WP Training Kit Review – Is This Really the Missing Piece to Making A Fortune?

Welcome to our WP Training Kit Review!

This is the latest PLR product coming through that claims to offer you “complete” training on WordPress with a product for you to promote and for you to make money…

Their sales page makes it look mouth-watering for a budding Internet Marketer.  Their claims about WordPress are all true, it is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) online, but will this course teach you everything you need to know?  That is what we wanted to find out and share with you today.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research, as it is the best way to avoid online scams and only find legitimate ways to make money online

To put your mind at rest, we are not affiliated with this product in any way, so we are not here to pitch or sell anything to you.  We just want to make sure you see an objective review giving you everything you need to consider before investing your money into a “seemingly good” product.

Training on WordPress is integral for someone looking to make money online.  Whilst the price of this product would make it seem very appealing, is it actually worth your time, is WP Training Kit a scam or is it something to be avoided…

Let’s get into our review with a quick product overview:

WP Training Kit Review Summary

Product Name: WP Training Kit

Founder: Firelaunchers (Vendor)

Product Type: WordPress Training Course 

Price: $10-$15 + Upsells & Hidden Costs

Best For: No One



  • Some Training on WordPress
  • Money Back Guarantee


  • Hype & False Promises
  • Not “Complete Training” – Self Promoting
  • Need to Pay More
  • Hidden Costs

Summary:  WP Training Kit is a step-by-step video training program on how to build a WordPress website.  However, the training is only focused on teaching you how to promote the product you have just bought.  It also fails to teach you anything on getting traffic, unless you pay for the upgraded training.  But again, there are serious flaws with this program and there are much better options to learning how to build a WordPress website without having to follow this training.  Not Recommended

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is WP Training Kit?

WP Training Kit is a training course that will teach you how to set up and use a WordPress website with the sole focus of reselling the product you have just bought.  It provides a training course through videos and accompanying PDF’s to take you through the steps of installing a WordPress website, etc. and to use their templates to produce a website that you can use to resell WP Training Kit as your own.

If you are new to any form of internet marketing, know that WordPress is an ideal choice for a beginner due to its ease of use.  This website is a WordPress website and with the right training, you can make it look exactly how you want with some research and time to implement what you want.

So, their facts on their sales page are true about the fact that the majority of website out there are WordPress website.

But there are a couple of things that do worry me about this product, which we will detail as we go through the review.  But the first one is that they are making it overly complicated for you to install WordPress.  WordPress is designed to be a one-button install, but they are talking about downloading and using FTP to install your website, which is a little more advanced, but it is because of their pre-set designs that you will be installing to resell their product.  This will hamper you further down the line.

Having said that, you will be shown how to use WordPress through this training course.  Although we would recommend this training to learn how to use WordPress correctly, with the ability to promote any product or service you want in a niche you want to promote, rather than a training course with an agenda that will miss out key stuff.

So, how does WP Training Kit work?

Inside WP Training Kit

Primarily WP Training Kit offers training and resources around launching a WordPress website and how to promote this website to sell WP Training Kit to make you money.  Here is the brief about what they offer:

  • Module 1– Step-by-step HD Tutorial videos: You’ll get eight chapters of step-by-step training that will show you exactly how to make WordPress work for you to create engaging, attractive and professional-looking websites without having a lick of coding knowledge.
  • Module #2 – Premier Training guide on WordPress Training Kit: A Resource for Marketers! This guide will walk you through every step and information you need to set up your own WordPress site, securely and efficiently.
  • Module #3 – Chapter Images: In this module, they are offering graphics for every topic which is covered in this course i.e. the Training Guide. These High-Quality graphics will enhance your product’s value.
  • Module #4 – 10 Unique Articles Bundled into One: WP Training Kit provide you 10 articles based on the topics related to WordPress, written by professionals which will further help you improve your sales. You do not invest your time and energy in it.
  • Module #5 – Cheat Sheet: This cheat sheet is a practical tool that will guide you with easy to follow steps of the whole training. Each and every aspect of training is broken down into easy and executable steps that will help you master the process and keep entire training at your fingertips. It makes the entire package more lucrative.
  • Module #6 – Mind Map: Mind Maps will be a broad outline of the entire training program. With this handy tool, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the complete training and will absorb the contents easily.
  • Module #7 – Top Resource Report: This is a comprehensive Research Report on using WordPress. WP Training Kit includes Videos, Tools, Training courses, Forums, Affiliate programs, Infographics, Facts, and Case studies.
  • Module #8 – Raw Video Files: In WP Training Kit, you will get access to the raw video files of the complete training. The source files come in multiple text formats.
  • Module #9 – High Converting Sales Copy: This professional sales page copy can get huge sales rolling in as part of your front-end sales drive.
  • Module #10 – Customer Sales Video: They are giving you latest and updated Doodle style Sales videos that will drive traffic and improve your sales conversions.
  • Module #11 – Professionally Designed Graphics: They will provide you with a complete set of professionally designed graphics for selling the product. It will include necessary artwork to sell the product and make it more convincing; you’ll be able to use these graphics at your own convenience.
  • Module #12 – Animated Banners: WP Training Kit are providing you with superbly designed animated banners that will drive traffic and convert sales instantly.
  • Module #13 – Professionally created expert Email Templates: In WP Training Kit, they are providing you with professionally written email swipes that will substantially leverage your sales and earnings. You can always choose any one of them, pick a subject line and send it to persuade further.
  • Module #14 – Professional Minisite: they have professionally designed the Sales Pages for you to just use them for your sales funnel. These templates are ready to use to improvise your sales.
  • Module #15 – Legal Pages: In this module, they are providing you with 4 legal pages namely Anti-Spam policy, Earning Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms, and Conditions. You can edit or modify it based on your company’s privacy policies and legal terms.

Here is an demo video, of what you can expect:

If you are a complete beginner looking at this, the brief makes it sound fantastic what they offer.  But for the more experienced marketer, you will notice that this training misses out on a key ingredient for a beginner!!

That’s right, there is no training on how to get traffic to your new website.  You have paid for hosting, and an autoresponder for your emails and yet you are still going to need to learn how to promote your website to get people over to it to buy this product you are selling.

We have seen too many of these Make Money Online (MMO) products to know that they leave the hardest part of marketing (getting people to your site) for the newbie to do.  Their basic training will get you a website up and running, all created to sell the product you have just bought, but they then offer you a way of learning how to get traffic through an upsell.

Let’s go through the costs now:

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does WP Training Kit Cost?

The WP Training Kit includes training on WordPress and promoting itself via your website, but then they offer other training via the upsells. They are also offering 3 difference versions.  If you go with the personal use pack, you can only use it for yourself.  The Reseller version lets you resell it, but you still lack the right to claim authorship and the files are editable.  To get those, you will need to go for the unrestricted PLR pack.

 Let’s go through them prices:

  • WP Training Kit – Personal Use: $9.95. There is an upgrade pack for $29.95.
  • WP Training Kit – Resell Rights: $13.95. There is an upgrade pack for $45.95.
  • WP Training Kit – Unrestricted PLR: $14.95. There is an upgrade pack for $47.95.
  • SEO Training Kit – Personal Use: $9.95. With an upgrade pack for $29.95.
  • SEO Training Kit – Resell Rights: $13.95. With an upgrade pack for $45.95
  • SEO Training Kit – Unrestricted PLR: $14.95. With an upgrade pack for $47.95.

If you are not sure what SEO is, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation.  The search engines is your gateway to free traffic and getting your website and content to rank high in the search engines is really important.

That is the way this will work.  You will get access to training on how you can build a WordPress website, but to get any training on getting traffic you are going to need to buy their other product, which is training on SEO.

In total, the prices may seem quite low compared to other products.  But it is the quality that will stand for whether the product is worthwhile or not and the fact they are expecting you to pay more to learn how to get traffic, is a little naughty.

Plus, the fact that with most of these Private Label Rights products, they are only offering information that is already available elsewhere.  With the right YouTube channel, you could learn all you need to know about WordPress without buying a product that is only focused on self-promoting a product that is low-quality.

What We Liked About WP Training Kit

Here is what we like about WP Training Kit:

#1 Offers Training on WordPress

If you put aside the fact that the training is going to be heavily focused on building a website for the sole purpose of reselling this product onto others, it still is going to teach you how to set up a WordPress website.

WordPress is a top Content Management System (CMS) and we would recommend WordPress for a website owner, but there are many other factors to consider besides blindly following their training.  If you can take what you need and do further research on what is best, you could find this training has its uses.

#2 Money Back Guarantee

You can always get your money back if you are not fully happy, I actually find that isn’t the issue it tends to be that many people tend not to bother to get a refund as we are only talking about $10-$15.  But if you so wished, you could request your money back.

What We Didn't Like About WP Training Kit

Here is what we didn’t like about WP Training Kit:

#1 Full of Hype & False Promises

We review a lot of these supposed solutions to making you money online, but there is a trend at the moment to pushing these products as a “solution to the pandemic”. 


As soon as you see a sales page full of hype, it is usually littered with false promises and I cannot see how this program is going to be any different.

The initial training is incomplete, and you will only learn how to promote the same product you just bought.  Even if you go with the push for the unrestricted PLR version, you will lack the knowledge to edit it to improve the quality – unless you go elsewhere and learn it.

#2 Not “Complete” Training – Self Promotion

The biggest issue we had with this WP Training Kit is that it will not be exactly what we call Complete training.  The main reason is that it is only focused on creating a website for you to promote the product you just bought.  There are so many factors that you would want to learn to be able to create a business where you can promote any number of products.  By only learning how to promote this one product, what happens if it doesn’t make you any money?  You are going to need to go and learn how to do it from somewhere else.

But you will be stuck with a website that is customised, etc. to promote this product.

I also wonder why they are making it more difficult than it sounds.  In the training, they are talking about downloading WordPress to then upload it to a Host.

Most hosting providers give you a one-button install with WordPress.  Why are they even making the simple stuff even more complicated than it needs to be?

Our top recommended training program for Affiliate Marketing can help you get a website up and running with only a few clicks, and they even give you 10 free lessons of top-quality training to get started too.  Learn more HERE.

#3 Need to Pay More to Market Your New Website – Training not Complete

This is a separate point to the last, but it still comes down to the training not being complete.  Unless, that is, you pay for their SEO training pack upgrade.

But this isn’t clear from their sales page and will only become apparent once you have bought the initial product and are in their sales funnel.

There is little point having a website unless you know how to attract an audience.  Otherwise it is like having a product and a shop, but never opening the door!!

The problem is they will have you hooked by this point, you will have gone through their training program, paid for website hosting and follow all their steps until you realise that to learn how to promote your new website – you have to pay more…

Look, again there is basic training on SEO available without the need to only promote one product.  We learned from the best training platform on the net, and we will never regret making that decision to give them a try.  Learn more HERE

#4 Hidden Costs – Hosting, etc.

There is a difference between a free website and a paid website.  a free website tends to only be a subdomain and you have no real ownership of a subdomain.  They have their uses, the people serious about having a website go for a paid website.  That means you have to pay for it. 

Just know that they are going to need you to pay for hosting, again which is not clear until you have paid up. 

#5 Most PLR Info Can Be Found for FREE!

Know that Private Label Rights (PLR) information is not exactly ground-breaking and most of the information is either out-of-date or information that you could get elsewhere without the need to pay money for it.

I am not saying the information isn’t going to help you, but they trick you into thinking it is excellent value as it is so cheap.  But there is a reason why it was so cheap.

If you are really after a website, you can learn how to get a free website up and running without having to hand over any money.  You might still be at a point where you aren’t sure whether it is the right decision for you, yet when you buy something like this the costs soon start stacking up.  With our top recommended training, you can have a free website to promote any products you like, let’s say a hobby you have, and only pay more when you are ready to take it to the next level.  Click HERE to learn more.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My WP Training Kit Review - Final Conclusion

WP Training Kit isn’t exactly a scam, as you will receive training for your money.  But the issue with have this product tends to be more around the fact that they will only be focused on getting you to a stage of reselling the product you just paid for to others.  All the branding and stuff they provide is only focused on promoting WP Training Kit to others.

This makes it much harder for you to actually make any money, as PLR products tend to have information that is already available online.  YouTube has some great channels on WordPress that would probably cover off this training, but without the need to download and upload WordPress to install it (what is all that about?).

But the fundamental flaw in the initial training is the fact they do not cover off how to market this website to actually make any sales.  This is only included as an upgrade.

Whether it be through free traffic or paid traffic routes, you need to know how to get your website and content in front of people.

That is the only way of making money.  For someone who is a beginner looking to build a website with a view of promoting a product or service they own, or maybe through affiliate marketing there is a huge difference in training that is there to help you every step of the way and training that is out-of-date or irrelevant.  We prefer to promote the training that helps people get results and that is how we got started.  Read on to learn more…

How We Make Money Online

If you are serious about making money online and want to learn how to build a website, you need to know that going with this low-quality PLR training modules will not really help you do that.

You are reliant on fooling other people to buy the same training pack you just bought, and whilst they may look snazzy, they tend to have a real short lifespan.  Once the word gets out that they are not as good as they could be, the owners move on.  Yet, you get stuck with a website that is practically useless, as you haven’t learned how you could promote literally any product or service you like.

When we got started, we went with affiliate marketing.  The ability to choose a hobby of ours and make money from promoting products to do with that hobby.  But the key ingredient to do that was understanding what our target audience wanted and the building a website that helped people with their questions or problems and provide solutions via the products and services we promoted.  It is a success and we are still doing it with this website today.

But the important parts came from our training provider, that is also our top recommended training program.  They teach anyone how to choose a niche, build a free website and teach them how to promote your website with SEO.  The step-by-step training will work for anyone who is serious about making money online…  You will not find a better training program for getting started online, and it even comes with a FREE starter membership.  This includes a free website and free lessons.

This is a much better option if you are still not sure.  If you are not entirely happy, there is no need to get a refund as you just sign out.  If you are happy and want to take it to the next level, there is only one upgrade option and it is fully disclosed straightaway.

If you want to learn money online like we do, then you need the right training and that is what you will get at Wealthy Affiliate.

Click HERE to learn more about Wealthy Affiliate.  Click HERE if you think you are ready to take the first step to building your very own affiliate marketing website.  If you do decide to join via our link, you will get our full support too.  Ask us questions whenever you need to.

Thanks for checking out our WP Training Kit Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

WP Training Kit

$10-$15 + Upsells and Hidden Costs

Overall Rating



  • Offers Training on WordPress
  • Money Back Guarantee


  • Full of Hype & False Promises
  • Not Complete Training - Focused on Self Promotion
  • Need to Pay More to Get SEO Training
  • Hidden Costs
  • Most Info Can Be Found for FREE

6 thoughts on “WP Training Kit Review – Is This Really the Missing Piece to Making A Fortune?”

  1. hello!

    detailed and honest review! The price is small, but as I can see it is the real price for what you will going to get in this Training. I like that they return your money by the way. That is a good thing to know if someone wants to try this. 

    I like that you compared it to Wealthy Affiliate as it is certainly a much better way to start a business. It costs more but it is worth more also! I highly encourage anyone who reads this to at least try free membership on WA ! 

    • Hiya,

      thanks for checking out our review!  We have seen loads of these sales funnels to know that if it has a really low start price, but lacks any real detail then you have to ask the question on why it is so cheap.  But it is so they can then start offering other products that you “believe” will speed up the process and end up spending a fortune…

      There is a difference between low-quality training and a full in-depth training program that offers you website hosting, training, keyword research tools and all the support you ever need.  Wealthy Affiliate offers all that, you mention the price.  But there is no need for anyone to pay upfront.  You can join with a free starter membership and decide if this is the right decision for you.

      Handing over money to then find something isnt right for you isnt right, you might get a refund back for buying the WP Training Kit training, but if you have already paid for the hosting they are telling you to get, then you will not get a refund for that.

      The free starter membership at WA is just that.  You get a free website, free training and free support with it.  For those that are serious about building a profitable business online, then you pay the monthly membership to get the next level of features.  But the key difference is transparency!! 

      They are fully open about what they are, and their results speak for themselves.  There is no evidence that WP Training Kit works.  There is plenty of evidence to show that Wealthy Affiliate works for people.  Definitely worth a check!

      All the best


  2. Yea pretty spot on here.  There are a lot of things that I wish I learned about WP and that I wish there was a tutorial on it when I first started my website through them but its not a huge issue.  A lot of the stuff is found online or on YouTube.  Also the community at Wealthy Affiliate can help you too.  Wouldn’t spend my money on this.

    • Hi Eric,

      thanks for checking out our review!  Totally agree with you, they just make their product sound good to get a sale.  If you do the research needed, you don’t need to buy a program like this one.  But if you want support, Wealthy Affiliate is the place to be…

      thanks again


  3. It is very Paramount that before any one engages in any online platform, there should be a thorough research on that platform so as to avoid being exploited or taken advantage of.. anyways a big thanks to you for sharing this unbiased review on wp training kit. It’s indeed a platform filled with unrealistic and hyped up claims. It’s definitely not a take for me.

    • Hiya,

      thanks for checking out our review!  It is a typical sales funnel into a program that has holes that will need to be filled by paying more money.  Most PLR stuff can be found elsewhere on the net and often for free.  This is a very one-sided view of installing a WordPress website.

      Definitely not something I would recommend to beginners.  They need supportive training that allows them to build a website based on what they want to promote.  Depending on the niche, you could end up promoting hundreds or thousands of products, so you need a website that is attractive and versatile to do it.  you won’t get that here.  

      That is why we recommend our top recommended program instead.  Training, Tools, Support and Website Hosting all included – Check out Wealthy Affiliate for all your needs…

      All the best



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