Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam? – AWOL Academy Reboot?

Welcome to our Fullstaq Marketer Review!

Fullstaq Marketer is the AWOL Academy rebooted with a new name, but that was also a reboot in itself from something called Project AWOL.   Fullstaq Marketer founder, Keala Kanae claims that it’s possible to earn $15K in your first 90 days with this program.  

But can Kanae really back up those claims with what is inside his program? Let’s go through our review and find out…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Fullstaq Marketer in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you how this is just a reincarnation of the controversial AWOL Academy…

Fullstaq Marketer Review Summary

Product Name: Fullstaq Marketer

Founder: Keala Kanae

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Price: $997 to start+ Upsells of $6,000

Best For: The Owner & People who have the money to invest



  • Kanae Has Experience
  • Legit Training & Business Model
  • Refund Policy


  • “Guaranteed Income” Claims
  • Rehashed AWOL Academy
  • Hidden Costs & Upsells
  • Limited Information on Website
  • Complaints
  • Limited Success Stories

Summary: Fullstaq Marketer is an online training course that teaches you affiliate marketing.  It claims to have launched in 2019, but is really just a rebooted version of the AWOL Academy.  AWOL Academy (founded by Keala Kanae and Kameron George) is no longer in operation, most likely due to their deceptive marketing and extremely high costs associated with it.

The problem is that this course is still deceptive with its marketing, and there are hidden costs from you when you first get started, and ultimately it is a rehash of a previous program, that was a reboot of a known scam.  Can Kanae do enough to get away from the stigma of AWOL Academy, I’m not so sure…

Rating: 40/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Fullstaq Marketer?

Fullstaq Marketer might seem like it’s a pretty new program, but the reality is that it is a rebranded program based on AWOL Academy.  AWOL Academy was also founded by Keala Kanae in 2015, alongside Kameron George.

Before we go any further into Fullstaq Marketer, we need to explore what AWOL Academy was, and why it is no longer in operation…

What is AWOL Academy?

AWOL Academy claimed to teach affiliate marketing.  They had five packages, with the basic costing $99.  But that was only a front to get you inside, and then they thrust a number of expensive upsells and programs at you, which could easily have cost you $15K or more…

Basically, AWOL Academy came under a lot of scrutiny due to their deceptive marketing techniques and questionable business practices.  So, in 2019 Keala Kanae made the decision to part way with Kameron and rebranded the company as Fullstaq Marketer…

Back to Fullstaq Marketer…

Fullstaq Marketer is an online training program that claims to teach you how to make money online via Affiliate Marketing.

At the moment, there are two courses available; Fullstaq Accelerator and Traffic Labs.  There are two additional courses, but they aren’t currently available.  These are Conversion Labs and Master Labs.

What’s Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is simply making money by promoting (selling) other people’s products.  It usually looks something like this…

Kameron and Keala created AWOL Academy in 2015, before spliting in 2019.

You can learn a little more about what AWOL academy taught in the 8-minute video below…

It sounds interesting, right?

But I bet you want to hear more about Keala Kanae…

Who's Keala Kanae?

Keala Kanae is an online marketer who teaches people how to make money online.  He specialises more towards paid traffic and social media ads.  He has had two courses that teach people how to use social media ads and affiliate marketing.


He found success promoting Empower Network.

Which is a company that the owner even admitted was “fake and bullsh*t“.  But either way, he was able to make a lot of money from affiliate marketing.

Since then he has continued to make money through teaching people how to make money from his two training course… AWOL Academy and now, FullStaq Marketer.

Keala Kanae’s Net Worth…

It’s estimated that his net worth is over $30 million!  Whilst this isn’t really clear about how much he is actually worth, it’s still a big deal…

Not sure why they has any relevance, but some people like to know what someones net worth is, and feel its important to learn from someone with a huge net worth.

According to Forbes and HuffPost, AWOL Academy generated over $30 in annual revenue in 2017.

Anyways, let’s get into more detail about what this course has to offer…

How Does Fullstaq Marketer Work?

Fullstaq marketer is an online training program that teaches people how to make money with affiliate marketing. It mainly focuses on “paid traffic” approaches such as running Facebook ads or YouTube ads. 

Since we first wrote this review, they have now finished off and are now offering all 4 course that were promised when it first launched…


Before we look inside, you should know that the content is very similar to that what was inside AWOL Academy…

Inside Fullstaq Marketer

The main course is called the Fullstaq Accelerator which (accord to Kanae) is the “most cutting edge training package…”

Here’s what is included in that Fullstaq Accelerator course ($997):

  • Fullstaq 101 – This gives you the basics to get your started with freelance marketing.  It includes  a survey, and three comprehensive training videos to help you launch your business.
  • Fullstaq Onboarding – This is where you gain access to the Fullstaq community, which they claim is you connecting with experienced online marketers, that can help you get answers to your questions.
  • Fullstaq Edge – This course is designed to help you with your mindset, in relation to online marketing. Kanae claims to help you conquer your fears and challenges that may get in the way of your progress.
  • Funnel Labs – Funnel labs will show you how to create a sales funnel.  It also includes a conversion tracking system, lead-capture pages, email marketing, and your own website and domain name.

Traffic Labs ($1,997)

Even though the initial course is touted as being the complete guide, they then offer you this additional course that will cost you $1,997.

This course will teach you how to use Paid Ads (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, etc.), in the aim of getting relevant traffic to your website.

Know that paid ads can be very useful, if done correctly but require an additional budget to be able to do it.  They will usually suggest you spend at least $200+ a month to make the most of it.

I’m not particularly a fan of paid ads, and I wouldn’t really suggest them to a complete beginner just starting out either.

In my opinion, it’s best to learn how to get free traffic to your website, that way you know what works and what doesn’t.  Then you can start investing into paid ads based on what you know works, rather than what someone else is telling you to do…

That is the way we did it, and it works (trust me)!

The other two course, Conversion Labs and Master Labs have been made available now (Sept 2021).  But if AWOL Academy is anything to go on, these will be much more expensive and also claim to help you earn money online!

Either way, throughout all the marketing it is claimed as a platform aimed at teaching you to make money online.

If you took the time to watch his sales video, you’ll also hear Kanae actually guarantee that you’ll make $15,000 within the first 90 days…

Big claims, that in my opinion are just hype to convince you to buy this program, even if it means you end up in huge debt to get their “miracle program”.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Getting Started with Fullstaq Marketer

It will cost you between $997 and $6,000 to join Fullstaq Marketer.  It naturally varies for the different courses, but at the very least you’ll need to find $997 to get started with the initial course.

But the costs don’t stop there…

Fullstaq Marketer Monthly Costs

To follow through with the actions that are taught within this course, there are some minimum expenses to consider each month…

Fullstaq Marketer promotes several additional programs for you to use, such as:

  • Website Hosting – $100+ a year i.e. Bluehost
  • Email Autoresponder – $30+ a month i.e. ConvertKit
  • Funnel Builder – $97/month i.e. ClickFunnels
  • Tracking Software – $30+ /month i.e. ClickMagick
  • Paid Ads – at least $200/month

Obviously, none of this information will be presented to you on their website.  It will come once you have your foot inside the door.  As most sales funnels do.  Please just know that it is not just $997 and you’re onto a winning formula…

P.S. This Program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream. It’s Free to Get Started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!  It offers training, tools, and huge support!

Keala Kanae Online Reviews

There are a really mixed bunch of reviews online about Keala Kanae and his training program…

The best way to review any training program is to see what real users think about it.  You sometime shave to sift through clear reviews that have been put there by affiliates, but either way here is what we found on their bbb profile and SiteJabber page.

There are also many recent complaints about not getting a refund or support…


Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam?

Fullstaq Marketer is a legitimate affiliate marketing training course.  It will provide you with training on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

However, the sales funnel isn’t very clear on what will be expected of you, or how much more money you’ll require to follow through and make this system work.

That is the main reason why so many people are calling Fullstaq Marketer a scam.  They lack any level of transparency.

Tired of Expensive Crappy Affiliate Marketing Courses?
Check Out How We Make Money Online Here!

What We Liked About Fullstaq Marketer

Here’s what we liked about Fullstaq Marketer:

#1 Kanae is An Experienced Marketer

Keala Kanae is an experience internet marketer, and offers value in his training from his experience.

#2 Legitimate Business Model

Affiliate Marketing is a legitimate business model.

There are many examples of those who are making full-time passive incomes from affiliate marketing, and most of them haven’t had to spent $997 to do it either.  Check out the examples here.

#3 Refund Policy

They do offer a 30-day money back guarantee from the date of purchase, although you do have to have completed all the training before you request it, and 30 days isn’t really long enough to confirm whether their techniques work or not.

The other products have a 14-day money-back guarantee.

However, the complaints we showed you earlier does put this into doubt…

What We Didn't Like About Fullstaq Marketer

Here’s what we didn’t like about Fullstaq Marketer:

#1 “Guaranteed of $15K in 90 Days” is a Huge Flag!

Any program that is claiming a “guaranteed” income is going to raise a number of red flags.  Nothing can be guaranteed, it doesn’t work like that.

This is normally a sign that the course is a scam, I wouldn’t say Fullstaq Marketer is a scam.  But it is very misleading, and I question why he would say that, when it is just going to raise comparisons with AWOL Academy, which has closed down twice…

#2 Rehashed AWOL Academy

At the end of the day, successful courses that help people achieve something, do not close down.  AWOL Academy was already a rehashed version of something called Project AWOL, which was closed down due to it being embroiled with a controversial MLM called the Empower Network.

But AWOL Academy was only around between 2015-2019, and was not received well due to it’s outrageous claims, hype and really high costs.

I’ve yet to see enough to say that the Fullstaq Marketer is going to be any different.

#3 Hidden Costs & Upsells

Their strategies are based on paid ads routes, which will require you to have additional funds available to invest into paid ads.  There is an element of trial and error with paid ads, that we don’t particularly like and you will need to spend more than you probably want to find out what works, and what doesn’t.

Then there are the upsells, the additional courses will be additional fees.  If we go with how the AWOL Academy went, which is a good insight, then you can expect to pay up to $15K to get full access.

#4 Limited Information on The Website

There’s very little information available on their website, it also doesn’t tell you anything about the cost of the course.  In order to get further information about the product, you have to submit your email address to get the PDF.  Then you have to watch the video which is a 2-hour presentation!

This 2-hour presentation explains that you will be taught how to use Google Ads, ClickBank, Facebook, and email marketing to create sales funnels and generate income.


Whilst it is 2-hours long, don’t expect it to give anything away.  It’s just a sales pitch to convince you to buy this product.

#5 Complaints

It seems that despite their name change, there are still the usual complaints and it relates to cost.  This is one we found on the BBB website:


This is the biggest problem, they are even telling this mum to take out a loan…  They are preying on the complete newbie with their fancy promises… Don’t fall for this kind of thing…

#6 Very Few Success Stories…

If you are marketing yourself as the “world’s greatest internet marketing training”, then you would expect to see loads of great reviews about it…  income proofs and testimonials…

But we seem to find are complaints about it being misleading…

There are a few videos with positive things to say, but they don’t appear genuine in a way…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

There’s no proof these people have made anything. 

There’s no proof these people have taken the course. 

And there’s no proof that the training really works. 

Can You Make Money with Fullstaq Marketer?

If you’re a complete newbie to internet marketing, and have $2,000 to $3,000 to “invest” into Fullstaq Marketer, then you could potentially make money from the techniques they will teach you.


If it’s anything like the success rate at Fulstaq Marketer, then that was only 3% of people made money.

I don’t like those odds, and personally if you had a couple of thousand dollars to invest, there are much better courses…

P.S. This Program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream. It’s Free to Get Started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!  It offers training, tools, and huge support!

Fullstaq Marketer Review

Fullstaq Marketer is just a rehashed version of AWOL Academy.  Huge prices for a course that then tells you that you need to spend more on paid ads.  They claim to guarantee you earnings in just a few months, and that isn’t possible.

So, whilst I wouldn’t call it an outright scam, I would say that it’s very misleading and could be considered a scam, because of the way they market it, and not the content itself.

You do get a course for your money, but you don’t learn how much it is until you’re inside and they are telling you to buy more, and spend more…

In our opinion, it’s an overpriced course on Affiliate Marketing, where a lot of the information is available for free online.!

My Final Opinion

You have to be pretty determined to sign up for this course, and that could take some doing.  The downloaded PDF is supposed to compliment the 2-hour presentation which itself is designed to give you enough information about the product to make a decision.

But when it comes down to the course, a couple of things come to mind…

First off, it’s probably not a good idea to invest such a chunk of money at a course like this one, regardless of whether it guarantees an income or not.  You’ll most likely end up disappointed.

Secondly, you’ll have a very limited amount of time to ask for a refund.  Two weeks to 30 days, isn’t enough time to test the system properly, learn the methods and then execute them effectively.

The third point is that you cannot find the price of the product, there’s a reason and chances are it’s too expensive.

Building a successful online business takes time, effort and persistence.  It cannot be achieve overnight.  It would be great if you could try something like this without a huge investment, right?

Check out my #1 Recommendation on how to create your own online business.  You’ll get plenty of tools, a free website, hosting, lots of training, and a very helpful community…

Thanks for checking out our Fullstaq Marketer Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Fullstaq Marketer (Formerly AWOL Academy)

$997 + Hidden Costs & Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Kanae is an Experienced Marketer
  • Refund Policy


  • Guaranteed Income? Red Flags
  • Rehashed AWOL Academy
  • Hidden Costs & Upsells
  • Limited Info on Website
  • Complaints

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