Google Sniper 3.0 Review – Ultimate Blueprint or Scam in Disguise?

Welcome to our Google Sniper Review!

Have you seen an ad for a program called Google Sniper and wondering if their claims of earning between $1K to $3k per day from your laptop?  Is Google Sniper a Scam or a Legit Money-Making Training Program?

If you are wanting information on this program, then you are definitely in the right place.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

We will take you through all the information relevant to Google Sniper and that way you will be in an informed decision before deciding whether it is the right fit for you.

Is Google Sniper a Scam?  Let’s go through all you need to know…

Google Sniper 3.0 Review Summary

Product Name: Google Sniper 3.0

Founder: George Brown

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $47 + Various Upsells

Best For: George himself and affiliates promoting the product

Google Sniper Review - company logo


  • Step-by-Step Training
  • The Strategy Used to Work
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Too Many Upsells
  • Deceptive Pricing
  • Unethical Marketing Methods
  • Outdated Content

Summary:  Google Sniper 3.0 is a legitimate product that would have been useful and worked in the past.  It teaches people how to build their own niche websites, rank them in Google and then making from them selling affiliate products (much like we do).  But the biggest problem with Google Sniper is that a lot of the content and strategies they teach are completely out-dated.  Following their strategies these days would make it impossible for you to succeed in making money, which we will prove to you within this review.  

It is also important to point out that Google Sniper is not endorsed by Google and it has no relationship with Google either, despite it being named as such!!

Rating: 40/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Google Sniper 3.0?

Google Sniper is a comprehensive affiliate marketing training course that teaches you how to build niche websites and how to use them to make money from selling affiliate products from platforms such as ClickBank.

It has a relatively long history since it was started in 2009 with Google Sniper 1.0.  They have brought out two upgrades since then, Google Sniper 2.0 and the current version Google Sniper 3.0 which was launched in December 2014.  It doesn’t look like they have updated it since this point, and that shows as it will be 6 years old by this December.

The product has been a mainstay on ClickBank for the ten years it has been around.  At this point, it would be good go through a little more about the man behind the program.  That is George Brown.  Let’s find out more about Brown.

Who's George Brown?

The founder of Google Sniper is a guy called George Montagu Brown. He was a young and successful internet entrepreneur when he created his first product in 2009.  He was only 17 or 18 at this point.

Since he managed to help 50 people to quit their jobs and earn a full-time income online using his system, his product went viral on ClickBank.

Back then, both his students and affiliate promoting Google Sniper were having success.

George Brown

It must be said that back when Google Sniper was originally launched, it was a really good product that helped many people find success…

But if we bring that conversation to what is happening today, and it shines a different light on Google Sniper. 

At this point the training isn’t worth the price anymore and it is hard to achieve success with this system.


That is what we will detail further in our review.

George founded GDMB Enterprises when he was 18.  It is the company that he uses to publish all of his products and offers his services, which includes Google Sniper.

How Does Google Sniper 3.0 Work?

This is an overview of the process of how you will make money with Google Sniper:

  1. Select a profitable affiliate product available on ClickBank
  2. Build a “Sniper Website” around the product (Sniper website is another word for Niche website)
  3. Rank your website high within Google using Search Engine Optimisation
  4. Drive targeted traffic to your website via Google
  5. Earn commission whenever someone purchases anything through your affiliate links

Simply put, this is how affiliate marketing works

Inside Google Sniper 3.0

Let’s take a closer look at Google Sniper 3.0…


Their training is divided up into 4 main components, these are:

  • Video Training
  • Webinars
  • Downloadable PDF’s & eBooks
  • Links to External Resources

Within the members area, there are a number of different sections to discuss:

  1. Getting Started – a brief introduction by George where he will walk you through how to navigate the members area
  2. Google Sniper Course – The main course with the core training videos, user manuals and PDF’s/eBooks. They teach you how to build niche websites yourself, but they also teach you how you can outsource certain tasks to aid in scaling up your business
  3. Sniper X Training – This is the section for weekly Live Q&A’s where George will answer members questions LIVE. There are also other webinar on various topics and strategies.  This is where you will find webinar replays too.
  4. Sniper Cash Machine – This is an additional section added as part of the 3.0 program. It offers additional training on four extra marketing strategies for you to promote your brand and affiliate products.  The four strategies being talked about are:
    1. Twitter Domination Strategy
    2. Facebook Marketing
    3. Hiring Ghost Writers
    4. Video Marketing


Google Sniper does offer a level of support, although it is a very basic format.

Google Sniper Support

To get help you are going to have to submit a support ticket.  There is no community, Facebook group or forum built around this program to help you get quick help or support.

Then there is the fact that they are trying to reduce the number of tickets you are allowed to submit by saying that you have to wait until you have completed the training and set up your account.  It says that you should only be emailing them about serious questions and only after completing the training and having your campaign already set up:

There are always going to be questions along the way, but it doesn’t seem like they actually want you to ask them.  This seems really restrictive to me…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Google Sniper 3.0 Sales Funnel Revealed...

On top of the base product, there are also a number of upsells that will be presented to you along the way.  Let’s take a look at their sales funnel:

As you can see, $47 is just the front-end price.  The Elite upgrade costs $187 with a downsell of $97.

After that, there is a $97 Case Study upgrade and then there is a $47 monthly recurring fee for their membership.

You will not actually get to the product until you have gone through all these upsells and downsells.

It has also come to our attention that some of the older reviews regarding Google Sniper talk about a $1 trial.  But that offer is no longer available.  The upfront cost of joining Google Sniper is $47.

What We Liked About Google Sniper 3.0

Here is what we liked about Google Sniper:

#1 Step-by-Step Training

The training within Google Sniper 3.0 is step-by-step and easy to follow.  The platform George has designed is really good and it is easy to navigate around when compared to other low-quality products.

Google Sniper Training - Easy to Navigate

#2 The Strategy Used to Work

Like I said earlier, it is going to impossible to find success with Google Sniper today.  It is based on a legitimate business model and affiliate marketing does work.  We are building niche websites and doing affiliate marketing ourselves.  We know how to rank a website onto the first page of google and make sales.

In that sense Google Sniper is based on that legitimate concept and strategy that ourselves use.  But the training is outdated and not relevant to the latest Google algorithm updates, as it is nearly 6 years old without an update.

In our next session we will go into detail into how outdated it really is…

#3 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

As Google Sniper is a ClickBank product, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.  At least, for those who do hand their money over for this out-dated product can get their money back.

What We Didn't Like About Google Sniper 3.0

Here is what we didn’t like about Google Sniper:

#1 Too Many Upsells

The main issue we have here is that it shows that George is more interested in making money from his customers as to helping them to make money.  It appears a major focus throughout the sales funnel.

In his sales funnel, he kept using the phrase “missing out”, it is a technique uses to encourage people to go for the upsell.  This means that he keeps saying things like “you’re going to miss out on some huge opportunity” or “you can get results faster” if you buy this upsell.

They are just sales techniques, and not necessarily representative of what can happen.

#2 Deceptive Pricing!

George is using a deceptive technique to make you pay him more money that you first intended to.

Notice the screenshot above, with the tiny sentence highlighted.  It is really small text, but it says “Give me trial access to Sniper X too.  This bonus is optional, HOWEVER most advanced members go for this because it will make your campaigns MUCH more profitable.  Free trial then future payment option of $47/month”.

You will notice that the button is automatically switched to on.  So, if you didn’t read that sentence or noticed the opt-in button, then before you know it you could be paying much more than just the initial $47 fee.

Notice that in the billing page, you have future payments all of a sudden appear on the checkout page.

If you are someone who reads terms and conditions thoroughly, then you will have noticed this and turned it off prior to moving on.  But this is really deceptive, as most people may have missed it and end up with you signing up to a monthly subscription without even knowing about it.

#3 Unethical Marketing Methods

When you first get started with the training within Google Sniper, George spends quite a bit of time explaining why it would be better for you to promote Google Sniper instead of actually starting a niche website.  In other words, become an affiliate of Google Sniper.

It means that before you even get to the point of choosing your own niche and products, you are pushed to promote Google Sniper as an affiliate.

This doesn’t seem appropriate, but it doesn’t end there.

He is even teaching you some inappropriate marketing methods to promote Google Sniper.  One example is that he is teaching you a strategy of posting it on your social media and sending private messages.  But this is in fact Spamming.  You can lose access to your social media accounts for doing this and end up in potential legal trouble.

#4 Outdated Content (MUST READ!)

Up to this point we have talked about Google Sniper being outdated, here is where we prove it is the case.

Google Sniper was first launched in 2009.  Although it has gone through two upgrades, namely 2.0 and 3.0, the whole business model and marketing concepts are still more or less the same.

George even reused a lot of the training videos and PDF’s from the previous versions.

Then there is this…  Let me share some facts about Google’s Algorithm…

According to Google,

“Each day, Google usually releases one or more changes designed to improve our results.  Some are focused around specific improvements.  Some are broad changes.  Last week, we released a broad core algorithm update.  We do these routinely several times per year”. (Source: Search Engine Land)

Basically, Google update their algorithm regularly and by that we mean daily.  They also typically do two major updates a year.

Now, we compare that to the last time Google Sniper was updated…

It was first launched in 2009 and the latest version, was launched in 2014.

That is a lot of Google updates that they are not accounting for within their training.  Then there is other factors to consider…

Here are 2 other specific examples showing how outdated Google Sniper is…

  • A major theme within the Google Sniper’s training is strategies to build backlinks to rank your website within Google. But there has been a huge focus of moving away from this strategy.  It is actually a method that could see your website penalised in regard to ranking on Google.  This makes this strategy not relevant anymore.
  • Google Sniper also talks about using Exact Match Domains to rank your website. Basically, this means to choose the domain name of your website based on the keyword you want to rank for.  However, Google again has moved away from this for a long time.  Google will even penalise Exact Domain websites if it lacks real quality, according to Matt Cutts.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Google Sniper 3.0 a Scam?

In our opinion, Google Sniper is not a scam.  It offers legitimate training resources based on a business model we know works.  The biggest issue with Google Sniper is that it is outdated.  It has not kept up to date with how Google operates.

It will teach beginners techniques that will end up getting their website penalised, not results.

It was last updated in 2014, and we all know how quickly technology updates and Google updates its algorithms daily and yet the training has not been able to keep up.

In our opinion, Google Sniper was a legitimate product that we may have recommended back in 2014, but it is not fit for today’s world.

Who's Really Making Money With Google Sniper 3.0?

When you look on ClickBank, you can still see that some people are making money with Google Sniper.  But it is the affiliates that are still promoting this training program and George himself.

ClickBank shows Google Sniper to be the No.1 home business product for a number of years.  They have paid over 5 million dollars to their affiliates.

There is no evidence that people are earning money from following the training.  The people earning money are those that are promoting this product, despite its flaws.

Despite Google Sniper paying its affiliates well.  It takes a lot more to promote a program that what they are offering. 

My advice is to not follow their path of becoming an affiliate as their training is outdated.

If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, there are better options out there.

You can make money with affiliate marketing, you can choose your own niche and products to promote, but we would not recommend you do this with Google Sniper.  You can check out our top recommended training program for learning affiliate marketing.  It has kept itself up to date with Google’s algorithm.  It has extensive training material that is up to date and current.

It is also the same training program that we followed to build a profitable online business using affiliate marketing.  If you want to learn more, click here to check out our #1 recommended product.

How We Make Money Online

We make money with Affiliate Marketing.  Following the right training and strategy makes such a difference and that is why we recommend our #1 Recommended Program called Wealthy Affiliate.

By following their training, we are now earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income.  You can do it too.  It will require hard work and perseverance, but with the right support it can and will become a reality for you.

To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, check out our full review.

Thanks for checking out our Google Sniper 3.0 Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comment section below. 😉

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Google Sniper 3.0

$47 + Various Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Step-by-Step Training
  • The Strategy Used to Work
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Too Many Upsells
  • Deceptive Pricing!
  • Unethical Marketing Methods
  • Outdated Content

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