBA business…

What We Liked About Amazing Selling Machine

Here is what we liked about Amazing Selling Machine:

#1 High Quality Course

There is little doubt that the course offers some high-quality content that gives you considerable value.  There are many success stories from those that have followed the training properly and invested the time and effort into building an Amazon FBA business.

There is no denying this is a high-quality course.

#2 Content is Regularly Updated

The fact that they keep coming back and updating it, shows that they are passionate about giving their members the latest information and strategies that will work.  They are aiming this to be a huge success story, and not earning a few dollars on the side.

We are on ASM 12, but I believe we will see many different versions.  The online world is constantly changing, so it takes hard work to keep up-to-date and this shows Matt & Jason are fully invested into this program.

With the way the training has been updated, it shows they are not just launching versions for the sake of it.

#3 Great Community Support

There are two main ways to get support in ASM, one is the forum and the other is their Facebook group.

They have many ASM mentors within these groups to help when people need it.

These ASM mentors can be someone who has gone through ASM and achieved success.  These are people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience to help others out.

They also have an “Achievement Badge” system.  Whenever you earn an achievement, you will receive a badge.

For example, you will earn a badge for selecting your first product, finding a supplier, making your first sale, etc.

All of these achievements will be shown in the community and people can see your achievements.  It can be motivating when you see other members with these badges they have achieved.

#4 Risk-Free Investment

Matt & Jason are that confident about their program, they’re offering a risk-free investment for you.

If you’re not entirely satisfied with the program in 30-days, they will offer you a full refund with no questions asked.

You might be thinking that it is an 8-week course, so how does a 30-day money-back guarantee work with that?  How can you see if it is suitable for you if you have not gone through the entire course?

Well, for 2020 they have the 2020 Success Promise.  This is a full refund of your purchase, plus they will reimburse you up to $5,000 on any money spent out of your pocket on inventory.  This is a 6-month buy-back guarantee.

Basically, you have six months to make this work.  If not, they will honour this clause…

That is a fantastic guarantee and shows how confident they are about their program.  This makes it a great shout for someone intent on building an Amazon FBA business.  the only snag is that you are going to have to spend a few thousand dollars on this venture.  You need to have that money in the first place to invest…

If you don’t have that kind of money to invest, check out our #1 Recommendation here where you can get started for FREE!

What We Didn't Like About Amazing Selling Machine

Here is what we didn’t like about Amazing Selling Machine:

#1 Too Expensive

There is a common theme amongst all of the reviews, and that is to do with the price of this program.

I do agree that they are over-charging you for the program because there are plenty of alternatives out there.

I know that you could potentially make $10K or even $100K if you can follow through and take the relevant action.  But I don’t think this product is actually worth such a high initial investment fee.  I mean four to five thousand dollars upfront is a huge investment.

Especially as the majority of people who are looking to make money online are very unlikely to have the money set aside to invest that much upfront.

The only good thing you could say about the price is that they are only getting those who are committed to this business model to invest.

You must be truly driven and committed if you are going to hand over $4K, before you have even bought any products with ASM.

#2 There Are Hidden Costs

Other than the cost of the program, there are several other costs involved which they do not mention upfront, such as:

  • Product research cost
  • Product (sample) cost
  • Freight Forwarder’s fees
  • Cost of shipping to Amazon fulfilment centers
  • Cost of Amazon’s Seller account
  • Amazon’s monthly storage fee (Yep, you have to pay to store it there)
  • Amazon’s labelling fees
  • Amazon’s fulfilment fees, etc.

If you want a more detailed breakdown of the total cost to start your Amazon FBA business, then check out this post!

As you can see, there are many costs associated with an Amazon FBA business and these are all costs that you need to factor in and budget for before you have even sold your first product.

These costs can easily rack up a few thousand dollars and that is on top of your investment to Amazing Selling Machine.

So, you should expect to spend at least six thousand dollars in order to start your business.  At this point, there is no guarantee that your product will be successful.

It is down to you to consider your financial situation properly before deciding.  Amazon FBA is a rather expensive business to get started with as compared to our favourite Affiliate Marketing (more on that later!)

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is The Amazing Selling Machine Worth It?

The good news is that Amazing Selling Machine is clearly not a scam.  It does often bring about the question due to the expensive price tag the program has.  It is expensive, but is it worth it.

I think it is worth it if you have the budget and you are highly motivated and driven to build an Amazon FBA business and are willing to do what it takes to make it work.

Success will be based on what work you put into it, rather than what ASM can offer.  If you are really wanting to give Amazon FBA a go, you might also want to consider Just One Dime.  It offers training in the same field, and has a lower price tag.

But if you are a complete beginner looking for ways to make money online, then I wouldn’t recommend this or Amazon FBA to you.  I would guess you are on a budget, and this would not work for you

How We Make Money Online

Amazon FBA is right for some, but it requires a huge start-up budget and that is why we prefer Affiliate Marketing to Amazon FBA.

The reasons are simple…

  • Affiliate Marketing doesn’t require a thousands of dollars to get started
  • You do not need to be concerned about your stock and whether you’re able to sell them.  If you can’t sell them, they will become “dead stock”

The interesting thing is that both Affiliate Marketing and Amazon FBA utilise Amazon to make money online.  The difference is that one is the affiliate and the one is the seller.

So, which one would you rather be?  There is no right or wrong, but if you don’t have a huge budget I know which one I would choose…Both are profitable, but the choice is up to you…

Thanks to Affiliate Marketing we are earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income and it is thanks to the training from Wealthy Affiliate.  It is free to get started and only $49/month to go full time.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Amazing Selling Machine review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Amazing Selling Machine


Overall Rating



  • Comprehensive Training
  • Regularly Updated
  • Great Support


  • It's Too Expensive
  • Hidden Costs

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