Is Clickbank University 2.0 a Scam or Legit?

Welcome to our ClickBank University 2.0 Review!

ClickBank University 2.0 is an updated training course that teaches you how to create and sell your own digital products via the ClickBank marketplace.  It’s not a scam, although ClickBank is know for having many low-quality and scam products on its marketplace.

But if you were doing some research about this course, hoping that it might help you learn affiliate marketing, then there are a number of factors you need to know about ClickBank University, and we will help you get those answers in this review…

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ClickBank University 2.0 Review Summary

Product Name: ClickBank University 2.0

Founder: Matt Hulett, Adam Horwitz, Justin Atlan

Product Type: Digital product creation & marketing course for ClickBank

Price: $47/month + $594 upsell

Best For: Digital product creators looking to promote them on ClickBank





Summary:  ClickBank University 2.0 offers a course with some useful tools to help people create their own digital products to be able to market them on the ClickBank marketplace and make money.  They do offer some training for an aspiring affiliate marketer, but this is really limited and ultimately there are better options out there.  You will also be presented with a huge upsell as part of the course which is not shown to you until you sign up -so beware!

Rating: 80/100

Recommended? If you are looking to create your own digital products to sell on ClickBank, yes.  If you’re looking to learn affiliate marketing, then No

ClickBank University is mainly for those who are selling their own products.  If you are not ready to create and promote your own products and want to simply promote other peoples product via affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate is a much better option for you.

Table of Contents

What is ClickBank University 2.0?

Clickbank University 2.0 is an updated version of their original training program. That was launched in 2013, and their Clickbank University 2.0 version was launched in 2016.  The training aims to help both vendors and affiliate marketers to get the best out of Clickbank.

If you know anything about affiliate marketing, you have probably heard of Clickbank as it is one of the largest affiliate marketplaces online.

But whilst the training does cover certain aspects of affiliate marketing, the core purpose for the training is for helping those who want to create their own digital products and sell them on ClickBank.  That will make Clickbank more money.

Inside ClickBank University 2.0

Let’s break down what Clickbank University 2.0 offers you.

8-Week Training on Affiliate Marketing

This 8-week training course will teach people how to promote other people’s products on Clickbank as an affiliate.

You will not need to create your own digital products to do this, as you can promote other peoples stuff and earn a commission.

(If that sounds more appealing to you, then I suggest you read about this course)

But know that you will probably walk away with more questions than answers with this training.  The training will be good but limited and will likely be out-of-date quickly.  That is because of the emphasis on the other training.

A much better place to learn affiliate marketing would be the Wealthy Affiliate University.

12-Week Training for Vendors (Product Creators)

Now, this is where the course is worthwhile.  Helping vendors to create their own digital products to sell online.  This training is very extensive and shows where their motivation and drive is paramount.

They cover a number of topics including:

  • Brainstorming & Research on what niche to choose
  • How to create a customer avatar
  • How to create a digital product
  • How to create a landing page or squeeze page
  • How to create a sales funnel
  • How to drive traffic to your landing page
  • How to get affiliates to promote your products
  • How to scale up your business on Clickbank

If you are in a position where you can offer value in the form of a digital product than this training would be of benefit and I could recommend Clickbank University 2.0 to you, but if you are looking to get started with Affiliate Marketing there are much better options such as Wealthy Affiliate.

The training is delivered via weekly step-by-step instructions with videos and PDFs too.  But there are a couple of concerns with the training, but I will go through those in the concerns section.

Weekly Live Q&A Webinar with Adam & Justin

Adam & Justin offer their help and support via a weekly Live Webinar with the aim of answering any questions.  This could be considered a big plus, however they are not well structured.  This is because there is no structure about having a specific topic to cover week by week.

I have experience with Jay’s webinars in Wealthy Affiliate.  He will offer a specific topic, he will go through some training for it and always leave time for questions around that topic.  This works as it works well and is relevant to everyone who has logged in.  That is not the case for this, so people might be asking random questions that are not relevant to you and can seem like a waste of time?

It also seems to be the only reason why they are charging the monthly fee as you could easily quit once you have completed the training – unless you got caught out and bought the upsell product.  We will get into this shortly.

Private Facebook Support Group

From a support point of view, you will get access to the CBU forum and the private Facebook group.  It is definitely active, and you will hopefully gain support from it, just do not expect to see Adam & Justin active in it as much as you might think.

Clickbank Builder 2.0 (First Upsell)

This is not shown to you anywhere in their sales video and is definitely a huge watch-out for you to consider.

Clickbank Builder 2.0 is a tool to help you create professional websites, landing pages and offer pages.  It uses a drag and drop user interface with various templates to use.

Sounds good so far, right?

However, what you need to consider is that this is an upsell that will cost you $594.  That is a staggering cost, considering we use Elementor to achieve the same effect and it is a free tool.

There is an advantage to Clickbank Builder 2.0 and that is the fact it is designed to integrate with Clickbank, but still that is a huge cost.

But that is the problem, all of the training is set around using this Clickbank Builder 2.0. 

So, if you don’t buy it, you will find it much harder to progress through the training.

It is also another way of making sure you cannot move your website anywhere else.  It will be hosted by Clickbank and you will not be able to move elsewhere in the future.

CBU Toolkit (Second Upsell)

Don’t think that the costs end there, you will also be required to spend more money to gain access to your website domain, email service provider, social media tools, etc.

You will be pointed in their direction in due course and be expected to buy them to progress when necessary.

Who Would Benefit from ClickBank University 2.0

This is definitely a product for those looking to create their own digital products.  I could not necessarily say the same for an aspiring affiliate marketer.  If you are just putting your toe into affiliate marketing, I would suggest Wealthy Affiliate is a better option.

If you are ready to create your own digital products and sell them via ClickBank, this training would definitely benefit you.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does ClickBank University 2.0 Cost?

You would need to consider the fact there is a $47/month fee which is quite reasonably comparing to other training platforms out there. 

But you do need to consider the fact that to truly benefit from ClickBank University 2.0 you will need to pay for the ClickBank Builder 2.0 which is an additional cost of $594 or two payments of $297.

What We Liked About ClickBank University 2.0

Here is what we liked about ClickBank University 2.0:

#1 Created by ClickBank for ClickBank

Clickbank is a well-known affiliate network and may affiliate marketers are making full time incomes from it, so it makes sense for those people looking to learn how to promote on ClickBank to learn from the guys behind ClickBank.

Rather than learning from people who claim to know what they are doing, Adam & Justin back it up with good training on the subject

#2 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Whilst the previously available free trial is no longer available you can still benefit from the 30-day money back guarantee.

What We Didn't Like About ClickBank University 2.0

Here is what we didn’t like about ClickBank University 2.0:

#1 It is Primarily for Vendors

There is some training on the affiliate marketing side, but the main focus on this product is for those looking to create and promote their own digital products.

If you are looking to make money by promoting other people’s products (like with affiliate marketing) then I would suggest ClickBank University is not for you.  Instead you should be checking out programs like Wealthy Affiliate!

However, if you are looking into creating your own products (online courses, programs, etc) and selling it online, then ClickBank University 2.0 is a good place for you to get started with.

#2 ClickBank Builder 2.0 – Beware!

Don’t get me wrong, ClickBank Builder 2.0 is a useful tool but it is the way it is sold to you. But it is so expensive option compared to other ‘drag and drop’ options out there.  We use Elementor and the free version at that.  There is no need to spend nearly $600 on this option.

The other factor to consider is the website lock in issue.  If you buy this option, you are stuck hosting your website only at ClickBank.

The normal training is all designed with this builder in mind, so if you do pay for the training but don’t pay for the ClickBank Builder 2.0, you will find it more difficult to achieve anything.

#3 Training is Locked Down

They kind of drip feed you the training, which I find really odd.  They state it is to stop you skipping any steps. But when you are paying that kind of money a month you want to know you can access everything the platform has to offer.

It can also be said, that by restricting what you can access until after the 30-day mark means you are less inclined to ask for a refund.  They will also be able to state that you haven’t experienced everything to warrant a refund…?

#4 Training is Outdated with Low Quality Webinars

There is evidence to suggest that they are not updating the training as frequently as you would expect.  When they include their top product to promote in the training and it has already been outed as a scam begs the question whether these guys really care if you succeed or not.

The weekly webinars should be a massive boost to new members, but they don’t seem to follow any particular pattern or topic covered and include random questions.  Might be helpful to a new member, but the whole production is messy and off-putting.

#5 You Will Only Learn Paid Traffic Routes

I will finish off the concerns with the fact that the training is only interested in paid traffic routes.  The training focuses on Facebook Ads and Instagram Influencer Marketing.

They will not cover free traffic generation like Search Engine Optimisation.  Great if you have a huge budget, but I suspect you are checking this out to make money and not to spend money on buying traffic.  Buying traffic is something for experienced marketers and not those just taking their first steps into affiliate marketing.

When you consider all of the costs – Clickbank University 2.0, Clickbank builder 2.0 and paid ads. You could easily be spending over $1000 a year with no guarantees you will make that back.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is ClickBank University 2.0 a Scam?

Clickbank University 2.0 is definitely not a scam and is a good place for anyone who is interested in creating their own digital products to make money online.  Just know that the cost is a little high and the training is limited from the point of view of someone looking to learn affiliate marketing.

The hidden upsell is something that I find a little off-putting and the fact they are marketing this towards a newbie does affect the score we give this product.  But those people who have experience and want to share it via a digital product would benefit from the training.

But for those who are less experienced and want to learn affiliate marketing properly, Wealthy Affiliate is the platform we highly recommend.

How We Make Money Online

If you are not ready to create your own digital products and want to find training that is ideal for someone just starting out, then I want to help you get started with a proven training platform.

With over 1.5 million active members, there will always be help and support when you need it.

You can benefit from access to a proven step-by-step training course with the beginner in mind.

You will access to a thriving community of friendly people all there to offer help when you need it.

No locked modules, progress at your own pace.

Plus, you will have access to monthly webinars that are highly targeted and useful with an expert coach on hand.

Not enough, you will also have personal access to me through Wealthy Affiliate.  It is where I got started and now it’s my turn to pay-it-back and help others who want to get started too.

No need for any experience, just follow the step-by-step instructions and benefit from the same training that allows me to earn money online through affiliate marketing!

Thanks for reading my ClickBank University 2.0 review, if you have any questions or want to share any experiences with ClickBank University 2.0 or anything else just write them in the comments below and we will definitely come back to you as soon as we can.

Sharing is Caring…

Clickbank University 2.0

$47/month + $594 Upsell







Overall Rating



  • Created by Clickbank for Clickbank
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • It is Primarily for Vendors
  • Clickbank Builder 2.0
  • Training is Locked Down
  • Training is outdated with low quality webinars
  • You will only learn paid traffic routes

6 thoughts on “Is Clickbank University 2.0 a Scam or Legit?”

  1. I have often looked at the Clickbank University, seen the free videos but always held back from jumping in with both feet, Having read your post I am very glad I didn’t as it is definitely not what I am looking for. 

    I would not have been happy to find I would have to pay so much as an extra amount. 

    Thank you, good information that’s well laid out. Glad I saw your blog, I won’t be looking at the Clickbank University again.

    • Hi Linda,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.

      If you are not looking to make your own digital products, then this is probably not for you.  Glad we were able to help you.

      If you are looking for the ideal way to get started with affiliate marketing, let us suggest Wealthy Affiliate to you.  A fully comprehensive platform for people getting started.

      All the best


  2. I’m glad to read that the Clickbank University 2.0 is not a scam. By reading your article I learned about all the tools Clickbank University 2.0 offers. Just like you said the price looks a bit higher than the other platforms online but I think it will be worth it to give it a try. If anything they have a 30 days money back guarantee. 

    Thank you so much for sharing about Clickbank University 2.0.

    • Hi Sujandar,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.

      It is a little high, but if you are a vender hoping to make your mark with Clickbank, then it is worth a try. Just know that you will not have experienced all of the training, so be mindful when it comes to the 30-day money back guarantee.


  3. I have heard of Clickbank, but never gave it much thought after finding Wealthy Affiliate. Hence I learned a lot about what it dies well, and what it is not much use for. 

    I feel that if one gets hooked with Clickbank University 2.0, they should be prepared to purchase the supporting products like Clickbank Builder 2.0 and CBU Toolkit in order to maximize the effectiveness of their complete digital product creation and marketing process. Can you tell me if it is possible to develop a digital product using only the lessons learned from Clickbank University 2.0. leave and build their digital business using the Wealthy Affiliate system? 

    You laid out a logical path towards Wealthy Affiliate, peppering the interest along the way. This will help your visitors to make an informed decision. 

    • Hi Edwin,

      thanks for checking out our blog and for writing some comments.

      To answer your question, you must understand that the primary function of Clickbank University 2.0 is to show you how to get the best out of Clickbank itself.  But you will be spending a lot of money on a Website Builder that you can only use with Clickbank.  

      So you could learn what you need, but it will only be associated with Clickbank.

      If you are already with Wealthy Affiliate, I don’t feel you would need this to learn how to create digital products when WA offers some great community built training on doing just that and the benefit is your website is hosted in a place where you can utilise more than just Clickbank.

      Hope that helps



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