How to Make Money with Your Passion

How to Make Money with your Passion

Making money from something that you are passionate about is ten times more likely to be successful than trying to pick something because it looks profitable… It also allows you to showcase being a subject matter expert which builds trust and mean that you remain motivated even when it is going through a tough patch.  But most of all, it means that you will totally enjoy it too.

Regardless of what you are passionate about, there are definitely ways to monetise it.  Gem is really creative and took her passion around arts and crafts and took it to a profitable business selling wedding stationary.  But that doesn’t mean we are all able to create products to sell.  But we don’t need to.  To make money, all we need is our passion and the help and support to turn it into an online business.

In this post, we will share with you how you can make money with your passion – with all of the help and support you will ever need.

I use affiliate links to maintain, for more information click here.

How Does a Passion Lead to Making Money?

For starters, you will not be the only one in the world with a passion for the same subject, I’ll use myself as an example.  I am not the only person who likes:

  • PhotographyHow to Make Money with your Passion - Digital Photography
  • Sci-Fi
  • Technology
  • Helping People

Let’s just take those four subjects, I am not the only person who likes these subjects.  But the key will be is that if one of them is a passion, you will find that you are something of an expert in that subject.  But then again, there will be people who are looking to research a lot into these topics and that is your opportunity to make money from them.

But these topics on their own are quite broad and do not lead themselves immediately to an easy way of earning money online.

Let’s be honest, if it is a passion, you will find that if we dug deeper into one of those four you will find that there is a fantastic niche to target in one.

  • Photography – I am a wedding photographer for Gems’ Business, so I have a lot of knowledge and passion around photography, so wedding photography would be a niche
  • SciFi – (I’ll admit it) I am a big Star Trek fan, I would not describe myself as a subject matter expert, But I enjoy engaging in the ST community and enjoy the conventions.  I could utilise this niche as a target for making money.  I would probably narrow this one down to start with and start with ST Discovery, as it is the fresh content.
  • Technology – This is the broadest subject on the list. I love computer technology, so could focus on that one, but would need to narrow it down further, maybe to gaming laptops or accessories for them.
  • Helping People – This is the passion that is letting me earn money online. But is still quite broad, I focus on helping people get started online.

Every Passion or Interest Has an Audience

My point is, that whatever your passion is you will have an audience.  Why is that important, to make money online you need to create a brand that draws an audience in, to give you the opportunity to earn money.Every Passion has an Audience

There are over 4 billion people online with access to high-speed internet and they are always looking for useful articles, useful content, product reviews, how-to guides and an honest person who you can trust to provide these things.

That is where you come in.  I am really passionate about helping people get started online.  I am really enjoying being able to provide helpful information that allows people to leave the day job behind and do something that you really enjoy and are passionate about.

I love it, honestly!!

How Do I Make Money Online from My Passion Then?

Let’s go through the stages that you need to make money. You have your passion, that is a great start and many people are so unsure of which direction to go when picking the topic that their online business will be about.

But to the be honest, you may need to narrow it down to a niche, the broader the subject the harder it is (in the early stages).  This doesn’t mean that you will not end up with a business that covers a broader subject, but you will find the broader you start, the longer it will take to establish it.  If you target narrow, you can get a great start and get Google to love your business, then you can start to branch out.

An example makes it easier to explain.  If I chose Technology, then went down the computer route.  I would still be so broad, by a mile.

Yet, if I really thought about it I could do the following:

  • Computers (Broad)
  • Gaming PCs (Broad)
  • Gaming Laptops (Broad)
  • Gaming Laptop Accessories (Getter Better)
  • Gaming Laptop Mice or Gaming Laptop Decals (Niche)

By starting with the narrowest of let’s gaming mice for gaming laptops – it allows me to target the whole gaming PC market, but by starting with just the mice it gets you traffic, you can then expand and build up that traffic.

Traffic is your ultimate way to earning money for your Passion.  But you do need to fully understand how to get started.

Making Money from Your Passion comes from building up your audience and traffic, to give you the opportunity to earn money.  There are a couple of ways of earning money online and I’ll go through this now.

Ways to Make Money Online with Your Passion

There are two really good ways of earning money online.  But first, I do need to state that the best way of earning money online with your passion is by starting a blog website. You can then utilise the two ways to make money with your passion:

The first way is by selling advertising space on your blog website.  Google AdSense or other similar advertising companies pay you every time some clicks on an advert on your website or if you get a high number of impressions.  (Impressions are people seeing the ad, but not clicking it).  Like I said, this will take traffic to make it worthwhile, but there is a natural step in your business where this becomes an obvious direction.  Some companies like MediaVine, will not accept you until you are reaching a high amount of traffic.  But as long as your website is worthwhile, AdSense is a good choice.  I have it live on another website and it works.

The second way is from Affiliate Marketing.  This is by the far the best way to earn money from your passion.  You may not have heard of it, or you may be unsure of how it really works but it is a proven model and is the most common way bloggers earn money online.

How Affiliate Marketing Really Works

You have to remember that as most people are buying stuff online, there are actively doing research before they buy a product.  They are looking for subject matter experts to help them with their purchase decisions.  Was it the right product or service, how do they really work?  Someone I know is always out hiking every weekend, they are always active and they go through hiking boots like nobody’s business – until he started researching online.  He found a blogger who was always active too.  He followed his advice and bought his current boots from a recommendation this guys recommended and has never looked back.  He is now regularly checking out what this guy is writing about.  Where is hiking to, any recommendations for things to do with hiking, etc.  There is a real trust factor with this blogger now.

But this is the key – every time Paul (my friend) buys anything this blogger recommends; this blogger receives a commission.  That is Affiliate Marketing.

There will be people who are looking for your advice and help that you offer in and around your passion.

Your Passion turned into a blog website offering help, support, recommendations and reviews will lead you to the way of earning money online.  You will build up the traffic and then you can add ads.  They are also both passive ways of earning money online.  This means, unlike a physical shop, you do not need to be there to seal the sale.  You just add affiliate links to products or services you recommend and continue writing other articles all around your passion.

If you think writing is not your thing… seriously, don’t worry about it.  You should have seen my writing when I first started blogging – You can get help with that and I did.

If you are worried that you haven’t got a clue about building a website or anything to do with that – again, seriously do not worry about that I will show you where you can get all the help and support you need.

All the Help and Support You Need to Get Started!

I know what you may be thinking… it all sounds great John, but I haven’t got a clue how to do all that.

But, let me share with you my experience.  When I first started, I didn’t have a clue.  I didn’t know how to build a website, or even what affiliate marketing was. I wasn’t great at writing and knew nothing about how the search engines worked or keyword research.

But what I did know is, a lot about digital photography.  I could talk about it all day, I would consider it a passion and something where I could share a lot of helpful information from it.

What I want to introduce to you is a training platform that will take everything you can offer within that passion and teach you how to get your dream started.  Within every lesson is an easy to follow step-by-step guide that will take you through every step required to turn that passion into an online business.  By lesson 4 you will have your very own website.

Follow the training and you will learn how to utilise everything that is taught and offer to share your essential knowledge from your passion.

Whatever your passion is, someone else will also share it – but they want to engage with you, learn from you and see your recommendations.

But that is not all that is on offer.  No one gets anywhere on their own.

You will also gain access to a community of like-minded individuals who will be there to help and offer advice or support at any point.  If you ever have a question about your business, website or the direction you should go – the community will be there to help.

But I also offer my personal help and advice, any time you are stuck or need help reach out to me on the platform and I will there to help.

Turn a Passion into a Successful Online Business – with Wealthy Affiliate

2 years ago, I wasn’t online and didn’t have a clue how to get started.  But then I found the most helpful community, that has awesome training, websites and all of the tools needed to get online.  That platform is Wealthy Affiliate, here is my review.

I accepted an invitation to their platform and have never looked back.  The training is so easy to follow and will allow you to build a brand and business that will earn you money, if you invest the time and effort needed.

I will stress that this will take time and effort and is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  I am sorry, but I am yet to find a genuine scheme that allows you to earn money online overnight.  Any product that promises that is not worth even reading about.

But by building an online business from a passion, it will make you more likely to succeed.  The reason I say this is, it will take time.  It will be about 3 months before the search engines really take notice of your blog – that is the line where it starts to grow to where you need it to be.

Your passion in the subject will keep you going, when most Affiliate Marketers who fail are those that leave at this point thinking it hasn’t worked.

Trust in yourself and the training and you will definitely build an online business that will mean you will be doing it full-time within the right timescales.

If you would like to know more about Affiliate Marketing or Wealthy Affiliate, check out the posts below.  Doing your research is an important step in anything you do.

Related Post: How Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

I will admit, I am fully loving helping people find genuine ways of making money online and building a business based on something they love.  That is the key to this and it works. Stay motivated, stay informed and follow the training and you will soon realise your own potential.  Good Luck

If you have any questions about starting an online business or affiliate marketing, then please leave them in the comments below.  If you want to share any experience or offer advice to people looking for ways to make money with your passion, please write them in the comments.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Is Solo Build It a Scam? Solo Build It Review

Solo Build It Review

Welcome to our Solo Build It Review!

If you have been doing some research on this platform, you will see a huge list of people with different opinions on Solo Build It.  Some people love it, some people hate it and then there are those who are just trying to promote it to earn a buck or two.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Solo Build It in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you what this platform has to offer, the pros and cons, and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision as to whether this is right for you…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Read more

The Coffee Shop Millionaire Review – Don’t Join Until You’ve Read Our Review!

The Coffee Shop Millionaire Review

Welcome to our Coffee Shop Millionaire Review!

We would all love to find a program that would make us a millionaire, but is this program really all it makes out it is?

There are opportunities with Internet Marketing, but it’s never as easy as the guys behind these programs claim it can.  So, what does the Coffee Shop Millionaire have to offer?  Let’s find out.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Coffee Shop Millionaire in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you how this system really works and whether it can actually achieve all it claims it can…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Read more

How to Make Money from Writing Articles Online

How to Make Money from Writing Articles Online

Are you any good at writing quality articles?? Then there is a real opportunity for you to make some real money from writing articles online. I will go through the main ways you can explore this opportunity with some great tips on making it successful.

The first decision you will need to make is whether you decide to offer your services out for business owners to hire you out or whether you utilise this skill to starting your own online business and making money?

Let’s explore both options…


If you are just interested in earning extra money from writing the odd article for someone else’s business, then Freelancing is the route you can take.  There are sites like Fiverr, where you could get started relatively easily.

Website owners are often looking to offload some of the work from their businesses, and one of the ways to do this is to hire a writer to write an article for them.  There are a few things to consider with this route:

What is the Good Side of Freelancing?

  • Your Own Schedule – You create your own schedule, work when you want to work
  • No Commute – being able to work from home saves you a lot of time and money by not having to drive to work
  • Take your office with you – work where you want to work. You could write the article wherever you liked and upload it later on when you get WIFI.
  • Letting your creative side out – Often this is hard to do at the day job, especially when you have tasks to complete and it is a noisy environment.  Creating a calming environment at home and reap the benefits.
  • Time of Day – Are you a morning person…? Some of us are not, I am personally more productive on the evening.  You work whenever it is best for you.

What About the Cons of Freelancing?

  • When Do I Get Paid? – Some sites make it pre-paid before you do the work.  But the initial hardship is getting people to hire you.  It is a market where you need to stand out to make it work.  Others, you may not get paid until the job is completed.
  • Benefits? – You will be self-employed in this business.  depending on the country you live in, this can have effects on your health benefits, etc.  You will also have to consider filing your own tax
  • Distractions… – There are so many distractions at home that get in the way.  The children, the chores, watching tv.  You need to be quite disciplined when you work from home.
  • Are Your Writing for Yourself?  – If you are writing for yourself, writing articles will be an easier route.  But freelancing is typically writing for someone else.  This means a couple of things:
    • Your writing will be scrutinised and need to be good enough for them
    • It could be subjects that you find mundane/boring meaning it will be much harder to write quality content
  • How Long Will This Job Last? – If you do get a good gig and they decide to hire you for a number of articles, great!  But there will always be the times when you are not offered the work again.  You also never normally meet your employer, so this can also present its own barriers.

As a freelancer, you will always be the employee.  There will be certain elements you need to undertake and complete to ensure you get paid and receive positive feedback and hopefully repeat business.  But fundamentally, you will still be answering to someone.

Freelancing is available on a number of platforms, such as Fiverr or Upwork.  Freelancing is a viable option for someone looking to earn extra money, but if you are really looking for an opportunity where you are the boss, so you are writing articles for yourself – you may find my next suggestion right up your street.

Create Your Own Online Business with your Articles

There are many benefits to freelancing, but it still comes down to the same thing – you are working for someone else.  They will need to be happy with your article before they pay you and they will not always be on subjects you want to write about.

But if you started writing articles for your own online business, you will be writing articles that you will benefit from and be on a subject you want to write about.

Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t all a walk in the park.  But neither is freelancing. You could always freelance as a side gig until your online business takes off.

But the freedom, that working on your own online business will bring will far outweigh any drawbacks it may have.

Let’s start with how your articles will lead to your earning money.  Blogging is by far the best way of building an online business from article writing.

Creating your own blog within a niche that you choose, will mean that you can stay motivated and power through writing plenty of articles in a subject you love.

Once you have started writing articles for your blog, you can then look at ways of monetising it.  I personally suggest affiliate marketing and using ads.  They both are a great way of monetising a blog and will lead to a full-time income with the right guidance.

Writing for yourself, means that you can concentrate on one concept – your business and its’s niche.

If you are freelancing, you could be getting inundated with orders.  Which is great for earning money, but they could be on any subject.  If you are a great writer, the orders will keep coming in – and it will feel like work and you will need to work really hard to keep up.

Working for your own business will be hard work, but if you are writing articles about a subject you love, it will feel a lot less like work.  I love helping people, so writing useful articles is something I find easy to do, especially when it is in a field, I know a lot about.

But if someone asked me to write an article on, let’s say “Arts & Crafts”.  I haven’t got the first clue, I would have to spend more time researching the subject, before even considering accepting the gig.

So, whilst I feel freelancing is a good idea – I personally prefer writing for myself and earning money from it too.  Let’s explore a little more about affiliate marketing, so you can know how you will earn money from your articles.

What Exactly is Affiliate Marketing and How Will My Articles Work?

Affiliate Marketing is where you earn a commission for introducing a buyer to a product.  If you have never heard of it, you might be surprised to know that many retailers use it as a cheaper way of advertising its products.  Amazon, for example is the biggest online marketplace and they have used it since it started.

Related Post: How Does Affiliate Marketing Really Work?

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Rather than spending millions on advertising campaigns they can reward referrers with a percentage of the price of the product.  You will be surprised by how lucrative a model it can be if you can get it right…

So, how do your articles come into this model? 

High Quality Posts (articles) are a key to making it work.  High quality posts will lead to traffic – traffic is the key to either affiliate marketing or adverts to work.

Some people try and add affiliate links or adverts too soon to a blog and see no results.  Normally because they haven’t got the traffic yet or the content is poor.

But if you are able to write great content about your chosen niche, with great quality reviews of products – you will start to realise the potential this model brings to you and your writing.

Related Post: How to Make Money from Blogging

By all means, you can freelance and make some good money from it.  My only reservations are that you are writing for someone else who may or may not like it.  You could always get long term deals with website owners/companies to write articles.  Great.  But if you are freelance, they can end it quite quickly.  There is also no guarantee, that you will still enjoy doing it further down the road.

By using your ability to write articles within your own blog business, you can easily write content that you want to write, start to realise the online potential that brings with affiliate marketing, selling ad space, etc.  and realise that you will become a business owner with the freedom that can bring.

Get Expert Help Along the Way – Learn from the Best

Everyone needs help at times, and it is such a massive relief when you realise you are not on your own and you can get expert help and support at any point along your journey.  I started with my own online business a couple of years ago and I would not be where I am today with the help and support from the guys at Wealthy Affiliate.

People naturally assume they are just about Affiliate Marketing, but they offer so much more.

  • Training on all aspects of Online Business
  • Tools to Get You Ahead – Websites, Research Tools, Engagement Tools
  • Expert Help & Support Every Step of the Way
  • I’ll be your Personal Coach!!

There are many reasons why someone might feel more confident writing articles for someone else, but for those that are ready to take the next step and become their own boss… Wealthy Affiliate will be there to help them.  I also promise to be there to help anyone who accepts my invitation to give them a try.

Related Post: My Wealthy Affiliate Review

With a Free Starter Membership, you can see the real potential in yourself with regards to an online business.

IF you have any questions around Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Wealthy Affiliate or anything else – please leave a comment and I promise to come back to you.

If you have any experience with freelancing or affiliate marketing, please share your experiences, I would to hear from you.

How to Make Money from Blogging Online

How to Make Money from Blogging Online

Have you realised the potential from blogging and want to also realise how you can start to make money too?

Blogging has become a common route for people to earn money online and with the right help and support it can be also mean you can real money and leave the day job behind too.

Over 4 billion people have access to high-speed internet and they are always looking for help and guidance on a number of different topics.  This is where your opportunity from blogging lies, so let’s get into How to Make Money from Blogging Online by starting with “What Exactly is a Blog?”

What Exactly is a Blog?

The simple premise is – a blog is described as a regularly updated website or post written in an informal or conversational style.  It is a way of communicating with others information or opinions/reviews on a given subject.How to Make Money from Blogging Online

That is the technical term, but the reason why people love reading blogs is it is written so anyone can understand it.  You are sharing a story, you are sharing your thoughts but also helping people understand something they are searching for the answer.

They don’t always have to focus on written articles too, if you are really comfortable in front of the camera, you could always start a Vlog, which is a video blog.  You see them on YouTube all the time.

What Can I Start a Blog About?

This is the best part, you can write about something you are really interested in.  There are some that state you have to target a specific niche if you want to earn any money.  But I believe any niche is viable.

What will stand up to the test of time?  A blog on a niche that is supposed to be good for making money, but you haven’t got the first clue about and have no real passion to write about…

Or a blog that is in a field that you already know a lot about and love – meaning you can write naturally for weeks and months to come – where you can engage into the community that is also interested in this niche too and is likely to invest into products you suggest and they take you up on it as you prove to be an Authority in this niche???

I know which one I would choose, all day long.

It isn’t just about picking a niche, based on metrics.  It is about picking something you can build an Authority Blog in.

That is the key to making money from Blogging.  People need to believe and trust in you to make any decisions that lead to them buying something.  If they just feel like you are there to make money – it will be game over, regardless of the niche you have chosen.

So, my key advice for picking a niche is simple:

  1. You know what you are talking about in this niche or are willing to learn what you are talking about in it.
  2. You have experience in and around this niche, ideally.
  3. It is something that you will not get bored of, easily.

There is no point starting a niche in something that you haven’t got the first clue about.  Take gaming laptops, this is a massive growth market at the moment, and easily could be a great niche to target.  But if you have no idea about GPU’s or why the frame rate matters to a gamer – you have no business starting a blog about it.

Pick something you love, you will be writing a lot of content about it before you start making money with it.

What Do I Need to Know Before I Start Blogging?

What Do I Need to Know Before I Start Blogging?Before I describe the ways to make money from blogging, I want to ensure you understand the time and effort that will be required to make this work.  Many people walk away from blogging because it didn’t make them any money.  But when you break it down, it was because their expectations were way off of the mark.  Do not expect this to make you any money within the first 2 months.  It might even be the 6-month mark.  To realise the money-making potential from blogging, you need to sign up for the long-term.  I didn’t make any money for 6 months, but if I had given up in month 5, I would not be where I am today.

Your website/blog needs to be noticed on the search engines, and also get to page one of the search engines to make any real money.

This will take time and effort, but if you keep that in mind and work hard at it, you will find that you can make some real big numbers with Blogging.

You will also need to focus on helping the readers and not selling to them.  People will always be asking why.  If you just tell someone to buy a product because it is awesome.  People are going to think; this person is just interested in selling a product.

But, if you help them understand why you think this product is awesome, and it helped you because…

Think about why people are searching the internet.  Before they buy a product, they want to know what other people’s experiences have been.  How is the product used? What benefits will this product have?

You might identify problems in your niche that do not identify to a product, this is great as it builds up your authority.

Constantly look for the questions that are being asked and answer them.  They will start to trust you, and that is what is needed to promote products.

Becoming an Authority is the way to make money blogging online.

How Do I Make Money from Blogging Online?

There are three ways I want to share with you on how to make money from blogging online.

  1. Advertising – Once your site becomes established and you are receiving high levels of traffic, you can utilise services such as Google’s AdSense.  By having ads on your website, you can earn money when people click on the adverts. Be mindful, you will need a high level of traffic to even make this worth it.  There are other platforms, like MediaVine, but you need to be hitting high levels of traffic before they accept you.
  2. Offering Your Services – If you are not ready to start your own website, you could start offering your services via freelancing sites like Fiverr.  You get hired by other website owners to write for them.  Although you will tend to find that you will not always be writing about stuff you want to write about
  3. Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate Marketing is an awesome way of earning money from blogging and is the way I have been earning money for the last couple of years.  It isn’t a new concept, you just might not have heard of it – but Amazon started using it and still is.  You earn commission for introducing a buyer to a product.

Affiliate Marketing is a tried and tested premise to earning money from blogging, and many retailers sign up for it.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Related Post: How Affiliate Marketing Really Works

By using this model, companies do not need to pay huge amounts for advertising.  People often research products before buying them online.  Where do they go??? People’s blogs about their experiences with these products.  They read your review and decide to buy it, they follow your link to the retailer and buy it.  You have just earned commission!

By building up your authority in your website, with quality content you can start to introduce Affiliate Marketing, then as the traffic starts to hit your website you will start to earn commissions, then you can introduce ads and earn additional revenue.

That is the opportunity with blogging. So how do you get started.

How Do I Get Started with My Own Blog?

There are a few things that you need to get started on the right path.  First off, you need to know this will take time an effort.  It will take longer than you thought, and you will need to work hard to make it work.

You also need to be willing to learn everything there is to know about an online business.

This path is so rewarding, and when it starts to pay you will feel such a great feeling, but it is not for everyone.

Then to get started you only need to read what I can offer you

What I Can Offer to Those Willing to Invest the Time & Effort

I wouldn’t be where I was today, if I didn’t get the help and support, I can offer you today.  Before I signed up, I didn’t know a thing about websites, affiliate marketing, online business, nothing.  All I had was a niche idea.

With the help and guidance of Wealthy Affiliate, Gem and I now have 2 successful online businesses.

There are 3 things you need to get started and this is what Wealthy Affiliate offers:

  1. Education – A Step-by-Step guide on how to get started with a blog using Affiliate Marketing
  2. Websites – WordPress is so easy to use and is used in over 50% of current websites, you will learn everything there is to know inside Wealthy Affiliate
  3. Expert Help & Support – You will join a community of Internet Entrepreneurs all there to help you – You will also get me as a personal coach.  Whenever you get stuck or need advice, I will be there to help you.

You can get started with Wealthy Affiliate for free, with a free starter membership account.  If you would like to read my full review, check it out here.

I said earlier, that it is important to explain why you are recommending something, so here goes.

I have reviewed a lot of training platforms out there around online business, affiliate marketing, etc.  and I have never comeWealthy Affiliate Starter Membership across such a supportive platform ever.  You get direct access to the owners of the platform, Kyle & Carson.  They get involved every day. They work hard to ensure their training stays current, their websites are second to none.  They truly believe in the ‘Pay-it-forward’ mantra and focus on that key element I described earlier – Help the Reader.

If you truly want to start making money from blogging online, you will find no better companion that Wealthy Affiliate, and if you follow my lead – I will always be there to help you too.

Blogging is such a natural way of expressing yourself and being able to do it full-time and earning passive income from affiliate marketing, means you can spend more time doing what you love.  Good Luck to you, whatever you decide!!

If you have any questions around blogging, affiliate marketing or anything else to do with online business, please leave them in the comments below and I will come back to you ASAP.
Have you any experience with Wealthy Affiliate, I would love to hear your opinions about the platform, just leave them in the comments below.

Tired of Working 9 to 5? Get Started on Your Escape Now!

Tired of Working 9 to 5_Get Started on Your Escape Now!

There are many reasons why you might be trying to escape the rat race and finding something where you can work on your own terms, with much more freedom to pursue your own interests and work on something that gives you a real buzz and you feel is very much worthwhile…

For me, it was the realisation that in my day job I was leaving the house at 6 most mornings and getting back until after 6Tired of Working 9 to 5 - Commute every day. Just to do either a 9 to 5 job or maybe a retail role where the shifts were even worse.

Traffic is getting worse every time I got in the car to drive to work, meaning you leave earlier. Now this is often the reality, and I kind of accepted it until Will (my son) was born.  I was missing out on so much, like seeing him grow up.  I often got back in time just to take him to bed.

Then there are the people you sometimes have to work with, or your boss that is becoming the bigger reason why you want to leave.

Tired of Working 9 to 5 - BossSurveys have often shown that the main reason why people are looking to leave their current job is down to their boss.

There could be many reasons why you might be looking of a way of escaping your current job, and this can often be that you start looking for another job in a similar field – but this will mean that you will still be affected by the commute, having to answer to a boss and still miss out on a lot of family time or time to pursue your own interests.

This was the place I found myself in a couple of years ago…

I didn’t want to find another job that didn’t improve my situation with my commute, family time and answering to a boss.  I decided the look to see if there were any other ways of achieving my goals.

Now looking for a way to earn money online is easier said than done.  There are a high number of scams out there, products that promise the world and everything will be done on auto-pilot and it ends up being a load of crap.

But once you sift through all of it, you can find that there are some real opportunities to earn money online and with theAnything is Possible right mindset, you could easily be leaving the day job behind in a year or two.

You might think that is a long time… I want it sooner!  Wouldn’t we all, but the reality is any product that promises you a full-time wage straightaway is not genuine, and you will have lost your money.

If you are fully versed in the world of Internet Marketing, then you could easily achieve it sooner.  Otherwise, having realistic timescales and goals are really needed.

Ways to Work from Home

There are a number of genuine ways you could earn money online, earning a few extra quid completing surveys, etc. is fine if that is all you want.  But, being able to start your own online business where you can earn enough to achieve your goals of giving up the day job and spending more time doing what you like doing is a great feeling and was something, I was keen on working towards and wouldn’t have achieved it without the help and support I got.  But before I discuss that further, let’s explore a couple of ways you could work towards that goal…


There is an opportunity to earn good money by offering your services to online business owners and making some decentfreelancing opportunities money from it.  To start with, it is easily something you can offer in your spare time and there are many different services you could offer. For example, many website owners are looking for people to write articles for them.  Researching and writing an article can take a while, so people hire writers.  If you are any good at graphic design or photoshop, there are opportunities to earn money there too.

Here are some other ways you could earn through freelancing:

  • Graphic & Design
    • Logos, Illustrations, Flyers & Brochures, etc.
  • Digital Marketing
    • SEO, Social Media Marketing, Online Marketing, etc.
  • Writing & Translations
    • Website Content, Translations, Proofreading, Research, etc.
  • Video & Animation
    • Promo Videos, Music Videos, Short Video Ads, etc.
  • Music & Audio
    • Voice Overs, Mixing & Mastering, Jingles, etc.
  • Programming & Tech
    • WordPress, Website Builders, Ecommerce, etc.
  • Business
    • Virtual Assistant, Data Entry, Market Research, Business Plans, etc.
  • Fun & Lifestyle
    • A number of different topics

If you are so inclined to earn some extra money online, with a view of turning freelancing into a full-time income many people have actually chosen this path and have succeeded in it.  The only thing I will point out with this one is… you still have to answer to someone, most freelancing sites like Fiverr have a review process, so making sure your first few clients give you great feedback will mean you can get more gigs to continue earning money this way.  You will also have to work to deadlines and submit it work on time and ensure it is high quality and they are happy with it too.

Once you have established yourself into freelancing, you can easily get a lot of work, just remember not to take on too many gigs at once otherwise you will not be able to keep up with deadlines.

Selling Your Own Products

This is the one many people think about when we talk about being our own boss.  Selling your own products online is a very viable way of achieving your goals of working for yourself.

There are multiple ways of doing it too.  The example I always use my wife’s wedding stationary business – you can order Selling your own products - Amazonusing the website, Amazon, eBay, Etsy and we use social media to attract traffic to those places.

Now some of you will be thinking, I am crafty but not really sure where to get started – well, I will share with you the best ways shortly.

But, if you aren’t particularly creative and haven’t got your own products to sell, don’t worry I wasn’t either – I started an online business and sold other people’s products for them for commission.  I’ll go through Affiliate Marketing in the next section.

If you have your own products and have them on eBay or wanting to get your products to a bigger audience, the best way is to create your very own website.  The reason I say that is, it is yours. You will not be paying eBay every time you sell something, so you can earn more from the sale, which will lead to you being able to leave the day job behind and dedicate more time into your business and increases your sales and your profit.

You can get your very own website very easily and, in most cases, free (to start with) but what you need is a way of getting that website to the first page of Google.  If people are finding your website easily, they will be able to find your products and buy them and give you the income you need to say, “I don’t need the 9 to 5 job anymore”.  Learning marketing methods like Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing and Website Design all seem daunting but our No.1 Recommended Product helped me learn everything I needed to know to launch and improve my Wife’s Wedding Stationary business to the stage where she left her office job over a year ago to just focus on the orders that were coming through for the wedding stationary business.

But like I said not everyone has the inclination or ability to create and sell their own products and freelancing still means you have a boss.  So, I explored an option where I started selling other people’s products for a commission and I used that same training platform to learn everything I needed to know too.

Affiliate Marketing – Selling Other People’s Products!

If you haven’t heard about affiliate marketing, just know that it is one that is giving people the opportunity to leave the day job behind and is classed as ‘passive income’.

Passive income is where you can earn money without an action.  Every time Gemma (my wife) receives an order there are a number of different actions in the production process before they are shipped.  Affiliate Marketing doesn’t require an action, as you are only introducing a buyer to a seller via your website.

Amazon is actually one of the biggest marketplaces in the world that utilises Affiliate Marketing.  If you introduce someone to a product on Amazon and they buy that product you earn a commission.  This is typically a percentage of the purchase price. So, you could be earning money whilst you sleep.

Let’s say you have a real interest in technology and want to start a blog reviewing gaming laptops, which is a big growing market at the moment.  You would naturally write reviews about gaming laptops and accessories, etc.  Someone lands on your review of a gaming laptop they are interested in, they read your thorough review and decide that it is the laptop for them and follow your affiliate link to the retailer (in this cases Amazon) and they decide to buy it.  You will earn a % of the sale.  A typically gaming laptop is about $2,000. Amazon will reward you with 4-8% of the sale price – at 4% this is $80.  Doesn’t sound that much, but when you start introducing 10 people buying a $2k laptop – that is $800.  On just one review.  People are earning $5k a month using this model and others have scaled their business earning a lot more through multiple websites.  The opportunities are endless!

That is when you start to realise the potential in Affiliate Marketing.  That is why I have used it to improve Gemma’s business to one that uses 3 different types of business – Selling your own Products, Drop Shipping and Affiliate Marketing.

What Do I Need to Start an Online Business???

Whether you choose to start an Affiliate Marketing business or Sell Your Own Products – You need to understand there are a few factors you need to consider before jumping in both feet.  I mentioned all those programs that tell you that you can earn thousands overnight – yeah, they kind of give the general impression that is possible everywhere.  If you start today, you will be giving up your day job in a couple of weeks.  I wish!

The main reason why Online Businesses or Affiliate Marketers fail is, they give up before they reach their potential.

Let’s just give you a clear understanding of the timescales, so you know what to expect.  Most websites will not get a clear cut-through with the search engines until your third month.  So, if you follow all of the clear training I will share with you, and follow all of the steps that you are set to follow, you will not really get noticed by the search engines until you are into month 3.  Why is this important?? Let me ask you a question – when you search for something on google, how often do you go to page 2 of the searches???


You need your content ranking on page one of the search engines to benefit from people ordering your products or from your affiliate business.  This can typically happen by month 3.  But if you give up after 4 weeks, because you haven’t earned anything yet.  You have the wrong mindset to make this business work and leave that job you do not like behind…

This is an honest, genuine way of earning money online and will definitely get you to a place where you can leave your day job behind… BUT, if you are not prepared to put the time in and stay determined that it will work and that it requires effort, then this opportunity is not for you.

Where Do I Learn Everything, I Need to Know…? With Expert Support

I wouldn’t be in the position I am in today, if I didn’t find the platform, I started using a couple of years ago…

The knowledge I have learned has led me to be able to transform Gem’s dream of her own wedding stationary business – She is now getting regular orders across the world with her personalised wedding stationary a hit.

But it also allowed me to pursue my dreams of an online business, I love helping people and love the fact I am now in a position to help other people realise their dreams of giving up their day jobs, leaving the commute behind and spend more time with their families by building an affiliate marketing business.

Below, are the things that you need to bring to the business:

  • A Willingness to Learn!
  • Determination to Achieve Your Goals!
  • Understanding That This Will Take Time!! and I mean more than a month of hard graft.

What Will Wealthy Affiliate Bring to Your Business?

When I first started out, I knew I wanted to find something that could help but didn’t know where to look.  There are plenty of platforms that have great marketing campaigns but end up being full of false promises.  I even tried binary options to see if I could earn any money, but all I did was lost money – but it led me to a training program that changed my life!

There are 3 things that you will need to become successful online:

  • Education – You need to commit to the fact that you will need to learn what it takes to get started and be successful online.
  • You will need a website, you will get instant access to 2 free websites
  • Expert Help & Support – You will need someone there to help you every step of the way.  I offer that support, along with a community of Internet Entrepreneurs all there to help you as well.

The platform that I am talking about is Wealthy Affiliate.  Their training, websites, online tools and their community is the reason I can confidently state that anyone who follows their guidance properly will succeed with their goals.

Whilst at first glance, it seems like only potential affiliate marketers will benefit from their training – I can actually state that anyone with an online business will benefit, purely due to their emphasis on ensuring there is training on all aspects of internet marketing.  Many of their techniques have helped in Gem’s wedding stationary business, my affiliate marketing business – but there is a whole load of other training in there and it just keeps getting better.

The websites and web hosting focus on user experience, to ensure that your audience get the best experience.

Online tools like a content creator and keyword research tool are included inside the platform and are key to your success.

But by far the best thing about Wealthy Affiliate is all members get access to the owners of the platform, Kyle and Carson.  No other platform gives you direct access to the owners.  They are constantly involved in the live chat, answering questions from anyone.  They helped me decide on my first niche and offer regular blog updates on what is going on in the Internet Marketing world and Wealthy Affiliate.

You will also gain access to me as your personal coach – have a question, not sure which direction to go, need motivating whilst it is still new, you just get in touch and we can discuss the best course forward.

Joining WA was the best thing I did and has taught me so much about the fact that I can go and pursue my own online Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membershipbusiness and achieve my goals – it also allowed my wife to leave her day job to focus on something she wanted to do. No Commute and No Boss!

I will say again, it isn’t for everyone – You need to invest your time, effort and be dedicated to making it work for it to become a viable solution to leaving your 9 to 5 job behind.

But with Wealthy Affiliate’s support you can achieve it, and if you ever need a nudge just send me a Personal Message inside of WA.

If you would like to take a further look around what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, here is the link to my Review.  Their starter membership is totally free, without any need for a credit card.  Just sign up, for 7 days you will gain access to their premium membership – this gives you a more complete idea of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.  There is no pressure to upgrade and you can stay a starter member (for free).  If you decide it isn’t for you, there will be no hard feelings and you can just log out.  I also wrote a blog post about the differences between the starter membership and premium membership you might find useful, check it out here.

Whichever direction you choose to go, I wish you look on your journey to leaving your 9 to 5 job behind.  But remember before I joined Wealthy AFfiliate, I did not have a clue about starting a website, writing content, anything to do with how search engines worked.  Not many of us did, but by the end of the online entrepreneur certification course you will!!

But for those select few who think they have what it takes to build a business where you will be your own boss, earning good money online – I look forward to meeting you inside Wealthy Affiliate.

If you have any further questions about any of the topics in this post, then please leave them in the comments below, I will come back to you ASAP with an answer.

Have you any experience with Wealthy Affiliate, you wish to share – I would love to hear about it.  How did they help you with your online business? What did you make of the training?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below.  thanks

Freedom Fast Lane Review – Is Freedom Fast Lane a Scam?

Welcome to our Freedom Fast Lane Review!

Freedom Fast Lane has a great sales pitch, and definitely offers some great training and programs towards an Affiliate Marketing business – but is it a great program for beginners just starting out, will it work out and earn you the money it states or is it all a scam…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Freedom Fast Lane in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything. 

Instead we want to reveal to you all the details we found in our research, and ultimately provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

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Instant Affiliate Machine Review – Can I Just Put it on Auto-Pilot?

Instant Affiliate Machine Review

Welcome to our Instant Affiliate Machine Review!

According to the sales pitch, you just install this system and then it’ll work on auto-pilot with no need for you to do anything?

Whilst it might sound appealing, it is nowhere near as simple as they make out, and this program will not help you earn money like they claim too.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Instant Affiliate Machine in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal how they have left the hardest part of the process up to you to finish, and providing you a website that is full of duplicate content that will not rank…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

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Wealthy Affiliates Starter and Premium Memberships Compared

Wealthy Affiliates Starter and Premium Memberships Compared

If you are still unsure on what the key differences are between the Starter membership and Premium memberships available at Wealthy Affiliate, I am here to help.  I have been with Wealthy Affiliate since 2016 and could see no better partner in my Affiliate Marketing business.

Their training has a proven track record, and has helped many people take their first steps in to Affiliate Marketing and beyond to building up a profitable online business where you can leave the day job behind.

I personally have benefitted from the training and can see anyone with the inclination to spend some time and effort learning from them to have the same success.

So, I want to share some of the most common questions I get about the different memberships and also include some tips along the way of how you could benefit from the platform too.

Wealthy Affiliates Starter Membership

Let’s go through some of the most common questions with the Starter Membership.

Is the Starter Membership a Free Trial?

No, the Starter membership is not a free trial. It is a free membership for life if you choose not to upgrade to the Premium Membership.

It will not cost you anything for as long as you want.

The confusion around the trial is that you get to trial the premium features for 7 days. Take them for a test drive to help you understand them.

Who is the Starter Membership for?

The Starter Membership is for anyone who wants to get started in affiliate marketing and building their own business.  But is also helps you decide whether affiliate marketing is the right decision for you.

What’s included in the Starter Membership?

  • First 10 lessons in their online entrepreneur certification course for any niche
  • First 10 lessons in their Affiliate Bootcamp course for promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  • Access to 2 out of the 10 classrooms available
  • Build 1* Free Websites (Web Hosting Included)
  • SiteBuilder
  • Keyword Research Tool (30 free searches)
  • SiteContent with templates to use
  • Live Chat for instant support – limited use

[*Updated March 2020 – Starter Members will now receive access to one free website]

Can I Make Money with the Starter Membership?

You can make money with your free website, if you already know what you are doing with Affiliate Marketing.

But if you are new to Affiliate Marketing, then I would have to say that it will be difficult. Considering what I have learned from Wealthy Affiliate and my experience in the field, you need the right support to succeed.

There is just so much to learn, it isn’t as simple as just building a blog on a website and off you go.

There are many aspects of affiliate marketing that you need to understand to build a business which gives you the freedom to earn from home.

How Do I Close my Account if I Don’t Want to Upgrade to Premium?

You haven’t invested any money, just log out and go on your way.

Can I Get Coaching as a Starter Membership?

It does depend on who you sign up with.  I personally help each and every member that accepts my invitation, regardless of whether they go premium or not.

I know how difficult it is in the first few months when you are just starting out and not too sure of what you are doing.  If I can be of any help, I am there helping regularly in live chat or answering questions, my username is Jcross93 at Wealthy Affiliate.

What’s the Purpose of the Starter Membership if I can’t Make Money with it?

The Starter Membership was never meant for someone with no knowledge of Affiliate Marketing to make money.  If you are a beginner, how could you know enough to make money from your websites.

The purpose of it was to give you a way of experiencing the platform without having to hand over any money or commitment.  I have seen many platforms say you can try it but you have to pay up front, and claim a refund if you are not happy. That isn’t as easy said as done.

But with Wealthy Affiliate, you get to test out the premium features for 7 days, like Live Chat, Live Weekly Webinars, see that we are real people out there to help beginners start their affiliate marketing business without handing over any credit card details.

You can test it, launch your own free website and experience it for real.

I think that shows how much the owners behind WA care about making sure you know what you are paying for.

But there is no pressure to upgrade, and if you choose to stay a starter member, you keep your websites.

Is It Really Free for Everyone?

There are some instances where you will not be able to access the free Starter Membership

There are 10 countries, where the Starter Membership is not available. There are more cases of fraud and scams happening in these countries and WA wants to protect its members, so they are no eligible for the free starter membership.

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Egypt
  3. Ghana
  4. India
  5. Kenya
  6. Morocco
  7. Nigeria
  8. Pakistan
  9. Philippines
  10. Vietnam

However, this doesn’t stop people who are serious about Affiliate Marketing in these countries, joining through the Premium Membership – which is $49/month or $359/yr.

If you are in one of these countries, please sign up here.

You Will Not Succeed Without the Premium Membership

Some might say that I am making a bold statement with that, but it is true.  Many people miss a few key elements when starting an Affiliate Marketing business but following the complete training program with Wealthy Affiliate and following every step and task they set will ensure you succeed.  Those key elements are people do not commit to their business properly and they lack the support to get their business up and running and keep going until it succeeds.

Following their training allowed Gemma to give up her day job and work on her own online business and is allowing me to earn money every month from Affiliate Marketing, from home.

How Much Does the Premium Membership Cost?

It costs just $49/month or $359/yr.

If you are eligible to sign up for a free starter account first, I can then offer you a discount on your first premium month – saving you 61% of the cost.

This is unfortunately not available for those who are not eligible.

Who is the Premium Membership For?

If you are serious about building an online business and are seriously about learning every aspect that will allow you to succeed, then the Premium Membership is for you.

It is for those who are going to persevere until it is earning you your financial targets, but also reach your non-financial targets.  Mine was spending more time with my family.

Who Is Eligible for the Premium Membership?

At present only Nigeria is currently unavailable to join.  But anyone else is eligible to join.

What is Included in the Premium Membership?

  • All 50 lessons in the Online Certification Course for any Niche
  • All 70 lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp Course for Promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  • All 12 classrooms are accessible
  • 10** free websites and 10** full domain websites = 20 websites
  • Fast & Secure Web Hosting for your websites
  • SiteBuilder
  • Keyword Research Tool – Unlimited Searches
  • Live Chat for Instant Support – Unlimited Use
  • Private Messaging for 1-2-1 Coaching
  • Weekly Live Webinars
  • SiteComments – Get Comments and Engagement for your websites and earn credit too
  • SiteFeedback – Get Feedback on your websites to push your business forward
  • SiteSpeed – Website speed can affect your rankings, this helps keep it fast
  • SiteProtect – Awesome Spam Protection
  • Free SSL Certificates for all websites
  • Access to thousands of tutorials created by other members
  • Your Own Blog on Wealthy Affiliate
  • Make Money through Wealthy Affiliate by creating training (after 3 months)
  • Help from the community at all times, I have really benefitted from this
  • Access to the Owners, Kyle & Carson – they are regularly online, and you can chat to them about your business.

[** The Premium Membership has been updated and now offers 10 Full Domain website]

When Do I Upgrade to Premium?

You can upgrade at any point.  The earlier you do it, the sooner you can start your journey to earning money online.

When Do I Upgrade to an Annual Subscription?

You can upgrade to an annual subscription at any point.  If you have just paid a monthly fee, it will be factored in when you buy your annual subscription.  So, you will not overpay!

Does WA Have Any Sales on Their Premium Membership?

They tend to offer a discount on their annual subscription as part of the black Friday weekend. The Annual subscription will drop to $299.

There is no guarantee, this will be available every year, but it has been the case for the last couple of years and I benefitted from it and now my annual membership is the same every year.

What If I Need to Take a Break from the Premium Membership?

No problem.  Just remember to note down your username and password, so you can log back in when you are ready.

Once you have noted that down, go into Account Settings and cancel your Wealthy Affiliate subscription.  When you are ready to come back, just resubscribe.

If you do not want to re-subscribe, then you will need to move any websites you have hosted at WA to another hosting provider.

Are There Any Refunds?

No, all of the information available is digital and you gain access to all of it as soon as you subscribe.

How Long Does It Take to Make Money with the Premium Membership?

That is a hard question to answer, everyone will go through the training at a different pace, everyone will put in different amounts of time and effort. So it is really hard to give you a definitive timeline for earnings.

There are too many variables to factor in, but what I can share is my experience.  If you are consistent in the training, follow all of the steps and do everything properly and correctly.  IF you can commit to spending an hour a day either learning or doing something with your business – you could start earning money from it within 3-6 months.

I started earning money after 6 months, but I could have been more committed and earned that earlier.

If you can get your website noticed by the search engines, as the training shows you how to do this, then you will start to see that month 3 is key and from that point on your earning potential will grow.

When you will make money will depend on you – your niche, your time and effort, consistency and persistence.

Side-by-Side Comparison of the Starter & Premium Membership

Here is a summary of both memberships side by side, for you to review

Success Stories Are Constant with the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership

The first thing I will say about success stories, is that success doesn’t always mean financial.  In my experience, the more I focused on my non-financial goals the easier it was to work towards my financial goals.

Success could be launching your first website, getting ranked on page one of google or even earning your first dollar.

Celebrating every success will definitely help you stay motivated before that first dollar comes in, once you have earned your first dollar – you just keep working on scaling that to a full-time income.

See some success stories from Premium Wealthy Affiliate Members below.

Success Stories at Wealthy Affiliate

Get Personal Coaching from Me

If you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate through the links below, you will also get coaching from me for free.

I understand the need for help when you are just starting out with Affiliate Marketing and want to offer help at every step of the way for anyone who accepts my invitation.

After you sign up, I will send you a welcome message with all of the information on it and you will also be connected with me on the platform.  You will be able to find me, look for me on there – my username is JCross93.

I am currently in the top 200 of Wealthy Affiliate and that is down to how many people I help on there.  Do not ever be afraid to ask a question, someone else might be thinking the same thing and we are all there to help you or anybody succeed.

So if you really want to start your own affiliate marketing business and earning money online, then you will not find a better platform than Wealthy Affiliate.


If you still have any questions around either the starter membership or the premium membership, or Wealthy Affiliate itself – then please leave them in the comments below and I promise I will respond to you ASAP with an answer.

Can I Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website? 5 Ways To Make Money Without a Blog

Can I Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website

We personally believe that a website is an ideal platform for affiliate marketing, as you have full control over it and can use it as a base for some of the methods we discuss in this post.

But having said that, there are still a number of alternative ways for you to make money with affiliate marketing without a website.  Whichever method you choose, you still need to remember some key things to help you convert clicks into sales, and we will share some tips in our post too.

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