What is Tron Magic? 300% ROI Pyramid Scheme?!

Welcome to our Tron Magic Review!

There are many examples of these types of Ponzi schemes, all hiding behind get-rich-quick opportunities to make income, all designed to entice people in.  They promise a huge ROI in a really short period of time, but we all know that the reality is the complete opposite of what they promise…

Today, we’re going to be looking into an income opportunity called Tron Magic.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Tron Magic in any form.

Instead, we want to show you all you need to know about this program…  (As I post this review, I notice their website is conveniently down and not available…)

Tron Magic Review Summary

Product Name: Tron Magic

Founder: Not Disclosed

Product Type: Cryptocurrency Investment Pyramid Scheme

Price: 100 TRX or $4.8 conversion

Best For: No One

what is tron magic - Landing Page


  • Nothing


  • Lack of Transparency
  • No Proof of External Income
  • Recruitment Only Option!

Summary: Tron Magic is a cryptocurrency investment Ponzi scheme.  It claims to give you a total of a 300% return on investment (ROI) in 100 days.  But their income opportunity doesn’t really make sense, there are no details about who’s behind the scheme, and there is no proof that any money is generated outside of recruitment.

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Tron Magic?

Tron Magic is trying hard to convince you that they are an MLM or Multi-Level Marketing company that is operating in the cryptocurrency investment niche.  They make claims that you can get a “promised” or guaranteed daily ROI spread out over a set number of days (100 days).

Tron Magic uses TRX or Tron as their cryptocurrency of choice, to pay out commissions and to receive investments

what is tron magic - Landing Page

One of the first red flags we noticed about this scheme, though, is the fact that there are no details about who owns the company, or who is running it.

According to their domain WhoIs infor, their domain was registered privately in August 2020… This means one of two things, either:

  1. Their old program was recently shut down and they’ve rebranded their old scheme into Tron Magic
  2. It forms part of a larger network of cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes.

All we know, is that their current website is now not available, so I guess they are trying to avoid the authorities again and move onto the next scheme…

This stinks of a scam, especially as they talk alot about transparency on their landing page, and yet they don’t give you any details about who is behind the program…

Tron Magic Product Line

As Tron Magic is claiming it is an MLM, then it should have products or services for you to purchase… But we were unable to find any, after browsing through their website.

what is tron magic - what do they offer

This shows that they only source of income for the new members is investments, and that means a need to recruit people…

Does the Product Work?

Well, we need to consider what we know so far…

First, there is the lack of transparency around who is behind the program, or even who owns this program.

Then, there is no contact information either.  So, once you’re into the program, you might as well just hand over your money.

Now, we need to talk about their income opportunity…

Tron Magic promises to generate you a 3% daily ROI for 100 days, making it a total ROI of 300%.

Any company that is able to generate a consistent 3% daily ROI wouldn’t need any investments.  They would be able to just keep going and make themselves richer.  

There’s no point in selling a program like that, unless you charge them a commission for the payout.

Which makes for the following issue…

There is no proof in external income being generated to sustain the company.  The only source of income that can be verified, is through new member investments to pay out members in the higher ranks.

That is enough for us to believe that this program is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.

When you recruitment stops, the money will stop coming in for anyone to make money.

How To Make Money with Tron Magic?

With Tron Magic, there is only one way for you to make money and that is through recruiting new members into the same scheme.

You recruit people, so that they are able to invest into the program.  Without recruitment, you won’t be able to make any money.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Getting Started with Tron Magic

To get started with Tron Magic, you need to invest a minimum of 100 TRX to get started with their income opportunity.  At the time of writing, that is about $4.8.

The maximum investment is 100,000 TRX, wich is around $4,800.

Tron Magic Compensation Plan

The compensation plan at Tron Magic is straightforward, but also tells us that it’s operating as a pyramid scheme.

ROI Commission

You earn 3% daily ROI from your investment over a span of 100 days.  That brings you to a total of a 300% ROI in that timeframe.

There is a 3% withdrawal fee, and you can only withdraw 20% of your investment at a time.

Referral Commissions (Unilevel)

Tron Magic uses a unilevel compensation structure to pay out referral commissions.

what is tron magic - referral commissions

Basically, here is what you need to know…

  • the first level of your compensation plan contains all of your personally recruited members
  • the second level will contain members your first level members recruited
  • This goes on and on until the tenth level

You cap out at ten levels on their referral commissions.  You earn a percentage of investments made by these levels.

What We Liked About Tron Magic

There isn’t anything we liked about Tron Magic, as it’s just a huge scam…

What We Didn't Like About Tron Magic

Here’s what we didn’t like about Tron Magic:

#1 Lack of Transparency

The company doesn’t provide any information about who owns this program.  Now, it appears that anonymity is the norm in the cryptocurrency space.  But they’re an MLM company and regulators such as the FTC require owner information, so they know who to go after when things start to break down.

Add to that, they don’t even let you know where they operate out of…

#2 No Proof of External Income

There is no information that shows that the program is generating income outside of new members paying money into the scheme.  It also doesn’t make sense when they’re getting people to invest into the program without asking for any commission.

The external income would be needed to help keep the company afloat.  To pay off other members, they rely on recruitment and new investments. Without new members joining the ranks, there is no money to give that ROI they promise…

#3 Recruitment Is Your Only Option!

The last reason why Tron Magic is a ponzi scheme, is that it’s solely based on recruitment.  The incentives are all geared towards recruiting new people into the scheme…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Tron Magic A Scam?

Whatever Tron Magic is trying to portray, it doesn’t cover up the fact that it is operating as a pyramid scheme hiding behind an MLM income opportunity.  There is very little that even points it towards being a legitimate MLM opportunity.

The incentives are totally focused on recruitment, and the only way to get your money back is by recruiting people into the scheme.

Then, there is no proof of any external income being generated to sustain the company or to pay off members.  The only source of income comes from recruiting new members.

Their business model doesn’t make sense, and you should stay away from this program, and any others like it.

How We Make Money Online

I’m not a fan of MLM, not because it’s illegal or not profitable, but because of all the restrictions and expensive costs involved.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Tron Magic Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

Tron Magic

100TRX or $4.80

Overall Rating



  • Nothing


  • Lack of Transparency
  • No Proof of External Income
  • Recruitment Only Option!

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