What is Tron2Get? Legit Smart Contract or Pyramid Scheme?!

Welcome to our Tron2Get Review!

Tron2Get is the latest Tron-based MLM company offering a smart contract on the TRON blockchain.  Chances are someone has approached you over this opportunity and you want to know if it’s legit or not.  

Unfortunately, I uncovered a number of red flags with this program, that leads us to believe that it’s a poorly hidden pyramid scheme… But more on that later.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Tron2Get in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, I want to reveal to you what this scheme is really all about…

Tron2Get Review Summary

Product Name: Tron2Get

Founder: Undisclosed

Product Type: Cryptocurrency HYIP Pyramid Scheme

Price: 100 TRX Minimum Investment

Best For: No One!


Summary: Tron2Get is a cryptocurrency HYIP Pyramid Scheme.  It doesn’t do a very good job of hiding the red flags that show what it’s real intent.  The incentive program is heavily recruitment based, and there are other reasons not to trust the people behind it.

Not a great company to get involved with…

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Tron2Get?

Tron2Get is a HYIP or high-yield investment program MLM company.  It promises you a 200% ROI on your investments…


They claim to double your funds without any risk.  That is a red flag straightaway, as there is always a risk when you are talking about investments.

It claims to be an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company and this is based on their referral compensation plan, which is based on a unilevel structure.

The problem here is that an MLM company has to offer products or services in exchange for your investment, but there are none.  So, this is a straight investment program.

There are also problems with finding out who owns the company, or who is behind it.  There is literally no information about who owns Tron2Get.  There is no information on their landing page, or about us page.  

We tried to uncover their domain’s WhoIs information to try to find out, but all we found out was the domain name was registered on 14th September 2020, and that the domain was privately registered.

Because it is privately registered, means that we don’t really know who is behind this scheme.  That is the second red flag…

Then there is the fat they use a UK incorporation.  This makes them look really legit, but that is all it does.  The problem is that UK incorporations are easy to get, and there aren’t many hurdles to cross to get one.

So, whilst it might look legit, it’s far from it in our opinion.

So, that’s three red flags already about this scheme…

Tron2Get Product Line

If they were a legit MLM company, they would have products or services to offer.  But that is just it, they don’t have any to provide.


Tron2Get has no retail products or services tied in with their investment.  All that you are doing is investing your money into the program, and enjoying their compensation plan.

This is another red flag…

Does Tron2Get Work?

So, already from the landing page alone we have a number of red flags that are worrying us about this program.

There is no transparency at all with regards who you are trusting your investment with.  You don’t learn who the owner is, or who you are dealing with.

For MLM companies, this lack of transparency is a huge deal as we cannot say this enough that a lot of them closed down due to the fact they didn’t have a verifiable owner or information about the owner.

Next, there is the lack of products or services. This is a program where you are investing your money into this company, hoping to get profits back within a given timescale.

But, how is that profit generated then? how do they guarantee that doubling of your investment?

Well, they would need to do some investing or trading on your behalf.  To do that, they would be required to register with the SEC, FCA, or any other authorities for every country they are operating in, to be able to carry out any transaction.

This lack of any registration, means they are committing securities fraud.  If you were to make any money from their program, this could also land you in some serious trouble, or even jail!

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How to Make Money with Tron2Get?

If you invest into Tron2Get, the only way you will make any money out of it is by recruiting other people into the Tron2Get system.  This makes it a Pyramid Scheme

Getting Started with Tron2Get...

To get started with Tron2Get there is a minimum investment of 100 TRX, thats about $3.

TRX is the TRON cryptocurrency and is a legitimate cryptocurrency, just like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

There is no maximum investment level mentioned.

Tron2Get Compensation Plan

Their compensation plan is split into two directions; holding your money and recruiting people.

Holding your money means that you cannot withdraw your investment until you get the specified ROI back.  They promise this is a 200% return on investment…

Basic Interest Rate

You can earn 1% every 24 hours, which is paid hourly at the rate of 0.0416%

Personal Hold Bonus

If you hold your funds in the company behind the minimum withdrawal rate, you can earn an extra 0.1% for the first 24 hours, and then 0.2% after 48 hours, then 0.3% after 72 hours.

They claim, the longer you leave it, you more you can earn…

Referral Commissions

Referral Commissions are paid using the unilevel compensation structure.  These are the commissions on investments and recruitments made by your team or downline.

A unilevel structure looks like this:


Basically, anyone you recruit will be in your first level and be your direct recruit. When any of your recruits recruit someone, they will be on their first level, and your second level.

This can go on endlessly, in theory…

If you are able to recruit more people, you can place them strategically under those levels.  But you will only get paid out on 3 levels down, as follows:

  • Level 1 pays out 5% on the investments made by members of this level
  • Level 2 pays out 2% of the investments made at this level
  • Level 3 pays out 0.5% of the investments made by this level

What We Liked About Tron2Get

Tron2Get is very clearly a scam, and for that reason I couldn’t find anything that I liked about it.  We wouldn’t recommend this to anyone…  Let’s explain why…

What We Didn't Like About Tron2Get

Here’s what we didn’t like about Tron2Get:

#1 The Address is Fake…

If you remember what we said about their UK incorporation, well they have tried to go one better by listing an address to make themselves appear even more legitimate


All looks above board, but if you were to do a Google search for that address… It’ll come up as the Hilton hotel.

In fact, I live in the UK and have stayed in that hotel, there are no offices at that address.  It is just a clever ploy to make you think they have a place of operation…

#2 Committing Securities Fraud

To carry out financial transactions, they are required to be registered with the relevant authorities in every country they are operating out of.

Just because they have a UK Incorporation, it doesn’t mean they are allowed to do investments on behalf of people.

Agencies like the SEC and FCA are there to regulate these companies.  If you were looking for a legitimate way to invest your money, you might try IQ Option or 24Option.

#3 Pyramid Recruitment

There is no proof that they are generating income from any other form other than recruitment, and their compensation plan is solely focused on recruitment.

The only money coming in, is from the new members coming into the scheme.

Once the recruitment stops, the money will stop coming in too.  That’s the reason why they have that stupid Hold Bonus thing in place, to give you an incentive not to withdraw your money.

It’s just a ploy for Tron2Get to prevent people from cashing out, and them keeping any of the money that’s in the system.

#4 No Owner Information

This is just another red flag showing this scheme to be a scam.  When you don’t find any information about who you are trusting with your money, it always stinks of being a scam…

#5 People Are Losing Money…

When you check out the reviews on Trustpilot…

People are reporting that they are not receiving their funds when requesting them.  They are reporting it to be a scam… and the few positive ones are from people that are promoting the platform to make money.


Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Tron2Get a Scam?

Is Tron2Get a Scam?  

When you factor in all the red flags that are littered about the place; no owner information, fake address, no products/services, recruitment incentives, it just points at it being a Pyramid/Ponzi Scheme.

For that reason we have to say that it is a scam, and definitely a Pyramid Scheme.

All of the incentives are focused on recruiting people, and they take that one step further by trying to convince you to leave your money in the scheme.  That way, when the owner does a runner, they’ll take everything and you will have lost anything you invested into it.

Bottom line, stay as far away from this scheme as you can…

How We Make Money Online

We’re not fans of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but due to all the restrictions and the expensive costs involved.

Instead, our top recommended business model is Affiliate Marketing.  We recommend it to anyone looking to make money online.

The reasons are simple…

  • There is no need to recruit anyone to make money
  • You have the freedom to promote any products you want, without being restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • It’s Free to get started

In fact, thanks to Affiliate Marketing…

We’ve created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn how you can get started, and get excellent training and support, check out our #1 Recommended Program

Thanks for checking out our Tron2Get Review!  If you have any questions, or comments to add then please write them in the comments section below. 😉


100 TRX Minimum Investment

Overall Rating



  • Nothing


  • Fake Address
  • No Owner Details
  • Committing Securities Fraud
  • Pyramid Recruitment Structure
  • Complete Scam

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