Is Second Wave System a Scam? Real Deal or Complete Waste of Time?!

Welcome to our Second Wave System Review!

Second Wave System promises to be a system that teaches you how to make money using Affiliate Marketing, and we’d all love to be able to do that easily online.  But is Second Wave System the answer, or Is Second Wave System a scam?  We’re going to provide you with all the information you need to know before deciding if this is the right program for you…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Second Wave System in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you how Second Wave System works and why it, like so many of these programs, leaves you the hardest part of the process to do…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Second Wave System Review Summary

Product Name: Second Wave System

Founder: Dawud Islam & James Kennedy

Product Type: ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Price: $12.95 + Upsells

Best For: Those wanting to learn the basics of promoting ClickBank products

Second Wave System logo

Summary: Second Wave System is a basic training program that will teach you how to promote the top 5 products in certain ClickBank categories.  They’ll also show you some basic information about how to promote these products.

But the shortcomings are around the fact they are telling you that you don’t need a website, and without a proven traffic source, who are you going to sell these products too?  The key to any online business is generating traffic to your affiliate offers, but they end up leaving that to you to achieve which is the hardest part of the process.  Plus, you’ll see a ton of upsells that they will promote to you to help you bridge some of the gaps.

Overall, you’ll learn the basics, but you’ll end up having to look elsewhere to learn effective methods…

Rating: 45/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Second Wave System?

Second Wave System is a training program that will show you how to promote the top 5 converting ClickBank products within a selection of niches.  If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing or know what ClickBank is, then’s cover that off before we go any further…

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is our favourite business model.  It’s by an affiliate signing up for an affiliate program, and gaining the ability to promote products within that affiliate program.  When someone goes and buys a product through their affiliate link, the affiliate earns a commission.

So, for example.  You sign up to the Amazon affiliate program, which gives you the ability to promote whatever Amazon sells.  Let’s say you start a blog about hiking gear, then you could promote any of the items that fit with your target audience.  When they come to your blog and follow your lead, and end up buying products on Amazon.  Amazon gives you a percentage of the sale as a thank you.

See the graphic below to understand the process:

The process is very simple, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you could start it today and be making money by the end of the week.  There is a strategy you need to follow, and it takes a lot of hard work and time to achieve your goals.  That is part of the problem with programs like Second Wave System, but we’ll get into that shortly…

What’s ClickBank?

ClickBank is a digital product marketplace.  It’s free to sign up and you get access to their catalog of digital products for you to promote with your affiliate marketing campaigns.  ClickBank is legit, but the same cannot be said for some of the products that are advertised on there.

There are no real checks before someone can add their product on there, and we’ve reviewed many of the programs on there and whilst not all of them are scams, a high percentage are not high quality and many are misleading you into thinking you can get rich overnight.  Which, I’m sorry to say, is not going to happen…

Back to Second Wave System…

So, Second Wave System will show you how to sign up with ClickBank (not that difficult), and then choose five of the top converting products within ClickBank, then show you how to promote them.

It’s brought to you by Internet Marketers, Dawud Islam and James Kennedy.

Dawud Islam & James Kennedy - Second Wave System Founders

Both are successful Internet Marketers, and their income claims are legit. We’d also describe Dawud as a bit of a serial product creator, as he has so many previous products that have been on the market.  I mean, here is just a snapshot of the products he has launched:

The Halloween Method, Ducky Dollars, Animal Kingdom Anarchy, Moocow Moolah, Cash List Creator, Lion Listings, Eagle Emails, Puma Products, Ablaze, Greyhound Giveaways, Monkey Mailers, Dolphin Dividends, Leopard Lists, Cougar Commissions, Wombat Wealth, Jaguar Jackpots, Panda Payments, Internet Marketing Alphabet, Panther Profits and Tigers Traffic.

That’s a lot of products.  It makes me wonder why he needed so many, if one of them worked then he could sell it for years.  A good product that works will sell for years…

But, you’ll notice that in the sales pitch all he shows you is his earnings that he has been working on his methods and strategies for years to perfect, and he shows you no proof of income from people who have used the system…

P.S. This Program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!  It offers training, tools and endless support!!!

Inside Second Wave System

Within Second Wave System, the dashboard is clean and is easy to navigate.  The main training includes:

  • Introduction to the Training
  • ClickBank Overview
  • The Five Offers
  • Using the Resources
  • How to Promote

I was interested to see what he offers in the view of promoting these affiliate offers, especially as he states that you don’t need a website, or an email list.  But the short walkthrough video doesn’t actually go through any details.  But if you want to get a look at what the members area looks like, then check out this video:

From what we can gather, this is just a basic training program that will show you how to promote ClickBank products, but just be mindful to get any real value from this program, you’ll need to invest in the upsells to get anything that will actually help you sell these products.

Think of it this way, you could go to the ClickBank website today and complete the form to sign up (very basic process), then choose a category from the dashboard and ClickBank already shows you what is selling well.

Then you could promote these products on social media…  Not an effective method, unless your friends and family are interested in buying your products…

I don’t see how that is any different to the basic training you would get in the front end product?  I’ll admit, it will give you a few hints and tips if you’ve never been into affiliate marketing, but a lot of the information on there would be found for free in a quick Google search.  For example, here is our complete step-by-step guide to starting with affiliate marketing which could be used for any niche…

How Does Second Wave System Work?

The Second Wave System is a training course, so it’ll show you through videos what to do.  The training will go through how to sign up and use ClickBank.  It’ll then provide you the top 5 offers on the ClickBank platform and you’ll get some basic training on how to promote these offers.

The offers are in the following categories:

  • Weight Loss
  • Diabetes
  • Dental Care
  • Woodworking
  • Herbal Remedies

From my experience with affiliate marketing, the first thing you need to consider is whether any of these actually interest you.  It isn’t enough to just choose a topic because you think it’ll sell well.  You’ll need to create a lot of content based on that topic to become an authority.

Weight loss is an evergreen niche, meaning that there will always be someone out there looking for tips to help them lose weight.  But have you got the inclination and tenacity to keep on writing content and helping people get the best advice and products to keep on promoting it.  I know I wouldn’t…

Know that Second Wave System is very particular about the products, so this isn’t a training program that will take a hobby or a passion you have and turn it into a successful online business, if you want comprehensive training, with tools and support you can consider a free Wealthy Affiliate account to try to see if Affiliate Marketing is right for you…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Second Wave System Cost?

The Second Wave System Front End product is only $12.95, which sounds like a great deal to be able to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, but it is also the tip of the iceberg as you’ll be presented with a number of Upsells or One-Time-Offers (OTO’s) which are claimed to be integral to your success.

Here are the upsells:

OTO #1 – Second Wave System Pro Version $37

This gives you access to all of Dawud’s previous PRO versions of his products.  You’ll also get 6 x Super Solo Ads to send to over 16,000 members across his 25 MMO sites.

OTO #2 – Weekly DFY Campaigns $97

Get sent 3 x DFY campaigns every week.  This includes Bonus Page, Review Video, Product Demo and ten custom bonuses.  (This requires Commission Gorilla)

OTO #3 – Reseller Rights $37

This gives you the ability to resell Second Wave System and keep 100% of the commission…

OTO #4 – Steal Our Traffic $97

Put your pixel on all of Dawud’s previous sales page to take advantage of tens of thousands of proven buyers

OTO #5 – VIP Package $37

Get Free upgrades at all of Dawud’s 25 MMO niches and a banner of your choice in the rotator at all 5 MMO sites.

We’ve made our own conclusions from these upsells and we’ll share them in our concerns section.  Just know that the costs don’t end there.

Recommended: Here’s Our Top Recommended Training Program.  It’s Free to Get Started and Offers Proven Step-by-Step Training to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing.

What We Liked About Second Wave System

Here is what we liked about Second Wave System:

#1 Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

Whilst the training will be basic and be a little singular, in that it is only showing you how to promote certain products.  It’s still an introduction to affiliate marketing, which is a legit business model and can yield results like Dawud shows in his sales video.  It does take time and effort though, so don’t think this is a quick win…

#2 No Hype!

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Dawud wasn’t using a ton of hype to sell this program.  Many of the MMO programs out there usually rely on hype and false promises to sell it, but there is none of that.

It says it is a training program that’ll show you how to promote ClickBank products, and I do believe that is what you’ll get…

#3 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

There is a 30-day money back guarantee with Second Wave System.

What We Didn't Like About Product

Here is what we didn’t like about Second Wave System:

#1 Only Basic Training

It is only very basic training.  It’s also very limited as it only focuses on ClickBank.  If this method didn’t work for you, then you wouldn’t have learned enough to be able to go elsewhere and use the methods that you have been taught to use a different niche.

I also find it interesting that they say you don’t need a website.  but any experienced affiliate marketer will tell you that you need traffic to have any chance of selling your affiliate offers.  Your own website is the ideal choice.  But if they are not teaching you that, then the conclusions we picked up in the upsells means that you’ll be spending more on landing page software, or solo ads…

#2 Upsells, and Their Conclusions

A lot of these programs have an upsell, whilst it might be a surprise to you, it definitely wasn’t to us.  But it was the conclusions from these that led us to how they fell you won’t need a website.

If you think about the upsells and their descriptions from earlier in the review.  To utilise their DFY campaigns, you’ll need a program called Commission Gorilla.  Commission Gorilla is an affiliate page builder.  It basically allows you to host your landing page.  That doesn’t give you traffic, it just is an alternative to your own blog.  But I wouldn’t recommend Commission Gorilla as it is an expense that you”ve probably not accounted for and having your own blog isn’t very difficult these days, you can even get a free website quite easily (here’s our free guide).

Then, in another upsell it mentions solo ads.  This is where you pay someone with a huge email list of subscribers to share your landing page with them.  This is another expense and no guarantee of you earning more than you spend.

I have a number of reservations about this product, when you factor in the upsells.  The front end product might help you learn some of the basics, but then again you can check out our free guide and get a more comprehensive answer for free…

#3 No Traffic = No Sales

The most important thing a complete beginner needs to know is that having a product isn’t as important as it is to knowing and understand your target audience and then putting that product in front of them.

I could show you how to sign up with ClickBank, and then show you some top products on there.  But if I didn’t show you how to generate traffic, then it was a pointless exercise.

They do claim to show you how to promote these products using FREE methods.  But without a blog, that only leaves social media and that is not the best converting strategy.  Without showing you how to engage an audience that is interested in your offers, and showing you how to expand your circle beyond your friends and family, this will not result in great results.

#3 No Proof Of Success From People Using It…

It’s easy to get lulled into a false sense of security when Dawud is showing your screenshots of his earnings from his affiliate campaigns.  But you have to remember he has been in the game for years, he is an expert at marketing and knows how to promote something.

But I’m more interested in seeing the results from real people who have benefitted from his training.  But there are none!

#4 Other Overly Positive Reviews Online

You might have noticed a number of other reviews have given Second Wave System a really high rating, and we’re don’t seem to be following suit.  But you might have also noticed that they all also offered a ton of bonuses.  That is because they are promoting Second Wave System, and we’re not!

We review products objectively and will give you all the angles that you need to consider before signing up for it.  If you do decide to invest in Second Wave System, then go for it.  But we want to help people and not just sell a product, pave over the cracks of the product and sit back and see affiliate commissions come in, but know that the person who has just bought it will not find success with it.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Second Wave System a Scam?

Second Wave System isn’t a scam, it does offer some basic training around how to get started with affiliate marketing.  It also shares some basic information about how to promote those affiliate offers.

But when you factor in a number of elements, we wouldn’t recommend this program to you.  A more experienced affiliate marketer would find no benefit to joining this platform, and a complete beginner will struggle to effectively use the training to actually earn money.

With no proof of income from members, expensive upsells and very basic training, it leaves a lot to be desired from this platform.

How We Make Money Online

Before you go, you need to know that affiliate marketing is completely legit and is our favourite way to make money online. With the right training, support and tools it is definitely possible for you to make money online.

But you need to know that it’s not an overnight success process.   But with a proven strategy and step-by-step training that has helped millions of members too.  Plus, tools and support to help you as well, Wealthy Affiliate is our top recommended training program for those looking to earn money online.

Thanks to their training and support, we are now earning a consistent income online.  If you want to see how they can help you, read our Wealthy Affiliate Review!

Thanks for checking out our Second Wave System review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Second Wave System

$12.95 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • No Hype!
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Only Basic Training
  • Upsells, & Their Conclusions
  • No Traffic = No Sales
  • No Proof Of Success from Actual Users
  • Other Overly Positive Reviews Online

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