Is Transcribe Anywhere a Scam? Learn to Transcribe & Earn Money

Welcome to our Transcribe Anywhere Review!

Transcribe Anywhere is a course put together by Janet Shaughnessy, and it claims to help you learn how to launch your own successful freelancing business as a transcriptionist.  But you may have a number of questions or concerns about it and wanted to learn a little more about it before deciding whether the join.

Firs toff, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent, we are not associated with Transcribe Anywhere in any form.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you what this program offers, is it worth the costs and can it help you become a professional transcriber.

Is Transcribe Anywhere a Scam?  Let’s find out…

Transcribe Anywhere Review Summary

Product Name: Transcribe Anywhere

Founder: Janet Shaughnessy

Product Type: Training Course/Program for Freelance Transcribers

Price: $597 to $697, depending on payment options

Best For: Aspiring Transcribers looking to enhance their skills or build their own business

Is Transcribe Anywhere a Scam?

Summary: Transcribe Anywhere is a training course and program for aspiring transcribers who want to start their own business or develop their professional skills.  The training course is thorough, especially the legal transcription course, and whilst it is expensive it provides different payment options to make the course more accessible.  It is also good enough to give you a solid foundation for professional transcribing.

Rating: 80/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere is an online course for both general and legal transcription.  It was developed by Janet Shaughnessy, who also owns Zoom Transcription.

The key areas that the training focuses on are general, medical and legal transcription services.  It is the medical and legal course that are specifically generating some interest.  Where the income prospects are really good.

The training course are also certified by the AAERT (American Association of Electronic Reporters & Transcribers), so we know the program is legitimate.

The courses are expensive though, but you are led to believe that you will be able to land a high-paying transcription job which should hopefully allow you to earn enough to recoup your training investment cost and earn a good income on top.

But will you?  We will answer that shortly, let’s look into the courses first.

Free Training:

What is Transcribing?

We need to factor in that you might be sitting there not really knowing what transcribing actually is.  You might have been looking for ways to make money online and found Janet’s website and are wondering if it is a legitimate option.

So, to cover that off, we need to ensure you know what transcribing is.

Simply put, transcribing is just the task of putting what you hear into writing.  This could be listening to an audio file or watching a video file and typing out what you hear.  You may have noticed that a lot of the videos that are appearing on Facebook have the text scrolling underneath the video, if you have it muted.  That is an example of transcription.

There are more serious examples too, relating to medical and legal situations.

For example, you might be asked to transcribe a video that is going to be used as evidence in a courtroom. Or, you might be asked to transcribe a recording of surgery that took place, so it can be documented in the event it ever needed to be reviewed later on.

In a sense, it is a fairly easy task.  But there are things that you can do to make yourself more desirable to employers, for example how quickly you can transcribe things and how accurate you are when you transcribe it.  You need to be accurate and quick in equal manner.

If you want to know a little more, here is a great video that walks you through what transcription is:

Now, let’s get into the Transcribe Anywhere course.

Inside Transcribe Anywhere

Transcribe Anywhere offers a couple of different courses, but I was a little shocked when I first saw the price tag.  It is safe to say that you are going to need a budget to get access to these course, although they do offer a number of payment options to help.

Initially, you might wonder how can you know if they are worth the investment, without knowing what is involved.  But Transcribe Anywhere does help you out there, as they offer what Janet calls “mini courses” and these are free to access.

These “mini courses” are basically taster courses and give you an idea as to what is inside the full courses.  This is a major plus, as you might find that the training course isn’t for you, or the way it is delivered might not suit you.  We are all different, and this allows you to find this out, without handing over money first.

The mini courses do lack a level of detail, but that is to be expected with a free introductory course.  They are just there to show you what Janet’s teaching style is.

The 7-lesson Mini Course called Transcription Foundations covers of these topics:

Transcribe Anywhere Mini-Course

Like I said, this is only an introduction to give you a good insight into whether you could benefit from the main courses, and there is a quote on the website that does cover this off:

This free mini-course is not training, nor is it a sneak peek into our full course content.  It is an overview of the industry along with foundational information to help you in your decision on whether or not to pursue it for yourself”.

This is another positive, as I love the honesty from Janet here.  It also tells you that your hard work is the key to making anything successful and no false promises will be found on this platform.

As for the main courses that are available on Transcribe Anywhere, there are two to choose from.

The two main courses are:

  1. The General Transcription Course – $597
  2. The Legal Transcription Course – $697

The prices might be high, but you do get pretty much everything you need to get started with transcribing.  The self-paced training includes video training, worksheets, a few cheat sheets and transcribing work for you to practice on to prepare yourself for the real thing.

Janet also includes a lot of personal advice and tricks that she has used herself.  You also gain lifetime access to the course, which includes any updates as and when they are made.

You also get to join an exclusive Facebook support group too, where you can ask your questions.

Here is what is included in each course.

The General Transcription Course – $597

  • Module 1 – The Foundation: This module covers what a general transcription is, the jobs/tasks they typically do and the equipment that is needed.
  • Module 2 – The Most Essential Skills to become a Pro Transcriptionist: Here is where you learn the skills to become a great transcriptionist.
  • Module 3 – Best Time-Saving tools for more efficient transcription: Here you will learn about the tools you need to make your transcriptions smoother and more efficient.
  • Module 4 – Practice Dictations: Here you will find practice dictations to use.
  • Module 5 – Building Your Transcription Business: Module 5 focuses on how to build your own business, including setting your own rates, finding clients and how to market yourself.
  • Module 6 – Final Exam & Certification: There is an examination at the end, pass this and you will receive your certificate.

The Legal Transcription Course – $697

This course is more in-depth than the general transcription course, as you would expect for anything relate to legal.  It has 16 modules.

We won’t list them all, but we will give you a brief overview instead.

The first 4 modules are an introduction to legal transcription and the tools that are needed to get the job doe.

Modules 5-9 are focused on the different types of law, transcription guidelines for a court transcript, and lots of practice on demurrer, mock trials, and other courtroom materials.

Then modules 10-16 are all around setting up your own business as a legal transcriptionist, setting your rates, and teaching you how to do SEO and Social Media marketing.

There is also the requirement of passing a final examination as well.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Transcribe Anywhere Cost?

Price is subjective, and should be based on whether you are being offered value for what you are expected to pay.  Transcribe is expensive, but you are signing up for a course that gives you a certificate at the end of it and if you action it properly, you could launch your own transcription business that could earn you money.

With that being said, here is the price of the two course:

  1. General Transcription Course: $597
  2. Legal Transcription Course: $697

If you go through the general transcription course and pass the exam, you will qualify to get a discount on the Legal Course which will be $500 instead of the $697.

You could also choose to buy both course at the same time and get a discount of $200.  So instead of paying $1,300, you will pay $1,100.

If you cannot afford the initial outlay, there they do offer payment plan options too.

Payment Plans Options

Transcribe Anywhere also provides payment plans to make their program more affordable.

They call this their “pay as you go” option.

For the General Transcription Course, here are the options:

Level 1 – Get the modules 1 & 2 for $127 for 30 days

Level 2 – Get Modules 1 – 4 for $362 for 60 days

Level 3 – Gives you full access to the modules at $597, but if you upgrade from Level 1, you only pay $470 and $235 if you upgrade from level 2.

Here is the Legal Transcription Course Payment Plans:

Level 1 – You get modules 1 – 4 for 30 days for $197

Level 2 – You get modules 1 – 9 for 60 days for the price of $497

Level 3 – You get access to the whole course here for $697, you will pay $500 if you upgrade from level 1, and $200 if you upgrade from level 2

Who is Transcribe Anywhere For?

If you are driven and want to start a career as a transcriptionist, then this is a great course to take.

It can also be for those that want to take their current transcriptionist career to the next level or start their own transcriptionist business.

What We Liked About Transcribe Anywhere

Here is what we liked about Transcribe Anywhere:

#1 Online Training is Convenient!

The advantage of the training being online is available whenever you need it, as long as you have an internet connection.  Most of the training is in text form, so you are going to have to do a lot more reading than watching videos.

#2 Helps You Build Your Business!

The training doesn’t just cover off how to get started in transcription, but it also goes into detail about how to set up your business and how to market yourself.

Janet takes it up another level by including training on how to do SEO and how to develop your business plan.  That module alone, is through and a worthwhile course itself and it is included within the course.

#3 Their Training is Thorough

Even newbies will get the competency required to become a professional transcriptionist as the training is thorough.

It also shows how thorough it is with the need to complete an exam at the end, this shows you are going to need to put in a lot of work and actually practice what you have learned.

This is a great sign of the quality assurance that Janet and the team do to ensure that they students are high-quality transcriptionists.

#4 Their Payment Plans Are Helpful

Transcribe Anywhere is an expensive course, but their payment plans make them more accessible to more people.

Their payment plans don’t require you to shell out a lot of money for the entire course, but still allows them to finish at their own pace.

What We Didn't Like About Transcribe Anywhere

Here is what we didn’t like about Transcribe Anywhere:

#1 It is Still Expensive

Don’t get me wrong, I think this course is ideal for someone who wants to get started with professional transcription or start their own business, but it is still expensive.  If you are a newbie, I would suggest you try the free mini course to consider whether this is really something you want to do first.

Not everyone is cut out for transcription!

#2 Transcription May Not Be For Everyone!

Don’t take this as a criticism of the course or of Transcribe Anywhere, but transcription is not for everyone.  You need a good eye for detail, be able to type quickly, meet deadlines, etc.

I write for our website, but still don’t think we have the speed or accuracy that is required for a professional transcriptionist.

#3 No Refund

Again, I don’t knock them for this.  I totally understand why they take this stance, as they provide you access to the training and are fully upfront about you being serious about wanting to learn and take action.

I raise this point, so you are fully aware that there is no refund policy.

Refund Policy?

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Transcribe Anywhere Review - Final Conclusion

Is Transcribe Anywhere a Scam?  Absolutely not, it is a legitimate training program for those who are aspiring to become a full-time transcriptionist.

The training is extensive and thorough and helps their students get a solid grounding and develop their core competencies needed for their business.

The payment plan options also make it more accessible for more people.

If the price is still putting you off, I would still consider the 7-day mini course just to see if transcription is something that you really want to do…

How We Make Money Online

If you are now feeling transcription might not be for you, and you are sitting there thinking “what now?”, we do have a great alternative for you.

Making money online is a reality, in fact we are consistently making a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income stream without a boss to answer to.  We work when we want and do what we want, which is helping other people find a legitimate way to make money online!

We make money using a business model called Affiliate Marketing.  It is ideal for newbies and everything you need can be learned from the internet.  We make money by promoting other people’s products and earning a commission from the sale.  No dealing with face to face sales or recruitment like with MLM, but by helping people and working hard.

If you want to learn more about Affiliate Marketing, here is our step-by-step guide where you can get started for FREE.

If you want to know where we learned it all, you can read about Wealthy Affiliate HERE.  It is how we got started.  It is free to get started and only $49/month to go full-time.

There is no limit to what you can earn with Affiliate Marketing, and the process is pretty simple, which means it is ideal for people who do not have much experience.  There are affiliates that are earning 5-figure incomes every month, you just need the right training to get started…

Thanks for checking out our Transcribe Anywhere review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section.  We will get back to you just as soon as we can. 😉

Transcribe Anywhere

$597, $697

Overall Rating



  • Online Training is Convenient
  • Helps You Build Your Business
  • Thorough Training
  • Payment Plans Are Helpful


  • It is Still Expensive
  • Transcription May Not Be For Everyone
  • No Refund

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