What is TimeBucks.com? Is TimeBucks a Scam?

Welcome to our TimeBucks Review!

We spend a lot of time surfing the web, taking selfies and doing stuff online…did you know there were websites that would pay you for doing these tasks?

But you are sitting there wondering whether TimeBucks is one of those sites and is it a legitimate option or is TimeBucks a scam?

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before signing up with a “seemingly good” product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

In this review you will find our everything you need to know about TimeBucks.  Including how it works, the pros and cons and ultimately whether you can make real money with their platform. 

TimeBucks is not a scam, but that doesn’t mean it will make you a lot of money.  Like a lot of online survey sites, the money you will earn doing these tasks is not a lot at all.   But as long as you understand that, survey sites are a good option for those looking for casual income.

But there is a major problem with TimeBucks, and we will reveal that to you and explain why this is not a great opportunity for you.

TimeBucks Review Summary

Product Name: Timebucks

Founder: Owned by Australian Clearing Pty Ltd.

Product Type: Get-Paid-To (Online Survey/Reward) Site

Price: Free to Join

Best For: No One (We’ll Explain)

what is timebucks.com


  • Numerous Payment Options
  • Low Cashout Threshold
  • Referral Program
  • Worldwide Availability


  • Instagram Activities
  • Don’t Host Their Own Site
  • Payout Is Really, Really Low
  • Unavailable Tasks
  • Survey Limitations
  • Not Easy to Connect to PayPal

Summary: TimeBucks is a GPT website that pays you for performing certain tasks online.  It sounds like a good way of earning some pocket money, but the reality is that the payout is really low and the opportunities are few and far between.

It does appear that the platform rewards you more for inviting others into the platform, rather than having any tasks to help you earn money. 

Bottom line is there is very little chance of making any money with this program…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No, there are better reward sites out there… Or you can try a real way of earning a decent income with our top recommended program…

Table of Contents

What is TimeBucks?

TimeBucks is a Reward Platform or a Get-Paid-To (GPT) platform that rewards you for completing a variety of tasks online. 

It is very similar to other GPT websites we have reviewed, including Swagbucks, Prolific SurveysZoombucks, etc.

The website is free to sign up and the company is owned by Australian Clearing Pty Ltd.  The company appears legit and is on the Australian Business Register.

Even though it is legit, the bigger question to answer in this review is whether it is any good or not, will it help you earn money?

Let’s go through how it works to show you what we found out.

How Does TimeBucks Work?

Like I said, it is a reward platform.  You can get paid for completing certain tasks online.

These include completing surveys, watching videos, installing apps, playing games, etc.  There is also an opportunity to earn money by completing other tasks like taking selfies, growing a beard and drawing photos of others.

You can even earn money through referring new members, taking part in competitions and daily bonuses, etc.

Getting Started with TimeBucks

TimeBucks is free to get started with, you just log onto their website and create your account.  You can use your Facebook account or enter an email address.

There are only five countries in the world where you cannot sign up from to TimeBucks.  These are North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran, and Syria.

Recommended Post: 10 Things You MUST Know Before Taking a Paid Survey Online

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does TimeBucks Pay?

Look, you cannot expect to earn a full-time income from a GPT or rewards site, but some pay more than others.  We find that Prolific Surveys pays out the best, with some interesting studies to sign up to.

When it comes to TimeBucks, you are not going to earning a particularly high amount for your time.

They pay anywhere between a penny to $3 depending on the difficulty of the task.

Here are some examples of the tasks and their pay-out:

what is timebucks.com - offers wall

Then there were some videos available:

But these six were all that were available and that would earn $0.006 for watching 6 YouTube videos…

Most of the feedback about the platform shows that there are not a lot of things for you to do to get paid and when they do appear, the pay-out is not particularly great.

Even though their pay-out figure is only $10, it appears most people are finding it hard to even to that point to be able to withdrawal their earnings.

If you are lucky, you might be able to earn $20 a month if that.  But this is going to require you to dedicate a lot of time to the platform…

How Do I Get Paid at TimeBucks?

TimeBucks pays it members on a weekly basis, every Thursday through PayPal, Payeer, Skrill, Neteller, AirTM.  There is a $10 minimum payment threshold.  But like we already said, it appears to be quite difficult to actually get to that point…

If you are looking for a way to make real money, then you may want to check out My Top Recommended Work at Home Platform!!

TimeBucks Referral Program

It seems that the best way to earn money using TimeBucks is through their referral program.  You will receive a referral link that you can use on social media or via email to invite others.  The program pays out 5 levels deep.  

This is more than many other GPT sites and it means that you can earn money based on your referrals interactions on the platform and the same up to 5 levels down.   If they are all completing tasks on the platform and earning money, you will be earning residual income from that too.

But as we go through the complaints about TimeBucks, this may sound better than what is actually true.  If there are no tasks for people to complete, then you will not be earning anything…

What We Liked About TimeBucks

Here is what we liked about TimeBucks:

#1 Numerous Payment Options

They have a wide number of ways for you to get your earnings. Providing you hit the $10 payment threshold, you will receive your money every Thursday.  The services they use are Payeer, Skrill, Netller, AirTM.  If you prefer Bitcoin, you can opt for that too.  PayPal is available, but it is not a direct option.  We will explain more in the Cons section.

#2 Relatively Low Cash Out Threshold

The industry average is around $20 – $25, so $10 is reasonably good.

#3 The Referral Program

Their referral program goes five levels deep.  That means you will get a commission off of every person you invite to TimeBucks, as well as every other member they refer.  Basically, that is 15% of every level-one referee’s lifetime earnings. 

Other platforms typically pay 1-2%.

#4 Worldwide Availability

Most Reward sites mainly focus on the US and UK, maybe Canada and Australia too.  But according to TimeBuck’s terms and conditions, there are only five countries where people are not allowed to join.  These are North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, Iran, and Syria.

What We Didn't Like About TimeBucks

Here is what we didn’t like about TimeBucks:

#1 Beware the Instagram Activities

The Instagram activities they encourage you to do, such as mass following and unfollowing people is unethical.  If you do this too often, you risk getting your Instagram account banned.  It looks like they used to encourage people to do it on Facebook too, which let to them getting their domain getting blocked there.

#2 They Don’t Host Their Own Surveys

All they do is redirect you to other survey panel sites, where you have to sign up again with a different site.  That costs you time all in aid to get a few pennies from completing a survey or task.

If you are not already a member of these survey panel sites, you will need to log in again but also do your research again to check that they are legit or not.  It is also worth checking on their privacy details, you do not want to get an inbox full of spam because you signed up with the wrong site.

#3 The Pay is Really Low

The tasks are rewarded with some of the lowest figures we have seen.  Think about the example we gave earlier.  A 60-second video pays you $0.001.  So, how many 60 second videos would you need to watch to earn a $1.  1,000!  That is the answer, you would need to spend 1,000 minutes watching YouTube videos to earn a dollar.  That’s roughly 16 hours.

But the sad part is, even if you felt that was doable, you can’t as there just isn’t not enough videos or tasks on the platform for you to do.

You can earn more with the surveys, but you have the added problem of them being pretty rare and the you have to pre-qualify for them too.

#4 Unavailable Tasks

This will depend on your location, but your country and your demographic will have a huge bearing on whether you have tasks available to you or not.  Certain categories remain empty for days or weeks at a time, according to some users.  If there are no tasks for you to see, there is no money to be earned.

#5 Survey Limitations

You have to pre-qualify for a survey before you are able to actually take the survey to earn cash.  You can spend a lot of time doing this pre-survey qualification to find that you are not able to do the survey.  They will reward you a penny for not qualifying.  But if all the $1 surveys do that to you, that really restricts how much you can earn.  This will depend on a supply and demand basis.  But as the platform doesn’t have that many surveys or tasks available, if you are not quick enough you will lose out.

#6 It’s Not Easy to Connect to PayPal

You cannot get paid direct to PayPal, which in my opinion is a problem.  You will need to open up an AirTM account and then you can connect that to your PayPal account.  It feels like a bit of a faff, and I wonder why they aren’t able to connect to PayPal directly???

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is TimeBucks a Scam?

The answer to that is that, No, TimeBucks is not a scam.  TimeBucks is a legitimate Get-Paid-To (GPT) website that will pay users for various online tasks.

But the better question to answer is, whether TimeBucks is a good enough way to make you money and in our opinion, that has very mixed results.

Simply put, most of the tasks we have seen pay ridiculously low amounts and there are not enough tasks to go around.   If you are slow off the mark, you will see that there are simply no tasks for you to complete, therefore no way of making money.

My TimeBucks Review - Final Conclusion

The chances of you making enough money to make this an option is fairly remote.  There are too many issues including a lack of tasks, a really low pay out for any tasks there are and whilst the pay-out figure is low, if you have to watch 1,000 1-minute YouTube videos just to earn a dollar it will take you a really long time to earn enough to cash out.

We are not particularly keen on survey sites or GPT sites due to the low-income potential, but if you are interested in earning some casual income from these kinds of site, you are better off exploring better options like Swagbucks, Prolific Surveys.

Hopefully now you have a better understanding of how TimeBucks works and the ridiculously low amount you could earn from their platform.  If you are serious about finding a legitimate way to make money online or from home, one that could actually lead to you earning a full-time income from it, then online surveys or GPT sites will never help you.  But we have found an awesome option where you can turn a hobby or passion into a work from home option.  If you are interested, carry on reading…

How We Make Money Online

Some people are quite happy earning a few dollars here and there from a GPT site, others don’t know that there is an alternative.  We found a much better way of making money online and it all comes from having the right training and advice to help you get started.

We make money online with Affiliate Marketing.  We make money from something we love doing, we love helping people.  But regardless of what your hobby or passion, you can make money from it too.

For those that are willing to work hard at it can seriously end up earning a full-time income.  If you are interested in learning more about Affiliate Marketing, then here is our complete guide on how affiliate marketing works.

Making legitimate money online doesn’t have to be a couple of dollars on a survey that takes you an hour to complete, you can earn passive income online with Affiliate Marketing and leave your current job behind.

See our top recommended program for teaching people how to earn passive income from Affiliate Marketing.  Turn your Passion into Profits!!

Thanks for checking out our TimeBucks review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

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Free to Join

Overall Rating



  • Numerous Payment Options
  • Relatively Low Cash Out Threshold
  • The Referral Program
  • Worldwide Availability


  • Beware the Instagram Activities
  • They Don't Host Their Own Surveys
  • The Pay is Really Low
  • Unavailable Tasks
  • It's Not Easy to Connect to PayPal

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