Is OnPassive A Scam? AI Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?!

Welcome to our OnPassive Review!

The chances are, that you’re actively looking for an opportunity to work from home and make some decent money.  That is when you were told about OnPassive?

But you’re not entirely convinced that OnPassive is legit, and are asking Is OnPassive A Scam?

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with OnPassive in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to ensure you get all the information you need about this AI MLM and it’s business opportunity.  That way you can make an informed decision as to whether it is the right move for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

OnPassive Review Summary

Product Name: OnPassive

Founder: Ash Mufareh

Product Type: Automation Tools MLM Company

Price: $97 + $25 to $500 per month

Best For: No One!

Is OnPassive A Scam - Company Logo


  • Nothing


  • Founders Previous History
  • No Product or Service
  • Lacks Vital Information
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

Summary: OnPassive is an Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company that offers an internet marketing platform that they claim can get you great results through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  This all seems like a front though to hide the reality.  Which is all based on you doing a lot of recruitment to make money.

When the only way for you to make money is through recruitment, that usually means that its a pyramid scheme and therefore a scam.  That also be why there are reports that OnPassive is still in the pre-launch phase.  Which is unusual considering the company started in 2018.

This is only one red flag, and there are many more including a lack of vital information and the owners previous history with other schemes.

My recommendation is that this platform will not yield the results it claims, and your only option of making money is to recruit others – therefore I do believe it is a pyramid scheme in disguise!

Rating: 5/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is OnPassive?

OnPassive is an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that offers an internet marketing platform which they claim is powered by Artificial Intelligence or AI.  OnPassive also goes by the name of GoFounders too.

The claims continue, where they state that this use of AI will result in increased profitability as you won’t need to do most of the work and make decisions.

The tools are designed to help you make your business 100% hands-free, and their tools include a VPN, Website Builder, IP tracker, and a few more…

Is OnPassive a Scam - Automation Tools

Basically, they are trying to make you believe they are an all-in-one online marketing tool.  They also say that once you sign up as a member, you’ll get access to all of these tools for free and therefore run your business on autopilot.

So, you have to sign up to a membership and you get these tools, nothing unusual there, right?


This is really just a cloak to hide the fact they are actually an MLM company, which brings with it some concerns that you need to consider.

You’ll only realise it is an MLM (without reading a review) once you’ve signed up and already into the program.

If you take a closer look at OnPassive, it will reveal another company known as GoFounders.  Both of their domains were registered at the same time.

GoFounders is like the back office to OnPassive, where team members can chat with each other and watch some tutorials.  But OnPassive has been in pre-launch mode for over two years (red flag), so the members can access GoFounders whilst Ash gets OnPassive released.

The founder of OnPassive is Ash Mufareh.  A look at his website also says that he is the founder of Global Domains International.  GDI is an internet company that offers web hosting, domains, and some marketing services.

But there are some other interesting facts about Ash that have us worried…

In 2010, Mufareh founded AshMax.  This was an MLM that flopped pretty shortly after launching.  Then, two years later, he got involved with Telexfree.  This was an internet phone service that turned out to be a huge scam dubbed as the “largest fraud of all time”.

TelexFree was shut down by the authorities (SEC) in 2014. Shortly after this, Mufareh chose to get involved with PayDiamond, which was shut down in the same year he moved his attention to OnPassive.

Little is known about Ash himself, but he does seem to get involved in schemes that end up being called out as a scam…

As for OnPassive, you may find the 1-minute video below useful to see what they claim the company is about…

After watching that video, you might still be wondering if OnPassive is a pyramid scheme?  Let’s discuss that now…

Is OnPassive A Pyramid Scheme?

There are a lot of signs that OnPassive is operating as a Pyramid Scheme.

First of all, there is the limited way for members to make money.  You’re only option is to recruit new members.  There are others of course, but we’ll get into those later in the review.

But that is a huge warning sign, as if recruitment is your only way of making money, it’s a pyramid scheme.

Why’s that a worry? Let’s get into that now…

What is a Pyramid Scheme?

A Pyramid Scheme is a company that is paying members when they recruit someone else into the system or company.

It’s actually illegal in the majority of countries, as it is impossible for all of the members within one to treat it like a job and make money from the scheme, solely based on recruitment.

Wikipedia has a great graphic that shows how these companies go like…

pyramid scheme

The Members who do make money are those at the very top and are actively (and often aggressively) recruiting anyone and everyone and promising them an amazing business opportunity is what they are signing up for.

But if you take another look at that image, you will notice that this isn’t really the case.  There is also no sustainability within these schemes, as to actually have everyone be able to make money, you would need more people that those that live on Earth in total…

Relying on recruitment works for the owners and the guys at the top, but all of those at the bottom of the pyramid will lose any money they put into these schemes.

Have a look at this 5-minute video that shows you how to spot a pyramid scheme in disguise…

Let’s now get into why success is going to be rare at OnPassive…

Success is Rare with OnPassive

Aside from the fact that we believe OnPassive could be a pyramid scheme, they are still operating as an MLM company, which means success is already a tough ask.

Did you know that between 72% and 99% of all MLM distributors are losing money??

This typically happens due to the monthly sales quota that is placed onto distributors from the get go, and often people don’t realise there is one.  But if you are unable to sell enough items in a month, you will have to buy the products yourself.

This is why so many members are losing money.  If you went with, it takes a year to embed a business and yet you are having to buy products every month on top of all of your other expenses, you can see why so many people are losing money…

Add to that, with OnPassive, your only hope of making any money is recruiting people into a questionable scheme that could be a pyramid scheme and even you are a little skeptical, how is that going to work out?

Back with the MLM side, and it gets even harder when you realise how many MLM companies out there that are offering pretty much the same thing, like…

That aside, feel free to take a look at this 2-minute video about what the company does…

Now, let’s get into whether you can actually make any money with OnPassive?

Can You Make Money with OnPassive?

The honest answer is that yes, you could make money with OnPassive.

But it is also true that it is going to be really difficult for you to do so.  There will be a select few who are making money here, but it is going to be rare.

These people will be very good at convincing people that this is an amazing business opportunity and hiding all the little details that point to it being a pyramid scheme.

But another red flag about the company is a lack of an income disclosure statement that will tell you if anyone is making money from their opportunity or not.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How to Make Money with OnPassive?

There are usually two ways for you to make money with an MLM.  One is selling their retail products and the other is recruiting new members into your team.

OnPassive Only Has One Way… Recruiting Members!!

This makes a mockery of the way they are marketing themselves as an MLM company, when their products they advertise are simply a smokescreen to what their business opportunity really is.

But the bottom line is the only way you are going to be able to make money is by recruiting.

Now let’s get into the cost of joining this business opportunity…

How Much Does It Cost To Join OnPassive?

There is a $97 sign-up fee to join OnPassive, and this is considered a subscription fee.

They don’t really provide any details to say what this is really for either.  You’ll also be expected to spend between $25 to $500 on a monthly basis.

OnPassive Monthly Costs

You must maintain a  25 monthly PV (Personal Volume) or recruit enough members to actually be eligible for commissions.  Which makes this a “Pay to Play” system too.

If you want to be eligible for all commissions, you’ll need to be spending the maximum you can, otherwise you’ll be leaving commissions on the table…

So, here’s the minimum expenses you can expect to pay for your first year with OnPassive…

  • $97 subscription fee
  • $25 – $500 x 12 months

Minimum expenses for first year = $397 to $6,097!

This also doesn’t include any expenses incurred towards training, marketing and any other expenses that will come up from running a business.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

OnPassive Compensation Plan

OnPassive’s system works on a 4 3×10 Matrix.  This means that members can earn commissions directly and indirectly from their recruits.

This will also mean that if you’re at the top of any matrix that consists of 3 branches or positions beneath you.

These three positions will form the matrix’s first level.  Split 1 position into 3 more branches and the you will get a second level, which expands the reach of recruits.

It is claimed that members will gain commissions every time a matrix is fully filled.

This happens when recruits pay their chosen matrix bundle which costs anywhere between $25 and $500.

Here’s the respective commissions:

The $25 Matrix Tier

  • Level 1 pays $2 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 2 pays $3 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 3 pays $2 on level 3 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 1 through 8 pays $1 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 9 pays $2 on level 9 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 10 pays $1 on level 10 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.

The $125 Matrix Tier

  • Level 1 pays $10 for every active affiliate  filling one of these slots.
  • Level 2 pays $15 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 3 pays $7 for every active affiliate filling one of these p slots.
  • Levels 4 and 5 pay $5 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 6 pays $3 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 7 pays $2 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 8 and 9 pay $3 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 10 pays $2 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.

The $250 Matrix Tier

  • Level 1 pays $10 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 2 pays $25 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 3 pays $10 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 4 and 6 pay $8 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 7 and 8 pay $7 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 9 and 10 pay $8 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.

The $500 Matrix Tier

  • Level 1 pays $20 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 2 pays $30 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 3 through 5 pay $15 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 6 and 7 pay $10 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Levels 8 and 9 pay $15 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
  • Level 10 pays $10 for every active affiliate filling one of these slots.
Is OnPassive a Scam - Compensation Plan

It looks and sounds confusing…and that’s the idea!  It’s so an MLM looks like there are loads of different ways of you being able to make money.

Well, the reality is that this isn’t true.  That is because the only thing to do when you’re with OnPassive is to recruit… And that is it!

You can explore more about their compensation if you want, with this 15-minute video…

Now, let’s get into Is OnPassive A Scam???

Is OnPassive A Scam?

The fact is that there are many signs that point to OnPassive being a scam.  The biggest of which is that recruitment is your only way of making money with their compensation plan.

Although they do pay members correctly.  We’re not sure of how long this will continue, especially when not enough new members are coming into the company…  When the recruitment dries up (and it will), there will be no way of being able to recoup any money you have invested…

The remainder of our review is going to dig into more detail about any pros and the cons of OnPassive.  That way you can understand a little more about it, and decide whether it is really the right decision for you…

Just to be completely transparent with you, I’m not a distributor of OnPassive, nor do I endorse OnPassive in any way.  I have researched the website, testimonials, and information available on the internet to get the details about what this program genuinely does.    I do this, as I have been caught out by a scam in the past, and am trying to help others avoid a similar fate…

Tired of MLMs? Check Out Our #1 Recommended Program

What We Liked About OnPassive

Because of the red flags and signs that OnPassive is operating as a Pyramid Scheme and is a potential scam, we don’t have any positives to tell you about with regards to OnPassive…

What We Didn't Like About OnPassive

Here’s what we didn’t like about OnPassive:

#1 Founders Previous History

You would have liked to have thought that the founder would have learned his lesson from his previous endeavours that have ended up being called out as scams and pyramid schemes, and yet it seems that he hasn’t.  His track record speaks for itself.

#2 No Product or Service

The claim from OnPassive is that there have an AI-powered automated platform that would benefit businesses.

But they don’t actually provide any evidence that this is the case.  They don’t talk about any of the features in any great detail, and they don’t even share the look of the platform either.

It’s just a smokescreen to get you through the door, and only then do you learn that you will be required to recruit and the platform is just a guise to avoid being touted as a pyramid scheme.

#3 Lacks Vital Information

An MLM is required to have an official document of their compensation plan and they are also required to have an income disclosure statement.

But OnPassive doesn’t have these.  The documents are a great way of proving whether a company is legit or not.  The lack of them, says it all.

#4 Hidden Monthly Expenses

To be eligible for any commissions, you will be required to spend at least $25 a month.  Whether you recruit or not, you will be required to spend this each month.  

This isn’t stated ahead of you joining, and another thing you only find out once you’re in the platform.

#5 Pyramid Scheme in Disguise?

I wouldn’t even say it’s a pyramid scheme in disguise… It’s a proper pyramid scheme and that means that the system will operate like this:


Members can only make money through recruitment, and it will just be a matter of time before the authorities get wind of it and close it down… Unless, the owner moves onto the next scheme to avoid the glare of the authorities.

That might also be why OnPassive has been stuck in the pre-launch phase for a long time…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My OnPassive Review - Final Conclusion

Interestingly, OnPassive is technically considered as a legitimate company and its operations are tolerated, even though their business model is solely based on recruitment.

They say they have a revolutionary AI-powered technology in store that can help businesses automate their business.  But they are no signs that they really do have this on offer…

Then there is the fact that the company is still in their pre-launch stage even though the company got started in 2018.

That is an alarm bell for me, and sounds like they are doing it to hide the fact their technology is not what they claim it is.

As for the business opportunity, recruitment is the only option.  When that is the case, it becomes clear that OnPassive is clearly a pyramid scheme despite the companies claims.

Only those that are at the top and recruit aggressively will find success.  And this will be at the expense of the people who get hoodwinked into the scheme.

Most people who join OnPassive will lose money.

How We Make Money Online

We are not fans of MLM, the business model is legit, but the success rate is extremely low (only 1%).

We prefer affiliate marketing, the reasons are simple:

  • No need to sell face to face
  • No need to recruit other people into your downline
  • You are not tied down to one MLM company
  • There are endless possibilities
  • Affiliate programs are usually free to join
  • No monthly quotas

We prefer to help people with their purchasing decisions and not push for sales or go face-to-face, we have found a way of making a passive income online and we would like to help you achieve the same thing.

Still want to stick with financial and insurance products, then that is fine you will find that there are tons of affiliate programs out there of products that work and are something people will be interested in.

But finance and insurance stuff is quite boring and technical.  Why not choose something that you are passionate about, why not find out how you could turn a hobby into a money-making business opportunity.

If you want to make money online or from home, without all the MLM stuff, then we highly recommend you read our Wealthy Affiliate review.  Find out how with the right training, you can turn your hobby into a profitable online business.

If you want to learn more, click the button below and read how we did it…

Thanks for checking out our OnPassive Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$97 + $25 to $500 monthly



  • Nothing


  • Founders Previous History
  • No Product or Service
  • Lacks Vital Information
  • Hidden Monthly Expenses
  • Pyramid Scheme!

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