Is PayAsian a Scam? Why You Should Avoid This Crypto Scam!

Welcome to our PayAsian Review!

If you have been thinking about joining PayAsian with the hope of it making you endless amounts of money, then you need to stop right there and read this review and learn why you should avoid PayAsian as it is clearly a scam…

HI everyone, hope you are well?  We are here to let you know all the details about PayAsian, including some background information, the compensation plan, how it is supposed to work and ultimately why PayAsian is clearly a scam.  We will also prove to you why it is a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with PayAsian in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Before we get into our review…

If you are tired of only finding scams online and are looking for a legit and proven way to make money online, then check out our top recommended program

PayAsian Review Summary

Product Name: PayAsian

Founder: Hero Vu

Product Type: Cryptocurrency Ponzi & Pyramid Scheme

Price: $100 Minimum Investment

Best For: No One

PayAsian website


  • None


  • An Illegal Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme
  • Will Eventually Collapse
  • Worthless Cryptocurrency
  • Already Under Investigation
  • Hero Vu is a Known Scammer

Summary:  PayAsian claims to be a legit scheme where you can invest your money in return for a cryptocurrency called PAYA.  But the reality is that PayAsian is a scam.  It combines both a Ponzi Scheme & Pyramid Scheme.  It is already under scrutiny from The Phillippines authorities and when it collapses any members will lose their invested money.  The founder, Hero Vu had a previous scheme that was a scam that conned thousands of people from Cambodia out of their money, and he is trying to do the same thing in Asia.

Keep reading our review to find out how, and what to look for to help you avoid these types of scams…

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is PayAsian?

PayAsian is a cryptocurrency scheme based in Singapore, it is run by a guy called Hero Vu. The scheme has been around since 2018.  It encourages you to pay real currency in exchange for a cryptocurrency called PAYA.

But as we go through the review, you will see that there are too many red flags that are being found to do with this scheme and the owner, and as Philippine regulators have issued a fraud warning about this company.

Who's Behind PayAsian?

There is very little known about Hero Vu, other than him being listed as the Founder and CEO of PayAsian.  He has a Facebook Page, where he is listed as Hero Vu PAYA.


Hero Vu

PayAsian is not his first venture into cryptocurrency though.  He had a scheme (scam) before this one called SunPay, with a cryptocurrency of SunCoins.  It worked pretty much exactly how he operates PayAsian.

The difference was the target audience, PayAsian targets those in the Asian region.  But SunPay targeted Cambodian investors.  Considering thousands of Cambodian investors ended up losing all their money when the scheme closed down, I am surprised he even mentions that the two schemes are linked in the PayAsian website. 

But either way, these schemes will have a finite amount of time around and then you will lose your money.  I am confident in that.

My advice is to not become another victim of Hero Vu…

PayAsian Product Line

There are no products – physical or digital or services that are offered by PayAsian. 

Put that together with the fact that they are using the MLM or Network Marketing structure, you can actually categorise this as a pyramid scheme, just to note Pyramid Schemes are illegal in most of the world.

Is PayAsian a Pyramid Scheme or Ponzi Scheme?

In short, the answer to both questions is YES!

PayAsian has no products or services on offer, and all they offer is a Pyramid recruitment scheme where the money you pay is getting passed up.

This pyramid aspect based on recruitment helps keep the scam going

On the side of the Ponzi Scheme, the revenue generated by new members is what is used to pay older, more established members.  This perfectly describes a Ponzi Scheme.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

PayAsian Compensation Plan

PayAsian uses the Recruitment side of the Network Marketing structure to help grow their Ponzi Scheme.  This means there is supposedly three ways for you to make money:

  • Direct Sales – You Promote PayAsian and get people to buy this Paya tokens and the ‘guaranteed profits’ and earn money doing so.
  • Recruitment – basically the same as above, as we have already stated that PayAsian has no products. You can earn money based on how many people you can recruit into your team or downline.
  • Incentives & Bonuses – Achieve certain targets and you can earn bonus Paya tokens.

We will shortly get into the detail behind their compensation plan, but first let’s see how much it is to get started with PayAsian.

Getting Started with PayAsian

To get started with this opportunity, you are going to need to invest at least US$100.  It then follows a typical Pay to Play system, the more you pay the bigger the rewards (supposedly).

Here is the initial investment and what rank it will achieve you:

  • S1 – Invest between $100 – $1,000
  • S2 – Invest $1,001 – $5,000
  • S3 – Invest $5,001 – $10,000
  • S4 – Invest $10,001 – $25,000
  • S5 – Invest $25,001 – $100,000
  • S6 – Invest $100,001+

Any bonuses or commissions are paid out in PAYA tokens, which do not have any real value.

PayAsian Compensation Plan Explained

The premise behind this scheme is that you hand over real money to earn these PAYA tokens that are “guaranteed” to earn you profit.

The full compensation plan is a total of 20 pages, you can read it if you want here.  But we are going to summarise the plan for you.

As expected, it is really confusing and designed to put you off trying to understand it.  Let’s start with the referral commissions.

Referral Commissions

By introducing new members, you can earn commissions on two different levels:

  • Earn 30% on any members you directly recruit yourself
  • Earn 20% on any recruits brought in by your direct line.

Residual Commissions

This is where the majority of the money is made and is what your downline looks like.  PayAsian utilises a binary structure and it looks like the following:

Team Building Structure

You are placed at the top of the pyramid and are obliged to recruit a minimum of two members.  These two members are placed either side of you to create a left leg and a right leg.

These two members are obliged to recruit two more members.  Each time this happens the levels are doubled. The top level is one, then the next level has 2, the next level has 4, then it is 8 members and you can imagine it carries on infinitely.

But let’s be honest, Hero Vu is at the top of any of you who decide to join this scam and all the earnings will be passed up to him as he will be claiming the cash you handover, for him to hand you over a nonsense cryptocurrency token!

The other side you need to consider is that this has been defined as a scam, it is being pursued by the authorities, so anyone who is involved in this scheme could be prosecuted along with the owners.

Whilst the compensation plan makes it look like you could be earning 30% of any of the earnings that people pay up to be a member, but the problem is that you are not seeing real money being paid to you.  You are given these tokens that history shows us with SunPay, you will not see a single dime of real money in any eventuality.  And you could also end up being criminally implicated for your troubles too.

Do you really want to get involved with this; in the hope it earns you some money???

Rank Leader Bonus

You get 10% rank leader bonus based on guaranteed profit volume generated on the weaker binary leg.  This will get paid out when 2 million PAYA is received across the weaker binary team side in guaranteed product to 50 million PAYA.

There are other levels of bonus set between those two figures too.

Rank Achievement Bonus

There are also various ranks you can achieve at PayAsian, when you achieve these ranks you get a bonus (remember bonuses are paid out in PAYA and not cash).

You can earn up to 15% on PAYA orders and $50,000.

The ranks are:

  • L1 – to qualify you need to recruit a minimum of 10 investing members, generate a minimum of 30,000 PAYA in the ‘guaranteed profits’ from your weaker binary leg.
  • L2 – you must have a minimum of 3 L1 ranked members on both legs of your team

The bonuses you are for achieving these ranks are:

  • Qualify as a L1 Rank & get 3% of the PAYA orders plus a $200 bonus
  • Qualify as a L2 Rank & get a 6% of the PAYA orders plus a $500 bonus
  • Qualify as a L3 Rank & get a 9% of the PAYA orders plus a $2,000 bonus
  • Qualify as a L4 Rank & get 12% of the PAYA orders plus a $10,000 bonus
  • Qualify as a L5 Rank & get a 15% of the PAYA orders plus a $50,000 bonus

Detail is lacking regarding PAYA orders, but it shows that the compensation plan is not entirely complete and lacks details which shows they are not legit.

See this video is you want to learn more about PayAsian compensation plan:

What We Liked About PayAsian

Unfortunately, we cannot find anything positive about this scheme, it is clearly a scam utilising a Pyramid Scheme & Ponzi Scheme structure and after what happened with his previous scheme, this will lead to you losing any money you invest into it.  There isn’t even a refund policy, so don’t think you can try it and then walk away, you will lose your money either way.

What We Didn't Like About PayAsian

Here is what we didn’t like:

#1 It is an Illegal Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme

I know I am repeating myself, but this is entirely a scam.  It is claiming that you are going to earn profits by investing into these new cryptocurrencies.  But there are never any guarantees when it comes to investing your money.  But as the only way to make money is by investing money (Ponzi scheme) and recruiting others (pyramid scheme) without any products or services in return makes this clearly a scam.

Pyramid Schemes are illegal and will definitely mean you lose any money you invest.  The only factor will be when it closes down…

#2 Will Eventually Collapse

The same thing happens over and over again with these schemes, they will collapse once the recruitment slows down and the owner runs off with the money that has been invested.  The members are left with no money, the owner has millions in the bank and then he moves onto his next scheme.

Where does that leave you if you buy this useless cryptocurrency…?

#3 Worthless Cryptocurrency

The only reason Bitcoin has value is because there are only so many out there.  It is also accepted in many places, that is what gives it its value.

But PAYA does not resemble Bitcoin in the slightest.  It can be made at will; it is not accepted anywhere meaning it has no value.

#4 Already Under Investigation

A fraud warning has already been put out by the Philippine SEC, claiming that PayAsian is committing security fraud.  The company has not registered properly with them, because it would show they are misleading investors.

#5 Hero Vu is a Known Scammer

This isn’t the first scam that Hero Vu has been involved with, and I am certain it will not be the last.  His previous scheme convinced thousands of people from Cambodia to hand over their money, and they all lost it when it closed down.  But there is evidence that he has just moved over the same scheme to this new one.  He has just changed a few details including the name and cryptocurrency.

Anything that Hero Vu is part of, needs to be avoided.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Can You Make Money With PayAsian?

There is little evidence to show that this scheme will make anyone money other than the people at the top of the Pyramid.  Let’s be clear, you will not be at the top of the pyramid, you will be paying your money to Hero Vu.  You will receive a pointless token that you cannot use anywhere.  Even if you earn more PAYA tokens, where do you spend it?  Can you redeem it for cash?  The answer is clearly no.

Once the authorities start tightening the net, Hero Vu will close it down.  He will take all the money, and you will lose anything you have invested

Even if by some miracle you are able to earn money, you will be doing it by recruiting unsuspecting members and this could implicate you if PayAsian was to be investigated in a legal matter.

Is PayAsian a Scam?

PayAsian is a totally a scam!

This company should be avoided, no one should involve themselves with PayAsian or anything that Hero Vu is involved in.

PayAsian is deceiving people into giving up their money with the promise of “guaranteed profit”, which has little chance of happening.

It is a scheme that is only meant to make the people at PayAsian richer.

PayAsian is definitely a SCAM!

PayAsian Alternatives?

PayAsian is not the only cryptocurrency scam or Ponzi Scheme out there… Here are a few others:

The above are all cryptocurrency scams and schemes.

Not all crypto schemes are scams, but you do need to be extremely careful.  All investments carry an edge of risk, but as crypto is still relatively new you have to be extra careful as many people are out there to exploit people looking for ways to make money online.

Whether you invest into crypto or binary options, or anything there is always a level of risk with the money that you invest.

Thorough research is needed to join anything, especially when you have to invest money upfront.

We prefer a simpler model to make money online, we prefer Affiliate Marketing.

Taking a hobby or passion and turning it into a profitable online business sounds much better than investing money into a proven scam.

Especially as you can get started for FREE, get the best training in the market and have a mentor that will help you turn your hobby into a way to make money online!!

If Affiliate Marketing has piqued your interest, I recommend you click HERE to Learn More.

My PayAsian Review - Final Conclusion

If you have been reading my full review, you will see that our final opinion is the fact that this is clearly a scam.  Taking both a Pyramid Scheme & Ponzi Scheme structure and convinces you pay up to generate a profit.  But with a proven scammer as the owner, and history of him doing this before with thousands ending up out of pocket.

If you invest any money into PayAsian, you will be participating in an illegal Pyramid Scam and could be implicated once the authorities carry on with their investigation.

From all that, you can see that we clearly recommend that you stay as far away from this scheme as you can.  Making Money Online is possible but investing your money into schemes like this will only hamper your chances of making it a reality.

How We Make Money Online

We make money online via Affiliate Marketing.  It is our top recommended method to making money online. 

The reasons are simple:

  • No Huge Start-up Costs!
  • No Huge Investment Involved (Get Started For FREE)
  • No Recruitment Required
  • You Can Choose Any Hobby or Passion to Get Started
  • There is No Limit to Your Earning Potential!

If you want to earn money online legitimately, then you need to learn how to do it the right way!  Wealthy Affiliate is our top recommended training program to help anyone to earn money online via affiliate marketing.  It provides all the training, tools and support you need to get started and turn your hobby into a money-making business!!

Why invest $100 into PayAsian when you could get started with Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!!

If you want to learn more, click the button below:

Thanks for checking out our PayAsian Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…


$100 Minimum Investment

Money Making Opportunity


Overall Rating



  • It is an Illegal Pyramid Scheme/Ponzi Scheme
  • Will Eventually Collapse
  • Worthless Cryptocurrency
  • Already Under Investigation
  • Hero Vu is a Known Scammer

6 thoughts on “Is PayAsian a Scam? Why You Should Avoid This Crypto Scam!”

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing explanations about how PayAsian works and your feedback about this platform.I don’t know much about cryptocurrency because I work in a business through an affiliate marketing platform but I’m very interested to read about platforms that are trying to trick us. It seems that PayAsian does this and I am really glad that I decided to go further in the affiliate marketing industry. I saw that you also recommend this method of making money and even more recommend Wealthy Affiliate, the most trusted platform. Here I learned how to become a successful entrepreneur and I am very glad that I started making money from it. Thanks a lot for this useful article.

    • HI Nagy,

      thanks for checking out our review!  Fraudsters are everywhere trying to get hold of our money, with little thought or care about whether you make money or not.  PayAsian is trying to do that and convince people that they are buying into a legit cryptocurrency scheme, when in reality, it is a total scam!!

      Affiliate Marketing is a much safer route with a proven track record, and it can still be used to promote legit crypto opportunities.  Wealthy Affiliate is our top recommended training platform as it helps people find a route to earning money without investing hundreds or even thousands into a questionable scheme…

      Glad you were able to benefit from their training and find your own path as an entrepreneur!

      All the best John

  2. anytime i hear the name payasian, the first thing that comes to my mind is scam. it is just another ponzi scheme and my colleague lost so much of his money to this platform. i am glad you made a review. i would like to share this article with some of my friends. thank you

    • Hi Benny,

      thanks for checking out our review and feel free to share it with anyone.  We want to ensure no one else falls into their trap as this scam is fooling unwitting people.

      All the best


  3. I saw someone who is a PayAsian member post a link in one of my Cryptocurrency forums.  I’m glad we have great moderators because this scam companies’ members’ link got taken down within minutes and they were banned from the forum!

    I’ve never heard of SunPay but, PayAsian sounds a lot like the Crypto version of the Empower Network (should have been called the “We Sell Nothing Network” and, we all know how that went down–I can tell you it wasn’t a steaming pile of lawsuits as it should have been!  Because like PayAsian will crash and burn, there will be nothing left for anyone affiliated with them.

    I’m powerfully glad that he is already under investigation.  The SunPay story alone is heart-breaking.  I don’t know how people like this sleep at night but, I’m powerfully glad for people like you who spread the word so we all help each other stay informed.  There really is more safety in numbers.

    • Hi Fyre,

      unfortunately they sleep well as they have millions in the bank and they don’t care about who they have scammed out of their money.  The regulators do a great job, but there are so many schemes to keep an eye out for, and some of these scammers are clever at closing a scheme down earlier than normal to avoid the authorities and then relaunching it with a different name.  It is a shame, but if people do their research, then maybe we can help more people avoid these traps.

      The people who have been hurt from this SunPay will totally understand the need to do research now, but if people can learn from them without losing their money, then maybe they can find a legit way to make money online without the real hard lesson of losing money first…

      All the best



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