What is The Ecom Success Academy? Proven Dropshipping Course or Total Scam?

Welcome to our Ecom Success Academy Review!

Ecom Success Academy is one of the best dropshipping courses on the market, it has even been approved by Shopify themselves.  But what is the Ecom Success Academy?  And more importantly is it worth the high price tag?  That is what we will ensure you walk away knowing all you need to know to make an informed decision.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” products.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Ecom Success Academy in any form.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal why Ecom Success Academy is one of the best dropshipping courses available online, plus all the information to help you make a decision as to whether it is the right course for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Ecom Success Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Ecom Success Academy

Founder: Adrian Morrison

Product Type: E-commerce & Dropshipping Training Platform

Price: One-time payment of $2,495, or three payments of $997.

Best For: If you are looking to start your own e-commerce business, or someone who wants to improve their existing business.

What is the ecom success academy

Summary: Ecom Success Academy is a legitimate e-commerce training platform that will show you how to setup your own e-commerce business using the dropshipping business model.  It was created by Adrian Morrison, who is a well-known e-commerce expert.  He offers extremely useful information within his training, with comprehensive training modules covering all the aspects of getting started and growing your online business.  Despite it being a valuable training platform, that has even been endorsed by Shopify, the price is possibly a barrier that will stop many being able to access the platform…

Rating: 97/100

Recommended? Yes

If the price of Ecom Success Academy is putting you off, or you were looking at ways to make money online and think dropshipping is your only option.  Let me just say that we make money online using Affiliate Marketing.  In fact, with Affiliate Marketing we are earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  We started with a training program that was free to get started, and only cost $49/month to go full-time!

Table of Contents

What is Ecom Success Academy?

Ecom Success Academy is training program, it focuses on teaching you how to start up your own e-commerce business from scratch, and how to maintain it and then scale it up.  It was actually the first dropshipping online course to become available and then it also became the first course to be endorsed by Shopify.

Ecom Success Academy - Adrian Morrison

Speaking of Shopify, The step-by-step training provided within ESA  uses Shopify to help you build your e-commerce business using the dropshipping business model, and then shows you how to use Facebook for the marketing aspect.

Ecom Success Academy or ESA carries the Shopify badge of approval as an Educational Partner.

Ecom Success Academy - Shopify Approved Course

This badge means that they have been approved by Shopify as an “official” dropshipping training course.

Adrian Morrison, the guy behind ESA claims to have spent over a million dollars developing this course.  But who is Adrian Morrison?  Before we go any further lets give you the lowdown on Adrian…

Who is Adrian Morrison?

The guy behind Ecom Success Academy is called Adrian Morrison.  If you were to Google him, you would find a ton of information showing you how successful this guy is.  Adrian Morrison is definitely one of the most success Internet Marketers in the industry at this point.

Adrian currently has over 20 thousand subscribers to his YouTube channel.  He also has thousands of followers on his social media channels, where you can find many positive reviews and testimonials about the help Adrian provides people.

So, we can safely say that both Adrian and his ESA course are both definitely legit.

The idea behind his Ecom Success Academy course is to bring people to a level where they are confident enough in building their own online business based on dropshipping, using Shopify, and Facebook ads to promote their business.

Inside Ecom Success Academy

Ecom Success Academy is training course spread over a number of modules.  It is delivered in a step-by-step manner so that you can work at your own pace.  It will guide you through the process of creating, publishing, and then managing your own Shopify store.

His course offers a lot of content, but his delivery method is relaxed so that it never feels too intense or unachievable.  The majority of the training is delivered via videos using an “over-the-shoulder” style, which are high-quality and easy to follow.

The course is designed for the complete beginner who hasn’t got going yet, or for someone who already has an e-commerce store but isn’t getting the traction they desire and want help. 

Let’s have a look at the modules they cover off in their training:


This is a short overview of what the course covers and what to expect as you progress through ESA.

Module #1 – Shopify

This module is dedicated in teaching you all you need to know about the Shopify platform.  It is a solid choice for those looking to start an e-commerce site or dropshipping business.

The training in this module is split into eight separate modules which are:

  1. Shopify Setup – how to setup your store, etc.
  2. Dropshipping – a quick overview of what dropshipping actually is
  3. Adding Products – 5 videos that take you through sourcing your dropshipping products and then adding them to your Shopify store
  4. Promotion Strategies – discussing promoting your products, etc.
  5. Your Sales Page – how to optimise your sales page to get sales
  6. Building Your Brand – how to create your brand and then build on that brand
  7. Shopify App Arsenal – a selection of strategies that Morrison uses that he shares with you.
  8. Shopify Quickstart – a video that shows you how to get your product up and running in your store within ten minutes

You may or may not know this, but there is a cost to hosting your e-commerce business on Shopify.  I am hoping you are already aware of this fact, but if you are completely new you might not, so making sure you get all the facts with this review!

This first module is  a total of 48 video tutorials, and that equates to over 11 hours of video content!

Module #2 – Sourcing Products

The actual process of setting up a Shopify store is not exactly complicated, but there is little point have a store if you don’t choice the right products to promote.

That is where this module comes into play.  It focuses on helping you find the right vendors.  Common things to avoid or look out for.  Adrian also offers advice on how to negotiate prices, sourcing and scaling.

He also adds a bonus part of training when it comes to sourcing and selling your own custom designed high-end products.  An important aspect of selling unique products is art licensing, and he covers this well in the training.

My only watch out is that whilst many believe dropshipping to be relatively easy, it is actually a very complicated business model with a few pitfalls that present themselves when product choices are concerned.  We tried it for a while with our wedding business.  But when the supplier all of a sudden stops selling one of your most popular products, it can cause a number of issues and problems when it comes to customer service…

This second module is a total of 12 videos, which comes out at 7 hours and 25 minutes worth of content.

Module #3 – Facebook

We all probably know Facebook as a social media platform, but there are many benefits for an online business using it as well.  There is a huge potential customer base on there, and this is where this modules comes in.

It will show you how to setup a Business Page for your new venture, how to use Facebook Business Manager.  But the primary focus here will be on Facebook Ads.

You will learn how Facebook Advertising works, and how you can use this to grow your reach and your sales.

He will take you through optimising your ads campaigns based on your objectives, how to utilise the Facebook pixel, amongst other different aspects of this form of marketing.

There is a lot of value in this module, as getting your advertising right can have great rewards for your business, but it can also be the other argument too.  You need to be spending less than you make, otherwise it isn’t profitable.  In my opinion, Adrian could have gone into more detail around the manual ad bidding, it is an important aspect of making sure you succeed at dropshipping.

Again, just to point out the techniques he will be focusing on requires you to have a budget to spend on advertising.

This module is a total of 79 videos, which is just over 18 hours worth of content.

Module #4 – Email Marketing

I keep seeing things that tell me that email marketing is dead, but trust me it is not.  If you get a proven email list it is a great asset to have for your business.  This module focuses on how to setup your email marketing campaigns with Adrian’s recommended autoresponder.

An autoresponder allows you to manage a list very effectively and will be a worthwhile investment.  He recommends MailChimp, which will cost you around $14 a month to get started with.

He talk you through how to set that up, how to set up promo’s and he also provides you an email template you can use for your campaigns.

This module is 8 videos, covering over an hours’ worth of content.

Module #5 – Building Your Team

This is a module that focuses on how and where to recruit Virtual Assistants to help you with some of the everyday tasks of your business.  Adrian offers a few options on where to get your Virtual Assistants from, which will depend on the task you want completed.  You can get VA’s to do specialised tasks, such as:

  • Product Research
  • Customer Service
  • Custom Theme Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Custom Programming
  • Project Manager
  • Social Media Manager

This content is very similar to what you would find in other dropshipping courses out there…

This module is a combination of 7 videos, and just under an hours’ worth of content.

Module #6 – Project Management

This follows up on one of the videos presented to you in module five, and this is where Adrian shares with you information relating to project management.

Adrian suggest a couple of options that you could use to manage your projects and communication.  Each app that he recommends has its own strengths and weaknesses, however it depends on your budget and whether you can afford to have these additional costs. 

The one tool he recommends is $6.67 per month and the other is $11 per team member, per month.  That can quickly add up, especially when Facebook Manager has a great way of communicating with your team without the need for an added expense…

This module is a total of 4 videos, with just over an hours’ worth of content.

Module #7 – Long-Term Exit Plan

We found this to be an interesting module to include, but it basically shows you how to prepare your exit plan, for if you decide to sell your online business.  It is a basic module though, and only covers the basics because of that.

All it does is provide you with a spreadsheet template.  It doesn’t cover a number of aspects you would need to consider, such as:

  • How and where to advertise your business?
  • How to find the right buyers?
  • How would you vet the prospective buyer?
  • What are the tax implications?

I could go on, but there are many factors to consider if you wanted to sell your business, and I was a little surprised to find it included.

This module is only 1 video, which is 12 minutes long. 

Maybe Adrian could improve the module in a future update.

There are also a number of bonuses included within your membership, here is what you gain access to:

Weekly Live Training (Profit Power Hour): this is a weekly training series that is held by Adrian himself, which makes it a valuable part of the course.  Adrian talks about the latest news from the industry, and the newest campaign settings and insights.

Ecom Success Academy - Bonus 1

Sizzle Product Sniper Software: This is software that gives you insights into what products are trending right now

Art Licensing: This shows you how Adrian uses Art licensing

Ecom Success Academy - Bonus 3

Bonus 4: You will receive his top 4 selling products…

Ecom Success Academy - Bonus 4

There is also a Jump-Start Training Bootcamp, if you enrol too.  It is marketed as a full 4 weeks of coaching every single day from the team at ESA:

Jump-Start Bootcamp - ESA

This jumpstart bootcamp is a 4-week training that claims to “jump-start” your business.

  • Week 1 – Shopify Quick Start – With Adrian Morrison & Cory Krambule
  • Week 2 – Passion Sniping & Facebook Intensive – With Adrian Morrison
  • Week 3 – Email Domination – With Anthony Morrions (Adrian’s brother)
  • Week 4 – Outsource Mastery – With Tyler Devin & Kaci Morrison

How Much Does Product Cost?

This is probably the pinch point for many people who would like to sign up for the training program at Ecom Success Academy.  I think this is a fantastic course, but when I think back to when I was starting out, could I afford the fee, I wouldn’t have been able to.

Ecom Success Academy will cost you $2,495 if you pay with a one-time payment.  Or, you could pay 3 instalments of $997.  Although that will cost you a total of $2,991!

That price point might sting for you if you were looking at this as a way of getting started to make money online.  Whilst it offers a lot of value, you need to factor in the cost of the course and the additional costs associated with following Adrian’s methods.  These includes the costs for:

  • Shopify Store
  • Email Autoresponder
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Outsourcing – hiring Virtual Assistants

Then you have to factor in that there is no money-back or refund option.  This means you need to ensure this is the right investment choice for you and your business…

Recommended: This program helped us to a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and is only $49/month to go full-time!

Who is Ecom Success Academy For?

Ecom Success Academy is a great training platform and we would suggest it is for the following people:

  • People who want to set up their own online business
  • people who want to improve their current or existing online business
  • Someone who wants to know the details of e-commerce and dropshipping

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

What We Liked About Ecom Success Academy

Here is what we liked about Ecom Success Academy:

#1 Comprehensive Training

In a way, ESA is very similar to other training platforms we have reviewed, namely Amazing Selling Machine by Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback.  The difference is that they teach you how to use Amazon instead of Shopify. 

But we can be very clear on one thing for both of them, and that is they offer a very comprehensive training platform that will ensure you will know all you need to know to pursue dropshipping and e-commerce.

With regards to ESA, you will learn how to utilise Shopify, Facebook, and Email Marketing.

For a complete beginner, this course will take you step-by-step towards building your online business, without it being delivered in a way that you will struggle to grasp points.   The over-the-shoulder shows you what to do, which is a great way of teaching the concept or steps that you need to take.

#2 There are Successful Students

There is no getting away from the fact that there is proof to show that people are seeing success by following Adrian’s methods.  Dropshipping and E-commerce are both very effective ways to get started, although they do typically require a start-up budget.

But when you see results like the ones below, you can see that there is proof that Ecom Success Academy does help their students earn money.

Ecom Success Academy Success Story

This was an example from a member called Gasper Tratnik, owner of GT Collection.  They have a Shopify store selling jewellery and accessories.

Recommended: This program helped us to a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and is only $49/month to go full-time!

#3 No Get-Rich-Quick Claims!

One of the first things you look for when something has a $2,000 price tag, and that is whether it could be a scam or not.  One of the first red flags you look for is whether they are claiming that you can become rich with no work and very little effort.

You clearly don’t get that when you look into detail at Ecom Success Academy.  I know it is an expensive product, but they are telling you that they will provide all the information but you still need to put effort into actually doing the things they show you.

They cannot guarantee you success, as that is not how online business works.  Having a Shopify store is great and all, but if you don’t put any effort into marketing your store, who do you think will come along and buy anything??

There is little doubt that ESA can help you build a business, and they can show you how to use their strategies, but there are still a lot of factors that could still mean you do not succeed.

Even if you follow the training seriously and do everything right like they tell you, you’ll still make less money than expected if you are selling the wrong product.

E-commerce is a business that is built of trial and error, and you are still going to have to do a lot of work to work out what works for your business.

If Ecom Success Academy came out and said they guarantee you earnings, I would consider them to be someone more interested in lining their own pockets rather than helping you.  But that is not the case with ESA.

They want to help people, and offer the platform to do that.  That is why we would recommend it to someone eager to build an e-commerce business online and has the budget to pay the membership fee.

(Just remember there is no refund policy, you need to be serious about doing this to hand over $2,495!!)

What We Didn't Like About Ecom Success Academy

Here is what we didn’t like about Ecom Success Academy:

#1 It is Expensive!

You can’t really put a price tag on the value of being taught how to start and run your own business.

In the case of ESA, their hefty price tag is more than justified, when you consider what you actually gain from the platform and the training.

Having said that, without a free demo or a money-back guarantee, I can understand if people are a little hesitant about getting started with this program.

Most of the legitimate Internet Marketing training platforms do also happen to be expensive as well.

I mean, Amazing Selling Machine costs roughly $4,000 and Stefan James’ Affiliate Marketing Mastery will cost you $1,997.

But if you are really interested in building an e-commerce business with a decent profit stream online, these would be highly lucrative investments to start with.

If you want an online business that doesn’t cost a huge start-up fee, you might want to learn more about how we make money online.  We make money through Affiliate Marketing.  Instead of sourcing products and being the middle man like with dropshipping, we just promote products that are owned by other people.  We don’t deal with customer service, shipping or anything like that.  We just write and promote products that we review and earn a commission for every sale.  It is free to get started and there are amazing training platforms like Wealthy Affiliate, where we learne how to do it effectively to create a passive income stream online.

If you have the money to get started with e-commerce, then Ecom Success Academy might be a good shout.  But if you are looking for a way to make money online, instead of dropping $2,495 on a training course you are not entirely convinced about.  Then Wealthy Affiliate might be a good shout.  Take a look at our review here.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Ecom Success Academy Review - Final Conclusion

Ecom Success Academy is a legitimate training platform for anyone aspiring to start their own e-commerce or dropshipping business using Shopify.  It has a proven success record and will take you through all the steps needed to create your own online business.

It has one of the top Internet Marketers in the world behind it, and the content is both valuable and informative.

It does have what some will consider to be a high price tag, that is why our score dropped a few points, but overall this is a highly recommended e-commerce training platform and I can understand why they feel it is worth that price.  The website claims that you are getting $28,ooo worth of content for $2,495

If you are looking at creating your own online business using dropshipping and Shopify, we would recommend this course to you.

How We Make Money Online

If you are just looking for ways to make money online and was wondering if Ecom Success Academy was a legit opportunity, but you may not have $2,495 then where do you go from there.

We all don’t have that kind of money to invest in a course that we are not entirely sure is the way forward.  That is why we want to give you an alternative option.

We make money from Affiliate Marketing.  It is a business model with a few advantages over dropshipping.  Namely:

  • You don’t have to source any products
  • You don’t have to negotiate with suppliers
  • No need to handle shipping, or even deal with customer service
  • You don’t have to start with paid advertising to sell products
  • It is free to get started

With the right training and support, you can utilise free channels to bring traffic to your affiliate products.  We just write content about products that we are an affiliate of (which is free) and if someone comes and make a purchase, we make a sale at no cost to the reader or the seller.

Wealthy Affiliate is our top recommended training platform for anyone looking to make money online, through their training we are now earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream and it is is free to get started, and only $49/month to go full time!

The choice is up to you, but there are much fewer risks when it comes to affiliate marketing compared to E-commerce or Dropshipping.  They are all legitimate options though, and so if you want to follow the route of Ecom Success Academy, we feel it is a solid option for you…

Thanks for checking out our Ecom Success Academy review.  If you have any questions or comments, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Ecom Success Academy


Overall Rating



  • Comprehensive
  • Students Get Success
  • No Get-Rich-Quick Claims!


  • It is Expensive!

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