Officeless Agency Masterclass Review | Secret to Working from Home?

Welcome to our Officeless Agency Masterclass Review!

If you’ve been looking into how to get started with a digital agency, or just a way of making money online, then you’ve probably seen the latest course from Modern Millionaire’s Abdul Samad, and Chance Anthony.

If you’re here, then you’re probably wondering if this Officeless Agency Masterclass is a scam or not… That’s what we going to help you with in our review…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Officeless Agency Masterclass in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you how this course doesn’t give you what was promised, and you’ll need to spend a lot more money to get close to it.

Here you’ll find all you need to know, including background information, price to join, and what the course entails…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Officeless Agency Masterclass Review Summary

Product Name: Officeless Agency Masterclass

Founder: Abdul Samad & Chance Anthony

Product Type: Digital Agency Training

Price: $9.94 + Upsells

Best For: Those aspiring to start a digital agency


Summary: Officeless Agency Masterclass claims to be a program that helps people run ads for other people, as in a digital agency.  But this program will not teach anyone how to make money.

It’s an extremely short training course, and has a lot of upsells which means the real cost of this course is so much more than $9.94.

It’s just another misleading get-rich-quick scheme that will leave you sorely disappointed…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Officeless Agency Masterclass?

Officeless Agency Masterclass is a training course designed to show you how to build a digital marketing agency of your own.  The course is from the guys behind Modern Millionaire, Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony.

If you’re not too sure of what a Digital Agency is, it’s a company that bridges the gap between small and medium sized businesses and social media marketing.  A lot of business owners, don’t really know how to leverage the internet correctly to get new customers.

This is where the opportunity presents itself to become a Digital Agency and provide these services to business owners.

Basically, you get in touch with these small businesses and broker a deal to bring in more customers for them.  Whether that be through social media, SEO, or paid ads, etc.

But you should know that this is probably one of the hardest business models you can find online!

You have to first acquire the skills needed to do this correctly, and then you need to cold call businesses and convince them that you’re the right choice to work with.  You’ll also need to spend money to get customers too.

I know that my ambition when starting online was to make my life easier, and not harder… Plus, I didn’t know anything when I first got started, and have only really gathered the skills by hard work and getting the right training.

Personally, I went with affiliate marketing, as it gives you an opportunity to make money online, and doesn’t require me to get any clients to hire me…

If you want to see my favourite affiliate marketing training course, click here.

So, if you go with the claims that come with the sales pitch for Officeless Agency Masterclass, they apparently teach you everything you need to get started with a Digital Agency business.

But does it really offer you the best training you need…?  In a word, no!

The Course Is Too Good To Be True!

The thing is…

There are plenty of courses online that all sound too good to be true, and there’s a reason…

They are too good to be true…

The creators behind this course, Abdul and Chance are really just trying to sell you the dream of working from home and earning millions.

All for only $10!

I’m sorry, but that it’s totally unrealistic!

One of the reasons we made this website was because of the amount of internet marketers who are preying on newbies who lack the knowledge to know what is a scam, and what isn’t…

The truth is, you can make money online but it is not going to happen overnight.

I would also not describe the process as easy.  It takes a lot of time and effort to make these processes work and despite what these guys tell you, this isn’t possibly for just $10 and no effort.

It takes as much time and effort as it does to start an other type of business.

The majority of people will not become a millionaire, or be able to buy luxurious cars, or anything like that.

So, when you come across a program that tries to sell that dream you to, that you’ll be earning millions with no work, is there to mislead you.

You’re not going to learn how to become a millionaire with this course.  Any course that offers those kind of secrets would cost more…

Officeless Agency Masterclass Overview

So, what do you get for you $10?

Well, it isn’t quality, that’s for sure…

The training within this course is really low quality.  You get a 2 hour training course, and nothing is really taught in any great detail.

If you want to start a digital marketing agency, you need to know what you’ll be doing, and what is needed.

There are several complicated steps required to be able to learn what is needed to start that kind of business.

You’re not getting that here.  The only training that you’re getting is very broad, and doesn’t actually show you anything about how to do anything.

The course offers the following:

  • 2-hour training video that goes over setting up your business
  • 1-hour video about running a business during a recession
  • A sales funnel to get customers
  • “High paying client services”
  • Different niches you can start your agency in
  • Travel tips (really don’t get why that’s here?)

Like I said, they don’t go into any great detail with these modules or topics.  But even they did offer some good training, there is no way you would learn enough to start that kind of business with just 2 hours worth of content.

But, then again it does only cost $9.94!

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Here Comes The Upsells...

The real idea behind that low cost front end product is just to get you into their sales funnel, where you’ll be hit with upsells.  This is where the “too good to be true” comes back into play.

As soon as you have purchased your training course for $10, you’re then brought to the next page where you’re forced to watch a video.  You cannot skip it, or close it.

This video then prompts you to buy an upsell that costs two payments of $97 (but they hide the fact that you have to pay twice btw).

But here’s the thing… you aren’t able to click away from this upsell.  There is only a button that say “buy it” and nothing else.

That is purely there to confuse you, as naturally a lot of people will feel obligated to buy the upsell, as they don’t really know any better.

Hint – you actually have to go to your email that you put into the course.

The upsell isn’t really worth the money either.  It just gives you some ad copy and templates, that aren’t very sophisticated or advanced, not really worth it at all.

Then, There’s A Second Upsell!

Their sales page states that this business model “carries very low overhead costs” but that isn’t necessarily true.

When we first got started making money online, we paid about $49 per month.  That enables us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream with that.

But once you’re into the Officeless Agency Masterclass course, you’re prompted to sign up for a service that is called Highlevel.

Now, Highlevel is a quality product, and it does help digital agency owners get leads easier.  But it’s not for beginners, it’s an advanced piece of software and costs a minimum fee of $297 PER MONTH!

The next level up is $800 per month!

That is a whole lot of money for a newbie to shell out on, and this kind of service is not to be used by complete beginners.

So, why do you think they recommend this program to you, as there are cheaper alternatives?

Well, the reason is that they are affiliates for the service!   If you do sign up to this huge fee a month, they earn 50% of that fee you’re paying.

So Abdul and Chance get nearly $150 per month if you did go with the $297 per month membership.

Fake Trustpilot Comments

Trustpilot is a website where you can find out what consumers thinking about products.  Are they good or bad, etc.

Back in August, they had a score of 2.5 and the majority of the comments were calling Office Agency Masterclass out as a scam, and that it wasn’t worth it.

There were many complaints about the upsells too.

There were a few positive comments, but they looked fake as in the owners were probably writing them to make their course look better than it is.

But if you look now, you will see the averaging rating is 4.4/5.


I’m not convinced that the sudden uprise is down to the content within the course suddenly getting better.  More likely they have created tons of fake reviews to make their course sound better than it really is…

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses, and this course is definitely one of the lowest quality options out there.

Like I said, I believe they have paid people to write loads of positive comments on their website.

Officeless Agency Masterclass FAQ's

Here are some frequently asked questions for Officeless Agency:

1. Is this training course worth the price?

The basic course is only $9.94, which isn’t a lot of money, and so the quality of the training probably does fit with that price tage.  But you’re not going to learn anything that will actually help you make money online.  You’ll definitely need more training than what is on offer.

Oh, and the upsells are definitely not worth it either…

2. Is Abdul & Chance Legit?

The honest answer is that I’m not really sure.  They might know how to make money with digital agencies, but they don’t really share their knowledge.  This isn’t their first course either.

They have another more expensive course called Modern Millionaire.  This wasn’t really a great quality course either.

3. How Long is the Training Course?

The course is really short, and doesn’t offer much quality information.

You get a 2-hour video and a lot of it is not actual training.  It’s basically self-promotion.

A good quality training course on how to get started with a digital agency would probably offer more than 40-hours worth of training or more.

4. What The Training Course Teach?

The training course claims to show you how to get started with digital agency training.

It’s a legit business model, and people are making money by getting online leads for business.  But this course isn’t offering enough value to help you with it.

5. Are There Any Testimonials?

There are some on their sales page, although I wouldn’t trust them as they could be fake.

I’m also not entirely convinced by the comments made on Trustpilot.

6. How Do You Pay For The Training Course?

You can choose to pay with your credit/debit card or with PayPal.

7. Do They Offer a Refund Policy?

There is a 30-day refund policy.

Although, I did read that a few people were struggling to get their money back (I’m not surprised…)

So, I’m not really sure your refund will actually be actioned.

8. How Much Money Can You Make?

From this training course, the answer is nothing!

The training isn’t really meant to help you make money.  It’s just something to entice you into their sales funnel.

In general, you can make good money with digital agency marketing – but this course will not show you how to achieve it.

9. Are There Any Alternatives?

There are many other legitimate options to help you make money online.  Our top recommended business model is affiliate marketing.  It’s much more newbie friendly, but will also help you learn skills if you wanted to explore digital agency marketing.  Here’s our top recommended way to make money online…

What We Liked About Officeless Agency Mastermind

Here’s what we did like about Officeless Agency Masterclass:

#1 It’s Only $9.94

As long as you don’t fall for the upsells within this course, the course is really cheap.  It won’t help you make any money though, so it could even be argued that it’s not even worth $9.94…

What We Didn't Like About Officeless Agency Masterclass

Here’s what we didn’t like about Officeless Agency Masterclass:

#1 Low Quality Training Course

The training within this course is really low quality.  Most of the video isn’t actually training, but is self-promotion.  It’s just a carrot they are dangling to get you into their sales funnel with their (bad) upsells.

#2 Bad Upsells!

It isn’t enough that the first upsell is bad, they make it almost impossible for you to skip it.  They only offer you a buy button that you feel obligated to click, which consigns you to two payments of $97.

They forget to tell you that you have to close it down, and go through your email to get to the front-end course.

#3 Difficult Business Model

The digital marketing agency business is a tough one to crack, especially if you’re a newbie.  It’s taken me years to learn everything I know, and I’m still learning…  This is not a business model you can just pick up from scratch and get going straightaway.

#4 Reviews Calling It Out As A Scam!

If you look hard enough, you will find real users writing a review on Trustpilot, and it’s not a good thing…


This program is not going to help you anywhere near as much as they claim…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Officeless Agency Masterclass A Scam?

I would suggest that it’s really, really close to being considered a scam.  They are being totally misleading with what they offer in their front-end program, and then the way you feel obligated to buy their upsell is outright criminal.

They make some bold promises, of which the course doesn’t deliver in any way.  Plus the upsells they drive you to buy are either useless or too expensive for a beginner.

Bottom line, this course will not help you make any money, in fact it could lead you to being stuck in debt…

Here's A Better Alternative...

I would definitely recommend you don’t buy the Officeless Agency Masterclass, it just will not help you make money online.

If you’re still interested in making money online, then I would recommend you check out the Affiliate Marketing route with Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you affiliate marketing, which is a very inexpensive and beginner friendly way to make money online.  The best part is the training course is totally affordable, and is even free to get started.

Wealthy Affiliate has enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more about this amazing platform, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Officeless Agency Masterclass Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Officeless Agency Masterclass

$9.94 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Low Price Frontend Product


  • Low Quality Training Course
  • Bad Upsells
  • Difficult Business Model
  • Reviews Calling It Out As a Scam

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