Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam? Another Program Full Of False Promises?!

Welcome to our Deadbeat Super Affiliate Review!

Have you found a training program for learning affiliate marketing costing only $17 and you are wondering if it is worth all the hype?  Can you really learn all you need to know for only $17?  That is what we will reveal to you in our review…

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into a “seemingly good” product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Deadbeat Super Affiliate in any way.

We are not here to pitch or sell anything to you.

We just want to reveal what is included within this affiliate marketing course, and whether we feel it is worth recommending it to you or not.

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a scam?

Let’s find out…  we will start with a quick product overview…

Deadbeat Super Affiliate Review Summary

Product Name: Deadbeat Super Affiliate

Founder: Dan Brock

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $17 +Upsells ($23 for Deadbeat Traffic Blaster, $47 for Deadbeat Millionaire, $97 for Instant Affiliate Site Builder, $67/month for a members forum)

Best For: People looking for a basic concept of affiliate marketing

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam - Product Image


  • The Course Materials
  • Great Member Support by Dan & Community


  • The Earnings Disclaimer Contradicts Claims!
  • Recommended Programs are Questionable
  • Teaches Outdated Techniques
  • Misleading Upsells

Summary:  Deadbeat Super Affiliate is a training course created by Dan Brock and it teaches you affiliate marketing.  It contains about 5 hours’ worth of video and is structured around the basics of affiliate marketing. 

However, there are a number of concerns we have that stop us recommending this program.  Firstly, the earnings disclaimer contradicts the claims of making any real money (we will show you later).  Second, it teaches outdated techniques that are no longer effective.  Third, the products that are being promoted are questionable, especially as one is from a known scam artist.  There are much better training courses 

Rating: 25/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Deadbeat Super Affiliate?

Deadbeat Super Affiliate is the latest version of training released by Dan Brock.  It is a course teaching people the basics around affiliate marketing through the promotion of their products on Amazon and other affiliate networks.

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a scam - website image

It is an updated version of the original training which was released back in 2010.  It is a new and improved version that shows you everything you need to know about affiliate networks and how you can make them work for you.

Inside Deadbeat Super Affiliate

Dan Brock makes some bold claims about what you can achieve from using his system and his methods.  He claims that his system and methods will allow you to set up multiple websites, add content, get that content high rankings within the search engines and be able to tap into the multi-billion-dollar commissions available from the Amazon affiliate program.

His claims go onto to say that you can experience success like he has and earn $10,000 or so in monthly income.

This is the claim we have issue with, as his claims are far from being true, and we will show you why as we continue our review.

Unfortunately, there is little to make Deadbeat Super Affiliate stand out from the rest of the affiliate marketing courses out there.

Dan’s course do provide some useful content, but nothing that makes it stand out from other courses out there.

You are better off with other marketing courses like Affiliate Marketing Mastery, or Wealthy Affiliate’s training to learn affiliate marketing.

How Does Deadbeat Super Affiliate Work?

Once you sign up with the initial $17 fee, you will get access to their training.  This will involve you going through their training and taking action from what you have learned.

There is no denying that this training will help you, but you cannot expect instant success.  But that is the same for any affiliate marketing training.

Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme and whether you go with Dan’s training or any other training program, you will need to expect to have to work hard and persevere if you want any real success with affiliate marketing.

Don’t expect to do a little training and then a little work and expect to find you are earning a 4-Figure income from this.  It will take time and effort.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Deadbeat Super Affiliate Cost?

Getting started with Deadbeat Super Affiliate requires you buy their base product but expect to find a few upsells along your sign-up process.  This can become quite expensive and it isn’t necessary for you to buy them all, and yet it will be claimed that you require all of them if you want to be able to follow in Dan’s footsteps…

1.   The Deadbeat Super Affiliate Program – $17

The base product has 23 training videos and seems good value for your $17.  This fee will give you full access to those 23 videos, which give you about 5 hours’ worth of content.

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam - Product Image

Here is a breakdown of what you can expect from the videos:

  1. Register for an Affiliate Network
  2. Choosing a Market
  3. More Niche Research
  4. The 60-Second Competition Check
  5. Register your Hosting and Domain
  6. Installing WordPress for “Deadbeats” (Part One)
  7. Addon Domain Setup (Part Two)
  8. Basic WordPress Optimisation
  9. Installing the “Deadbeat” Theme
  10. Adding an Article
  11. Inserting Affiliate Links
  12. “Stage 1” Link Building
  13. Customising the “Deadbeat” Theme
  14. About Me
  15. Adding More Articles
  16. Advanced Link Building
  17. Introduction to Video
  18. Creating a Video with VideoMakerFX (Part One)
  19. Using a Voice Actor in your Videos (Part Two)
  20. Creating a Video of Yourself (Part Three)
  21. Uploading your First Video
  22. Buying YouTube Views
  23. Distributing your Video to Other Networks
  24. Mass Link Blasting for Non-YouTube Video Sites
  25. Final Thoughts

The videos are of a high quality, which is expected from Dan Brock.  It will give you a good foundation of what Internet Marketing and affiliate marketing are about, without having to go into a lot of nuances.

But before you access the training videos, you will still be presented with two other products that the program will try to upsell to you.  By this we mean, Brock will try to pressure you into buying them.

2.   Deadbeat Traffic Blaster – $23

The Deadbeat Traffic Blaster is Dan Brock’s “content blasting” software.  It allows you to post your content on sites like Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and other web 2.0 sites for instant free traffic.

However, using our experience we can tell you that this tactic does not work.  It might bring traffic, but not necessarily the right kind of traffic you need to bring sales to your website.

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam - Deadbeat Traffic Blaster Pro

This software was originally being sold by Dan for $197, but it has been marked down to $23 (conveniently), so you feel like it is a good price for you to buy it.

The software is also an article spinning program.  It allows you to create thousands of unique contents from one piece of content.

It can also allow you to post your content to Facebook and Twitter without any input from you.

3.   The Deadbeat Millionaire – $47

The second upsell will be presented to you, regardless of whether you purchase the traffic blaster or not.  It is called the Deadbeat Millionaire:

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam - Deadbeat Millionaire

The Deadbeat Millionaire resembles a “done-for-you: system.  It gives you instant access into profitable niches, keywords and some “quality” content.  There is no doubt that this content will be the same given to everyone, which will make it duplicate content which will cause you issues with regards to search engine ranking.

It reminds me of subscribing to PLR content as well, which really doesn’t work.

4.   Instant Affiliate Site Builder – $97

This third upsell is called the Instant Affiliate Site Builder and it costs $97.

It contains 20 preset affiliate websites that claim to bring in a lot of traffic and they include articles as well.

But again, these articles will be duplicate content and so you will need to re-write (or spin) the articles to avoid the penalties given to duplicate content.

This doesn’t sit right with us; we don’t condone anything that has to do with churning content in mass quantity.

5.   Deadbeat University – $67/month

This is a subscription-based fee and it gives you personal and direct access to Dan Brock for personal training and access to the Deadbeat community as well.

Everyone requires support, especially when getting started.  However, I am not sure it is fair to be charging what is quite a large fee in itself.  I am not so sure the community is as active as it is made out.  It is even more expensive than our top recommended training program that charges $49/month but gives you so much more value (training, tools and support).

But even if you were only after a forum or community to get some helpful guides and advice, you could try reputed digital marketing forums like Warrior Forum.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Who's Deadbeat Super Affiliate For?

All the marketing and sales literature is showing that Dan is targeting beginners.  People who are wanting to learn more about affiliate marketing and lack any basic knowledge to get themselves started.

The training itself, without the upsells will give you a level of the basics of getting started with affiliate marketing.  Topics like choosing a quality niche, creating websites and content creation are all topics that an affiliate marketer, or prospective affiliate marketer will need.

An experience marketer though, would not gain any valuable insight from the training.

For a beginner, it might be worth the $17 as it will give you some good information about getting started.  Although, I would also say that some of the methods are outdated and could potentially cause more harm than good, for example link building is not as effective as it used to be and focusing too much on it could cause more issues.  I would also say that I wouldn’t suggest the upsells are potentially worth it either.

What We Liked About Deadbeat Super Affiliate

Here is what we liked about Deadbeat Super Affiliate:

#1 The Course Materials – Structured & Educational

The videos within the course are of a high-quality and Dan also provides transcripts of the videos too.  Really helpful for those that need a little more help along the way.

The videos also contain helpful images as well as other helpful reading material to be used later for reference.

The course is also structured into step-by-step instructions on what you need to do to build your business.  This is really positive and is important as it allows students to build a legitimate and solid foundation on the various concepts of affiliate marketing.

Dan Brock’s YouTube channel also has a number of videos on.  He posts quite regularly, and this could help and doesn’t require you to pay the initial fee to learn.

There are better training courses to learn affiliate marketing with, but Deadbeat Super Affiliate (the base product) is a good start.

#2 Great Member Support by Dan & Community

This is a huge factor in whether to recommend a program or not.  A community support system is included within the program.

It allows you to ask questions and get answer if you get stuck on a particular subject.  My only gripe is that you do need to pay for it and it is more expensive than our #1 recommended training program.

The good thing about it and may make it worthwhile is that Dan is actually quite active within the forum and community, so you will be able to get in touch with him to get your questions answered.

What We Didn't Like About Deadbeat Super Affiliate

Here is what we didn’t like about Deadbeat Super Affiliate:

#1 The Earnings Disclaimer Contradicts Its Own Claims!

There is a constant theme throughout the videos and sales page and that is Dan Brock emphasising how easy it is to make $10,000 a month, even if you don’t touch your computer for weeks at a time.

This sounds great to someone looking to get into Internet Marketing and to make money.

Take a look at his claim on his own sales page:

He “guarantees” $5,000 a month earnings in his video.

However, on his website he provides a disclaimer at the bottom of the sales page which claims the absolute opposite.  The disclaimer is really long, but here is the most relevant and important part of it you should know:

Dan completely contradicts that guarantee with this disclaimer.  It isn’t just this disclaimer that does that either.  Anyone who has experience with Affiliate Marketing will tell you that there is no guarantee with anything.  It requires hard work and time, but there is still no guarantee.  But that is no different to any business model.

Then there are other claims.  You will find these in his videos on his YouTube channel that aren’t posted on his site.

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam - 20k Claim

Affiliate Marketing takes hard work, perseverance and a lot of patience if you want to see results.  There is no guarantee that you could earn any income within the first few months, and yet he is claiming that you could be earning that amount within 4 months?

If that was really the case, almost everyone would become a successful affiliate marketer.

My gripe with this is that it sets up the wrong expectation for people and many of these people will fail because of it.  They will think that if they don’t earn that amount within 4 months, they must be doing something wrong and end up giving up.

Whereas if they had the right expectations of how long this will take, they will know that they can earn good money from affiliate marketing, but they will require more time and patience to achieve it.

The big problem is that many of us would not have read the disclaimer before signing up…

#2 Recommended Programs are Questionable

On top of the upsells we have already mentioned, there are a list of programs that Deadbeat Super Affiliate will encourage you to purchase claiming you need them to be successful.  But these 3 programs are highly questionable and are definitely not worth your time and I would advise you to not buy into any of them.

Here are the three programs:

1.     Google Sniper

This is a product from a scam artist called George Brown.  He relaunched Google Sniper 3.0 with “updated information” and re-used videos from his original launch of the product back in the 2000’s.

2.     AutoZON Store Builder

This is a product that builds Amazon website.  But it will also get you kicked out of the Amazon affiliate program since they copy content directly from the Amazon website and this is a breach of your terms and conditions.  I am not sure why he would be promoting this program.  He would get some awful feedback from members who do get kicked out of the program.

3.     Trust Jacker

This is a WordPress plugin that claims that you can copy and paste your way into making money.  The problem is that this will be about duplicate content and that will get you heavily penalised with the search engines.  Not good if you ever want to make money with affiliate marketing.

#3 It Teaches Outdated Techniques

Dan Brock still focuses on link building within the training and this is an outdated technique which could actually harm your chances, let alone help you.

Dan shows you in his system on how to create backlinks through sites like Digg and Delicious.

Link Building used to be effective, but the search engines actually recommend you do not focus on this technique anymore and it risks you getting less traffic, rather than more traffic.

What makes it worse is that he recommends you use Fiverr to get gigs that focus around link building and social bookmarking, but it really isn’t worth you hiring these gigs.

Save your money for better opportunities.

#4 Misleading Upsells

We are not fans of upsells or One Time Offers unless they are providing some serious value to the program itself.

However, the upsells that Deadbeat Super Affiliate provides are not great in a way that because it is for beginners, they won’t know what to actually purchase and because the sales pitch is good, they will immediately think they need to buy them if they want to make money.

This brings into the conversation about transparency.  If you absolutely needed these upsells to make the entire program work, then they should have been included in the initial sales price.

So, instead of paying just $17.  They should have packaged all the products into one package.  The base product, the Traffic Blaster, Instant Affiliate Site Builder, and the Deadbeat Millionaire into the one fee of $161.

Then they would just have the one upsell, which is the monthly subscription for the forum and community – which is something that will depend on the individual.

The issue I have is that is draws people in as it is only $17 (or people think it is only $17) and then they are shown all these upsells that they believe they will need.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Deadbeat Super Affiliate a Scam?

Deadbeat Super Affiliate is not a scam, it does provide useful training material for someone wanting to learn how to get started with affiliate marketing.   The topics provided are explained well enough to help you understand the various concepts.

However, we cannot recommend this program to anyone else, and for a good number of reasons.

First off, there are the income claims about generating passive income which are then contradicted with its disclaimer.

Anyone experienced with internet marketing, or any business model for that matter, know that you cannot guarantee anything.  Hard work and patience are required to become successful with affiliate marketing, and yet his claims make it sound like you can sit on your sofa and watch the money come in. (if only that was true).

Affiliate Marketing is a long-term strategy and will not yield immediate results.  It is about you persisting long enough to find success and not just going through the motions.

It bugs me that Dan and his team are using these claims to hype up passive income, especially when they are promoting this product to beginners who have no knowledge about the industry and the timescales required.

Second, the system is teaching outdated techniques that are no longer effective.  It shows they have not updated the training to tell you about this and what the preferred methods are now.

Then there are the questionable programs that they are promoting.  They are known to be scam products and are not recommended in any form.

It makes me think that Dan is an affiliate of these programs and will make a sale if you do buy these products.

All in all, I think there is some value in the base product.  It will teach you the basic concepts of affiliate marketing.  However, with the outdated techniques and the way it is marketed, I would suggest there are many other and better training programs out there to teach you about affiliate marketing.

If you are serious about affiliate marketing and want to learn from a program, we recommend that will teach you step-by-step and offer invaluable support, then we would recommend you read our Wealthy Affiliate review.  It is the program that we found when we wanted to get started and is by far the best training provider for beginners, we have found…  It lacks any of the bold claims about income, all you will find is honest information about the time and effort required to become successful. 

How We Make Money Online

We make money online through Affiliate Marketing and if you are still here, I am guessing you are serious about learning how to make money online too. 

Thanks to our #1 Recommended Training program we are earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income.

It will require hard work and patience, but if you are serious about making money online then you will definitely want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate offers training, tools and support to help people get started with affiliate marketing and turn it into a successful online business.

If you want to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, click here to read our full review.

Thanks for checking out our Deadbeat Super Affiliate Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

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Deadbeat Super Affiliate


Overall Rating



  • The Course Material - Structured & Educational
  • Great Member Support by Dan & Community


  • The Earnings Disclaimer Contradicts Its Own Claims!
  • Recommended Programs are Questionable
  • It Teaches Outdated Techniques
  • Misleading Upsells

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