Is Click Earners A Scam? Legit Job Site or Just Another ClickBank Scam?

Welcome to our Click Earners Review!

With the current climate, being able to find a work from home that pays is ideal… But something doesn’t feel right about Click Earners… Is there more to this “online job” platform than meets the eye?

That is what we wanted to find out and show you in our Click Earners review.  It is claiming to be an “Work Online” platform that teaches you how to be an “Online Assistant”.  Is that the truth, is it just another ClickBank scam, all will be revealed in our review.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams online and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

Is Click Earns a Scam?  Let’s find out, shall we?

Click Earners Review Summary

Product Name: Click Earners

Founder: Unknown

Product Type: Freelancing Information & Resources

Price: $27/year or $57 for lifetime access + upsells

Best For: The Owner + Affiliates

Is Click Earners a Scam - website

Summary: Click Earners claims to be a job site that helps you find freelancing opportunities, such as becoming a Virtual Assistant.  But being a ClickBank product, there was always going to be more to it than that.  First off, it has you pay for information and resources that are readily available for free just with a Google search.  It also tells you that it is not a job site in their disclaimer.  It will have you pay a membership just to tell you to sign  up with free platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, who both offer free sign ups and information and resources that help you anyway.  But the Click Earners owners will profit from you joining these platforms as an affiliate.

It could be said that they do offer you information and resources, and therefore it isn’t a scam.  But I think it is misleading people for profit and therefore we do feel it could possible be a scam.   Don’t believe us, then check out the ugly truths we found in our review…

Rating: 15/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Click Earners?

Is Click Earners a Scam - website

Click Earners claims to be a platform that will teach you how to “Start Working & Earning Online” by becoming an “Online Assistant” and start doing freelancing tasks for business owners.

That in itself isn’t a problem.  Website and business owners use freelancers a lot these days.  Whether it be to hire someone to design a logo for your business, or to write content for their blog to image editing, or even recording videos.  There is a lot of potential with freelancing.

So why do we have this funny feeling about Click Earners?  Let’s carry on to share with you what we found out…

From initial inspection, it looks like it is a jobs board site.  Somewhere to find jobs and apply for jobs online.  But that isn’t what Click Earners is.

It is actually a membership site that gives you access to information and resources relating to freelancing.  A lot, if not all of the information you will find inside can be found online with a quick google search. 

What it gives you is a number of PDF’s or Operation Manuals about being a Virtual Assistant, Data Entry and Social Media.

You will not actually find any jobs within their platform, therefore the inital fee is not worthwhile.  Like I said, if you wanted to learn more about becoming a Virtual Assistant or a Social Media Manager, a quick Google search or search on YouTube would probably give you more in-depth information.

What you will find is that they are asking you to pay to then introduce you to 4 freelancer platforms, all of which are completely free to join.  Upwork & Fiverr, for example.

We have used Fiverr a number of times, it is ideal for a beginner looking to learn and get started with becoming a freelancer, regardless of your skills or what you want to offer.

Both are free to sign up and start offering your services out, they both provide you information and resources and there is no real need to pay for it with a program like Click Earners.

That is one of the red flags so far we have found with this program.  It is a ClickBank product, which doesn’t always mean it is a good thing.  It looks to me, that it is there for affiliates to make money from introducing people to it, rather than help people make money…

How Does Click Earners Work?

Before you gain access to the members area, there are a few steps you need to take:

  1. Register with the site with your name and email address
  2. Answer some questions about your availability to work, how you access the internet and if you are trustworthy (yep, they really ask you that…)  Either way, it is just a formality
  3. Pay the membership fee of $27 for one year’s access or $57 for a lifetime access membership
  4. Once you have paid this, you will gain access to the membership area.

This will then give you access to the “jobs” they have available.


Click Earner Jobs

According their website, they have the following types of jobs are available to you:

  • Data Entry
  • Customer Service
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Admin/Secretarial
  • Typing/Writing
  • Online Research
  • Envelope Filling
  • Social Media Management
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Surveys
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Product Testing

The biggest issues is that none of these jobs are actually available on the site!! These tasks are found on the freelancing platforms they introduce you to on this website.

You are paying to be introduced to Freelancer sites that are free to join!!

What is Really Inside Click Earners

Click Earners do not have any jobs to offer you via their platform.  All they provide you with is some manuals, guides and links to sites that actually do have jobs to offer.

Here are what you will get access to in their members area.  There is a little bit of value within them, but still think you would find better information free with a Google search (in my opinion) and not sure it is worth the $27/year or $57 one-time fee.

You will get the following:


You will get PDF’s describing Virtual Assistance, Data Entry and Social Media.   Although the information inside is not very thorough and is really basic.  It doesn’t offer any training material.

Links to Freelancing Sites

You will be provided with a list of 4 freelancing websites that actually do offer jobs or “gigs” for you.  The four websites are:

  1. Upwork
  2. Freelancer
  3. PeopleForYou (No Longer Available)
  4. Fiverr

They are all legit freelancing websites and are also free to join.  But by following Click Earners link, they will earn money when you join them.

That is the main reason why you have to pay to join to get the list, so they can earn more money from you.  There is no need to be a member of Click Earner to join them and look into Freelancing opportunities.  Just go to their website and sign up for free.

Online Job Descriptions

These are really brief descriptions of the different online jobs.  As brief as you would find in a FAQ on any decent Freelancer website.  If you do your research online, you would find better descriptions that describe them better and give you a good insight into what a client would be looking for when they are deciding whether to hire you or not.

Resume & Cover Letter Templates

This offer a little value, but I still think there are better examples out there.  For example, Canva offer a great resume and cover letter template and it has a free version too.

Facebook Group Links

They provide you a list of Facebook groups that focus on Virtual Assistance and Virtual Assistant jobs.  But, if you are already a member of Facebook and it is a pretty good assumption that you are, you can just use the search tool at the top and type “Virtual Assistant” and a list of groups will automatically be generated.  Again you can join these for free, and then you will also get suggestions as you go too.


So, first they expect you to pay a fee to gain access to free resources.  Then they throw some upsells at you, which I suspect will be as low quality as the rest of it.  Their upsells change from time to time, so I am unsure of what you may be presented with, if you did decide to join Click Earners.

The ones we have found in our research are:

  • #1 Envelope Filling Starter Pack – $47
  • #2 Mystery Shopper & Secret Diner Starter Pack – $37
  • #3 VIP Package Success Coach – $3 for 7-day trial, then $14.97/month

My advice would be to not even consider them. There isn’t anything particularly secret about getting started with freelancing, with the right research there is no need to pay anything.  

If you are interested in becoming a freelancer and offering your time for services as a writer or as a virtual assistant, then check out Fiverr at first.  Like I said, it is free to join.  But it also gives you a good insight into what services business owners hire people for.  There are tons of different categories, but you need to know what you want to do.  By researching and seeing what others are offering and what they are charging.  You can get a good idea on what you are up against.  Then you can go and do some research into how you get started.  There are a lot of resources available on blogs, like this one, and they can help you learn the right skills and find legitimate programs that offer valuable information.  If you are going to pay $57 for something, you need to make sure you are getting $57 worth of something.

If you are thinking freelancing isn’t for you, but you like the idea of completing online surveys, then you can check out our reviews on sites like Swagbucks or Prolific Surveys, where they pay you to complete surveys or other online tasks.

But, I would give Click Earners a miss… Here are the Ugly Truths we found about Click Earners…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Click Earners Ugly Truths!

There are a number of red flags or “ugly truths” that make us feel Click Earners is purely designed to offer the least it can to make some money, let’s go through them now:

Red Flag #1 – When you first land on their website, you will see a message that they require more people from your country.  This is a sales technique called geo-targeting.  It is a common strategy with scammers to connect with and condition their victims.  They try and make out there is huge demand for your services to lure you into signing up. (It doesn’t matter what country you are from, the same message will appear).

Red Flag #2 – Once you get approved (after answering the initial questions) and are presented with the need to pay $27 (unusual for a job site), you are told there are limited spaces.  This is to create a feeling of you might miss out if you don’t sign up now (and pay the money).  It is another common strategy with scammers, they are trying to get you not to think too much about handing over your money…

Red Flag #3 – The fact that you have to pay what is a membership fee for what is supposed to be a job site.  Legit job sites are free to join, as they make money from promoting the ad, there are no jobs on Click Earner.  A job site allows you to publish your resume, etc.  But there is no functionality like that with Click Earners.  This is a site to make the founders money. 

If they offered some real value in either training or guides, then the cost might be justified. But sadly, that is not the case.

Red Flag #4 – Once you get into the membership area, once you have handed over the money, you are introduced to freelancer sites to find the jobs that you were promised and they are all FREE to join.  This is a common tactic to entice you in, get some money from you and then they forward you to sites that reward them with a commission for getting you to join.  If you join all 4, they will get a commission for you joining.

Red Flag #5 – You don’t get to know who the founder is.  This is again typical of a scam.  If a scammer can remain anonymous, when their scheme is outed, they can just close it down and then restart it later with a new name.  If this was a legitimate program that had the intention of helping people, the owner would be proud to put their name on it.

#6 – The fact that they are introducing upsells too.  Whilst this in itself doesn’t make it a scam, they are taking advantage of beginners who might not realise that they are wasting their money with them.  If you are brand new to becoming a virtual assistant or any other type of freelancer, you might think you need these products to succeed, when that is simply not the case.

Red Flag #7 – the last is the fact that they disclaimer actually tells the truth, but it is so small you might actually miss it.  Their disclaimer says the following:

“Click Earners is an informational product which provides information and resources related to working and earning online as a freelance/self-employed assistant.  There is a fee to access our informational product in the members area. We are not offering anyone who registers with us a job, employment or paid work, nor do we seek to find anyone a job, employment or paid work”.

Their disclaimer is being completely honest, and yet their home page told you that you could find “Various tasks and projects available for you to choose from”.  That is simply not the case, the tasks and projects are available on the other freelancer sites they get you to pay to get introduce too.

This is the biggest sign that they are being completely dishonest and misleading you.  If they are trying to mislead you, it could be construed as a scam!!

There are those that might disagree with me, but you cannot deny that they are being misleading with their home page based on what they offer you once you have handed over your money.

P.S. this program has helped us earn a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income, It is Free to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time.

What We Liked About Click Earners

Here is what we liked about Click Earners:

#1 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

As Click Earners is offered via the ClickBank marketplace, you have 60-days to get your money back.  Although, we have found issues arisen from those that have asked for a refund direct from the vendor.  My advice would be to request your money back from ClickBank directly.

#2 Their Disclaimer

Whilst their disclaimer can be easily missed, those of you who read those (and we recommend you fully research a program before you pay any money), then at least they are being honest within it.

What We Didn't Like About Click Earners

Here is what we didn’t like about Click Earners:

#1 All the Red Flags (Ugly Truths)

We listed seven red flags earlier that make us seriously consider Click Earners to (potentially) be a scam.

The fact that it is a ClickBank product, doesn’t necessarily make it a scam, but all the red flags combined with it being a ClickBank product (known for a lot of scam products on their marketplace) does make us consider it could be…

#2 No Training Material

If they were providing some good training material and how to promote yourself to get hired as a virtual assistant or training in any form, for that matter, then it might be worth the cost.  But there is no training, only some basic information that is readily available for free with a Google search…

#3 Expensive

When you factor in what you actually get access to, this is totally not worth the price tag.  Especially, when you then factor in the upsells, which aren’t worth the fee.

#4 Not So Easy to Get a Refund

Click Earners is offered via ClickBank and therefore has to offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.  But, don’t think it is as simple as that.  We found these complaints, both on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website and they both have had issues getting a refund back with the vendor and have been told a number of things about delays to receiving it.

My advice would be to not put yourself in a position of needing a refund from them, as I do not believe you will actually get your money back.  But if you have already paid for it, go direct to ClickBank.

#5 Don’t Know Who The Owner Is…

This is always a worry, when there is no information about who is behind the site or program.  

#6 The Testimonials Look Fake…

The reason I say that is when you look at the testimonials, the owner has been lazy.  Fake testimonials are normally either using actors (ironically hired from Fiverr) or they use stock images and write a fancy testimonial from someone called Dave, from Texas…  But the testimonials on Click Earner do not even provide names.

We could all write testimonials like that, if it was that simple.  I mean look at them:

There is no way of knowing if these are real or not, but I highly suspect they are fake and written by the owner.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Click Earner Review - Final Conclusion

Is Click Earner a Scam?  In my opinion, I think they could possibly be a scam.  If they are not, they are as close as you can get to one.

They are misleading you from the beginning, they are claiming to be a site where you can find jobs online but there are no jobs available from this site.  They are acting as an intermediary to introduce you to freelancing sites, which are free to join.

There is no training to speak of within the members area and the information you do gain access to is stuff you could find out for free with a quick Google search.

The owner/founder is unknown and there are 7 red flags we have found relating to this product, but the fact people have really struggled to get a refund tells you everything you need to know about this product. 

Our advice is to avoid it!  If freelancing is something you are really considering, then there are much better resources out there, but I would suggest you get some proper training to help you.  Freelancing has become quite competitive.  I am not saying there isn’t room for you, but you need to know how to pitch yourself and what services you are going to offer.

Fiverr is a good platform for beginners to get started with.  People can start offering gigs out for as little as a $5 (hence the name), but as you build up your profile and get great feedback, you can start earning a lot more for your services.

Writing blog posts for example, you can start charging $5 for a blog post.  But as you gain experience and people like what you do, you can start charging $100’s to write a blog post.

That is just one example, but there is real potential with any form of freelancing.  Website & Business owners are constantly looking for talent to help with tasks online.

There are plenty of places to sign up as a freelancer, but it might be worth you learning more about what freelancing is about, here is a great guide.

If you think that is the only way to make money, then read on to learn another way…

How We Make Money Online

Freelancing is great and all, and it works for some.  But the one thing it does have against it is that you are still working for someone else.  They dictate what they want from you, and you need to go and do it.

We wanted a bit more freedom and to do something for us.  We started our own online business and make money through something called Affiliate Marketing.

It is where you earn a commission for introducing a buyer to a seller.  There is no need to do any actual selling,  no need to have your own product and you dictate when you work and how you work.

We love Affiliate Marketing and it is our #1 Recommended business model.  You can actually turn a passion or hobby into a passive income stream.  With affiliate marketing, there is no need to hand-hold the transaction.

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing, then here is our complete guide

Thanks to the training we took at Wealthy Affiliate, we are now earning a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more about their training, then here is our Wealthy Affiliate review.

thanks for checking out our Click Earner review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below.  We would love to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as we can. 🙂

Click Earners

$27/year or $57 lifetime access + upsells

Overall Rating



  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Is Honest in it's Disclaimer


  • All the Red Flags
  • Unknown Owner
  • Isn't Easy to Actually Get a Refund
  • Hasn't Got Any Jobs
  • Misleading

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