What is Commission Hero About? Is Robby Blanchard’s Course Legit?

Welcome to our Commission Hero Review!

Have you been looking for reviews that give you an honest look into Commission Hero and all you seem to find are ones that are actively trying to promote it to you (so they can earn commission).

Are you wondering what it is that Commission Hero is really going to teach you, and ultimately is it totally worth the $997 fee!!

Then, we are definitely going to be able to help you get all the information you need to know before making that decision.  It is a really high fee, especially for a beginner, but is it the springboard Robby claims it is?

First off, it is great to see that you are doing thorough research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent, we are not associated with Commission Hero in any form.  So relax, we are not here to pitch or sell you anything.  We just want to ensure you have all the information you will need.

Robby Blanchard’s Commission Hero claims to help you earn $1,000 a day through following their training.  The training focuses on using affiliate marketing and relies on Facebook ads, which are both legit.  But is there anything that Robby is not telling you before you join?  Let’s get into the details and we can show you what is commission hero about…

Let’s begin with a quick product overview…

Commission Hero Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Hero

Founder: Robby Blanchard

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing & Sales Funnel Training

Price: $997 one-time fee or 2x $597 + Upsell (Inner Circle – $297/month) + Other Costs

With Inner Circle – Minimum Cost of $7,429/year

Best For: Affiliate Marketers Looking to Promote ClickBank Products

Commission Hero Review

Summary: Commission Hero is a training platform that will teach you how to promote ClickBank products with Sales Funnels and Facebook Ads using Affiliate Marketing.  It is a legit training platform, but the problem is more that as it is being aimed at beginners the price of the course and the additional costs that are not apparent, mean it going to cost you a fortune just to get started.  It can work, but you will require funds to follow through with the methods Robby is teaching in this course.

My advice would be to wait until you have an established business making money before you commit to such an expensive course and high monthly costs.

Rating: 55/100

Recommended? Yes & No (We will explain)

Table of Contents

What is Commission Hero?

Commission Hero claims to offer a “Simple 3-Step System” to help you generate “$1,000 Per Day or More…”

But like a lot of Make Money Online products, it doesn’t really explain what it is you will actually be doing.

Commission Hero is a Video training course that will teach you how to make money through Affiliate Marketing.  It focuses on the promotion of digital products on a platform called ClickBank and you will be shown how to promote these products using Facebook Ads (paid).

Through Facebook Ads, you will be pushing traffic to your landing pages, or squeeze pages as they are sometimes called, to help you “capture emails” and then sell affiliate products from ClickBank.

Before we go any further, lets’ just cover off a couple of bits.

If you are a complete beginner, you may be thinking, “what the heck is affiliate marketing?”

I get it, a few years back we had never even heard of it neither.  But the first thing you should know about it is, Affiliate Marketing is Legit!

Affiliate Marketing could be likened to a “refer a friend” scheme.  By signing up with an affiliate program, you can then promote products to people and earn a commission if someone goes and buys something.

For example, if you had a weight loss website and signed up with the Amazon affiliate program, you could promote weight loss products to your readers and earn a commission if any of them bought anything.

Commission Hero will teach you how to do this, but they will be focusing on Digital Products that are available on ClickBank.

Again, ClickBank is legit and it provides a platform for digital product owners to sell their products, and for affiliates to promote them.  Commission Hero is available via ClickBank, so the transaction will be handled through their marketplace.  It is also how the Commission Hero affiliates are earning money for promoting it.

There are a few things to know about ClickBank products, but we will cover them off later.

For now, know that Affiliate Marketing and ClickBank are legit, so is Commission Hero.  However, whether we would recommend Commission Hero to a complete newbie, that is still up for debate as we will explore as we go through this review.

P.S. This program has enabled us to generate a 6-Figure Monthly Passive Income stream.  It is FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Who is Robby Blanchard?

Robby Blanchard is the founder of Commission Hero, and has in the past been the #1 ClickBank affiliate in the world.

Robby Blanchard - Commission Hero

In January 2019, he was at the top of the leaderboard on ClickBank, and this isn’t an easy feat to achieve.

There is little doubt as to whether Robby Blanchard is legit.

Before becoming an affiliate, he worked as a fitness trainer and a gym owner where he created an information product, which he sold on ClickBank.

Through this process, he learned how to use Facebook Ads properly to promote his product.  He then started selling other people’s products on ClickBank through affiliate marketing.

He knows his stuff, but our concerns are more to do with whether this is a product ideal for beginners and whether the cost of the platform is justified…

Inside Commission Hero

Commission Hero will teach you how to get traffic to your landing pages using Facebook Ads.

These landing pages (squeeze pages) are designed to help you capture “email addresses” to then sell affiliate products from ClickBank to those on your email list.

To get a good look at what is inside, we found this great video that shows you what is inside the Commission Hero training:

Once you are inside the members area, you will be provided with a step-by-step instructions on how to setup your sales funnels and send traffic to them using Facebook Ads.

Here is the the outline of the course:

Getting Started

  • What is Affiliate Marketing?
  • Ad Accounts
  • ClickFunnels
  • ClickBank
  • MaxWeb

Choosing the Right Offers

  • Finding the Right Offers on ClickBank
  • Finding the Right Offers on Maxweb
  • Finding the Right Offers on A4D
  • Offer Spotlight: Flat Belly Fix
  • Offer Spotlight: Lean Belly Breakthrough

Finding Your Ad Image

  • What an Image Should Contain
  • Finding the Right Designer on Fiverr

Setting Up a Landing Page

  • Register for ClickFunnels
  • Setting Up Your Affiliate Link
  • Setting Up Your Domain
  • Setting Up You PHP Landing Page

Setting Up Facebook

  • Setting Up FB Business Manager
  • Setting Up Your Fan Page
  • Setting Up Your Facebook Campaign & Ad set
  • Setting Up Your Ads
  • Creating a Custom Audience
  • Bonus: A Look Inside At a Successful Campaign

Setting Up Your Facebook Pixel

  • How to Install FB Pixel
  • Placing Your FB Pixel in Your ClickBank Account
  • Understanding your Pixel Analytics
  • Tracking Your Campaigns
  • Tracking Spreadsheet
  • How to Install Tracking Links


  • Scaling Your Campaigns

Ninja Tactics

  • Reaching Out to Other Affiliates
  • Amex Card
  • Spying on Facebook Ads
  • Dealing with Account Shutdowns


  • Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes (ClickFunnels)
  • Million Dollar Landing Page Swipes (PHP)
  • Mindset
  • Images
  • CPA (Cost Per Action)
  • Contacts

The training curriculum looks extensive, however remember that you will only be taught how to attract traffic via one route and that is via Facebook Ads.  You will not receive any training that focuses on other forms of training, including the free ways of getting traffic like SEO.

I get why Robby is focusing on Facebook Ads, as he has a lot of experience with this and has a lot of knowledge to share.  There is a lot of value available in the course that Robby has put together.  But you should know that the initial cost of the course ($997) is only the start of the costs that you will need to spend to follow the methods taught in this course.

Alongside the training, which is delivered in 40 High-Quality videos you also gain support from Blanchard through the platform.

How Much Does Commission Hero Cost?

Let’s get into the costs associated with Commission Hero.  As we have mentioned already, there is not just the cost of the course to consider.  You will have to spend a considerable amount on top of this to emulate the methods Blanchard is teaching you within this course.

The Commission Hero Course

The cost to join Blanchard’s course is either a one-off payment of $997 or 2 payments of $597.  This gives you full access to the training material and support within.

That is a huge commitment for someone who isn’t yet convinced Affiliate Marketing works.  But the costs do not stop there.

The Monthly Costs Going Forward…

To actually follow the training within, you are going to need to pay for a few additional programs to make it work.

The first is a program called ClickFunnels.  It is a landing page builder and is $97/month.  There are others out there, but the recommendation within this course is ClickFunnels.

There is also ClickMagick, which is a tracking tool.  The cost of that is $27/month.

To capture emails addresses and have the ability to interact with a list, you will require an autoresponder.  Their recommendation is GetResponse and that will cost you $15/month to get started.  Although, factor in that as your list grows, so will the monthly cost.

Then there is the cost of placing your ads on Facebook.  This will depend on you, but ideally you would spend more than $200/month on them.

Then there is an upsell that is called the “Inner Circle”.

The Inner Circle – $297 per month

This will gain you access to the following:

  • “Done-For-You” Funnels
  • Weekly Webinars
  • Robby Looks Through Your Campaigns
  • Active Facebook Group

If you were to join the Inner Circle and commit to the costs that we have discussed, then within a year your costs could look something like this:

  • $997 – Commission Hero
  • $97 x 12 = $1,164 – ClickFunnels
  • $27 x 12 = $324 – ClickMagick
  • $15 x 12 = $180 – GetResponse
  • $297 x 12 = $3,564 – Inner Circle
  • $200 x 12 – $1,200 – Facebook Ads

The Total Cost for 1 Year = $7,429!!

I am not saying that it isn’t possible to make money by following the training within Commission Hero. In fact, there is merit in what he is teaching.  But whether you follow Commission Hero or check out a method that doesn’t require a huge budget to get started.  Affiliate Marketing requires hard work and dedication and there is no magic button to making money online with it.  

If you decide to join Commission Hero, or try or #1 Recommended Training that is FREE to try out.  You have to commit to it and follow the training that is set out.

The only thing we will say is that paying for ads is not as guaranteed as some will make out.  You have to be making more than you are spending and sales pages that look overhyped don’t always convert as well as other forms of online marketing.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?

If you are going to spend $997 on a training course, I would want to know that I could get my money back if there was a reason that I felt it wasn’t for me.

Well, Commission Hero does offer a money-back guarantee… although it isn’t as simple as you might think.

Commission Hero - Success Policy

There is a catch for if you want to get your money back.  You have to commit to a full 12 months before thinking about getting your money back.  They are quite clear they are after people who are serious about wanting to follow the methods set out in the training.  So, you would need to spend over $7,000 in 12 months and follow all that Blanchard sets out and then if you are still not seeing results, you can request your $997 back.

There are a couple of issues that are probably causing the issue really.  Unethical affiliates who are promoting this and making promises they cannot keep, and unsuspecting newbies are being drawn in just so the affiliate makes a sale.

Or, the sales pitch isn’t clear enough in the first place…

Who is Commission Hero For?

The way Commission Hero is marketed, it is being pitched at complete beginners.  But beginners are not always ready to commit to such a huge initial investment.

Commission Hero is really intended for those who are serious about making a huge investment into selling affiliate products or those that are already seeing success and are looking at learning more about effective sales funnels.

P.S. If you are a complete beginner and want to learn how to make passive income with affiliate marketing, without that kind of investment, then we have a better alternative.  It is FREE to get started and only $49/month to go full-time.  

Click Here to Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate (Our #1 Recommended Training).

What We Liked About Commission Hero

Here is what we liked about Commission Hero:

#1 Robby Blanchard is The Real Deal!

Robby has both the knowledge and experience and is sharing it within this training.  He has a proven track record with ClickBank and affiliate sales.

It is common to see a low-quality training program offering the world without ever telling you who is behind it, and they are normally a scam.

That is not the case with Commission Hero.  It is on the expensive side, but we do believe you could see results, if you have the funds…

#2 Legit Strategy

Commission Hero proves again that Affiliate Marketing is a legitimate business model.  There are many ways of marketing affiliate products, Blanchard focuses on paid routes and we focus more on free routes of traffic.  But either way is legit and effective and it is a growing market.

#3 Inner Circle Support

If you are brand new to affiliate marketing and haven’t got a clue about sales funnels, landing pages and the like, then the support within the Inner Circle is a huge bonus.  It is expensive, but if you have the budget is worth it to get Robby’s support and DFY funnels, etc.

#4 It is Possible to See Quick Results

Look, there is a risk when it comes to using paid forms of traffic generation.  You have to hope your ads generate the interest you need and people actually buy what you are promoting.

Having said that, with the right training and investing the right amount (earn more than you spend), you can see results much quicker than you could with free forms of traffic (SEO, Social Media).  Some have even reported seeing results within a week.

What We Didn't Like About Commission Hero

Here is what we didn’t like about Commission Hero:

#1 Only Works with ClickBank Products

The training within the course only focuses on promoting ClickBank products.  This means that you don’t learn about all the other affiliate programs out there.  ClickBank is only one marketplace for affiliates in thousands. 

It doesn’t give you the freedom to explore something that you are actually interested in or want to promote products in. 

The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you can earn money from doing something you love.  If you love keeping fit, then promote products or services related to keeping fit.  You love photography, then do that.

You can’t do that with Commission Hero, and then there is the bigger issue with ClickBank…

Unfortunately, in amongst the legit programs on ClickBank like CB University & Commission Hero, there are a huge number of low-quality products and scams on there too.

There is a high number of people requesting refunds from purchases they have made on ClickBank.  If people request a refund, then you don’t earn a commission.  ClickBank offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.  So, don’t expect to get to your commissions until this point has been reached.

#2 Only Teaches You Facebook Ads

There are many different ways to market your funnels or pitch your affiliate products, and yet Blanchard only focuses on Facebook Ads.

I get this, that is what his experience is.  But it is also an expensive route too.  Especially for a beginner who is struggling for money already.  But, if you got blacklisted from Facebook (and you could), hence why he has a training module on it, how would you be able to carry on.  You would not have any knowledge on any other forms of paid traffic.

This carries a risk, that is why we recommend training that covers numerous marketing techniques like SEO (getting your website ranked in the search engines and get free traffic) or Google Ads, etc.

You will not get this with Commission Hero, which is a little disappointing considering the cost.

#3 Paid Traffic is Not Easy!

Despite the marketing being aimed at beginners, the concept of paid traffic can be too much for some people.

Paid traffic is high risk and needs to be done when you have already developed a steady income stream and you have some knowledge about what is working and what isn’t.

#4 Expensive Course

You cannot get away from the huge price tag for this course, and there are better course that there that are nowhere near this price.

I think back to when I got started, I wasn’t ready to commit at first.  I wanted to get a feel for whether this was for me or not, and so I went with a training provider that offered a free starter membership.  I never looked back and continued on as a premium member.  But the figures I am talking about are $49/month and $15 for a website.  Not $997 when I haven’t even committed to this…

Then there are the other costs to consider…

#5 Hidden Monthly Costs

Blanchard mentions that all you will need are ClickBank and Facebook and then tells you that these are both FREE.

That bit is true…But he doesn’t make clear is that the method he is teaching you requires an ongoing budget.

Facebook Ads can rack up very easily, and not as reliable as you might think.  Yes, people might click on your ad (which you pay for each time) but that doesn’t guarantee that they are going to take action on your landing page).

Then there are the other additional monthly costs we went through earlier:

  • ClickFunnels – $97/month
  • ClickMagick – $27/month
  • GetResponse – $15/month

You don’t necessarily have to pay for ClickFunnels or use ads, but if you want to see results, you will need to follow the training and Facebook Ads is probably a necessity with it.  Therefore, you will probably have to budget $350+ a month for your business.

#6 The Money Back Guarantee?

Look if I put my business head on for a moment, I get why his success policy is that you need to put 12 months in if you want to really see results and I totally agree to that sentiment.

But, he is offering no free trial.  So, if someone has never experience affiliate marketing and isn’t aware of all this additional costs and can only afford the initial fee, and then decides to walk away.  That is the fault of whoever misled you into buying it and not your personal circumstance.

Asking someone to fork out $7 for a year to then ask for a refund, is a little naughty in my head.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Commission Hero Review - Final Conclusion

Hopefully by now, you know what is Commission Hero About… Fundamentally, Commission Hero is a training program that takes you step-by-step on how to create sales funnels to promote affiliate products from ClickBank using Facebook Ads. It is a legitimate program and has helped people earn money from Affiliate Marketing.

Our reservations are because it is being marketed towards beginners and fails to fully layout the full costs that are associated with the method they are teaching.  It is an expensive course in the first place, but then to expect someone to add additional costs per month that equal over $7K in the first year, when they lack the knowledge to know if that is something they want to commit to, is the reason why they haven’t earned a higher score with us.

Is it possible to make money from what they are teaching?  Yes, you can but you need to follow exactly what they are describing, and that requires a huge budget.

Would we recommend to beginners?  No, you need to learn an overall picture of affiliate marketing and decide for yourself whether you are ready to commit to the business model, without having to hand over $997 and then commit to at least $350 a month going forward.

How We Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic business model for someone looking to make money online, but it doesn’t require spending thousands of dollars to see success.

Whether you pay for traffic or rely on free traffic methods (like we do), you need to work hard and invest time into your business.  Blanchard and the like will make it sound like you have to spend money to make money, and there is an element of that.

But I have also seen people create 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Streams without having paid for any traffic.  They have relied on free forms of traffic to their website and earned thousands, and then they start paying for traffic to scale those earnings up.  Anything is possible if you put your mind to it and commit.

The difference is, our #1 Recommended Training platform doesn’t ask you to invest $997.  They ask you to take them for a test drive with a free starter membership.  If you decide to join them properly with a premium membership, it will cost you $47/month.  If you decide affiliate marketing isn’t for you, there is no need to ask for a refund, as your starter membership was free, just sign out and good luck to you.

My point is, you should get a full overview of affiliate marketing and what it takes to be successful, and you can’t do that if you commit $997 and have to wait 12 months before asking for a refund.

If you want to see if Wealthy Affiliate (our #1 Recommended Training Program) is a good fit for you, then you can join with a free starter membership here.  There is no need to enter credit card details and if you do sign up, you will get us as personal coaches.  We will meet you on the inside and we can help you get started.

thanks for checking our Commission Hero review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 🙂

Commission Hero

$997 or 2x $597 + Monthly Costs

Overall Rating



  • Robby Blanchard is the Real Deal
  • Legit Strategy
  • Inner Circle Support
  • It is Possible to See Quick Results


  • It Only Works with ClickBank Products
  • Only Teaches Facebook Ads
  • Paid Traffic is Not Easy!
  • Expensive Course
  • Hidden Monthly Costs

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