Niche Website Ideas – 50 Profitable Niche Ideas for Affiliate Marketing

Finding a niche for your affiliate marketing campaigns can sometimes be the hardest decision you have to make.  There are so many to choose from, and what if you pick the wrong one?

Most niches do work towards the goals of an Affiliate Marketer, but there are a few that don’t quite work.  

We’ve come up with a comprehensive list of 50 niche website ideas that are more geared towards an affiliate marketing business.

We’ve compiled the list of niches into 4 main categories, so hopefully you can find a niche that suits your interests and passion.

Table of Contents

What’s a Niche? & Why It’s An Important Factor!

When getting started out in affiliate marketing, something you need to know (and it’s quite important) is that it is a highly competitive market.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t an opportunity for you to carve your own success out of it. 

But you need to give yourself the best opportunity, when starting out.  A common mistake made by those starting out, is to keep their topic too broad.  Rather than drilling down to a niche market, they stay really broad and wonder why they struggle to make any progress.

That brings us to explaining what a niche is…

According to Wikipedia

“A niche is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused…”

When it comes to affiliate marketing, a good way of thinking about a niche market is that it is a “A Group of People looking for Specific Products or Help with Those Products”

The narrower you can drill down within a category, the better chances you will have of achieving success – as in earning some money.

If you start out too broad, you are more likely to be competing against all of the authority websites that are already there, in that category.

Think about it this way…

If you targeted a category like Digital Cameras.  Now think about how many different types of cameras there are. 

People are looking for specific help and specific information about a specific type of camera, but starting too broad, you don’t come across as an authority, and so they naturally gravitate to the bigger sites that are more general.

The same is said about the search engines.  If you start talking randomly about all of the different digital cameras, they don’t really know what your niche (speciality) is, so they don’t rank you high.

Now, if you stuck with Digital cameras, but went really specific and focused on Canon DSLR Accessories.  Now that’s a niche.

You write loads of helpful guides helping people understand everything there is to know about Canon DSLR accessories.  Which products you recommend for specific tasks, etc.

Or become an expert in Wedding Photography and then recommend Cameras and accessories to achieve stuff.

That is how you stand out against all of the other competing sites and then you become an authority website on that specific niche.

Once you have traffic coming to your website in abundance, that is when you can start to branch out.  As your authority allows it.

But it doesn’t work the other way around.  Pick a focused niche, get the traffic and authority, then you can branch out.

A great way of searching for your niche is to use Amazon’s category page.  If you picked a category, they have already done all the hard work of breaking these down into smaller categories (niches) for you.  The example below is that of the Camera & Photo category, broken down into many other smaller categories…


Competing with Authority Sites

When you start out in any niche, you are going to need to think about how you are going to build up your website with high-quality content that helps solve problems, answer questions and anything else that someone might consider relating to your niche.

The authority websites might be big websites, but they don’t necessarily have all the help required for every niche, as they are typically too generalised.

You need to identify who your target audience is, and what they would require from you to want to visit your website.  By doing that, and creating the content that helps them, you will soon find that Google will be putting you at the top for those search results.

That is how niche websites are beating out big brand websites, as they provide the user with exactly what they need.  Then you can start including product reviews (with affiliate links) to products you recommend.  As the user trusts you, they follow it and then you start making money.

These how-to guides, product reviews and posts that help solve problems or answer questions will help you towards monetising your website and competing with those authority websites.

Make sure it’s a niche that you have interest in, and understand who your target audience is.  Another mistake some make is to go with a niche as they believe it is lucrative, but they have nothing to offer the target audience.

Here’s 50 Profitable Niche Website Ideas

We’ve broken down the list of 50 profitable niche website ideas into 4 categories.  These categories are all popular with affiliate marketing, and should have at least one niche that might suit you.

Remember it is important that you choose a niche you actually have an interest in.  You have to become an authority within that niche, so picking a subject you are going to get bored of in 5 minutes, isn’t the ideal subject for you to choose.

You are going to have to research this subject, provide lots of insightful and helpful blog posts about it, and plenty of product reviews.  You need to come across as someone who is knowledgeable.  

Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, most people aren’t looking for that.  They are looking for real people with real experiences about that niche.

People who are looking for help losing weight, like to know that you’ve shared a similar experience.

People looking to make money online are looking for people who have started from the bottom and found success.

That is why blogging is so good for affiliate marketing.  They are looking for everyday people to help, and not necessarily the big corporations.

Anyways, let’s get started with our list of 50 profitable niche website ideas.

  • Health & Fitness
  • Technology & Gaming
  • Lifestyle, Home & Garden
  • Online Jobs & Make Money Online

Health & Fitness Related Niches


There are always opportunities within the health and fitness sector.  People are looking for help with many different elements.  The obvious option would be the losing weight, but that is still too broad.  Here are our options for you to consider:

  1. Losing Belly Fat
  2. Low Carb Diet Plans
  3. Six Pack Exercises
  4. Getting Rid of Love Handles
  5. Dealing with Knee Problems
  6. Dealing with Joint Problems
  7. A Website on Different Types of Cleanses (Health-Related Website)
  8. Tips for Making Skin Look Younger
  9. How to Slow Down or Reverse Aging Process
  10. Ways to Increase Metabolism
  11. How to Stop Heart Disease
  12. How to Stop Type 1 Diabetes
  13. How to Stop Type 2 Diabetes
  14. How to Stop Smoking
  15. How to Stop Stress/Anxiety/Panic Attacks
  16. Hair Loss for Men
  17. Hair Loss for Women

If you have had any experiences with any of the niches listed above, you can share your experiences.  you can also share anything you found useful to you.

For example, if you were an ex-smoker, what did you do to achieve it as some people find it extremely difficult to give up.

There is also the opportunity for you to document your journey.  Your ambition is to achieve a six pack, and you share your story.  Your exercise regimes, products you use, etc.

Just one more thing about any health related niches.  Be careful.  With any health-related issues, you may need to consider a medical disclaimer on your website.  

This just says that you are only sharing your opinions and experiences, and are not in a position to offer medical advice.

Technology & Gaming


This is a booming market at the moment, but you do need to know what you are talking about to find success with it.  People are often looking to update their technology as it goes out of date so quick…

If you can keep up with the market and provide helpful advice, any of these niches might be a good option…

18. Tablets for Kids
19. Gaming Laptops or Gaming PCS
20. Gaming Laptop Accessories
21. Computer Gaming Gear
22. Vlogging Accessories
23. Action Cameras
24. Drones

To be honest, there are many more in this list.  As we update this blog post, you could actually even consider Gaming Chairs.  There is a company called Secret Lab, that do some awesome chairs and have an affiliate program and I feel that might be a good niche to consider too…

Lifestyle, Home & Garden

hiking niche example - affiliate marketing

There is huge demand in the lifestyle, home and garden markets.  From people looking for help around household fixes, to where is a good place to go for a walk or go camping.  Survival is actually quite a popular one too.

25. Popular Hiking Treks (Promoting Preparation Clothes & Gear)
26. Hiking Backpacks
27. Hiking Boots
28. Camping Accessories
29. Survival Gear
30. Survival Tips
31. Preparing for a Cataclysm
32. Storing up on Supplies for Emergencies
33. How to Fix Things Around the House (Leaky Pipes, Broken Objects, etc.)
34. Dealing with Noisy Neighbours
35. Hydroponic Gardening
36. Making your own Garden Tips
37. How to get rid of Termites
38. How to get rid of Bedbugs
39. How to get rid of Mould Yourself
40. Wood Burning Tips
41. Be Your Own Mechanic (fixing Cars yourself)
42. Be Your Own Mechanic (Motorcycles)
43. Get Back with your Ex (Specifically male or female)
44. How to Succeed at Dating
45. How to Succeed at Online Dating
46. Safety Razors


Online Jobs & Make Money Online


These are always popular niches.  They are also something very common search terms for most people online.  How to earn more money, how to pay off debt, etc.

So, these are good niches, although they are also very competitive.

47. Make Money Online
48. How to Get Rid of College/University Debt
49. Jobs for Single Moms or Stay at Home Moms
50. How to Become a Freelance Writer

There you have it, our list of 50 niche website ideas for you to take on.  If you want a more comprehensive list, we have actually compiled a list of 117 niche ideas here…

Before you go, don’t forget to check out our final tips on how to pick the right niche for you…

Final Tips for Picking the Right Niche For You…

I fully understand why you might be finding it hard to choose your niche.  You’re worried that people won’t trust you enough, or that your not an expert, so how can you be an authority.  It actually doesn’t matter.

People are looking for people just like them, and not someone who went to university, etc.  They want someone who has experience with what they want help with.

So, here’s some tips to help you narrow down on your niche…  The sooner you pick one, the sooner you can get on with creating the content that is going to earn you a living.  Here goes…

Tip #1 – Pick A Subject That You Know A Lot About Or Something You Are Really Interested In!

You are going to need to write a lot of content, and I mean a lot.  At present, we have over 400 blog posts on this website and we still need to create a lot more to be helpful. 

Do you think you could do that on a subject you don’t like or don’t know a lot about?

But if you were to pick your favourite hobby, then that process becomes a lot easier as you are writing content or recording videos about something that you actually love.  Sometimes your hobby is the ideal starting point for an affiliate marketing business.

It also makes it easier to do research on that topic, and you already know who your target audience is, as they are people who are like you…

Tip #2 Start As Narrow As You Can, You Can Always Expand Later…

When starting out you want to cut out your own portion of that niche, so if you decide to choose Smart Devices (not on the list but is really big at the moment) start out focusing on a specific line like smart speakers to start with, then when you have built your foundation (website) and are getting traffic, then you are in prime location to start expanding into all sorts of smart devices (smart bulbs, smart devices like Alexa, Google, etc.)

Carve out your piece of the pie, then you can start branching out into other niches within the market.

Tip #3 Help Your Audience, Don’t Sell To Them!

The best piece of advice I can give you is to go from a helpful friend point of view and not a salesman point of view.

If your audience already knew which product they were going to buy, they would go straight to the retailer.  They are going to blogs to get an opinion from someone, as they are still unsure about which product is best for them.

Or they are looking for help with a specific problem.  If they come across a blog that says…  “to solve this, buy this”.

It doesn’t come across very helpful.

If they find a blog that says “we did this to solve this problem, but this product made it easier to do”, then it comes across in a completely different want.

Some blog posts won’t even recommend a product, and that is the ideal base.  Not every blog post should be aimed at selling something.

You’ll find that the more you help people, you more you actually earn as they trust you as a real person and not a salesbot. 

I hope you’ve found this blog post useful, and maybe you’re now ready to finalise your niche decision.  Picking a niche, the right niche for you, is a key decision when starting out with a blog, and affiliate marketing.  Hopefully our tips have helped, but if you still are not sure, you can drop us a message in the comments and we’ll help you.

I know we’ve mentioned affiliate marketing a couple of times too, that’s how we earn an income, so you can check out our complete guide if you’re not too sure what we are on about…

If you still have any questions, or want to add any popular niches you can think of to the list, then please write them in the comments section.

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6 thoughts on “Niche Website Ideas – 50 Profitable Niche Ideas for Affiliate Marketing”

  1. It’s one of the hardest things to do, finding a good niche. Most of the times we go to broad and end up competing against the big companies, which of course is a losing battle.

    You really did your homework and gave some very good ideas. I especially like your 2nd tip to start as narrow as you can.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi John,

    I really liked this article, it was something that I really struggled with when I started my website.  The whole niche ideas for a website had me stumped for days!  I did think your advice to start as narrow as possible and then grow as needed, is excellent advise.  Many times we can actually do the opposite – start a general topic and then struggle to narrow it down to a particular audience.  Thanks for the tips.

    • Hey,

      thanks for checking out my post and leaving some comments.

      You are so right, the broader you start the harder it will be as you stay too broad and wonder why you are not getting as much traffic as is possible if you start narrower.

      Appreciate your comments, thanks


  3. A lot of people struggle choosing their niche. Although it can be quite difficult to choose the right niche for yourself when there are so many choices the key in my opinion is to choose something you are interested in and not just because it looks promising. 

    Especially if you’ve never done this before. Affiliate marketing takes time and if you don’t like your niche you will get bored pretty soon. Google trends is also a nice free tool where anyone can find out what’s trending right now. 

    • Hey Nikos,

      thanks for checking out my post and leaving some comments.  I love your suggestion, Google Trends is a great tool to help keep up to date with your niche or what is trending now.

      Picking something you will not get bored talking about is always a good way to go about picking a niche.

      thanks again



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