Commission Hotshot Review – Solve Your Money Problems in 19 Minutes?

Welcome to our Commission Hotshot Review!

Commission Hotshot offers a 3-step process for earning passive income online using free traffic, so it sounds amazing… If you take them at their word, Commission Hotshot is making $789.80 in less than 24 hours for the team behind it. 

Which makes it out like you can do the same, but is that the reality… that is what we’ll explore in this review.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Commission Hotshot in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to share with you what this program really does, and why if you haven’t bumped into any programs from Art Flair and Phallab Ghosal, you should know that this is nothing more than an overhyped system for earning them money, rather than a system that helps you make money.

Commission Hotshot Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Hotshot

Founder: Art Flair, Pallab Ghosal, and Ram Rawat

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing with YouTube

Price: $12.87 + Upsells

Best For: Those looking to do affiliate marketing with YouTube Review Videos

Commission Hotshot Review - Product Image


  • Low Front-end Price
  • YouTube Video Reviews Do Work
  • 30-Days Money Back Guarantee


  • The YouTube Method Is Unethical (Fake Reviews)
  • YouTube Could Ban You
  • Expensive Upsells
  • Too Much Hype & Misleading Claims
  • Fake Testimonials

Summary: If you sift through all of the hype and misleading claims, what you get is revealed to be a training program that teaches you how to create (fake) product reviews on YouTube.  This does technically grant you with free traffic, as YouTube is a free traffic marketing platform.  However, this doesn’t mean that it will happen as quickly or as easily as Art (and Team Black Belt) make out.

You’ll also find the front-end product will be limited (but it did only cost $13), so there is naturally some upsells that they will promote as the product you need to speed up the process, and cost you an extra $482.

This method is about creating fake product reviews (the totally biased ones you see online), and this doesn’t guarantee any income and is likely to get you banned from YouTube too.  

This product, like so many others out there, is really just a sales funnel designed to make money for the owner, and his team…

Rating: 35/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Commission Hotshot?

Don’t get fooled by all the hype and misleading claims that litter the sales page for Commissions Hotshot.  It might make it look like it’s going to solve all of your money problems with just 19 minutes of work, the reality is completely different.

There are so many programs out there that all claim you can earn easy passive income in a really short amount of time, with no effort and with free traffic methods.  But when you really dig into the details, you soon realise who is making the money from these sorts of programs… and that is the team behind them.

They play on your emotions, and the desire to earn easy money and they claim to provide the answer…

That is pretty much what Commission Hotshot claims to do…

Commission Hotshot is a training program that will teach you how to create YouTube Review Videos…

They don’t tell you this upfront, as it would immediately put a lot of people off buying it… not everyone has the equipment or the inclination to actually do YouTube videos.

It is something that Art Flair does a lot of… although if you check out his channel, you will see that the vast majority of his reviews are promoting this kind of thing, and according to him there are never any concerns or drawbacks to these programs.

That, in itself, is a concern right there…

The Commission Hotshot Sales Page

If you’ve already taken a look at the sales page, you will see the usual hype that goes with a “get rich quick” scheme, take the headline for example…

Commission Hotshot - Sales Hype

They make it out that with Commission Hotshot, it’s going to be easy to earn $789.80 in 19 minutes…

I mean, it sounds great, doesn’t it?

However, If you re-read that headline you will notice the most important part of that statement…

It says “watch ME” and not see how YOU can do the same. Art Flair and his team have been doing this for years, so I have no doubt they have mastered their tactics (which is not exactly ethical), but for you to go and do the same in the same timescales is completely unrealistic.

If you ever want to find a way of making money online, you first thing you need to know is that there is no legit get-rich-quick scheme out there.  So most programs that claim you can earn $800 in just 19 minutes is just a load of hype to get you to part with your money.

Success doesn’t happen in just 19 minutes, it takes time and effort.  But the sales page is designed to make you believe it is possible so you do buy it.

YouTube review videos are a great way of making money online, but you cannot just post one video online and think that is ever going to be enough to start earning you money.

You need to create and uploads hundreds of these to even make a dent.  That’s why it’s important to differentiate they are saying it made them money, and not you money.

Art Flair has been creating review videos for years now, so he already has an established base to work off, so I’m not surprised he is making this kind of money (without this program or not).

The fundamental bottom line is that they are not exactly honest with you around the timescales, time and effort that this will require to make this work.

The methods do work, but not as quickly or as easily as the sale pages makes out…

Who's Behind Commission Hotshot?

The team behind this program are Art Flair, Phallab Ghosal, and Ram Rawaer.  They are digital marketers who like to refer to themselves as “Team Blackbelt”.

The most important thing you should know is that they are serial product creators.  They have created and developed loads of similar products or systems on the WarriorPlus network over the last few years

Commission Hotshot - Team Blackbelt

Examples of such programs are:

  • 24H Commission Hustler
  • Automated Profit Formula
  • Internet Retirement App

The vast majority of these programs are just overhyped marketing campaigns all with the aim of making the team more money.  There is no magic formula, and a lot of them are just rehashed versions of older programs that just keep going round and round.

If they launched a good quality program that teached the techniques properly, they wouldn’t need to keep relaunching them.  But, there is a reason why they need to keep creating new products and that is down to them not being great, and the hype and misleading claims they use to promote them.

Inside Commission Hotshot

So, let’s get into what you get with the Commission Hotshot program…

When you first buy the product for that little price of $12.87…before you actually get access to the members area you will have to get past the upsells.  There are a total of six upsells that will cost you a huge figure of $482!!

They make them sound very appealing and make them sound as though you need them. 

But my advice is to NOT BUY THEM!!  I’ll explain why in the next section, but trust me and just skip past them…

OK, so now that you’re past the upsells, you’ll find yourself in the members area…

Commission Hotshot Review - Members Area

Commission Hotshot Training Videos

Based on the sales page, you gain access to a series of over-the-shoulder video training to copy and paste their system to get results in the next 24 hours or less.

The reality is that you’re going to get a set of training videos where you can see how to get free traffic from YouTube.  It is a legitimate method, but it’s going to take a lot of time and effort, and you’ll need to create YouTube videos.  Oh, and it isn’t a method that gives you quick results.

Here’s what you’ll find in the training videos…

  • Case Study Results – 6min53secs
  • Selecting the Right Offer + Affiliate Hack – 6min56secs
  • Your Online Hub – 12min59secs
  • Free Tools – 9min08secs
  • Your Money Magnet – 10min10secs
  • Optimization – 6min43secs
  • Optimization for Traffic #1 – 8min46secs
  • Optimization for Traffic #2 – 12min41secs
  • Additional Traffic – 9min34secs
  • Scaling It Up –  7min02secs
  • What Now? – 1min10secs

The training within Commission Hotshot is based on the experience of Art Flair.  If you have searched for any product reviews in the make money online niche, you may have already come across Art’s YouTube channel.  He has a vast library of product reviews on his YouTube channel.  He has been doing this for years.  

The key to that statement is that Art has been doing this for years, so naturally that is why he is able to make money from these methods.  But it also shows how much time and effort he has put into generating an income from a YouTube channel.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Does Commission Hotshot Work?

There is a huge difference between what you’ll see and hear on the sales page against what the reality is.

Basically, it’s a huge red flag as they are completely different concepts.

Commission Hotshot Review - How it Works

For example, here is what they describe as the way the system works…

  • Step 1 – Find the right offer that people really want to buy
  • Step 2 – Go through the Commission Hotshot formula
  • Step 3 – You Withdraw your earnings anytime
  • Step 4 – Do it over and over again…

Notice how that doesn’t really explain what you will be doing, or how you will be able to achieve this income…

So, naturally we need to now explain how it really works…

How Commission Hotshot Really Works…

Within the training area, you will find a case study where Art shows you how he has used Commission Hotshot’s formula to promote a product called Easy Arbitrage.

Art also shows you how he has been able to earn $789 using just one source of free traffic.

So, there is an essence of truth in what he is saying, that this formula can earn you money.  He does use free traffic methods through his YouTube channel.

But what he doesn’t tell you is how much time and effort he has had to put in to get to the position he is in.

It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to generate free traffic to YouTube.

Based on my experience, it will take you months of hard work to even start seeing results.  That also assumes that you already know what you’re doing…

Creating a single video takes time and effort, just to research and structure your video.  That is just one stage of their method.

So, Art Flair’s Commission Hotshot method is like this…

  • Finding a product that converts
  • Analysing and researching that product
  • Creating a Video Review of the product
  • Optimising the video for search engines

This will take you a few months to get your head around these four areas of YouTube marketing, at least…

The premise is very simple.  You find a product you like, do all the research about that product, and then share your opinions about it with a video review on YouTube.

Once you’ve created your video, you’ll then need to make sure you optimise your video for SEO, so that YouTube rewards you with good rankings.  Getting good rankings is the key to getting that free traffic they speak of.

Then, the way you earn money is by including an affiliate link in the video description, and tell your viewers to click on that link if they are interested in the product.

Simple process, but actually really complicated when you break down each of the steps.

As well as showing you how to record YouTube videos, Art will also show you how to create your own blog and how to post your video onto your blog too.

This again increases the chance of ranking your video higher within YouTube and Google.

Not everyone is comfortable shooting review videos, so they do show you a couple of other ways to achieve it, such as using other people’s videos.

Now, where are you going to find these products to promote…?

It’s About Promoting WarriorPlus New Releases…

Well, Art and Team Blackbelt are friends with many of the vendors on the affiliate network called WarriorPlus.

So, everytime on of these vendors has a new product that needs some marketing (hype) created, they send JV documents to all of their affiliates.  Then, the affiliates use the Commission Hotshot method (described above) to create review videos and promote these products, and earn commissions from any sales made.

The problem is, that these video reviews they are creating are fake reviews designed to make their friends (the vendors) more money, and them themselves earning commissions.

If you were to type in a search for Commission Hotshot review into Google, you will find that the vast majority of the reviews do exactly that.  All they do is regurgitate the details from the sales page, they don’t actually offer any real details about what you’ll be doing.  

If you checked out Art Flair’s YouTube channel, most of his videos are reviews of these kind of products, and yet all he is says “it’s amazing, and have all these bonuses if you buy through his link”.

If you believe the hype and buy this product, you will find that it doesn’t really help you make money, and the bonuses are of a similar vein.

You’ll hand over your $13 thinking you’re getting a great deal, only to be presented with a series of upsells costing you a lot of money, and still be no closer to making money.  Let’s go into details about the price, and why it’s not great for a beginner…

How Much Does Commission Hotshot Cost?

So, Commission Hotshot sounds like a great deal… A money-making method for just $13… Whilst you do get some training and other bits for your money.  The reality is that this is just to get you into their sales funnel, which is where the upsells come in.

For your $13, you’ll receive the following:

  • Case Study
  • Video Training
  • DFY Images
  • Cheatsheets
  • Bonuses
  • Description Creation Software
  • Analyser Software
  • Bonus Case Study
  • Commercial Licence

Then, there are the upsells.  Like I said before, my advice would be to see if the base product works for you before thinking you need to buy the upsells.  Let’s go through the prices…

  • OTO#1 – Case Studies – $27 with a downsell to $17
  • OTO#2 – DFY – $37 with a downsell to $27
  • OTO#3 – Reseller Pack – $197 with a downsell to $67
  • OTO#4 – 45 WSOTD Products – $147 with a downsell to $67
  • OTO#5 – 6 Figure Training – $47
  • OTO#6 – 3 Traffic Softwares – $27

Think about that for a minute, if you just click “No Thanks” each time, you will save yourself hundreds of dollars anyway.  But imagine how you would feel if you had paid the full price, only to find that it was just a marketing technique to get you to spend your money.

Either way, it still is going to cost you hundreds of dollars just to get started with this, and you still don’t know what you’ll be doing up unto this point..

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream. It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

What We Liked About Commission Hotshot

Here’s what we liked about Commission Hotshot:

#1 YouTube Videos Are a Proven Method

Whilst I don’t agree with Art’s, and others like him, methods. YouTube videos are a very effective way of getting traffic to your affiliate offers.  I don’t like how these people do make money from selling questionable products by creating a fake review, but that aside, if you want to make money, YouTube is effective.

My advice would be to create high quality videos that offer detail on stuff, rather than just the usual “sales page regurgitation”.

What We Didn't Like About Commission Hotshot

Here’s what we didn’t like about Commission Hotshot:

#1 “Fake Reviews” are Unethical

These guys are making money from convincing some poor individual looking for a good way of making money into buying a product that clearly is misleading and doesn’t work.  Think about how you would feel if you bought all the upsells straightaway and then find out that this could take months to recoup even just the $13 initial spend.

Most people just think, it’s only $13, that’s ok.  But if you keep doing it, that soon mounts up and you soon realise that you have, in effect, been scammed.

Another factor is that Art and others like him, are creating multiples of these products every month.  They know that these things are short lived.  As soon as people find genuine reviews online, the sales dry up.  So, they keep on creating new ones, or rehashing previous ones to keep themselves earning money.

#2 These Methods Could Have Risks With Them…

Like I said, these methods are unethical and if you were to be banned from YouTube (It has happened), then you lose any chance of getting traffic, and with it any sales.

#3 Overhyped Sales Page & Misleading Claims

I’ll say it again, Art even admits this program helps him make money and doesn’t actually tell you that this will do the same for you.  It is all just hype and misleading claims to stop you thinking about it, and just getting your credit card out…

#4 Six Upsells Costing $482!!

As soon as you realise there are 6 upsells, and that they are costing you that much, it shows that the base product won’t work as they claim and you will be encouraged to buy more to speed everything up.  My advice would be to save yourself some money.

Affiliate Marketing is an effective way of making money online, and YouTube is a great option.  But there is no need to spend nearly $500 to achieve it.  Check out our top recommended training program, that will teach you how to create a blog and how to use YouTube if you so wish, and it will cost you nothing to get started…

#5 Fake Testimonials

Don’t believe the testimonials you’ll find on the sales pages.  These are not real users, these people are all associated with Art Flair.  You’ll find they are all connected, so when one of them launches a product, Art will come on and write them a testimonial, even if he has never even heard of the program before.

Most testimonials for these types of program, actually don’t refer to the name of the product.  That way they can use them over and over again, for hundreds of programs online.  Don’t trust them…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Commission Hotshot a Scam?

It’s a very close call… they do offer you some training materials and other bits for your money.  Some would argue, that it doesn’t constitute being called a scam.

But when you consider that they are misleading you into believing that you can earn $800 in just 19 minutes with this program, then you could argue it’s a scam due to the misleading nature of the product.

I’ll leave the final verdict up to you.  But in my opinion, I wouldn’t recommend this Commission Hotshot to anyone looking to make legitimate money online.  It’s not a great method for creating a long term income stream.  There are too many risks associated with the methods Art teaches…

Bottom line, this program is designed to earn Art and his team more money.  It has not been designed for a newbie to go and make money.

So, do you think it’s a scam?  Let me know in the comments…

How We Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic way of making money online, and YouTube is definitely a good avenue to choose.  But you need the right training, right support and someone who is in your corner and wants to help you…

That is why I would always recommend Wealthy Affiliate.  Thanks to their training, we’ve been able to Create a 4-figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It didn’t happen overnight, but was definitely worth it…

If you’d like to learn more, check out our Wealthy Affiliate review

Thanks for checking out our Commission Hotshot review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

Commission Hotshot

$12.87 + Upsells ($482)

Overall Rating



  • Low Front-End Price
  • YouTube Video Reviews Do Work
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Unethical Methods
  • YouTube Could Ban You
  • Overhyped & Misleading Claims
  • Expensive Upsells
  • Fake Testimonials

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