What is Five Figure Niche Site by Doug Cunnington? Affiliate Marketing Course Review!

Welcome to our Five Figure Niche Site Review!

If you’ve been looking into how to get started with affiliate marketing, then you might have come across the Five Figure Niche Site platform. You might also be wondering if it’s a legitimate training platform, or whether Five Figure Niche Site is a scam…

Five Figure Niche Site by Doug Cunnington is an affiliate marketing training course that teaches students how to make money from Amazon by creating an Affiliate niche website.  Is it any good, let’s get started with our review…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Five Figure Niche Site in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead,  we want to reveal all the details you need to know to make an informed decision, and whether or not it’s worth you joining their waiting list (as the program is currently closed Jan ’21).

Five Figure Niche Site Review Summary

Product Name: Five Figure Niche Site

Founder: Douglas Cunnington

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $69/month to $227/month for ten months

Best For: Beginner Online Entrepreneurs

Five Figure Niche Site Review


  • Legitimate Affiliate Marketing Training Course
  • Created by Reputable Online Marketer
  • No Bogus Promises
  • Honesty & Transparency


  • No Free Trial
  • Don’t Get Access to Content Straightaway

Summary: Five Figure Niche Sites is a training course that teaches you how to create your own niche website promoting Amazon products, through the method Affiliate Marketing.  The aim of the course is to show you how to earn a 5-figure salary through this website.  It’s spread over a ten-month period, with three different membership levels.

The biggest drawback with the training seems to be the fact that you don’t access the full course straightaway, you need to wait for each month to progress to the next stage, plus there’s no free trial.

It’s currently unavailable, but you can join a waiting list, to get an invitation when they have a spot available.

Rating: 60/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Five Figure Niche Site?

Five Figure Niche Sites is an online affiliate marketing training course.  It teaches you how to build a profitable niche website promoting Amazon products.

In order, to get started, you must purchase ten months of subscription, and depending on the level, will determine the level of training, and the price.

The course is based over five modules of training, which goes over affiliate marketing as well as making money through the Amazon Associates program.

Support is offered throughout the training course, although if you want to get private sessions with Douglas, you’ll need to subscribe to the higher tiers.

What you might notice if you go to their website is that it’s not currently open to new members, but you can subscribe to join their waiting list.  This won’t cost you anything, and you’ll get an invitation when a spot becomes available.

What you’ll be taught, is how to build a niche website and then monetise it with Amazon (through their affiliate program).  Learn more about how affiliate marketing works, here!

Essentially, that is what you’ll be taught within the Five Figure Niche Site platform.

Douglas doesn’t rely on loads of hype or bogus promises to promote this platform, and by asking people to join a waiting list before joining, means he’s more likely to get hold of serious people interested in learning these methods correctly.

If you’d like to know more about what this course is all about, check out this 7-minute video…

There are drawbacks to relying solely on Amazon alone (there are thousands of affiliate programs out there), Douglas does show you the correct way to get started…

Speaking of Douglas, who is he?

Who's Douglas Cunnington?

Douglas Cunnington, or Doug is the founder of Five Figure Niche Site.  He’s a former project manager, who found success with Affiliate Marketing.

His work has been featured on websites such as Ahrefs, Empire Flippers, Niche Pursuits, Side Hustle Nation, and more.

Doug Cunnington - Founder of Five Figure Niche Sites

Doug’s a really successful internet entrepreneur.  His affiliate marketing website focuses mostly on the Amazon Associates program, which is why he highly recommends them on his platform.

Doug also has a YouTube channel, where he delivers content around Affiliate Marketing too.

How Does Five Figure Niche Site Work?

In a sense, the Five Figure Niche Site is a pretty straightforward course.  It is subscription based, which means you’ll need to pay the fee before getting access to the entire platform.

The subscription is for ten months, and Doug describes this as the amount of time needed to get a handle on affiliate marketing.

I know you might be thinking, why ten months?  That’s too long, and is that even real?

If I’m honest, I also had similar thoughts when I first thought about it.  How can a course be spread over such a long time…

But, It’s actually a really good decision from Doug.

Here’s why…

Affiliate Marketing, like so many marketing mediums, it takes time to get right and master.  It’s filled with many topics, areas, and nuances.   Because of this, you’ll need all of your time to develop your skills and knowledge.

That is why Doug’s course has purposely chosen ten months as it’s timeframe.  This gives you time to get your head around the topic, and learn the methods needed effectively.  You will need to pay a total of $690, which only covers the basic plan though…

If you want to unlock the more advanced topics, you’ll need to upgrade your subscription, which we’ll talk about shortly.

The training course is divided into five training modules.  Each of these modules includes training ideas about affiliate marketing, putting a lot of emphasis on Amazon.

I mentioned earlier that you have to register to go on their waiting list, I think this is partly Doug’s way of understanding if you’re really serious about learning from him and his training platform.  There are plenty of people who are not totally committed straightaway.

So, being on the waiting list means that you’ll have priority once a spot becomes available.

Douglas promotes hands-on training for his course.  Although, whilst it does show some success, it’s not entirely perfect.

Doug also doesn’t guarantee great results as it will depend on a number of factors, mainly based on the trainees effort.  However, the training course does equip students with everything they need to learn about affiliate marketing…

Inside Five Figure Niche Sites

Once you’ve subscribed to the Five Figure Niche Sites, you’ll gain access to the first training, called Unit 0: Setting the State.

Something I did like about the training is the fact that it stops their students trying to rush through the training.  Some have this impression that the quicker you go through the training, the quicker the results will come, and that isn’t the case.

So, with the Five Figure Niche Sites platform, you don’t get access to the training all of the time.  You’ll get new lessons every week, and this allows you the time to get to grips with the topics, and make proper progress.

Here’s an overview of what Five Figure Niche Sites provides in 12 weeks:

Week One

  • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • Introduction to Amazon Affiliate Marketing
  • How Much Profit Can Be Made with Amazon Niche Sites

Week Two

  • Prospecting
  • Different Affiliate Marketing Trends to Brainstorm
  • Generating Unique Ideas for your Niche
  • Top-tier Keyword Research and KGR Method
  • What Keywords you should use in Affiliate Marketing
  • Best Internet Marketing tools to use in Affiliate Marketing

Week Three

  • Niche Selection
  • Competition Analysis
  • Important Metrics to Monitor

Week Four

  • Setting Up your Niche Website

Week Five

  • Creating & Publishing Content for Affiliate Marketing

Week Six

  • Action Week II (no lessons this week, instead it’s time to apply everything you’ve learned so far.)
  • Good time to ask Douglas your questions and concerns

Week Seven

  • Becoming an Amazon Associate

Week Eight

  • Link Building
  • Promoting Products
  • Outreaching on Amazon

Week Nine

  • Creating more Niche Sites for Scaling

Week Ten

  • Advanced Link Building Training

Week Eleven

  • Introducing “Beyond Amazon Associates: Other Affiliate Marketing Programs”

Week Twelve

  • Email List Building Tutorial
  • Introducing “Beyond Amazon Associates II”
  • Six-Figure Exit

You can check out the 15-minute video showing you an in-depth look into the Five Figure Niche Site platform, and training…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Five Figure Niche Sites Cost?

Let’s get into how much Five Figure Niche Sites costs…

There are three membership options, the more you pay the more advanced techniques and lessons are included.

  • The basic plan is $69 per month for ten months – total price $690
  • The advanced plan is $129 per month for ten months – total price $1,290
  • The premium plan is £227 per month for ten months  – total price $2,270 

There is no free trial or free membership, so you do need to commit to following the training as set out by Doug if you sign up, as you’ll be committing to paying at least $690. 

This means that you can’t take it for a test drive, so you’ll have to rely on reviews like this one to give you an insight into the course.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

Five Figure Niche Sites Reviews Online...

We’ve checked out a few online reviews of the platform to see what people are thinking about this platform…

Here’s some of the reviews we found…

Common Positive Five Figure Niche Site Reviews…

There are plenty of positive reviews that have been shared about Five Figure Niche Site…

“Doug Cunnington’s course offers you a lot of knowledge about Amazon Affiliate Marketing, and it will lay down the foundations for your affiliate marketing business. It helped me start my affiliate marketing journey. And I’m on my way to becoming my own boss, thanks to his teachings.”

“I wouldn’t even be writing this review if I didn’t think Doug’s course was worth it. My time is valuable, and if yours is valuable too, then you will understand why having a structured lesson plan like this will be well worth the money spent.”

These two reviews show that Doug shares a lot of value with his training course, it’s definitely a legit course, and is a good option.

Common Negative Five Figure Niche Sites Reviews…

There will always be some negative views on anything, but that doesn’t make a program automatically a scam. 

Regarding Five Figure Niche Sites, there is little on the negative front, with this probably being the most common thought about it…

“Even if you pay $69 per month, you still don’t get the entire access unless you upgrade to the premium plan that costs about $227 per month.”

So, whilst the course offers extreme value to its students, there will always be those who scrutinise the pricing…

Is Five Figure Niche Site A Scam?

Is Five Figure Niche Sites a scam?

Absolutely not!!  I personally think this is a really solid option for anyone looking to get started with affiliate marketing.  It is definitely one of the better options out there…

I’ve checked out several reviews online, and they all have a similar view… totally legit, and a good option…

What We Liked About Five Figure Niche Site

Here’s what we liked about Five Figure Niche Site:

#1 Legit Affiliate Marketing Training Course

There are a lot of affiliate marketing courses out there… Some are good, some are not so good, and then there are those that are just outright scams.

So, it was nice to take the time to go through what is a legitimate option for those looking to earn money online.

This course offers a lot of value, and helps students get the proper start to an affiliate marketing business.

At the end of the course, you’ll hopefully learn how to reach a 5-figure income with your niche website.

#2 Created By A Reputable Affiliate Marketer

Douglas Cunnington has proven credentials online, making this course even more legit and reputable.

#3 No Bogus Claims or Promises

One of the most common things that points out a scam is anyone that tells you affiliate marketing is a quick route to earning money.  There is a reason why Doug has structured his training over ten months, and he doesn’t hide this behind anything.

He’s honest with people about the need for effort, time, and patience to making it pay.

Doug doesn’t make any unrealistic claims or promises to make another sale.  He also doesn’t guarantee success.

Instead, he talks about his students becoming more knowledgeable and prepared to become an affiliate marketer…

#4 Honesty & Transparency

Again, Doug doesn’t hide behind anything.  He doesn’t make any shady pitches to get you to buy it.

Instead, he makes everything clear, from the content of the course and the price of each plan.  There are no hidden upsells, you already know about the three membership levels.

You’ll be surprised at how many affiliate marketing training programs aren’t honest or transparent to potential new members…

What We Didn't Like About Five Figure Niche Sites

Here’s what we didn’t like about Five Figure Niche Sites:

#1 No Free Trial

There’s no free membership, so you cannot take it for a test drive.  The industry of making money online is filled with scammers, making a lot of people nervous about things when they cannot try it for free.

So, it would have been helpful if this platform offered a free trial of some sort.  If you want to try the training, you’ll need to spend at least $69,

#2 The Training Course is Long

Firstly, let me say that I understand why Doug has decided on the ten month timescale.  Being involved in Affiliate Marketing, I know how many people underestimate how long it takes to start making money with Affiliate Marketing.

However, ten months is still a really long time.

I mean, you don’t get to the point about your website until the fourth week, and this could really frustrate those people who grasp stuff really quickly.

I was able to familiarise myself with affiliate marketing, and all the different elements within fours months.  So, I do think this course would frustrate me a little having to wait for topics to drop into the course.

I do get it, but it’s simply too long, and it will cost you a lot of money

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Five Figure Niche Site Review - Final Conclusion

I think there are a lot of positives about Five Figure Niche Site.  It includes solid training about affiliate marketing via Amazon, and is delivered by an experienced and well-known affiliate marketer.

So, the course is legit and high-quality…

However, the main drawbacks are the price, it’s a little on the expensive side if you want to get full access to the course, it’ll take you ten months to access all the training, and there’s no free trial…

Then there is the fact that you have to join their waiting list until they decide you can get in…

Any Alternatives?

Five Figure Niche Site is a solid choice, although there are a few elements that have effected its final rating, especially when you compare it to our top recommended training platform, Wealthy Affiliate.

Here’s a brief comparison between Wealthy Affiliate & Five Figure Niche Site…

Wealthy Affiliate is completely free to get started, whereas with Five Figure Niche Site requires a minimum monthly payment of $69/month to get started.

Wealthy Affiliate has three membership levels:

    • Starter Membership – completely free
    • Premium Membership – $49/month
    • Premium Plus – $99/month

Five Figure Niche Site has three memberships, with the most expensive ($227/month) is 5 times more expensive than the premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate.

Coaching is available at both WA and Five Figure Niche Site, but as a premium member at Wealthy Affiliate, you get unlimited 1-on-1 coaching.  You’ll also get to ask questions to the community, that is filled with new and experienced Internet Marketers.  

Coaching at Five Figure Niche Sites is only with the higher tier memberships.

Both Wealthy Affiliate and Five Figure Niche Site offers great training, except that with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll get a more well-rounded training course, so you can make money from other sources, aside from Amazon too.

My recommendation would be to try the free membership at Wealthy Affiliate, to actually see if Affiliate Marketing is really the right direction for you… It’s not for everyone, and rather than pay $69 to find that out, it’s better to check it our for free…

That way, you don’t lose any money…

Thanks to the training at Wealthy Affiliate, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream... that’s why it’s our top recommendation…

How We Make Money Online

We make money through Affiliate Marketing, and our top recommendation is the training available at Wealthy Affiliate.  Thanks to their training, help and support, we’ve been enabled to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream…

Click here to learn more about Affiliate Marketing

Thanks for checking out our Five Figure Niche Site Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Five Figure Niche Site

$69/month to $227/month (ten month program)

Overall Rating



  • Legit Affiliate Marketing Training Course
  • Created by Reputable Online Marketer
  • No Bogus Promises
  • Honesty & Transparency


  • No Free Trial
  • Don't Access Content Straightaway

4 thoughts on “What is Five Figure Niche Site by Doug Cunnington? Affiliate Marketing Course Review!”

  1. What a good laid out post and site.  The content you are offering for affiliate market training is something that anyone that has tried knows they need.  Often we think we can slug it out on our own, but the reality is that is not likely going to work.  I have taken my fair share of affiliate marketing over the years and experience and having a face to the name is important. You seem to have both.  Anyone looking to start in this business will find this very helpful.  I know first hand how in the beginning it can be very overwhelming. Good job on the post. Best of luck to you.

    • Hey Coralie,

      Thanks for checking out our review!  Appreciate the feedback…  Getting the right training and support in the early stages of affiliate marketing can be a huge boost to anyone.  Trying to go it alone, can often lead to a much longer road, and often ending up going down the wrong route.

      Our top recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate, as it offers top quality training, support, mentoring and all the things needed for someone to get started…

      All the best


  2. hi there! such an amazing review. thanks for taking time to share this review on affiliate marketing. your explanations were Detailed and very easy to comprehend. this will be very helpful to newbies. thanks again for taking time to share this! good job. i will definitely share this with friends. thanks again.


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